HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 09-27-1976 SpecialPage 241 N1110TES, SPECIAL COUNCIL KE'F iX Septeter 27, 1976 A special meetirq of the Plymouth City Council was called to order Dir MAyor W -114e A*- 7:40 P.M.. iry the Council Cri omrs of the Public Works Building, 14904 Twer ty- third Avenue North, on Septeter 27, 1977a PRESENT: payor Hfide, Councilmn Runt, Neil%, Se'bold and Spkteth, Manager Millis, Planner 0111erud, Engineer Goldberg. Administrative Assistant Xweager. Attorney Lefler and Finance 04rector Ricker. AG,SENT : None MINUTES MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by 6uuncilmon Spaeth, to approve the w(nutes of the September 13 special Council meeting as submitted. Motion carried' four ayri, Councilman Hunt abstained. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Counc:lwlan Hunt, to approve the mi"+utes of the September 20 regular Council meetim-, with tie following correction to Itai 4-8-3 on page 233 in Cour_t)man Spaeth"s Motion to Amend add the words "tri th a filter{nq or se;:tling sysiGem". Motion carried, four ayes. Councilman Neils abstained. PU6l, I C HEARINGS ON GROUP '[ I A.,`SESSMENTS Mana or Millis introduced the items for Public Nearing and stated that notices of the pubic hearing were published in the Newk1a e•Pl uthPost, written notice was mailed to e4c h propc!r J owner in . e imprnws.ftnt area, announcements and dis- cussions at Council meetings were- held and he explained how assessments are paid and reviewed the procedures for the hearing. Engineer Goldberg reviewed that costs for Project No. 502/517, Mapleiiell Area and Maple Creek Addition, Mayor Hilde ipened the Publ% hearing at,7:55 P.M. No one chose to spleakand the hearing was closed at 7:55 P.14.. a%; mode 4r %ouncilman Hunt, secc,nded by Counci imar: Nei l, to adopt RZ51LUTWm NO. 76.•544" A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT 10. W.", WAPLEDELi AREA, AND PROJC-CT N0, 5'111 MAPLECREEK APOI T IONk (PLATTED). Motion carried on a, Roll Call vote, five ayes. 241 - NINGTES - SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING SEPTFNIBER 13, 1976 Item 3-A MINUTES - REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEM1jEER 20, 1976 Item 1"11 PUBLIC HEART PROJECT 504 MAPLEDELL AREA MAPLECR€EK ADDITION Item 410A RESOLUTION NO. 76-554 Abo- -S E T PROJEC' 502/517 MAPLEDEll/MAPLECREEK ADOITION (PLATTED) hN Special Council Neetiwg September 27. 1976 Pow, 242 M0710 was mode by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman RES0071011 NO. 76- Neist. to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-555, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING 599A T 11b ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT 906 502. MAPLEOELL AREA, AND PROJECT WESSNEW PROJECT Na. We 0APLECREEK ADDITION (UNPLATTED), 502/517 PIAPLEDELL/ _ MAPLECREEK AGN (UNPLATIEI, Motion carried on a Roll Cal` vote, give ayes. Engineer Goldberg reviewed the costs for Project Re. 5OS9 PUBLIC HEARING Schaidt Lake area. PROJECT 506 SCHMIDT LAKE AREA Mayor Rilde opened the public hearing at 8:00 P.M. Item 4-B Jerry E. Harrington, 12110 45th Avenue North, did net question F+easssessmert costs but brought to Coune:l's attent io+ a culvert at the end of 45th Avenue that had not been replaced. He fel: the swale at the side of the read was not acaquote to handle the run-off and requested that the culvert be repiaced as soon as possible, Engiwer Goldberg roplied that the culvert would be restored this fall as part of Project No. 612. Marie ltilliahA. representing her mother, Leonthinia Serthiaume, ase TY -Tile treet improvement on Larch Lane north of County Road 9 would include curbs. Engineer Goldberg replied that section of County Road 9 woaW be finished to rural section wi t'hout ct%rbs . Roger Noel, 1195045th Avenue North, requested that provision e mater safe access to County Road 9 from Larch Lane, Engineer Goldberg_ replied that the Counc`1 and staff were at present *tudying the alignment of Larch Lane with the intent of providing a safe access to County Road 9. The hearing was closed at 8:0) P.M. MOTION was made by Councilrun Scibold, secondee: by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76-556 Spoeth, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. ',6-565, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ADOPTING ASSESP ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT NO. 505, SCHMIDT LAKE AREA (PLATTED). PROJECT 505 SCHMIDT LAKE AREA Notion carried on a Rell Call vote, live ayes% tP LATTED) MOTIW! wal. made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 73-557 Neils; to odopt RESOLUTION NO. 76,557t A RESOLUTION ACOPT ING A 1 G SS'V35 1 i T ASSESSMENT FOR hRQJECT NO, 505, SCHMIDT LAKE AREA (UNPLATTED). PROJECT 505 SCHMIDT LAKE AREA Motion carried i.n a Roll Call vete, five ayes. (UNPLATTED) Engineer Gol#4 erg %,eivewadi the costs for Project No. 521, PUBLIC HEARING Olive Lano utilities. PROJECT 521 OLIVE LANE Mayor Hilde open, d the public hi4rinq at B:I:I P.M. Item 4-C oaf Special Council Meeting September 27, 1976 Page 243 Robert Swenson, 1635 Olive Lade, complained about the finishing of K'? stree'* surface d:id tt4tkl,, that there was standing water In several pi'aces on thw He also asked if the assessment costs ^"luded a charge for the extra gravel brought in last fall to make the strtkots usablip last winter. Engineer Goldberg repl led we used in-place granular material for base and the only additional gravel that was required was for sane driveways and soft spots in the road. By utilizing in -lace gravel we were able to save a considerable amount of money in rebuilding the street. The problem of standing water on tie street has been resolved by resurfacing the tow areas. Any further settling will be taken care of by the sealcoating application scheduled for next year, which will also cover the patches and give the street a smooth finish. If there is more settling and the condition of the street worsens, the contractor will be responsible for the repairs, The hearing wqs closed at 8:20 P.M. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION N0, 76-5589 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT 5219 OLIVE LANE UTILITIES. Motion carried on a. Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Councilman Neils, to direct staff to look at Olive Lane this spring tG determine if repairs need to be made before the contractor's bond expires. Motion carried, five ayes. Engineer Goldberg reviewed them casts for Project 415. 21st and Kilmer. Vdyor Hilde opened the publ°r 'ie t at 8:21 P.M. No one chose to speak and the he,r %: was closed at 8:21 P.M. MOTION was made by Councilman Seitulu, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-559, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING 4SSESSMENT FOR PROJECT NO. 415 - 21ST AND KILMER LANE. Kation carried on a Roll Call vote, five a,,:s. Engineer Goldberg reviewed the costs for Project No. 514, Greentree West. Addition, Mayor Hilde opened the public: hearing at 8:25 P.M. No one chose to speak and the 4earing was closed ai 8:25 P.M. 24s- RESOLUTION NO, 76-558 STING ASSESSMENT PROJECT 521 OLIVE LANE UTILITIES PUBLIC HEARING PROJECT 415 21ST 8 KILMER Item 4-D RESOLUTION NO. 76-559 ADOPTING ASSESPENT PROJECT 415 21st & KILMEk PUBLIC HEARING PORJECT 514 GREENTREE WEST ADDITION I tern 4- E Special Council Meeting Septesber 27, 1916 Page 244 MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION N0, 76-5609 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR PORJECT N0, 5149 GREENTREE WEST ADDITION. Notion carried on a Roll Cavil vote, five ayes. NOTION was made by Councilmant Hunt, seconded by ;Councilman Neils, to adopt RESR UTION NO. 76-5619 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT NO. 514, GREENTREE WEST ADDITION BROCKTON LANE PROPERTIES). Motion carried on a Roll Call vote. five ayes. Manager Willis reviewed the assessment for Lot 1, Block 1. Hadley Hills which was overlooked in the 1969 Levy 4747. Mayor Hilde opened the public hearing at 8:26 P.M. No one chose to speak and the hearing was closed at 8:26 P.M. NOTION was made by Councilman Hunt. seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 75-562, A RESOLUIIP I AMPTING ASSESSMENT FOR 18505 COUNTY ROAD 61 LOT 1, BLOC: i, HADLEY HILLS. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. Engineer Goldberg reviewed the costs for Project No. 3G6, Xenium Lane south of the railroad tracks. Mayor Hilde opened the public hearing at 8:29 P.M. No one chose to speak and the hearing was closed at 8:29 P.M. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-563, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT NO. 306, XENIUM LANE SOUTH 3F THE RAIL- ROAD TRACKS. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote. five ayes. Engineer Goldberg reviewed the costs for Project No. 416, Carlson Companies Addition and explained the additional area charges for sewer. Mayor Hilde opened the public hearing at 8:30 P.M. No one Chose to speak and the hearing was closed at 8:30 P.M. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-564, A RESCLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT NO. 416. CARLSM COMPANIES ADDITION. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. 244 - RESOLUTION N0, 6T30bAO03fifNG ASSES ENT PROJECT 514 GREENTREE WEST ADDITION RESOLUTION NO. 76-561 PROJECT 514 GREENTREE WEST ADDN. BROCKTON LANE PROPERTY) PUBLIC HEARING LOT 1, BLOCK 1 HADLEY HILLS Item 4-F RESOLUTION NO. 76-562 ADOPTING ASSESSMENT LOT 1. BLOCK 1 HADLEY HILLS PUBLIC HEARING PROJECT 306 XENIUM LANE Item 4-G RESOLUTION NO. 76-d63 ADOPTING S S PROJECT 306 XENIUM LANE PUBLIC HEARING PROJECT 416 CARLSON COMPANIES ADDN. Item 4-H RESOLUTION NO. 76-564 ADOPTING ASSESSMENTIPROJECT416 CARLSON CO. ADDN. Special Ccuncil Meeting September 27, 1976 Page 245 Engineer Goldberg reviewed the cost for Pniject No. 417, Imperial Hills 6th Addition. Mayor Hilde opened the public hearing at 8:37 N.M. No one chose to speak and the hearing was closed at 8:37 P.M. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTIO,V NO. 76-5659 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT N0, 4179 IMPERIAL HILLS 6TH ADDITION. Motion carried an a Roll Call vote. five ayes. Engineer Goldberg reviewed the costs of Project No, 603, Nathan Lane from 45th to 49th Avenue. Mayor Hilde opened the public hearing at 8:39 F.M. No one chose to speak and the hearing was closed at 8:39 P.M. MuTION was rade by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilrwn Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-566, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT N0, 603, NATHAN LANE FROM 45TH TO 49TH AVENUE, PUBLIC HEARING PROJECT 417 IMPERIAL HILLS 6TH ADDN. I tee 4-1 RESOLUTION NO. 76-565 ADUPTIN9 ASSESSNRN PROJECT 417 IMPERIAL HILLS 6TH ADDN, PUBLIC HEARING PROJECT 603 NATHAN LANE Item 4-J RESOLUTION NO. 76-566 PROJEFT 603 NATHAN LANE Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. Manager Willis reviewed the assessment for weed eradication in PUBLIC HEARING 1976, WEED ERADICATION Item 4-K Mayor Hilde opened the public heariny at 8:39 P.M. Mrs, Schaefer, 8050 Queen, Bloomington, asked for assistance in locating someone to cut the weeds on tier property. She also questioned why she had not been assessed for cutting the weeds on her property last year. Manager Willis replied t:Ie staff could provide her with a list of people who would do cutting of weeds. He also stated some weeds were not cu' mtil late in the season last year and charges would appear o s year's assessment roll. The hearing was closed at 8:40 P.M. NOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76-567 Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 76-5670 A RESOLUTION ADOPTINGWTT1 G SS SS ENS ASSESSMENT FOR 1976 WEED ERADICATION AND DESTRUCTION IN THE 1976 WEED ERADICATION AMOUNT OF $11,239.96. ice.',+on carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. Manager Will's reviewed the assessment for delinquent sewer and PUBLIC HEARING water bills. DELINQUENT UTILITIES Item 4-L 245- Special Council Meeting September 27, 1976 Page 246 Ray Jokinen, Accounting Clerk, reported that the total of delinquent accounts as of this date was $25,920.75, with 17,000 of this total representing commercial accounts, Finance Director Ricker explained the billing process for delinquent water and sanitary sewer accounts. Mayor Hilde suggested that this be made a subject for s future st:dy meeting. Mayor Hilde opened the public hearing at 8:41 P.M. No one chose to speak and the hearing was closed at 8:41 P,M. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by C01:ncilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-568, A RESOLUT15N ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR DELINQUENT SEWER AND WA1TR BILLS IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,920.75. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes, Mar,ager Willis reviewed the assessment for 1976 street lighting. Mayor Hilde opened the public hearing at 8:42 P.M. No one chose to speak and the :iearing was closed at 8:42 P.M. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOI.4r1ON NO. 76-569, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR 1976 STREET LIGHTING IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,581.40. Motion carried :,n a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-5700 A RESOLUTION SETTING A DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON THE VACATION OF A CF.RT41N EASEMENT IN THE PAST OF PLYMOUTH FREEWAY CENTER ON OCTOBER 18, 1976 AT 7:30 P.M. Motion carred on a Roll C 11 vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Coun%-ilm, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION N, ,11, A RESOLUTION APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 IN THE AMOL t ;5,660.00 i0 NOOLAND ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR PROJECT N0. . BASS LAKE AREA. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Mayor Hilde, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-572, A RESOLUTION APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 IN THE A14OUNT OF $2,040.00 TO NODLAND ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR PROJECT NO. 607, BASS I.AKE AREA. Motion carried on a (toll Call vote, live &yes. 246 - C RESOLUTION NO, 76-568 ADOPTINGS S, . EN DELINQUENT SEWER a WATER BILIS PUBLIC HEARING 1976 STREET LIGHTING Item 4-M RESOLUTION NO 76- wwpl I—SSESSMENT 1976 STREET LIGHTING RESOLUTION NO. 76-570 SETTING PUBLIC HEARING VACATION OF EASEMENT PLYMOUTH FREEWAY CENTER Item 6 RESOLUTION NO. 76-571 APS AC CHANGE OTER PRGJECT 607 BASS LAKE AREA Item 7-A RESCLUTION NO, 76-572 PP OVI G CHA E ORDER PROJECT 607 BASS LAKE AREA Item 7-B Special Council Meeting September 21, 1916 Page 241 Manager Millis and Ken Jabe. introduced the City .auditors, Bill Schweigert 1975 AUDIT REVIEW Council questioned the Auditors alsout their recommendations in the w.nagement letter relating to separating the Perpetual Care Fund from the General Operating Fund for Parker's Lake Cemetery Association and preparing a "special assessment report." MOTION was made by ouncilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to establish a perpetual care fund in accordance with original requirements and agreements of the Parker's Lake Cemtetery Association, as recow-mended by the Auditors. Motion carried, four ayes. Councilhan Seibold abstained. PARKER'S LAKE CEMETERY the PERPETUAL CARE FUND MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, secondtd by Councilman Seibold, to require preparation of an assessment report as recommended by the Auditors prior to ,preading assessments showing the following: 0 project identification, 2' original appropriation, 31 final cost of project, 4) manner in which final costs are to be recovered and a measure of any aver or under assessment. MuTION TO AMEND was made kV Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Mayor Hilde, to add to the previous motion Item 5 calling for a line -item -type column showing all add-ons, de:etions, change orders, interest and engineering costs to make it feasible for Council to see all costs. Motion to amend carried,, five ayes. Mai^ motion carried, `our ayes. Councilman Neils voted nay. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT REPORT' Council dis Hissed the reasons why the audit was late and questioned the Auditors about the possitility of getting the 1976 audit earlier. Finance Director Ricker stated the City's Annuel Report will be available in February. However, the audit must wait until records are received frem Hennepin County, particularly in the case of special assessmfnts. Mr. Jabe stated he .'elt the earliest date he could promise for com- pletior of the 1976 audit would be approximately May 15 - June 1. Council discussev `Mr. Ricker's r-equest to establish a policy that would allow review of prior years' records only by Council authorization, MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to direct staff Ro prepare a policy requiring the Auditors to seek Counc;l's permission to review the records of past: years. Motion carried, five ayes, 247 - Special Council Keetiag September 27, 1976 Page 248 Councilman Sr_ibold suggested drat a short mid -year audit be, mat.e in *ddi tion to the complete year-end audit. Council eiscussed this possibility and some alternatives. NOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Councilman Seib4ld. to direct the Council Audit Committee; representatives of the aOiting firm, and the Finance Director to formulate specific recommendations as to a uini-Audit program and what it ought to contain and ten approximate amount of money we, ought, to spend on it. Motion carried. foar ayes. Councilman Neils voted nay. NOTION war made by Councilman Seibold. seconded by Mayor Hilde, to direct staff to prepare an unaudited financial report to be subimitted during the month of February each year, with the provision thit the auditors provide Council with the exceptions to It in th,ei r audit. Motion carried, four ayes, Councilman Neils. vo<ed nay, Finance: Director Ricker replied to Couaci" s questions on the 1975 /cud i t . Nay sr Hilde requested Finance Director Ricker to core back with an explanation of ohy the revenue for the Sewer Fund has done down $100,000. Finance Oirc-ctcr Ricker requested Council to ttratisfer the Utility Tp-unk Fund to the 1966 bond fund to cover as much of the delinquency that it can. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Councilnn Neils, to request the Council Audit Committee to consider Mr. Ricker's recommendation and report back to Council. Motion carried, five ayes. Major Hilde requested staff to come back with an explanation of Ccintractual Services fir thq Municioal Building on page 29. NOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. THE 1975 AUDIT AS PREPARED BY SEPTEMBER 2. 19763 Seibold,, seconded by Councilman 76-573, A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING MOEN AND PENTTILA. DATED Motion c6rried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. NOTION was made by Counciimkin Seibold, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-514, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT TO MUEN AND PENTTILA IN THE AMOUNT OF S 16,8I1.JO AND DIRECTING STAFF TO CHARGE VAR14OUS CITY FUNDS AS PER 1HE AUDITOR'S LETTER. lotion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. 6Wai. f RESOLUTION NO, 76-573 RUMM 1 7TW RESOLUTION NO. 76-574 hu i nun i u mu rM r - MENT i0 MOEN 6 PENTTILA FOR 1975 AUDIT Special Counci'l' Mreting September 27 6 1976 Page 249 Comcil recessed franc 10:15 to 10:28 P.M. WTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to approve the Revised Policy Comm. Review of Municipal Industrial Devele-pment Bond Requests as submitted with the Manager's menw-:in" dated September 24, 1976.. N07ION TO AMEND was wade by Seibold, to begin Item 3 of th sentence of that paragraph, to shall" in the second sentence the words "financial analysts" and third sentences of Item 311 or Hilde, seconded by Councilman guidelines with the last substitute the word "may" for of Item 3 and to substitute for "the auditors" in the second Mption to amend carried, five ayes. Main motion carried, five ayes. Council discussed whether (inion City Mission would -F;s1 fi l l the new requirements for non-profit r:orporations in the revised policy and whether Council's previous action obligates them to approve issuance of the bonds if they can be sold. NOTION wds made by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to rescind the. previous motion approving the Revised Policy Concerning Review of Municipal Industrial Development Bond Requests. Motion carried, five ayes. NOTION was riiaae by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Mayor Hilde, to approve the first five items of the proposed Policy Concerning k,gview of Kviicipal Industrial Development Bond Requests as amended and rvyiew the guidelines for non-profit corporations. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Councliman Seibold, to direct staff to prepare more specific criteria for non-profit corporations indicating that are would look at such petitioners favorably if they fulfilled the following requirements: 1) they fulfill some strategic development requirement in Plymouth; 2) they provide a good number of jobs in the community; 3) they provide a type of service that was of direct, benefit to the people in Plymouth. Motion carried, five ayes. Manager Millis presented the ar bi tration award for the Plymouth Police Officers Association to Council. Mja or Hilde adjourned IL Loretta art y City Clerk the meeting at 11:00 P.{y1. r