HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 08-02-1976Page 183 MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL NFEETING August. 2, 1976 A regular meeting of the. Plymouth City Council was called to order by Mayor Hilde at 7:35 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Public works Building, 14900 Twenty-third Avenue North, on August 2, 1976. PRESENT: Mayor Hilde, Councilmen Hunt, Neils, Associate Panner Milt Dale, Engineer Kreager and Attorney Lefler, ASSENT: None M N UTES Seibold and Spaeth, Manager Willis, Goldberg, Administrative Assistant M13TION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to approve the minutes of the July 26 regular Council meeting as sub- mitted. Motion carried, five ayes, PV I T10NS , RE%U ESTS AND COMMUN ICATI =1NS Associate Planner Milt Dale revier4ed the Plonning Comrissior's reromeendations for site plan ar-i conditional use permits for James Refrigeration Company for a neighborhood convenience shcpping center at Merrimac Lane and State Highway 101, Charles James, petitioner, showed photos of the site and reviewed plans for development of the site. He rlaimed the Planning Com- mission's recom erdations regarding an 8-1G ft, berm and 100 ft. setbacks were unr*alistic and also claip*d the aLcass to Highway 101 was necessary for a convenience -type shopping cenior. He des;,t1 ibei in detail the proposed gas pump which the CoLvniss;on recommenced to deny. Jame% Shelton, PINS administrates, replied to Council's q,cstions, stating the hours of the PDQ store would be 7:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. Council discussed the problems peculiar to the site, the need for another grocery stare in the area and possible traffic problems which the development might generate. Ma.4tin Grier, 2010 Olive Lane, questioned the need for a convenience shopping center an this site since there was a convenience shopping centev- on highways 101 and 55 serving the northern end of 101 and Colonial Square on Highways 101 and 12 serving the southern end of 101. He also questioned the need for four access points since Super Valu has only two and Colonial Square has only three. 183 - MI MUTES COUNCIL JULY 26, Item 4 REGULAR MEETING 1976 SITE PLAN AND CONDMONAL USE PERMIT JAMES REFRIGERATION CO. A-678 Item 5-B I r Regular Council Meeting August 2. 1976 Page 184 Bruce 11agberg, 1910 Olive Lane, opposed the development of this type of business in the area because of the .amount of traffic it would generate and the parking proble& it would create and objected to a gasoline pump and d liquor 101:ore in a residential area. Mr. R. McCann, 1911 Olive Lane, stated tte-ere was adequate con- venience shopping in the area now and sto v.s maintaining late hours were not suitable in a residential triea. He apposed the pro:.±ect. Councilman Hunt stated this has been a difficult piece of land to develop because of the high line wires a,nd many pivjects have turned down because of traiff : generation they would cause for the neighborhord. He felt this particular proposal would violate more conditi,ens than any of the past proposals have done. NOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, secondtil by Councilman Seibold, to direct staff to prepare a resolution denying approval of site plan for James Refriqeration Comparqy for a neighborhood convenience shopping center for the followinq reasons: 1) front or rear yard does not meet 50 ft. setback requirement and Council would not waivc-r setback variance across from a residential zone: 2) excessive driveways create traffic hazards; and 3) although this is zoned B-3 it is adjacent to a residential area on the west and the hours that the establishments would; keep and traffic they would generate are a violation of those reps idents' rights to a residential type of existence. tion carried, five ayes. MOTION was nade by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to direct staff to prey-vre a resolution desRVing approval of conditional use perms for liquor store, P:IQ grocery store and gas pumping operation for James Refrigeratio-M for the following r:!asons: 1) uses proposed are not compatible with Land Use ;wide Plan, 2.) uses proposed would create traffic loads that Merrimac Line was sic t i nteaded to handle; and 3) the uses proposed reg0 re a myriad of var'nois fMom the zoning oIdinunce. Motion carried, five ayes. Aisociate Planner Milt Dale stated since Litton Industries had acquired the .08 acre excer.tion (single -,.roily dwelling) they requested approval of the entire 35.32 acre site. MOTION wbs made by Mayor Hilde, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-416, EXPANSION FOR LIWON INDUSTRIES A-527)0 seconded by Councilman ',aeths A RESOLUTION APPROVING SITL ^!Af AT COUNTY ROAD 6 AND XENIUM LANE Motion carried on a Roil Call vote, five ayes. 104 - RESO! UT ION NO. ?E-416 WIRISGSISP A EXPANSION - LITTON NDUSTRIES (A-521) I ten+ F -C Regular Count l Meeting August 2. 1976 Page 185 MOTION was made by Councilman Seftold, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTIONI NO. 4 417. A AESILU'TION APPR3VING LOT DIVISION/CONSOLIDATION FOR LITTON INDUSTRIES (A-527'; FCR PLAT 44297, PARCELS 30509 6000 AND 9000 ARD PLAT 43727, PARCEL 7525. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. C'ouncil'man Neils questioned the Engineer -aihether it was ttm for the development of the proposed pond on the Litton site dnd whether the pond met the requirements of the expanded site. Engineer Goldberg replied that Condition 1 of the resomution oequires that no building permits be issued until the ponding area is incorporated. Councilman Spaeth questioned whether adelgrrate drainage could be pr`iwided an the west side of the freeway it the pond was eliminated. ons il ting Engineer Olson replied it wot, l d complicate the design. The Litton pond was designed to store water on the east side of the frerywq and it would take substanticil revisions to take storago, from the east side to the west side. Manager Willis reviewed request for approval of concept plan for RPUD 76-2 "Pigtail Alley" for Roger Fazendin and Don Hugtad. Dan Fazeodin reviewed plans for the development which proposes 16 new dwellings at the east end of Hadley Lake which would be single- family homes at 1.55 units per acre. Fe claimed the reason for the RPUD was not density but to allow smaller side rind bask ycrd requlriments. The units would range frorr $80.000 to $100,000 in cost. Councilman Spaeth questioned how they ::ould be designated as single family units since some of the ouildings had two units in one building. Mr. Fazendin replied they would be owned as single family units and there would be five double units and six single detached units in the develi)prrent. Councilman Seibold made reference to cur toning ordinance which t 1 tes two requirements for waiving the. 40 -acre RPO requirement: 1) unusual features of property i tsel t' or the surrounding neig,11- borhood and 2) property adjoins property that has been develcped under provisions of Wis section and J ll contribute to the amenities; of this provision. Councilman Seibold fel; the propwpol development did not meet these require.m+ents and the property co iid be developed under normal zoning ordinances. Councilman Spaeth felt the development was not compatibl, with the surrounding r;eighborhood. Councilman Nails stated that the intent of the ordinance for waiving the 40 -acre requirement is not ':o grant an RPUD permit 85 - RESOLUTION NO. 76-417 6.NaOT UTV=h/ CONSOLIDATION FOR LITTON INDUSTRIES A-527) Item 5-C RPUD 76-2 CONCEPT PIGTAIL ALLEY" A-522) Item 5-C PLAN Regular Council Feting August 2, 1976, Page 186, to preserve site features !hat would enharce the dev0opment, but rather to preserve sits, features that mould enhance the entir+et neighborhood. He questioned whether preserving the woods in this instance woul,l be for the beliefit of the devflop- mene rather than the benefit, of the surrou•rdinq neighborhiod. Council discussed the two existing homes ora the property and how much land would be left if they were deletedfr^om the RPOO, They also questioned the flow of 0v sewage plan and tra•cfic circula- tion in the area. Don Hustad, mhitoct, rept sect to Council's Yves ti ons . lia;for Hilde stAted he felt the RPU\N corn:ept woul enable the site to be preserved, instead of havinAj vomecr<,e n4xirilze the use of the pn)perty under the zoning ordinance %trA toaring down the trees. Councilman Hunt questioned whether the develcApr;r could guarantee the, 70 percent prie-sales required in v -der, to (let financing for an RRVO development. Nmi 1 discussed the feasibility of su%'.h a s;,all homeowners association and the lack of expansion putentli-.0 in a development such as this located at the end of a resident-ial neighborhood, roger Fazendin rprol ied to Ccriincil's quest *cies . Dan Fazendin recluetted Council to defer a vote on the lt,sue until they had the opportunity to personally view tl Q site and visualize the proposed concept rather than the normal type of development. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman RXSOLUTION NO. 76-418 Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 16-418, A RESOLUTION DENYING F"N IN5LSD 67 RPUD 116-2 CONCEPT PLAN "PIGTAIL ALLEY" POR ROGER FAZEN.DIN AND CONCEPT PLAN DON] HUSTAD (A-522). "PIGTAIL ALLEY" (A-522) Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. kayor Hilde ane Councilman Neils voted nay. Manager Willis reviewed the agreement between the City, First SHENANDOAH 2ND ADDITION Federal Savings and Loan Association, Quality Homes and .tern 6-8 Shenandoah Development Corporation for completing the work which remains in the Shenandoah Second Addition, Attorney Lefler stated the agreement calls for the ent;i-e amount to be repaid at the time the first bui`dinq pen7dt is appi i.ed for. Council discussed the terms of the agreement and the work to be completed and questioned Maria Vasiliou, president of Shenandoah Homeowners Association. MOTION wa3 made by Mayon Hilde, seconded by Councilman Spa:1th, RESOLUTION NO. 16 - to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 16-419, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING T'lm= 479_1G' E ME T T 1T-. MAYOR AND MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH SHENANDOAH WNANDOAH DEVELOP- D%VELOPMENT CGRPORATION, QUALITY HOMES AND FIRST FEDERAL MENT CORP., FIRST SAV''NGS d LOAN ASSOCIATION OF MINNEAPOLIS TO COMPLETE CERTAIN FEDERAL SAVINGS 8 IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE SHENANDOAH SECOND ADDITION. QUALITY HONES Rrlgular, Council 14teting August 2, 1976 Page 187 Mat+ori carried on a Roll Call vote. five ares.. 1071,04 was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTYON An. 76-4209 A RESOLLMON ORDERING PLANS ,AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE COMPLETION OF WORK IN SHENANDOAH SECOND AD®ITION9 Notion carried an a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth. seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 76-4216 A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PUMIT RENEWAL FOR, RYDER 'TRUCK RENTAL, INC. TO OPERATE TRUCK RENTAL BUSINESS AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF ANNAPOLIS LANE AND HI GW.AY 55 (A-618 )-. Motion carried on a Roll Call v,;)te, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Soit*10,, ieconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 71'4'1-422, A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING CUNTINU4 MAINTENANCE OF SANITAP: OEWER, WATER MAIN -AND STORM. SEWER CORSTRUCTION WITHIN THE F12ENDIN PARK STH ADDITION. Rt,)tion carried on a Roll Call vete, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-423, A RESOLUTION DECLARING ADEQUACY OF PETITION AND ORDERIPI(IG PREPARATION OF kEPORT FOR 36TH AVENUE - MISSION RIDGE 2ND ADDITInN. Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ages. Councilman Spaeth abstained. Council question -:I Peter Pfiaum as to when the paving of 30th Avenue North would be comyletea. west of Lot 17. Hey rep iefl it would be pavad at the time 1'iutlot A was developed. W ION was made by Councilman hunt, seconded by Councilman Wbold. to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-4241 A RESOL.UTION ACCEPTING PRELIMI[BAR{ REPORT AND ORDERING 1MPHOVEMENT - STREET LIGH IND FERNDALE NORTH ADDITION, Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, Four ayes. Councilren Neils abstained. Coun4il recessQd from 10:00 PX to 10:10 P.M. Ccuncilman Hunt loft the melatinq. Consulting Engineer Olson presented alternatives for the relo- cation of Larch Lane. He requested approval for the plars .snd specifications for the north half of larch Lane because this portion must be graded this year to connect to the Bass lake Improvenvnt Project. He r qcowiended that the entire prc•Ject 187 - RESOLUT 6914 NO, 76-420 ORMIN9 PiAW IN—SPIECS, SHENAND014i 21%) ADDITION RES©LUTI IN PICC. 76-421 RRDER TRL CK RENTAL, INC. A-613) Item 5-A RESOLUT100 140. 76-422 CCtFPT NG 'lAf l TIES FAIENIIIN PARK STH ADON. Item S -r. RESOLUTION NO. 76-423 VCEMNG-1' 10-N—&- ORDERING REPORT 36TH AVENUE ., MISSION RIDGE 2ND ADDITION Item 5-17 RESOLUTION NO. 76-423 R. t P L ilk REPORT - F'ERNDALE NORTH STREET LIGHTING Item S -G PLANS ,AND SPECS LARCH LANE -PROJECT 612 Item 5 -H -A Regular Counctl 11r,.eting August 29 1976 Mage 188 be cut in half and shortened from 455th Aveoue to the Soo Line tracks allowing that portion to be graded this fall and giving Council time to study the rival ignaeint of the other half of Larch Lame. EMOTION was rode by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by CowicilmAn RE'SOLUfIOY NO. 76«4''6 Neils, to adopt RESOLUTIO'.t NO. 76-425, A RESOLUTION JPPROVING APPROVIMG y YPTCS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIO14S AND ORINRIAG ADVERTISEMENt "Gh BIDS ORDERING IRPROVEMENT FOR STREET GRADING AND -BASE FROM 45TH AVENUE NORTH Tei ThT SOO NORTH HhF LARCH LANE LINE RAILROAD TRACKS FOR, FRIDAY, SEI?'EMBER 3, 1976 A'„ 10:1.0 A.M. Motion carried an a Roll fall vete. four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Ctanci lman RESOLUTION NO. 76-426 Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 764269 A RESOLUTION ,( HOR i CWNIENRA ION AUTHORIZING CONDEMNATION PROCEFPINI;S FOR PROJECT NO. 116 iRUCEEDINGS-PINETREE PINETREE POND STORM SEWER PROJECT. PMO - PROJECC 116 Item 5-1 Kotion carried on a Roll Call vo*e, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Stibold. seconded by Councilmar. RESOLUTION NO. 76-4?7 Neils, to adopt RESWITION NO. 76-427, A NESOLUTIDA APPROVING APPROVIE C ANGE R - CHANGE O``nrR NO. 3 IN THE AMOUPIT OF $49328.53 TO BER'GLUND- PROJECT 30e: WATER JOHNSON, ik+C. FOR PROJECT NO. 302 WAT R TREATMENT PLANT. TREATME T PLANT Item 5 -J -A Kition carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. I"O'i ION was made by Counc i lnAn Spaeth, seconded by Councilman RESOLUT IOA NO. 76-428 Oibold, to adopt RESOLUTION HO. 76-428. A RESOLUTION APPROVING A O dRUR C LINGF ORDER NO. 5 IN THE AMOkkNT OF $3,839.00 TO BARBAROSSA S PROJECT 416-CARLSON SONS, W. FOR PROJECT NO. 4166 CARLSON COMPANIES ADDITION. COMPANIES AUDITION Item 5 -J -B Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded bV Cc;inellnsn RESOLUTION NO. 76-429 Se-ibold, to Adopt RESOLUTION NV. 76-429, A RESOLUTION APROVI NG REQUEST TOR AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. E AND F'iNAL PAYMENT-PRWECT 416 IN THE AMOUNT OF $104$895.71 TO BAR8AROSSA $ SONS, INC. FOR CARLSON COiMPANIES ADI A. PROJECT NO. 416 CARSON CC%4PANIES ADDITION. Item 5-K Motion carried nn a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaetn, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76-430 Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-430, A RESOLU"ION ORDERING DDkt l'C'AbV TSE E1 ADVERTISEMENT FOR b!DS FOR FRIDAY, AUuUST 20, 15176, AT 11:00 A.M. FOR RIDS -SANITARY SEWERS FIR PROJECT NO. 607, BASS LATE ARTA, N0, 604, 14-TH AVENUE 8 PROJECTS 607, 6440 602 ZANZIBAR LANE, NO. 602, 3RD & QUEENSLAND AND N0, 609, REINHARD A,N9 609 INDUSTRIAL PARK, I Cem 5-L Mot'iori carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Regular Council Keet.ing August 2, 1976 Page 189 MOTION was made i v Counc+ lifari Neils, seconded by Cminci linin Seibold. to adopt QESOLUTION W 76.431, A RESOLUTION REQUESTM REACTIVATIMN Of THE CONSTRUCTION FUND.. Motion carried an a Roll Call vote, four ayes. RESOLUTION NO. 76.431 AE tCTl :1r N CONSTRUCTION FUND Item S-iM REr4.)RTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Manager Willis presented a proposed Shade Tree Disease Control SHADE TREE DISEASE Program and Council discussed the program at length. CONTROL PAOGRAK Item 6-A Mayor Hike suggested the following changes to the program to ttempt to accomplish the job and stay within budget limita- tions: 1) delay a reforestation project; 2) when possible, knack the trees over with a bulldozer and burn them on the spot to minimize costly pick-up and hauling costs whenever volume., safety and pollution requirements can he met; and 3) utilize City crews mainly for hauling, and disposing of trees and maintenance and hive the bulk of the work contrzcteA out. Aministra'tive Assistant Kreager stated the cost of the disposal is based on taking trees to the City's burn site. The cost would increase tPy 25 percent If they had to be brought to a landfill. Councilman Seibold questioned hoer mush trre removal this year. Administrative replied $12,000 to $15,000. mo+7ey has beer-, s Pent on Assistant Kreagr%r Councilman Neils stated we were financially not in a position Vg, start a reforestalior. or preventive treatment acid trimming grogram, but our first priority should be to catch up with the removal of dead trees. Councilman Seibold stated the ''ity staff should be kept as lean as possib e and the bulk of the work should be contracted out. He suggested the money available in the budget should determine the amount of work to be done each year. There was further discussion on be allocated for the program and barn sites at various locations hauling. the amount of funds that should the possibility of acquiring throughout the City to minimize Mayor Hi1de directed the staff to worK out a specific prograw res3onding %o the Council's directions. Mayor Hilda adjourned the meeting at 11:15 P.M. A,c D Loretta rarri ty c` City C1erK