HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 05-24-1976 SpecialI A i Page 1;122, i M1 NU,TES ;! j SPECIAL Cn-UNCIL MEETING' May 249 197f A special. meeting of the Plymouth City COltnciI was called''to order by Maayor Hi'ide at 7.35 PX in the Council Chamber's of the -Public Works Building, 11900 Twenty-third Avenue North, on May 249 1976. PRESENT: Mayor H;lde, Councilmen Hunt, Aeils, Seibold," and Spaeth, Manager Will>>s ' Planner Dillerud, Engfneer Goldberg and Adm nistrative Assistant Kreageh, ABSENT: None MINUTES MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth% seconded by Councilman" MINUTES - REGULAR Neils, to approve the ininutes of the May 17 regular Council COUNCIL MEETIN meeting with the following corrections: MAY 17, 1976 Page 112 - Para. 4 - Change the words "only be" to Item 4 Inotbe". I Para, 5 - Change the words "by lateral mains" to "from the main", Page 115 Pata. 1 0, Substitute Councilman Neils' motion with a nation to adopt Resolution No, 258D., a Resolution amending Development Contract by adding a further requirement that the release of the developer's bond be only upon the satisfaction of the SUP requirements for recreational open space over the entire Ferndale North area, Page 120 Para, 5 - Change the vci:e to read three ayes, Councilmen Neils And Hunt voted nay, Para, 6 - Record n* tion carried, five ayes, Martin Walsh, City Assessor, reviewed the results of the sales ratio study conducted by his office and replied to Council's questions, Mayor Hilde requested Council to discuss the following two questions: 1) whether we should use uniform acreage rates for all projects with the balance to be paid by ad valorem and 2) whether we should use a differential cars lit rate, lengthy discussion followed an the various methods of assessing storm drainage improvements. Manager Willis reviewed proposed methods of assessments for Project 116, Pinetree Pond storm sewer, Project 601, Deerwood Lane storm sewer, and Project 606, Patker's-Lake storm sewer, " BOARD OF REVIEW DATA Item STORM C2Al,NAGE ASSESSMEN'I POLICY t IN Special Cpunci 1, Meeting - May 249 1976 Page 123 , MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded,by Council- 'RESOLUTIOV ( man Neils to adopt RESOLUTION N0, 76-2829 A RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT POLICY FOR PINETREE POND STORM POLICY FOR P SEWER, PROJECT 1169 AS PROPO;ED BY THE CITY MANAGER IN PINETREE P01C HISR REPORT DATED MAY 1410 1916, with the added require- Item 7 ment in Item 3 that the $75,000 from City -MSA go from City -MSA as a transfer of funds to be reimbursed through ad valorem collection from the storm, "sewer distiritt as collections are made and costs for Item 6 be included in overall costs. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. A discussion on uniform acreage assessment followed. , MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Coun- cilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION N0, 76-283,.A RESOLUTION APPROVING UNIFORM ASSESSMENT RATE PER PROJECT DISTRICT FOR PROJECT 1169 PINETREE POND STORM SEWER, PROJECT 601, DEERWOOD LANE STORM SEWER, ANP PROJECT 606/9 PARKER'S LAKE STORM SEWER. r Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five Oyes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, secor4ed by Council- man Seibold to adopt RESOLUTION N0, 76-2144, A RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT POLICY FOR DEERW0OV/LANE STORM SEWER, PROJECT 601, AS PROPOSED BY TWE CITY MA14AGER IN HIS REPORT DATED MAY 141 1976, EXHIBIT B. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Council- man Seibold, t9 adopt RESOLUTION N0, 76-285, A RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT POLICY FOR,PARKER'S LAKE STORM SEWER, PROJECT 606, AS PROPOSED BY THE CITY MANAGER IN HIS REPORT DATED MAY 141 1976s EXHIBIT C. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Council- man Spaeth to amend Resolution by incorporating emergency pumping costs in Item F into overall costs. Motion to amend carried, five ayes. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 76.285 as amended carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was wade by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Council- man Hunt, to direst staff to meet with City of Minneapolis staff to work out in agreement with them on a reasonable sum to pay foto their share of Project 606, Parker's Lake storm sewer. Motion carried, five ayes. 76-282 ESSTNT 1JECTJ116 STORM SEWER J SOLUTION 40., 76- ASSESSMENT MATE PROJECTS 1100 601 b 606 Item 7, li RESOLUTION NO. 76-284 APPROVING ASSESSMENT POLICY FOR PROJECT 601 DEERWOOD LANE STORM SEWER Item 7 RESOLUTION NO. 76-285 G POLICY FOR PROJECT 606 PARKER'S LAKE STORM SEWER Item 7 Special Council Meeting J May 24, 1976 Page 124 / theMajorHildedlirectiCity Manager an review the decisiosis made on assessment o Projects 1169 601 and 606 to'determine t'. Planner Dillerid reviewed the Planning C mandation to rf.#use Mr. 8artlett's offer'o far park use tecause that neighborhood doe service and this parcel is not in our Pork Attorney to licies for irelegality. ssion's recom- a lard donatiolr have park tan or "C.I.P. I 1James H. Bartlett, 9396Medicine Lake Road, tateVthat thee;, offer of the lana donation was made for tax pwraoses. Manager Willis stated the report on the property showed taxes due for 1966-1970. Mr. Bartlett stated he would -'be obligated, to pay.%the balance of $3,000 still outstanding on the back taxes. NOT13N was made by Councilffan Hunt, seconded by C'uncilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 76-286, AUTHORIZING' ,A MANAGER TO DRAW UP A CONTRACT FOR THE BARTLETT PRgPERTY AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS on the basis .that taxes be current to January 1, 1976,and the City eltcumber specials for this year's taxes and this year's taxes. 1 Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. Mayor Hilde reviewed Mr. Roy Harris' request'rega Aging a possible major development on Fernbrook Lane/I-494.'. Council discussed the pibposed project and the guiding of tie land in the Land Use Guide Plan, 1 Councilman Seibold stated this type of operation did not fit in that area and the Land Use Guide Plan should notibe changed to accommodate i4, I Councilman Neils did net favor changing the' Land Use Guide Plan in this case laecause the type of operation is not appropriate in that area and because of the precedent it would set for future requests. PROPOSED LAND DONATIO I tem 9 RESOLUTION NO., 76-286 ACCEPTING - LAND DONATION FROM JAMES BARTLETT, b AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS GUhDE PLAN-FERNBROOK LANE/I-494 Item 8 1 Councilman Hunt stated this was a clean operation thjst we would 1 i kta to have i n P1 ymouth but the traff i c generated by' th i s type of operation in this area would be significant and nut consist- ent with the land Use Guide Plan. Mayor Hilde stated he would encourage Mr. Harris to find another location for his proposed development in Plywith. Manager Willis requested members of the Council to attend general appreciation meeting scheduled by the Plymouth II A.A. and Alonon groups on May 27. Mayor Hilde and Coun- cilman Spaeth agreed to attend. the PLYMOUTH II A.A. AND ALANON MEETING Item 10 E C 0 Special , .Counci 1 Meeting May 24. , 1976,-) ' Page 125 Councilman Spaeth reported that Minnehaha Creek Watershed District had approved the Pinetree Pond storm serer project. He also reported ' that the Mooney'Lake Study was being delayed because' Medina has refused to pay for their,,.share of the study costs, Orono has agreed to pay part of the costs. There was a discussion of the necessity for tine study. Mayor Hilde stated -that Plymouth will ndt proceed with the study on the basis that:(we will have to pay an improper share of the costs. Councilman Neils requested staff to approach Minnehaha Creek,Watershed District and determine if the costs for the proposed improvement could be billed to the three _, communities individually and be exempt from levy limitations. Councilman Spaeth also reported that the Feasibility Report for Flood Control in the Bassett Creek Watershed has been reviewed by the U.S. Corps of Engineers and recommends improvement for flood control be made. Councilman Neils reported the first task of the AMM Land Use Advisory Canmittee would be to revise the Metro Significance Regulations, Planner Dillerud reported on the proposed Minnetonka Highway 12 Corridor Plan, Council discussed the advisability of Plymouth retaining its membership in the League of Minnesota Municipalities and how to get favorable attention for suburban affairs within the League. Councilman Neils stated it is to our benefit to stay in the League but our suburban concerns will have to be expressed somewhere else. Council agreed. Councilman Neils reported he had not been notified of any meetings of the Transit Commission Advisory Com- mittee. Mayor Hilde agreed to call Loring Staples about his appointment. Dick Williams, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission, stated it was the Commission's wish to deal mainly with neighborhood parks in 1976. using Imperial Hills Neirftorhuod Park as a prototype and bringing the other parks up to this standard, while designing each park according to the needs of the specific neighborhood. Mr. Williams replied to Council's questions and there was a discussion of the need for proceeding with the neighborhood parks this year and completing as many of them as possible, regardless of the fact that input from Imperial Hills Neighborhood Park will not be available. Mayor Hilde stated that the Park Commission should proceed with their plans for completing she neighborhood parks this year and hold one meeting in each area asking for input from the residents. C.C.R. RPORTS Item 12 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM - 1976 PARKS Item 6 i C.C.R. RPORTS Item 12 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM - 1976 PARKS Item 6 i Special Councl Meeting Noy 249 , 1916 Page ,126 O Counci]on, Spaeth cstated that parks for the Sunny Acres - Candlelight -Park, Creekwood Heights and West Medicine Lake areas should have high priority since those neigh- dorhoods are well established. Planner Dillrrud replied neighborhood parks for these area ire scheduled for 1979 in the Park Plan. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by roun- cilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 76487, A RESOLUTION APPROVING 1976 PARKS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM. Motion carried on a Roil Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilian Seibold, seconded by Councilman Hunt to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 76488, A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF.PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR 1976 PARK PP!WECTS. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded Oy Councilf- man Seibold, to Adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-289, A RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING FUNDS FROM THE PARK DED-ICATION ACCOUNT COMMUNITY PARKS) FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE PILGRIM LANE JUNIOR BASEBALL FIELD. Motiort carried on a Roll Call vote, five,ayes. Mayor Hilde requested the Park Commission to hold a joint meeting with the Council for discussion on the rest of the C.I.P. And preparing preliminary plans and strategy for the Central Park bond issue on Tuesday, June 15, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, Mayor Hilde directed staff to put Mr. Besikof's request to dredge the water hole in Ponderosa on the Council agenda for June 21, Engineer Goldberg presented to Council Philip G. Pet-%sen's request for waiver of assessment hearing on sewer and eater area charges in the amount of $500 and lateral assessment in the amount of $2,090 to permit these charges to be levied against the property on the 1977 tax state- ment. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Council- man Neils to allow these charges to be levied against the property as special assessments and directed staff to return with a resolution at the next regular Council meeting. Motion carried, five ayes. Engineer Goldberg reported on the progress of the T.H. 101%C.R. 6 FAQ project and asked Council's guidance on the questi-Ot-of providing an underposs at the Luce Line trail, RESOLUTION NO. 76487 APPROVIRC 1976 RAW' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM RESOLUTION NO. 76488 PREPWTION OF PEAK AND SPECS FOR 19711 PARK PROJECTS 0 J RESOLUTION NO. 76489 APPROPRIATING FUHW FOR DESIGN AND COXTRUCTION OF PILGRIM LANE JUNIOR BASEBALL FIELD WAIVER OF ASSESSMENT HEARING - SNYDER'S LAKEVIEW ADDITION PHILIP G. PETERSEN T.H. 101/C.K. 6 PROGRESS REPORT 5 Special Council Meeting May 219 1976 Page 121 1 NOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Mayor Hilde to proceed with the underpass at the Lu4e Line trail and incorporate retaining walls if it becomes necessary. Mayor Hilde adjourned the Meeting at 10:45 p.m. 1 Loretta Garrity City Clea e