HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 10-05-1976 SpecialPage 250 N 1 4 U T E S SPECIAL COUNCIL K17ING 3ctobeer 5. 1416 A special ureeting of the Plymouth City Council was called to order by fteor 1411c* at 1:40 P.N. in tha COMM Clttmba€rs of the Public wtorU BOICsing, 149M Twenty- third Aven,ae Rorth, on Wtobew S. 1976, PROW: ftyor Kilda, Counciietrt Itunt, Nails, Seibold and Spaoth, Manager Hillis, P -fanner D°illerud, cnrgioeer Goldtterg, Adainistrative AWstant Kreager, Attorney Lefler and 1t Inar•:* Otnvtor Ricker. ABSENT: None MINtIES KMON was made by Counci lmai Hurit, seeded by Councilman Spaeth, MINUTES - SPECIAL to approve the mlisutes of the Sotvmber 27 special Council oweting COUNCIL MEETING as submitted. SEPTEMBER 27, 1976 Item 4 Motion carried, Eire ayes. PETIT h;S REQUESTS AND CMN DCCT IONS PI-anrer Dillerud revie4ed Centurion Company's regtmist for CENTURION COMPANY Conditional Use Permits to operate a storage and moving business REQUEST FOR CONDITIONA at 1121 Vicksburg Lane and a storage business at 1123 Vicksburg USE PERMIT Lare and Planning Commission's recommendations, Item 5-B-1 games Hawks, Centuriun Company, stated it was the intent of the comprw touse, the commercial building on the site they acquired ton Vicksburg Lane for commercial purposes and to utilizes all the bays. The existing business in the building, Bob's Plumbing, ha• been there for many weQrs anti has stored vehiclos outside in the past. By berming and landscaping they intend to conceal the building from traffic on Vickshurg and from thefr proposed reside"- tialdevelopment on the remainder of the site. At presegt, they will abide by the conditions of the resolution restricting outside overnight storage of vehicle%% MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded b:s Councilman Spaeth, RESOLUTION NO. 76-515 to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-S759 A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONDITIONAL APP9VIN., UVIOW USE '%ERMIT FOR CENTURION 4a1MPANY Ott BEHALF OF LAKE MOVIW AND STORAGE CFSTURION CO. FOR INC. FOR OPERATION OF A STORAGE AND MOVING 9USINESS AT 1121 VICKSBURG SYORAGE A10 MOVING LANE (A-208). BUSINESS AT 1121 Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. VICKS@URC LANE (A-208) NOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman taibold, RESOLUTION NO. 76-57G to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-576, A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONDITIONAL WRQ ' UF - USE PERMeT rOR CENTURION COMPANY TO OPCRATF STORAGE BUSINESS AT CENTURION CO. FOR 1123 VICKSOW + LANE (A-208). STORAGE BUSINESS 1123 VICKSBURG LANE Motion carried on 7 Rw rall %:ote, fivc 3j L; --s. (A•208) Special "ouneil 1lseti'ng October S. 1976 Page 251 Dave M, Project Architect, ; reskinted Couro4 i 1 with a listing a I a tOrnatives, in the design of Ftre Station No. 2 which =i1d result in cost savior;s. Robert Erickson, Consulting Engineer, reviewed the mechanical n a ec r cairsystems proposed for Pi.re Station No, 2 and dis- cussed various alternatives that could provide cost savinSs. Re also presented alternate costs for the irech_anical arrd elec- trical systims which included corrections inade in the original calculations. He responded to Council's Questions about Co& requireman.ts and the alternate systeitt. proposed, MOTION was m; +e by S yvr Hilde, secoi% ' i byCou ncl'irrvi:, Neils to direct staff to work with the archith. Ind consulting engineer on slternate archanical arl electricil systems for Fire Station No. 2 to the end of making them efft:ient oind practical without being reds*dint in terms of the storage -type use of the building and, furthe- . that the staff take inl;o comitderation the various alternatives roposed by the consulting en(lineer and request a written interpretation from the State, Sui lding Ofi'ice with respect to the application of ventilation systems in fire stations. Notion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to instruct the archi -t to eliminate the radiant heatfnq system in the equipment bay and replace it with a heat recovery system.. Motion carried, five t:yes, Planner Dil ler ud reviewed J. Brooks Hauser's request for Lot Division of unplatted prorerty, Attorney Lefler gave the ba.eigrnund on this piece of land, stating Mr. Hauser permitted the City to proceed onto his land without easement rights during tha Bass Lake Sewer Project, Project 501, Agreement has been reached with aspect to the amount we are to pay for easement rights providing the City would assist and expedite this application in the usual and customary manner, However, Fir. Hauser has taken exception tv the required stree, dedication of 27 ft. for the right-of-way. Mayor Hilde asked Engineer Goldberg how much right-of-way we would need if County Road 10 were realigned. Engineer Goldberg replied 10 ft, on that side of the street. J. Srooks Hauser, 12005 Bass Lake Road, stated he has put a ZsWnt`TaT-amount of money into landscaping and fencing along County Road 10 which would be within the 10 ft. or 27 ft. right- of-way, He Kas not aware of the street dedication requirements at the time he put 1n the improvements. He would prefer to build the record hone on his lot without subdividinq it or platti.,ei it. FIRE STATION #2 STAWS REPORT 14ene S4 LOT DIVISION J. BROOKS HAUSER A-680) Item 5-C-1 f] Sper.ia'l CouncIT fteting October 'S, 1976 page 2S? Attornoty Wier stated Itr. 1411user would not have to remove his fence unless the County requested it, a 14he time the road improvement Is made. MOTI019 was made by Councflman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt. RESOb.. 7100' NEIL. 16-517, A RESOi,UTION APPROVING LOT DIVISION FOR J, BROOKS HAUSER OF UNPLATTLO PROPERTY AT THE SE CORNER OF BASS LAKE ROAD APO JONQ1 '.4. LANE (A-610). Hatton carried on a Refill Call vote„ five ayes. NOTION r4s Made by ":ouncilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-578, A RESOLUTION SETTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO FILING LOT DIVISION as follows: 1) the northwest property line of Parcel B be adJusted to allow future direct access to Jonquil Lane for said Parcel B; Z) the dedication of 10 fte of additional right,of-way along County Read 10; 3) a park dedication fee of $150 for Parcel 6; 4) no building permit to be issued unless the house is connected to 1 %• sewer and water; 5) sewer, water and stom drainage a=4sements as '.,orw) Ely the City Engtrtter. Motion:arried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. NOTION teas made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to delete Item 2 from the conlitions of the previous resolution. Motion failed, two ayes, Mayor Hilde, Councilmen Seibold and Spaeth voted stay. MOTION was made by Councilmen Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION N0, 76-579, A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RENI'WAL FOR GREENWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH TO OPERATE A GAY CARE CENTER AT 3120 DUNKIRK LANE (A-374). Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. Council discussed Gunnar Olson's requebt for Lot Division of unplatted property for reasons of hardship, taking into con- sideratior, the existing City policy concerning creation of parcels of less than five acres in the unsewered areas of the community and the resulting traffic it would create on a public thoroughfare. Councilman Neils stated thi<; stretch of County Road 9 is designated for Onwngrading in the future and the traffic problem would not be relevant. Councilman Hunt stated he favord the request because we should take steps to keep senior citizens in the cim- anity and he felt this lot diva ion would not cause any hardship to the community. Gunnar 0! son, 17215 County Road 9, s t; ;d he was requesting the lot division so that it would be possiole for him to keep his r,.resent home after retimment. He replied to Council's questions. RESOLUTION NO, 76-SIa APPK7,VING LOT 1. FOR aY. 9AOOKS HAUSER omUO) RESOLUTION NO. 76-578 FOR, LOT DIVISION J. BROODS HAUSER A%480) RESOLUTION NO. 76-579 APPIM M ;CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RENEWAL GREENWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH DAY CARF_ CENTER A-374) Item 5-8-2 LOT DIVISION - UNPLATIED PROPERTY GUNKAR OLSON _ Item 5-C-2 swgtial Council Meeting tktQOer. S. 1976, Page 253 NOTION was made by Couhcilan) Munt, sezonded by Rayor Linde, to adopt RESOL07TON NO. ?6480, A RESOLt WR APPROVING t0T DIVISION FOR CIl11M A77Ea PROPERIV FOR GL'i1NAR OLSON AT THE Ski CORNEA 017 HOLLY LAVE AND COUNTY ROAD! 9 (A447)& Notue carried on a Roll Call vote, four Ayes. Cawncilman Spaeth abstained. MOTION was made by Councilman Itunt, seconded by Councilmar Neils, to adapt RESOLLTION NO. 16-58i, A RESOLUTION SE77ING CONDVIONS PRIOR TO FILING OF LOT DIVISION FOR GUNNAR OLSON `A-687). WION TO AMEND was made by Co4ncllman Neils, by adding Condition ' requiring be provided below elevation 981, Notion to amend carried, five ayes. fit ion to adopt Resod ut iot No. 76-581 Roll Cali vote, four ayes. Councilman K':nt, seconded by Councilman that storm drainage easements as amnded carried an it Spaeth abstained. Council diseu%sed Johnson/Yngve's reque L for site plan approval of industrial wi:w*house buildings, Councilman Neils questioned whether the Plann'ny Commission's requirements for future parking would leave Nnouah 4nd available for 0ondina on the site. Planner Uillerud replied the slie plan had been revised, and approved by the Bassett Creek Watershed Commission and it provided adequate drainage in the area. There was further discussion of the develop- ment of 10ti Aa:,-iue and the desirability of consolidating the parcel on the northe4, corner of the site into the development.. Mir. Al Y,.nglie stated he intended to petition for public improvements c along'fila.than LpAe at this time. He also stated: he had not ap- proached the owner of the parcel on the northeast corner of the site regaraing corselidating it into their development because of the uninlie nature of the home on the parcel and the high value oi" the pr .oerty., There was further discussion of the advisability of extending 10th Avenue a,t this time. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, see:ended by Councilman Neils. to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76e582* A RESAT UT'10?1 APPROJ I VIG SITE PLAN FOR INDUSTRIAL WAREHO,#; BUKOINGS FOR JOHNSON VNGVE AT THE SOUTHWI"ST CORNER OF NATHAN LANE AND 10TH AVENUE NOR iH A-682)6 MOTION TO AMEND ways made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilown Neils, to add Condition 11 requiring dedicatic. of additional riglAt-of-way for 10th Avenue North. Motion to ameid carried, five ayes, RV5OLITIOM Nd. x6-580 IINPLATTED PROPERTY SUNNAA & SON (A-687) RESOLD IOM NO, 76-59 LOT DIVISION FOR GUN11AR OLSON (A-687 SITE PLAN APPROVAL JOHNSON/VNGVE (A-682) Itnm 5_p-1 RESOLUT(11N NO, 76-592 A ROt f Ell INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE RU I LO I NGS FOR JOHP150N/YNGVE (P.-$82) M S,ecial Council Meeting actober so 4976 P'49* 2S4 010T ION Tit 'AKNO wws made by Counc i lmaan Hunt, seconded by Councilsw s Spaeth, by deleting the toords "and )Oth Avenue North" from Cc; -I l tion at at.ion U,Iwnd ca'"i00". ". five ayes, Notion to adopt Resolutton No. 76,582 as amended wried on a Roll Call tote. five ayes. Planner Ditlerud revtowd Planning Cotsston° s recon lotion SITE PLAN APPROVAL for site plyAn approva for P%tram Properties` shopping center at METRAIN PROPER71CS the southwest corner of County Road 9 and Cour,tzy Road 18. SHOPPING UUCP A -Pei) Council discussed the Witional traffic the dimlopment could Item 5-Ih2 create on Lancaster Lam• and vartoys ylternativesc for providing light and sound barriers... Robert L. Pape. 2954 Metro Drive, "013910 the developer has 4SnQ0 to build, landscape and maintain h berm alivfa Courty Road g as an entrance into the shugping center. If they ani required to provide additional Dermi.ng thev amend not be responsille -for its maintenance, Council questikin Mr. Pape about various ,alternatives for providing so jnd and light barriers around the shod#Ring center site and the maintenance prost'ems involved, NOI I ON was made by Councilman Hvvit , 3econded by Councilman W l s , RESOLI, ` 10N NO, 76483 to adopt RESOWTION Nil. 76••58:, A RESOLUTION APPROVING SITE PLAN Wiest VImff, FOR METRAM PROPERTIB SHOPPING LINTER WCATEU AT THE SOEifHWEST METRAM PROPERTIES CORNER OF COUNTY ROAD 9 AND C'N%TV ROAD 18 (o-683). SHOPP:'r CENTER (A-683, MOTION fO AMEND was made by Councilman Neils, seconded Gy Council- man Spaeth, by adding Condition 7 rcquir ing that a landscaped berm between Lancaster Lane and Quakkir Lane be provided for ni3ise and light shielding starting at the crsrvature of Lancaster Lane and extending to the significant change of grade Juat east of the bast home on Hath4n ! ane. Motion to amend carried, five ayes. Notion to adopt Resolution Roll Call votal. five Oyes. 6-583 as a:,tended carried on a NOTION was made by Cou#40 r iian Hunt, seconded y CouncIlman Nei 1s, to direct staff to prepare vacation process whereby Qua,k;e r Lana Extended and Lancaster Lamp Extended and the unused portion of County Road 9 would be vitcaled. Notion carried, f awe a,yeii. Mr, Pope regtQsted CaUnc-11 to permit him to delPt,e tree from the proposed landscape plan ar.d i epla ;e from Sft. to 6 ft, in height. the 4 in. ;ine it %#i!h trees Special Council Meeting October 5, 1976 Page 255 MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt. ;econded by Councilman Spaeth, to direct staff ;o come back with some research on the size of trees that ..an be adnquately moved through the ball and burlap process ersut, machine moving process an I c'• inine what is reasonable. Motion carried, fivE ayes. Councilman Neils left the meeting at 9:45 P.M. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, RESOLUTION NO. 76-584 to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-584, A RESOLUTION APPROVING SITE PIAN APPROVINre S E AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT FOR MEDICINE LAKE HOUSING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT GROUP FOR LITTLE PENINSULA PROJECT (A-186). AMENDMENT FOR LITTLE PENINSOLA PROJECT Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, tour ayes. (A-186) Item 5-F MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76-585 Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-385, A RESOLUTION APPROVINGa RO ING SITE PLAN SITE PLAN AMENDMENT FOR ROYAL STATIONERY AT THE NORTHWEST AMENDMENT - ROYAL CORNER OF HIGHWAY 55 AND COUNTY ROAD o (A-473). STATIONECY (A-413) Item 5-E Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76-586 Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-536, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING P 0 G THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL CITY HALL AND AGREEMENT FOR CITY CENTER MA")TERPLANNING SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR J1 WITH THORSON & THORSHOV ASSOCIATES, INC. AND APPROPRIATING THE CITY HALL AND NECESSARY FUiiDS IN THE AMOUNT 9F $37,450 FROM THE REVENUE SHARING APPROPRIATING FUNDS FUND. Item 6-C Motion carried on a Roil Call vote, four ayes. Bill Fay, Project Coordinator, replied to Council's questions. Manager Willis reviewed the time schedule for City Hall/Central C!TY HALL/CENTRAL PARK Park planning with Counc,,l and Bill Fay elaborated on the schedule. PLANNING SCHEDULE Item 6-0 Council discussed the appointment of a Citizens for Plymouth P•ogress Committee to support toe bond sale and Mayor Hilde recommended that the Planning Commi!sion Dict as a Citizen Advisory Group in the planning process. MOTION was made by Councilean Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to call a special Council meting at 7:00 P.M. Monday, October 11, to consider whet direction Council would give the architect, Planning Commission and Park and Recreation Advisory Commission in regard to the planning of the City Hall/Civic Center and Central Park. Motion carried, four ayes. W404z Special Council Meeting October 5, 1976 Page 256 NOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth. to move the public information meeting on City Hall/Central Park to Wednesday, October 20 and call a special joint meeting for the Council with the Planning Commission and Park and Recreation Advisory Commission at 7:30 P.M. on Thursday, October 21. Notion carried, four ayes. NOTION was made by Councilman Seita -.•.t seconded by Councilman Hunt, RESOLUTION N0. 76-587 to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-587, A ESJ.UtION RELEASING LANDSCAPE RELEASING LANDS= BOND FOR KREATZ BROS. BUILDING AT SM CORNER OF VICKSBURG LANE BOND - KREATZ BROS. AND 12TH AVENUE NORTH (A-208). BUILDING (A-208) Item 5-G Motion carried on a Roil Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, PETITION -FLASHING to accept the Engineer's recommendation to contact the school districts LIGHTS AT RR and ask them to use caution tt the crossing on Vicksburg lane between CROSSING VICKSBURG County Road 47 and County Road 9 an` further to request the railroad LANE BETWEEN C.R.47 to do some work at the intersection -to improve sight distance. & (:.R. 9 Motion carried, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth. seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-5899 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A TIME EXTENSION BY VIET AND COMPANY, INC. ON THE LARCH LANE STREET IMPROVEMENT, PROJECT NO. 612 AND SETTING NOVEMBER 1, 1976 AS THE COMPLETION DATE FOR THE GRADING AND GRAVELLING PORTION OF THE CONTRACT. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-5901 A RESOLUTION APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 IN THE COUNT OF $5,968.50 TO HARDRIVES, INC. FOR THE 1976 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-591, A RESOLUTION APPROVIING CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 in the amount of $43,622.82 TO HARDRIVES„ INC. IOR THE 1976 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - SHENANDOAH Si'REET IMPROVEMENTS, Mot carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-592, A RESOLUTInN APPROVING PARTICIPATION IN THE SUBURBAN H.ENNEPIN COUNTY NURSING DISTRICT IN 1977 AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $17,354. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. 256- Item 5-H RESOLUTION NO. 76-589 TIME EXTERSION-LARCF LANE STREET IMPROVEMNT PROJECT 612 Item 5-I RESOLUTION N0. 76-590 APPROVING CH OR R 1976 STREET IMPROVEMNT Item 5-J-1 RESULUTION N0, 76-541 APPROVING CHANGE ORDER SHENANDOAH STREET IMPROVEMENTS Item 5-J-2 RESOLUTION NO. 76-592 APPR G 1977 PARTI- CIPATION CIPATION IN SUBURBAN HENNPIN COUNTY NURSING DIj"TRICT Item 6-B Special Council Meetir; October 5. 1976 Page 257 MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, secondedby, Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76-59 Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-5939 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A OVI L ELECTION JUDGES FJR THE GENERAL ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 29 1976. JUDGES FOR GENERAL ELECTION -11 /2/76 Motion c4rried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Item 6-E NOTION was 60de by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76-588 Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-588, A RESOLUTION APPROVING APPRNVING SEE P CY- REVISED POLICY CONCERNING REVIEW OF MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL REVIEW OF MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT ?nND REQUESTS with the following amendment to INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Item 1 of the section on non-profit corporations: Strike the BONDS words "e.g.. an integral part of the Downtown Plymouth Development." Item 6-F Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Council recessed from 10;50 to 11:00 P.M. Council continued their review of the 1977 City Budgets. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Coun.ilman Hunt, ADOPTION OF 1977 to direct staff to develop a policy concerning civic -type CITY BUDGETS use of the old City Hall considering proper distribution Item 6-A of costs. Motion carried, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to reduce the budget 5y $3,000 for utilities in old City Hall. Motion carried, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Huo.t, seconded by Coum.iloran Spaeth, to appropriate $20,000 from tho City (SSA Fund to be transferred to the City's General Fund for gravel road maintenance. Motion carried, fnu ayes. Administrative Assistant Kreager reviewed the egIA;pment proposed to be acquired in 1977 under the Central Equipment Fund budget. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to approve acquisition of a 1977 '1/2 ton van for the Park Departtrent. Motion carried, four eyes. 0 i I Special Council Meeting October 5, 1976 Page 258 NOTIMA was rhado by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to approv* acquisition of a 1977 1,/2 ton pick-up for the Sewer and Water Deportment, Motion carried, four ayes. NOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, sewn nd by Councilman Seibold, to approve acquisition: of a 1977 40 pick-up for the Street O..partment. Motion cai•ried, four ayes. NOTION was made by Councilman Hunt. seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to approve acquisition of a 1977 27,500 dump for the Street Department, a used water truck for the Park Department, a 1977 compact car for the Administration Department and a 1977 squad and 1977 unmarked car for the Police Department and to delete the 44 pick-up and 2 used dump truck for the Shade Tree Disease Control Department from the requested equipment. Notion carried, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to approve the replacement items on pages 6.1. Motion carried, four ayes. MOTION was made by rouncilman Spaeth, to approve the proposed OSHA account. Motion carried, four ayes, seconded by Councilman Hunt, MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to leave the license fee for intoxicating on -sale liquor as it. is. Motion carried, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunk., seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to leave the rates for all other licenses and permits as they are. Motion carried, four ayes. MOTIJN was made by Maycr Hilde, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to accept the Manager's recommendations for adjustment to other accounts, Moticn carried, four ayes. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to transfer 35,000 from the 1976 Major Thoroughfare Fund to the 1977 General Fund revenue account. Motion carried, four ayes. 0 S8ft Special Council Neeting October 5, 1976 Page 259 NOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, secondeiCouncilman Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-596, A RESOLUTION e.EVYING TAXES FOR 1977 IN THE AMOUNT OF $196509966. Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MGIION was made by Coun :ilman Hunt, .weconoed by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOL,ITION NO. 16-5959 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING 1977 GENERAL FUND BUDGET IN THE AMOU,,IT OF $2,281,494. Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. NOTION was made by Cauncilman Hunt. seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adcplt RESOLUTION NL,, 76-5969 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING 19717 SHADE TREE DISEASE CONTROL FUND BUDIET IN THE AMOUNT OF $379,000. Motion carried on a Roll Call four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, s.e onded by Councilman; to aaopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-597, A RCSJLUTION ADOPTING 1977 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY eUu%01'ET IN THE AMOUNT OF 19,900. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. RESOLUTION ' N0. 16-594 EV ING TAXES FOR 1977 RESOLUTION NO. 76-595 ADnPTINU 1977 G NE- L FJND 8Jt)GET RE50LUTION NO. 76-596 96PTIIZ 1917SHADE REE DISEASE CONTROL FUND BUDGET Spaeth, RESOLUTION NO. 76-591 0 NG9 SI AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BUDGET MCTION was made by Councilman Hint, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76.-598, A RESOLUTION 1kOOP, ING 1977 WATER FUND BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $509,334. Ptotion carried on a Roll Call vote, your eyes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Counc4ilman Seibold, to adopt RLSOLUTION NO. 796499, A RE:nLUTION ADOPTING 1977 SANITARY SEWER FUND BUDGET IN TVE AMOUNT Or- $705,663. Motion carried ou a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made kit Councilman Hunt, !seconded by Councilman Selbold. to adopt. RESOLUTION NO. 76400. A RESKUTIO4 ADOPTING 19] 7 EQUIPMENT FUI40 BUDGET IN' THE AMOUNT OF $346,946. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote. i our eyes, Counclipan Seibold directed staff to make a special effort tho Plymouth Report and various mail [ngs to, point, out eery what'r, nappene3 to our budget and th,iit the special Irvies a par 1 cuiar purpose. Mayor Hilde adjourned the meeting at 1.05 A.M. 259- through clearly ar g for RrSOLUTION 110. -15-598 W650 t-1 N' C 197 7 WATER FUND BUDGET RESOLUTION NO. 76-595 ADOPTING 1977 SARTRWY SEWER FUND BUDGET RE50LUTION NO. 76-600 KOOFTING 1977EQUIRRY FUND 81JDGET C0retta Garrity 0ty Clerk