HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 07-12-1976 SpecialPage 16.1 A special meeting of at 7:40 P.M. in the third Aveotx North, MINUTES SPECIAL COUNC4 MEETING July 12, `1976 the Plymouth City Coungi` was c311ed to order by Mayor Hilde Council Chambers of the W is Works Guilding, 14900 Twenty - on July 12, 1976. PRESENT: Mayor 1 i'deg Councilmen Neils, Seibold and Spaeth, Manager Willis, Plannr,r Qillerud, Engineer Goldberg, ft-inistrative Assistant Kreager and Attorney Lefler, ABSENT: MINUTES Councilman Hunt. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded .by Councilmcf Seibold„ to approve the minutes of the June 28 special Coj.ncil meeting with the following Addition on page 15.8, paragraph 4, it al,d the cousensus was that the initial de,Nnd5 were offens"ve and out of tine." Motion carried, three ayes. PURL I L HEARING Coun,ilman Neils abstained. Manager Willis reviewed the proposed storm sewer improvement for Lancaster Lone (At the Place Apartireots) Project No, 610 and the puirpose of the meeting. fq isulting Engineer Olson briefly reviewed the proposes prt, ke.-t. James Rile , 735 First Avenue, kk i CcOa Heights, part-owner ofeasons North and Four Sepsons Estates, opposed the improvement, He felt any water necessary to he taken off the property The !dace owns shoulc' be a privdt:e-type development rather ,han asse_ed to adjacent property. He felt it was not i e i r for property to the s(.uth of The Place to pay for a pthojpc+; that will benefit their p7"nperty only. He questiov°d ahy the storm sewer was not put in at the same time The Place was tmnstructed. Maavor Hi 1 de expl a inad there has been d cans i s t of t po'l i c), to consider Goth prope,•ty, producing the water, and proper j vec:ei vi ng the water in det(.rmi n i ng tenefi t i n the case p f storm sewer improvemnts. ;iR also stated this, City usually does not Put in sewers unv i 1 the pro t Et t, is % Dcled . Counci lime Neils stated if the Four Sea5cins i.:;1 tates were c;onstrw;ted today, as opposed to a"ght 1,eiorc op, the pro,jjfg;i, would have requiro4l pipee arainage fro,, +ile; ri;lny tqx;, ti - lel- MINUTES CGJNCIL JUNE 28, Item 4 SPECI A''- MEETING 1976 PUBLIC HEARIN.: PRO•'ECT W. 610 LAWASTER LA04E STOM SEWER Item 5 IT Special Councti Meeting July 12 1-976, Page 160 into storm sewer on Lancaster Lane. Because it was not Igne'in the first place, it must be done now. Rr. Riley stated he believed' his propgrty had formally been assessed for storm sewer and asked if he could be assessed again. Mayor Hilde replied that property in a stonn sewer district can be assessed each time the district is enlarged. MOTION was made b ,Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RISOLUTION NO. 76-3fs1, A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLAN'3* FOR LANCASTER LANE STORM SEWER I'MPROV'EMENT PROJECT N0, 610. Motion carried on a Roll fall vote, four ayes. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COhMUNICATIONS 11 1 Mayor Hilde reviewed the steps tt;at have,been taken up to the present in the. develpoment off' Downtown Plymouth as follows: 1) Decision by Planning Cckwission and Council several years ago to develop a talatded community with a variety of land uses and includ+: in this plan a Downtown Plymouth area, which the Guide Plan shows to be in the central part of Plymouth. PlaLt for'Downtown Plymouth shall include watgr, storm sewer,: sa iitary sewer, and roads, as well as land use and park plans, joined in a comprehensive way in relation to one another. 2) Decision to approach the voters sometime in the near future with the proposition that we build our own city hall. 3) A proposition that we build more parks in the community, including a central park located in Downtown Plymouth as part of the public portion of that area. 4) A post office for Plymouth will also be included in this pul,lis urea. 5) Now we are at the point of a general development plan submitted by private interests, developers of the commercial area in Downtown Plymouth. Frank Larsen, Plymouth Hi'ls Company, presented to Council in detail the General Development Plan proposed for the commercial area of Downtown Plymouth, including a recreation center with a theater and several restaurants, a medical center and several hanks proposed for the first stage of development. Dan Fazendin, Plymouth Hills Company, described the plans for housing in the General Development, Plan. They proposed con- structing a ;total of 810.900 units throughout the residential area, inclut-169 town douses in the: northern portion of the plat separated by a natural trail system from higher density housing including garden apartments, with a maximum density of 16 units por acre, and a towee with 100-125 unite for elderly G RESOLUTION N0. 76-351, ORDERING I OVE EN AND F' ANS LANCO.STER LAA STORM SEWER Project 61C . PLYMOUTH HILLS" GENERAL CEVELOPMENT.PLAN (A-675) DOWNTOWN PLYMOUTH Item 6-A C I 1 li I 1 Speoi,41 Council Meeting Julf' 12, 1976 Pa c 163 10,'Using. He proposed a second tower for Elderly housing at a future date. 4 PlannerDillerud presented the staff's $end the Plai.ining Com - mission's positions on the General Development Plan, The ostaff indicated that, based on the Lanf! Use Guide Plan and previous work done by ,the Councii, the plans are, in' the basic sense, in the right direction. He noted -,it might b q wise t' A have'the dwelling units on the north;rn fringe of the project developed similar to the adjoining LA -1 guiding. T)e.,Planning Commi ss i on has csked that a 11 11 vi ng areas be treated gas- a Residential Plan's.ed Unit'Devzlopment in Concept Plan and Preliminary Plat form so they could assign housing unit styles at once instead of coming back with each section at a time. They requested that the plan be a good deal more. specific in assignment of living types related to the Land Use Guide Plan and that the area along County Road 9 would remain an LA6?2 ty,o development in the future. They had very little objection to the balance of the units as long is the number of'dwelling units does not go over the Number proposed. The Planning Com- mission recommended that the General Developrcxnt Plan be approved s4bject to reanalysis at the time- A the market analysis and traffic study are completed, at which time final action could be taken on portions of the zoning and the plat. A lengthy discussion of the General,Development Plan followed in which Council discussed the following: 1) variation of the use in the plan from that pr000sed in the Lan1 Use Guide Plan; 2) the necessity for a traffic study and the needlessness of a. market analysis, since it would probably be undertaken by any developer planning a large project; 3) letting future develop- ment determine the size of the area proposed for a commercial shopping center; 4) the possibility of a department store being located in the shopping center; 5) the deviation from the Con- cept Plan which proosed 35th Avenue North as the main roue into the project; 6r the suitability of the area off of Vicksburg and Highway 55 for a medical park; 7) need to control the zoning on the portion of land 0 be sold by Plymouth Hills to other developers; 8) guaranteeing lower -density zoning for the northern border of the area along County Road 9; 9) possibility of providing subsidized housing in the project; 10) type of trail parkway planned to separate the residential areas. Dan Fazendin questioned the requirements for tice RPJD, Planner Dillerud replied the Planning Comm ssi,n wents the RPUO !o cover all residential land so that it would not be neceksar; to deal with zoning at present. They will look at zoning action in the north end of the plat after the sewers go in. Councilman Neils stated that the remainder of the land to be sold by the Plymouth Hills Company would desire zoning before it is solo; Council would not grant zoning for general parcels without having any idea of what would be built thereon., 11 J Al Special Council Meeting July t2, 1976 Page:,164 Mayor Hilde asked for a proposed time schedule for actual construction and what type of low and moderate income housing was being proposed. Frank Larsen replied the.,development of the lower part of the south)rn area across from City Hall will take place in the spring of'1978. Sewer and water for that area is planned for 1977. Final plans for that area are awaiting definite plans and approval for the develop- ment of City Hall. The second phase will bo, the development of the medical park. The financial institutions would be developed along with the medical park._ Dan Fazendin stated they are proposing low and moderate income family and elderly housing. Development would depend upon the development of service shopping, roads and bus transportation into the area to fulfill HUD criteria. It is required that this would be rental housing subject to Section 8. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-352, A RESOLUTION GRANTING TENTATIVE APPROVAL OF THE GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, MAY 27, 1976s FOR "PLYMOUTH HILLS" DEVELOPMENT (A-675)6 MOTION TO AMEND was made by Ce6ncilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Neils, to strike Condition 2 requiring a market Analysis from the conditions of the resolution. Motion to amend carried, four ayes. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 76-352 as amended carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Mayor Hilde requested Dan Fazendin to plit tc+iether a schedule with requirements for City and private planning. Y Administrative Assistant Rreager reviewed the request of residents of South Shore Drive to correct the traffic problems they are experiencing at present. He also stated a letter had been received from ti:c president of AMLAC supporting their request. James P. Norris. attorney representing South Shore Drive residents, claimed the excessive volume and speed of traffic and noise from the park area and auto traffic reulted in in- convience and potential hazards to the residents. The problem began in 1971 when South Shore Drive ,as opened to 13th Avenue. It has increased till the "esidents I the situation is unacceptable. There have been ove, touidents of property injury and several instances of personal injury, including one serious injury io 1974. He noted the four primary causes of the problems as fol)ows: 1) the street is being used as a short cut from Highway 16 to 55--rcads which have 55 m.p.h. speed limits; 2) three liquor bars and stores are at the west end of this 1/4 mile stretch creating heavy traffic and drinken driving violations at closing time; 3) there is occa- sicn.al truck'teaffic 90in4 throagh this area and over the RESOLUTION NO. 76-352 GRANTING TENTATIVE APPROVAL OF GENERAL DE't'LOPMENT PLAN FOR PLvMOUTH HILLS" A-675) 0 SOUTH SHORE E^IVE TRAFFIC PRQBLEMS Item 6-B S'pecial ouncil,Meeting July ;12, 1976 i Page 165 bridge, which is not constructed to support'this type of traffic;,4) park and beach traffic and noise from the public parking lot are creatin a noise problem. He suggested the following solutions: 1 alternate routing of the road; 2) closing the road, perhaps at the bri'd9e; 3)., making it a one- way street; 4) posting a local traffic ordinance sign 01 harrier; 5) posting a sign prohibiting truck 'traffic; 6). r4ducing bar outlets; 7) red pcing traffic and putting',up stop sign* to make it inconvenient for use of the road as,a short cut; and using speed sumps and warnings. MOTION was made by Mayor Nilde, seconded by Councilman Spaeth,to direct staff to''seek solutions to the aggravation and disturbance that these citizens are Pxperiencing'A ncluding but not limited.to the following considerations: 1) study traffic patterns in relation to our Thoroughfare Guide Plan and possible restrictions of certain types of traffic; 2) move mailboxes to the north side of the street; 3) street lights; 4) suggestions of the citizens in their petitiou of July 7, 1976; $) any ,innovative staff thinking that might be generated; 6) report back at the July 26 meeting and take at lest some temporary steps to lessen the traffic problem immediateljo, and 7) contact and work with the City of Medicine Lake to achieve these solutions. Notion carried, four ayes. There was a discussion of the factors that have changed the traffic ;Patterns in the area in the past three years. It was agreed that although this street is a collector street it was not intended for this type of traffic. David Buzzelle, 10222 South Shore Drive, requested the City to put up stop signs temporarily until the investigation is completed at the following locations: 1) Nathan Lane, 2) intersection of 13th and South Shore Drive, and 3) one on each side of the bridge. Engineer Goldberg replied stop signs may not be put up unless they are justified. They may not be put up solely to slow down traffic. MOTION was made by Councilman Seihold, seconded by Counc.lman Neils, 0 adopt RESOLUTION N0. 76-353, A RESOLUTION APPROVING ACCESS FOR PARCELS A, Bs C AND D OF R.L.S. #1344 TO COUNTY ROAD 6 AND AMENDING CONDITIONS 2 AND 3 OF RESOLUTION N0. 72-413 AS SUCH% Motion carried on a Roll C01 vote, four ayes. 165- RESOLUTION NO, 76-353 APPROING ACCESS To R.L.S. #1344 YNGVE/O'BRIEN A-429) Item 6-C Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Zouncil- RESOLUTION NO. 76-357 man Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 76..357s A RESOLUTION XPENDYING WSOLUT,169 AMENDING RESOLUTION N0. 76-326 TO READ $6,200.00 INSTEAD NO. 76-326 OF $5,500.00 FOR PURCHASE PRICE OF LOT 31 BLOCK 1 IVANHOE Item 6-F WOODS. Motian carried on a Roll Call vole, foir ayes. S\ MOTION we; made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Seibold to direct the staff to prepare a resolution authorizing euninent domain proceedings for Lots 1 and 2. Block 1, Ivanhoe Woods. Motion carried, four ayes. MOTION was made by Cnuncilman Special CouncilMeeting RESOLUTION N0. 76-358 July.12, 1976 Page 166 XPRIING CHANGE MER l 1 1 !N THE AMOUNT MOTION was math by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION N0, 76-354 Seibold, to adoilt RESOLUT ON N0, 76-3549 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DECLARING ADF.QLkArY OF PETITION AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF ORDERING REPORT FOR REPORT FOR STREET,LIGHTING - MISSION RIDGE 2ND ADDITION. STREET LIGHTING ' J MISSION PIDGE 2ND APDITION Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. Council- Item 6-D on Neils abstained. Item 6-G-1 MOTION was made by Councilman Spa6lth, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION N0. 76-355' Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 76-3559 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTIN6 PETITIUFVKD DECLARING ADEQUACY OF PETE ION AND ORDERING PREPARA;,ION`OF aROERIli6 REPORT FGp REPORT FOR STREET LIGHTING - FERNDALE NORTH ADDIT16i TREET LIGHTIK' FERNDALE NORTH ADDITION Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. Council,- Item 6-D man Neils abstained. M',TION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Council- RESOLUTION N0, 76 356 on Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-3569 A RESOLUTIC,M ORDERING NO PARKING, SIGNS ORDERING NO PARKING SIGNS ON BOTH SIDES OF LARCH LANE FRCe. LARCH LANE N.. 0; 45TH AVE. 45TH AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 1400 FEET NORTH OF 45TH! Item 6-E AVENUE. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Zouncil- RESOLUTION NO. 76-357 man Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 76..357s A RESOLUTION XPENDYING WSOLUT,169 AMENDING RESOLUTION N0. 76-326 TO READ $6,200.00 INSTEAD NO. 76-326 OF $5,500.00 FOR PURCHASE PRICE OF LOT 31 BLOCK 1 IVANHOE Item 6-F WOODS. Motian carried on a Roll Call vole, foir ayes. S\ MOTION we; made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Seibold to direct the staff to prepare a resolution authorizing euninent domain proceedings for Lots 1 and 2. Block 1, Ivanhoe Woods. Motion carried, four ayes. MOTION was made by Cnuncilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION N0. 76-358 Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 76-358, A RESOLUTION APPROVING XPRIING CHANGE MER CHANGE ORDER N0. 1 !N THE AMOUNT OF $1,377.00 TO NODLAND BASS LAKE AREA - PROJECT ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR PROJECTS N0. 607 AND N0, 5231 BASS LAKE 607 BOARDMAN ACRES - AREA AND BOARDMAN ACRES, PROJECT 523 Item 6-G-1 Motion carried on a Roll fall vote, four ayes. MPTION was rjutdr. by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION N0. 76-359 Meils, to .dept RESOLUTION NO,, 76.3591 A RESOLUTION APPROVING APPROVING CHANGE "OWER CHANGE ORI?1 NO. 1 IN THE AMOUNT OF 5950.00 TO HARORIVES, INC. 197E STREET IMPROVE- F0,i THE 10.15 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, MENT Item 6-G-3 Motion carri;4d on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. 166 - IN Special Council Meeting July 12, 1976 Page 167 MOTIQN was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Council- man Seibold, to adnpt RESOLUTION NO. 76-360, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT N0. 1 IN THE AMOUNT OF :191,726.41 TO NODLAND ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR PROJECT N0, 601 BASS LAKE AREA INPR-OVEMENTSO Motion carried on a Ro11,4all vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLL71ON NO. 76-3619 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT N0, 7 IN THE AMOUNT OF $20708,00 TO LEE RICHERT PLUMPING b HEATING FOR PROJECT N0. 507-001 PUMPHOUSE FOR WELL NGe 4. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Council- man Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 76-3629 A RESOLUTION A11THORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT N0o, 1 TO HARDRIVES. INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $145,243.66 FOR THE 1976 STREET IMPROVEMiNT PROJECT!. Motion carried on a Roll Cali vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Council- man Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-363. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT N0, 4 AND FINAL IN THE AMOUNT OF $140573.00 TO NORTHERN C04TRACTING COMPANY FOR PROJECT N0. 401-001 LANCASTER LANE LIFT STATION. Motion carried on a Roll Cell vote, four ayes.- MOTION yes. LOTION was made by Cnuncilman Spaeth, seconded by Council- man. Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-364, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT N0, 13 1N THE AMOUNT Or $1,473.30 TO CHICAGO BRIDGE 6 IRON COMPANY ON PROJECT NO% 402-001 ELEVATED WATER TOWER$ Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes, OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSI MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Council- man Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION N0, 76-365, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WATER AREA CHARGES FOP FAZENDIN PARK STH ADDITION% Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Couiicil- man Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION 76-366, A RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT CORRECTION FOR DELINQUENT UTILITIES ON LEVY N0. 6107 AND AUTHORIZING REFUND IN THE AMOUNT OF 241.68. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. U RESOLUTION NO. 76,w360 REQUEST FOR Y ENT BASS LAKE AREA IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 601 Item 6-H-1 RESOLUT'IN N0, 76-361 REQUEST FOW PAYMENT— PUMPHOUSE FOR WELL NO, 4 PROJECT 507-001 Item 6-H-2 RESOLUTION N0, 76-362 REQUEST FOR Y EN 1976 STREET IMPROVEMENTS Item 6-H-3 RESOLUTION NO, 76-363 REQUESYmMir PAYME Tiles LANCASTER LANE LIFT STATION PROJECT 401-001 Item 6-H-4 RESOLUTION 0, 76464 QUFSTIMN ! ._ ELEVATED NATER TOWS" PRWECT 402401 Item 6-H-5 RESOLUTION N0. ;6-365 ADOPTION OF ASSESSRENT ROLL FAZENDIN PARK 5TH ADDITION RATER AREA Item 7-A RESOLUTION N0, 76-366 ASSESSMENT CORAECTM DELINQUENT UTILITIES LEVY 6107 Item 7-B r -- y Special Council 1%eting July 12, 1976 Pagt 168 MOTION` was made by Couotilom Neils, seconded by Council- elan Stibold,.to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 76-3679 A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT'NO, 501 FERNBROOK LANE FROM T.W. 55 TO HARBOR LANE. Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ages. kESOLUTION NO. 76-357 \ DECLARING COST 70'W ASSESSED 6 PREPARING ASSESSMENT FERNBROOK LANE T.H. 55 TO HARBOR LANE - PROJECT 501 Item 74 NOTION was mode by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76-368 SeibolOa,to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-368, A RESOLUTION DECLAR114G COST DEC AItiNG COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF ASSESSED 6 PREPARING PROPOSED ASSESSME'RT FOR PROJECT NO. 503 NATHAN LANE FROM ASSESSMENT NATHAN LANE CWtjif ROAD 9 TO 49TH AVENUE NORTH. NORTH OF C.R. 9 - PROJECT 503 Notion carried on a Roll Lill vote, four ayes. Item 74 MTION was made by Councilman Nails, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76-369 Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-369, A RESOLUTION OVEAR11M C J.C!ARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND 1I)FIRING PREPARATION OF ASSESSED b PREPARING PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT NO.,,504 ZACHARY LANE ASSEaSMENT ZACHARY LANE FROM COUNTY ROAD 9 TO 35TH AVENUE NORTH, C.R. 9 TO 36TH AVENUE - PROJECT 504 Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Item 74 MOTION wa.4 made by Councilman Neils, se:onded by Councilman Seibold, to mdopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-370 A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDtA,Nu PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASS"SSMENT FIR PRWECT NO. 515 COUNTY ROAD 9 FROM NATHAN LkNE TO COUNTY ROAD 18. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Counciman Neils, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 76-3711 A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO !E PSSESSEO AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT N0, 516 36TH AVENUE FROM ZACHARY LANE. TO THE WEST LINE OF MISSION ,RIDGE PLAT. Motion carried on a Ro)l Call vote, four ayes. MW ON was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 76-372, A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSES$ O AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOS!D ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECT N0, 518 PLYMOUTH FREEWAY CENTER ADDITION. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, fou. ayes. NOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded i4t Council- man Nails, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-373, A RESOLUTIvN! INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE' BASSETT CREEK FLOOD CONTROL COMMISSION 1911 BUDGET, Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes,, RESOLUTION NO. 76-370 ff=iz UPTBS" ASSESSED b PREPARING ASSESSMENT C . R. 9 SERVICE ROAD WATER MAIN - PROJECT 515 Item 7-C RESOLUTION NO. 76.371 ASSESSED 8 PREPARING ASSESSMENT 36TH AVENUE WEST OF ZACHAPY LANE PROJECT 516 Item 7-C RESOLUTION N0, 76-372 OECLAR?NG OST TO BE ASSESSED b PREPARING ASSESSMENT PLYMOUTH FREEWAY CENTER PROJECT 518 Item 7-C RESOLUTION NO% 76473 FKUYIUINU FuNub tuK BASSETT CREEK FLOOD QNTROL COMMISSION Item 7-D a Specifl Council Meeting July 4. 1976 Page 169 ' NOTION was'nede by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Council- ORDINANCE N0. 76-13 an Seibold, to adopt ORDINANCE NO. 76-13, AKORDINANCE MNIBITtNG TRE9 ING PROHIBITING TRESPASSING ON PUBLIC SCHOOL PROPERTY AND ON PUBLIC SCHOOL PROPERTY AME4DING SECTION 6 OF CHAPTER V OF THE CITY CODE. AMENDING SECTIOK 62 CHAPTER V PLYMOUTH CITY Motion carried on a Roll Call vote,, four ayes. CODE Item 7-E MOTION was made by Counci?man Neils, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt, RFSOIUTION NO. 76-374, A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES FOR PREPARATION OF FINAL FLAT FOR BLOCK 2 "PLYNOUTH CENTER" SUBMITTED BY MEHRMAN- CHAPMAN, INC. AND AUTHORIZING " UNSFER OF FUNDS IN THE. AMOUNT OF $16775.00 FROM THE CONTINGENCY FUND ACCOUNT 101-190-899) TO TIE PL INNING DEPARTMENT CONSULTING FUND X14'-120-804) FOR D15BURSEnENT FOR THE SERVICES AUTHORIZED REb`!. Motion carried on a Roll Call loote, four ayes. NOTION was made ay Counilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 76-375, A RESOLUTION APPROVING DISEJRSEMENIS 1ROM THE.GENERAL FUND, CONSTRUCTION FUNQ, NATER FUND. SENEP FUND AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND TOTALLING $1,293,551.97 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 1976. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four eves. MISCELLANEOUS Administrative Ass'Istant Kreager reportca on the status of the Dutch Elm Disease Program, Counc.11 agreed to speed up the proSram to be responsive to our citizens' problems, Mayor Hilde requested staff and Council to give further consideration to additional restrictions for Off -Street Motor Vehicles, Mayor Hilde stated he proposed to request the Citizen,; Action Council to investigate methods by which juvenile offenders in Plymouth and their parents cculd be brought before a panel of officials in Plymnuth for remedial action before the offender i -a turned over to the criminal Justice system. Council supported the recommendbtion, Mayor Hilde adjourned the meeting at 10;50 P,M, f t 1 Loretta Garrity City ClerK 169 - RESOLUTION N0. 76-374: AilTii 'I'ZIWI FWTUT PREPARATIN - PLYMDUTH CENTER NOCK 2 Item 7-F RESgLUITION NO. 16=-375 APPROVING DISBUARMS PERIOD EN0114G 6/30/76 Item a DUTCH ELM *I%LWSE PROGRAM OFF-STREET MOTOR VEHICLES C171ZENS ACTION COUNCIL