HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 02-17-1976 SpecialPage 36 MINUTES SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING February 11, 1976 A special meeting of the Plymouth City Council was'called to order by Mayor Hilde at 7:40,P.R.) in the Council Chambers cif the Public Works Building, 14900 Twenty- third Avenue North, on February 17, 1976, PRESENT: Mayor Hj 1 de, Councilmen Hunt, Neils, Seibold and Spaeth, Manager Willis, Planner Dillerud, Engineer Goldberg, Administrative Assistant Kreager and Attorney Lefler, ABSENT: None MINUTES MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman MINUTES - REGULAR Neils, to approve the minutes of the February 2 regular Council COUNCIL MEETING meeting. FEBRUARY 2, 1976 Item 4 Motion carried, four ayes. Mayor Hilde abstained. PUBLIC HEARING Planner Dillerud explained that the City was holding the second, of two federally -required public hearings re the application of,' Community Dev4lopment Revenue Sharing funds. He stated notice of the hearing had been published in the Plymouth Post and maied to Plymouth Homeowners Associations. He presented a list of eligible and ineligible activities for use of the funds and a list of eleven possible CORS projects together with an analysis of their eligibility and consistency with City policy. He then reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation for use of the funds. Council discussed the Planning Conmission's recommen4ations briefly. 1, Mayor Hilde opened the public hearing at 7:.,5 P.M. Bill Moxley, 17020 - 25th Avenue North, representing the Tt+Comm Homeowners Association, requested that Council consider coastruction of a municipal swimming pool for year-round use as a use for the CDRS funds. Orlin Julius, 17810 - 2nd Avenue North, representing the Optimist Club of Plymouth, recommended the Federal Revenloe Sharing funds be used for the purpose of constructing a year-round swindnI4j pool He distributed the club's Bulletin recording this recormnehdation. Sandy Wertz, 17305 - 9th Avenue North, spoke to recomw4nd that the funds be spent in a manner that would allow them to be matched by government funds, possibly for park acquisition or retreational purposes. The public hearing was closed at 8:02 P,M% 36- l PUBLIC HEARING COMMUN TY DEVELOP- MENT REVENUE SHARING (2ND HEARIN Iteil 5 r i' Special Council Meeting February 17; 1976 Page 37 Council discussed the proposals presented by the PlanneC,, Councilman Spaeth commented that we were moving {n the,direction of a swimming pool with the acquisition of land for Downto'mi Plymouths: and a computer program for data storage retrieval and a sembly development for housing, lend and transportation would Basten the development of the project. N,QTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seco, tided by Councilman Spaeth, to direct staff to return to Council with an estimate of)the con- struction costs of a municipal swimming purl. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, ser-.onded by Councilman Neils, to defer this item until after the discu',sion of Downtown Plymouth. Motion carried, five eyes. TI TS ICATI Manager Willis reviewed Deltak Corporation's request for industrial development revenue bond financing and introduced Denis Csathy, president of Deltak Cowporation, Mr. Csathy explained his present facilities are not adequate for his fast-growing company and do not give him access to railroad transportation which is no!essary to his business. The land in the Reinhard plat would satisfy all his requirements. He explained the nature of the heart recovery systems lie manufactures and the company's potential for growth and their long range plans for the futare. He answered Counr:i1's questions on the company's present sallts figures and financial status. Mayor Hilde reviewed with the Council what the City's exposure would be in this venture, Attorney Lefler stated that the bonds would be secured by a first mortgage on the realty and buildings of the company, Trustees would represent bond holders in financial dealings and if the company were to default on mortgage p/4yments, full faith and credit of the City of Plymouth is not pledged and the general revenues of the City would not be called upon to pay off the bonds. Bond holder.; would have the same rights as any nortgagee in any other real estate trans- action and would be able to liquidate the property, but the City of Plymouth would not be obligiited, Mayor Hilde asked if the 01ty had any indirect exposure. Attorney Lefler replied Oe only way the City could in the least be injured is that we are, in effect, lending the City's credit, but this does not. affect our rating with Mootiy's Investor Service. 37- DELTAK (ORPORATION INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BOND FINANCING Item 64 J n Spedal Councfl Meejing February 17,1976 j Page 38 Wayne Hesterl, DIYI's Kalmar, b Quail, state4 they hada done an extensive study of Deltak,.,Corporation and its management. They are not aware of any financial li?bility La Plymoach it the revenue ,bonds w:. into default. No one could know'the intangible effect on Plymou;h under these;, circumstanf es, but it would have no tangible ,effect on the City of Plymouth. Ho explained that the bonds would be marketed;by private placement as opposed to broad market distribution and sold o oaly, four or five buyers in total. M01 ION, was made by Councilma)i Hunt, seconded by Mayor Hilde, to adopt RES040 ION N0, 76-1)l, A RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF DACUKENTAT,jON FOR INDUST<AAL REVENUE BONDS FOR giELTAK CORP. Motion carriO on a Roll Call vote, three ayes, Councilmen Neils and ae44bold voted nay. I RESOLUTION N0. 76-101 INDUSTRIAL CUELOWNT REVENU2. BONDS FOR DELTAK'CORrORATION Couneilman Weils stated his reason for voting against the resolution - was that tho organization has a great deal of ootential, but relatimely small equity for the debt they wish to acquire. Dan Fazendin, president of the Plymouth Civic League, briefly reviewed the League's calendar of activities for 1y76 and requested that 'the City appropriate $3,000 iii supe rt of the Minnesota2Orchestra's concert scheduled for July 27 or 28. He introduced Gene $ehroeder, chairman of "Town Meeting 176". Mr. Schroeder stated Plymouth's 'Lown Meeting '76 was scheduled for April 3rd at Beacon Heights Elementary School sti.1 ng at 9:00 A.dl. It will be a one -day community forum with special local focus --a workshop of local people solving thoir own problems. He requested the Council to attend the forum and bring along people that,cpuld offer to the forum and gain from it. MOTION was made by Counciiaman Semold, seconded by Councilman to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-i020ARCSOLJTION AUTHORIZING APPROPRIATION OF $3,000 TO PLYMOUTH CIVIC LEAGUE FOR "MUS)'C IN PLYWJTH" PROGRAM. Motibn carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. PLYMOUTH CIVIC LEAGdE Item 6-B Hunt, RERUSSOLUTION N0, T6i„ 102 IC IN Mft APPROPRIATION Jay Hamann, computer consultant, reviewed the City's current computer system and stated that he had de'enriined the present system was satkirated and did not hove the cipabi1ity to handle any new applications, such as a plat anJ parcel file. He recommended that thu system be augmented or replaced and presented his recor> m.ndations for Council's cuns0eration. Council discussed various alternatives for augm o ti,ig the City's present computer system and questioned Mr. Hainan. MOTION was mado by Cruncilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilmar Neils, to authorize pv*paration of spPcifications of theiCity's computing needs. 38- FINANCE DEPT. REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION OF SPECS FOR CITY'S COMPUTING NEEDS Item 6-C i C c f f ' Special, Council Meeting February 17, 1976 i Page 39 1 Council Seibold stated he doe's not aq- pt 'the fact the City needs another computer and feels there are -,`her alternatives which have not beer: investigated. j Mro ft'lann stated he would investigati all alternatives for handling the City's computer work. MOT ION was made by Mayor Hilde, secol,tied by Councilman Seibold, to amel4d previous motion by directing c6iultsnt,t; consider all four alternatives listed on pa9e 3 of his r?port for obtaining all the computing needed by the City. Motion to amend carried, four ayes. Councilman Nems voted nay. Councilman Neils stated he felt we havR; enough information to establish the need 'tor a new computer,,.with the exception of Item 3 in the report, amt he is prepared to move ahead with authorizing specifications for t -he new hardware. K-iin motion carried a- amended, three 'a_pes. Counci';men Hunt and SeiLold voted nay, , MOTION was made by Councilman Spoath. !econded by Councilman Neils, to ,adopt RESCLUTION N0. 76-103. A RESODUTION ArPROVING CONDITIONAL; USE PERMIT FOR SUPERIOR FORD TO TEMPORIRILY PARK VEHICLES ON THEIR SITE ON NON -HARD -SURFACED AREA (A-449). Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, fife ayes. Manager Willis reviewed the status of site selection for Water Storsge Reservoir No. 4 and Council's direction from the Council meeting of February 2. He explair;ed that because the property owners of the designated sites refused to let the City take soil borings. it would be necessary for tho City to commence condemna- tion proceedings for the site to ottaic the right to enter upon the property to take the necessary sell borings. TO site selocted is site SP -3 (see Report on Water Storitje Reservoir, Project 605). owned by William Driscoll. Mayor Hilde requested Jim 04on, crns,ulting engineer, to review the feasibility of constructing a grou'hd storage reservoir on one of the selected sites. Mr. Olson illustrated tho difi°erences between the ground sto ige and standpipe systems. He elstimatud the cysts of constructing a round storage system as outlined in the report, but on a similar site, would probably not exceec 10 percent o -'i the cost indicated in the report. However, if the ground storage system was located outside of the designated area as shown in the Water Distribution System Report, dated 1572, the costs fur the lines leadirg into the system would be rtreatly increased and the 0f.6,tiveness of the system could be decreased, substantially. RESOLUTION N0, 76.103 CONDITIONAL USE p-ERMI TEMPORARY PARKING FOR SUPERIOR FORD (A-449) Item 6-D WATER STORAGE RESERVOIR N0, 4 PROJECT 605 Item 7-C C 39- c. I Special Co %icil Meeting 6zbruary 1 1976 r Nage 40 l James Lan 1505 Xanthus 1 Ane, representing Ruth Aul t o William Driscoll, s Cargi 1 l KIcKi l lan, Or.. Honry Porter and Dr. Peter Strand, requested on behalf of his const'ltuekie that the inAitution of condemnation proceedings be tabled for 30 dais. They felt it was premature to act in such a drastic manner before a cost.4 nefit analysis had been done. The property owners felt the direction pf Council at the meting on February 2 gave them one month to resolve the,matter and the pr(iperty owner had not been given adequate notice of the institution of proc"dings in eminent domain. They also felt no time would be saved ' a going ahead A th these legal proceedings. Henry Porter, 1605 Xenthus Lane, state+ the need for the water reservoir canes from further development of pres.ntly undeveloped land. He asked Council to take into c uisideratior the: visual effect in the neighborhood when considering the sig and type of structure to be constructed. He felt the alternatives for meeting the City's needs for a water reservoir have not been fully examined. He wondered if, in fact, this reservoir is to be built for the benefit of land yet to be developed, why it must be placed on existing and long-term residential property in a fully develped neighborhood. He asked for the opportunity to work with City officials to explore location of a reservoir closer to the primary beneficiary, which appears to be the Elwell property devevelopment, so that benefits and difficulties may be more clearly matched. He felt it would be an opportunity to build facilities for undeveloped land on undevelrped land. The Mayor explained that this is not a drastic action being taken, but it is taken only beclu.c the property owners would not permit soil borings to be taken to fulfil Council's direction. The eminent domain proceedings are being initiated,in order that the City may be allowed to have access it) get the soil borirgs to determine if this site is feasible for construc- tion of a reser-voir. Attorney Lefler explained that once this legal action was initiated, the Council must take further action to stop or interrupt the proceedings. Assuming that a court, would approve the City's petition, they would then enter an order which would include appointment of commissioners to appraise damage to the property and value of the property being taken and provide the commipsioners with 180 days in which to make these determinations, In order to stop the proceedings, the action must he withdrawn. Mayor Hilde stated `urther that in 1969 the City made a commitment to go into the sewer and water business, replacing individual neighborhood systems and the private N;nneapolis Industrial Park system, to provide c'tizens with better service and fire protection and allow for further commercial and industrial development. In 197 plans were finalized for a City Water Distribution Systs, providing the most efficient dis- tribution on a City-wide basis, In this elan, all the water reservoirs are inter-cnnnected and none operate for the benefit of one particular neighborhood or development. Therefore, we are unable to match the benefits and difficulties of a water reservoir to any particular neigh- borhood, The City has rEceived many cotrulaints about the poor supply and pressure of water to existing residents of Plymouth. In order to provide adequate service to residents, we must add Water Reseovoir No. 4 to the City's Water Distribution System as provided for in the t-,.j,!neering plans. ri 1f hl pec i a l February Page 41 Council Meeting 17, 1976 i NOTION was, made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 16-104, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PRO- CEEDINGS'11-N EMINENT DOMAIN TO ACQUIRE 16AND FOR THE PURPOS;r OF CONSTRUCTING A WATER RESERVOIR. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. Neils, RESOLU'T INV NO. 76-104 AUTHORIZING A I DOMAIN PROCFcDINGS WATER RESERVOIR NO. 4 There followed a lengthy discussion of the size and cost of a ground reservoir versus the size and added architectural costs in making a standpipe as unobtrusive and aesthetically pleasing as pWasible. Manager Willis stated he would report back to Council wife tn„ results of the soil borings as soon as access is available to thl propirty and at that time he would also report. on tho potential treatha'nt of tns, aesthetics of a, standpipe and the cost involved. There was furthe-r discussior on the possibility of locat-ng a grounr: storage facility outside of the designated location shev"i in the k•.ter Distribution Plan. Consulting Engineer Olson commented we had tha technology to place the facility anywhere in the City b',: the crsts would increase. Mayor Hilde concluded that we are committed System to provide bianefits to all residents efficient and effEctive system for the City. minimize the impact of the reservoir on the as unobtrusive as possible. to the City WatP.• Distribution because itis +ne most Council N i 1' attempt to designated s",te and make it James lane, Attorne,., questioned Council if they had already chosen a site or if their mi0s were open to the four sites r.ontained in the study and a standpipe or ground storage system. H: stated Mr. Dris%-;oll and Mr. Ogden declined permission to take soil tuts because they hoped Council would considhr various alternatives, Attorney Lefler replieO that the initial plan was that this matter would come before COLIcil on Karch 8 with so -;l boring results in hand and this resolution is here before Council jImost entirely because Mr, Driscoll and Mr. Olden declined to per,nit the City to take soil borings, If we can take the borings now we would not have to proceed with this action, MOTION was made by Counc lman Him t, sf:onded by Councilman Neila', to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 7i-105, A RES'.iLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR PLAT 43740, PARC11 820, Motion carried on a Roll C,111 vote, five ayRs, MOTION was mode by Colincilrrmn Hunt, secnnded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, /6-1 51 A RESOLUT14ON ORDERING PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT FOR SEWER LIFE STATION AND WATER MAIN CONNEC- TION FROM 3RD 5 QOFENSLAND TO FERNDALE NORTH. PLAT. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes, 41- RESOLUTION NO, 76-105 06071% ASSESSMENT PLAT 43740 PARCEL 820 Item 6-E RESOLUTION N0. 76-106 ENGINEERING REPIAT 3RD 8 QUEENSLANu'TO FERNDALE NORTH PLAT Item 64 0 Special February Page 42 Council Neetirig 17. 1976 MOTION was spade by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Seibo -i d, to adopt RESOLUTION IVO. 75.1079 A RESOLUTION AWARDING BID TO A;.0. CARLSON AIR COND HIORING COMPANY FOR THE INSTALLATION 01- Ali AIR/EXCHANGER AT THE PUBLIC M)RKS GARAGE. ouncilman Spaeth questioned whether this equipment satisfied the new Energy Conservation Cade. Brad Lemberg, consulting engineer, replied this system was chosen to comply with the new Energy Conservation Code. MOTION was made by Councilman hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to amend Resolution by striking Cool A-ir'Nechanical's bid and adding the following paragraph immetoiately following the bids, WHEREAS Cool 'Air -Mechanical submitted a bid of $119690.00, which Od was not in accordance iwith specifications." lotion to amend carried, five ayes. Notion to adopt Resolution No. hull Call vote, five ayes. 76-107 as amended carried on a MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman 1-ieils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-108, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THC PURCHASE OF A FORD BRONCO FOR SIDEWALK S146WPLOWING AND OTHER MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS AT THE PURCHASE PRICE OF $4,864.0U. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, secnndeo Ly Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-109, A RESOLUTION APPROVING CHANGE ORDER N0, 3 IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,425.00 TO NODLANO ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR PROJECT N0, 514, GREENTREE WEST ADDITION. Motion carried on a Roll Call vute, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-110, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT 03 REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. 9 TO CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY IN THE AMOUNT OF $55,237.00 FOR PROJECT NO. 402-001 ELFVATED WATER TOWER, Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes, MOTION was inpde by Councilman Neil,,;, seconded by (ounc i l man Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-111, A RESOLUTION PROV UING FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS IN THE ",MOUNT OF $31,671644 TO ENCOMPASS DI SBURSCMENTS FOR IMPERIAL HILLS PILOT NE IGHBORHO('D P441( FROM THE PARK DEDICATION FUND, NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS (ACCT. 0105 000 371.03) TO IMPERIAL HILLS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK PROJECT 016 816 810 524. Motion carried on a Roll Call rote, fire ayes, 42- RESOLUTION Nott 76-107 AWARDING BID FOR AIR EXCHANGER IN CITY GARAGE TO , C.Q. CARLSON AIR CONDITIONING COMPANY Item 6-G RESOLUTION NO. 76-108 lURHASE OF FORD BR N`0 FOR SIDEWALK SNOWP* Nr Item 6-H RESOLUTION Nn. 76-109 CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 GREENTREE WEST ADDITION PROJECT 514 Item 6-I RESOLUTION NO. 76-110 t QUES'i FOR PAY EIT ELEVATED WATER TOWER PROJECT 402-001 item 6-J-1 RESOLUTION NO, 76-111 TRANSFER OF F S DISBURSEMENTS FOR IMPERIAL HILLS PARK Item 6-J-2 al Special Council Meeting February 17, 1976 Page 43 MOTION was" made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Seibold,,to adopt R SOLUTION NO. 76-,. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. 1 IN THE AMOUMT Oa $29970.00 TO ARTEKA, INC. FOR IMPERIAL BILLS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. PORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to accept staff's report on the 49th Avenue North Thoroughfare with Alternate A. but directing staff to keep Alternate B in mind. M Motion carried five ayes. 110TION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-113, A RESOLUTI04 AUT30RIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT'POWERS IRE TRAINING CENTER AGREEMENT. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. Enrineer Goldberg reviewed Hennepin County's Transportation Systems Study Report and com,tented that the report coincides with the City's adopted Thoroughfare Guide Flan. A trief discussion of the report followed. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded Ey Councilman Hunt, to accept the Hennepin County Transportation Systtew, Scudy Rep -)rt. I0otioi, ca t-ri ed, fl ie ayes. LOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Cooincilman Neils, to direct Eirgineer Goldberg• to reaffirm the loca f ie)n of the :ounty road system a; it relater: to our Thoroughfare Guide Plan at the next meeting cf the Hennepin County Adviscry Committee. Motin.n carried, fives ayes. RESOLUTION NO. 76-112 RQUEST FOR PYMENT IMPERIAL HILLS PARK Item 6-J-2 49TH AVENUE NORTH ALIGNMENT REPORT Item 7-A RESOLUTION NO. 76-113 AMENDMENT TO FIRE 1RAINING CENTER AGREEMENT Item 7-D HENNEPIN COUNTti TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS STUDY REPORT Item 7-E MOTI9N was made by C,iunci loran Spaeth, seco ided by Count.i 1 man Neils, to direct staff to a: around the City ar.d note intersc-Qtions where poor site alignment i causing visual problems and prepare a resolution requesting Hennepin County to correct these c,neW ons. Mcticn oarrie', five ayvti 111TI11 was made by Councilman Hunt, set.ondxl by Counc lman Neils, o adopt RE50LUTION NO. 76-111, A RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION FCR HOT'L AND MOTEL t,t"ENSE FOR MAIIITENANCE Or l ig GUEST R OMS FOR r",.vO I SSON INN PLYMOUTH, W)tion carried o.i a Roll Call vo-o, five ayP5. 43- RESOLUTION N0, 76.114 HOTEL 6 MOTEL LICENSE Item H s IN J Special Council Meeting February 171 1976 Page 44 Manager Willis reviewed the Purchase Agreement between the City'of Plymouthnd Plymouth Hills Company and the accompanying resolufAuins authorizi g the Mayor and Manager to enter into this agreement to' acquire 3 acres of land for public purposes and conveying to Plymouth 10 acres of land for public park'purposes, giving the City a tgtal'of 44 acres of land. PLYMOUTH RGQU SITION I tent 7- F-1 Attorney Lefler reviewed the Purchase Agreement with Councifl, in detail. A discussion of the Agreement and the park dedication parcel folitwed. Attorney Lefler commented that the 10 acre parcel taken fob parkland and water holding purposes may not have a structure put on,,'it. Frank Larsen, representing Plymouth Hills Company, replied to Council's questions. MOTION was made by Rayo r Hilde, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-115, A RESOLUTION WTHORI'ZING 16HE ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES. MO' s; ION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Counc i 1 man ,Hunt, to atnend,Purchase Agreement by adding to Section II, Item 14 of the Addendum provision for the assumption of the obl-1gations for assessments for public improvements in the take -back price. Mntion to amend carried, five ayes. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 76-115 carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Councilmen Seibold voted,nay. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Neils,, to adopt RESOLUTION N0, 76-116, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AGRtzMENT FOR THE .CONVEYANCE AND DEDICATION OF LAND FOR PUBLIC OPEN SPACE PURPOSES FROM THE PLYMOUTH HILLS COMPANY. Motio4-i carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. Mayor Hilde briefly reviewed the funds available to apply to the cost of the development of Downtown Plymouth. He asked Council to be positive in looking ahead to a fairly significant bond issue, for this development in the next 15 months. He listed the next ! steps in the development of the 'land as follows: 1; site planning, 2) zoning, 3) final platting, 4) selling property for post office to the U.L. Postal Service, 5) meeting of the Architectural Committe Councilmen Neils and Seibold and Commissioner Davenport), and 6) consideration of HRA market -type projects. Planner Dillerud requested authority to employ the services of Wehrman, Chapman Associates, Inc. to undertake planning activities so a preliminary plat may be prepared and reviewed their contract. He si;ated that funds from the City's 1975 Community Development Revenue Sharing grant had been reserved to fund this study and part of the cost of the final plat. 4- G RESOLUTION NO. 76-115 PROPERTY ACQUISITION Item 74-1 a RESOLUTION NO. 76-116 DEDICATION 6F PARKM FROM PLYMOUTH HILLS CO. Item 7-F-1 9 i Special Cuuncil Meeting February 17, 196 ' Page 45 MOTION was made bpi Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Neils, RESOLUTION NO, 76%117 to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 76-1179 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DESIGN PROPOSAL MANAGER TO EMPLOY THE FIRM OF WEHRMAN,HAPMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. WEHRMAN, CHAPMAN TO UNDERTA E PLANNING AND PLAITING ACTI,YITIES CONSISTENT WITH ASSOCIATES, INC. SAID FIRMIS PROPOSAL DATED JANUARY 27, 1976 AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $3,600 Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. y` There was further discussion on Ot ilizing the revenue sharing COMM N,I'Te' DEVELOPMENT funds for a pian update to compl;V with Mandatory Planning Act REVENOE SHARING (dont.) requirements, an, inventory, ana;ysis and` program for a balanced Item,g housing,resource for the Hra, or additional computer work for housirig', land and transportation data. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth to apply, funds to computer, work, and development of an HRA plan and Mandatory Planning Act update. i Motion failed for lack of a second. MOTION was made by CounciTTan Hunt, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to defer a decision on allocation of the CDRS funds until the 1 regular Council meeting on March 8, taking into consideration a Councilman Seibold's ea rl'ier,motion requesting construction costs for a municipal swimming pbol . Motion carried, five ayes, Engineer Goldberg,,reviewed the Bass Lhke Improvements Project BASS LAIC;\IMPROVEMENTS No. 607. Council discussed various means of assessing the PROJECT N4,,,,\\507 excessive lateral charges for this project., Mayor Hilde Item 7-B summarized Council's conclusions as follows: 1) The area shall bear the ent i . , cost 'for those lateral costs and the policy for parkland shall be appliea,to those calculations. 2) Trunk costs are far in excess of what can be assessed. An alternative might be to increase tile, acreage charge for. the entire City, and this alternative should be discussed at the public hearing, MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, secomded by Councilman Spaeth, to defer the blacktopping of Larch lane until 14.77 so it may be done as one project from County Road 9 north to the railroad tracks, Mayor Hilde adjourned the meeting at 12:20 NM. 45- ue t?itch Loretta Garrity Secretary to Council 0