HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 09-13-1976 SpecialF 0 Page 3 Mt4UTES SPECIAL CWNCIt 14FETING Septemer D. 1976 A special meetirtC, of the P`ymouth C;q Council +gas called to order by Mayor Wilde at 7,.40 P,M. in th.4 Council Chambers ori the Public Works Building, 14900 Twenty- third Avenue North, on September 13, 1976. PRESENT: 016yor Hitde, Couhtllmvn 'Wis, Seibold cll Spaeth. Manager Willis. Heffner 011lerud. En.,ineer GoldWrI. Anistrative Assistant Kreager, Attorney Lefler and Rinun v Di cptor Aitken, ABSEKr: Councilman aunt MINUTES NOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Nei%, to approve the minutes of the August 23 special Counc-11t meeting as submitted, Ntion carried, three ayes, Kouncilman Seibold abstained, MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Seiboldq to approve the minutes of the August 24 special Council meeting as submitted, Motion carriko, four ayes. PUBLIC HEARING - 197? CITY BUDGETS Mayor Hide prefaced the puVic hearings with remarks to the audience. Manager Villis then presented the proposed 1977 City Budget. Mayor Hilde opened thv publ+c hearing at 7:50 P.M. MMoe lin ele. 4710 Larch Lane, representing Plymouth Citizens Actikni Committee, spole of the Conmittee's recommendation e add two police officers to the force to initiate a o: 1:c;e Liaison Program with the schools. He stated tho program could not promise a drop in juvenile delinquency ii:pediately, but said it would pay long-range dividends. The Committee felt young people should have top priority in the budget, Erol nt, .qrs 1.8260 Medina Road, representing the Hamel A10iletic Club. requested increasinq the City's donation to the Club to 31,000,. He stated there are 188 citizens of Plymouth participating in the Cl;ib and the $300 proposed in the budget would be approxinmtely $1,50 per person, 223 HlNOTES - SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING AUGU,' T 23. 1976 Item s MINUTES - S:"Cl COUNCIL, MEE` 1'.a AUGUST 24 , 197t Item 3 PUBLIC HEARING 1977 CITY OUD&ETS Item 44 swig) Council Nett i al Seipteeiber 13. 397F. Pagr 'M Councilmen, Seibold 1W&1rX1 if type of service to the C1L.b. in replied that it was possihlre the City coulA provide some lieu of do? ears v Mr. Winterhail for titre hearing was closed at 8.05 P.M. PRUL C HEARINS - S -YEAR CAP I f If1P 3VI EN'[ P4Ii4RA!! Manager Willis reviewed the pr Xpesed 54var Capital Improve" nenty Prograg, Planner Dille -.:,tri reviewed the 1395109000 Parks section of the C.I.;. and presented a timetable for development of parks and trwils. He stated the existfng Park Dedication Fund, if we cont nue revenjes at the current projectionsg w.;11 contribute some one -k-.01 million dollars to the pro!;. -am, Mayor Nilde opened the public hear nq at E:32 P.M, J a*s Olson, 3820 Fornbrook Lane, ojed ccntinued City manen4n and upgrading of facil'-ie-3 being used now at the junior High $chaols until tine .oi ani'y playfields and facilities jn Central Park have beien completed. Manager W a l l i s presented to Counci I b let..es- from Richard C. Kauffmann of Village Builders. let, re.-iuest°ng that 06 acres bound by Hemlock un the east. Bass '.aka Road on the south, north to Maple Grove line aad vast to the freeway be included in cin -going improvements in +ne Bais Lake area. tie also presented a similar letter frnm ;.r. E. A. Hickok, President of Eugene A. Hickok d Associates, Inc.. requesting sanitary sewer be provided to his property located north of Highways 47 and 10 in 1977, The public hearing was c`r_Lo ai` 9:36 P.,i. There was a discussion of the Rtable development for the Central Park area, Manager VIII ,s rc iiewc-i the Capital Improvement schedule for 1977. MOT101 was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-508, A RESOLUTION APPROVING STREETS AND UTILITIES PORTION OF 5 -YEAR CAPITAL IRIRPOVEMENTS PROGRAM FOIL 1977-1981 AS PRESENTED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 139 1976. Motinn cprrieud on a Roll Call vote, four ayes PJBLIK HEARING - STREET VACATION - EAST MEDICINE LAKE BOULEVARD Nnager Willis reviewed the request for vacation of Last Medicine bake 3oulevard, Councilman Neils requested an explanation of the City's responsibility to the public utilities using the portion of land to be vacated. Attorney Lefler replied the City would vacate the land as a roadway only and would not vacate any public: rights the public ittlity coi,,panies may hove. PUBLIC HEARING 54EAR C.I.P. Item 4-B i i 4LOTION NO. 76WS08 0 I G 5-' YEARTMP FOR STREETS A UTILITIES 1977-14981 PUBLIC HEARING STREET VACATION EAST MEDICINE LAKE. BLVD. I tem 4-C ieclal Council Meeting7% Wpteo6er 13* 1916 Page 225 Rayon 1411de ppered the public hearing et 8:55 P,X-1 Na one chose to speak and the hearfn4 was ceased cit 0:53 P,IR.. M(YrION was made by Comilnen Seibold, seconded by Councilran. ruethe to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 76-509. A RESOLVION A0401I7 VA.ICA710N OF A PORTION OF WST MEDICINE LAKE SMEVARQ FROM COUNTY ROAD 9 TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF IRISSI%. RIOGC ADDITION A -338)I Motion carried on 40)s abstained, PETITONS. REQUESTS a Roll Call vote. three ayes, CAT Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 1-509 Ilii Manager Willis reviewed Food Engineering Corporatinn's request For issuance of Industrial Development. Revenue Bonds of not more than $875*000 to financb the mpa.ny's new plant looted at Ulagara lane and 28th Avenue North, Ralph Surgcss, President of Food Engineering Corporistions replied to Council's questions, Roger Ifingels, representative of Juran b iloody. Inc, stated the bonds will be finakicing only the cost of the land and building, valieu in excess of SUM= and it will be a private placerwnt with an Institution a0 will be vieved as a typical real estate mortgage. OF P(PITION OF EAST MEDICINE LAKE BLVD,, Council discussed the City's liability in this matter and ques- Cirned Mr. ;Wrgess further ahout the company's fir.Ancial condition, MOTION was mf?,* by Councilman Spaeth. seconded by Mayor Hilde. to adopt RES(I'LUTION HC . 76-511. A RESOLUTION GIVING RRE;LIMINAR; APPROVAL TO A PROOECT UNDER THE MUNICIPAL INLA.iSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT, REFERRING THC PROPOSAL TO 'THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOR 0i": ')AL. 040 AUTHORIZING EXECOTION OF A MEMORANDUM OF AGREe'HENT AND gnREPARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. Councilman Seibold voted nay. Councilman Seibold stated he felt the Council wa,i, waiverinSi from the established policy and should have a firmer policy on issuance of' industrial development revenue bonds. He asked that a Dunn b Bradstreet report and recent quarterly valance sheet be additional requi i ,.tents, iia-iager Willis reviewed the proposed corstruction program for Fl,,, Statl,,n leo. 2 David Wagner. Project imrchitect, replied to Council's questions about the proposed plan ar d costs, 225 - u4ESOLUT O,! NO. 76-511 TNORIZIITG A 'FON MUNICIPAL 114OUST RI AL OEVELOPMV4 BONDS rOOD ENG I -&EI:R I NG CORP. tem $-A REQUEST FIR APPROVAL OF PLANS - FI1); STATION N ! Item 5-8 Special council Meelting, Septe>atler 13, 1976 Page 226 Council discussed the rvasoi.s for Inflation of the cost of the project, the interior 14yout, the exterior work to be incliWed. the bu1)4ing's capacity, and the need for future stations. Ralph Begin, Training Officer, take training anywhere outsi,* time allowed for training and training program. stated it was not fewbit to the bui't di ng duo to the )i10 -ted the egviphtent necessary for the There wa-s a lengthy discussion an the high mechanical and elettrtcal costs and the exterior design of the bui10494 MOTION was nude by Councilman Selbold, seconded by C®tm6lman Neils. to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 16-512, A RUKOLUTION AMENDING THE FIXED FEE FOR THE ARCHITECTURAL SERI (ES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE FIRM Of BERGSTEDT , WAHLBEFa, BERGQUI ST AND ROHKOWL FOR FIRE STATION NO. 2 TO A SUN IN EXCESS OF THE ORIGINAL FIXED FEE OF $21,900 BUT NOT IR EXCESS OF $2590000 Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made. by Mayor Hi lde, seceneed by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-513, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND ORUERINe PREPARATION OF FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLYMOUTH FIRE STATION NO. 2 wi;h the understandinq that the preliminary mechanical, elett.riLal and exterior design will be subject to further review by the Council prior to tEv awarding of beds. MOTION was made by Mayor Hi 1 de, seconded by Councilman tttti 1 s , to direct the architect to report back with possible savit.gs that might be obtained qy squaring off the building in such a way as not to greatly reduce the aesthetic appear,%e of the Dui iog. Motion carried, four ayes. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Cn6.ocilman Re 1s, to rescind the previous n)tion, Motion carried, three ayes, Councilman 5-paeth voted ray, MOTION TO MEND was made hey Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman lieibold, by striking the worts "exterior design" from the main motion, Mot rn carried, three ayes. Councilman Spaeth abstained. Matson to adopt Resolution No. 76.-514 as amended carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. Councilman Spaeth abstained. 226 - N RESOLUTION NO. 16-fi12 SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR FIRE STATION #2 RESOIAffION NO. 16-513 AND SPECS FOR FIRE STAT WN NO. 2 lkK lal Council beet$"? Uptaber 0, 1476 P#gt 22'7 Council recessed at 10:30 P.K, and resin'ad at 10:50 P'"I. Laren Schlebe, Assistant Fire Chief, reviewed the fire Depart• ment,'s 16th Annual Report. Planner MUM reviewrd Mission Partnership's petition for an RPUD Conditional Use Permit and Preliminary Plat for 167 acres and Plannisig Commission's recommendations. Roger Ciemence, representing Mission Partners, reviewed tine types of structures proposed in the RPUD and replied to Council's questions. Council discussed housing for thin elderly, provisions for shnpping and medical! services, open space requirements and 'low and moderate income housi:69. FIRE DEPARTMENT 1677 ANNUAL REPORT MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded O1' Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76-514 Neils, to adopt RESOLUTIOR NO. 76-514, A RESOLUTION APPROVING RPUD" CONDITIONAL USE u!K+iT ANA PRELIMIR&AY PLAT FOR M13SION PARTgER- AND PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR SHIP RPUD 76-1 0-338). MISSION PARTNERSHIP RPUD 76-1 (A-338) MOTION TO AMEND was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Item 5-E Mayor Hilde, by Adding Item 3 requiring that devnsity be restricted to 615 units, however, granting an additional 16S units if they are low and moderate subsidized horsing. Motion to amend carried. four ayes. MOTION TO AMEND was made by Counc Ivan Neils. seconded by Councilman Spaeth, by adding Item Q including in this resolu- tion Item 7 of Resolution No. 76-152 which states it is under- stood that the above density range a3Nrovd;c are predicated on adequate design and use of the land in accordance with the objective:t of the Residential Planned Unit Development Ordinance. Motion to amend carried, four ayes. MOTION TO AMEND was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by C„uncilman Spaeth, adding to Item 2 the condition that the fin$1 amount of patr dedication shall be determined by the final density. Motion to amend carried. four ayes. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 76-514 as amended carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Mayer Hi lde, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to direct staff and the Plymouth Rousing and Redevelopment Authority to attempt to cooperate with the petitioner and federal and state authorities to the end that we can get some scattered locations of the subsiditied housing in the project. Motion carried, four ayes. Special Council *etinq September 130 1976 Page 22 MOTION was Jude by Councilman Reil;, seconded by Councilman SpaetNe to adopt RESOLBIT'iON NO. 76-5131, A RESOWT10N ADOPTING ASSEIPV041 FOR PP!3JECT 43. 504, ZACHARY LANE STREET IMPROVE- MENT . Mot`Fpn carried on a Roll Sall vote four ayes, OCT160N was made by Countilm4n Neils, seco.ided by Councilman Spaeth* to adopt RESOLUTIuN N09 76-5169 A.RESOLKION AWAARDING BID FOR TELEVISING SANITARY Si IER LINES TO XIDIFICATIDN, INL, FOR THE AMOUNT OF $7,504,00. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, ftiur ayes, NOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 76-517, A RESOLUTION AWAPDING BID FOR IMPROVEMENT OF LARCH LANE FROM 45TH AVENUE TO THE Sao LINE RAILROAD TiRACK TO VEIT & COWPANY, IRC, FOR THE AMOUNT OF 1550383.00. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Counctlman Neils, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-5046 A RESOLUTION MIENOING RESOLUTION NO, 76-1Q5 TO CORRECT AN ERRONEOUS LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN CONNECTION WITH THE ;.OT DIVISION OF AN EXISTINk, PLATTED LOT FOR PHILIP G. PETERSEN, Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Veils, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 76-5G5, A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 76-361 TO CORRECT AN ERRONEOUS LEGA! DESCRIPTION IN CONNEC'TICA WITH THE LOT DIVISION OF Ay EXISTING PLATTED LOT FOR RING CONSTRUCITON CO. Notion carried on a Roll Cali vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Cnuncilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RE`'OLUTION N0, 76-506, A RESOLUTION kESCINnING RESOLUTION NO, 76-417 APPROVING A LOT CONSOLIDATION/ OIV1310N FOR LITTON INDUSTRIES (A-527). Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, four oyes. NOTION wa3 made by Councilman Neils, secwd.ed by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 16-507, A RESOLUTION A?PROVING LOT CONSOLIDATION/DIVISION FOR LITTON INDUSTR):ES FOR FXISTIRG PLATTED LOTS (A-5271, Motion carried on a Roll Call voote, four ayes. 228 - FP RESOLUTION NO. 76,,, 515 1507FOR iESOLU'l1ANFOR ur INESSMENT PROJECT 5044%HARY LANE STREET IMPROVEMENT Item 5-C RES LUTIA AWARD N 1NO. '- 7i TELEVISING SANITARY SEWER LINES Item 5 * 1 RESOLUTION NO. 76-517 AARD OF 8105 - LAU LANE STREET IMPIOVEM Y PROJECT 612 Item 5-11-2 RESOLUTION NO. 75-504 AMENUTNE RES000T i NO, 76-155 TO CORRE LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR LOT DIVISION IPJ P4ILIP G. PETERSEN Item 5-F-2 R SOLUT ION KO. 7(j-505 A , MO. 76-301 TO CORRECT LEGAL DESCRIPT104 FOR LOT DIVISION FOR RING CANSTRUC ON CO. Item 5-F-3 RESOLUTION NO. h-506WINTM }01"IM NO. 76-417 APPAOV'NG LOT CONSOL./DI''ISION LITTON IW.IUSTRIES A-527) Item r-F-I RETKLUT ION NO. 76-507 7AM017TWt; UN FOl IUA- T ION/(-.rV IS ION FOR "'TC'tiUs INDUSTRIES (A,-527) item 5-F-1 A Special Pounci) Meeting Aptebier 13, 1976 Page 2:a MOTIOt; was made by Councilman Netls. seconded by Councilman RESOL1TWN NO. 76-510 Seibold. to aftpt RESOLUTION NO. 76*510, A RESOLUTION PROVIDING APPR MATTE rFNVF' FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO ENCOMPASS DISBURSEMENTS FOR IMPERIAL FOR ,MPERIAL HILLS PARI HILLS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK IN THE NaNT OF 539590.001 FROM THE PARK ttem 54 DEI-ICATION FUNDS NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS, (Account No. 205-000-502) TO oROJECT CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT, IMPERIAL HILLS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK (Account 3o. 816-816-810-524). Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes, NOT I ON was made by Councilman Sei bo 1 d , seconded by Councilman PESOLUT ION NO. 76-5118 Spaeth,, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-518, A RESOLUTION APPROVIC APPROVIR& CH)ME CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 IN THE AMOUNT OF 551772.75 TO PETER L.4METT1 1,14TK 6 ZANZIBAR LANE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR PROJECT NO. 604, 14TH AND ZANZIBAR PROJECT 6144 -Item 54%1 LANE. Motion carriee on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman RESOLUT101+0. 76-519 Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-5199 A RESOLUTION APPROVING «Or WE I CHANGEORDER NO. 2 IN THE AMOUNT OF x/52.00 TO PETER LAMETTI N0, 2 3RD,b QUEENSLAND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR PROJECT NO. 6029 3RD AND QUEENSLAND UTILITIES PROJECT 602 U`fILITIES. Item 5-H-2 Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. NOTfON was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman RESC•.UT1 N NO. ?P1 -52U Seit old, to alopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-S20, A RESOLUTION APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 IN THL AMOUNT OF S1.360.00 TO PETER LAMETTI N0, 3 14TH 1 ZANZIBAR CONSTRCCTION COMPANY FOR PROJECT NO, 604, 14TH AND ZANZi6r+0r%% LANE PROJECT 604 LANE. Item 5-H-3 Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ay es, MOTION war, made by Councilman Neils, seconaed by Counci 1 man RESOLUTION NO. 76-°x:21 Seibold, co adopt RESOLUTION NO, 76-5219 A Rf OLUTION APPROVING APPROVINGTHMAXYGUMTR CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 IN THE AMOUNP OF 741645.0 TO NOOLAND N0, 3 BASS LAKE AREA ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR PROJECT Nu, 607, BASS LAQ AREA. PROJECT 607 Item 5-H-4 Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, ieconded by councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76-1122 Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-522, A RESOI UTION AUTHORIZING RE T F`PAYMENr PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. 15 IN THE AMUUMT OF ELEVATED WATER TOWER 7,047.90 TO CHICAGO BRIDGE $ IRON COMPANY fOR PROJECT NO. PROJECT NO. 402-001 402-OVI, EI.VATED WATER TOWER. Item 5-1 Motion carriec; on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilrrin RESOLUTION NO. 76-522 Neils, to adopt R -SOLUTION NO. 76-523, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING Q ---rR PAYME;'JT PAYMENT Ota REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. 7 AND FINAL IN THE AMOUNT OF MAPLE.DELL ADRITICIV 1144,017.04 TO G. L. CONTRACTING FOR PROJECT NO. 502, MAPLEOELL Item 5-I-2 ADDITION. N Srecial Council Meeting September .13, 1976 Page 230 Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. NOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION N0, 76-5249 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. 2 IN THF, AMOUNT OF $125,631.51 TO PETER LAMETTI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR PROJECT 520, 12TH AND HARBOR LANE, PROJECT 6U2, 3RD AND QUEENSLAND LANE, PROJECT 604, 14TO AND ZANZIBAR LANE AND PROSECT 6099 REINHARD INDUSTRIAL PARK. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-525, A 'RESOLUTIOP AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT N0, 3 IN THE AMOUNT ff $255,320.74 TO NODLAND ASSOCIATES, INC. FUR PRNo ECT NO. 607, BAS: LAKE AREA IMPROVtMENTS. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, fo,ir ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-526, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. 2 IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,115.50 TO C.O. CARLSON ATR CONDITIONING COMPANY FOR THE EXHAUST SYSTEM FOR THE. PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded y Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-521; A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. 3 IN TN E AMOUNT OF $11,902.28 TO HARDRIVES, INC. FOR THE 1976 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. Motion car"`:od on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, SOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Council reviewed the report of the Architectural Selection Committee. MOTION was made .y Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to select the fine of Setter, Leach and Lindstrom, Inc. to undertake the design of the City Hall/Civic Center facilities. Motion failed, one aye. Mayor Hilde end Councilmen Neils and Seibold voted nay. MOTION was made b;. Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Neils, to select the firm of Thorsen, Thorshov Associates, Inc. to undertake the design of the City Hall/Civic: Center facilities. Motion failed, two ayes. Mayor Hilde and Councilman Neils voted nay: RESOLUTION N0, 76- 524 R Q T AYMENT W -J ECT 520 -12TH A HARBOR, PROJECT 602- 3RD & QUEENSLAND, PROJECT 604 -14TH a ZANZ I BAR, PROJECT 609- FEINHAPO INDUSTRIAL PARK Item 5-I-3 RESOLUTION NO. 76-525 REOUEST FOR PAYMENT PROJECT 607 -BASS LAKE AREA Item 5-I-4 RESOLUTION NO. 76-526 RE GES F'FO SAY rW EXHAUST SYSTEM FOR PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE Item 5-I-5 RE IfT IO N y0. 76-527 PAYMENT 1976 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Item 5-1-6 CITY 4ftL ARCHITECT SELECTION Item 6-A Special Council Meeting September 13, 1976 Page 231 MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Neils, to defer this matter until the regular Council neetir.g on September 20. Motion failed, two ayes. Mayor Hilde and Councilman Seibold voted nay. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Ma; K111de, to select the firm of Ellerbe Associates, Inc ;,o undertake the design of the City Hall/Civic Center Facilities. Motion failed, two ayes. Councilmen Seibold and Spaeth voted nay. Mayor Hilde stated that tho selection of the architect for City Hail autuld be deferred until the September 20 regulr•r Council meetir;g. MOTION was made by Kayo*r Hilde, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to call a special Covicil meeting for September 21 if necessary. Notion cArried, four ayes. Mayor Hilde adjourned the meeting at 12:35 A.M. Lcretta Garrity City Clerk 231 -