HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 11-08-1976 SpecialL°' Page. .277 M.IN'UTES SPECIAL -CO[NCIL M PINGS November -8, 1976 A special, meeting .of the Plypoutlz City, tai c.il, was called to order by' Acting yor Irl uit: at 7:30 P.`M.. in. the' Council Chambers of the Public Works Building, 14900 Twenty-third Avenue North., on November 8:; 1976. PRESENT: Councilmen Hunt, Nexis, Seibold and Spaetl• .Manager Willis, Planner llillerud, Engineer Goldberg, _Afninistrrative 6-sistant Kreager and Attorney Lefler. Mayos flilde arrived ai 8:.1.5 P.M. SR'I': None. MINUTF,S- NDTION was made by Councibnan Seibold, seconded by Councilman Neils, to approve the minutes of the November 1 regular Council meeting as submitted. Motion carried, three ayes. Councilman Sp.rdeth abstained. Pb`TiT10NS, REQIESTS AND ()DW A4ICATIONS MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman -Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-6441 A RESOLUTION APPROtiKG CONDr:IONAL USE PERMIT ICOR 140ME OCCUPATION OF UPHOLSTERY BLSINESS FOR MARGARET GILVIA with the, deletion of Condition 3 in.the proposed resolution. Nntion carried on a Ro11 Call vote, dour ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Chuncilman Neils, to adopt R"SOLUTION N0, 76-6450 A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLOT AND 1cxmonwr OONTRAGT MR ADDIE I S WEEDGEWOOD ACRIiS ISR ANN FARNAM W 6 79) . Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four avec. MOTION was made by Council wan Spaerli, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLMIGN No, 76-6460 A RF..SOLUrION APPROt'ING SITE PLAN POR RLMX ROELOFS AT ITIE Sc]UMAST QUAURANT OF NXI11AN LANG AND 10111 AVENUE N. A-690). Motior cz-irriea on a Roll Call, vote, .four ayes. MOTION was node by Cotmcilmkan Neils, seconded by Councilmmi 81meth, to adopt RFsourrION NO. 70-647, A RESOLUTION APPPOVING =01TIONAL USI? PERMYT KeR RONALD ROL-L01=S FOR OPLL ',ATTON (%F OFFICE/S110011 FOR L l(tITING M N1JliAM: i'URI P' S Rh,:,'Rl"MNTA f 1V6S N 1-1 7:01C- (Ar 390 ) Motion carried on a ft'l '11all vote, four ayes. 277- MINI'rES - REG11 AR COUNCIL. NEETI`G: NOVEMBER .1, 1976 Item 4 RESOLUTION NO. 76-644 XPPMG MMM USE PERMIT; -MARGARET GILVIN- UPNDLSTERY BUSINESS (A-69.3) Item S-A RESOUITION N0, 76-645 APP QL PLAT 4 IEVELOPMENT CIM., RACP ADDIS'S WEDUft)OD ACRES ANN FARNIWI (A-679) Item S -B MSOLUaCK' NO,. 76-646 MO 5 - NALD ROELOFw-SE QUADRANT* NAn1AN LANG 4 10M AVE. N. (A-690) Item 5-C-1 ROSOLLn"ION N0, 76=617. 01,71MR6 MIMITIMUTIze PERMxT MR 0 FICEWSWOIVROOM FOR 1,104TING MANUIIACr MER' S REIN (A-690) Item 5-C-1 Q,,.rcial Council1 Weting Nevedwr 8, 1976 age 278 NDTIIN was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilun Seibold, to adapt RESOLUTION NO, 76-6489 RESOLUTION APPROVING IAT DIVISION F40R RAUDWORST ODRPORATION (A.B.C. BOX COMPM4Y) (A-692). Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. RESOLUTION RV). 76-648 AAPPM OF DWIS RAUENHORST MRPORATION ABC BOX CO..) (A-692) Item S -C-2 NOTION was made by Counca.lnan Spaeth, seconded by Councilmai Seibold, to a;.aopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-649, A RESOLUTION SUITING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO FILING IDT DIVISION, MR RALENHORST (A.B.C. BOX CDWANY) (A-692) . Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. NDTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-650, A RESOLUTION APPROVING S171 PIM FOR. A. L . C. BOX GOWANY AT TME NE WRNER OF NIAGARA LANE AND 27TH AVENUE= NOR11i A-692) . WriON TO MEND was made by Councilman Neils, :seconded by Councilman Spaeth, by inserting the following uvrds :n the last paragraph of the proposed nisolution after the word designated": "and graded." Notion to amend clrried, four .yes. Notion to adopt Resolution No. 76-650 as amended carried on a 13011 C"all vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Cowltilmaii Spaeth, seconded by Counc ilm in Nc i t s , to adopt RESuLU1' ION 1%j 0116-5519 A RCSJLIlf ION APPROIR NG CONDITIONAL USE PRRHlT POR A.B.C. BOX (:f1 rANY (A-692), Nbtien curried on a Ru!l Call voto, fw.-- ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Neils. to adopt RESOI.s'.1TT N NO. 76-656', A REW1.11TION APPRDVING L+OT DIVISION/WNSOLTUTATION MR WRA PROPIWILS 1'4-697). Motion carried on a 1"-%11 Call vote, i -isar ayes. WHOW wa:-5 made by Counc i l imus Neils, seeL nded h v Councilman Sp.aath, to adopt wisourION NO, 76-5531 A RESOLIHION SL'I'T ING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO FILING OF LUT DIV ISION/0,M0I.I11YrTON FJR LAIRA PI, )PI RTII:.S (A-697). 111otion carrion= cu u Roll Q.111 vote, Tota 278- iira10LUTION 110. 76-649 bITI Mk FILING LOT DIVISION RAl)BWRST (ABC BOX CO. ) A-692) I ten+ C- 2 Rh-q)LUTION NU. 76-650 APP' 11C SITE PW.. ABC BOX OOIPANY NE CORNER NIAGARA 6%NE 27TM W.E. N. (A-692 Item 5-C-2 k:SOLUI'ION NO. 76-651 AlVMVINU coNDIM I PEW1 T k -UR X3C BOX OU. (A-=692) Ittm 5-C-2. RESOLI T.10N NO. 76-652 DP TIM, '%atm- UNC CYINSOLI DATION FUR LM PROPERTIES (A-697) Item 5-C-3 K.HS01,I1TION NO. 76-653 09MG NOMMONSO. S ICOR LOT I)I111 •, r N/CONSOL I I1AT ION DURA PWP :1;1' i.ES (A -697) A-697) Item 5-C-3 Special Council MWting verber 8,, 1976 Page 270. Dan Stotts, 10800 Commy Road 1S, requested that the location of the fire hydrant be moved frmm Parc:al C to Parcel B and that he be permitted to provide feinted waste containers outside the building on Parcel B. He also questioned the requirements for the performance bond. Planner Dillerud replied the amount: of the perfotmawe Lcnd will be determined by the size of the building permits issued. MOi.TON was made by Councilman Spada, seconded by auncilman Seibold, to adopt FfMLUTlrN NO. 76-654, A RESOLUf iON APPROVING SITE PLAN FOR DURA PROPERr 1 ES AT 91 OD"WR OF HIGHWAY SS AXD OOUMi.' ROAD IS (A-6971, hDTION TO AMM, was made by Cowxilskan Spaeth, seconded tT Councilman Neils, by relocating the fire. hydr:vnt to the nort:,.,as: ourner of Parcel 8. Motion to amend carried, tour ayes. MOTION TO AMEND was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, by adding to Condition 7. of the resolution the words "or in other enclosed structures approved by staff." Motion to amend carried, four ayes. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 76-6S4 as amendad carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. M "r Iiilde arrived at the meeting at 8:15 P.M. tMION was made by Councilman Htu.L., seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-655, A RESOLtT('ION APPROVING SITE PLAN FOR RUNAL, SYSTM AT SE CO.iNER OF NIAGARA LANE AND 28TH AVENUE Ni«.1"'1= (A-695), Motion carried on a. Roll Cal'_ vote, five ayes. M UrION was made by Councilman Neils, secondf-d by Councilman Hurt, to adopt ItCSOLUI'IRN N( . 76-i,56, A RL'Sr,,1 ION APPROVING LOT 0ONSOLIDATION POR RENAL SYSTI-16 (STEENBERG, STRUCTLRRS) A-0-95) . tion carried on a Roll Call vote, fife fives. Manger Willis reviewed request for sanitary se%vr and Wdt(,r service to Kreatz Highview Acres 6th Addition. 'There was u discussion of the P3asons the plat was left out of the Sout!iwest Sewer & Watt?r Project, %gin,aer Goldberg replied to CoLuicills ques•yions. Gerald Galde, 1815 Fountain Lane, on Fountain Lane requesting public residents petitioned in 1968 to be for sewor :ukt mater to the Villagc They were infoined seigcr and water fat' as construction puij)oses were representing the sU ftudlies improvements, stated the in(Juded in Fvoiect 681E Engineer, Ott -3 Bones trao . 1 nes could installed as concerned. The,, are 279- RESOLUTIONY NO. 76-654 APPROMG SITE PLAN -MA PROPERTIES AT SW CURNER HViY. 55 F C.R. 15 (A-697) Ttem 5-C-3 RESOLUTION NO. 76-655 ATPWV!NG SITE SYSTUC AT SE CIORNER NIAGARA LANG & 2M:i AVE. N. (A-695) tem 5-C-4 RLSOLUTIO N NO, 76-6S6 1 TTON FOR RENAL SYSTEMS (MNBERri SFRUC IRES) (A-695) Item 5-C-4 K =ATZ HIGI11fIEW ACRES 6TH ADDITION -SANITARY SEWER WATER SERVICE Item 5-F Specs al Council blwting Novenwev 8, 1976 Page 260 questioning why they wen, not included at the time since the costs were more realisti.: then. He requested that the Council and dngineer take tiese facts into l:onsideration and that they be assessed at the same rate as Project 681E. He also asked if it would be poasihle tir, install the improvements without tearing up the street. Mr. Galde also questioned why the .land to the west of Fountain Lane was being surveyed. The Engineer i@eplied he was not aware of who was doing the surveying, but that the property bel rags to the State. MOTION was made by Gjuncilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RFSCLUTION NO, 76-6579 A RESOLUTION ORMRING REPORT U4 'LVR0V.31ENTS 10e. KRU4TZ HIGHVIEW AUGES 67H ADDITION and ordering Engineer tt, look into jacking three units rather than tearing up the streit. Notion carried on P Rol' Call vote, five ayes, MOTION' was made by Councilman Hunt, ordering the Engineer t the continuity of water conne Fa:endin Park Addition and tl between the twu plats. Notion carried, five aypc. Neils, seconded by Councilman con 'ide. the feasibility of tion to Fountain Lane from the c rn.-Itinlation of Fountain lane M TKIN was made by Councilman Spaeth,seconded by Councilm•,.n Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTIm NO, 76-6580 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PRELIMINARY REPORT AND (XLING HEARING ON DECUIBER 13, 1976 ON I IP: 0VDIENTS POR DOWN'1nWN PLWW4 ..: i UT II, f : TES. There was a discussion of the various alternatives for extending 34th Avenue. NOTION 1V AMEND was made by Counci lman Hunt. seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to consider completion of 346 Avenue with all utiliti^s as an alternative.. Motion to amend carried, five ayes. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 76-658 as amended carried on as Roll Call vote, five ayes. There was a discussion of the pedestrian underpass located on Niagara Lane, Engineer Goldberg presented Council with a cost estimate for the V.-oposed. outlet/.fish harrier for 1liass Linke mut replied to Council' questions. Nt7T IO.V was nvade by Councilman Neils, s R ondecl by CounC i l man Hwit, to adopt RI SOLUTION NO. 76-b59. i, Z-SOLUT ION APPROVING UiANGE ORIIHR TO BE EXECUTED U1.10UN TIT.-. CITY OF PLYNULYITI ANIS NnULAND OWS7111J01ON UIP1%NY FOR ITER OD4167RUCT ION ON AN OUI'LI'-'T ON 114E BAST S I UE OF BASS LAKE IN R6RCILUTION NO. 76-657 URINC RELT OYmPEPORT- S.MITTARY SEWER 4 WATER SERVICE TaR KREXTZ HIWIEW ACRES 6111 AIYJITION RESOI.UI'ION NO. 76-658 REPORT T, CALLING HhARING ON IM PRDVEM.FTITS FOR DO1kNTO1VN PLYND1Mf UTILITIES Item S -D RESOLUTION NO. 76-659 MV. - ORDER FOR BASS LAKE OlP1'LE'1' PRWE.. a NO. 607 Item 6-( Spey, l 4,xwwil Meeting November 8, 1976 Page :.81 THE V1CI.NITY OF THE EXISTING OUTLET AS DETAILED ON 'IM PLAN LIATED .AI.MW 110 1976 PDR PROJECT NO, 607, BASS LAIC SEWER WATER IIIPROVE"TS. MDTION TO AWM was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, by requiring allocation of posts be made from Department. of Natural Resources ass; -vtance, assessment against Pass Lake Project No. 607 and the Shingle Craek Storm Sewer Pund at the time the assessment roll is drawn. Notion to amend carried, five ayes. Notion to adopt Resolution No. 76-659 as amended carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. M'ITiON was made by Councilman Hutt, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76-660 Seibold, to adopt RESOLMION NO. 76-660, A RESOLUTION 6RDERING PREPMTTON ITF ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON BTROVDIENT OF 23RD "FPORT- IMPR0VB0?r OF AVENUE EAST OF NIAGAR". 1ANE. 23RD AVE. EAST OF NIAGARA LANE Motion carried on a. Roll. Call vote, five ayes. Item 5-E MUrION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by RESOLUTION NO, 76-661 Councilman Neils, to adapt RESOLUTION NO. 76-6619 A W ITIJUETTOR MR RESOLUTION APPROVING BOND REDUCTION FOR HEMOCK LANE Him= 1 ANE ADDITION ADDITION. Item -G Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Cowicilman Spaeth, seconded by RESOLUTION NO, 76-662 Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION N0, 76-662, ATITI M RESOLUTICN APPROVING ASSESSMENT CORRECTION FOR LUT 11 LOT 1, BLOr,K 1, BLOCK i, GRE04n'REE WEST ADDITION REDUCING Tib F:SSESSMENT GREENTREE WFST ADDITION n-01 $5,643.44 TO $7.,981.48. ;tem 5-11 Motion carried on a Roll Call voter five ayes. NIOTION was mane by Councibnan Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Neils, to direct staff to find a mezms of collecting the difference in the assessment for Lot 1, Block 1, ureentree West from the developer. Motion carried, five ayes. NUTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, secouded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76-663 liwnt, to adopt RESOLI,'i'I(YV NO. 76-663, A RES)LUTI(A SM71NG 3MI A 1.IC A DATE MR PUBLIC REARING ON DEM- IBER 6, 1976 ON THE IFARING ON VACATION OF VACATION OF A CERTAIN RASENIF.NT IN TFC PL %& OF SCHIEBE' S EASF.NUNT SCI IEBE' S OAKWOOD OAKWOCD ADDITION. ADDITiu. Item 5-I Motion carried on a Roll. Call vote, five .lyes. 281-- Special Council Meeting November 8, 1976 Page 282 NDI'IGN was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by RESOLUTION NO. 76-664 CAuncilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 71-664, A RESOLUTION AUIMRIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. PROJEGS 520, 602, 604 4 IN THE AMOUNT OF $47, 640.86 TO PETER LMOTI & 609 - 12TH $ MRBOR, mNSTRUCTIW WNPANY MR PROJECTS S20, 12TH 6 HARBOR; 602, 3RD 4 Qih3Ti.SLAND9 147H 3RD & QUEENSLAND; 604, 14TH & ZANZIBAR; AND 609, REINHARD ZANZIBAR T, REINHARD INDUSTRIAL PARK. DWMIAL PARK Item 5-J-1 Nbtion carried on a Roll Call vote, f-ur ayes. i t TION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Coun•:ilman kEBOI,UrION NO. 76-665 Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-6659 A RESOLUTION REQUIESIT AIY11iORIZ ING PAYMENT ON REQUEST MR PAYMENT NO, 5 IN THE PFOJECf 607 - BASS LAKE MMUNT OF $799 502. SC TO NODLW ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR AREA D PRO1 DIENI'S PROJECT NO. 6079 BASS LAKE AREA. Item S --J-2 t.ion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. NOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman RESOLurION N0, 76-666 Neils, to a3opt RESOIXICN NO. 76-666, A RESOLUI ICN APPROVING ME MER N077 alkNa- ukEER NO. 3 IN Ti lE AMU Tl' OF $119150 'ISO VETT $ PR[VFCr 612 -LARCH LANE OOMPANY, INC. FOR PROJECT N0, 612, LARC f LANE. I.taii S -J-3 Motiun carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. Dave Wagner, Project Archircct, reporteO on changes made it. FINAL PUNS & SPECS final plans and specifications for Fire Station No. 2. FIRE STATION N0, 2 l'he consulting engineer reviewed the nechanical systems in the building and Dave Wagner revicured the alternates listed in Mr. Kreager's memorandi.cn of November 5, 1976, enumerating the costs. There was a discussion of the separate costs for the project such as blarAtopping, land costs, ?as tis, sewer and water, etc. and the final cost of the project. Iliere was further discussi,31i on the question of whether the building met thc City's needs and whether there was any duplication of space. Wrl(Y,q was made by Councilman Neils, secunded by Councilman RESOL11rION NO. 76-667 1hrit, approving final plains and spec:iticat:ions and AJPIIMNG FINATs PLM49 ordering advert iseme, it for bids foi Fire Stntiett Na. 2. ORDERING ADVEIrrISEIWr FOR BIDS POR MRL' STATION N0, 2 Nbtion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. .Item S -K Council recessed .from 10 : nO P.M. to 10:10 P. M. RLWRI'S 01: OFFICERS, BOARDS AND CGMISSIONS Manager Willis introduced the arcniteets from 1iorson 6 Thorshov Associates, Bill Fay, Mike Moorm-ai, Jim Nuveen and Dale Muifinger. Hill Fav reviewed and compared irwiici.pul. facilities in neighboring communities,, Mike Hoorman reviewed sp,+cL projections for Plymouth City Hall. based or a projected population of 50,000 in 1985. 282- Special Council Meeting Kv. c*er 8, 1976 Page 283 HNION was made by Councilman Hunt, sec•N"led by Councilman Spaeth, to project 17 employees for the Building Department in 1985. Motion carried, five ales. T11W wta rade by Mayor Rlde, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to project 2 employees fO: the Fire DPpartment in 1985. Wtion carried, five ayes. NOTION was made by Gouncilnui Spaeth, to projsift 51 employees 1985. Wtion carried, five. ayes. Hu.t, seconded by Cotw.il,inan for the Police Departamt in WION w -as .gade b-., Mayor Hi lde, seconded by Cotmci loran Spaeth., to reduce the number of conference rooms to two and the Mayor's office to 150 sq. ft Abtion carried, five ayes. MWI;N was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Veils, to delete the proposed 600 sq. ft. lunch -training room space for the lblice Department and consider providing space for training in other rooms. Wtion carried, five Ayes. WrION was made by Mayor t•lilde, seconded by Councilnran Spaeth, to reduce the area proposed for the Fire Ikpartment to 265 sq. ft. Motion carried, five ayes. MHON was made by Cowtcibnan Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to reduce the area proposed for the Building Inspecition Department c 1200 sq. ft. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to projer.;. 3 emplovees .for the Environmenreal Department in 1985. Wtion carred, four ayes. Councilman Neils voted nay. ale Mulfinger reviewed the site planning for the City's property in lbwntowm Plymouth. Mayor Hilde stated that planning for the city property should concen- trate on the areas adjacent to the park area and suggested the property south of Niagara might be sul.d back to the developer. Hill Fay presented slides of variow architectural styles of municipal buildings. "otuicil. discussed their preference-ts for the style of the Special Council Meeting November 8, 1976 Page 284 prolnsed City lia1?. 'payor Il±lde summarized the concerns of the ouncil. as follows: 1) Coity Hall should set a theme for the lx wntown Plymouth dL •elopment; 2) the. design of the building should not bring the cost or the building ur- 3) the building; should be ftinctional, energy-szvi.ng, -..:oaanical anA have interior flexibility. K)TICdN was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councibuan Neils, to adopt ITSOLUTICN NO. 76-668, A RESOLUTION AU[HOR.J Z ING ANNUAL AUDIT OF THE CITY'S FINANCIAL AFFAIRS AND REQUIRING 11-ff, AUDITORS TO OBTAIN COUNCIL AUTHDRIZATION PRIOR TO EXAMINING 'M RE!bRDcS FPDM PRICR YEARS adding a fifth paragr ph as follows: "Whereas, the auditing cost of reviewing past records may be considerable." Cion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. M7TION was made by Mayor hilde, seconded by Cotmcilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTICN N0, 76-6699 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BEI1VEI-N DIE CITY OF PLYrnU111 AND SHENANDOAH HOAIEOIVNERS ASSOCIATI IN GIVING THE CI1Y 1111, RIGIIT TO l N91 -R PRIVATE S"T:1:LTS IN SHENAND0.14I F', "IST AND SEODND ADDI T T t1NS TJ MA (E REPAIRS ON SEINER LINES Aidl) NATER MAINS %TiL'I AT(:ES&i\RY. Motion carried on a Poll Gall vote, five ayes. There was discussion of the need for establishing additional voting precincts .in the C).ty before January 1, 1977. MYrTON was nide by Councilm..in Nei -Is, seconded by C'ouncil:un Spaeth, to establish a maxim -mi o" IS00 voters per precinct in developed areas and provide for expansion .in the growth are^s. Motion ca ried,five ayes. yor Hilde adjourne0k the meeting ar 1:30 A.M. RESOLUTION N0. 76-668 REVTSING :C REVIEW OF CITY REOORX BY AUDITOR Item 6-B RESOLUTION N0, 76-069 GHT ON ENTRY IN SifANAND0AH FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES VOTING PRECINCTS OIL Loretta c rz i1 y -- City Clerk