HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 01-05-1976I, I 1 Page 1I j MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Januar; 5, 1976 A regular meeting of the Plymouth Council was called to order by Mayor Hilde at 7:30 P M. in the (.ourcil Chambers of the P)jblic Works Building, 1000 Twenty- third Avenue North, on January 5, 1976. PRESENT: Mayor Hfido, Councilmen Hunt, Neils, Seibold and Spaeth, Manager Willis, Planner Oillerud, Engineer Goldbarg, Administrative Assistant Kreager and Attotney Lefler, ASSENT: None s OATH OF OFFICE Fudge Jams D. Rogers of Hennepin County Municipal Court administered the Oath of Office to Mayor A.1 Hilde, Jr. and Cotincilman Gerald Neils for two-year terms on the Plymouth City Counc " and to Councilman Marvin Seibold and CounZ-ilman John Spaeth for four-year terms on the Plygouth City Council commencing January 1, 1976, MINUTE. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, secondel by Councilman Neiis, to approve the minutes of the December IS ntgul ar Council Ineeti ng. Motion carried, five ayes. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION N0, 76-1, A RECOLUTION AMENDING THE ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH 11ONESTR0O6 ROSENE, ANDERLIK & ASSOCIATES, INC. TO INCORPORATE TILE NEW SCHEDOLE B AS CONTAINED IN THE CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, DATED DECEMBER 26, 1975. Motion carried on a Ro!l Call vote, five ayes. Councilman Spaeth left the table. Planner Dillerud reviewed Lundgren Bros.' request for preliminary plat and conditional use permit for "Ferndale North" on the northeast corner of Ferndale Road and Wayzata City Limits and the Planning Commission's recommendations. A lengthy discussion followed wherein Council questioned the adequacy of the internal storm sewer work, access to Ferndale Road, the need fo" upgradinc Ferndale Road, the size of the proposnd internal park and the status of sewer and water services, including the proposed water tower, scheduled for this area in the 5 -year C.I.P. OATH OF OFFICE Mayor Hilde Cowicilman Neils Councilman Seibo!at Councilman Spaeth Item 3 MINUTES - REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 15, 1975 Item 5 RESOLUTION NO. 76-1 ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTRACT Item 6-A PRELIMINARY PIAT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FERNDALE NORTH (A-615) Item 6-B s Regular Council Meeting January 5, 1976, Page'.2 j 1 Peter Pflaum, representing Lundgren Bros. Construction Company, replied toy Ccuncii's questions. ; MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, RESOLUTION N0, 76.2 to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-29 A RESOLUTION APPROVING CINDITIONAL PRELIMIRARY PUT I CUP USF PERMIT FOR SUBDIVISION UNIT PROJECT AND PRELIMINAR!l PLAT FOR FERNDALE,NORTH;, FERNDALE; NORTH" (A-615) with the following changes: 1) Item 3 be stricken and 2) Item 8 call for 8th Avenue North access to be moved farther south rather than eliminated. MOTION was ' made by Mayor Hi i de, seconded by Councilman Hirt, to amend Resolution by striking Item)? from conditions of the Resolution and directing staff to work in cooperation w4,th the City of Orono to investigate the need for upgrading Ferndale Road and to undertake a joint project if such need exists, Motion failed, Councilmen Neils and Seibold voted nay, } MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by .Mayor Hilde, to amend Resolution by substituting for Item 7 the requirement of resolving technical and safety considerations if it is determined , Ferndale Road should be upgraded prior to proceeding with tOe final plat. Motion to amend carried, four ayes, 1 Leo Hauser, 475 Ferndale Road North, stated he felt the 8th Ave me North access as proposed was dangerous old suggested it be mjved south beyond the trees, He also questioned the alignment of Ferndale Road should it be upgraded, Planner Dillerud reviewed Item 6 of the Resolution and answered Council's questions about inclusion of ponds in the storm drainage plan, Councilman Neils reviewed past policy with regard to giving open space credit for ponds: 1) if a pond has existed and is part of the requirement of the plat or if enlargement of the pond is required credit is given for open space; 2) land below normal water level is not counted for density calculations or for park dedication requirements, MOTION Mas made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Neils, to amend Resolution by eliminating Item a, Mntion carried, four ayes, MOTIOA was rade by Councilman Neils, sec)nded oy Councilman Hint, to substitute for Item 6 an item indicating that lake bed area below normal water level be deleted from consideration either in the lot size determination or in park and open space requirements, Motinn carried, four ayes, MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to strike Item a from Resolutior, 2- o U V ki 11 C_? o c 1 SCHEDULE "B" HOURLY RATE SERVICES RATE SCHEDULE Classification Hourly Rate Principal EngiIneer $25.00 Registered Engint,'er $22.00 Assistant bgineer (B.S.C.E. and/or E.I.T.) $18100 Senior Technician $15,00 Junior Technician $12.50 Clerical $ 9.00 3 -Man Survey Party $32.00 2 -Man Survey Party $22.00 O Reimbursable, tx enses Reproduction, printing, dualicating At Invoice Cost Out -of -rocket expenses such as meals, lodging, stakes, telephone calls, etc. A- Actual Cost Mi1ege $0.15/mile Revised 1/5/76) 13- I Regular Council Meeting January 5, 1976 Page 3 Motion failed. Mayor Hiide, Councilmern Neils and Seibold voted nay. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 76-2 as an%nded carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded Dr Councilman Neils, to W recut staff to prepare a resolution ordering'investigation of the neel for upgrading of Ferndale Road in cooperation with the City of Orono and undertaking of a joint project with Orono if such a need exists, ollotion carried, four ayes. Councilman Spaeth returned to the table. Adolph Olson withdrew his petition to consolidate two 50 ft. wide parcels into one 100 ft. wide parcel of 179800 q. ft. and requested that the property be divided into a 75 ft. wide parcel with a 25 ft. remnant which would be added to the adjoining lot on whi;:h his residence is located. Discussicn followed on the various alternatives of dividing his property, MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Courcilman Hunt, to divide Mr. Olson's parcel into ar, 80 ft. wide parcel with the 20 ft. remnant to be added to the adjoining lot on which nis residence is located. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, secanded by Councilman Hunt, to direct staff to prepare a resolution r,straining the Building Department from :sluing permits for additional lots until water and sewer service is provided. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-3, A RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT - LARCH LANE STREET IMPROVEMENT, Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five eyes. Jim Olson, Consulting Engineer, replied to Council's questions about the Larch Lane street imc-ovemeni, and the status of the repnrt on sewer and water imrpovements for the same area. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Counci'iman Seibold, to direct staff and Planning Commission to study the intersection of 49th and Larch Lane and come back to Council with a recommendation, Motion carried, five ayes. l- LOT CONSOLIDATION ADOLPH OLSON A-642) Item 6-C RESOLUTION NO. 76-3 PRELIMINARY REPOR LARCH LANE STREET IMPROVEMENT Item 6-D V Councilmern Neils and Seibold voted nay. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 76-2 as an%nded carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded Dr Councilman Neils, to W recut staff to prepare a resolution ordering'investigation of the neel for upgrading of Ferndale Road in cooperation with the City of Orono and undertaking of a joint project with Orono if such a need exists, ollotion carried, four ayes. Councilman Spaeth returned to the table. Adolph Olson withdrew his petition to consolidate two 50 ft. wide parcels into one 100 ft. wide parcel of 179800 q. ft. and requested that the property be divided into a 75 ft. wide parcel with a 25 ft. remnant which would be added to the adjoining lot on whi;:h his residence is located. Discussicn followed on the various alternatives of dividing his property, MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Courcilman Hunt, to divide Mr. Olson's parcel into ar, 80 ft. wide parcel with the 20 ft. remnant to be added to the adjoining lot on which nis residence is located. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, secanded by Councilman Hunt, to direct staff to prepare a resolution r,straining the Building Department from :sluing permits for additional lots until water and sewer service is provided. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-3, A RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT - LARCH LANE STREET IMPROVEMENT, Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five eyes. Jim Olson, Consulting Engineer, replied to Council's questions about the Larch Lane street imc-ovemeni, and the status of the repnrt on sewer and water imrpovements for the same area. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Counci'iman Seibold, to direct staff and Planning Commission to study the intersection of 49th and Larch Lane and come back to Council with a recommendation, Motion carried, five ayes. l- LOT CONSOLIDATION ADOLPH OLSON A-642) Item 6-C RESOLUTION NO. 76-3 PRELIMINARY REPOR LARCH LANE STREET IMPROVEMENT Item 6-D Regular Council Meeting January 5, 1976 Page 4 MOTILIN was made by Mayor !tilde, seconded by .ouncilman Hunt, to direct staff and Council Assessment Review Committee to give detailed consideration to method by which we prol'Pose, assessing this project before the public hearing is set. Motion cam d, five ayes. Managp.• Willis reviewed his -ecommendation fnr ar advanced reft,iding sale of part of the City's public improvement bonded debt. Bob Ehlers, Financial Consultant, explaine6 the principle of advanced refunding bonds and the government restrictions governing them and answered Council's questions about the proposal Ehlers & Associated, Inc. presented to the City of Plymouth. Phil Chenowith, Ehlers & Associates, Inc., replied to Council's questions. 1 MOTION was made by Councilman 4n adept RESOLUTION NO. 76-41 ASSOCIATES, INC. TO PROCEED REFUNDING B00 SALE. ADVANCED REFUNDINr OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT BONDS Item 7-I 10 Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, RESOLUTION NO. 76-4 A RESOLU1'I0N AUTHORIZING EHLERS ADVANCED REFUNDING WITH ARRANGEMENTS FOR ISP! ADVANCED BUND SALE MOTION wa , iade by Councilman Hunt, ser.onded by Councilman Neils, to amend :;:solution by substituting the following language after the wore 'FURTHER": that the sale would be set for January 26 at 1:00 P,i, for receiving bids and bids would be acted upon by the Council at 1:30 P.M. on the same date, and Further that the prepara+ior of :his issue is 4o be at no ex nse to the City of Plymouth. Mntion to z%iend tarried, four a1 es, Counci man Spaeth abstained. Mogan to adopt Resolution No. 76-4 as amended carried on a Roll Ca!' vote, 41r ares. Councilman Spaeth abstained. Vanager Wi 'ins reviewed ea,tipiated fees of Jay Hamann, computer COMPUTER consul tan; -°or eketting the speci+ic:ations of a new computer Itcmr 1'-H system fo,, vo ie , ity of Plymouth and assisting ir vendor selection. MOTION wa.; vide ty Council min Seibold, ct ?t the report. Neils, seconded by Councilman Motion ~an SE:!, five ayes. Vinancn Dil:ci'ov 'Z.crer aiiswered Council's questions about his mnptirg wi 't ,lkamann. MUTION wt s hadct by Mayor H . `dr., seconded bo Counc: i lvin Neils, to ask Mr. Hf:o4tin to submit a report setting terth all viable al t,er;tativt-s which ai a av i'able to thti 0%, for 0e pr•rressimg o,r its word, Ifhir, report % s to +i presented to the Coun ; i 1 along With his rP UUC,t ta i ,t i yti before spec 't'catiot s are, viritten for• the tnirchase of new equirment, if nein nq;ii;ui. ,,t is to be purchased, CONSULTANT I Regular Cov'c' i1 Meeting k4anuary, 5, 1976 Py4-e 5 Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, RESOLUTIO N0.'76-5 01v run I 4 Motion carried, f ve ayes. There was a discustion about the possibility of acquiring additional LETTERING AND LOGO estimates for addit'q the lc,\go to present water towers and the h*' w FOR ELEVATED WATER' water tower outsidetiof the existing .%ontract, and of the various TOWER alternatives in sire and placement of the lettering. PROJECT 402-001 Item 6-G MOTION was made by Ct uncilman Seibold, .econded by Councilman Neils, to paint only the word "Plymouth" on the new water tower to conform with the eE'isting water towers, 11otion carried, three ; es. Mayor Hilde and Councilman Spaeth l'yted nay. MINION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, RESOLUTION N0. 76-6 to,adopt RESOLUTION N0. 6-6, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR 0WASTE ANl CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF THE EXISTING CONTROL COMMISSION MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY BY NNE METROPOLITAN INTERf'EPTOR MAINTENANCE SEW,t,R BOARD., AGREEMENT I teat 6-H Moti\1n carried on a Roil Call vote, five ayes. MOTIOV was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, RESOLUTION NO, 76-7 to adipt RESOLUTION NO. 76-7, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR ASID CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE` W NNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AGENCY DEPARTMENT AGENCY CONTRA17 FORM N0. 30774% AGREEMENT Item 6-I Motion arriee on a koll Call' vote, five ayes. MOTION M s made by Councilman'Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, RESOLUTION N0. 76-g to adopt RESOLUTION 146. 764,80 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENGINEERING MINNESUVRIURRAY AND TECHIICAL AGREt`MI;VT WITH TIE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS. DEPT. ETA AGREEMENT Item 6-1 Motion carried ort a 'toll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION wat, made by founcilman Nulls, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO, 76-9 Seibold, t) adopt PESOLUTiON NO, 76-9, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING REQUEST FOR PAYMENT PAYMENT ON AErUEST FOR PAYMENT NOV. 15 TO BERGLUND-JOHNSON, INC, WATER TREATMENT PLANT IN THE AMOL' T OF 191225.00 ON PROJECT NO. 302 WATER TREATMFNT PROJECT 302 PLANT, i Item 6-J-1 itinn eArriwi nit A and l Cal l vnf.6. fats Avot, Cminri lmAn to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 76-5, A RESOLUTION AWARDING EID FOR SNOW A1''J REMOVAL TRACTpR TO MINNESOTA TORO, INC. IN THE AFiOUN'a OF $6,430. SNOW REMOVAL TRACTOR Item 6-E Motion carries' on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Coun lilman Spaeth , voted nay. MOTION was Trade byy Mayor' hi lde, seconded by Cuunci lrt n .Spaeth, to BOND REDUCTION:' J I Regular Cov'c' i1 Meeting k4anuary, 5, 1976 Py4-e 5 Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, RESOLUTIO N0.'76-5 01v run I 4 Motion carried, f ve ayes. There was a discustion about the possibility of acquiring additional LETTERING AND LOGO estimates for addit'q the lc,\go to present water towers and the h*' w FOR ELEVATED WATER' water tower outsidetiof the existing .%ontract, and of the various TOWER alternatives in sire and placement of the lettering. PROJECT 402-001 Item 6-G MOTION was made by Ct uncilman Seibold, .econded by Councilman Neils, to paint only the word "Plymouth" on the new water tower to conform with the eE'isting water towers, 11otion carried, three ; es. Mayor Hilde and Councilman Spaeth l'yted nay. MINION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, RESOLUTION N0. 76-6 to,adopt RESOLUTION N0. 6-6, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR 0WASTE ANl CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF THE EXISTING CONTROL COMMISSION MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY BY NNE METROPOLITAN INTERf'EPTOR MAINTENANCE SEW,t,R BOARD., AGREEMENT I teat 6-H Moti\1n carried on a Roil Call vote, five ayes. MOTIOV was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, RESOLUTION NO, 76-7 to adipt RESOLUTION NO. 76-7, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR ASID CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE` W NNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AGENCY DEPARTMENT AGENCY CONTRA17 FORM N0. 30774% AGREEMENT Item 6-I Motion arriee on a koll Call' vote, five ayes. MOTION M s made by Councilman'Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, RESOLUTION N0. 76-g to adopt RESOLUTION 146. 764,80 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENGINEERING MINNESUVRIURRAY AND TECHIICAL AGREt`MI;VT WITH TIE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS. DEPT. ETA AGREEMENT Item 6-1 Motion carried ort a 'toll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION wat, made by founcilman Nulls, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO, 76-9 Seibold, t) adopt PESOLUTiON NO, 76-9, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING REQUEST FOR PAYMENT PAYMENT ON AErUEST FOR PAYMENT NOV. 15 TO BERGLUND-JOHNSON, INC, WATER TREATMENT PLANT IN THE AMOL' T OF 191225.00 ON PROJECT NO. 302 WATER TREATMFNT PROJECT 302 PLANT, i Item 6-J-1 itinn eArriwi nit A and l Cal l vnf.6. fats Avot, Cminri lmAn to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 76-5, A RESOLUTION AWARDING EID FOR SNOW A1''J REMOVAL TRACTpR TO MINNESOTA TORO, INC. IN THE AFiOUN'a OF $6,430. SNOW REMOVAL TRACTOR Item 6-E Motion carries' on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Coun lilman Spaeth , voted nay. MOTION was Trade byy Mayor' hi lde, seconded by Cuunci lrt n .Spaeth, to BOND REDUCTION:' 0 table bond reduction for review i t to make. sure we G ean'och Acres to have enough money enable the Engineer !o to cover lrq cont i rtger,y . GLEANLOCH ACRES I tin 6-F 0 j 0 7 r Regular Cour.ci 1l, Meetng January 5, 1976 ' Page 6 1 NOTION was made i Mayor Hi lde, seconded by Coun'f lt)an Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTI,N,NO. 76 -IC, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. 9 AND FINAL IN THE AMOUNT OF $43,113.10 TO BUFFALO B-ITUMIIIOUS, INC.' FOR PROJECT 1N0. 305 VICKSBURG LAAE STREET IMPROVEMENT`. I Motion carried on' a Roil Call vote, fives ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman'Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION, NO. 76-11, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT On'REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. 5 AND FINAL IN THE AMOUNT OF 11351.08 TO BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. FOR PROJECTS N0. 408 b 409 34TH AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENT AND 36TH AVENUE SIDEWAL!. Motion carried on a, Roll Cali vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RE50LUTION N0, 76-12, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. 4 IN THE AMOUNT OF $115,364.66 TO u.L. CONTRACTING COMPX4Y FOR PROJECTS N0. 502 AND 417 MAPLEDELL AND IMPERIAL HILLS SIXTH ADDITION. Motion cari1ed on d Roel Call vote, five ayes. MOTION way maJe by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-13, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT N0, 1 IN THE AMOUNT,OF $13,234.00 TO TONKA EQUIPMENT COMPANY FOR PROJECT NO, 507-002,PUMP FOR DEEP WELL N0, 4. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Coijncilm.an Seibold, to adopt. RESOLUTION N0, 76-14, A RESOLUTION APPROVING CHANGE ORDER N0, 4 IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,018.75 TO ARBAROSSA AND SONS FOR PROJECT N0. 416 CARLSON COMPANIES ADDITION. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLOTION N0. 76,151 A RESOLUTION APPROVING CHANGE ORDER N0. 1 II'I THE AMOUNT OF $9,575600 TO G.L. CONTRACTING COMPANY FOR PROJECTS N0, 502 AND 417 MAPLEDELL AND IMPERIAL HILLS SIXTH ADDITION. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adept RE;SOLOTION N0. 76-16, A RESOLUTION APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,841.00 TO G.L. CONTRACTING COMPANY rOk PROJECTS.NO. 502 AND '17 MAPLEDELL AND IMPERIAL HILLS SIXTH ADDITION, Motion carried on a Roll CACI vote, five ayes$ r I RESOLUTION Q. __7 --10 R PAYMEN VICKtibRG LANE STREETS PROJECT 305 Item 6-J-2 i RESOL 34TH AVENUE 36TH AVENUE. PROJECTS 40 Item 6-J-3 a 11 - TREETS b IDEWALK 8 409 RESOLUTION NO. 76,012 MAPLEDELL a IMPERIAL HILLS 6TH ADDITION PROJECi'S 502 t 417 Item 6-J-4 RESOLUTION N0. 76a PUMP FOR DEEP WELL N0, 4 PROJECT 507-002 Item 6-J-5 RESOLUTION N0. 76-14 CHANGE ORDER N0,, 4 CARLSON COS. ADDITION PROJECT 416 Item 6-K-1 RESOLUTION N0. 76-15 C9ANGE DOZER Re I MAPLEDELL b IMPERIAL HILLS 6TH ADDITION PROJECTS 502 6 417 Item 644a RESOLUTION NO. 76-16 MAPLEDELL d IMPERIAL HILLS 6TH ADDITION PROJECTS 502 & 417 Item 6"K -2b I I MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils,, RESOLUTION N0. 7640 Regular Council Meeting ; 1976 UFFICIAL January 5, 1976 DEPOSITORIES FOR Page 7 CITY FUNDS 1976 AND THE FOLLOWING AS OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES FOR THE CITY'S Item 7"A MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION N0, 76-17 Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-17, A RESOLUTION APPKOVING CHANGE ORDER NO* CHANGE ORDER N0, 3 IN TPE AMOUNT OF $62,711.75 to G.L. CONTRACTING MAPLEDLLL &,IMPERIAL COMPANY FOR PROJECTS N0, 502 AND 417 MAPLEDELL AND IMPERIAL HILLS HILLS 6TH ADDITION SIXTH ADDITION. PROJECTS 502 b 417 Item 644c Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes.' MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to direct staff to coordinate the arrangements between the contractor and Ninnegasco on Project 416 Carlson Companies Addition to facilitate the completion of the culvert under County Road 6 at the earliest possible date this spring. Motion carried, five ayes. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION N0, 76-18 Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 6-13, A RESOLUTION APPOINTING 1976 RTIN6 MAYOR HOWARD HUNT AS ACTING MAYOR OF THE PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL DURING Item l -A THE YEAR 1976. I Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Councilman Hunt abstained. MOTICA was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, RESOLUTION N0. 76-19 to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-I9, A RESOL;ITION APPOINTING THE NEW 1976 aFFICIAL HOPE -PLYMOUTH POST AS THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR THE CITY OF NEWSPAPER PLYMOUTH FOR 1976. 1Item 7-A Motion carried on a Roll Call vote~ five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils,, RESOLUTION N0. 7640 to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 76-1.0, A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE FIRST 1976 UFFICIAL NATIC.VAL BANK OF MIMNEAPOLIS, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAYZATA, DEPOSITORIES FOR AND THE PLYMOUTh STATE BANK AS OFFICIAL GENERAL DEPOSITORIES FOR CITY FUNDS 1976 AND THE FOLLOWING AS OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES FOR THE CITY'S Item 7"A TEMPORARY INVESTMENT PROGRAM FOR 1976: MARQUETTE NATIONAL BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS, THE NEW HOPE STATE BANK OF NEW HOPE, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ST. PAUL. THE FIRST i`EDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN OF WAYZATA, THE T11IN CITY FEDERAL SAVINGS 6 LOAN OF RIDC DALE, THE NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS, THE NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK OF ST. PAUL AND THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF ST, PAUL. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes, MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION N0. 76-21 Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-21, A RESOLUTION RENt:WING 1976 SURETY AND SURETY AND BLANKET BONDS COVERING CITY EMPLOYEES FOR 1916. BLANKET BONDS FOR CITY EMPLOYEES Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. Item 7-A 7- b 0 Regular Council Meeting January 5, 1976 Page 8 MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Council n Neils, RESOLUTION' to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 76-22 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING Olt. FLOYD NO. 76-22P + J. SWENSON TO ACT AS HEALTH OFFICER FON 1976. ''1975 CIT77HEALTH OFFICER Motion carried on* Roll Call vote, five ayes. ,Item 7-A I „ MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded,by Councilman .ORDINANCE 140.°76'l" Neils, to adopt ORDINANCE N0, 76-1, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE AMIENDINT EMBERSHFP MEMBERSHIP OF THE CITY HUMAN RIGHTS COMr1ISSION TO SEVEN IMEMBERS. OF THE CITY HUMAN . RIGHTS COMMISSION Motion carried'w'n-_a'Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman -Hunt, seconded by Councilmiin Seibold, ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS to confirm the reappointment of Del Erickson to -the Planning BOARDS AND COMMMI'SS:ONS Commission for a three-year term. I Item 7-8 i Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils; to confirm the reappointment of Robert Troemel to,the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission for a three-year term. Notion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to confirm the reappointment of Bernie Klein to the Human Rights Commission for a three-year term. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibpld, seconded ty Councilman Hunt, to confirm the appointment of Darel Swenson to the Human Rights Commission for a three-year term. Motion carried, five ayes. 0 MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Councilman Neils, to confirm the reappointment of John Wire to the Board of Zoning Adjustment for a two-year term. Motior carried, five ayes. Mayor Hilde announced to the Council that he had maae the appointment PLYMOUTH HRA COMMISSIC: of five persons to the Housing and Redevelopment Authorit,; Comoission of Plymouth to serve for the number of years indicated: Howard Hunt - ..year Al Hilde, Jr, - 2 ears Marvin Selbold - 3 tears Gerald Neils - 4 ears John Spaeth - 5 ,`E.ars 0 Regular Council Meeting January 5, 1976 Page 9 MgTION was made by Councilman Nei 1 s, seconded by, Ce;:9.ci limn Hunt, RESOLUTION NO: 76-23 to adopt RESOLUTION N0, 76-23, A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENT OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AUTHORITY,OF'PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA AS FOLLOWS: HOWARD L. HUNT - Item 74 ONE YEAR; AL NILDE, JR. - TWO YEARS; MARVIN E. SEIBOLD THREE YEARS; GERALD H. NEILS - FOUR YEARS; .JOHN 11. SPAETH - FIVE YEARS. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. The first organizational meeting of the Commission was schgduled for January 26 before the regular Council meeting -with regular meetings to be held thenceforth on the fourth Monday of the rronth. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilw Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 76-249 A RESOLUTION APPROVING POLICY ON,REIMBURSEMENT FOR PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORTS. Motion carried on z Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was madE by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-25, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SKI TRAILS IN THE CITY OF PLYMOUTH. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 76-26, A RESOLUTION APPROVING POLICY ON REFUNDING RESIDENTIAL EQUIVALENT CHARGES. Motion carried on fi Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-27, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING EXECUTION TO FILE THE FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM WITH STATE OF MINNESOTA PLANNING AGENCY. Motion carried or a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-28, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FILING OF APPLICATION FOR GRANT TO ACQUIRE OPEN SPACE UNDER THE PROVISION OF THE FEDERAL LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND ACT AND THE STATE NATURAL RESOURCE FUND. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-29, A RESOLUTION APnROVING DISBURSEMENTS FROM THE GENERAL FUND, CONSTRUCTION FUND, WATER FUND, SEWER FUND, AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND TOTALLING 961,556.25 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING DECEMBER 30, 1975. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. 9- RESOLUTION NO. 76-24 NT FOR PRELIMINARY, ENGINEERING REPORTS Item 7-D RESOLUTItON NO. 76-25 CROSS COUNTRY SKI TRAILS Item 7-E RESOLUTION NO. 76-26 POLICY ON REFUNDIRr REC CHARGES Item 7-F RESOLUTION N0. 7647 PARK ACOUISITION I teen 7-G RESOLUTION N04 7648 PAkK ACQM3MV GRANT APPLICATION Item 7-G RESOLUTION NO. 76-29 61 S PERIOD ENDING 12/30/75 Item 8 V oD 0 Regular Council Meeting January 5, 1976 Page 10 LICENSES r MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-30, A RESOLUTION APPROVING NO. 7640 APPLICATION FOR AUTOMOBILE DEALER LICENSE FOR RAY SYKES, dba, LICENSE' SUPERIOR FORD, INC. FOR THE PERIOD ENDING APRIL 30, 19766 SUPERIOR FORD; INC. Item 9-A Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. NOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-31, A RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATIONS FOR RENEWAL OF OFF -SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSES FOR BASS LAKE BOTTLE SHOP, KEN/SHAR, INC., dba, CENTER LIQUORS, PARTY MART, INC. AND PLYMOUTH LIQUORS FOR THE PERIOD ENDING JANUARY 31, 1977. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-32, A RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF OFF-SAI.E INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE FOR SYLVESTER J. RUDOLPH, dba, HIGHWAY LIQUOR STORE with the following stipulation: "This license is issued without prejudice to the City of Plymouth with respect to any disciplinary pro- ceedings it may find necessary to bring against the 'licensee with reference to any prior violations of law." Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MISCELLANEOUS A letter was sent to Representative Frenzel, Senators Humphrey and Mondale on October 22, 1975 along with a copy of Resolution No. 75406, Endorsing Federal General Revenue Sharing, Howard Hunt will attend the general membership weeting of the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities as Plymouth's representative on January 8, 1976. Councilman Neils requested staff to prepare a presentation for the Housing Committee of the Metropolitan Council indicating Plymouth's progress with respoct to pro%aiding luwer-cost housing as follows: 1) We have founded a Housing and Redevelopment Authority which will have its organizational meeting on January 26, 1976. 2) We have on our books PUD ordinance allowing (higher densities in certain circumstances. 3) We have implement ed the State Hazardous Buildings Law resulting in the removal of hazartrious and deserted buildings. He asked that staff include an accounting of the number of buildings which have been razed, and to look into the possibility of securing from the County some form of accounting of the number of units of housing in Plymouth under some form of county housing rent - supplement program. 10- RESOLUTION N0. 76-31 SE Item 9-B RESOLUTION NO, 76-32 OFF -SALE LIQUOR LI SE SYLVESTER J. RUDOLPH HIGHWAY LIQUOR STORE Item 9-B FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING Item 10-A ASSOCIATION OF METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITIES GENEkAL MEMBERSHIP MTG, j Repulair Council Meeting January 51, 1976 P49e 11 r Wunc rlman Hunt suggested including the statement that by virtue of contrl,lling the orderly development of our//community, Plymouth is able to maintain low tax rates, despite our contributioaJand net loss in the I rocess of fiscal disparities distribution. Because of this more people can afford a given value home in PI /uth due to the lower gross monthly payment, including taxes. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde. seconded by Councilman Seibold, to direct staff to contact the County and State Highway Department to protest the proposed revisions in the speed limitson County Road15. Motion carried, five ayes. 1 Mayor Hilde adjourned the _meeting at 11:45 P.M. ll- Secretary to Council 0