HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 11-06-1967t MMM MP vnt,Ar:L CWTICIL-Tr. r Fro PLYgVU! 9 ; tlMMOTA November 6, 10167 A regular meeting of the Village Council was called to order by Actiuq k7or .{ichard 0141.1on at 7:30 n.m. Present: Acting Uayor O'rallon, Councilman t:aRen and ;'unt, the Village L Administrator, Attorney and 7mlaeer. Abwwnt Mayor Staples and Ceonncilman auntley. 0 h Invocation was given by 'Rev. Urnest rurts of :a. Olir et Lutheran Church. LOTION by Councilman Hagen, second by Councilmn taunt, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 16. 1067. `,'otion passed by a three aye vote. VTI(N by Councilman Hmt, second by Councilman 11agen, to aprrove the minutes of the spacial meeting of October 30. 1967. otion passed by a three aye vote. Rev. Kurt&, At,, Olivet Lutheran Church, appeared to reque,s. a subdivision aaivsr and cc..solidation an Parcels 9210 and 0,316 in Section 14. MTION by Couk.;:i!man Hagen, second by Councilman 'hint, to adopt RESCILU- EAS2010 i 6.7-179 TION • 1f). 7' ' , A RESOLUTIOJ NAIVING RM:OUIPM TNTS OF SUNNIViSIOV SU30. 4AIVER ORDINMCB c ui parcels 9210 and 9316 in Section 14. :'otion passed by a APPV' D. , ?mo this* aye vote. OLIVET LUTMRAN C4llr`,CH rev, hurts appeared to request a buildine permit for a church and Sunday school classrooms to be located at 12300 County 'oad 1o. n. The Buildita Inspector recowendeJ approval, 4.10TIM4 by Councilman 1:unt, second by Councilman Va%ten, to approve '!to Ru : BLDG. PER1IIT Olivet Lutheran Chu oth's request for a building verr4it for a church and APPV'!) 1IT. sunday school classrooms to be located at 1230"1 County ".oad `to. ". RLIVrT LtlIM.W motion "rinsed by a three aye vote. cnJRC t Elva Creek Golf Course requested a bui:diaR hermit for an addition to "Me. ' LM16 PERMIT the existing club house at highways 55 and lil. Die `vIldina Inspector APPV'%, FV,,i Cttrjt reeomaended approval. OTION by Cou4cilman Hageu, second by Councilman 'tunt, to approve I:1m Creek Calf Course's request for a building vomit for an addition to the Ktotilet iu h ause. .lotion ', x passed ..w a threw ape vote. Anderson Iron Worke requested a buildinR permit for a concrete Klock ^G, P%DG. PEMIT addition to their existing buildinR at 5455 County "oad 18. The Building APPV'D., A't)ERSM, Inspector recommended approval. LOTION by Councilman Hunt, second by Councilman "seen, to approve Anderson Iron Works' request for a huildinR permit for an addition to their existing building. .lotion passed by a three aye vote. Glen Shannon, ' Annix, Inc., appeared to rooues:t a 'wildin t permit for Ct BL:)O. PBR:1T an addition to their existtnp buildinR at X714 Vtli Avenue forth. APPV',, '`TI,; The tSnginear reported on the proposed location of streets in this area read stated that there is a proposed street which wuld run very close to the requested addition. DTION by Councilman h ant, second b Councilman t'&# to *pr the buildinR permit for .uerwnix, Inc. for an addition to their existing _ buildinR. : potion passed by a tttirae aye W., s. L I r it Minutes - November 6, 1967 - Page 2 6 cont'd. Paul Sylvander appeared regarding his request for a subdivision waiver on Lots 13 and 14, Block 2, Elmhurst Gardens, The Building Inspector recommended approval and stated that this is just a changing of the lot lines. MOTION by Councilman Hagen, second by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION 67-180 RESOLUTION NO. 67-180, A RESOLUTION WAIVING REQUIRVMM OF SUBDIVISION SUED. WAIVER ORDINANCK for Lots 13 and 14, Elmhurst Gardens. Notion passed by a APPV'D., PAUL three aye vote. STLVANDER Bert Nygaard, representing David Anderson, requested a subdivision waiver on Parcels 2150, 2230 and 2210 in Section 25, The Building Inspector recommended approval mad stated that there are three existing parcels and there will be two larger parcels after the waiver. M(1TI011 by Councilman Hagen, second by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION 67-181 RESOLUTION N0. 67-181, A RESOLUTION WAIVING REQUIREMENTS OF SUBDIVISION SUED. WAIVER ORDINANCE for Parcels 2150, 2230 and 2210 in Section 25. Motion APPV'D., DAVID passed by a three aye vote. ANDERSON Al Pietig appeared to request a varl u ee of Chapter 3, Sectiou MOS (e) RE: VARIANCE OF of the Village Cole with respect to the depth of a well located at 1235 CODE REt WELL Goldenrod Lane, DEPTH APPVID. FheTION by Councilman Hunt, second by Acting Mayor O'Fallp to approve AL PIETIG Pietig's request for variance of Chapter 3, Section 11.05 (e) of Village Code in regard to well depth. Notion passed by a two aye vote. Councilman Hagen abstained. MOTION by Councilman Hunt, second by Councilman Hagen, to direct the Administrator to research the documentation of the water bearing strata and well depth in the Village and present such documentation to the Council with the stipulation that this is the last variance of well depths until such time as this information is available. Notion passed by a three aye vote. R. E. Bennett appeared to request an 815" sideline waiver to construct RE: SIDELINE WAI% a two car garage at 105 Kingsview Lane, APPV'Dtl R. E. MOTION by Councilman Hunt, second by Councilman Hagen, to approve the BBNNETT, 105 815i2 sideline waiver at 105 Kingsview Lane as requested by R. Be Bennett.KINGSVIEW Motion paestd by a three aye vote. Dick Anderson of Pemtom. Inc., appeared to request a waiver of five feet REt SIDELINE WAIV from the required ten fact on toot 1, Block 4, Plymouth Plana 3rd Addi- APPV'D., LOT 10 tion. Gerald Neilse owner of the adjoi Ang lot, appeared and stated BLK. 4, PLYNOU111 that he would have no objection to the requested waiver. The Admini- PLAZA 3RD ADDN6 strator suggested that possibly the house could be relocated on the lot so as to equalise the sidelines. MOTION by Councilman Hagen, second by Councilman Hunt, to approve a Weline waiver of 7-1/2 feat on the east lot line and 17-1/2 feet on the west lot line of Lot 1, !Block h, Plymouth Plans 3rd Addition. ttntion passed by a three aye vote. Cousell Minutes - November 60 1%7 - Pate 3 cont'd. encs J. Laliberte appeared to request r 20 foot setback waiver on RE: SETBACK VAIVE reel 6180 in Section 23. The Engineer stated that this is located NPPV"D., LA311El1 on 28th Avenue !forth and there is some question as to the status of the LALISERTE right-of-way of this road. He recomma ded that the status of this road and the right-of-way necessary be clarified before this waiver is granted. The Engineer and Attorney were directed to check on the right- of-way of 23th Avenae. Mr. Lallberts agreed to dedicate the necessary right-of-tiay ani sham on the survey. MOTION by Councilman Hunt, second by Councilman Hagen, to approve the 20 foot setback waiver on Parcel 6180 in Section 23, lotion passed by a three aye vote. Jamas Riley Construction Conpany requested approval of a building permit RE: APARTNUIT SL` for apartment houses. The Administrator stated that this is a request PUNT APPV'D., for direction from the Council, as under our present ordinance, It is RILEY CONST. not necessary to obtain Council approval on any type of residential building anus! this is considered a residential building. The. Attorney was directed to draw up an amendment to the ordl"we to allow for Council approval of building permits for apartments. Mr. Riley presented plans for a 96 unit apartment complex at 374 Avenue North and Immister Lane. He requested permission to receive a certificate of occupancy on each wing as he completes them so that he may rent them out while he completes the other wings. MJWION by Councilman Hunt, second by Councilman Hagen, to approve the MIbuilding permits for the 96 unit apartment complex at 374 Avenue North n Lancaster Lane. !lotion passed by a three aye vote. Harold Posaick, Builtwell Construction, appeared to request a building Rpt Arn".",w m" permit for a 27 unit apartment plus garage, which will be part of a PERMIT APPV'De seven building complex to be located at County Road 18 and 36th Avenue BUILT14,1 L CONST. blorth. He stated that they will put in the recreation area when they have completed three buildings. MOTION by Councilman Hunt, second by Councilman Hagen, to approve the building permit for one 27 unit apartment and garage at 36th Avenue North and County Road 18. .notion passed by a three aye vote. Belgarde Enterprises, Inc., request for an apartment building permit was postponed until the Nr -.ember 13th Council meeting. Gerald Fraser, Elmhurst Realty, appeared to request a five foot side- line waiver on the east and west property lines of Lot 12, Block 3, Elmhurst Gardens. The Building Inspector recommended approval, NOTION by Councilman Hagen, second by Councilman Hunt, to approve the five foot sideline waiver on the east and west property lines of Lot 12, Block 30 Elmhurst Gardens. Motion passed by a three aye vote. Art Lae, Don Spielman and Sam Fischer of the Hennepin County Highway Department appeared and presented plans on the interchanges on County load 18. He stated that at 36th Avenue and County Road 18, the design bas been changed to a straight d.tvm)nd interchanges Kinder Johnson and Mre konetmn, property owners of tb.e area appeared. MMON by Councilman Hagen, second by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 67-182, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY DESIGN PIAW FOR THE INTERSECTION OF 36TH AVENUE NORTH AND COUNTY ROAD 18, further Identified as Layout E-104047. Notion passed by a three aye vote. REt SIDELINE WAI1 APPYID., LOT 121 BU t % ELMHMT GARORNS X&&UTT6_718 APPVINGs PRIlLIM6 PLAN, INTERCUM, AT 36TH AVE. 6 Co. We 16 i i 1 Council Minutes - Novseber 6, 1967 - page 4 PETITIONS & RBMT-3 4 CO!lWUNICATI03 . cont'd. Mr. Les presented piers for the interchange At 49th Avenue :forth and County Road 18 shoring a diet -and type Interchange with limited access. Hughie Peterson appeared. WTION by Councilman Hunt, second by Councilman Hagan, to adopt RESOLUTTION NO. 67483, A RESOLUTION APPROVING TRS PRELIMIIIART DESIGN PLAN FOR THE INTERSECTION OF 49Tii AVENUE WORTH AND COUM ROAD 189 furth&r identified as Layout C-10-23-67. Motion passed by a three rye vote. Mr. Lee presented plans for the intersection of County Road 10 and County Road 18 showing a cloverleaf diesign with a service road on the southwest co;r-aer from the iadustrial buildings. Hughle Peterson appeared and objected to the proposal. MOTION by Councilman Hunt, second by Councilman Hagen, to adopt 1ESOLUTION NO. 67184, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY DESIGN PLAN FOR THE INTERSECTION OF COUNTY ROAD 10 AND COUNTY ROAD 18, further identified as Layout 9-10-18-67. Motion passed by a three aye vote. RESOLUTION 67-18' APPVING. PRELIM. PLAIT, INTERCHANG, AT 49TH AVB. i CO. RD. 18. SOY.UTION 6748 APPVING. PRELIM. PLAN. IIW*I. MCHANC AT CO. RD. 10 i CO. RD. 18 Mr. Lee presented plans for the intersection of County Roar' 9 and RE: INTERCHANGE County Road 18 stowing a clo,%erleaf design with the realignment of AT CO. RD. 9 i County Road 9 from Zachary Lane to County Road 18. Howard Dahlgren, CO. RD. 18 representing A. Bernardi, Metro Plymouth Corporation, appeared and requested that no action be taken on this interchange at this time. Henry Meyer and Pastor Giere, Pilgrim Church, appeared '.o object to the proposed plan. MOTION by Councilman Hagen, second by Councilman Hunt, to table the regarding the interchange at County Road 9 and County Road 18 until the County officials have met with the property owners in the area. Motion passed by a three aye vote. A. Bernardi, Metro Plymouth Corporation, appeared to request alterations RS: SUB.0IVISION in the suhdivision contract for Plymouth Plata. He stated that the CO1trRACT.PLYt01r residents abutting the park area do not want the walkways constructed. PLAZA It was pointed out that this was agreed upon and that more than just the residents abutting the park area would benefit from these walkways. MOTION by Councilman Hagen, second Ly Councilman Hunt, that the walkwayo in the greensrrip area in Plymou%;h plaza be completed as oriRinally proposed. Motion passed by a three aye vote. Mr. Bernardi requested that the sidewalk on one side of Pilgrim lane be deleted from the development contract as hi3 cone: tders it complatc ly useless for all practical purposes and also for esthetic -seasons. It was brought out that children living in Plymouth Plaza would be using this sidewalk to walk to school. MOTION by Councilman Hagen, second by Counciltm a Hunt, that the sidewalk on one side of Pilgrim Lane be completed as specified in the contract. Motion pasted by a three aye vote. MOTION by Acting Mayor O'Fallon, second by Councilman Hunt, that the Council direct Maro Plymouth Corporation to install the sidewalk on the school side of Pilgrim Wane. Motion passed by a three aye vote. sm Mt. Bernardi, requested that the construction of about 1.30 feet of street, 40th Averun Fi"'Ih, be deleted from the development contract. MOTION b3 CounctIman Hunt, second by Councilman Hagen, that the 140 feet of 40th Avenue North be constructed as hrcnosed. Motion passed by e three ayu vote. 1 sect= Mautes - November 6, 1967 - Page 5 cont'd. 100 19670 they made an inspection or cne r,aymoucn ruse aevelopoent and made a liet of the items to be corrected. He stated that the amount of escrow cronies available for release on the let, 2nd and 3rd Additions at thin time would be 289063.00. At this time, there Is a total of $65,000 being hold for Plymouth Plaza Additions One through Your, WTION by Councilman Hagen, second by Councilman Hunt, to reduce the escrow for Plymouth Plaza let, 2nd and 3rd Additions to $21,937.Or3. Motion passed by a three aye vote. 902, 00 RE: ESCROW - TION, PLYNDUTR PLAZA 1ST. 2ND, 3RD ADDITIONS MD'TION by Councilman Hunt that the paving of 40th Avenue North be Included in the next a it ftet improvement made in Plymouth Plaza. lotion died for lack of a second. The Engineer stated that in Plyxuth Plaza 4th Addition, there to some RE: ESCROW REDUC- work that remains to be done. He mould recoamend that the Village TION, PLYNDUTH retain $4,000 for repair work on existing streets, cleaning of the PLAZA 4TH ADM* trunk sewer and the guarantee of the quality of Lancaster Lane. MOTION by Councilman Hunt, second by Councilmar Hagen, to reduce the escrow for Plymouth Plaza 4th Addition to $4,000, lotion passed by a three aye vote. Metro Plymouth requested final approval of the plat of PI -mouth Plata Fth Addition. The Engineer recommended that the bond for this addition set at a cash escrow amount of $5,200 or a surety bond in the amount f $7,80u. MOTION ;jy Councilman Hunt, second by Councilman Hagen, to adopt RESOLUTION 67 485 RESOLUTION N0. 67-1850 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL FLAT OF ArPVING, FINAL PLYMOUTH PLAZA 5TH ADDIT10he Motion passed by a three aye vote. PLAT, PLYMOUTH PLAZA 5TH ADDN. Mr. Bernardi requested the Village to accept the streets in the Plymouth :laza Addition. The Attorney requested that this be post - pond until the November 13th meeting. Allan Garrison appeared to request the rezoning to Industrial of Loco 5 and 6, Plymouth Gardens., The Administrator stated that this request was tabled by the Planning Commission until after aaoption of the new Zoning Ordinance., The Attorney stated that the Metro Council requires that we forward to them the new Zoning Ordinance and map and no action can be taken for 60 days from the date that this is forwarded to them. Therefore, it will probably be sometime in February before the proposed Boning ordinance can be adopted. Jerome P. Begin appeared to requent the rezoning of enproximately one and 314 acres la the southeast coiner of tnterstate 494 rad Counter Road 9 to g-3 Service Business District for a propostul is :vice st tlon. CI r JN by Councilman Hunt, second Z y Councilman Hagen, t adoptINANCRN0. b7-20, AN taDINANCE AMENDING THE ZUNING n :xAKcF, nF VILLAGE OF 1LYMOUT!I TO INCLUDE WITHIN THE INDUSTRIAL IONK A FART LOTS 5 an, 6, PLY'tOUTH GARDENS, AND TO INCLUDE WITHIN T11L 8«3 UERVICE BUSINESS DISTRICT CQRTAIN PROPERTY BEING IN SECTION 15 Notion passed b%- a three aye vote. 0 INMNC67, vw AMENDINv ZONING ORD., INDUSTRW L. 5 & 6, PLYMnU1'H GARDENS, So3 "ART OF SEC. 15 0 Council IF.inutes m November 6, 1961 - Page 6 PITITIONS. F, QESl CO'cIIMICATIONS. cont'd. Lt& tl" AOdard Oil requestei a condition..1 use permit to allow a service ion on the property at the southeast corner of Interstate 494 and ty Road 9. NOTION by Councilman Hunt, second by Councilman lagena, to grant a conditional use permit to Standard 011 for a service station at Coanty Road 9 and InterGtate 494. Motion ;%assed by a three aye vote. Roger Fazendin a3ppearee to request preltidnsry appicoval of Fat#.ndin- KroRness Plat located at Hadley Lake and S t ate El:. ghway 101 in !Section 31. Tu e Admioistral reported on the proposed traffic pattetus in alis; area, This has been revised to include a 60 foot easement for future .extension of Queensland Lane. The Engineer reco*mended that some detailed study be made of storm sewer requiremeasts In this area before the final plat and the subdivision development contrac- are approved. NOTION by Coar.rilman Hagen, second by Councilmen Runt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO.. 67-186, A RESOLUTION APPROVYI!G PRELIM UI RY PINT OF FAZE1%DIN-KROC-T4ESS ADDITION, Notion passed ry s three aye vote. RE,_0LUTIONS 5 ORDINANCES NOTION by Councilman Hagen, second by Counc Imn Hunt., to adopt RB$OLUTI%IN NO,. 67•-187, A RESOLUTION APPROVING SPECIFICATIONS AhD ORDERING r'.L1VEITIS121ENT FOR BIDS FOR I AS01 INE. DIESEL Ft. sW FOES. OIL for one v .ar pel:iod. Motior pasiued by ;-1 three a,•a votla. RE.P0I TS,-4 r'`?, ICERS,, R04%RDS IS COMMIT'! EES The Engineer epotted on Cha.uge Order No. 3. Sanitai } Sew•e,. 66--1F. 1t1 s war f r r - tpa it of spr1rW breaku ; on Harbor Lair at C.oatnt:y Road t for a tota.i cost of $1,854.90 ayai.ble to Nottherr Cont.r tct;i% g WITVA' E Cor,.(; •,1-wn Ha3,.sn, s a :and by Coun^.11me Hunt, to spp: ve Change 0i:.er Vo 3. Sani;:;tty Sokwer hr..jeet :if•4F Notion 34astcd by a three aye trotc. RE: CONI. USE PERMIT, STAN'WW OIL, AI Pq' D. RESOLUT13V 67486 APPVING. PRELIM. PLAT, FAZENDIN- KROGNESS ADDN. RESOLUTION 67-V.- I ORDERl H 3 ADV- F iR A iDS FOR GAS, DIESEL FUEL i FUEL 04L RE: CHi 9GE O RDI; Oa %F AD1 SEUM!' 66 -IF 0PV c , The E•ac;inec:T repertoi uta Change cider INIo. 2, ;-„unitary Sew r 6EI-RI, RE: CHANG c OltllE , This was for moor grader service on Villrltge streets within eche sever- x2, W, 1SVIR ei a,•en dur-lnty apring breakup pe.rit J in IW7. The total coat, -at' 46-11) !lc'iA''V this Changer. O dli-r a $725 payat,e to Phelj° s-Vl ak Compaacw. TION by Hlgen, ssconrl by Co,aa,,tltkan lit nt t': appro'ld Ch&nge Ordi:r No. Z, ;,aaltary Sewer Proiect 6604D. Motiot piagice” 'ay a three ayo votrc . Upon motion made:! z7nd carried, the meetftg was adjourned ac: 1:05 a .1a. Attest ter, Svcretary Ix1iQ pc ic.Y max acTs;x; x zl x t tx RCN- .acrd 3. 0 ;'gallon, Acting, Navor a Council IF.inutes m November 6, 1961 - Page 6 PITITIONS. F, QESl CO'cIIMICATIONS. cont'd. Lt& tl" AOdard Oil requestei a condition..1 use permit to allow a service ion on the property at the southeast corner of Interstate 494 and ty Road 9. NOTION by Councilman Hunt, second by Councilman lagena, to grant a conditional use permit to Standard 011 for a service station at Coanty Road 9 and InterGtate 494. Motion ;%assed by a three aye vote. Roger Fazendin a3ppearee to request preltidnsry appicoval of Fat#.ndin- KroRness Plat located at Hadley Lake and S t ate El:. ghway 101 in !Section 31. Tu e Admioistral reported on the proposed traffic pattetus in alis; area, This has been revised to include a 60 foot easement for future .extension of Queensland Lane. The Engineer reco*mended that some detailed study be made of storm sewer requiremeasts In this area before the final plat and the subdivision development contrac- are approved. NOTION by Coar.rilman Hagen, second by Councilmen Runt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO.. 67-186, A RESOLUTION APPROVYI!G PRELIM UI RY PINT OF FAZE1%DIN-KROC-T4ESS ADDITION, Notion passed ry s three aye vote. RE,_0LUTIONS 5 ORDINANCES NOTION by Councilman Hagen, second by Counc Imn Hunt., to adopt RB$OLUTI%IN NO,. 67•-187, A RESOLUTION APPROVING SPECIFICATIONS AhD ORDERING r'.L1VEITIS121ENT FOR BIDS FOR I AS01 INE. DIESEL Ft. sW FOES. OIL for one v .ar pel:iod. Motior pasiued by ;-1 three a,•a votla. RE.P0I TS,-4 r'`?, ICERS,, R04%RDS IS COMMIT'! EES The Engineer epotted on Cha.uge Order No. 3. Sanitai } Sew•e,. 66--1F. 1t1 s war f r r - tpa it of spr1rW breaku ; on Harbor Lair at C.oatnt:y Road t for a tota.i cost of $1,854.90 ayai.ble to Nottherr Cont.r tct;i% g WITVA' E Cor,.(; •,1-wn Ha3,.sn, s a :and by Coun^.11me Hunt, to spp: ve Change 0i:.er Vo 3. Sani;:;tty Sokwer hr..jeet :if•4F Notion 34astcd by a three aye trotc. RE: CONI. USE PERMIT, STAN'WW OIL, AI Pq' D. RESOLUT13V 67486 APPVING. PRELIM. PLAT, FAZENDIN- KROGNESS ADDN. RESOLUTION 67-V.- I ORDERl H 3 ADV- F iR A iDS FOR GAS, DIESEL FUEL i FUEL 04L RE: CHi 9GE O RDI; Oa %F AD1 SEUM!' 66 -IF 0PV c , The E•ac;inec:T repertoi uta Change cider INIo. 2, ;-„unitary Sew r 6EI-RI, RE: CHANG c OltllE , This was for moor grader service on Villrltge streets within eche sever- x2, W, 1SVIR ei a,•en dur-lnty apring breakup pe.rit J in IW7. The total coat, -at' 46-11) !lc'iA''V this Changer. O dli-r a $725 payat,e to Phelj° s-Vl ak Compaacw. TION by Hlgen, ssconrl by Co,aa,,tltkan lit nt t': appro'ld Ch&nge Ordi:r No. Z, ;,aaltary Sewer Proiect 6604D. Motiot piagice” 'ay a three ayo votrc . Upon motion made:! z7nd carried, the meetftg was adjourned ac: 1:05 a .1a. Attest ter, Svcretary Ix1iQ pc ic.Y max acTs;x; x zl x t tx RCN- .acrd 3. 0 ;'gallon, Acting, Navor a