HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 08-21-1967I'il."'1TFS OF VILLAGE COLNGIL VMING PLYhOUTH, h INMOTA August 6721i1 jA regular t„eeting of the Villa, Council was called to order by kayor Loring Staples, Jr. at 7:45 p.m. Present: Eaycr Staples, Councilmen Hunt and Hagwn, the Village Admini— e trator, Attorney and Engineer. Absent: C:.}uncilmen O'Fallon and Duntley. kayor StaI requested the Council and audience to rise for a moment of silent pray sr. KOTION by Cour-Ii :lman Hagen, second by Councilman Hunt, to approve the minutes of the regula" meeting of August 7, 1 67. Kotion passed by a two aye vote. kayor Staples abst%.ined. KOTION by Councilman Hunt, second by Counc121 Hagen, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 14, ;,967. A.otion passed by a two aye vote. kayor Staples abstained. Councilman Duntley arrived. LOTION j Cc incilman livilt, sec-)nd by Counci 1.an L,agI to approve th,% minute: ; of -I special mee Ging of August 15, 1967- 1.ot,i on passed by a three ky s yr tee A.ayor Staples abstained. PE7 iTI .;N Iy'n'Mi S. 1,01tJ'N]' G ,TIONS The Ac. ;ini:r' rato;r repot ted that he and the V:,lla s E.; si.r ser had met Ath the ha a ovi ars .regarding the: request °or fi ,.ling of tht Glitch on the wet t s ,de c,i Kingsi iow lanl3. lie stated that in ch.ec.:.;.nf the assesemIMnt for th,.r imlu ;averiant of Kingeview Lane, the p,tople on %he, west sides of the ro:d we:i A aaeeased 31).21 pt;r front :"oot .ind thos a or the east eit.e, 3400, so ,1;0,e was a defi.r,ite charge for the ditch :eirisd to those c.n the vest : Lue t,. a •,I The Engineer aastimated t'.tI the, cost far tdixi,at :.; I, e.,istir.g ditch would be approx .mately 1;? ')-). This woul-1 involve filling, cc;rrec:tin; the grade and pla,inji curb on the roan and t4,a, boulevoird. the st,rt..pci that the Gita^ is E. ;-,tinte,nance is roblem f.;, t.,,0'r the reai.ol,entt, uld 1I:he Vil I age. H trold B%III 13.,; Kinguvi ow Lana, a,-kpeared to repre vir.' t-11 t-ignerc; of tae pet;, I :i to : riagt,eat.:ng t1ii6 11.: :ng of the ditch. lie t t.a .1 or. that he did not 1 ti Ii31 t:,iat the ree idem s would be in favor or a t:torn sewer unle 3a the Vi 1 la .;3;13 i E willing to est:ume the cost. Its also stio,ed that he felt that the S igir. seri u estimate wI very high and that thea cant could be reduced z.o:zsiderably. He suggvete6 that possibly a lip curb c:oul be inatalleli% on Ahs edge of the biack%o;.) without changing the crown of the rocui, thcreby~ reducing the cost. The Lngia,4er stated -;hast poonibiy they could inut,,1.1 a lip curb and al l;cw the residents to fi ,1 the ditch and cad the bou.lev,trd at tl%ei r own expinort ani if the load contractor ha:3 ruly excess earth n !.aterisl, h, would du.11p it the ditch and the residentw wo.t1d have to level it off* lie eut iiiated that the cost of installation of the lila cu --b would be approxinrtLely ?:;, .11I l't kke asked if it would be possible or the Village street, crewo to remove the Lalvorto under the driveways. RV: ?11.Ilc3 OF D. TC i ON CINGISMU L: NF D zr Council kinutes - August 219 1967 - Page 2 PMITIONS 2 RbXiMTB a _OkKUKUTIONS, cont'd. Al Hilde, 925 Kingsview Lane, appeared and stated that if the water flows RE: FILLING OF deem the street, it picks up volwne and he feels that a lip curb as DITCH ON KINGSVIEW proposed would not be satisfactory. He suggested that perhaps a catch LANE basin could be installed where the volume of the water becomes such that the lip curb on the blacktop cannot contain it. fir. Bakke stated that he and three other residents of this area present, would speak for all the residents involved and stated that they would fill and level off the ditch. The Administrator stated that the Village street crew could remove the culverts Wt some filling and blacktop repair would be necessary and this would have to be timed to coincide with the street surfacing project. Councilman Magen stated that he would like a final cost report with estimates on time involved and cost of material. The Engineer stated that he does not recommend this lip curb as a permanent solution but only a temporary one until such time as storm sewer is installed. I1,0TION by Councilman Duntley, second by Mayor Staples, that the Village Engineer be instructed to put a lip curb on Kingsview Lane subject to the receipt of a petition signed by 100% of the property owners abutting the ditch, stating that they will fill the ditch and also that if the petition is not received by the Clerk -Administrator by 12t00 o'clock noon on Thursday, August 24, 1967, that the Engineer be authorized to proceed with the street surfacing progrui as plaiu e and the ditch remain. The motion was defeated by a tie vote. l.avor St&plea and Councilman Duntley voted aye. Councilman Hunt and Hagen voted nay. h,r. Bakke requeuted the Council to reconsider th-,a. Councilman Hunt stated that it was his feeling that if the residvats on this street want thin solution, they must be willing to accept an assessment. k.r. Bakke stated that the property owners would each be willing to present the Village with a check for $25. It,OTION by Council-ian Hagen, second by Councilman Bunt, to authorize the Village Engineer to install a lip curb on the blacktopping on Kingeview Lane subject to the receipt of $25 from each of the nine homeowners and a petition signed by the involved homeowners abutting the ditch, stating that they will fill in the ditch this Fall, said petition and money to be received no later than 12:00 o'clock noon Thursday, August 24, 1967. otion panaed by a four aye vote. Potition received from 13 reuidente on Forestview Lane requoeting that the Village Council study the circumstances surrounding the 1962 design, construction, assessment, cost, and eubusquent breakmp of Forestview bane and repair and/or construct a road consistent with the anticipated traffic load. The Administrator stated that ha would recommend that if the Village iu to improve this road, that it be done so an a nine: ton r(aad with curb and gutter. The F;ngineer recomena ed that this be designated as a State Aid road and that on any improvements of State Aid rrads, there be a h„inimum assessment of 53.50 a, front foot,. PiCTION by 1%,ayor Staples, second by Councilman hunt, to adopt HIMOLUrION N0. 67-1361 A Ii i "OLUi'ION OHDMUNQ PREPARATION OF k U'PUHT uN MPROVtTM OF FORESTM1,4 LANE from Ridgemount Avenue to Ccunty (toad 15t, Motion paused by a four aye vote. RE: FORESTVI gib! LANK, IMPROMENT PETITION HMOLUTION 67-1L6 W OiivFAINO REPORT ON IMiTs FOIMT- VINo LANE A I t Council hinutes August 210 1967 - Page 3 PLVITI111% REQUESTS & CONY:UNICATIONS, cont'd. NOTION by hriayor Staples, second by Councilman Hagen, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 67-1370 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING FORESTVIEW LANE FROK RIDM1,OUNT AVENUE TO COUNTY ROAD 15 AS A MUNICIPAL STATE AID STRM.1. Motion passed by a four aye vote. RESOLUTION 67— DESIGNATING VIEW AS STATE AID Harvey Schiebe appeared to request the establishment of a B-1 Limited RE: REQUEST FOR Business District as an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the Village ESTAB. OF B-1 The Village Planning Consultant presented a p1m. for the entire area LIViITED BUSINESS east of Interstate Highway 494 and south of State Highway 55. He DISTRICT stated that in the Comprehensive Guide Plan, they had shown a large industrial area along Interstate 494 and at the intersection of 494 and 55• He stated that a fairly high intensity use of this land is indicated and a B-1 Limited Business District classification would be proper fo; this area. The Village Attorney stated that if we are to follow the Planning Commission's recommendation, the first step would be to adopt the B-1 Limited Business District and then the Council could consider the rezoning as requested by kr. Schiebe. MOTION by CoLAcilmaA Hagent second by Councilman Hunt, to direct the Village Attorney to draw up a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to include the B-1 Limitad ih!s,iness District. h'otion passed by a three aye vote. Councilman DurAley voted nay. W. A. Turnouisi', appeareu to requast a taree foot side line waiver and vai,iance of garage door height at 535 Q,u+.%ntico Lane. This would be a 24' ;4ide by 42' long building to be used as a garage and storage area. MOTION' by Councilman Hagen, second by Councilman Hunt, to approve the three trot sideline waiver and variance of garage door height at 535 Quantico Lane, subject to the receipt if a letter from the abutting property cvner stating that he has no objections. h,otion passed by a three aye vita. Councilman Duntley voted ray. N,arvin H. Andvreon, representing Narvin H. Andersen Contruction Company, appeared to rec,ueet preliminary approval of the plat of Concord Addition. Ile stated that this plat was bei.'ore the Council approximately a year ago and was owned by Bryce Johnson at that time and sanitary sewer has bison installed in this plat. They have since purchased this plat anti appeared before the Planning Comminsion with smaller lots than originally prc osed but due to public oTposition, they have reverted back to they original plat. He requested b ,r aivar of the setback requirements to allow 3; foot front yards as toity intend to install all underground utilities. ECTION by h,ayvr Stapled, second by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 67-138, A RESOLUTIO.1 APPROVING' PRELIMINARY PLAT OF CONC%ORD ADDI'T'ION subject to the Villus Lngineer's approval of the design plans for the water mains and storm serer. Xotion passed by a four aye vote. RE: SIDELINE WAIVE GARAGE DOOR HT. VARIANCE APPV'D. 535 QUANTICO LANs RF.SinLUTION 67-138 APPVING PRELIh1. PLAT OF CONCORD ADDITION Bill Hegdahl appeared to roquest rezoning from residential to multiple dwelling 5.6 acres at 108 Siuth Shore Drive. The over all plan for this d.eu from the Village Planning Consultant deems this area to be suitable for multiple dwelling* kOTION by Rayor Staples o second by Councilman Duntley, to w1opt ORDINANCE ORDINANC? 67-15 NO. 67-151 AN ORDINANCE 1NDING TETE ZONING ORDINANCE OF Tqll VILLAGE OF hViAlONES TO MULT. PLU,QUTH to include vithin the multiple DwelAing sone a porIvion of Section Dn`".`t,LING, SEC. 26. Notion passed by four ayo vote. 26 i passed by a four aye vote. Bob Nelson, Strands Enterprises, appeared to request the preliminwry approval of the plat of Larch Heights Lagoon. The Village %gineor stated that the dedication of Larch Lane right-cf-way into this area is only 33 feet wide and he would like to see an east to west road through this area on the southeast side of Bass Lake. Er. Nalson stated that he felt the cost of extending a road through the swampy area in the middle of the plat world be very prohibitive. riOTION 'by kayor Staples, second by Councilman Hunt, to refer this request to the V.11age Engineer :or hke recommendations at the September 11th Council meeting. kotion passed by a four aye vote. Albert and Ethel Snyder appeared to request approval of the final plat of Sayder's Pine fudge Addition. AiOTION by Payor Staples, second by Councilman Htw.t, to adopt RESOLUTION Nil. 67-141, A RESOLUTION APPROVIIJO FINAL PLAT OF SIh ER I S PINB R1D(W ADDITION. Motion passed by a four aye vote. Al Schmidt appeared to request a conditional use permit for a new and used car lot at 11120 State Highway 55. Ile stated that he had appeared before the Plwining Conariission wu. they had refuse i to either grant or deny his request. Marren Chalunan) memLar of the P..anning Commission, appeared and stated that at the time of rir. Schmidt's appearance before the Planning Commi.nsion, he had no definite plot plum or layout for the proposed lot% kaSION by Councilman Hagen, second by Councilman Dunrley, to approve the conditional use permit for a now and used car lot as ,nequired under the B-3 Zoning Classifica,ion as requested by Al Schmidt. The motion was defeated by a tie vote. Councilmen Ilapn and Duntley voted aye. Mayor Staples and Councilman Hunt voted nay. REt PROPOSED PLAT LARCH HE CHTS LAGOON RESOLUTION 67-1411 APPROVING FINAL PLAT, SNYDER'S PINE RIDGE ADDN. RL t AL SCHL IDT REQUEST F% CO1+ID. USE PW+ IT ° ouncil Minutes - August 21 67 -- P 4 PEl'ITIONS. RDQUOTS & CON8iUNICATIONS, cont d. H. a. Winkler appeared to request variances from Ordinance No. 61-1 for proprsad maltiple dwellings at the northeast corner of quacer Lane and State Highway 55 in regard to: 1) permitted uses, 2) Height regulations, 3) distance between buildings and 4} laundry facilities. I+OTION by kayor Staples, seeond,by Councilman Hagen, to adopt HE90LUTION RESOLUTION 67-139 NGV APICES FROM ORDINANCE NO. 51-1 for6ONGRANTINGARIN0. 7 139, A RESOLUTI aRANTINa VARIANCES' multiple dwellings at quaker,Lana and State Highway 55. A,otion passed OF ORD. 61-1 FM by a four aye vote. KULTa DWELLINGS QUAKER & HIWAy 55 krs. Ardis Schisbe and her attorney, Seta Scheiner, appeared to request a subdivision waiver on Let 11, Block 21 Beacon Heights 2nA Addition. The Engineer stated that the sanitary sewer asseasment for this Xxoel would have to be recomputed if this lot is split into three parcels as requested. He also recommended that it be made a matter of record that the sanitary sewer would have to be stubbed into the -two extra lets by the persons who apply for a building permit. kOTION by Councilman Hunt, second by kayor Staples, to adopt RESOLUTION RESOLUTION 67-140 N0. 67-140, A RESOLUTION WAIVING REQUIREkENTS OF SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE SUED. WAIVER APPVI. for Lot 11, Block 21 Beacon Heights 2nd Addition, subject to the ra- ARDIS SCHISM assessment of the sanitary sewer at the time the building permits are 1). 119 BIX. 2, applied for and also subject to the later approval of the Building BEACON M'S. 2ND Inspector tend Council of any requested fi,ont yard setback waivers. Aiotion i passed by a four aye vote. Bob Nelson, Strands Enterprises, appeared to request the preliminwry approval of the plat of Larch Heights Lagoon. The Village %gineor stated that the dedication of Larch Lane right-cf-way into this area is only 33 feet wide and he would like to see an east to west road through this area on the southeast side of Bass Lake. Er. Nalson stated that he felt the cost of extending a road through the swampy area in the middle of the plat world be very prohibitive. riOTION 'by kayor Staples, second by Councilman Hunt, to refer this request to the V.11age Engineer :or hke recommendations at the September 11th Council meeting. kotion passed by a four aye vote. Albert and Ethel Snyder appeared to request approval of the final plat of Sayder's Pine fudge Addition. AiOTION by Payor Staples, second by Councilman Htw.t, to adopt RESOLUTION Nil. 67-141, A RESOLUTION APPROVIIJO FINAL PLAT OF SIh ER I S PINB R1D(W ADDITION. Motion passed by a four aye vote. Al Schmidt appeared to request a conditional use permit for a new and used car lot at 11120 State Highway 55. Ile stated that he had appeared before the Plwining Conariission wu. they had refuse i to either grant or deny his request. Marren Chalunan) memLar of the P..anning Commission, appeared and stated that at the time of rir. Schmidt's appearance before the Planning Commi.nsion, he had no definite plot plum or layout for the proposed lot% kaSION by Councilman Hagen, second by Councilman Dunrley, to approve the conditional use permit for a now and used car lot as ,nequired under the B-3 Zoning Classifica,ion as requested by Al Schmidt. The motion was defeated by a tie vote. Councilmen Ilapn and Duntley voted aye. Mayor Staples and Councilman Hunt voted nay. REt PROPOSED PLAT LARCH HE CHTS LAGOON RESOLUTION 67-1411 APPROVING FINAL PLAT, SNYDER'S PINE RIDGE ADDN. RL t AL SCHL IDT REQUEST F% CO1+ID. USE PW+ IT ° fCouncil lunates - August 21, 1967 - Page 5 F- MITIONS. REQUESTS A COM1lMCAT100a cont'd. 14r. Schmidt was cdviseA that possibly he couldpoy go lbaaek to the Planning Commission with more information and detailed plans and 3epending upon their recommendation, he could at some future date present this again to the Council* stir. Chapman stated that if lar. Schmidt would have his sketch drawn to scale and measured out, he could present it to the Platting Committee an September 7th. Allen Kreatz requested a release of the escrow being held f6r hvmedale Manor let Aldition. kr. Wald recommended that this be approved. MOTION by kayor Staples, second by Councilman Hunt, to release the $250 cash escrow being held for Homedale kanor lot Addition subject to the approval of the Village Administrators motion passed by a four aye vote. Bob Kreats appeared to requept a building permit for a warehouse and plumbing shop at 13th Avenues North and Highway 101e lie stated that this area is zoned Industrial. The Engireer.stated that he would like to see an over all plan for this area and have an opportunity to study this area for street patterns and possibility of sanitary sewer installation. The kingineer was directed to consult with the Villages r*..nning Consultant to arrive at an over all plan for this area and street patterne and designu for the September 11th Council meeting. WZOLUTIONS & ORDINANCES RE:ESCRW RELLEAZ H%MALE NANOR 1ST ADDITION i The Adninistrator reported that the Attorney had the ordinance relating to the Village Fire Department now in acceptable form for adoption as in ame.nciment to the Village Ordinance Code. ` WTION by Councilman Huixt, second by Councilman Hagen, to adopt ORDINANCE ORDINANCE 67-16 N0. 67.16, AN ORDTNANCE A11.iXDING CHAPTER II, SECTION 6 OF THE ORDINANCE RELATING TO ORO. CODE OF TIE VILTAGE OF PLYkiOUTH RELATING TO THE ORGANI7ATTON OF THE OF FIRE DSPT. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPAMIENT. potion passed by a four aye vote. REPORTS OF G.Fr'ICERS r BOARDS & CON& -ITTEES Engineer's report received on plans and specifications for the 13th Avenue North improvement and extension of sanitary sewer in that area. NOTION by r.ayor Staples, second by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 67-142, A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND S?ECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVFRTISD,ENT HW BIDS t`OR 13TH AVENUE NORTH IkPROVEKENT and sanitary sewer and setting the bid date for September 11, 19679 at IWO a,m- in in the Village Council Chambere. Motion passed by a four aye vote. The Engineer reported that he and the Administrator and the Payor had met with the Hennepin County Highway DApartment concerning the proposed interchanges at County Roade 9 and 10 and County Road 18. They have changed the plans previouely presAnred for these intersections and they plan to extend the service road entrance onto County Road 18 from County Road 10. There was also discussion, on the entrance of Lancaster Lane onto County Road 9. RESOLUTION 6 -1 2 APRVING. C=LANS de ORDERING ADV. FOR I BIDS i0t 13TH AVE. 1MPROVTJM REt INTERCHANGES AT C.O. RDS. 9 d 10 & 18. O f Cpl 0 c. Council kinutes kiWat 219 1967 - Page 6 f RF_ 6 OF OFFICERS. BOARDS & C0KMITTEES, cont'd. 1y r Administrator's report received regarding land acquisitdn by the State Highway Department for interstate 494Kest c' the Vill;ie Hall. He stated that in the original acquisition they had abtaiaed eight feet less than what it actually should have been due to a mistar:e in the legal deccription of the lands hOTLION by Councilman Duntley, second by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 67•-143, A REIiOLTITI0N AUTHORIZING THE kAYOR AND CLERK- AIRINISTRATOR TO R -ONVEY TO TME MINNESOTA STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTNIM T111E DEED FOR LAND FOR INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 494• kotion passed by a four sJu vote. Administrator's report received on bids received for demolition of the building ou Village park property, formerly known as Charlie's. He stated that he had received the following bids: Sohiebe Bros. $550 Willis Snyder $750 David dates 4800 LOTI0N by karyor Staples, second by Councilman Hagen, to accept the bA of Schiebe 3rothers in the amount of 3550 for the demolition of the building on Village park property. Kation passed by a fou" aye vote. LICENSES & PEM1TS NOTION by Councilman Duntley, second by Councilman Hunt, to approve the renewal of the Garbage Mauler's License for Ebert's Inc., Loretto, b,innesota. Aiotion passed by a four aye vote. Com, APPROPRIATIONS & CONTRACT PAYMENTS iaOTION by Councilman Yapn, second by Councilman Hunt, to approve the regular payroll dated August 151 1967, and totaling =6,27902. motion passed by a four aye vote. 1401IO14 by Councilman Hagen, second by Councilman Duntley, to approve the regular disbursement list dated August 21, 1967, and tctaling 70,165.54. kotion passed by a four aye vote. NOTION by Nayor Staples, second by Councilman Hunt, to ui.prove the construction flind disbursement list dated August 21, 19611 sna totaling 73 , 506.01. A.otion passed by a four aye vote. Discussion ensued regarding the final payment on Bew-n Heights Storm Sewer Project. It was unanimously aacided to hold up payment on this project until such time as the necessary seedinr la doneo i RESOLUTION 67 -Ids; AUTH. MAYOR & CLERK TO P3CCxVJC( , DEED TO HIGHWAY DEPT. RE: DEROLITION (IF ., BUILDING CIN PA:RI PROPERTY RE: GARBAGE HJ.ULERI LIC„ EBERT'S, INC.'i APPY' D. RE: HKU. N aYr U1,L AUG. 15 APPR1 D. RE: !tEG. XS'd. LI1%-# 1 AUG. 21, APPV'D. RE: L' 33%il . i'UND DISH. LVIT ,,= 21 it r.011I0N by 1.ayor Staples, second by Councilman Hunt., to approve fty meat KE: PAnkENa` #5 No. a on the 1965 Street Tnq rovement Pro jeot in the amount of $4$ 244.24. ON 1965 STjOINT Notion passed by a fear aye vote. I0RMT. PR,)J,'T NOTION by Nayor Staples, second by Councilman H -,gen, to approve final pan,euE on Ridgemount Avenue Project (X-95) subject to the written approval of the Village of rinnetonkg Engineso that they will accept thia road and also subject to the receipt of the Waosment from Robert Durrett. motion passed by a four ayo vote. REt FINAL PAYWOT ON RIDGER(lhNT AYE. INKT. Council Kia:utem - August 21, 1967 - P•ags 7 CLAIICS. APPROPRIATICSS & CONTRACT PhYUM, cont'd. NOTION by Mayor Staples, second by Councilman Hagen, to ;.pprove final RE: FINAL PAYhW payment on Juneau Lane peal Coating Project in the amouat of :.,451.62. ON JUNEAU LANE Lotion passed by a four aye vote. SEAL. COATING KTSCELLANEOUS kaycr Staples stated that severL1 months ago the Pw,k Commission Chair- man had suggested that Park ho. 1 be named Aspen Park and at that time, Councilmen Duntley and O'Fallon had stated that iht3y would like an opportunity to arriva at some alternate names. keyor Staples stated that if Councilm©n Duntley and O'Fallon do not have a dame for Park No. 1 by the September 11th Council meeting, this park would be named Aspen Park. He also suggested that consideration be given for a name for the new park known as "Charlie's". It was brought up that possibly the Planning Commission could use come guidance by the Planning Consultant and the fallowing motion was made: XOTIM by kayor Staples, second by Councilman Hagen, that authorisation be given for the expenditure of sufficient hinds to have the Planning Consultant present at every Planning Commission meeting for the remainder of this year ani that the Administrator be directed to contact Jim Knight to insure that :he same person from the Planning Ccusultant's office will be present at -the meetings* kotion passed by a foi,r aye vote. Councilman Haulm requested that a special mtt'Azig f the Council be held to view park property that we have optioned to biW and park property proposed to be purchased. The Engineer stated that in order to Est a permit for the sanitary sewer crossing at County Road 70 and State High*ay 55, we would have to agree to maintain the service road during constructions t-011I0N by Mayor Staples, second by Councilman Hun -4, to adopt RESOIXTION NO* 67-144, A RESOLUTION GUARANTYING TO TET, I10E )OTA STATE HIGHWAY DEPA.61M.W, THAT THE VILLAGE OF PLYMOUTH WILL MINTAIN THE SERVICE ROAD r COUNTY ROAD 70 ANI. 6TATX Nit 1NAY 55 for such :ime as the sanitary newer construction is in progresso, bioti.on passed by a four aye vote. Upon motion mado and carried, the meeting was at.journed at 12:25 pont& C , Loring go Staples„r., rfa Attast: r st. / `, o.:._..L.: 1 tet? ,t r Sharon Clardinierw Secretary r RE: NAMING Of, PLYXOUTH PARKS RE: We SEWER CR06SING AT CO. RD. 70 & STATE 11IWAY 55 RESOLUTION 67-444 GUARANTYING, PLAINT. OF SERVICE ROAD DURING SFWER CONY,