HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 10-16-1967W o KnMM OF VILLAGE COUNCIL MUTING PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA October 16, 1967 A regular meeting of the Village Council Was called to order by Mayor Loring M. Staples, Jr. at 7:30 p.m. Presents Mayor Staples, Councilmen O11allon, Duntley, Hagen and hunt, the Village Administrator, Attorney and gagituer. Absent: Nuns. Mayor Staples requested the Council and those in attendance to rise for a moment of silent prayer. MOTION by Councilman O'Fallon, second by Councilman Rmt, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 21 1967« Motion passed by a five aye vote. MOTION by Mayor Staples, second by Councilman Runt, to approve the minutes of the special mating of October 4, 1967. Motion passed by a four aye vote. councilman ountlay abstained MOTION by Mayor Staples, second by Councilman O'Fallon, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 9, 1967, with the following corrections; Page 1, paragraph 4, typographical error, May to Mayor. Page 1, paragraph 4, The Mayor further stated that at the assessment hearing the assessment was based fully on a front footage basis. It was not decided at the meeting with Mr. Refald on the type of assessment. Page 4, paragraph 4, Councilman Hunt voted nay on resolution approving the 1966 budget. Motion passed by a five aye vote. PETITIONS, a UQUBSTS S t10M1UNICATIONS William Dudley appeared to request a consolidation of Lots 12 and 13. Block 14, Medicine Lake 3rd Division and a 2 foot sideline waiver. The Administrator stated that -at 23rd Avenue North, the street had encroached onto Mr. Dudley's property and the Village had in fact trespassed on Mr. Dudley's property. He further stated that we did blacktop on Mr. Du+dley's property but we will remove said blacktop at such time as Mr. Dudley would like it removed. MOTION by Mayor Staples, second by Councilman O'Fallon, to adopt RISOLUTION h0, 67.1781 A BESOLIMION WAIVING REQUIREMENTS OF SUBDI- VISION ORDINANCK for emsolidation of Lots 12 and 19, Block 14, Medicine Lake 3rd Division. Motion passed by a five aye vote. The Administrator statald that the design and size of the house that Mr. Dudley proposes to build and the topography of the lot is such that he would recommend that a sideline waiver of 2 feet be granted. MU;:ON by Mayor Staples, second by Councilman Hagen, to approve the sideline waiver from 15 feet to 1'' feat for houseto be constructed on Lots 12 and 19, Block 14, Medicine Lake 3rd Division. Motion passed by a five aye vote. RESOLUTION 67-X16 SUED. WAIVER APPVD WM. DUDLEY RE: SIDILINE WAIVER APPYID. WM. DUDL%Y 11, 11 Council Minutes - October 16, 1967 - Page 2 PE= -Ms RI-MMTS 6 C014l NICATIOMS cont' d . J Robert Doisclair appeared representing James Riley, Riley Construc- tion Company, to protest tits sanitary saver hookup charge for the 96 unit apartment complex to be built in Plymouth Plana 4th Addition. The Administrator stated that when the Village prepared the assesR- went for the 661 Sanitary Saver Project, every lot was assessed at 650 per half acre and cm i-ircial property at a rate of $75 per half acre. It was decided by ties Council to assess apartmeat a at $75 per unit to be paid upon the ts&ing out of a building permit. Mr. Boisclair stated that they were totally unaware of this charge and did not program their expeiises to include this charge. This assess- otant avrrusts to $7,200 and they are requesting that this amount be spread over a 30 year period the setae as other assessmsants. RE: SAN. 811131 HOOKUP CBARGE The Village Attorney stated; that we could not colloct anything on this assessment until the taxes ware collected in 1969 and wanted to know if there was soma way in which the Village could enter into an agree- ment with the petitioneve to pay this hookup charge. He stated that he does not feel that it would be vise to set a precedent by assessing this hookup charge. Councilman Hunt asked if it would bo beneficial to the petitioners to delay this payment until such time as the certificate of occupancy is issued. Mr. Doisclair asked if it would be possible to spread payment of this hookup charge over a three year period at six percent intotYest. The Attorney suggested that possibly Mr. Riley could pay one-half of the charge upon the issuance of the certificate of occupancy and the other one-half a year later. The Attorney stated that this agreement would be a lien against the property in the event of default. Councilman Hagen stated that he felt that this would set a precedent for all future apartment builders and persons platting land would expect this same type of agreement. MOTION by Councilman Hunt, second by Mayor Staples, that the payment R1: RILEY CONSTo of the sanitary saver hookup charge for the 96 unit ap4rtment comm PAYMENT OF plax in Plymouth Plana 4th Addition to be built by Riley Construction SAM, SIM Company be delayed until the issuance of the certificate of HOOKUP CHARGE occupancy. Motion passed by a five afire vote. Richard Myshak, chairson of the Junior Collage Acquisition IN: NO. WINN. Cownittee, appeared to discuss the proposed North Hennepin Stats• STATE JR. COLLEGE Junior College in Brooklyn Park. He stated that last year 92 students from Robbinsdale School District and 69 students from Osseo School District were enrolled out of a total of 414 fullstims students. The proposed site of the new college is AO acres at 85th Avenue North and hest Broa&,Ysys He stared that several surrounding comn unities had passed resnl:tions pledging monies at the rate of 25 cents per person, population based on the 1963 census. Mayor Staples asked Mr. Myshak if this wasn't a state school supported by tax funds and all residents of Plymouth are supporting this by payment of taxes. Mr. Myshak stated that the site must be furnished at no cost to the state and utilities oust be brought to the site at no cost to the state. Mayor Staples stated that he could not see what benefit it would be to the Village of Ptymuth to contribute to something that we receive no economic bentatit fromr, :ounci loran Hagen stated that he feels that it is a little bit out of the scorn of the Village Council to donate Village taxpityers money to a facility such as this. He does not feel that oducatiun is a function of the Village Council. He noted that he fal the prcjoct is govt: and will benefit the people in the Village of Plymouth., I ] Cauacil Klo ttse • October 16. 1967 • Pap .9 PUMONS) BRtkUlRSTB & CtkRlD ONS'do Mayor Staples stated that when this request hed previously been before the Council$ it was tabled and most be removed from the table before." any action can be taken. N TION by Councilman O'lallon, second by Councilman Regain, to rsmewo from tha table the request for a contvibution to the North Hennepin State Junior Collage. Mention passed by a four aye vote. Councilman Duntley voted nay. N TION by Mayor Staples, second by Councilman Ragen, that there be xo contribution tow the Yiorth Hennepin State Junior Collage from the TtIlage of Plymouth at this time. Motion passed by a three aye vote. Com oilman O'lallon and Duntley voted nay. Richard W. Sievert, 905 Kingaview Dana, appeared to request the paving of his driveway entrance. He stated that there was a street Improvement project in this area in 1962 acid the general practice was to pave the driveway entr+weas back to tho lot line. On this particular project, they paved all driveway asntraneec on existing hcmas in the area but lir. Sievertas. When Kr. Sievert called this to the atwition of the Village Engineer, he was informed that when another blaoktopping ptojee:t was instituted, his driveway would be paved. Mayor dtaplae stated that he did not feel that Mr. Sievert should be treated any differently than anyone+ also and if all other driveway entrances were paved, so should Mr. Sieverts. Mayor Staples suggested that the Admiatstrator direct the contractor to pave Mr. Sievert's driveway entrarce. RX: NO. 11M. SUTi Jit. COLLEGE U: MUIXT M PAVM OE DRIVS- VAY, 903 EINGS - VIEW LAN Al Hilda, 925 Kingemiew Lane, appeared representing nine resideo-te RB: COMMON Of on Kingsview Lana who feel that they aro unsatisfied with the paring ?AVIPIG ON KIi108• on that street. He stated than 1) much of the road is three to VnV LANE' four feet narrower than iL was previously ea.asing a costly strip for the landowner to carA for; 2) the lip curb is to far into the roadway it will likely be plewed up in the winter and driven over by motorists; 3) the turn around is ruixted as it is now; 4) the Administrator had stared that if there wereb:, !rk .qp apro ut on driveways before, they Will bit Meplaeed andel" nog: ban repairrad, Jim Wahl, 915 Kingsview and L« He Johnson$ 713 finksview; 5) 3udeae Schilling, 630 Kingsvienw, had u: apron past in and the heave equipment destroyed it. The Administrttor stilted that there would have to be a determination made as to what had eauwed this. M4yox Sltaplek suggested that the Administrator check on these individual problems. Mr. Hilda stated that the Curbs ave built right across driveway+'. The Administrator mated that this was done for drainage purposes. Mr. Hilda stated that at the time of the aswer construction, a temporary road was made to connect Kingaviaw and Harbor Lane. They would like this road closed now. The Adwini'strator stated that they would put in dead and harriers on this tw400rary road to bluck it off. The Engineer stated that they had measured the entire length of this road bafore and the pavement varied from 23 to 29 feet in widrh. He statod that there was a ditch Am the great e! de of the road and it was requested that a curb be placalid on the watt side and the ditch filled in. He stated that in paving a road with a piece of machitery, you do not vary the width of the paving and it is difficult to plow l snow so th%'3acision was made to rake the road as wide as possible on the existing stabliser material. He felt that the road was possibly about 14 feat wide at one time ani has widered in spots due to drainage o go stated that the decision had to be made to provido the most satisfactory road and he feels that this has been done. 0 164001 I Council Minutes - October 16. 1967 - Page 4 PHIMS . ROUSTS & S0NKtAtICATIC.fiTB . cont' d . Councilman O17allon wanted to lmw why the road was replaced only RR: CONDITION OF to the narrowest width and not at the wider width. The Rngineer PAVIVO ON X=QP stated that there would have been no base in some of the areas if the road was cads wider. Itobart Douglas, 715 Xingaview, stated that as far as he was can- ce.ned theta was no question about how arida the road was. All that would be necessary is to look at how far the mail voxes are set back from the am paving. He wanted' to know if there was an agree - sent that the road was to be replaced to its original condition. Councilman O'fallon stated that this statement had been made. Mr. Bakke, 815 Kingsview, stated that the sever was put down right at the edge of the road. Just north of Sievert's driveway. the road was 26 or 27 feet vide. It was not 23 feet before the sever was started. He stated that the Council had agreed to go along with their request for the filling of the ditch and the installa- tion of a lip curb for the payment of $225. The curb would amount to about a foot of the width of the street and therefore tney have lost an average o, about five feat width on their street. The Administrator stated that ht .had met with Mr. Bakke one morning and showed his where they proposed to put the curb and Mr. Bakke had said yes that would be all right. Xr. Bakke recalled the meeting but he stated that it was his understanding that the curb would be put in and the street would be replaced to its original t=41tion. Mr. Bakke stated that their masurements shaved that the street varied from 26 to 29 feet before the sewer was ins %led. He stated that the narrower pavement creates a need for more fill for the ditch and creates a problem for cou parking an the street. Councilrmta Hagen stated that he mould like to view this property. 1f in fact, the school buses have to turn around and the turn around is not wide. enough, the Council sbAw view this. Inc. Hilda stated thati the net effect was the loss of the landscaping and they are going to have to go to considerable expense for more fill and they feel that people Will be driving off the pavement on the turn around due to the narrower width. The Nngineer stated that to widen the road, it would big necessary to build the base out which would be of considerable expense. Councilman Ragan stated that it seemed to hire that it was at sound decision on the Ingincer's part to establish a standard width on this road. The Administrator stated that when the rosidents ret*uosted the ditch to be filled, he had given them an estimate on the amount of material necessary to properly fill this ditch and the residents felt this estimate was too high. The Mayor suggested that the Council should view this road at 2100 p.a. oa Saturday, October 21, 1967. Councilman Hagen suggested that the citizens should get tog4ther and decide on somas alternatives that they would be willing to accept. 1 Comcil Minutes • October 160 1.%7 - Page. 5 Al Scialdt appeared to request a building permit for a #&Its v :x:ce RE: IITZG. FXWT for his used car lot. The Attomey stated that the Ordin ee APPV1D., Ke requires the applicant to provido a certified plot plan shows. - the SCHKIDT. location of 0i propobdd building on the lot. MOTION by Mayor Staples, second by Councilman hunt, to grant a building permit to Al Schmidt for an office for his used car lot, subject to the receipt of a Lartification from an engineer that the stakes are in the correct place. Notion passed by a five aye vote. Councilman Runt requested that it be made a matter of record that the only thing Mr. Schmidt to lacking in order to get a b% ding permit In thet certification of the placement of the stakes CA the, lot. A representative from Comunity Planning appeared to represent Mrs. RE: VAIVER OF j Delores Williams, 2828 University Avenue S.R., to request a MINII04 M)TAGS variance from the minimum area requirements for a two story residence ANQUIR MR'ATS for the first staga construction of a year -around summer and M04 Do WiLLL(K. weekend residence at 2750 Evergreen Lana. Ha explainAd that it iu her intent to maks this a permanent reisidince in tho future and more than double the square footage at thW time. Mayor Stapler stated that what concerned him is Mhac assurance does the Villalte have that the second phase of this house will nicer be completed. j MOTION by Councilman Hagen, second by Councilmtn hunt, to grant a waiver of ninistmR footage for the construction of a house at 2750 Evergreen Lane. Motion eased by a four ayooWite. Mayor Staples voted nay. Councilwm 0 Fallon asked if possibly the ordinance governing square footage in buildings should bu redrawn. The Attorney stated that this was part of the Uniform auildi:ng Cods. CLAS . AP RgFRIATiONS b CONTio PAYMENTS MOTION by Mayor Stapler, second by Councilman Duntlsy, to approve RE: RIGS PAYROLL the regular roll dated October 13 1967 and totaling 6 273.92. CBCT. 13 APPVID. g Pal" g Motion passed by a four aye %vte. Cuuncilman O'F'allon abstained. MISCELLANEOUS Councilman Hunt asked if the hunting sone north of Countv Road 9 could be eliminated or changed. He stated that possibly a permit could be issued to that parsons could hunt on their own land= Mayor Staples suggested that Councilman Hunt meet with the Admini- strator and the Attorney to discuss this ordinance and passible changes. Councilman Kagan requested that the acquisition of park lands be placed on the November 61 1967, agenda. John Gullickson appeared regarding the feasibility of water in the. eastern part of the Village. He stated that he cannot gat a mortgege conmiittment for an apartment building with wall water. The Engineer was directed to look into the feasiblity of a community water system, an extension of an existing water system or some other solution. Upon motion nada and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Attest s Secrr taiy