HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 09-18-1967MINUTES OF VILIA60E COUNCIL I4EETING PLYHOUTiq MINNESOTA Septe%ber 18, 1967 A regular meeting of the Village 13ouncil was called to order by Mayor f Loring Ye Staples, Jr. at 7:30 p.m. Present: Mayor Staplez, Councilmen Walton, Duntley, Hagen and H:uwt, the Village Administrator, Attorney and Engineer Absent: None Mayor. Staples requested the Council and audience to rise for a moment of uilent prayer, PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Staples opened a Public, Hearinir to consider -the adoption of RE: ADOPTION OF a zoning classification to bye known as 11B-1 Limited Business District" B-1 LIMITED az an amendment to the 3oning Ordinance of the Village of Plymouth. BUSINESS DIST. Pre Village Attorney stated that he had prepared an ordinance and. the ZONING CLASI. z Council must decide whether to adopt the portion of Section 3 - Per- mitted Uses as in the proposed ordinance or Section 3 as in the addendum. Magor Staples opened the hearing to questions and comwents from the floor Said the fol'.owing appeared: Bill Cliffard, 12711 - 11th Avenue North - Stated that a petition signed by 42 home owners had been brought into the Village Hall on the 18th of Septembers He stated that he believes the ordinance as presented is an excellent one but he believes ti -tat the entire proposed zoning ordinenee should be adopted rather than adopted picee meal. He also sugfiested that the oriinance be adopted withfmt addendum and than imy variations be done by n the granting of waivers. He stated that he is in favor of adopting the Bw.l Limited Burair..ess District avning classifoation without the addendume There being no nwrther reoponse to call, Mayor Staples deo.Lared the hearing closed at 7:50 PON - MOTION by Mayor Staples, seconded t,, Councilman Hunt, to adopt ORDINANCE NOe 67-171 iS ORDINANCE AXWDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE P OF THE VILLAGE OF PLYIAOT 'f{ BY ADDING THERE'T0 TKE CLASSIFICATION OF "B-1" LIMITED BUSINESS DISTRICT with the addition of the changes in Section .3 01 m listed in the addendum. Mayor Staples withdrew his motion and Counc;lman Hunt withdrew his second. MrJTION by Caunailmar. HaReng second by Mayor Staples, to adopt LRDINANCE NOe 67-17.1 AN ORDINANCE AaIFiNDINC THE ZONIN'J ORDINANCE OF THE "ILLAGE OF FLYNOUTK BY ADDING THERETO THE CLASSIFICATION OF "B-1" LIMITED BVSIN ,'S DISTRICT as proposed and approved by the Planning Commiusiorts Ac'ion passed bw a four Qm vote. Counciil- man Duntley voted ;way. ORDINANCE_ 67-17 AMENDING ZONING ORD. TO INCLUDM B-1 LIMITED BUSINESS DIST. Council Ninutee - September 18, 1967 - Page 2 PE'I ON9s„_MZSTS da CODQMCATIONS Harvey Schiebe: appeared to request the rezoning of apprczimately 51 acres in Suction 35 from Residential to B-1 Limited Business Distr ct. Na;for Staples received a petition signed by 42 home owners within the 1/2 mile surrounding the area requested to be ro$oned and reading EA follows: The wuiersigned petitioners are homeowners with 1/2 miles from Parcel No. 3200 of Section 35 which is being considered for :e - zoning. wis aru concerned that this rezoning may service as a preced,ent for the present rnd/or future council to further expand bwsidess and irtustrial use into and around residential areas thus de- preM ing residential valaes and c eating hardships for homeowners. We a 3k the protection of the council from the intrusion of busiciess and industrial uses :in a residential areae X The request for rezoning fails to consider the following facts: 1. Industrial and business areas should be located with direct access to main highways so that residential streets and service roads are quiet and safe. 2. There is an elementary school with 1/3 of a mile of the land being coneiderel for rezoning. Children and school. buses use the service road from approximately 'j:00 - 8:30 a.in., and again from abo t 2:4j - ;:30 ppm. This will conflict with business traffic in the ariaa. 3. Industrial and business areas should, be located where expansion can be aeeomplist.ed without enroaohing on rsamide+ntiaal develop- ments. Zoning land prior to determination ci' use violated good planning principles. Proposed land u3e of lal,nd in question is residential avid park, according to the comprehensive 1wvi use plan proposed in 1965- 6* Comprehensive :.and vrie plan for the Village of Plymouti is to be aadop ped in .a]rly November of 1961'. Wer the underrigne-A, therefore request denial of rezoning of the parcel in question." Mr. Sahiebe preeentec aa. report from Nauon, Lary, Wehrmaan and Knight in whioh they reoommended approval of than proposod rezoning and stated that the Planning Commieriion had reoommended. this rezoning, 0 a Council minter, - September 18, 1967 - Page 3 00100 IONS. RF QUL7,5_PS UNICATIONS. cont' d. Tony Scherber, 1015 Kirkwood Lane, stated he was opposed to the rezoning. Bill Clifford, 12711 - 11th Avenue, stated that his name was on the petition and he is in favor of the Honeywell project as such but he is not in favor of zoning land withcit any specific use in mind. Tom Renner, representative from the Planning Commiasion, appefute+i and stated that at the public hearing held by the Planning Commission regarding this rezoning request, only four persons had appeared. Mr. Redding, 1025 West Medicine Lake Drive, and Mr. Rogers, 1029 West Medicine Lake Drive appeared and stated that they were opposed to the rezoning because they do not approve of spot zoning. Mr. Sohiebe was asked by the Council if he would consider rezoniag only the 25 acres of his property on which Honeywell proposed to construct their plant and informed that at such time as he had a specific use for the remaini lana, 10 come in at that time to request rezoning of that p .ty. M011ION by Councilman Hragen, second by Couneiltasn Hunt, to adopt ORDINANCE N0., 67-18, AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VM.AGE OF PLYMOUTH TO INCLUDE WITHIN THE B-1 LIMITED BUSINESS DISTRICT A PORTION OF SECTION 359 approximately 25 acres as outlined on mip to be known as Exhibit A. MOTION by Councilman Duntley, second by Mayor Staples to table the above motion. Motion passed by a five aye vote. Mr. Schulariek, a representative from Honeywell, appeared and stated that t4ey would still be interested in the property for a site even if only the 25 acres were rezoned, however, they requested that one word in the "B-1" Limited E.siness District Ordinance be eliminated as they .feel that the wording, no manufacturing, might create a problem. MOTION by Councilman Hunt, second by Councilman Hagen, to amend the B-1 Limited Business Distriat to eliminate the word "man- ufacture" from the ninth line of Section 1.02 of the Ordinance. Motion passed by a four aye votd. Councilman Duntley voted nay. 10TIO'N by Mayor Staples, second by Councilman Hunt, to remove i"rom tha table the motion to adopt the Orditltanee rezoning to B-1 Limited Business District the 2% acres as requested by Harvey Schiebe. Motion paceed by a four aye vote. Councilman Duntley voted nay. The Council then voted on the motion to adopt Ordinonae No. 67-18, arending the Zoning Ordinance to include within the B-1 Limited Busineou District a portion of Section 35. Motion passed by a fou; aye vote. Councilman Duntley voted nay. K:) ORDINANCE 67- r18 RE: AMD OF B-1 LIMITED BUS. DISTRICT ORDINANCE ORDINANCE 67-18 REZONES TO B-1 LMPD. BUS. DIST. t PORTION OF SECeW Council wi=tee - September 181 1967 - PABA 4 NITIONS, REQUESTS AND COMURICATIONS, cont'd J. David McCarthy of Carroll and Perbix, appeared representing Al Schmidt, to request a conditional use permit for a used car lot on the north side of Highway 55. The Planning Commission recommended that the conditional use permit be granted with the following stipulations: a. Not more than 25 care and/or pick-up trucks are dis- played at one time. b. The front row of care are displayed a minimum of SC feet back of the northerly right-of-way line of Trunk Highway 55 or not further forward than the existing buildings in the area (26 feet back of the northerly edge of the existing service ronA). e. The building is not closer than 15 feet to the edge of the property. d. The business hours are as defined in Mr. Schmidt's letter of September 7, 1967- e. A curb is provided along the southerly edge of the property to prevent customer parking on the grass buffer area in front of the display area. Mr. McCarthy present plot plans and sketches of the proposed used car lot. Councilman Hunt asked Mr. Schmidt if he intended to sell any trucks larger than 3/4 ton. Mr. Schmidt stated that he did not at the present time. MOTION by Councilman Hagen, second by Councilman Hunt, to approve the Conditional Use Permit for a used car lot on Highway 55 as requested by Mr. Al Schmidt with the stipulations that it be as presented on E tihibit A and also that no trucks over 3%4 ton be sold or displra~yoa. Motion passed by a five aye vote. Councilman Duntley left the meeting at 9:21 p.m. RE: CORD. UMC PERMIT F(2 USED CAR LOT ON HIiPNPKAT 55 Arnold Branjord, 10140 - 28th Avenue North, appeared to request a subdivision waiver or. I4ot 6, Lake Park Acres. Adw:aistrator stated that there is a roadway going from 28th to ;i6n which will be qu-yker Lane in the future. KGrION by Mayor Staples, P'sond by Councilman Hunt, tv adopt RESOLUTION 67-155 RESOLUTION NU. 67 r;, A RESOLUTION WAIVING REQUIRE EYN S OF SUBDe WAIVER SUBDIVISION 01".1UNANCL for Lot 6, Lake Park Acres contingent APPV'D ARNOLD upon the piling of the deed :or the 16.5 feet to be rig%.t--of- BRANDJORD way for Quaker Lane. Motion passed by a four aye vote, Robert Williams and W. C. Sampson appeaa,ed to request a kE: SETBACK YAR - variance of 15 feet for setback on Lots 1 through 3, Block 2, IANC$ LMS 1-31 Birch Valley let Addition, BLK 2, BIRCH VALLEY 13T ADD. MOTION by Mayor Staples, second by Councilman Hagen, to approve 15 feet setback waivers on Lots 1 through 31 Block 2, Birch Valley let Addition. Motion passed by a four aye vote. 1 * 9 7 li = i' Del Isaacson appeared as a representative of the petition signed by 39 persons regarding the speeding on Xenium Lame between Highway 55 and County Road 9 due to the dust And danger to the children. They are requesting a :":op sign be placed on Xenium Lane at 34th Avenue No-i;n. The Engineer stated that it would seem to him that 6his was not really intended to be a through street ud if stop signs were installed, they could be "moved at some future date. KOTION by Councilm" O'Fallon, second by W yor Staples, o authorize the installation cf ztop signs on all three sides cf the :aterseetion of 34th Avenue North and Xenium t.:ae and that "Warning - Stop Sign Ahead" signs also be placed and that sperl limit Signe ai nenessary be installed. Kotion passed by a f3ur aye vote. Ray kollen and Carl Wolf appeared regarding the dust problem on Xenium rause and wanted to know if it would be possible to reduce '%-he speed limit to 15 miles per hour on this road. The Attorney stated that State Statute does not allow speed signs under 30 males per hour except by special permit. Question arose as to the possibility of seal coating this road. The Attorney suggested that the residents ecme back with an agreement signed by all the property owners agreeing to pay for the seal coating by next week and the project could be started. Councilman O'Fallon suggested that %he Engineer inspect the road and that the people on this road make a decision as to what they would like to do and then contact As Administrator. The Administrator warn dirocted to check on the possibility of posting this orad for a 4 ton load limit. There was a five minute recess at 10100 p.m. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. BOAhUS AND COMMITTM..S.. The Village Engineer reported on the plans for the interchanges of County Road 9 and 10 and 18. He stated that there had been traffic projection counts made and these show a large increase of traffic on these roads in the next few years. He probented the revised plan for the interchange at County Roads 9 and 18 with the realignment of County Rodd 9 and the upgraded cloverleaf. The following persons appeared: A. Bernardi, petro Plymouth Corp. Fred Mengolkoch, 14401 County Road 9 Hewitt Peterson Kenneth Ulere, Pilgrim trrangelicaa ChturcL Mrgor Staples suggested that the PRnrtepin County lli&.way Derartment Engineers be contacted to see if they could meet with pernoas interested in these two interchanges. The Administrator wn,s dircoted to set up a meeting ttind notify the interested parties. an; rbrt raue Fact STOP SIGN Olt XEN'IIAI LANE AND 34th AMM RIS: INTERCHANGES AT CO. RDS. a & 18 R I Council Minutes - September 18, 1967 - Page 6 Engineer's report received on bid opening of Septembers 181 1967, for 13th Avenue Street Improvement Project. He states that the total estimates cost of this project was 563,000 and recommended acceptance of the low bid of $47,048. The bids were as follows: Suburban Pacing $47,048.00 C. S. McCrossan 47062.00 Jerome P. Begin 48020.40 Northern Contracting 499773.00 Alexander Const. 50036.00 Veit & Company 56,093.40 Dunklay Surfacing 589454.00 MOTION by Councilman Hunt, second by Councilman O"Fallon, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 67-156, A RESOLUTION AWARDING BLD FOR 13TH AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENT to Suburban Paving Company for a total bid of $47,04$.00. Notion reseed by a foiu1 aye vote. Enginaer's report received on bid opening of September 18, 19671 for 13th Avenue Storm and Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project. He stated that the total estimated cost of this project: was $22,000 and recommended acceptance of the low bid of $17,105. The bids were as follows: 1p _ RESOLUTION 57-156 AWARDINIQ BID FOR 13th AVE. STREET 1 MPROVE XENT RESOLUTION 67,157I AWARDING BID POR 13TH AVE. STCRK SAN. SEWER IMPT. Nodland Assoc., Inc. =17,105.00 Northdale Const. Co. 17,490.00 Suburban Paving 1q,294.50 C. S. McCrossan 22,643.50 Phelps -Drake Co. 23,845.10 Loosen Plumbing 28,477.25 Northern Contracting 33,653.00 MOTION by Mayor Staples, oacond by Councilman Hunt, to adopt NO 6 - A RESOLUTION AWARDING BID IM 1 T11RESOLUTIONON1L ? 57.3 AVENUE STORM AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENtT PROJECT to Nodland Associates Inc. for a total bid of 317 105.00. Motion passed y a aJ b four a vote. Attorney's report received on proposed Ordinance for Land Fill RE: LAND FILL ORD.I Materials. He stated that we do not presently have an oiAinance specifically for land fill operations. Presently they rile governed under the dumping ordinance. MOTION by Councilman O'Fallon, second by Mayor Staples, lo table discussion of *he Land Fill Ordinance. Motion passed Q by a four rye vote. LICENSES AND PERMITS Mr. H. J. Lunberg appeared to request a service station license for RE: SERVICE STAT. Murphy Oil Company to be located at the southwest corner of X.enium LIC. APPVID. Lane acid H i ghwaY 55 • MURPHY OIL CO. NOTION by Councilman 'Hunt, second by Mayor Staples, to grant ,t service station license to Murphy Oil Company. Motion passed by a forar nye vote. Council !$inoses - entember 18, 1967 - Page 7 CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS ANDCORRACT rAYXCRPS ifMOTION by Councilman Hagen, second by Councilman O'Fallon, to approve the raga lar pa;rrol :l dated September 15, 1967, and totaling $6,454.74• Notion passed by a four aye vote. Councilman bunt requested that the Administrator forward a copy of the resolution expressing Plfnouth Village's concern over the proposed restoration of Rice Lake to the Division of Waters. Upon motion made and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m. Attest: Sharon K. GArdinier, SeCTetary 0 JN 1 RE: RICE LAKE REST01UTION