HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 08-28-1967 SpecialC o t UNUTF.S OF SPECIAL kMTING OF VILLAGE COUNCIL OF VILLAGE OF PLYW OVrH, %INNESOTA August 28, 197 ruraueu,A/ifto due call and no-ice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council ,of the 'tillage of Plymouth, Xinnesotay was held iat the Beacon HeighteiSchool, 12315 State Highway 5., Plymouth, Linnesota, on the 28th day of August, 1957, at 8:0; p.m. Presea,;t: 1 ayor Staples, ':ouncilmen O'Fallon, Hagen and Hunt, the Village Administretor, Attorney and Engiineer. Absent., Ccuncilman Duntley. PUBLIC HEARINGS G Worteples opoied a Public Hearing to consider the propoued reassessment rJ reill far Sanitary Sewer Project 66-1A through 66-1I and,Trunk No.;'6. hayor Staples stated that there was :an assessment roll hewing a year ergo on this project, however, the Village staff discovared that the original roll wE6s very poorly prepared with many errors wad the Council ordered a new roll prepared. Mayor Staples introduced the Administrator who stated that anyone having an objection should appear, state his name and address and his problem. He also stated that if there is any explanation necessary from the Engineer- ing Lepartment, this could be done by the representatives of the engineering firm present. Ma>,yo•v Stapleei ope zed the public hearing to questions and comments from the floor and the tollosing appeared: Dolan Fricksou, 2.317 Kirkwood - Questioned method of assessment on property ai utting two streets. Howard 3952 Halifax a4•renue - Owns two pieces of property which hu f.,els were intminrrectly assessed because he feels that part of his property is unusable. Dale Jo'n.aacn, 11110 County Road 15 - Is being assessed on 84 acres and he feels that approximately 35% of this property is unusable. Ed Petschlt 1 311 - 6th Avenue North - Objected to being assessed under industrial rate. Marti.a ,kengalkoch, 1181) - 18th Avenue North - Questioned the locations of tAs services to his lots and also stated that ono lot is too low -to build on an6 he feels that there should be a corrention of the 4weesement. The Council agreed to view these lots. Bennett Kelley, 425 Harbor Lane - Objected to the area charge as he has a, long narrow lot with no access to the back portion. iN;.re. Bruce James, 715 Berkshire Lane - Stated that they have 2.4 acres of which only 3/4 of an acre is on high ground and the revnaiv dav of this property is low a id presently covered with ;.., er., Sx,e stated that the lauiti suitubility and drainage study showed this area as a proposed ponding urea, The Council asked kree James it she would be willing to dedicate this land to the Village and they stated that they would view th.tis lot. tY Council Kinutes - August 289 1967 - Pap 2 I PUBLIC HEARINGS cont'd. Jerry L. Johnson, 35 Kingsview Lane - Wanted to know if they are being assessed if they do not hese sewer service. He was informed that they are being asseased for an area ehargs only. John Hoekstra, 15AO Weston Lane - Felt that his assessment was too high. Don Schumacher, 525 Harbor Lane - Stated that he has a 2J acre lot with 187' frontageont and he does not fee's that he should be assessed fagesor the beck portion of the lot which is unusable. The Council agreed a to view this lot. Glenn Pulirer, 510 Lanswood Lane - Has 170' frontage and tnly 90' wide on the back portion of his lot due to the curve in the street. He r'`a` feels his assessment is too high. Paul SylvwAer, 12410 - 26th Avenue - Wasted to know why his assessment was not listed. He was informed that his project was not included in this assessment roll and would be taken up at a later date. kilton Clemons, 12530 - 24th Avenue - Wanted to know what the black - topping procedure would be. Jerry Neils, 3890 Orleans Lane - Objected to the stub charge on lots in Plymouth Plaza. W. H. Hofford, 10515 County Road 9 - Stated that he was assured that he would not be ineludel in the assess.ent area and now he has an assessment. The Administrator stated that there is no lateral assessment on this prop( --tv only an area charg" and that aue to an error, this was not included in the original asseec:uent roll. This assessment is based on the meander line of Loet Lake and there is a question of how much of Pr. Hofford's land is assessable. The Council agreed to view this lot. Eugene Rogers, 1029 West .edicine Lake Drive - Complaint regarding manhole in front of his driveway. A,arian Deininger, 1100 Evergreen Lane, representing residents at 1060, 1143, and 1150 Evergreen Lane - Stated that they had previously been assessed for blacktopping and they do not feel that they shoull have to pay for blacktopping again. Robert Redden, 1025 West Nedicine Lake Drive - Stated that he is being assessed for 145' frontage and the sewer comes only to the corner of his lot and he does not feel that he should be assessed for the full front rootage. Bruce Anderson, representirg Earl J. Fries, 2965 County Road 18 - Staied that Aar. Fries was told he would be exempt from the sewdr assessment and he now has been assessed and he would like an explanation. Frank Bursch, 2520 Xenium Lane - Stated that they were originally informed that they woald be assessed $150 per acre and now they are being assessed $300 per acre. The Administrator informed him that this proparty is zoaed industrial and this was an error in the first assessment roll. L Earl Johnbon, 2580 East hedicine Lake Bl Me - Wanted to go on record as r. stating tha. an excellent ,;ob had been done. The Administrator stated that he had received a written protest, of assessments from Wendell Thomas, 321 Wedgewood Lane, and also one from Mrs and hers. Harold Hytaan protesting the assessments on Lnts 9 and 10, Block 2, Beacon Heights Addition and Lots 13 wid 141 Block 2, Glen Echo Addition. U-1 c c Council Minutes - August 28 1967 - Page 3 i PUBLIC HEIVRINGS, cont'd. Mrs. Harold Hytjan, 1030 iirkwood Lane - Stated that her assessment, had increased and they are not getting a blacktop street. She reiterated the .items which were covered in her letter of Au s'_ 1, 1,967• M011TON oy Mayor Staples, second by Councilman Hunt, that the Pubaic Hearing be ad1oux.-ad until 7:30 p.m. on September 11, 1967, at the Village Hall and that ar44;,-,ns brought up at this meeting will be considered at trat time. kotion "sed. by a four are vote. 91:-ZELT 4NEOUS KOTION by Councilman Hagen, second by Councilman Hunt, to hold a Public RE: SETTING DATE Hearing on Sepik :ber 18, 1;`67, at the Village Hall at 7:30 p.m. to FOR PUBLIC iiWr j,ponsider the adoption of a "B-1 Li::zited Business District" n1usification FOR B-1 LIXITED as an amendment to the present Zoning Ordinance of the Village of BUSINESS DISTRICI'' Plymouth. 'lotion passed by a tour rote. AOTION by Mayor Staples, second by Councilman O'Fallon, to adopt RESOLUTION 61-145' RESOLUTION VO. 67-145, A RESOLUTION WAIVING REQUTREkENTS OF SUBDIVISION aUBD. WAIVER ORDINANCE for Lots 4 and 'l, Block 31 Short Lir. -' Acres, as requested by APPV'D., JCSE JoA Eberle. Motion passed by a four aye vote. EBERLE The Admxnintrator requested Jouncil approval to hire Janice Sparta JANICE SPAM to fill the position of Assesaor's Secretary. APPOIITEI) .AS M=OTION by )4aycr Staple::, encond by Cou zcilaian Hunt, to appoint Janice ASSESSOR"S SEC. Sparta, Maple Grove, Minnesota, as Assessor's Secretary etarting August 24, 1967, at a salary of $300 per month. Motion passed by a a four aye vote. Upon motion made and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. r Attest:` Sharon , . Qwi d inier, Secretary 4 1z ny If M` Loring Staples, r., K 0