HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 12-04-1967a 0 I QDitT.IEB Or TUAA E CMICIL HELT1.`aG j December 4, 1967 regular seating of tIae Villaga Council was called to order by ':ayor ring :t. Stales, Jr. at 7:30 p.m. Present: :tayor Staples, Councilman O'Fallon, Hagen and hunt, the Village Administrator, Attorney, Engineer and Planner. Absent: Councilman Duntley. ttayor Staples requested the Council and those i,.l attendance to rise for a moment of silent prayer. PETITIONS- REQUESTS b MR- UNI AMONS William Cavanaugh appeared requesting the resurinm; of certain property to induatri91 and multiple dwel.ing usage at the intersection of State Hf.3hway 55 and Vicksburg Lane on the northeast quadrant of that inter- vic.tion. John Bersly, Village Planner, stated that he thought the rotential for this pied of property was great, however, the proposal gad for industrial and multiple and he felt that there was some consider- able advantage to having some commercial zoning in the area. In reviewing the proposal, he stated that he was concerned about some of this road plans that were proposed, however, he did recognise that they a:e very tentative proposals and he was further concerned about. the 500 feet of lead border- ing the east edje of the. property that was teat: considered in the layout as I reg +entad by '.1r, Cava:natugh. 86 MOTI01' by Councilman Iluelt, second by Courtia inan HaFten, to Adopt ORDINANCE R",D".NANCE. 67.22 l.Mo 1 Y Iiwoe67--22, At. 9 R0IZWCF AHENDING "'A"LE ZONI"p(; 1'1RDINANCI: C F THE VII.LhcE OF REZIUNES T'0 Plav'`40L"'.'iI TO ].NC!'.XDE WIT 1N THE INDUSTRIAL ,Zf "IE AND MUL11IFLE LIT-M.-LD4 ZORN IND. b AILTIPLE t.. IR A,11 PROFIXTY IN THE 11ORT194"IST 114 OF SU TION 21. :.otion pay -flied i,y a DiMI LIWG PAI12' f; ux a 'rpt vot.'! : tayor Staples :requested that the recon:.s shc%, tl .at h-ia OF SEC. ail. ri:asom.a for votl ag aye were ti.apercd by ca.m am that the rezoning of this pr; c peri ty wan a bit. prwearure, hcwever, the „ act that the ?1ayho ikeea p roporty d.irectkrr ac -,ions tt.-e road 2 -.-am it was alrera.dlr -oned in%'Niat:rial t, -eserted a laq,,al p-roblert in refusing the coning tnd that he was Nt-ther cc u:erv.ed. a'tioue t'k"e leyvul: ))roposW by the petir;ion zni 1)resentin-I cartain o if licultieji as --itre state i h l the ?Manner. Pste!rsa,-Templin Company x*questsca a e r:oni to industrial of epprrai- coat.e:.l.y 4,-112 acteH at 5A75 Counter Road 1b for a «arehouse and lipht aDAmU.7la'ir.c V r i nga NOTU-Yi y ' laycx ':irs,ales, second *.!y Counc.ilmr in. i+tint, to e;cap t ORP.a"NV CI, 0RD1','t.NfE 0-43 r y.w +al. ..MU W r1-.OD NO% 5 -.,;', AN 0" `IiI,A110E t tlENt IrG TEtE ZOftIh"('I t1 2',`?'It NCE 01r' '1't'F: VILLA,' OFRFZ(1'I1; 'YC P11%,311TH T-1 ItJUV BIZ WITHIN THE I1IDUS; IAI. ZOO 1. PORTION 01' "'VECT''K,17 1.4 IND. I'M -11' tcsion p11880.d 1- 41# a four aye vote. SFC• 1 Fet.era.e t •'te p.lin requested a buildini! plermit for an zddl,t:ion to 1.1teir RE: BLDG, PERMIT 1.3rir t building, ac 5475 County Road 18. APPY D., )?ffER- t1011,0N by AsyQr Staplies, second by CauncilMA11 sunt, to approve yeas guild- SEN-mtP1xv iny, permit vequested by Pet.areen-Terplin far an addition to their exist- ing hurt ldinq,; at 5475 County Road le. 'lotion massed by ,a tour aye vote. J Council Minutes - Deceuber 4, 1967 • Pate 2 PETTIIT_IOINS. M UISTS A COPRiiT,tlCATIONS Albert Nielson requested a buildi View Dairy, at 11308 State Htghwa MMON by Mayor Staples, second b; retrodeliag permit for Albert Nielc, passed by a four aye vote. 87 ermit to remodel his store, Lake- ".E: BLDG. PEM1IT APPV'D., ALBERT unc iluan O' Fallon, to approve the ITInSEN of the Lakeview Dairy. ?:otion Girard Mines, requested a subdivision waiver on Lots 14 and 15, Block 2, Glen But* Addition. HOTIM? by Mayor Staples, seccnd by Co-tuell man O' Fallon, the sub- division waiver requested by Mr. Mines be denied. :,c eon passed by four aye vote. The reason given for the denial was tint the result- ant lot division would leave a residue parcel of only approximately 14,900 square feet. The Council stated that this site of parcel Was too small to even allow a resident.Lal dwelling on under our present ordinances and t"erafore, was entirely unacceptable as a comcaercial parcel* RE: SUBDIVISION MAIVER REQUEST DMISD, GITcARD 14X"A Stuart Burgh requested a subdivision waiver in the North 1/2 of Sectioa 29 and 30 ani: the request was deferred until such time as the proper legal descriptions have been received, Robert He Savoy requested the rezoning to industrial of approximately ORDINANCE 67-23 12-1/2 acres at Interstate 494 and County Ruad 6. RL44CXES TO IND. HOTION by :htyor Staples, second by Councilmen 'Runt, to a,lopt ORDINANCE PART C'e SEC. 2'+ N0. 67-23, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF TILE VILLAGE OF PLYIMUTII TO INCLUDE WITHIN THE INDUSTRIAL ZONE A PORTION OF SECTION 27. T{Otton passed by a four aye vote. Harvey Fchie6e presented a request for approval of sanitary sever service to the proposed Honeywell site at Highway SS, west of the supping center. The Council requested that :!re Schiebe submit to the Village Engineer detailed plans and specifications for his approval and requested that the Engineer report back to the Council on December 11th, 1967s Rogdr F,asendin requested final approval of Faaendin-Krogness Addition. MT%ON by itayor Staples, second by Councilman I'.agen, to adopt RESOLU- TION NO. 67- , A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PI,T OF FAZENDIN- KROGNESS ADDITION. There was a discussion regwreing the subdivision contract requirement that the developer contribmte $x.03 ner square foot f at atone sewer requirements vi.thin .-hs subdivision. `tr, ra=endin requested that this requirement be dropped and stated !:hat he felt that it was an undue hardship and burden upon the developer and thAt effectively with this requirement, the Villape of Plymouth was stymieing aay possible development. 1'e further stated that this requirement should be anse:sed at the time that the storm ewer would be needed. The Council did not sae fit to remove this requItoment and 3r. Faaendim requested withdrawal of the approval of his plat. This was granted, :*!For Staples withdrex; his motion and Coun ctln an ldsgon withdrew his second Ed Wahl requested approval of the final plat. of llomedale . anter lat Additiono tMIGN by Mayor Staples, second by Councilman Hunt, to edoot IFSOLU- TtON NO% 674996 A RESOLUTION A.MWIVI46 TPM FINAL '?LAT Of POM MALS MMOR IST ADDITIONe klotion passel by a four aye vota. RE: FAZENDIN- Y.ROGNESS PLAT DSOLUTION 67-199 Mil APPROVING FINAL PLAT OF RWEDIIE f A"R IST ADDITION 71 I) Co%Wcil j16,U=tss •- December 49 1967 no Page 3 ELSTI'rA VESTS & CO iMNLCATIONS. cont' d . 6,666..... ..... Mtrt, iMat representing 1 1arvin H. Anderson, appears :o request approv- * jk&1UTION 67;, 0 at of the final plat of i.,'"dow Lawn Catates 3rd Addition. APPPAVING 1 IIM, ad t RESOLd- PLAT 'tF.Arw w' LAWNHazoNby :payor Staples a second by Count.ilmsn t'.uot, to op TION N0. 67400, A RESOLGTIOU APPRMNG THE FINAL PLAT OF ' ,,!EM14 r` LAN. ISTATES 3PD ADDU. ESTATES 3RD, ADDITION. t:otion passed by a four aye vote. The Administrator was requested to contitt the Planniuy CosmUsioa regardlur, their recossn .miction as to frau yard setback requiromencs for the Village as a whole and in particular, for tr e %aadow Lawn Estates 3rd Additive.. The CL4wLl reviewed the request by Ardis Schiobe for chis waiver of the Platting firs fox Ardis Additicn. The Council declined to take., action pand1w,, the Councilman actually viisuiug the lots in quesLon. !Lotion was deferred to the Decsaber lith meeting. RB 0tf'f' IONS b ORDINANCES LOTION by aayor Staplest second by Councilman ,HaRena to adopt ORDI- NANCE ISO. 6744. AN ORDINANCE AIMIDING SECTIONS 3.01 AND 3.02 Of TILE BUILDING CODE OF THE, VILLI JGB OF PLI LOUTH AND Ci#APTER VI OF T111E ORDINANCE CODE9 Itation passed by a four aye vote. LOTION by aayet Staples, second by CountiWan Punt. to adopt ORDINANCE N0. 6745. AN ORDINANCE ARMI;LG CKAPM 13 Of THE BUILDING CODE AND CHAPTER VI OF THE ORDIHANCc CODE OF THE VILLAGE 4>R PLYT:OUT!!. Hotlova paused by a four aye vote. MMRTS ICBEPS & COt iITTBBS The Admiaietratar reported that on lovewher 30th, 19679 at 10:00 a.m. bids went taken for a supply of gasoiine. diesel fuel and fuel oil to the Village for the year 1968. MTION by Hayor Staples, second by Couvwiluan HARen, to adopt RESOLU= TION N0. 67401, A RESOLUTION A«ARDING BID for supply of regular and premium gasoline to K. C. 'sayer 6 Sons, Inc. at the following rates: premium gasoline at a Yate of $0.2490 per gallon and regular Rasoline at a rata of $0.214 per gallon sad to award this hid for furnishing vise Inc. at the folluwidieselfustandEcceloiltoDickeybShavertaQt rates: diesel fuel No. 2-D at a rata of $0.1295 per gallon and fuel oil No. 2 at a rare of $061295 pay gallon. :totion passed by a four aye vote. G:yor Staples awarded to Steiner Bera and Wallace prinsen, 1'ennepin County Shariff's Volunteer Deputies. Merit Certificates for their unselfish acts in tba saving of two people from a burning auto on november 'ird, 1967. jiCMSES 6Ems, k =S RE: ARDIS SCRIBE P:EQUEST FOR WAIVER OF PLATTING FEES ORDIIANCF 6744 AMENDING BLDG. CODE. SEC. 3.01 b 3.02 ORDImat 67-25 AIWDING BLDG. CODE. CNAP. 13 PXSOLUt?N 67--94 ALTARDING DID FOR Go DIESEL FUEL i FUEL OIL 16 AQARD OF ,MERIT CERTIFICATES t0TION by 4tayor Staples, second by Counciluan Punt, to approve the nMw6LL LYC. Well License for this Baker Well Company, 1210 Sumter Avenue. `totion APPV'D., BAKER passed by a four aye vote. t?ELL Co. aOTION by 'Mayor Staples, second by Councilman Punt, to approve the R1: CLASS 8 LIC. Class 8 Small Disposal System License for Theisen b S,)ns, 2305 Xylon APPV'D., TNRISEN Avows. 'lotion passed by a four ayis vote. 0 Council 1ilautes - December 4,, 1967 - PaRe 4 C, APP, APPMPRIATIOUS &CONTRACT PA„ FIT K1TIOh by asyor Staples, sa.condy Councilman t a a.i, *:: 1 acro a the regular payroll dated ilovember 3!?, 1'679 and totalinR $7,943.30. lotion passed by a four aye vote. 4ISCELI.azouS F! REG. PAYMM APP'V' D. , NOV. 30 40TION by 3myor Staples,, second by Councilucn O`Fallon, setting the RE: SETTING DATE Blection Canvass date for the Diecember 5th Village Election at 5:30 FOR LECTION p.a,, Wednesday, December 6th, 1967. :lotion passed by a four age vota.CkMASS Upon motion made and corried, the meeting vas adjourned at 10;36 p.m. I P Attest: 'J ty Sharon Gard 1 r • Secretary Loring