HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 12-11-1976 SpecialA 0 Page 296 MINUTES SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING December 11, 1976 A special meeting of the Plymouth City Council was called to order by Mayor Hilde at 9:42 A.M. in the Council Chambers of the Public Works Building, 14900 Twenty- third Avenue North, on December 11, 1976. PRESENT: Mayor Hilde, Councilmen Hunt, Neils, Seibold and Spaeth, Manager Willis, Planner Dillerud and Planning Commission Chairman Davenport. Thorsen b Thorshov Associates, Inc. was represented by Bill Thorsen, Bill Fay and Dale Mulfinger, ASSENT: None. Mayor Hilde indicated that he had called this special meeting of the City Council in order that all the members could again consider the recommendations of the Planning Commission regarding the Civic Center and City Hall concept plans. The Mayor indicatea :.hat it appeared the primary concerns related to the specific location of a City Hall, the relationship of the structure to the street and parking and any future building additions. The Planning Commission had recommended Plan A to the Council. Councilman Spaeth indicated that we should consider whether or not we want a front or rear view from the structure as the site location will have a bearing on the direction of a waltway or access tc any given level. Councilman Hunt suggested that the parking should be reasonably close to the City Hall building and my other buildings constricted in the Civic Center complex, perhaps through establishing parking modules. o+ancilmar Seibold indicated concern that parking ciose to the street could encourage persons using the commercial seas to use City parking for overflow purposes. Following additinnal discussion and consideration, the Council indicated that their preference was ftr• . City Hail structure lo;ated essentially as recommendEd by the Planning Commission with parking to ,)e located generally behind the proposed structures I MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76-703 Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-703, A RESOLUTInN APP IOVING TPPROVING CI11C C N ER ADOPTION OF CIVIC CENTER CONCEPT PLAIN D AS PPESENTEP Hr THE CONCEPT PLAN FOR ARCHITECTS, THORSEN & THORSHOV ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR THE CITY DOWNTOWN PLYMOUTH C!VIC CENTER TO BE LO w TEO IN DOWNTOWN PLYMOUTH provieing that A-94) Item 7-8 this action does not indicate approval of the par':ing layout. Motion carried on a Roll Call Grote, five ayes. The Council discussed thr various suggested lay,,ut4 of the proposed City Hall with the architect. It was the consensus that a City Hall must first :,f all be designed so that it can function effectively ind efficiently in terms of a wor&ing environment ds well as in tern.. of c,.ergy s, stems. 296 Special December Page 297 19 Council Meeting 1i, 1976 MOTION -was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION N0, 764049 A RESOLUTION ADOPTION OF CITY HALL STRUCTURE CONCEPT PLAN C AS BY THE ARCHITECTS, THORSEN b THORSHOV ASSOCIATiS, LOCATED IN DOWNTOWN PLYMOUTH. Motion carried on a Roll LAII vote, five ayes. Councilman RESOLUTION APPROVING NO. 76-704 PRESENTED DOPTION F INC. TO BE CITY HALL STRUCTURE CONCEPT PLAN - DOWNTOWN PLYMOUTh A-94) Item 7-B MOTION was made. by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Coi.rilman Seibold, to accept the recommendations of the Planning Co mission regarding solar energy and mechanical equipment placement as contaiied in the Planner's report dated December 3, 1976. Motior, carried, five ayes. Dale liulfinger, Project Architect, requested that the Council consider directing the firm regarding the size of the structure. He indicated that they felt the data they had been provided with to date was not whop,:+ reali.;tit given tNe experience of other communities. He reviewed two space analysis graphs indicating how long varices size structures would likely last the City before expansion woO-J t r*t red. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded :y .wik -an . paeth, that for planning purposes the architects be _"vocted t P1 n for 1988, uti'rizing the conservative expansion l i • on they Chic presented to the City Council (Expars ion Anal, ., s 42). Notion carried, five ayes. The Council indicated its desire to have a foci 1 i ty that would meet the City's space requirements for ten years of occupancy. This would provide for a structur;: to meet the immediate and short-term requirements of the City and would not require going back to the, voters seeking approval of another bond issue fnr expansion too soon. Council also noted that the graphics prepared by the archite::ts indicated that the speculative ratio of employees to population would continue to be below that of other developed and developing suburbs. Mayor Hilde adjuur.ied the meeting at 10:35 A.N. 1