HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 01-26-1976 SpecialPage 19 MIN,UT ES Special Council Meeting January 26, 1976 A special meetingjof the Plymouth City Council was called to order by Mayor Hilde at 8:20 P.M."Jn the Council Chambers of the Public Works Building, 14900 Twenty- third Avenue Noo,th, on January 26, 1976. PRESENT: Mayor Hilde, Councilmen Hunt, Neils, Seibold and Spaeth, Manager Willis, Planner Dillerud,,Engineer Goldberg and Administrative Ass'is`tant Kreager. ABSENT: None ' The Nkyor announced that,' the next order of business was, REFUNDING BOND SALE consideration bf sealed bids for the purchase of $8.02$v000 Item 2 General Obligation Refunding Bunds of 1976, Series I, of the City, in accordance with'Resolution 11o. 764, adopted Janu,;iry 5, 1976, The City Manager presented affidavit$ showing publication of a notice of sale n the official newspaper of the City, and in Finance and Commerce and Commercial West:, financial papers published in Minneapolis, Minnesota, which affidavits were examined and fn!jnd satisfactory and oraaied placed on file. The City Manager then presented the sealed bids left with him prior to 1:00 P.M., and `wish had been opened and tabulated by the Manager thereafter in the eresence and with the assistance of representatives of Ehlers and Ass oiates, the fiscal advisors of the City. The bids were uxami ned and found to be as follows: Name of Bidder Net Interest Cost Net Interest Rate Allison -Williams Company $3,158,735.00 M506% Minneapolis, Minnesota John Nuveen i Company, Inc. Chi:ago, Illinois Continental'Illinois Nat'l. $3,175,428.25 5.6805% Bank A T*ust Company The First Nat'l. Bank of Chict'go Chicago, Illinois _ The Mayor wounced that the mixt order of business was consideration of sealed bids for the purchase of $5,975,000 General Obligation Refunding 11cinds of 1976, Series 11, %if the City, in accordance with Resolotion No. 764, adopted January S. 1976. The City Mane9er preserit;ed affidavits showing publication of a notice Qf sale in the o Vicial newspaper of the City, and In Finance a hd Commerce and Cnownerc i a l West, financial papers published in Minneapolis, Miniialsota, which affidavits were examined and; found satisfactovy and ordered placed on file. 19- I I u Special Council Meeting January 26,, 1976 . Page 20'' I. The City Manager then presented the sealed bids left with him prior to 1:00 P.M.,'and which' had bee opened arvd tabulated by the Manager thereafter in the presence and kith the assistance of'represenatiaes Ehlers and Associates, the fiscal advisors of the City. The bidslof were,examined and found to be a follows: Name of Bidder, j' Net Interest Cost Ne.re t Rate. I Allison -William Company 1,898,687.50 1.3378% Minneapolis- Minnesota John Nuvem b Company, Inc. Chicago, Illinois Continental Illinois Nat'l. $90910486.20 5.3716% Bank 6 Trust Company The First Nat'l. Bank of Chicago Chicago, Illinois MOTION was, made by Councilman Seibold. seconded byi Counc i 1 nein RESOLUT ION:: NOS 76-60 Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 76-60, A RESOLUTION SELLING SES--.1 i'7 8,025,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS OF 1976, SERItS i, REFUNDING BONDS TO ALLISON-WILLIAMS COMPANY AND JOHN NUVEEN &,COMPANY, INC.'' PROVIDING FOR THE FORM AND SPECIFICATIONS THEREOF, PROVIDIN4 FOR THEIR PAYMENT, PROVIDING FOR ThE ESCROWING AND,INVESTMENI' OF THE PROCEEDS THEREOF, AND PROVIDING FOR THE REDEMPTION 0 BONDS REFUNDED THEREBY. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 76-61 Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-61, A RESOLUTION SELLING SERIES 111979- 5.975,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS OF 1976, SERIES II, REFUNDING BONDS TO ALLISON-WILLIAMS COMPANY AND JOHN NUVEEN 6 COMrAIIY,.INC, PROVIDING FOR THE FORM AND SPECIFICATIONS THEPEOF, PROVIDING FOR THEIR PAYMENT, PROVIDING FOR THE'ESCROWING AND INVESTMENT OF THE PROCEEDS THEREOF, AND PROVIDING FOR THE REDEMPTION OF BONDS REFUNDED THEREBY. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. Police Chief Hawkinson appeared before the Council to answer POLICE REPORT questions on the Nine -Month Police Department Report. Mayor Hilde commented on the repos and 4sked for a better definition of police arrests so th t it t an be determined if police efforts are useful. He asked if there were any records available to follow-up on aerests made in Plymouth'. Chief Hawkinson replied that the reaction of the police is limited by law and what happens after an arrest in the courts And correction system is beyond their control. Records of sentencing 'in the District Court are not available and a program to dig this information out would be eery expensive. a Special Council Meeting January 26, ,1976 Page 21 C The Council discussed the report and questioned Chief Hawkinson about the rate of recidivism of those arrested in P1 ymouth., Mayor Hilde stated we must enforce the law but we must set our own priorities in law enforcement. We may determine it futile tojsp,end our valuable police time in certain kinds of efforts becausE of l-le way the system works., A community that would make a sincere effort to ga,th r the right kind of information and study it so that the right cdnclusions can be drawn could make a valuable input into county and state levels. They are not using this information in a way -that could improve their policies. He stated we`nad two options: 1) to do nothing or 2) to spend a little money and make the effort to follow-up on arrests made in Plymouth: Councilman Neils suggested requesting the County to keep a computer file on arrests in the community to provide data in a form that would be useful to us in determining what methods of police wcrk attain the,best results. MOTION was made by Mayor Hile, seconded by Councilman Neils, to direct staff to prepare a recommendation for Council defining the kinds of information that our staff and our Council would need to evaluate the results of our whole system of law enforcement and following them through the system far enough to determine what police methods achieve the most effective results. This report should be presented to the Council to enable them to: 1) improve our own law enforcement efforts in Plymouth ' and adjust them as may be practical and necessary;\,and 2) be able to have a recommendation that we can pass on to other jurisdictions that are making policies in these areas and into systems such as the judicial system with a view towards encouraging reform or improvement. The report should include any indication that you would have of not receiving full or sufficient cooperation to get this job done and an accounting of your time and other outside costs you incur. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Neils, to pass the recommendation on to our legislators along with a resolution supporting the McCutcheon Rill. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Neils, to furthe direct staff to make a more intensive study of the existing legislation that is detrimental to the process of law enforcement and come back with some recomiendations to give to our legislators. Motion carried, five ayes. 21- Special Council Meeting January 26, 1976 Page, 22 MOTION was mad'e'-'by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman, Neils, to appoint Alan Brass as an at -large member of,\the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission for a three-year term expiring January 31, 1979. ' Motion carried'. four ayes. Councilman Spaeth abstained. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde', seconded -by Councilman Neils, to appoint James Wiley' as a director of the West Hennepin Human Services Planning Board 'for a two-year term. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to appoint Melvin Vermillion as a director of the West Hennepin Human,Services Planning Board for a one-year term, Motion carried, four ayes. Councilman Spaeth abstained. Mayor Hilde requested Mr. Wiley and Mr. Vermillion to report to Council once a month or as may be necessary on the activities.of the Planning Board. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to appoint Lorin Stern to the Board or Zoning Adjustment for a two-year term expiring January 31, 1978. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Councilman Neils, to appoint, Allen Hatfield to the Board of Zoning Adjustment for the unexpired term of Darel Swenson, expiring January 31, 19i'7. Motion carried, five ayes. Mayor Hilde announced thy, reappointment of Reginald Kroskin as chairman of the Planning .'ammission and Bert Ehrmmnn as rhairrmn of the Board of Zoning Adjustment, Council reviewed and approved the list of Council Coordinating Representatives for 1976 with the exgeption that Councilman Seibold asked to be removed from the Transit Commission, Magor Hilde appointed Counciln4n Neils to represent the City on the Transit Commission in 1976. Assoc' 'ion of M.etropciitan Munici alpities Councilman Hunt reported on thn General Menibership Meeting of the Association of Miltropolit&o Municipalities and reviewed the Association's legislative policies for 1976, l I APPOINTMENTS TO CITY BOARDS, AND COMMISSIONS Item 3 1 C.C.R. APPOINTM-'NTS Item 4 C.C.R. REPORTS Item 5 I i Special Council Meeting January 26, 1976 Page 23 Councilman Neils suggested that Council notify the Board of Directors we are going to take opposition to some of the points they have established as their legislative pc',icy. Councilman Hunt requested that the minutes of the General Membership Meeting and-the legislative Policies be distributed to the Counci-I by the secretary. Mayor Hilde stated Council should irrake an effort to change the bylaws of the Association to give one vote for each community. He requested Councilman Hunt to set up a planning meeting with Mayor Krautkremer of Brooklyr, Park and asked the secretary,to distribute his recent letter to Mayor-Krautkremer to the Council. Mayor Hilde stated that since it appears we cannot associate ourselves with an organization that can advance our deep concerns about matters of inequity between the suburbs and others. we would have to;limit ourselves to one or two key bills to support in the Legislature and request our staff to prepare our positions and Council members to make appearances to advance these positions. After discussion, Council suggested 1) the Storm Drainage Bill and 2) the Mandatory Planning Bil-1 and Metropolitan Significance Rules be priority items. Mayor Hilde announced the Council's dinner meeting with the Planning Commission on February 2nd was cancelled and a meeting, was scheduled for February 16 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. MOTION was made by Magor Hilde, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to cancel the special Council meeting and HRA Commission meeting on February 23 and reschedule it for February 17 at 7;30 P.M. at the Council Chambers, Motion carried, five ayes. Council meetings were scheduled for March on the 8th, 22nd and 29th. Manager Willis requested Council to set a date for the Board of Review meeting in June. It was agreed to schedule the meeting for, Thursday, June 3 so representatives of Hennepin County could be present. LOBBYING FEBRUARY CALENDAR Item 6 MARCH CALENDAR Councilman Seibold will attend a meeting of the New Hope Athletic NEW HOPE ATHLETIC Association on January 28 to discuss the assessing of Plymouth ASSOCIATION residents for participation in the New Hcpe Athletic Association's program. He presented the Association's proposal, which will be discussed at the meeting, requesting Plymouth to provide and maintain facilities, in lieu of fees, in proportion to the number of Plymouth residents registered in the program. They claim 11 percent of the participants in the program are Plymouth residents and on this basis requested the 1 se of i lighted hockey rink, 2 baseball fields, 2 football fields and 1 soccer field. Councilman Seibold asked for direction from CoUhciI for a response to the proposal. He indicated he favored not payibg any fees to New Hope and moving ahead with our own athletic league under the direction of the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission. Special Council Meeting January. 26, 1976 Page 24' Councilman Neils agreed with Councilman Seibold's position since Plymouth is supporting New Hope's athletic program through our donations to the school district and various athletic associations. Mayor Hilde suggested establishing a policy to provide our citizens with this service., Councilman Neils stated it shouts be the policy of ,the City of Plj 'uth 1) not to make any t apaymentstoanothermunicipalityforrecreatio programs and 2) to carry our fair share of the responsibility for maintaining facilities in Plymouth for the use of athletic programs.,' Mayor Hilde suggested that New Nope and the Athletic Association giv I us one year to make some arraogements in our budget for the maintena.ice and improvement of recreational facilities, and in the meantime not qo charge our citizens a fee. Manager I')illis reported on police negotiations and made the following!' POLICE NEGOTIATI%1S , requests: 1) authcrity to initiate mediation by the end of the week i of January 26 if nothing further is heard from the. Police Officers Association by then; and 2) authority to negotiate an agreement with., the Police Sergeants as he proposed. Council agreed to his requests. Mayor Hilde adjourned the meeting at 11:20 P.M. 7r** V r A (' e l iii + L6retta GTrrity Secretary to Cou cil i 0