HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 08-23-1976 SpecialPage 208 1,INUTE5 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING August 23. 1976 ° alp ' n4+ . A special meeting of the Plymouth City Council was called to order by Mayor Hilde at 7:35 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Pubiic Works Building, 14900 Twenty-third Avenue North, on August a 3, 1976. PRESENT: May3r Hiide. Councilmen Hunt, Neils Planner Dillerud, Engineer Goldberg, Kreager and Attomy Lefler, ABSENT: Councilman Seibold MINUTES and Spaeth, Manages Willis, Administrative Assistant MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Cvvncilman Neils, to approve the minutes of the August 16 regular Council meetiog as submitted. Motion carried, three ayes. Councilman Spaeth abstained. PUBLIC HEARING - ASSESSMENT ROLL - GRCUP I Manager Willis introduced the items for Public Hearing ind stated that notices of the public hearing were published in the New Hope-P142uth Post. written notice was mailed to each property ownerni the improvement area, announcements and discussions at Council meetings were held and there had been numerous newspaper write-ups on the subject project. He then explained the procedures for the hearing. The Manager reviewed Project 504, Zachary Lane Street Improve- ment. Mayor Hilde opened the public hearing at 7:45 P.M. Patrick Wells, partner of Mission West Development Corp.. requested that their assessment for Project 504 be spread over all their properties that lie west of Zachary and north of 36th. Engineer Goldberg replied that the assessment could only be. spreed over properties that have been included in the hearing. Attorney Lefler states Mission West Development Corporation could petition to have the assessments spreddl over their property and agree to waive any additional asscssmegt hearings. The hearing was closed at 7:50 P.M. 208 - u MINUTE.° - REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 169 1976 I em 3 UBLIC HEARING ASSESSMENT ROLLS GROUP I Item 4 LJ Special Council Meeting August. 23, 19:6 Page 209 MOTION was nrde b; Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to continue the mat'.er until the regular Council meeting on September 13 and dirCct staff to come back with a new r0l for reject 504. Motion carried, four ayes. Mayor Hilde opened the public hearing on Project 501, Fernbrook Lane Street Improvement, at 7:51 P.M. No one chose to speak and the hearing was, closed at 7:51 P.M. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-466. A RESOLUTION ADOPTIN3 ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT N<3. 501. FERN8R00K LANE STREET IMPROVEMENT. Motion carried on a Roll 0411 vote. four ayes, Mayor Hilde opened the public hearing on Project 513, itithan Lane Street Improvement, at 7:52 P.M. No one chose to speak and the hearing was closed dt 1.Sw P.M. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Coanc'i bran Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-467, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT NO. 503, NATHAN LANE STREET IMPROVEMENT. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote. four ayes. Mayor Hilda opened the public hearing on Project 515, County Road 9 Water !gain, at 7:53 P.M. No one chose to speak and thq hearing was closed at 7:53 P.M. MOTION was made by Councilmao Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-468, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT NO. 515, COUNTY ROAD 9 WATER MAIN, Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Mayor Hilde opened the public hearing on Project 516, 36th Avenue Street Lnprovement, at 7:54 P.M, No one chose to speak and the hearing was closed at 7:54 P.M. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth. seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-469, A RESOLV`T(ON ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT NO. 516. 36TH AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENT. Motion carried cn a Roll Call vote, four ayes. 209 - RESOLUTION W0, 76466 AMPTING M PROJECT NO. 501 FERNBROOK LANE STREET IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION NU. 76-467 Ab'PT'iViG AMRfffr PROJECT NO, 503 NATHAN LANE STREET IMPROVEME3T Item 4-8 RESOLUTION NO, 76-468 NROJECT NO. 515 COUNTY ROAD 9 WATER MAIN - Item 4-D RESOLUTION NO. 76-469 ANG A S S t S S M k PROJECT NO. 516 3674 AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENT - Item 44 Special Council Meeting August 23, 076 Plage 210 Rayer iii lde opened t1te public hearing on Project 513, Plymoutt, Freeway Center Additlan, at 7:55 P.tK. No one chose to speak and the hearing was closed at 7:55 P.N. MOTION was made by Councilman S`raeto, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 764709 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR PRL'IJECT NO. 5109 PLYMOUTH FREEWAY CENTER ADDITION SANITAFY SEWER, WATER MAIN AND STREETS. Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes, NOTION was made by Counc; i Iran Neils. seL,00aed by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-471, A RESOLUTION SETTING HEARING ON PRO''OSED ASSES"LUT Of PROJECT NO, 3069 XENIVR LANE SOUTH OF THE RAILROAD TRACKS, FOR SEPTEMBER 27, 1915. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Counciltaan Hunts to adopt RESOLUTION NO 76-472, A RESOLUTION SET.'ING HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT NO. 415, 21ST8 KILMER FOR SEPTEMBER 219 1976. Potion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESuLUTION NO. 76-4731, A RESOLUTION SETTING HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT N0, 416, CARLSON COMPANIES ADDITION FOR SEPTEMBER 279 19;6. Ration carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. 007ION wus made. by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 76-474, A RESOLUTION SETTING HEARING ON PROPOSED AWSSMENT FOR PROJECT NO. 411.. IMPERIAL HILLS 6TH A,DDITIO1 FOP SEPTEMBER 27, 1976. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four dyes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Counc i lirman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-475, A RESOLUTION SETTING HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT NO, 502, MAPLEDELL AREA FOR SEPTEMBER 27, 1976. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hui;t, to adopt RE;JOLUTiON NO. 76-476, A RESOLUTION SETTING HEARING ON PROPOSES ASSESSMENI FOR PROJECT 505, SCHMIDT LAKE IMPROVEMENTS FOR SEPTEMBER 27, 1976. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. 210 - e RESOLUTION NO, 76470 AMPTli PRN ECT N0. 518 100MOUTH FREEWAY CENTER ADDITION; Item 44 RESOI UTION NO. 76471 SETTING PROPOSED ASSESSMENT PROJECT 306 - XENIUM LANE SOUTR GF R.R. TRACKS - Item 5-A RESOLUTIOk NE:, 76-472 STTTTt HERINd O PROPOSED ASSESSMENT PROJECT 41+6 21ST S KILMER RESOLUTION N0, X -PROPOSED ASSESSMENT PROJECT 416 , CARLSON t.OMPANIES ADDITION Item 5-C RESOLUT IOlai N0. 7.6-474 SETTIM- HEARING 13N- PROPOSED ASSESSMEN'r PROJECT 417 - IMPERIAL HILLS 6TH ADDIT10N 1t3m 5-J RESOLUTION NO. 76-475 n -W PROPOSED ASSESSMENT PROJECT 502 - MAPLEDELL AREA Item 5-E RESOLUTION NO. 76^476 PROMED ASSESSPIEN PROJECT 505 - SCHMI01' LAKE IMPROVEMENTS I tc m- 5- r• S"C'1141 Council Recing Rae August1I3. 1076 MOTION was made by Councilman Neils. Seconded by Councilan Hunt, to adopt REIAO LUTIOM NO. 76-4777, A RE`! 1LUTT(t SITTING HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR, PROJECT '40. 94;14, GREENTREE WES"; ADDITION FOR, SEP'Tk'IfBER 279 1975. Notion carried on. a Roll Cal) vote, four ayes. NOTION wag made by Count i lmon %41 S. Seconded by Court : i jMan Hunte to adopt RISCLfJTIOM NQ, 76-478. A 164ESOLU7ION SETTING OFARING ON PROMSED ASSESSMENT FOR PROJIM NO. 521. OLIVE LALyE UTILITIES MR SEPTEMBER 27, 1976, Motion carried on a Roll Call vote., four ayes. NOT ION was mate by Counct lnhin Neils, seconded by Cnunci lma Hunto to adopt RESOLUTION Mi. 76-479, A RESOLUT:.ON SETTIN!x BEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMINT FOR PROJECT NO. 603. NATHAN LANE FROM 45TH . 49TH AVENUE NORTH FOR SEPTEMBER 27, 1970". Motion carried on a Noll Call vote, four oyes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUI.ON NO, 16-4809 A RESOLUTION SETTING HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMEI4T FOR WEED ERADICATION AND DESTRUCTION CHARGES FOR SEPTEMBER el, 1976. Motion carried con a Roll Call vote, four ages. MOTION was made by fp unci1man Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION K. 76-481, A RESOLUTION SETTING HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT DELINQUENT SANITARY SEWER AND WATER SERVICE CHAK15 FOI( SEPTFKB,ER 27, ;976. Metion caf"ried on a loll Call vot?, four ayes. M)TION was nw•,1e by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hui%', to adopt RESOLUTION tai?. 76-482, A RESOLUTION SETTING HEAPIL1C ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT STREET LIGHT'INC% FOR SEPTEMBER 270 19?6, Motion carried on a Rall Call vote, four Ayes. Manager Willis reviewed Uniun City Mission, Inc. 's request, for industrial revenue bond financing. Mayor Ai lde questioned Attorney Lefler abf,ut the liability of the City in the -,.ase of issijing industrial development. revenue bonus for a non-profit organixatior. The Attorney replied in the Opinion of the Attorney General, October 6, 1415, as to whether this type of facility vias eligible for such a revanue ageeemen!, they are to be considered due to the socia" and en-lironmentai goals involved in their opera= tion. He .9lso stated we do not regard a proper industrial RESOLUTION NO. 7647 S PROPOSED! ASSESSMENT PR?JECi 514 - CREENTREE WEST AGOITION I tem 5-6 RESOLUTION 110, 76-478 PROMED ASSESSMENr PROJECT 521 - OLIVE LANE UTILITIES Item 514 RESOLUTION NO. 764479 SITTIN6 HFARINGW 0-ROPOSED ASSESSMENT PROJECT 603 - NAT14A0 LANE FROM 45TH49TH I t.5n 5-1 RESOLUTION NO, 76-480 SMYRUWAKIW4 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT W!r,l) ERAFICATION & DEST'RUP TION CHARGES Item SmL RESOLUTION NO. 76.481 aft[ A PROPOSED ASSESSMENT DELINQUENT SANITARY SEWER 6 WATER SERVICE CHARGES v, Item 5-J RESOLUTION NO. 76-482 ETT I NG 14EARI NG._ UIV - P ROPOS ED ASSESSMENT STREET LIGHTING Item 5- K UNION CIPY (MISSION, INC. REQUEST FOR INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BOND F I NANO. I NG Item 6 a Sptcfal Council luting August .'.3. 1976PaL12 revenue bend as beif,7 tinted with any risk to the: municipality except in v very gona-ral or broad way. Tf the very worst happened ard the a;ppl scant defaulted on the bonds. 'the City would not bt obli?lj&W in any wain and our bond ratiteg would not be affected iia any way. There followed a discussion on the i'mplicattons of tssuinq industrial revenue bonds for a non-prafit orjanIzotion and the precedent it would, set for the future, Mr. 14. J. Paul. olir-tctor of Union City fission, stated this bond issue was proposed grimarily because 'It opens up a much wider and open line of crtli t than ever before had been avail- able vait- able to them. 1t would imble theca to cut down the present trratment Costs ,11- 2 per dsy. which savings would be passed or to the taxpayte and it wculd mean a substantial addition to t4 staff -- some 24 additional persons. He replied to Council's questions about the financial ccidition of the Mission and their contract with 44nnegin tourtlr. Mr. Charles R. Gesnn, stated the Mission hid Keeping it in re%ervu security ars; reserves operate at a loss but Present indebtedness. regarding the costs of Treaisurer• of Union City Mission, Inc., a subst6ntiai amount of money at present. and selllr;g the bonds w4ll give them for the fu>.ure, He stated they do not on a cash flow basis and they had no Ile replied to Council's gi1estions the proposed building a0 equipment. Mr. Ingol P Hermann. 01pe r. Jaft'ray ,%nd Hopwood, replied to Council's questions a1iou : the viabil i tl of the proposed project. lie stated 1he marketplace would make the final decision about whether thol bonds can ,5e old of''. il"ayar Hi We summaria ld the Coune'11's conclusions statiog the fol lowing taa,ans for IFavor l ng the proSoct : l) it was a good welfare prrugra.i to hel:} solve a vert serious problem; 2) it wood brined cash into Hinnejota Prom the federalgoverment; 3', the Metropolitan Cot,mc l l might appreciate the fact that we show this Rine of cancoirn for a co,=jnity-wide problem. On the negat i ve side: 1) this pr'perty does not bring tax base Into our community and 2) this could be a ,precedent -setting action which would coaulit us in the future, Manager Willis stated i;wery case in the future n st be exan,ined Individually . MOTION was made by Mayor Hi lde, se :ended by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION 80, 76-M, A a CLOTION GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO A PROJECT JNDER THS' MIUM I C I PAL NOUSTR I AL DEVELOP. MENT ACT, REFERRING THE PROKISAL TO THE OERI—vM1NT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOR APPROV SIL. AND AUTH31131 NG C: ECUT ION OF A MEMCI•- RANOUM OF AGREEMLNT AN5 PtiEPARAT!ON Or hK i`aSARY DOCUMENTS. Motion carried on a RR11 Gill ioteh tm) ages. :our,:ilman Neils voted nay and Councilran Spatth abstained. RESOL04 4'04I NO. 76-483 AGREEMENT WITH UNION CITY MISSION. INC, & PREPARATION OF DOCUMENT FOR INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS Special Cou"acil Noting Auguat ?3. 4976 Page 213, WTION was must ;a by Mayor Kilde, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to direct staff to redrafts our policy ow, issuance of municipal industrial development bonds with res pec t ,;o non-profit corporatio;ns, particularly in developin%- criteria for the future so that we do not become a financial clearing houm notion carried, four oyez. Council recessed at 9:00 P.ftr and resumed at 9:15 Pall. MOTION was made by Councilman Noils, seconded by Councilman hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76484, A RESOLUTION APPRiVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT MEWAL FOR A HOME DEAUTV SHOP F01 CAROL A. 6ROMAN (A-367)4 Motion carried an a Roll Call vote. three ayes. Council - main Spaeth abstained. MOTION was made Oy CuuRc i Iran. H4nt , seconded by Caunc i loran Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-485, A RESOLUTION APPROVIK% CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT EXTENSION FGR TEMPORARY OFFICE STRUCTURE FOR DEVAC, INC. (A-216), Motion carried on a Roll Call vo c, four ayes. Saul !agal, 17915 Comstock Road, stated rhe felt they had met every condition imposed by the City in the preliminary plat for the proposed Cleanloch 3rd Addition and objected to the Pl,nnigg Commiss-lin's recommendation to deny since County Road 15 may neoe be developed and 8;.h Avenue North is designetcd as a collector on the Thoroughfare Guide Plan, not a thoroughfare, He replied to Councilman Hunt's questions aboue the inclusion of these lots in the density calculations of the original plat of the 1st and 2nd Additions by stating that these outlets had nothing to do with the total calcula- tion of the dens 4y in the project. He stated they had been holding the property for 8 years and paying taxes without being able to develop this land because of the County's intention t:, continve County Road 15. He felt the City's approval of the preliminary plat would force the County to take some action on this Croperty. C ; a f ford Fraser, 5617 29 the lst and 2nd Additions to reserve these outlots corridor. They retained Avenue North, stated were developed the Ci for the proposed Coun the outlots for future but have not been back sooner with development property because of the sltw development of the 213 - at the time ty required th .. , ty Road 15 development plans for the project. RESOLUTION NO, 76:484 APPARM7 CON51Tt USE PERMIT FOR THE ITEAUTY SHOP CAWL ®ROMAN (A-367) I told 7 RESOWT 0, N NO. 76E -4&A 40MV19 CNU USE PERMIT FIR TEMP. OFFICE STRUCYURE FOR VEVAC, INC. (A-216) GLE'ANLOCH 3RO ADDITIOd PRELIMINARY PLAT (A-176) I tens 9- A Special Council Fleeting August 23, 1916 Page 214 Planner Pillerud reviewed the Planning Camission's reasons for recotmendtng denial. First, Rouges on the east side of Pineview would have to be gradeddown to road level to ellow, for extension of Sth Averme North resulting in an unacceptable degree of slope. Second. If we arrive, at a way to W1116 County Road 15 and rectifyCondition #1, it would not be desirable to have 14 homes with individual or combined access onto a thoroughfare street.. The option would be to build a service road to service the%e 14 homes. Council diseussed various alternatives of providing access to the proposed lots and the regjirewnts of a developer in the case of developing land that has a thoroughfare running through it. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, 1) to refer the matter back to staff for research to ascertain what the initial fonw1a was for Gleanloch Acres and what part these outlots played in the uensity calculations; 2) in a very preliminary tray do ;some analysis of the possibilities of grading Lhe read and the prurperty so it would fit into our Thorogh£are Guide Plan with a view towards a road being bui't to elevation and base to meet our thoroughfare standards; and 3) discuss these alternotives with Hennepin ;:ounty and determine whether :t is arre reasonable to build a service road or a road that would become County Road 15 ultimately. Motion c,i rr ied, four a -,as . MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76-486 Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-486s A RESOLUTION APPROVING ATP' t0 li l i PRELIM NAR Y PLAT FOR "ADD I E' S WEDGEWOOD ACRES" FOR AMN PLAT FOR "ADD I E' S FARNAM A-679). WEDGEWOOD ACRES" ANN FARNAM (A-679) Motion carried on a atoll fail vote, four ayes. Item 94 MOTION was maw by %',ouncilman HuAt, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 75-487 Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 7b-481, A RESOLUTION RELEASING RIMA POR TEMPORARY EASEMENTS OVER THAT PORTION OF VACATED hEDICINE EASEME,iTS OVER VACATED LAKE BOULEVARD, PORTION E. MEDICINE AKE BLVD. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Item 10 NOTION •Yas rkide by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 16-488 Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-488, A RESOLUPION ORDERING: $DIRING LYWARTNG PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED VACATION OF EASE MEDICINE LAKE, PROPOSED VACATION OF BOULEVARD BETWEEN COUNTY ROAD X19 AND THE NMRTH LANE OF E. MEDICINE LAKL BLVD. MISSION RIDGE" SUBDIVISION. Item 10 Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ajes. MOTION -was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman RLSO UTION NO. Neils, to adopt RESOLUTrON NO. 76-489, A RESOLUTION APPROVING = APP1IWING FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT FOR "MISSION RIDGE THIRD FLAT DEVELOPMENT ADDITION" FOR MISSION WEST DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (A-336). CONTRACT MISSION RIDGE iAn anniTinru (A.1181 Special Council Meeting August 23, 1976 Page 215 MOTION was made by Councilman aunt, seconded by Councilman Ne'lls, to adopt RESOLUTION ND. 16.453, A RESOLUTION SETTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR "MISSION RIDGE THIRD ADDITION" FOR MISSION NEST DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION A-338) with the addition of Condition 2 requiring the vacated portion of fast Medicine Lake Boulevard to be brought back to its natural state. Motior carried on a Rall Call vote. four av€s. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded '*jy Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76491, A RESW.Pt:ON APPF,OVING FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT FOR "MISSION HILLS Pr%kK SECOND ADDITION" FOR MISSION WE;iT CORPORATION (A-330, Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Counci)sman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-4921, A RESOLUTION SETTING. CONO I T I ONS PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF F I HEAL P! AT FOR "MISSION HILLS PARK, SECOND ADDITION" FOR MISSION WEST DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (A-338) with the addition of Condition 3 requiring the vactted portion of East Medicine Lake Boulevard to be brought back to its natural state. MOTION TO AMEND was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, changing the name of Evergreen Lane to Balsam Lane where it intersects 37th Avenue and continued to 39th Avenue. Motion to amend carried. four ayes. Motion to adopt RESOLUT1014 NO. 76-492 as amended carried on a Ryall Call vote. Pour ayes. Harwood Heggen, 5027 Sheridan Avenue Nomth, requested Council to reconsider Condition #3 of Resolution No. 75-383 reducire, the width of Parcel A to 125 ft. Council discussed the lot sire implications of such a substitution. MOTION was made Ly Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 16-493. A RESOLUTION AFFINMING CONDITION #3 Of C31JNCIL RESOLUTION N0, 75-383 REQUIRING A 130 FT. WIDTH FOR PARCEL A. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote. four• abes. Nr. Heggen requested the City to remove some trees from his property that were knocked domain and piled up when the turn-. around was constructed in 1971. 215 - RESOLUTION NO. 76-490 SITTYWC FINAL PLAT "MISSION RIDGE 3RD ADDITION" A-338) Item 11-A RESOLUTION NO. 76-491 DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT MISSION 14ILLS (A-338) Item 11-8 RESOLU"TION NO. 76.492 SETTINri''CbR FINAL PLAT "MISSION HILLS PARK 2ND ADDITION A-333) Itpam 11-8 RESOLUTION Q. 76-433 A MRRIN0 N W L RESOLUTION NO. 75-383 LOT u I V I S.I ON REQUEST OF HARWOOD AEGGEN (A-624) Item 12 Special Council M'eet.ing August 23, 1976 Page 2.16 MOTIOR, was mode Sy Co%nP44an Spaeth, seconded by Councileyn Neils,v to adopt RESJl,.UTION NO, 76-194, A RE$GLWTION DEWVING SITE PLAN APPROVAL REQUEST OF JAMES REFRIGERATION FOR COIt- VERIENCE SHOPPING CE -Wo -'ER 4478). Moti,an carried on a Roll Call vete, four ayes. 0407IOR was made by Councilman Weils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to aOo;t RESOLUTION NO, 16-495, A RESOLUTION 0ENYIHG CONOIT:ONAL ISE 1'-"RMiT FOR LIQUOR STORE FOR JAMES RZTR1GERA71OM CO, (A-078). Mo,'.ton carried or a Roll Ca i 1 vote, four ages. R.TION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman F;unt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-496, A RESOLUTION DENYING in ONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FV4 PDQ GROCERY STORE FOR JAMES REFRIGERATI0,1 Co. Motion tarried on a R*1 Call vete, fo+a ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils„ seconaed by Councilman Aunt, to adopt RESOLIl7IOW ia;, io-497 , A RESOLUTION DENYING CONDITIONAL USE PERM1; FOR GAS PUMP14G OPERATION FOR ,FAME; REFRIGERATION CO. (A•679). M.Won carMied on a Roll Call votn,, !our ayes. MOTION was made by Couincilman Sweth, ,gecondel by Councilman Neils, to adopt RVSOLUTION NO. :6-49ti, A °1-"' IQIITIONDECLARING 40,iT TO BE ASSESS,'ED AND ORDERING PREDARATION C'F PROPC'•:EU A;t!1E»SMENT FOR 1'1505 COUNTY ROAD 6 LOT 1, BLriCX It HADLEY HE LS. Motion carried on a Roll Call vo .e . four, ayes.. MOTION was mvk by Councilman ;'Meth, seconded tiy Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-4'99, A RESOLU'[ION SPTTiNG NEARING FOR PROPOSEJ AaSESSMF^SVT fOR LOT I, BLOCK 1, NADLEY NII LS FOR S'sPTEMRER 27,, 197r,, Motion carrieJ on a Roll W1 vote, four aye•:. MOTION wars a!ade by Counri lean Spaeth, seconded by Courci lmari Hunt,, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 76-500,b A RESOLUTION APPRCIUING INSTALLATION (+ STOP SIGN ON 76TH AVENUE AND LVERGREEN LANE. Motion carried on a Roll Call vrte, four ayes. 216 -. RESOLUTION NO. 76- To N S7Tr VLU REQ01ST FJR CONVENIENCE SHOPPING CENTER JAMES REFRIGERA- TION C®. (A-678) iters 13 RESOLUT10 Ng, 76495 DENYINGCONDITIONAL USE PERM;T FOR LIQUOR STORE JAMES REFRIGERATH0 CO. A-6713; Item 13 RESQLUT ION,ttl. 76-496 E Al. E PERMIT FOR PUQ PRVERY SORE JAMES RFFRISERA- T10t4 CO. A-678) I to a 1.3 RESOLUTION NO, 76-497 BIRD tDNOTt UR USE PEPMIT FOR GM PUMPING OPERWON JAMES REF4 !;,ERAT I ON CO. A-678) Item 13 RESOLUTION NO. 76-498 OEC; GUST T 7' ASSESSED b ORDERING ASSESSMENT - 18505 C.R. 6, LOT 1, BLOCK 1 HA+DLEY HILLS Item 14 RCSOLUT i0N NO. 76-459 SETT,il INS-' PROPOSED ASSESSMENT LOT 1, BLOCK 1 NADLEY HILLS Item 14 RESOLUTION NO. 76-500 DW,0 NG 36TH AVE. & EVERGREEN Iten, 15 r nLA Special Council Meeting August 23. 1976 Page 217 MOTION was made by Councilma;a Runt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-501, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING rAYMEIT NO. 5 IN THE AMOUNT OF $339250.69 AND PAYMENT NO. 6 AND FINAL IN THE AMOUNT OF $59724.60 FOR PROJECT NO. 306. XENIUM ,LANE SOUTH OF RAILROAD TRACItS, TO BE HELD BY THE CITY TREASURER UNT.l DIRECTED dY THE CITY ATTORNEY TO MAKE FAYSENT. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. NOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION 30. 76-502, A RESOLUTION APPROVING DISBURSEMENTS FROM THE GENERAL FUND, CONSTRUCTION FUND, WATER F1:lib AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND TOTALLING $847,632.00 FOR THE PERIOD ENDW iULY 31, 1976. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, secor:ded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-503, A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING POLLING PLACES FOR THE 1076 STATE PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTIONS. Motion carried on a Roll "all voi,c : four ayes, Mayor Hilde adjourned the meeting at 10:30 P.M. C,i Loretta Garrity City Clerk W RESOLUTION NO. 76-501 APPROMORQUESTFR PAYMENT -PROJECT 306 XENIUM LANE SOI;TH OF R.R. TRACKS Item 16 RESOlLUTION "10, 15-502 APPROVING D i T6Uf( SWENTS FOR PERIOD ENDING JULY 31, 1976 I';em 17 RESOLUTION NO. 76-503 IES GN NG POLLING PLACES FOR THE 1976 PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTIONS Item 18 Y f A