HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 03-10-1976 Special1 .1 MINUTES SPECIAL COUNCIL h1EETINS r March 10, 1976 A special r*,*ting of the Plymouth City Council was called to order by Acting Mayor Hunt at 7:31 P.M« in the Council Chambers of the Public Works'Bu lding, 14900 Twant$w third Avenuo North, on March 10, 1976. PRESENT: ,A)cting,,Mayor Hunt, Manager Willis, Engineer Goldberg, Consulting Engineer,, Olson,, ABSENT: % Mayor'Hilde; Councilmen Neils, Seibold and Spaeth. PUBLIC/HEAMNGS PROJECT N0, 604 ZANZIBAR PROJECT NO, 609 REINHARD PROJE".T NO, 603 NATHAN L 1 LANE b 1474 AVENUE AREA -SEWER', WATER b STREETS( INDUSTRIAL PARK - UTILIYIES NE - STREET IMPROVEMENT Acting Mayor Hunt stated the purpose of the meeting and introduced Manager Willis who stated that notices of the public hearings were published in the New Hope -P1 I uth Post, written notice was mailed to each property owner in the improvement area, here were announcements and discussions at Council meetings and there had been numeroris newspaper write-ups on the subject project. He then explained the special assessment policy and procedures Folluwed by the C1,1ty. Consulting Engineer '3lson described Project No. G04, Zanzibar Lane A 14th Avenue Area Sewer, Water and Street Restoration in detail and reviewed the costs. Acting Mayor Hunt opened the public hearing at 7;47 P.K, Kent Kromer, 1415 Zanzibar lane and David Manley, 16120 - 101th Avenue North, presented o petition opposing they improvement project for thgr following reasons: 0 tney have ii good sub -soil (gravel) that lends itself to gpod drainage and, therefore, their present sewage systems are good for msny mol•: years of service; 2) they feP' interest rates might be lower in the future and costs will not be as exaggerated as they are today. James Nelson, 16005 - 14th Avenue North, stated he opposed tlte project because his present drainage is very good, Ted Kemna, 16035 County Road 6, spoke in favor of the project:. He stated he felt costs wou,d not level off in the future and construction costs would continue to increase each year, He also felt a gravel sub -soil did not Iluarantee good drainage, Victor Wimmer, 1325 Zanzibar lane, spoke in favi` of the prosect and suggested that the's a c eck the soil conditions in the area, Janet Olson, 16100 - 14th Avenue North, stated the hay, lived on 14th Avenue for 14 years and has not experienced any trouble with her drainage system. Jean Nielson, 1309 Zanzibar lane, spoke in favour of the project and stated she and her ne g ors on 'Zanzibar lane have been expeel,wing difficulties with their drainage systems for some time, Harley Ste!tbrenner, 1435 Zanzibar Lane, opposed the project and asked what the unit cot )( the assessmert would be. Reply: Engineer Goldberg said he w3uld have that figure on Friday, March 12. 44. ll I I SPECIAL COUNCIL h1EETINS r March 10, 1976 A special r*,*ting of the Plymouth City Council was called to order by Acting Mayor Hunt at 7:31 P.M« in the Council Chambers of the Public Works'Bu lding, 14900 Twant$w third Avenuo North, on March 10, 1976. PRESENT: ,A)cting,,Mayor Hunt, Manager Willis, Engineer Goldberg, Consulting Engineer,, Olson,, ABSENT: % Mayor'Hilde; Councilmen Neils, Seibold and Spaeth. PUBLIC/HEAMNGS PROJECT N0, 604 ZANZIBAR PROJECT NO, 609 REINHARD PROJE".T NO, 603 NATHAN L 1 LANE b 1474 AVENUE AREA -SEWER', WATER b STREETS( INDUSTRIAL PARK - UTILIYIES NE - STREET IMPROVEMENT Acting Mayor Hunt stated the purpose of the meeting and introduced Manager Willis who stated that notices of the public hearings were published in the New Hope -P1 I uth Post, written notice was mailed to each property owner in the improvement area, here were announcements and discussions at Council meetings and there had been numeroris newspaper write-ups on the subject project. He then explained the special assessment policy and procedures Folluwed by the C1,1ty. Consulting Engineer '3lson described Project No. G04, Zanzibar Lane A 14th Avenue Area Sewer, Water and Street Restoration in detail and reviewed the costs. Acting Mayor Hunt opened the public hearing at 7;47 P.K, Kent Kromer, 1415 Zanzibar lane and David Manley, 16120 - 101th Avenue North, presented o petition opposing they improvement project for thgr following reasons: 0 tney have ii good sub -soil (gravel) that lends itself to gpod drainage and, therefore, their present sewage systems are good for msny mol•: years of service; 2) they feP' interest rates might be lower in the future and costs will not be as exaggerated as they are today. James Nelson, 16005 - 14th Avenue North, stated he opposed tlte project because his present drainage is very good, Ted Kemna, 16035 County Road 6, spoke in favor of the project:. He stated he felt costs wou,d not level off in the future and construction costs would continue to increase each year, He also felt a gravel sub -soil did not Iluarantee good drainage, Victor Wimmer, 1325 Zanzibar lane, spoke in favi` of the prosect and suggested that the's a c eck the soil conditions in the area, Janet Olson, 16100 - 14th Avenue North, stated the hay, lived on 14th Avenue for 14 years and has not experienced any trouble with her drainage system. Jean Nielson, 1309 Zanzibar lane, spoke in favour of the project and stated she and her ne g ors on 'Zanzibar lane have been expeel,wing difficulties with their drainage systems for some time, Harley Ste!tbrenner, 1435 Zanzibar Lane, opposed the project and asked what the unit cot )( the assessmert would be. Reply: Engineer Goldberg said he w3uld have that figure on Friday, March 12. 44. IVi-SiTt1al Council Meeting Ma Bch 109 1976 Pad jet 65 IJaiX Chesin, 1315 Archer Lane, spoke in favor of the project and stated he has had, ipr r bbems th his drainage system for 8 years. fat 1 ;; Olson, 131a, Arch'r Lane, spoke in fave. . of tie project and asked if there was. a pe" tfor pay149 o'f the assessment before Il years. Reply: No. The pr4incipal valance may be paid off at any time. State lav requires that the principal balance temain.ing as of November 15 of any year is refected on next year's tax levy, therefore, payment, should be made before that,Fate. When the assessment is levier, full payment may be made without interest within the first 30 days. Mrs, Olson asked ijf there had been a previous assessment' for a water main on 6th Avenue. Reply: o, the previoassessment was a sett?r area charge. Mrs. Olson also asked if they ilawererequiredtohookuptothewattirsystem. Reply: No, not if you haves a potable water supply. However,, after th•I* ,years you would be billed ,, n . iK,uu charge iif $3.25 quartarty, You are requiy eti to hook up to the sewer system w itkin 24 months. Leo Jordan, 15905 - 14th Avenue North, project OF Vicksburg Lane and asked if on this ptoject, Rely: Yes. He askew restored as is, Reply: Yes, stated he was included in the sewer- and water he would be assessed for the street restoration if the bituminous curb and gutter would be Donald Erickson, 15915 - 14th Avenue North, stated he was not experiencing any proems w 1WTiis drainage system, but felt that the project would not cost any less in the future. Roger Nicklas, 1320 Archer Lane, spoke in favor of the project and asked how much, the increase'in the area charges might be. Reply: An 8 percent increase is being considered. Kent Kromer, 1415 Zanzibar Lane, questioned the cost of the street restoration on ounty Road 6. Reply: The cost of the street restoration on C.R. 6 will be less because curb and gutter will not have to be replaced, Leo Jordan, 15905 - 14th Avenue North, asked on what basis the street resurfAcing would a assessed. Reply- On a unit basis. Joanne Nicklas, 1120 Archer Lane, spoke in favor of the project. KathyOlson, 1310 Archer Lane, asked if the project was completed if the assessed value of her home would be raised. Reply: No. Jeanne Nielsen, 13G5 Zanzibar Lane, asked if the project was not Qrdered at this time unVi w ai t conditions the City miht be forced to order the project, Reply: 1) A health hazard would require it; 2} q the Metro Council could order it to complete its sewer plan; and 3) a change in Council could precipitate it if it 'is decided you arE not participating in the City's design for a City sewer system, KathyOlson, 110 Archer Lane, asked why the project was being considered at this time, Ro-m y: ere have beer a number of requests from citizens for this improvement and at this time the City is reviewing areas that have been left out of the City's sewer plan and ieconsideriiig including them in our 5 -year Capital Improvements Program, Kent Kroner, 1415 Zanzibar Lane, asked what the life expentancy of a drainage system is, Fe'pIy: C nerally, 10-15 gears would be the limit of life expentancy of a drain field. Mr. Kromer stated he would be in favor of the project if serious prohlems could be expected to divelopp with the present drainage systems in the future or if a health problem would develup. 1 Special ICouncil Meeting March 10, 1976 Page 66 Harlty Steinbrenner, 1435 Zanzibar Lame, asked what the usage charge would be. Reply: A fat rate of $13.20 per quarter is charged for sewer and a minimum, charge of $11.80 per quarter for water. C Jin, Mood, 16115 - 14th Avenue No' rth, stated he has not had any serious problems with hii drainage system in 13,/years and he felt proper maintenace was the solution to any problems people are having with their systems. He opposed the projfct. David Olsoni 16100 - IM Avenue North, has'not had any problems with his system in. 14 years anti he opposed the project.. The,he,aring was adjourned at 8:35 F.M. until March 22,1976. I Consulting :nnineer Olson described Project No, 609, Reinhard Industrial Park,. Utilities,, in detail and reviewed the costs. Acting Mayor Hunt opened the publi hearing at 8:47 R.M. TerrySchneider, 700 National Buiti'dine, Mpls., spoke in favor of the project. Mr, Schneider stated he felt the length of the sanitary sewer line cominj onto his property from the cast was excessive for what was needed to service the facilities planned for the two parcels being developed. Reply: Detailed information was not available to the engineers at the time the preliminary plans wele,,,e:ng prepi%red, but the engineers will work with the developers when preparing "he final plans And will not +)it in any mora pipe than is required to serve the d ueloper's needs. Dick Knoll, representing Re;phard lros., spoke in favor of the prosect and asked i they were being assessed for the storm sewer trunk on Xpniulm Haile. Reply: That stomsewer C:unk'Was part of Prnjecti 306 and 416. This project will assess the lateral lines. Glen Shaw, reprPe.enting Prog ammeo Land, Inc., objected to Parcel 3055 being includeFlit the assessment prcject and the location of the sanitary s`.wer• on this parcel. He stated he felt construction of the proposed sanitary sewer on that property would further restrict development of the parcel. F'irt of this parcel is being used fcr ponding purposes now and they objected to a,more water being collected oo this parcel. Reply: The only reasor this propertif was inclu%lt: in the project and noticed is because of the sanitary sewer running '4cross the property as proposed. As far as irny assessments on storm sewer, street and water main, there was no intention of i0cludiny this property in this prosect. The hearing was ad,;ourned at 9:001 PX until Marcn 22, 1976. C msultirtg Engineer Olson described Project No, 603 Nathan Lane Street Improvement in detail and reviewed the costs. Acting Mayor Hunt opned the public hearing at 9:02 PIM. Ivan Kerr, representing Farr Developers, spoke in favor of the pt why tFe paved width of the street would be only 24 ft. Riiply: is limited to 24 ft, so it would not have to be distur0ed when t; iii the fut'ire. The hearing was adjourned at 9:05 PX until March 22, 1976. Actinn Mayor Hunt ad.iourned the meetina at 9:06 P.M. jest and asked paved surface 1 i ties are installed r a fj