HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 11-15-1976Page 285 MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL *. ." "ING November 15, 1976 A regu;:ar meeting of the Plymouth City Coimicil was called to order by Mayor Hilde at 7:40 P.M. in the Couz.,:11 Ch&, mbe*s of the Public Works Building, 14900 Twenty- third Avenue No,^th., on Nova*er 15, 1976o PRESENT: Mayor Hilde, Councilmen Hunt, Neils, Seibold and Spaeth, Planner Dillend, ngineer Goldberg, Administrative Assistant Kreager, Attorney Lefler and Finance Director .ticker. ABSENT: None. XHON was made by Councii lma a HLnt , seconded by Councilman Neils, to approve the minutes of the November 8 Special Council A4atting as submitted. Motion carried, five ayes. PFTIT,f NS, REQUESTS AND CaNKNICtiTIONS Mayo* Hilde mmunced the res.igmation of Reg :::vskin as Chairntan of the Planning Commission and introduced David Davenport, the newly appoiated Chai rnwn. K TON was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Cwmcilmant Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-670, A RF.SOT,UT ION APPROVING S 1TE IBL AN FOR VOLP CONSTRUCTION AT NE CORNr!: OF FERNBROOK LANE AND 21ST AVMT1.-' NORTH (A-699). W TON TO Ah ND was made by Councilman CAr t , s econdLA by Councilman Neils, by requiring that the driveway access onto Fernbrouk Lane be developed in such a manner to allow the parcel to the north to he developed with a conn driveway betwetm the two sites An the future. Motion to amend carried, five zyes. Nbtion to a-dopt Resolutior iv a Roll ivr-- five dyes. 76-670 as xtiended carried on V n ION wa y vintln hi, .r-gNcilman Neils, seconded by COUnCil&U1 Seibold, radopt I.ASOLUTI I NO. 76-571, A R1.'S(11.,Ur1ON APPROVING to `d'Y1i-L:::4L USE PEV44IT FOR h=JFAMIRIi 01= FTBER- GI.L,S A;Tc 10i I., ,;UXFS TO 1QXDLEY AUTOnIT?VE (A-6.9). Motion carried on t Rot]. gall vote.; alive ayes. N HON was c.tide by Cotnici lmtza Seibold, secortklcd by Cotuici.lman Ifunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-1-i71, A Rli C1L11Tti1,\ API'h,)VING SITZ PJA Full RA1113NWOIZS'I' Cl`RPC,W17'i0N Airric RM-ERPRISES) (A-700) . MINUTES - SPECM, OOU?XIL MEE T'4G: NOVEMBER 8, 1976 Item APPOINTMENT OF PLANNING C%t -USS ION CHAIRMAN Item S-A RESOLUTION NO. 76-670 APPMMC SITE -P— VOLP CONSTRUCTION (A-699) Item S -B-1 RESOLUTION NU. 76 S71 APPWNG (C? I"i1. TI USE PEM11T FOR BRADLEY AITCO Tn'IVL A-690"1 Item 5-B-1 RESO LLIHON NO. 76-672 RAlIEM10PS" LT)RP. ARCTIC ENIT-RPRISf;S) (A-700) Item S• -B-2 btion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ;ayes. - itegular Council Meeting ovaber 15, 1976 Page 266 MOTION titas made by Counc i lmn Seibold, seconded by Councilman nkat, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 76-6730 A RESOLUTION APPROVING LO'C OCWSOL[MTILIN 11OR EXISTING PLATTRD U)TS a?R RAUE-N11ORST MRPORATION (A-700) . Motion atrri,ed on a loll Call. vote, five ayes, WTION was made by Cotnici3man hunt, seconded by Councilman iei.bold, to adept RESOLUTION NO. 76-674, A REJIOLUTION SM -TING MMITIONS PRiOa TO FILING OF IAC OON90o'.ID11'rION NOR RAUENIOWT OORPORATION (A-700)6 Motion cnrra.ed on a Roll Gall vote, five ayes. wrION was mode bar Co1mcilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLU'rI(1V NO,, 76-6759 A RESOLIJCICN APPROVING CxNUITIONAL USE Kmirr REN1,1VAL MR HICKS IROS. MURNITURE TO OPE'RA'IF A Il1RNl`JUR,, S'iORE IN A B-3 ZONING UISTRICr (A -4S3), Motion carried un a Roll QAll vo,u, five ayes. PWYON waq': nuide by Counci.l.man Neils, snconderl by Councilman Seibold, t j adort RFr.SOLUl'YCN N0. '16-676, A *.'SOLUCICN APPROVING (MVITIONAL US • PEWTrr = LYAL ICOR 10 13: OCCJPATION TO CCNTINUI. OPERATKN OF 7'RUC1 UE:111ERY SCRVYCE FOR CLARE -Na-: JA SSON AT 1250 1II(111VAY 101 (A..632) Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MMt'01%; was made by Cotmcilmiut Neils, sek ,tied by Cowuilman SLilo ld, to adopt ItI SO NO. 76-677, A RE50LUr10N APPROVING ami-rIONAL USE 11-4011T RENIIVAL IYQ NO SWI LY aC H LAITY 101E,S (A- 503) . Moticn carried on a Roll Uill rote, five ayes, HJl'ION was made b) Councilman Will, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt ff.soixrim NG. 76-678, rk PWSOLIIrICN APPROVING WN11rHoNAL USE PE10111' Itl NEPAL WR HARK\ MVAL11 RI=.AL 11,514A'IT6 TO 011L'RA'I'h REAL IdSl UE. OFFIC.13 IN AN 1-1 ZONING DISTRICT (A-575). Wti.on carired on a Roll Call vote, fivcl .ayes. W110N wtL4 made by Cowici limit Neils, Seconded by C;OM711mtin Sc bold, to adol)t I=5t)LUTI(N NA. 76-679, A W' OLU.'ICIN APIW\f1 Nr 10 NEIVA L OF (X)ND I T I ON ',l. 1151.: PI.10111' 11111 PE PPE MINT il-:N(.1: NUNSIs'R' SCI ML (A-413)4 motion carried on a Roll. Cal' vote, five ayes. RF.501.UCION N0, 76.673 JAFFNJV "NG Wl' UUMUL l - bATION FOR RM M40RST 11RNORATION (A-700) Item 5-B-2 RESOLUTION NO. LOT WNSOLIUATiC1N RAUENHORST OORPORATION A- 70U ) Item 5-B-2 R1 SOLUTION N0. 76-675 IATOPMRGSL EMIT RL-4EIVAL HICKS 605. 11lRNITUX- A-4 53) Itan 5-C-1 W-.S01.U1'I0N NU. 76-676 APPRONINC WNUITIMAVUSE PERMiI' RINE-WAL TRUCK MUVERY SCi1VICE CLARIT.NCl' Jj%ttSS'.:J (A-632) Item 5-C-2 wino I/CIEs' NO. 76-677 A PPIMYRT MMM SE. POIWIT RENE101. fUlI SIArI1:1V CIDWRINITl' 109:',S A-503) Item 5-C-3 RI SOJ I)TION N0. 76-678 1Q31 N NG 00NDI t'T"c> IX uSE 111-4 i`1I T P011,1VAL DA 3NIVALn 11M ESTA'l A- S75) Itco 5-C-4 11135rLIT 10N N0. 76-679 JSII PI 1NIT WN10YAL Pl P111011N:" 11:N(1: NURSI. RY SOUR, (A-413) Mem r -C- 5 Regular Colincil Meeting Novenber 15, 1976 Page 287 Planner Uillerud reviewed the p)ralimiinary plat and plan for Cimarron Ponds RPUD 76-3. Th.Rre was discussion of the variations from the Concept Plan and the drainage problems in the adjacent area surrounding the north i2 m of Gleason Lake. MUTIfN was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-680, A RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELTMTNARY PLAT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PRE;.IMINAR' PLAN IUR RPUD 76-3 ICOR CEM'URION OOMPANY (A-209)6 tion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made oy Cowr: i ,lman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Neils, to require those lots on 12th Avenue North to be congruent with the .lots of the existing development in Zi.nual Terrace. Motion failed, or.:: aye. Mayor Hilde, Councilman Hunt, Neils and Spaeth voted nay. Councilman Seibold repo: -ted that residents of the developed areas adjacent to the prolx)sed Cimarron Ponds hid expressed concern about the grading being done on the triangular portion of land alort# the Luce Line mvned by the DNR. They stated they were afraid if the area is being plaited as a parking lot -i t would encourage non-residents to come into the area and create another potential area for beer parties, Dick Knutson, Centurion Company, requested Council to authorize issuance of two building permits and a per -nit for pool construc- tion imK&diatcly so that foundations for luo models may be excavated before ','Ae grotmd freezes. RESOLUTION N0, 76-680 PLAT OONDITICVAL USE PERMIT FOR PRELIMINARY PLAN RPUD 76-3 CETilgIRIUN 00. A-208) Item S -D nl.amser Dillerud st:atect. th(,* City's pol cy presently allows only oic Wilding permit for a-lbigle-family residence .o be i.,sued on v ny panel less than S acres before apprNval of 'the final plat vi4 develolnnent contract, there was a discussion on the implications of granting a varii+nce in this ctt.ie and the possih;,l i t.y of in mini•idevelopment contract W"GIc'N wNL-, nklde by Coui.wi lmtn S meth, seconded by Councilman Hutt, to dirwt t1tnn. P,nnner to c..omn l%ach with a proposal. for a .little more liberal n i ].owing; +naro than one building permit on (a S acre plat based on ilds experiences wi li this pirticulaar development and similar requests from -.cher contractors in the p*,;;,. Motion c:trritrd, four ayes. Couiic it an 5c:ibold voted, may. rbunci.lman 31cibold stated lie was in fkavor of retaining the pistsent Policy. Coui:cilnwan hunt stated the policy should contain provision for a dovn:.lopmont contrdtt or 'setter of credit hefury iss ulktto of b1silding lxrmits. >layor Ili.lde statvI it should anticipu.te diffi,CUltiCs the Bu? lding disliection Wpartment might have in following up on this pol icy . r Regular Council Meeting Hovwher 15, 1976 Page 288 REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND OMaSSIONS Finance Director Ricker reviewed his memorandum replying to REPORT°ON' 197S questions .raised by the C uracil during their review of the 1975 AUDIT RFV'IEW Audit regarding the crntractual services classification of Item 6-A the Municipal Building activity, Sewer Fund revenues and the rate of interest paid by the Metropoliten Waste Control Commission for defer ced charges. Mr. Richer reviewed :he City's billing process for delinquent BILLING PROCFW_ FOR utility bills. :IELINQUENT UTILITIES Item 6-B murION was made Lv Gotaicilman Hunt, seconded by Coancilman Seibold, to app-fwe the present billing process for delinquent utilities -mid direct staff to come back with a proposal for either a flat fee or a rate based on the time involved in the preparat i` n of the eissessment roll to ultimately collect these bills. Motion carried, five aves. Planner Dillerud reviewed the revised drainage plans for Circle NEIGWORMD PARKS Park. Itein 6-C MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, second rl by Ccun.:lman 31eibold, to direct )taff to proceed with preliri ary vl a s for .l: in. drainage pipe across Circle Park that ' , tale best of the Engineer's ahility will match up wit', any future drainagta system at both ends. Motion carried, five ayes. Cotuicilmon Spaeth requested that st.i.ffkeep track of f:.)sts for installation of this line so it may be assessed at such time that the stone sewer system is developed in the area. Plnrner Dillenid reviewed the revised drainage plans frr Kilner Park. M171'ION was made by Counci.11ikan Seibold, seconded by Cowicilmui Neils, to approve the drainu;e pl t-uns for Kilmer Park. Motion cu:r ed, five ayes. MOI ON was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by CollnCilman Ht.utt, to adupt RESOLUTION NO. 76-681., A RESOIANION AU1110RIZINC AND piREcrING 'TETE CITY NIANAGIsR TO t-M'ER .INTO A CCNIM('T 11)R m PRE1wkr ION OF PLANS AND SPEC I FI CAT IONS MR 1I LIQ ER AND CIRCUi PARKS. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. Bill Short, Bec.lamui Yoder, prn9sented the 1'vnil S)Pste-m Plan incorporating the changes suggested at the ,joint (.otmci.l/PRAC meeting held on Octoher 12, 1976. Council recesseJ .frori 9:25 to 9:30 PINI. l$8- Cl RESOLUrION NO. 76.681 DRIVE PITTAWY UN PLANS & SPECS FOR K I Uff.R AND CIRCLE PARKS TI AIL -1N% STD1 PIAN I'ttmt 6-11 Regular Cotmcil Meeting November 15, 1976 Page 289 Councilman Seibold responded to the Park 6 Recreation Commission's recommendation to eliminate ATV's from the Trail System as follows: 1) some corridors could be set aside just for snowmobiles and MV's; 2) impact of noise would not be so great: if ATV's are limited to the snowmobile corridors; 3) snowrrdbile co; ridors would be safe for l,TV's since they will not be asphalt,; trails. Councilman Hunt spoke against allowhig ATV's on the Trail System because of the noise factor and because their use is detrimental to the environment. Wayne Stewavt., Planning Commissioner, reviewed the problems the police have had with mini -bikes in the City. He suggested Providing satie means of licensing or certi_fyirg under -age mini -bike drivers so t:tey can be identified and there can be some control over them. He fi It the ATV's should not he ea%.luded from the Trail System, Mayor Hilde spoke against letting ATV's on the teails since they wavild be ii possible to police. Limiting them to a nodal area would insure sup trvision and enable them to police themselves. Councilman Neils fell in this interim period until Plymouth is completely developed ATV's and snownnbiles should both be allowed on the Trail System, tat should be chamielled into areas and corridors where they would be least cbjectionablrz. Councilman Spaeth stated he would not object to A1'V's on the Trail Systeirk if owner. would organize a group that would provide a trai;ting progrFm and mearts of identification for the drivers. WTION was made by Councilman Sei.bol.i, seconded by Councilman Npils, to make Zane provision for ATV's on ti-ke Trail System other than the nodal area designated on the plan, NIotion fai.lec , two ayes. N:syor Hilde.t, CoLmeilmen Hunt and Spaeth voted ray. i)TTON was made by Councilman Neils, secondw,d by Councilman RESOLUTION NO, 76-6E-2 Spaeth, to .adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-6820 A RESOLD i0N An 'VINO TRAIL SYSM PLAN, PLAN Mtion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes, W.MN was made l:y Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, that f-0 ther :onsideration be given to a nodal ur%e area for ATVs, but in any ivent that nu We area be established or site selectee! and no development or implementation of ATV wage on the trai :s be authorized without specific approval by the Council. Motion carried, rive aycs. Mayor I.1:1de left the meeting at 10:15 P.M. Acting, Mayor Hunt as :su med the chair. 289- Regular Council Meeting Novenber 15, 1976 Page 290 PETITIMI RE%JE3 S AND anmcman (Cunt,) MOTION was made by Councilman Spaetb, seconded by Ojuncilman RESOIA TION NO. 76-683 Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION N0, 76-6830 A RESOLUTION 'JECLARING UM , AIEQU= Of PETITION MTD ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT FOR REPORT FOR SCHMIUr STREET LIGKING FOR SCWDT LAKE WEST ADDITION. WEST AVDITION Item S- E Motion carried on a Roll Cali vote, three ayes. Councilman Neils abstained, MO'IC1N was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTI?1N NO, "6-684 Seibold, to adop+ RESOLUTION N0, 76-6840 A RESOLUTION RE C E I WNI: LI Y1 IN A RY WIWI% PRELIMINARY REPORT AND ORDFRING PMJECT FOR STREET REPCRT AND ORDERING LIGHTING FOR N+QSSION RIDGE THIRD ADI,TI'ION, MISSION HILLS PARK STREET LIGIfi ING FOR ADDITION AND MISSION HILLS PARK SEOOND ADDITION, MTS"'JN RIDGE 3RD ADDN. Item S -F Witian carried on a Role Call vote, three ayes. Councilman Neils abstained. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman RESOL!NTICN NC. ?6-68S Seibold, to adopt: RESOLUTION NO. 76-68S, A RESOLUIrION AWARDING AWARDING BIDS MrPlMCT BIDS NOR PROJECT NO. 116 - PINETREE POND STOW -1 SEINER TO BrATS(V 116 - ^INETREE POND UUY (XINTRACi (NRS . S'TORM SEWER Item S -G lotion carried on a Roll Cal!, vote, four ayes, NATION was made by Councilman: Seibold, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76-686 Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-686, A RESOLUTI111 AUMRIZ- AL9MRI Z ING MMM= ING CONDEMNAI ION PROCI,EDINGS MR CHANNEL EXCAVATIONWORK POR NATIO,' PROCEEDINGS Pl; -JECT NO. 116 P INLTREE POND. ISR 01ANNEI, EXCAV4'TION WORK - PROJECT 11.6 - PINETREE MND N1utjov carried on a Roll Call vote, four. ayes. Item 5-11 MrTION was ma-'e by Covuicilm:in Seibold, secoNnded by Councilman RESOLUTION W. 76-687 Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 76-6870 A RESOLUTION' / IMIORI Z INC NO PARKING SIGNS ON RUM SIDES OF 24TH AVENUE 13."IW 1,21 ANNAPOLIS SIGNS -24TH A!1NUE BL'TWEF.N WE ANTI EN l I.M LANE, ANNAPOLIS 6 XDI IUri IANE Item S -I Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, E'our ayes. K)TION was made by Councilman Neils, secunde\l by Councilman RE-SOLINfON NO. 76-688 Seibold, to adopt RESOLLUON NO. 76-688, A RESOLUTION APPROVIING GLAMT. OTMEIZ AU11•I0RIZING 0iANGE ORDER NO. 7 IN TRIG ANOWr OF $231679.20 PROJECT 607 10 NODLAND AS,SOCIATEe , INC, FOR PRWECT NO. 607 W5 LANE 'WSS LAKE AREA ARIA 1MlpROmmis . ' . em S -J -1 Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. NATION was made by Couulc:ilmwi Neils, seconded by Cotmcilmui RESOLUTION NO. 76-689 Sr-aeth, to adopt RESOLIITIM N0. 76••659. A RESJLUI"CON APPROVINIG 1: MANGE CR1F4R NO,, 4 IN IHI; AMOUNT OF 6,000 TO VETT 5 CIWPANY, PR WECT 612 - LAR01 IAA':, 1140, )YIh rRCU rr NO. 6" 1ARCI1 LANE S'r urr iN1PI20VCT1;NT. snuff"r IMPROVFAwr Item S -J-2 Niction carried on a Roll. Call vote, our ayes. 290- Regular r4uncil Meeting November iS, 1976 Page 291 MDU N was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councibasn Neils, to ak-L ; tSOLU WN x'1.76-6900 A FYISOLUrION WWPY2ING PAYWir ON REQUEST VOR PA:Tt' vT NO* 2 IN mz w. mr OF 820884,60 M VEEIT $ OMANY, INC. FOR PROJECT NO. bl2 LAAM LANE STREET IMP N. Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MNION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman 1A,wit, to direct staff to contact the Department of Natural Resources to determine the future plans for the triangular piece of property south of Cimarron Ponds. Motion carried, four ayes. Acting Mayur Hunt adjourned the meeting at 10:15 P.M. 291- RESOLUTION NO. 76-690 RPRWING W= PA.YM"r- PIWECT 612 LARCii LANE STRFE'i5 Item )-K Lorvet`ta Garrzity City C i.rk l