HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 12-18-1967I, 1,31=33 OF VILLAGE CWKIL t MBTIM P4Tti0tRR, xIMESOTA December 18, 1967 A re r soon of the Vi la a Council was call to order b a orgalap6iRcisadyy Loring M. Staples, Jr« at 7:30 p.m. present: Anyor Staples, Councilmen O'Fallon, Hagen and ftnt, the Village Administrator, attorney and Enginasr. A+sant: Councilor Duntlsy. sayer Staples raquaated the Council and those in attendance to rises for a Moment of silent 'prayer. MOTION by Councilman teen, second by Councilman to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 4. 1967. Motion passed by a four aye vote, IMTION by Mayor Staples, second by Counz-11w.n Hunt, to approve the s3.nutss of the special meeting of 1Ms:esbl#& 6, 1967. dotioa passed by a; three a)s vats. Councilman O'Ballon abstained. I9tSION by Councilman aunt, second by Councilman U'Fallon, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of Dec mMr 11, 19679 with the correction that "Ralph Rutledge requested" ruthar than "Ralph RtutledRe appeared` . 3otiiln pass&d by a four aye vote PDMS idEARINGS Mayor Staples opened a Public 11"ring to consider the installation of RE: STREET LIGHTING street lighting in the Beaconfteights area.. The Administrator reported IN BEACON 1191GHTS that this was a proposal in response to a petition received from AREA several residents in the area. Gane Krutebsor and J**,:-ry Lohman of Northam States Power appeared and presented the two separate plans for street lighting in this area. The first plan was for intersection and &M-oblock lighting with nine 250 watt units and forty 175 watt units f!or a total estimated annual operating cost of $2,296.80. The othar plan called for intersection and cud,-deaesc 110tinq only with four 230 watt units and. seventeen 175 Watt units for an estimated annual operating cost of $983.$0. Itayot Staplos opened the hearing to quostions and coamento frog the floor mad the following appeared: Leonard Vertnik, 1225 Oakview Lane - Stated he was in favor of of the firot proposal and wanted to know if the School District would be assessed. dark Ickest 12235 State Hi tNa 55 - Stated that he was in favorgy of the larger plan. Tony Norris, 1020 Kirkwood Lane - Stated that he Was in favor of the second proposal with limited exposure. Leonard Langley, 1020 HgRsolia Lane - Objected to the lirthting an the basis that it would not pronate driving safety but stated that he vould be in favor of the second propoasl. Mrs. Loula Hokxes, 1115 XUrkwood Lane » objected to either plan and stated that she wishes to keep the character of the neighborhood as it is. Maynard fee, 1.130 Pinavlow Lane - Stated that he is not in favor of either plan but vbuld like to have the hosing delayed for a sonth so that people could view similar plare in other areas, p Council 14 votes - Det:eb'14w i8, 19•1%T - 1 l;,.0 2 f PUBLIC. PBARINGS, cont I'd. Isomer Bonhiver, 1261! State Highway 55 - ;hated that he was in r favor of the *wood proveal with the losribility of extending It 'in the futu if ne eee.Nary. 8111 Clifford. 12711 - 11th'.Avenue North - Stated he would be in favor of lighting where chore are pro` law. Fe Wnuld like lig4ts installed at the intersections on Pineview Lane and 15th Avenue North. Richard 017allon, 1220 Oakview Lana - Stated that 10 parsons living in the area had phoned his stating that they Were not in favor of any typee of stzeat li htR t8 We* Leonard Vertnik, 1225 Oakview Lane - Wanted to know what the Police Department felt about street lighting and stated she is definitely in favor of the first proposal. Jerome Triplett, 1210 F - inevie r Lane In favor of the first proposal, P . p po Rohn Hartsell, 12810 - 11th Avenue - In favor of the second proposal. Thema being no further response to call,'tayor Staples declared the hearing closed at 8:10 p.m. MOTION by Councilman O'Fallon, second by Councilman Hunt, that any decision on street lighting in the Beacon Heights area be delayed until the second Council meting in January of 1968. Motion passed by a four aye vote. Councilman Hunt requested a written report from the Polite Department regarding any problems that may have been caused by lack of lighting in this area. i Mayor Staples declared a five minute recess. Upca the reopening of the meeting, Cow3cile;an Hagen, representing the Councilmeu, Administrator, Attorney and Engineer, presented Mayor Staples with a silver engraved bowl honoring his for his two terms as '.Mayor of Plymouth Villago PETITIONS, REQUESTS 5 C2ICATIONS Girard Mines requested a consolidation of Lots 14 and 15, Block 2, Glen Erie Addition, for the purpose of constructing a service station on this property. Disemesion vas heard on the location of the drive- way entrances. The petitioners proposed to have the entrances 40 feet from the intersection of Kilmer Lane and 360 Avenue North and the Village Engineks recomoeended that the entrances be 100 feet from the intersection. NOTION by Councilman Itunt, second by ttayor Staples, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 67-:06, A RESOLMON WAIVING REQUIRUMNTS OF THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE for consolidation of Lots 14 and 15, Block a" Glen Brie Addition. Hation parsed uy a four aye vote. Texaco Inc. requested a gasoline service station license on Lots 14 and 15, Block 2, Glun Erie Addition. NOTION by Councilman Was second by Councilman flagon, to approve the gasoline service station licenses for Texa.:o, Inc. on Late 14 and 15, Glen Erie Addition, subject to the northerly most entrance or exit to Kilmer Lane being no closer than 70 feet south of the south curb line of 36th Avenue North, Rotion passed by a four aye vote. H4 I. We request for release of escrow on the %fi+nneapolis Industrial Park 2nd Addition vas postponed. cp USOLUTI4h 67-206 SUED. WAIVf3it AM'D., GIRARD MINEA REt GAS STATION LIC. APPV`D., L. 14 6 13, BLK. 20 GUS ERIE ADDITION 0 ri r. Co "Ll ttimt-on - Dec=" r l8, 1967 - Page 3 REPORTS OF OFFICERS. BOARDS.6 COlII!ITTEES Admi-cietrator's report received on the bid opening for the purchase of ' a fire pumpor truck. He stated that the budgeted figure for the Intrchase of ;his truck was $21,000. He stated that both he and the Fire Chief recosemad that the bid of re'214C. Corporation for a five man cab deseon- strator codel in the amount of $24,''30.00 be accepted. 97 3MON by Councilman O'Fallon, second by Payor Staplers, to accept RB: AVARD DF BID the hid of F.gi.C. Corporation in the amount of $24,230 for a five man TO F.TI.C. CORP. cab fire pumper truck. FOR FIRE PUMPER 10H by Councilman Dagen, secnad by Councilman lhint, to emend the TRUCK motion to include the payment of $30250 in excess of the bu%-aeted amount out of the Emergency Appropriations Fund and that. $13,750 be paid in tba year 1968 and $10,500 be paid in 1969. The amendment to the notion passed by a four aye vote. The amended vition paeved by a four aye vote. Mayor Staples introduced the following resolution and roved its adoption: RESOLUTION N0. 674079 A RESOLUTION COTZNDING OFFICER THOMAS R. 'TART FOR LOYAL SERVICE TO THE VILLAGE OF PLr1nUT11 AS A POLICE OFFICER FRGI 1959 T1IROUG1 1967. The motion was iseeonded by Councilman O'Fallon, and uFon vote being taken thereon, the motion passed by a four aye vote. Engineer's report received an final contractor payment for Sanitary Sewer Project 66-1A.. LOTION by mayor Staples, second by Councilmau Hagen, to approve the final contractor payment to Fater Lametti Construction Company On the amount of $5,513.30 for Sanitary Sewer Project 66-1A. :fotion passed 5y a four aye vote. Engineer's report received on final contractor payment for Sanitary Sewer Project 66-1C. LOTION by Councilman Hagen, second by Councilman blunt, to approve the final contractor payment to Peter Lametti Construction Company in the amount of $6,749.49 for Sanitary Sewer 'Project 66-1C. Motion passed by a four aye vote. RESOLUTION -17407 CO"t<t'E MIK OFFICER THOMAS R. TART RE! FINAL CONTRAALIOR 0 AY'ENT, SAN. SEWER PROJECT 66-1A RE: FI%- L CONTRACTOR PAYMENT, SAN. SEWER PROJECT 664C Engineer's report received on final contractor payment for Sanitary RF'; IPIU. L CONTRACTOr Se%*T Project 66-1F. PAYIENT, SAN. SEM MOTION by Mayor Staples, second by Councilman o'Fallon, to approve the PROJECT 66-1F. final contractor payment to Northern Contracting Company in the ismount of $6,757.75 for Sanitary Sewer Project 66-1F. fotion passed by a four aye vote. Engineer's report received on final contractor payment for Sanitary RE: FINAL CONTRACTOR Sewer Project 66-111. PAWUNi, SA!'. SEWER HOTION by Courcllvan Hagen, -second by Councilmn Hunt, to approve the PROJECT 664N flap.! contractor payment to Ct S. ttcC;rossan, Inca in the amount of k1100.00 for Sanitary Sower ,project 66-19. "lotion passed by a four aye voteo ibgineer'e report received on final contractor patment for Sanitary RE: FINAL CONTPACITA So"r 1Pr act 6666: a Cmuil Minutes - December 180 1967 • Page 4 LICBNSe3 i PEIIT., S MOTION by fayor Staples, second by Councilman O'Pallon, to approve the renewal of the Off Sale Intoxicating LIT= Lleense for Wallace Cates dba Plymouth Liquor Store, 11331. State HiRhwa7 55. !:option passed by a four aye ve tee CLAI US APPROPRIATIO39 6 CONTRACT P.ir.=PS MOTION by Councilman Hagen, second by ".ayor Staples, to opprove the regular payroll dated December 15, 1967, and totallax $7,296.80. Notion passed by a four aye vote. iKOTION by iiayor Staples, second by Coomeilman Punt, to approve the regular disbursement list dated December 18, 1967, mend tataliag 52,608.13. Motion passed by a four aye vote. MOT70H by 4ayor Staples, second by Councilman Hunt, to approve the construction fund disbursement list dated DeceaLer 18, 19679 and totaling $112,469.07. Notion passed by a four aye vote. MISCELLANEOUS i9P REP OFT SALT: LIQUOR LI+CL APPV'D. PL rSO T LIQUOR TWRE RE : Rra, PAYROLL DEC. 15 APPV'D. RE: REr., DISE, LIST, DEC. 18 APPV' D. RX: CONST. MID DISBe LIST, DBC. 18, APPV'D. James Olson, Juran and Boody, Village Fiscal Agent, presented a review analysis of the Sanitary Sewer Improvownt Pond. Mayor Maples stated that he would like to thank the Council members, Herb Lefler, Village Atteraey, Otto Bonestroo, VUlape Engineer arA Jerry Splinter, Village Adminintrator, for the beautiful engraved bowl and stated that he shall always treasure working with them during the past four years. He stated that he would like to take a few wmenta to thank a few of the men thtt have made this possible as follows I think we are very fortunate in the Village of Plymouth to have wo v)tces to tho public, thank you to Jim Williams, Editor of the Ainnotanka HArai: for the unbiased and excellent covome that his neaypaper has given the Village of Plymouth. During the past four years you have given the citizens a true picture of the way things stand. tie art also very -`o•rtunate to have Gary Johnston of the New Hope•Plyrwitik Pc i;,', thank y!) -i, Gary, your reporting ham+ been unbiased and presenttd a ,.:.cd and hoax is t picture. i i e asked t hf Village department heada+ if they would be pvaauent tae a this evet-A) g and I want to personally thank each and every one of v ; u. Gay Freund, you have done a superb job on our. Coad Department during the oast four years, the road situation hers in Plymouth has imp-oved iac+tc tsely . JLm Shaughnessw has only been here &bout eight montne. In heat time ho has arhown himself to be one of the finest assessors in lt*vnepin County. Thank you to Herold Ernst, Assistant Building Inspector and previously Village Assessor. i I Council M u stas - Deoomber 18, 2%7 - IP&S* 5 i MISCELLIINEDDS, cont' d. Rudy Raosaa, it hau been a great pleasure workfng with you for the past four years as building Inspector and prior to that on the Building Codes Advisory Cowlsolon. I shall certainly also you and sou are honest and stick to the letter of the lay. Francis Bauer has done an outstanding job in re DetendnRourrFi partrAnt. Your I sincere interest to improvlrg the fire protection iu this com a-saity and you have laid good groundwork for the added Ixo pzotacaon that we will need as a growing co®mamity. Claude Lien, I have worked with you the last four yeaars as the head of the Police Department. I know your interest. lies in better and finer police protection foi this community and. Lra ysur men. Dewan Barnes has been with us about t,v years and has done a monumental job in arranging our sore complex financial problems. Jim Olson, our Fiscal Asunt, has done a perfectly magnificent job in planning our sanitary &ewer financinve O o Bonestroo has done a great service to the Village in giving us s sanitary sewer project brought in at reasonably close to the estimates. Herbert Lefler, I think t4ailt all of the Council. especaially met:, confided in 'ierb and bentf i tted, tilt only from his legal experience, but also from his experience s.s ftya r all St. Louis Parke I shall mts,s being up here at the Council ataettings irit:h you, the not:ur hen of Plymouth Village.. Jerry Splinter, you hava Mone a imrfactly so wnificent J%)b In the past year in preaparir g the V1136egie foj: the fr t ire that lies .ahead. You havo made us realise tEw problems that: a growl sg coomunit y n gstti,nq into. One of viwir greatest assets is your handling and get: t ln;t aloe with people. John Duntl.ey, 11.44e alwairr ada ired John for his abilii:y for going around an issut Nml finally making; up his mind. Ilona Hagen has served the Council very well for the past two year* id the Park Cow.issica and the fiscal handling of the Villitgo. Cloward Hunt, I hw a tkvrked wrl.th you for ove: t°n years :kr i I reel that you have served 0,, 11, Villago very abley. Dick O'Fallon, you, ere now I:tt* oldoist livin;t Ce:uncilmant I want to congratulate you loot your sinctritlr and unb Lastd nervi e +and your belief in equality. I kt4u, that yc u will be able to tarry on with this Council next year and that they will,. benefAt from rour remarkable memory. k r the past four years certain th-ings stool out. I think oue thing that I shall always rea ember are the outburst from Jerry and Dick. Another thing that I shall remember are the budguit %*%ting with Howard and Nene. And Inst. but not least, St,-nren Gardinier , Plymouth's Girl Friday. I an gotig to dist you all and I hope that soneAers along the lino, you are goLng to mins me." Upon motlou made and carried, the meetivo was atijourned st 10;30 p.m. 1 A jr At ted t'. .: -kf aw.h.rr Sharon Car4tnier, SocretAry 44 JI tom- I , WrIaag M 5tapLe , it , r