HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 08-16-1976Page 1.98 iKuI Es RE6UUUt 60UNCI1. MEETING how t 16, 1876 A regular meeting. of the P'lyvauth City Council was called to o.*der by Mayor Nilde of 7:30 P,II. In the Council CharmNc n of the Public Works Building,,, 14900 Twenty third Avenue North. on August 16, 1976. PRESENT: Mayor Hirde. 03unc+lmeln Bunt and Neils, Manager Willis, Planner Oillerud, Engineer Goldberg and Administrative Assistant Kreager, ABSENT: Councilmen Seibold and' Spaeth. DLI MUTES MOTION ras made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman ffeils, to approve the minsites of the August 2 regular Council meetirq as submitted. Motion carried, three ayes, MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt. seconded by Councilman Nei -is, to approve the minutes of -the August 9 special Council meeting with the addition on page 191, paragraph 3, of the 1977 budget priorities as follows: 1977 Budget Priorities Trees narks Planning Fi re Public Works Po 1 i eel Storm Sewer A. Rilde Parks Storm Sewer Trees H. Hunt G. Neils J. Soaet.h Treses Pub] i c Wo Bks Packs Trues Er;,l . Finance Fire Parks Trees Planning Pl .inning Plarning Public Works rglice St:rm Assessing Bldg. Se+ler Insp. F Ire Fi ire Motion carried, three ayes, Admin. Pal ice M. Sei U,ol d Pa w•ks PI 4j, :'ni ng Police Bldg. Insp. Trees Fire MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST Zt 1976 I tern 4 MINUTES • SPECIA COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 9, 1976 Item 4 w Reqular Council Neettng Auqu5t lb, 1976 Page 199 POT1001 was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by founcilman Neils, W -approve the minutes of the Augvit 10 special Council meeting with the following corrections in :he last paragraph of page 194: strike the words after "created" and insert "by the number of po'ire officers and juvonile, officor-investigators insofar as maximizing our investig.rtive and case closure i.ict'vities:" ir,sert the words "at arlyrtime" afterter the word "IF". Motion carried, thr'ae ayes. P_El rr lOt- RE VEST. ANO. COMMUN iCAT 1N5 Jay Kamann, Computer Consultant, reviewed the ealuipment and capabilities of the Burroughs Corporation c VW14,er data p aces s i ng system recoamrended for acquisition and replied to Council's questions. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-437. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BURkOUGHS CORPORATION BIG I'3R AUTOMATIC DATA P1100.SSING EQUIPMEPIT IN THE AMOUNT OF $79,641. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. K14TES - SnECIAL COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 10, 1376 Item 4 RESOLUTION N0. 76-437 WQUT W OT BURA.OUGHS DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT Item S-A MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, SPEED LIMIT ON to accept staff's recommendation to retain the present speed CGrUNTY ROAD 10 limit on County Road 10. Item 5 -*8 Notion carried, three ayes, Council discussed other alternatives for making the road safer and Mayor Hilde stated traffic conditions on the lvad would be continually observed and reviewed again in the future. Ralph Junker, 5825 Jonquil Lane North, stated the _onditions on the robed were hazardous and he felt the nurnher of accidents reported it the traffic study might not ba accurate. He felt the speed limit must be lowered to make th-la road safe. NOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, econded by Councilman Neils, to direct staff to contact he.7nepin County specifinally about eastbound traffic to provide left turn lades at Hemlock and at the entrances to vwe•cial establ ishpents, lengthen the bypass lane on the north sine of 47 and County l+!ad 10, add striping for lane wirking and consider the addition of approach lanes at the principal ingress and egress streets for access to residential neighborhoods. Motion carried, three ayes, 1.99 - Regular Eavncil Meeting August 166 1976 Page, 200 Manager Willis reviiwed the agreement; aul.korizing the City to enter upon the Shenandoah 2nd Addition in ordor to under" take completion of the streets, MOTIM was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Couiwilman Neils, to allot RESOLUTION NO. 76436, X RESOLUTION APPROVING AGREEMENT W:i'H SHENANDOAH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Al'*HORIZING CITY 10 ENWO UPON SHEETS OF SHENApIW101, 2ND ADDITION TO COMPLETE IMPROVEMENTS. Mation ,tarried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. Mara Vas i l iou, President of the SP,enandesh Homeowners A.sse- clatior., reported on the sewer problem in the 2nd 0d:tiom and requested that determination be made on the responsibility for the repeir work to the sewers. She also requested that work on the streets be delayed until First Federal completed work on a drain tile system. Engineer Goldberq stated that the suer syste,.ns and streets in Shenandoah were private systemic and streets and althaigh the City approved them after their completion, we do not occept maintenance or liability for these systems and streets. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt. seconded by Courc i 1 man Neils, to dirtict staff to research the mattar izf liability for the sewer sy!.t4im in Slwnandoi& as early as possible to detentine whose reopons i bi l i ty it is and ctne back to Council &t. the next regular Coun:*il meeting. MOTION was Reade by Councilman Hunt, seconr,ed by Mayon Hilde, to adopt RE'SOLUTIOR NO. 76-439, A RESOLUT;ON RECEIVING PRE!,IMINARY REPORT AND ORDERING IMPROVEMEW FOR MISSION RIDGE SECOND AEDITI'ON STREET 06KTING. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, two ai,•es. Counc:l- maii Neils abstained, Mayor ' I de re sues ted that the item provi-Wing sanitary sewer and . .er service to Fountain lane be deferred untll the special Cuunci1 meeting on August 23. Council agreed. Councilman Hunt asked staff to report on the following at that time: I why is trunk cast separated from the rm,st of the cost; 2 were sewer or wa>ter area charges aver 1lected before; 3) is there ary chance Fountain Lang: r oulvl be connected from the south; 4) why were these lots no* included intia"lv in the SW sewer and water pruject; 5) how mach sa..ings were realized by delal-ing the improvement until this , ,nice? RES0 UTION NO, 76-438 H SHENANDOAH 1WENNERS ASSOC IAT I CiN (A • 206 ) item 6-91 RESOLUTION NO. 7(439 A GEAOPmtLam''RI ISR REPOkT-STREET L GH'iS MISSION RInGE 2ND ADD I T 10:1 Item 5-C UTILITIES FOR KREATZ HIGHVIEW ACRES - 18TH 8 FOUNTAIN LANE Item 5-D I Regular cftne i l *et frog August. 16, 1936, PA gr 201 NOTION was made by Coincilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76440 Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-4409 A RESOLUTION NO PARCH 7RES ESTABLISHING NO PARKING ZONES ON 19TH AVENJE NORTH AND 19TH AVE. N. & MEiVIRAC LANE, MERRIMAC LANE Item 5-E Not;on carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. M07104 was, node by Councilman Hunt seconded by Councilmaii ROND REDUCTION N#ila„ to cure -:t staff to come back with bond reduction for BELMAR INDUSTRIAL PARK Belmar Industrial Park Addition when the work is totally ADOITION - Item 5-F completed. Notion carried on a Roll Call vete, three ayes, Councilman Neils suggested that in the future the City might require a letter of credit or cash for clean-up work r.Ather than a perf'orsnance bond. MOTION was made by Councilman hunt, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76-447L heells, to adupt RESOLUTION NO. 76-441, A RES ILUTION APPROVING A r LANDSCAPE BOND RELEASE FOR NATHAN LANE ASSOCIATES BUILDING A BOND RELEASE FOR 1035 NATHAN LANE. NATHAN LANE ASSOC. BUILDING (A-604) Motion carried can a Roll Call vote, three ayes. Item 5-G MOTION was made 4 j Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76442 Neils, to adopt R SOLUT'ION NO, 76-442, A RESOLUTION UP96711 ^G LWOUFF ! APPROVING RELEASE OF LANDSCAPE BOND FOR P & G MOTORS FOR BOND RELEASE FOR WORK COMPLETED AT U310 HIGHWAY 55. P & G MOTORS (A-652) item 5-H Motion carried on e. Roll Call vote, three Ayes. MO'1ION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded 0 Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76"443 Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION N4. 76-443, A RESOLUTION APPROVING A ROVINS'iTPYC PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR AT THE PLACE. COMPLEX STORM AT THE PLACE COMFLEX SEWERS - PROJECT NO. 610, STORM SEWERS-PkOJECT 610 1 tem 51•'. Motion carried on a Roll Call voce, three ayes, MOTION was made by Councilman Bunt, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. ;ff,444 Nt i 1 s , to adopt RESOLD r I ON NO, 764441 A RESOLUTION APPROVINGTR6V1 N ANG!* bR_FER CHANGE ORDEW NO. 2 IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,860.00 TO NODLAND AT THE PLACE: C014PLEX ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR PROJcCT NO. 607, BASS LAKE AREA, STORM SEWERS Item 6 - I Motinn carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 16-445 Neils, to adapt RESOLUTION NO. 76-445, A RESOLUTION ORDERING PF1E RTNGMT lFcVAT— PRELIMINARY REPORT FOR SAVITARY SEWER AND WATER MAIM TRUNK REPORT -SANITARY SBIER FACILITtcS - UOWNTOW?I PLYMOUTH AREA, & WATER MAIN TRUNKS DOWNTOWN PLYMOUTH AREA Lotion carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. Item 5-J Requlor Council Ratting August 15. 1976 Page 202 Mayor Hilde requ es jd staff in develo-aing the prel inlinary report to: 1) work closely with Plymouth 4111s people in term of staging plan requirements and 'I, camunicate and IWen to 14eets of other property owners 1n this area. NOTION wis made by Lz4mcilman l0tra, secon4ed by Councilman Neilso to adept RESOLUTION P0. 76=-446. A RESOLUTION APPROVIKS CHANGE ORDER NO, 2 FOR 1916 STCTEiT IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS. Motion carried on a Roll Cal M YION was made by Councilman Neilsf, to a&,,1 RESOLUTION NO. PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT 21*732,31 TO CHICAGO BRIDGE a 402401. ELEVATED MATER TOWER. vote, three ayes. Hunt. seconded by Coun,sIlman 76-447, A RESOLUT10 AUTHORIZING NO. 14 IN THE AMOUNT OF IRON COMPANY FOR PROvECT NO. Motion carried on a Roll Call +rote, three ayes, MOTION was made by Councilman iNrnt, secoked by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76.448. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. 7 IN TH17 AMOUNT OF 35,218.97 TO ALEXANDER CONSTRUCTION COMPAllY FOR PROJECT NO. 504, ZACHARY LANE STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. MOTION was made by Councilmn Hunt. secondod by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION! NO. '5-449, A RESOLUTCON AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. 7 1:1 Till: AMOUNT OF 18,064.15 TO NODLAND ASSOCIATE'S, INC. FOR PROJECT NO. 514, GREENTREE WEST AOOITIN. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, three ales. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilmai Nei 1 s , to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 76-450, A RE WLUT ION AUT!IOR I Z I NG PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. 1 IN THE AMOUNT Or 58$,838,75 FOR PROJECTS 520, 12TH AND HARBOP LANE, 602, 3RD 8 QUEENSLAND LANE, 604, 14Th AND ZMZIBAR AMID 6091 REINHARD INDUSTRIAL PARK. Mot ion+ carried on a Rol l Cal 1 vote, the tie ayes . MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils. to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-451, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT N(`. 2 IN THE AMOUNT OF 506.962.38 1'0 NOOLAND ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR PROJECT NO. 607, BASS LADE AREA. Motion carrieu on a Roll Call vote, three Ayelc. f 202 - RESOLUTION NO. 76-446 APPROVtI TFRGrD. 1976 STREET IMPROVEMENT I te:n S- K RESOLUTION NO. 76-447 1 REQUEST _, FOR PAYMENT41ROJECT 402401 ELEVATED WATER %AVER -Item, 341 RESOLUTION N4. 76-448 A OV N f G PYAMFNT-PROJECT :$04 ZACHARY LANE STRECTS Item 5-L2 RESOLUTION NO. 76- ' M--APPROWA `t ZEST TU PAYMENT -PROJECT 514 GREENTREE WEST ADON. Item 543 RESO UT ION NO. 7.,-450 APPROVING REQUEST PAYMENT -PROJECTS 520- 12TH 8 HARBOR IANC 602-31110 8 QUEENSLAND 604 -14TH 8 ZANZIBAR 609-REINHARD INDUSTRIAL PARK Item 5-L4 RESOLUTION NO. 76-45.1 APROVINGTEST _i PAYMENT -PROJECT 607 BASS l AKE AREA Item 5-L5 Regular Council Netting August 16, 1976 Page 203 MOTION was made by Councilman Neal ls, seconded by Counc llman RE ;"LUT ION NO;. 76-452 Hunt. to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-452, A RESOLUTION WE Rt Uf.S"biF AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO, t IIS THE PA?MENT-MUNICIPAL AMOUNT OF 89.000.00 TO C,0. CARLSON A;R CONDITIONTSVG GARAGE BUILDING COMPANY FOR THEIR WORK ON THE EXHAUST `:YSTEM FOR THE PUBLIC EXHAUST SYSTEM WORKS BUILDING. Item 546 Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. INION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION -NO. 76-453 Nie i l s , to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 76-453. A RESC- TION AUTHORIZING APPRNING ARTASTF PAYMENT ON REQUEST IN THE AMOUNT OF 865,348.37 TO WARDRIVES4 PAYMENT -076 STREET INC. FOR THE 1976 STREFT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. IMPROVEMENT PRW ECT Item 5-17 1lotion carried on a RoIA Call vote, three ayes. MOTIOt1 was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman DECLARING COST 10 BE Hunt to adopt A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ASSESSED & ORDERING ORDER14NG PREPARAT[ON OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR 18505 COUNTY ASSESSMENT -18%.5 C.R.6 ROAD 61 LOT 1, BLOT K 1, HADLEY HILLS. LOT a, BLOCK 1, HADL.'Y HILLS SUBSTITUTE MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded Item 5-M by Councilman Hunt, to defer action on the previous question until the special Council meetino of August 23 and directing staff to report on t following at that tine.; 1) when 1,Jd they start paying wat ills; 2) why are they not paying lateral assessment bas, n new pipe; 1) Inas the parcel included in water area rhdrge at the time of the project. Mction carried, three aties. MOTION was made by Gnuncilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman ASSESSMENT -LOT 14, Neils, to defer action on the assessment of 152U olive Lane BLOCK 3. OAKWOOD for water gain until the special Council iieeticig of tiqusy. 23 MANOR ADDITION and nirectinq staff to research this parcel to detierminc 1520 OLIVE LANE which pro jer; they should be assessed on and to dry testi ne- item 5-14 if any interest is due on their wat^r bills. Motio , t:arrit ;1, three ayes. MU -'^"l was mc;tae by Councilman Hurt, seconded by Councilman RE:SOLUT ION NO. 76-454 Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-4511 A RESOLUTION DECLARING bf%L G M T Br CO;.T TO BE ASSE &11 AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PlOPOSED ASSESSED & ORU"RING ASSESS!=ENT FOR PkOJELoT hu. 306, XENIUM LANE SOUTH OF THE ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT RAILR^hD TRACKS. 3W XENIUM LN. SOUTH OF R.R. TRACKS Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes, item 5-0 MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Pourcilman kESOLUTION NO. 76-455 Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-455, A RESOLUTION DECLARING U NG C05 TO BE COST TO BE ASSESSED AND OROEPING PREPARATION OF 1'110k)[D SESSEO & 01100ING ASSESSMENT FOR CARLSON COMPANIES ADI.ITON PROJECT NO. 416. ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT 416 CARLSON Plotion carried on is Roll Call vote, three ayes. COMPAN44E` ADDITION Regular Council Meeting August 16, 1.976 Page 204 MOTION was made Ly Councilma, Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-4b6, A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPERIAL HILLS SIXTH ADDITION PROJECT N0, 417. Motion carried on a Roll Cali vote, three ayes. MOTION was mmcde by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Coulcilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-457, A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TU BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT PROJECTS NO. 502 MAPLEDELL AREA AND NO. 517 MAPLE CREEK ADDITION. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes,. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adept RESOLUTION NO. 76-4581 A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND JRDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT PROJECT NO. 505 SCHMIDT LAKE IMPROV01F14TS. Motion carried on a Poll Call vete, three ayes.. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, secanded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO 76-459, A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSEre AND ORDERING PREPARTION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT NO. 514 GREENTREF WEST ADDITION. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt. RESOLUTION NO. 76-460, A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT NO. 521 OLIVE LANE UTILITIES. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. I40TION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-461, A RESOLUTION DECLARING COSI' TO BE ASSESSED ANU ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT NO. 603 NATHAN LANE STREET FROM 41;TA TO 49TH AVENUE. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, tnree ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neil:, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-462, A RESOLUTION DECLAKING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARAT'siN OF ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT NO. 415 - 21ST AND KILMFR LANE, httloi carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. 204 - RESOLUTION NO. 76- 411' DECLARING Mr TUBE ASSESSED & ORDERING ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT 417 -IMPERIAL HIILS 6TH ADDITION I to n 5-0 RESOLUTION NO. 76-451_ EI. R IG COS'— TTWE ASSESSED & ORDERING ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT 502-MAPLEDELL & PROJECT 517 -MAPLE CREEK ADDITION Item 5-0 RESOLUTION NO. 76-456 EbCLARNGCO§f T6 BE ASSESSED & ORDERING ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT 505-SCHMIDT LAKE IMPROVEMENTS Item 5-0 RESOLUTION NO. 76-459 ASSESSED & ORDERING ASSESSMENT FOR PROJFCT 614-GREENTR WEST AUDITION Item 5-0 RESOLUTION NO. 76-460 DECLARING ASSESSED & ORDER13G ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT 521 -OLIVE LANE UTILITIES Item 5-0 RESOLUTION NO. 76-461 MCLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED & ORDERING ASSESSMENT FOR FIROJECi 603 -NATHAN LN. STREET FROM 45TH TO 49TH AVE. Iteir. 5-0 RESOLUTION NO. 76-462 DMARING CO 'T0 BE ASSESSED & ORDERING ASSESSMENT FOR PRO- JECT 415 -21ST & KILMER LANE Item 5-0 I' P.egular Council Meeting August 16, 1976 Page 205 MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION N0, 76-462A, A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED ANC ORI)rRING PREPARATION OF PROPCSED ASSESSMENT FOR DELINQUENT SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CHARGES b DELINQUENT WATER SERVICE CHARGES. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes, MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. '6-4628, A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION Of PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR WEED ERADICATION AND DESTRUCTION CHARGES. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-462C, A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FUR STREET LIGHTING. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Manager Willis reviewed Mr. Kreager's shade tree disease control program for Mr. Kreager stated this program would us set up a larger program next year. reconvendations for the the duration of 1976. be a prototype to help There was a lengthy discussion of the most economical and efficient methads of removing the City's diseased trees utilizing City crews and private contractors. Council questioned Vern Peterson about the time element involved in felling the trees versus hauling them away and the labor costs involved in each phase of the operation, Mr. Peterson replied 40% of the time involved would be required for felling and cutting ua the tree and 60% for hauling it away. However, the cost for hauling would be greater than 60% of the total costs. Councilman Hunt suggested using private contractors for felling a;id cutting the trees and City crews for hauling. Manager Willis replied the budget eid not permit a large enough staff' to accompi tsh a pick-up operation such as this, Ther -e was further disclission of the possibility of bulldozing trees and cutting them on the ground, establishing burn sites throughout the City and the implications of felling trees now and leaving them to be hauled away in the winter. OTIPN% was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Ccluncilman K,,ils, to place the highest priority on removal in parks where tt,ere is a predominance of elms with no ether varities of trees in t.;e area. 205 - C RESOLUTION NO. 76-462A DECLARING COST TO Bst ASSESSED S ORDERING ASSESSMENT FOR SAN. SEWER b DELINQUENT WATER SERVICE CHARGES Item 5-0 RESOLUTION NO. 76-4626 DC iF}jcSfBF - ASSESSED b ORDERING ASSESSMENT FOR WEED ERADICATION 6 DESTRUC. Item 5-0 RESOLUTION NO. 76-462C DE-CIARTNG -COST TO BE ASSESSED & ORDERING ASSESSMENT FOR STREET LIGHTING Item 5-0 1976 SHADE TREE DISEASE CONTROL PROGRAM Item 6-B Regular Council Meeting August 16, 1976 age 206 MotW carried, three ayes. Mayor Hilte questioned what amount was deV9nated in the 1976 budget for tree removal. Manager Willis replied to carry out the proposed program in 1976 an additional $10,000 Mould be needed over the amount budgeted and the amount expected from the state. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to put the highest priority for the balance of 1976 on cutting and piling of diseased elms and oaks and schedule the disposal to take place before the emergence of the beetle in the spring of 1977 and a cor,o:entrated effort be made to clean up prior to spring blossom next year due to the fact that trees and parks have the highest priority on our budget. Motion carried, throe ayes. Ther* was a discussion of clear -cutting elms and oaks from City property . Ce-Jici lean Hunt opposed this completely. MOTION was made by Mayor hilde, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to only do clear -cutting in rare cases that are discussed with the Council beforehand. Motion carried, lMree ayes. MOTION was Trade by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to give priority to tree removal in our parks ahead of street rights-of-way. Motion carried, three ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councliman Neils, to include in the written specifications to general contractors a general statement that precautions to be taken to minimize damage to other species of trees shall be based on their values. Motion carried, three ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76-463 Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-463, A RESCLUTIO,N AUTHORIZING APPROPRIATION OF FUMS THE APPROPRIATION OF $10,000 FROM THE GENERAL. FUND SURPLUS FOR FOR 1976 SHADE°TREE THE SHAijE TREE DISEASE CONTROL PROGRAM OF 1976. DISEASE CONTROL PROGRAM Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, secone.ed by Councilman RESOLI;TION NO. Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-464, A 'RESOLUTION APPROVING 76-491 MT NG ELECTION JUDGES FO: THE PRIMARY ELECTION ON SEPTEMBER 14,LLCITON JUDGES FO 1976 AS SUBMITTED WITH ONE EXCEPTION AS FOLLOWS: STRIKE PRIMARY ELECTION ELDORA BIERWIRTH FROM PRECINCT NO. 2 IN CONSIDERATION OF 9/14/76 Item 6-C 2C6- 1 kegular Council Meeting August 16. 1376 t -age 207 OF REQUEST FROM DAPIEL PETERSON. CHAIRMAN OF HENNcPIN- ANOKA COUNTY REPUBLICAN COWTTEE, ON OCTOBER 31. 1974 UNDER MINNESOTA ELECTION LAW, CHAPTER 203.21. AND SUBSTITUTING DORIS MELLEN AND APPOINTING KAY TART CHAIRMAN. Motion carried on a Roll Lill vote, three ayes. LICENSES MOTION was made by Councilman Mun'b seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTSO: W. 764654 A RESOLUTION APPROVING SMALL DISPOSAL SYSTEM LICENSE FOR HEINS PLUMBING AND SONS, HOUSER CORPORATION AND D. SHORE AND SONS FOR A PERIOD TO EXPIRE APRIL 309 1977. Notion carried on a Roll Cavil vote, three ayes. MISCE11ANEOU:S Administrative Assistant Kreager invited the Council to attend the PCA hearing on August 24 to support our request for a burning permit. Mayor Hilde adjourned the meeting at 9:55 P.M. Loretta Garrity City Clerk 207 ,. RESOLUTION NO. 76-465 AWMIra NRIE DISPOSAL SYSTEM LICENSES Item 7-A