HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 02-23-1976 Special0 L i Paie 46 MINUTES Specie Council Meeting rVIDruary 23, 1976 A special meeting of the Plymouth City Council was called to order by Acting Mayor Hunt at 7:30 P'.M. in the Council Chambers of the Public Works Building, 14900 Twenty-third Avenue North, on February 23, 1976. , PRE.J,ENT: Acting Mayor Hunt, Councilmen Neils and Spaeth, Manager Willis, Engineer Goldberg and Consulting Engineer Olson, ABSENT: Mayor Hilde and CouncilmanLSe,ibold. PUBLIC`'HEARIN6 - BASS LAKE AREA IMPROVEMENTS AND LARCH LANE STREET IMPROVEMENT - Acting Moyor Hunt introduced the item for Public Hearing, Bass Lake -Area Improvements and Larch Lane Street Improvement - Project'tjo,, 607., The Mayor introduced members of the City Council and City staff present at 'the meeting to the audience. Manager Willis stated that notices of the public hearing were published in the New Hope - Plymouth Post, written notice was mailed to each property owner in the improvement area, announcements and discussions at Council meetingso were held and there had been numerous newspaper write-ups on the subject project. The Manager stated the project had been requested by petition of residents in 1973. Fle then explained the Special assessment policy and procedures followed by the City. Consulting Engineer Olson explained the project in detail and reviewed the t:osts, Acting Mayor Hunt opened the public hearing at 8:00 P.M. Engineer Goldberg read a letter received from Mir. Frank Crowle , 1621 Carl Street,,, Apt. #2, in which he questioned how his proper 4a a nev ew Lane would be assessed. Robert M. Gomsrud, 5415 Pineview Lane, asked if his 20 acre farm'on the west side of rev ew Cane woo d be considered benefited and assessed. Reply Yes, for area charges only, He,also esked'why the map shows sewer sorvice coming to Pineview lane from the lagoon area. Reply: The Council ordered the area southwest of the lagoon to be con sidered in this study, since service to the area will be necess::ry at some time in the future. However, the'area may or may not be included in this project., Ralph Durand, 1200 - 5 Ird Avenue North, asked what other alternates had been conm sidereFWEir than going through his property to connect into the trunk. Reply: Other alternates were crnsidered but any other alternate would require a second lift station and would Ire too expensive to in;tall and operate. The proposed plan is the most economical. If some other location can be found to he more economical, it is feasible that the design could be changed. Mr. Durand stated he would like to work with the Co'4 in finding an alternate for the line going through his property. Mr. Durand also asked if the acreage charge would be applied only to lots that are buildable. Reply: The acileage charge is $500 per acre. The minimum charge 6 s 251 per unit. If the property is unhuildablo that would have to be taken into consideration. The Assesswnt Committee will look at each lot in detail to determine the assessment. 46- , i Special Council Meeting February 23, 1976 Page 47 Mrs,, Ernest Woodrow, 9141 West Highway 55, is building a home at 53rd', Avenue andEvergreen. ShFspoke in favor of a unit charge rather than front footage charges. She asked if the wetlands on her property would be assessed, Reply: ''Normally, the Committee would lnok at high water lines and would not assess acreage charges for propErty that is underwater.' Mrs. Woodrow asked v hat the completion date for the project would be. Reply: It Council proceeds quickly, the majority of the streets, would,be usable by the fall of 1976. Larr Graham, 404 Van Buren, Cdina, is buying a home in this ,area and asked how the eve opment ramework Plan class.ified'this area. Reply: Thelarea is within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) and therefore there is rho conflict. Roger G. B orlin, 12110 - 54th Avenue Aorth, asked how large the pumping station would be,and if it wou d be noisless. Reply; The'pumping station would+be totally underground with only an entrances hatch aboveground to service tit and would be noiseless. Mr. Bjorlin also asked if the force main leading from the pumping station would be leakproof and what would be done to insure against leakage into the lake at the, channel crossing. Reply: It will be a difficult construction problem, but ductile iron pipe will be used which, is the most durable and water-tight pipe manufactured. Mr. Bjorlin asked if there was a way of reducing the costs of this project if the drainage would flow in another direction. Reply: 1nis project will always require a lift station regardless of the direction the sewers are drained. Mr. Bjorlin asked if there would be another public hearing on the project. Repiy: Yes. This hearing is to determine the feelivigs and desires of the residents about going forward with the project. The second hearing would consider the assessment charges,, Mr. Bjorlin asked wny the line on the northeast edge of the lake ran so close to the shore. Reply: This is a preliminary engineering line. It may he changed after further engineering study. Mr. Bjorlin questioned the layout of the trunk line on Pineview. Reply: It will not affect the project if;the lateral line is built now or later.t The trunk line must be put in with this project. John French, 5521 Halifax Lane, Edina, asked'if it has been determined over what per o o years the assessment will be spread. Reply: It has not yet been finally determined, but normal policy is to spread a combined water and sanitary sewer assessment over a 15-year period. Mr. French asked if it would be possible to pass on the lower percentage rate that would be available to the City to the homeowners, Reply: This difference in interest rates is absorbed in the sinking fund and is responsible for reduced area and REC charges. If the lower interest rate were passed on to the homeowners it would result in higher area and REC charges. Mr. French also asked when the second public hearing would be held. Reply: It will be held upon tapletion of the project,, approximately in late 1977. Mr. French owns property in Timber Shores and is concerned that the assessment costs raight make the price of his lots prohibitive. He is interested in how these charges might be reduced,, He asked if it might be possible to lay the pipes along the roadside easements in order to avoid the st,*eet restoration,, Reply: There is a possibility in several areas where the boulevord area is not taken up with utilities that we might be able "o avoid tearing, up both sides of the street. However, in most cases you can't deal with ,the installation of sewer and water without excavating the entire street. 047, I U 1 Special Council Meeting February 23, 1976 Page 48 N Chuck Gannott, 11710 - 54th Avenue Nortn, asked if tiny consideration has been given to protecting the lake from infiltration and minimizing the amount of sediment falling into the lake during the construction period. Reply: Pill possible care will be taken to protect the lake from infiltration during the construction period. Careful construction practices will keep the amount if sediment en-t-ering the lake to a minimum, but it is impossible to prevent it entirely. a Bo er Palmer, 4780 0akview; w Special Council Meeting February 23, 1976 Page 49 Don Mason, 11705 - 53rd.Avenue..-aiked if present residents were picking up the cost dortFthe that would run down larch Lane to County Road 9. Reply: No. Mr., Mason also asked if the Council felt the cost for the project would go down if it was postponed for a number,of years till the area was more fully developed so there would be more participation in sharing the cost. Reply: Construction costs have been escalating at approximately a rate of 10 percent per year, so there would be no aJvantage to delaying the project. Mr. Mason also asked if Council would consider ordering the sewer improvement at this time and the water at a later date. Reply: No. This would entail paying for restoring the street twice. Ernie Forness, 12875 - 47th Avenue North, questioned the reason for the jog in the oun ary line on 47th Avenue. Reply: The boundary lines are determined by the topography of the land and the jog represents a ridge line. Engineer Goldberg commented that these boundary lines have been extended to the farthest possible limits of this project so that any property owners that might possibly be benefited by the project would be notified now. At the next public,hearing the finite lines will be drawn as to the actual assessment area. Mr. Forness asked if the undeveloped area west of Larch Lane was to be included in this project. Reply: Any area that will be served by that trunk line will have to be included in -this project. The assessment on undeveloped acreage that will be served by this trunk will be for area charges only and the property will not be assessed again for an area charge. Tom Friederich, 11915 - 54th, Avenue,Nerth, suggested ai alterrate route for the trunk ne as it goes west on the cul-de-sac on 54th and cuts across the channel. He suggested that the sewer should be constructed along the existing storm sewer easement. There is some erosion now along the storm sewer that should be corrected. Reply: This suggestion will be considered. G oergeePolus, 11555 - 54th Avenue North, asked what the phases of the construction timetablewould be. Reply: The final design is not yet complete. When it is we will insert into the specifications certain requirements as to which phases should be' completed first, Those areas involving Areet restoration will be completed first so that that streets can be restored before the winter. The construction will start downstream and work upstream. The sanitary sewer will be laid first and then the contractor ill come back to lay the water main. The sewer on 54th is fairly deep at the intersection of Larch Lane and during this phase of construction the homes to the east will be cut off for probably one week or more. On the east side of 54th where the cut'. is extremely deep --38 ft.-- the procedure will be to sub -cut it down to 15 ft. and haul away the dirt before making the second cut. This could take as long as several months to complete. Mr. Friederich asked where the residents could park during that time. Reply: Parking areas would have to be set up on Evergreen and Goldenrod and walkways provided. Mr. Friederich asked what depth the sewer would be at Evergreen and 54th. Reply: 20 ft. Mr. Friederich also asked if the drainage ditch running parallel -to Evergreen would be filled in. Reply: no, not as part of this project. Mr. Friederich asked if there was a starting date for the project. Reply: No. Mr. Friederich asked if any pumping done during the con- struction work would affect the wells in the area. Reply: This would depend on the depth of the wells. If the existing wells terminate at the area of the pipe grade, the pumping operation could have an effect on the wells. Mr. Friederich asked if it would affect the level of the lake. Reply: No. Mr. Friederich asked how the lagoon will be crossed and if there is a chance of the pipes floating. 49- SpecieCouncil Meeting Februa.y 23, 1976 Page 50 Reply: Tests indicate pilings in that area, There is no chance of the pipes floating since they will be 10-12 ft,below the level of the channel, r; Lyle Giebenha_i_n, left in Plymouth Hi g, farm was not it was included his property may he wished- to be 13020 6 County Road 41, :stated he has one of the two dairy herds on 80 acres in the northv*,qkst area of the map west of Pineview, included +, wra Preject in the preliminary plan and he asked why now, Reply: The`boundairy lines bre inflated for this hearing and or may not be included in the project. Mr. Giebenhain stated excluded from this project, Iarie Friederf-ch, 11915 - 54th Avenue North, asked what R:::j if oeneral upkeep and maintenance t e pumping stations would,requiFc and if there wereprdb;ems would the area have to be dug up when repairs were made, keplYs- The pumps are chocked once a day to make sure they are operating properly, There is other maintenance at all. The pump is self-contained and there would be no digging involved in repairs to it. Mrs. Friederich asked how long the channel would be cut off during cons tr"Iction* Reply: 36 weeks. Virgil Schneider, 11520 - 54th Avenue North, suggested that Council consid(ir assessing the street restoration on a front footage basis and sewer and wager on a unit basis. He questioned whetter the unit charge was equitable conside,,ting the difference in the frontages between some lots. Reply: The general 9mind. rules are to compare lets in one development to see if they are all approximately equal in size. If there is a great difference between one development and another, there may be some adjustment of unit charges according to the average lot size. If a lot is of such a size that it is dividable, it will be assessed additional uniot charges, The method for assessing must be the same for sewer and water and, streets when they are included in one project. Mr; Schneider asked if any con= sideration would be given to the Schmidt Lake development as far as front footage. Reply: Lots that are not dividable will be looked at as a single lot and get one unit charge, Mr. Schneider asked if the plan takes into consideration the force, main serving the land west of Pineview and east of 494 which is guided for higher density, Reply: That difference is primarily taken up in REC. charges. It is taken into consideration also in the sizing of the pipes, Mr. Schneider asked if the extension of the trunk should be made into Timber Shores to pick up one home, Reply: The extension was made so the property on the south could also be serviced. Mr. Schneider asked if a pumping station in lieu of the 38 ft. cut on 54th Avenue was feasible, Reply: A number of alternatives have been analyzed for this project. The trunk costs are $60,000 more for the two -pump concept as opposed to eche one - pump concept with the deep cut, We came to the conclusion the additional cost was too much in exchange for the inconvenience of making the deep cut, Mr. Schneider asked what would happen to the pump during an interruption of electrical service to the area, which is a frequent occurrence: in this area. Reply: The pump would stop. There is sufficient wet well capacity to handle this for a period of "ime. Mr. Schneider stated at times elect pical service has been out for 3 or 4 days. Reply: In this case, some type of twnergency power would have to be provided. Mr. Schneider stated he is in favor of the project and would like to see the whole area jo to concrete curb and gutter, 501. I 1 6 n li i] Special February Page 51 Council Meeting 23, 1976, Wright Sam son, 5325 Goldenrod lane, opposed the project and stated he felt it would be t e consensus of the residents without Lakeshore property to oppose the project. Mr. Sampson,asked if the construction across the channel could perhaps break the seal on the lane. Reply: No one can guarantee that the seal will not be broken, but 1t is our judrAnt that using careful construction practices will ^revent it. Mr. Sampso.% asked :no would pay the costs for repairing the seal if it is broken. Reply: It would be part of the project costs. Mr. Sampson asked why the Metropolitan Sewer Board charge and the individual hook-up charge were not included in the estimated assessment costs. Reply: These charges are paid for by the individual and arR not part of the assessment. They were; noted in the hand-out material. Mr. Sampson stated he believed the lake was not being polluted by the septic systems as much as it was polluted from outbohrd motors and fertilizers. Reply: In the case of Parker's Lake and Medicine Lake, once sewer and water were installed, the lakes made drastic changes from what they were before. Mr. Sampson asked what protecti n would be provided when the 38 ft. cut was made at the channel, Reply: It will be; fenced every night. John Berrington. 11725 - 53rd Avenue North, asked if the water provided by the Ci':y would be well water or surface water. Reply: It will be well water and will be chlorinated, flouridated and treated for iron removal. Mr. Berrington also asked if these trunks would eventually tie into the Metropolitan Sewer System. Reply: Y`,?s. Mr. Oerrirgton asked if there was any possibility of acquiring federal funding for a portion of this project. Reply: Federal money is presently being expended on treatment plan work orrly. Ve have never been successful in getting money for sewer work. Mv., Berrington asked if it was feasible that an effluent treatment plant would someday be located on th s side of town. Reply: No. Mr. Berrington asked what the excavation depths would be on 53rd Avenue, Reply: The sanitary sewer on 53rd is of normal depth --8-10 ft. The typical rate of construction progrltss per day would he 200-300 ft. Mr. Berrington asked if any easements would have to be acquired on 53rd. Reply: No. It is proposed that the construction will be dowt the center of the street. Ron GJerstad, 4213 - 46th Avenue North, is builditiy a home at 5s30 Larch Lane. He spoke in favor of the project, but felt beceuse of the non-residents coming into the park and usinV the lake, the entire cost should not be borne by the homeowners. The park should be assessed more because of the people it brings into the area. Reply: The City will pay the area charge and lateral cnarges for the park because it is a community park. If the gommunity-at-large was to bear much more of the cone for this project than it is now carrying, Council would hese to vote against it, Mr. Gjerstad irked when water would be available for use. Reply: Immedia';elu 9fter constr4:tion is completed and tested. Ray Seliski, 12010 - 53rd Avenue North, who is building a home in the area, stated t would create a hardship for him if he were not able to hook up to the proposed system this year, He also requested Council t.o see that the construction on the channel is One in the most efficient way so that it would not be cut off all summer. Reply: We are forced by state statute to take the lowest bid for coni struction wn rk. We do have a great deal of control over the project, but we cannot control the ch6ice of contractor, We will male every attempt to expedite this project, d,r. Seliski also asked what the life expectancy of the sumps at the lift stations would be. Reply: 20 ,years, and replacement will be borne by the City Sewer Oft orating Find. 51- li 1: 1 1 1 I . Soeecia Y Counci i,.M6aing 1: L:ebrua y 23, 197b Page 5 Vic R tering, -98 McAowbro*k, Hopkins, a realtor, asked when surer woyld be -available to ho 80 acres of land notth ,of County Road7 in `the northwest porti m,,Uf the map. Reply; This area is not in our -S -year C.I,P. Out Mr~ Rotering ray petition to get it into the C,I,P. Mr. Rotering. ask"ed if he could petition to be included"in the present projet.t. Reply: No, Dick ts,sen, 5610 Evergre Zn Lane, expressed apprW.aV of the project.' He asked what the TepWof the sewer in the;Yale-Hoff area on Evergreen Lane would be. Reply: The tftvnk will be laid at a depth of .%14 `ft., at iter. deepest print, Mr. Essen also questioned where the lire woul'o be located. Reply: It wJ1J follow the center 1 ine knost of the way, L I Derald Gourley, 5265 Pineview, asked if the area charge for the project would be acre for serer and $500/acre for water main. Reply: Council will review, both the area and REC charges this spring and and they both wiil probably be increased. Depending on wheo4r Mr. Gourley's property will be included in both the sewer trunk area as well as the water trunk area, the assessment could be $500 per acre each for whiter and sewer. Mr. Goorley asked if in the 5 -year plan West Medicine Lake Road wffl be extended to connect with County Road 47, Reply: No. This is a county extension on West Medicine Lake Road, Mr, Gourley also asked if his property could be assessed twice for sewer and water. Reply: Area charges for sewer and water are only paid. once., Mr. Gourley asked if it was possible to move the boundary line to serve the east side of Pineview and omit the west side of Pineview which could be included in another project 5 years from now. Reply: Your property would be in this pMJect, Mr, Gourley asked how marry acres of park area the City owned and if con" sideration might be given to have the west side of Bass Lake be devoted to park area. Reply: It is not in our park plan. Mr. Gourley asked if the trunk would be necessary if this land was parkland, Reply: To get to the homis that are already there, as well as the property on the west side of Pineview, this trunk is necessary. They cannot 3e reached from any other direction, Chuck Wedge, 11730 - 54th Avenue North, lives in the area; where the 38 ft, trench wiTTedug and asked how this area will Le protected during the day, Reply: The trench will be sub-ctft and it will be fenced during construction for its cpntinuous length, Mr. Wedge asked how long the construction in this area would take. Reply: 6-8 weeks, Mr, Wedge asked why the construction woulo take this long, Reply: Two lines are going in et different levels, after which service lines are put in to each property, Then the street must be restored. With the equipment currently available for this type of construction and to move that volume of dirt, it will make 20-30 ft. per day, The area is 1,000 ft. long, Mr, Wedge also questioned why the charges for the Metro Sewer System and indiv oual hookup and plumbing charges were not figured into the assessmer4 charges in the report. Reply: The normal engineering procedure in estimating a project is to show costs to provide service to the property line, Ruth Rosendahl, 5205 Pineview Lane North, owns 11 acres along t1bie railroad on K nev ew. She asked why her propeMty is included in this project since it was not included in the original plan, Reply: This property is on :ne border of the project area, It may or may not be included in the project, but the property owner may not make this choice, It is determined by the topography of the land, J2- 1 Special Council Meeting February 23, 197E Page 53 Dick Kaufftann, 4048 likeland Avenue North, owns 26 acres north of Bass Lake Road, He asxe a lines did not crost. County Road 10, Reply: The road drains in an easterly direction towards Pike Lake. Water service only will be available for the area north of County Road 10 in this project. Mr. Kauffmana asked if there was a possibility of being included in sever and water development in the next 5 year plan. Reply: Not before 1979. Mr. Kauffmann stated he was told this area would be developed in 1977. He asked if it could be included in this project since he cannot develop the land without the availability of sewer. Could the small area west of Hemlock Lane tie into the Maple Grove system, Reply: No, Maple Grove does not have the capacity to handle Plymouth's sewage. Mr. Kauffmann may petition the City for sewer and water for this property. We have gone on record as being willing to cooperate with any joint ;project that mr.ets the long-term requirements of both comni ties. As far as extending temporary service, we will have to look carefully at how much temporary service we can allow. Bob Saumur, 10451 Osage Street, asked if this project is undertaken when the assess- ments wou d become payable, Reply: The assessments would become payable in Novgfter, 1977 and would first appeitr on the tax statements in May, 1978, Mr. Saumur asked if it would be possible to coordinate the hook-up of individual homes with this project. Reply: tio, we do not go onto private property. J. A, Hammill, 355 Sweet ilriar Lane, Hopkins, urged the Council to go ahead with the project since the cost: will only increase in the future. Sibert M. Gomsrud, 5415 Pineview Lar°;:, ssked where future water towers were planned in a y, Reply: Mr. Willis indicated on a map the iocations of future reservoirs os contained in the City's; Water Distr;bution Plan. Ralph Durand, '2000 - 53rd Avenue Ncrth, asked if there was a possibility of using the 10-20 ff, of open space alongside the street for sewer lines. Reply: The street right-of-way is 60 ft. The driving portion is 32 ft., leaving 14 ft. on each side, Within that space are underground electricity, gas and telephone lines, To the extent that the boulevard area has not been ured up by these utilities, we will be looking at these areas as potential locations for suer lines in an attempt to cut down disruption of the area. If we can get easements on 54th Avenue, we can use these areas. Roger B orlin, 12110 - 54th Avenue North, asked if anyone could hook into the force main com n4 from 45th Avenue, ReDiv: No, it would back uD into your home. Mr. Bjorlin asked if in the future there would be a lateral to serve the land on she east and west site of Larch Lane, Reply: Yes, since we to not anticipate direct driveway access onto Larch Lane, laterals will be run into this area, Mr. Bjorlin asked if the pretent residents were paying For the force main now. Reply: No, only as much as ),our area charges would cover this cost. Mr. Bjorlin asked if surfacing we Larch Lane was planned. Reply: Surfacing of Larch Lane will not be done until 1477. It will not be a part of i is assessment unless you live on Larch Lane. Virgil Schneider, 11520 - 54th many oak -trees ai possible when Reply: The City's, policy is to 1 Avenue North, bsked Council to consider saving as planning the line through Timber Shores Park. save as many trees as possible. 53- C Special February Cour,ci 1 *eting Z.3; 1976 age 54 1 t rald Gourle 'i 5265 Pineview, asked how much the cost per foot would be when water i d sWer are node available to his ,property. Repiy: If they were done at this time, hey,, could expect';approximate]y the same as the costs in this -proje0', It- would depend on'\the developmeot of the property and the timing. Larry Graham, 40tVan Buren, Edina, asked ment at the present time.- Repsy: No., not Orob4fo1y be decided on March 8, 1976. The pt?l i c hearing was closed at 10:45 MOTION was made by Acting Mayor Hunt, from this hearing presented to Council Motion carried, three ayes. if this would be a pending special assess until the project is ordered. ,This will P.M. seconded by Councilman Neils, to, have the data at the regular meeting on March 8. The meetiro was adjourned at 10:50 P.M. 0 54- Loretta 6 Secretary d . f rri ty Ifs to Coulfc i 1 I'