HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 07-17-1967o a q IINtTi'&S OF VILLAGE COUNCIL MWING PLI140UTH9 MINNESOTA July 17, 1967 A regular meeting of the Village Council was called to order by Mayor Loring 1. Staples, Jr. at 7:45 Pem• Present: Mayor Staples, Councilmen O'F'allon, Duntley and Hunt, the Village it Administrator, Attorney and Engineer. Absent: Councilman Hagen. Mayor Staples requested the Council and audience to »ise for a moment of silent prayer. MOTION by Councilman O'Fallon, second by Councilman Hung to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of July 10, 1967. Motion passed by a four a" vote. Councilman Hagen absent. MOTION by Councilman Hunt, second by Mayor Staples, to approve the minutes of the special meeting of July 13, 1967a lotion panned by a three aye vote. Councilman Hagen absent. Councilman Duntley abstained. PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Staples opened a Public Hearing tc consider the dust coating of RE: SEAL COATING the following streets: Juneau Lane from County Road 5 to 14th Avenue JUMU !SINE North; 14th Avenue North from ,Juneau Line to harbor lane; Harbar Lane from 13th Avenue North to 14th Avenue North; and 13th Avenue North from Harbor Lane to Kingsview Lane. The Engineer reported that the dust coat and seal coat would be provided in one project but as separate applicatioaL estimated to cost 51,600 or $0,.40 per assessable foot. If only a single dust coat is applied, they cost. would oe $1,000 or $Oe25 per asiaessabie foot. layor Staples opened the hearin4 to questions and comments from thto floor and the following appeared: 0. E. LoegerirAg, 14710 - 13th Avenue Norte - wanted to know if t. would eliminate grading of the road. The Engineer stated that the Villageroad *row would ad& this road to crowngr before the dust ccatiryt is laid. ler. Loegering stated that _ he would be in favor of the two coats. ire. Mare Dahlquist, 14603 County Road C - stated that it was the general feeling of the ,rojidento of the area that they would be tin favor of the two a plications. W414 Tibbetts, 1530 Jur•bau Lane - inquired regarding assessments Procoaure ,rA sainteaance. There being ao further resp:,nse to call, Mayor Staples declared the hearing closed at 8:05 •m. MOTION by Mayor Staples, E;acond ley Councilman Hunt, to adopt RE'30LMON RESOLUTION 67-10' NO. 67-105A A RESOLUTION UWPING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION UP PLANS ORDUSU IOT. for seal coating amd dust coating of portions of Juneau Lane, Harbor NEIL COATING Dane, 13th Avenue North arrd 14-th Avenue North and a;:thorising the JUNEAU LINE h%gineer to negotiate with two parties for the contract for this improve- ment. Motion passed by a four ayc vote. Councilman Hagen absont. j Mayer Staplers opened a Public Rearing to consider the adoption of Section RE: AKENDMENT TO 13 of the Proposed Zoning Oraiw co as an smrndwnt to the Zoning Ordi- ZONING MD% nano. This would establish a zoning classification of "26-3 Orrvios Dvaii:ess District". Magor Stapler opened the harming to questions and. comments from the floor No one appeared and Mayor Staples declared the housing olosad at 8110 post 110 Villar. Attorney Lefler recommended that this not be adopted until such tis• as the entire now Zoning Ordinance is ready for adoption and he recommended that the Tillage Council adopt an Ordinance for the control f used oar a& -ea., Councilhsn O'Fallon suggested that the Cou6cil adopt both the Zouing Ordinauce amendrent and the or'ji.nanee regulaU4 ao*or vehicle sales. ROTION by payor Staples, second by Couneilmin "r nnt, to table the discuss- RE: MOTION 1'O ion, of the sdoptiion of Section 13 of tht Proposed Zoning Ordinata:e. TABLA ADOPT. Notion paused by a three aye vote. Councilman Hagen absent. Couhatlma Me 13 1 C!' ftllon wted nay* Discussion ensued. regarding the Ordinance for the Lioensiog and Regu lating of Dealers in Motor Vehicles. The Attorney presahtecl samples of Ordinances Brom several surrounding uunicipalities and atatiA that these vary widely anal he would like some guidelines as to what the Council would like The Building Inspector, latorrey and Administrator were instructed to most to disouss this ordinance. kr. Al Schmidt appeared regarding his request for resoning for the purposes of a used car lot. The Attorney stated that the Council could at one mjaeting adopt an ordinanoe regulating uted oar lots and the same WLght either grant or deny kr. Schmidt his request for resoning. The AAtorncy stated that he wou.1d -take the sample ordinances and draw up a proposed ordinance for t:ne July 24th meeting. PETITIONS. RDQUESTS A C010MICATIONS dire aruman, J. Gruman Steel Compantr, and Mr. Smith, Gift 'douse Stamp Company, appeared regarding the improvement of 13th Avenue North and the extension of sanitary sewer on this proposes road and. stated that they were now in aWeement and were both in favor of these improvemnts, LOTION by kayor Staples, second by Councilman Duntley, to adopt R "•OL'm TION NO. 67--106, A RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALU410 FOR PUBLIC HEARING for the extension of 13th Avenue North from County Road 18 to County Road 70 and the installation of sanitary sewer in propoRed street on August 71 19671 at the Vkllage Hall at 1:30 p.me ko"tion passed by a four aye vo•:e. Councilman Hagen absent. Raymond WvLin requested a subdivision.,waiver for Lot 6,, Block 2, City View Aaron. The Administrator reported that this wakoir had boon g,ran,Wed in July o: 1965, how@%*r, the legal description was incorrect and a new resolution must be adoptedo bOTION by kkyor Staplual eeaond by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 67-107, A RESOLUTION WAIVING RE 1U11% Ek M OF SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE for Lot 61 Block 2, City View Acres. Motion passed by a four aye vote. Councilman Hagen absent. Mx,. & krs. Jack kosaa appeared regarding their rtoeet for a building permit far Lot 11, Block 2, Schmidt's (larders. The Building inspector had denied the request because the results of the paroolation test were satisfactory, however, the water table was within 12 inoher of the surface of the ground and our ordinance for disposed systems requires the draii;. Pield to be four feet above the surface ria ter table. The building Lk3peotor stated that a permit could be granted it -0ey would fill tha log` with granular materal about five to dive and one-half feet in the ba okyarde The kosm*,., stated that %hey would like to install drainfield in tho front yard but the Building Inspector stated that he RssoLUTIoN 67-1o6' r,__.r r 91M RESOLUTION 66-11 SURD. WAIVER APPV"D. RMOND WEDIN Ret JACK MUSS DLMs P MIT w, 4 Council. Minutes « Page 3 -Julr 17, 1967 / V1 'I PETITIONS. NRMSTIS & CMUNICATIUS cont de felt that because the front and was cl it would not s the percola- tion 4y p Pte' I tion test. Mayor Staples suggested that the Village, Engineer and Building j Inspector most with Kr. Koss at his home awi that this matter be taken up at the July 24th Cotmcil meeting. James Riley, Riley Construction Compeny, Bob Boisclair and A. Bernardi, RE: APTMTS. It Metro Plymouth Corporation, appeared to request varJances for the-sionstruc-FOUR SMON3 ' tion of an Bight building, 2A units each, apartment complex in the M rPlymouthPlacaarea. Mr. Russ Lundell and hr. Peterson appeared ., epi•s- senting residents in the +area immediately adjacent to the blocks proposed I.' for multiple dwellings. They stated that they are working out an agreement with Mr, Bernardi and Metro Plymouth for the development of this area. Mr. Riley asked the Village Attorney exactly what the status of this land is. The Attorney stated that this land in sr-:ted for multiple dwellings, however, our present multiple dwelling ordinance is quite restrictive. Mayor Staples suggested insofar as the Council b.ad not had an opportunity to review the Planning Commission minutes and the residents oT the area have not come up with an agreement that this request be referred to the July 24th Council meeting. Northern states Power Company regv.ested the vacation of a portion of Berkshire Lane and South Street beginning at the intersection of Berk- shire Lane with the South righ"f.-way line of the Minneapolis Industrial Railway, thence northerly to the intersection of Berkshire Lane and point ofthetofestSouthStreet, thence easterly approximately 250p intersection with the proposed new Zinns Lane. The Engineer recommended the setting of a date for a public hearing for the requested vacation. KOTION Sy Manor Staples, seoond by Councilman Bunt, to adopt RISOLUTION RESOLUTION 6? 108, N0. 67-108, A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC VMAHING TO CONSIDER SE TTINO DATE FOR PROPOSED VACATION OF PORTIONS OF BERKSHIRE LANE AND SOUTH STREET as PUBLIC SWING RS( described in the Resolution and setting the Public Hearing for Monday, VACATION OF August 71 1967, at 8100 p.m. !lotion passed by a four aye vote. BERKSHIRE A SOU"iTH IL Councilman Ha.p% absent. RESOLUTIONS A ORDINANO The Village Engineer presentea picas and specifications for the improve- ment of Dunkirk Lane and 25th Avenue North and the following motion was madet KOTTION by kayor staples, second by Councilman Hunt, to ,adopt RTSOIALVION RESOLUTION 67,109 D ORDERING OPM V. FORN61ARESOLUTIONAPPROVINGPLANSANDSPEChFYCAPIONSANDERIINAD0. 07 y ADVERTISDJWT MR BIDS FOR 1967 S'1TREEIT IKPROVEkENTS anti settin the bid BIDS l STREET! 9 7 , 9 7 date for August 41 19670 at 10100 a.m. Notion passed by It four aye IMPROV014ME, vote. Councilman Hagen absent. The Village Engineer presented plans and specificati(iiws for the !967 sanitary sewer projec and the following motion was made: LOTION by Councilman Hunt, second by Counailaai n O' Fallon to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 67--1100 A RWOLUTION APPROVING PLANS, AND SPF4IFICATIONS RESOL1 TION 6 —i.A'i AND ORDERING ADVIRTISEMIQIT FOk BIDS FOR 1967 SANITARY SEWER PROJMS ORDERING ADV. and setting the bid date fol August 110 1967 at 10100 is.m. Motion BIDS, 1967 SANo passed by a four aye vote. Councilman Hagen absent. SEWER PKOJs= c l' W t•ouncil Minutes - -tiny 17, 1967 P,46 4 1USOLUPIOMS d ORDIMC159 coat't. The Vi llrage Adminastrator reported an the bid opening for the purchase RE: HID 0FWN© or one 1967 motor grader as follows: MOTOR MtADER George T. Ryan Company (VABCO) $259909.00 Ziegler, Inc. (Caterpillar) $27,658.00 kinneecta Tractor Company (Allis-Chalmers) =30,425.00 He recommended acceptance of the bid of Ziegler, Inc* as being in the bent intorest of the Villages He stated that the delivery date of the low bidder was into the middle of the snow plowing season ani the Caterpillar delivrery wad nIxo=isately at the beginning of the seasoup the accessories that the VillMa presently owns are interebaagoable with this w=hine an<l, the employees are Zamiliar with the operatiou of this machine. lar. Froan,k Ascher, George To Ryan Coopary, appaared and stated that delivery ds te of his machine could be r"t as soon as that of Ziagler, however, on their, bid it was late: cause Ito had talked Iris -Lh the Acwini- strator before the bids weir, 06 advertised au`: he had informed him~ at that time that delivery date would not be of great importance provided that delivery could bemade before January lots The Village Attorney was directed to investigate if a change of delivery date would be a material alteration of the bid and Councilmen Hunt, O'Fallon, and Duntleyr, were appointed to look at the two lowest bidder's machinese r,OTICK by Mayor Staples, second, by Councilman 0' Pailon, to adopt RESOLiI- 1'ION PGO. 67-111, 4 RESOLUTION 1%OC1A1kIXG OCTOBER 2grbit 1)07, A.1 UNITED NATICNS DAY in the Village of Plymouths Motion passed by a four aye votes Councilman Hagen absent. LOTION by Mayor Staples, second by Councilman Hunt, to ,adopt RESOLUTION NO* 67-112, A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE Ar1D SALE OP 1100;t)OO PARK IA PROVDIENT BONDS OF lg67 AUD $2200000 IkPROVEIMT 110ND 3 OF 1967a Motion passed by a four aye vote. Councilman Hagen cbseuts Minneanolis Industrial Park %request for reduction in escrow for their plat was referred to the Village Engineers MISCELLANEOUS RESOLI"I011 -.xn FRG1CLiIiillEil OCT. 24 UeNe DAY h MOLUTION 67-112; Mwe Yi• M l'i} AU ''s XXD ULNI PARK A LKPMTe Discussion of the Village r, participation in the Southwest Sower District RE: PLrAOU H ensued. The Attorney rawAted that at the last meeting the Village PARTICIPATION IN agreed to pledge $1,750 to the S.W. Sewer Dictrict and pursed a resolu- gsW. 815M DIST* tion stated that we would support the District but we would withhold payment if the Village Consulting D4rineerint:fiLro is not consulted in the preparation and review of the feasibility reports MOTION by Councilman Hunt, second by Councilman Durtley, to authorise the Mayor and Clerk -Administrator to sign the agreement and addendum relating to the cost of the preliminary feasibility study for the conetrue- tion of a sewage traintment plants Notion passed by a four ays vote. Councils Hagen absents LICENSES A FPI;WTS mCN by Councilman O' Fallon, second by Councilman Hunt} to approva the Class "B" Drainfield lnstalla ion License for Roy Schwarts, Rockford kirnesotas taction passed by a four aya vote. Councilmwi Hagen absents PEt DRAINPI= INSTALL. LIC* ROY SCHWARTL D V 0 Es Council Minutes -July 17, CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIM A 1967 - Pap 5 NOTION by Councilman O'Fallon, sound by Cmuncilman Hurt, to approve the quarterly Firemen's Pad all date July 11, 1967, and totaling 41,8061 C Notion paused by a four aye vote. Comcilmar. Hagen absent. WRLY..is PAYROLL APPV'D. j I kOTION by Mayor Staplea, second by Councilman Bunt, to approve the regu- REG. PAYROLL lar payroll dated July 13, 1967, and totaling 86,103.13. Motion passed JULY 13 APPV'D& by a four aye vote. Councilman Hagen absent. MOTION by Councilman O'Failon, second by Co"cilman Hunt, to approve the regulrx die'aursement list dated July 17, 1967, and totaling ;2499869.40. Motion passed by a four ape vote. Councilman Hagen absent. POTION by Councilman hunt, second by 4ouncilmpu O'Fallon, to approve the construction fund disbursement list dated July 17, 1967, b."t totaling 181i495.39 with the exception that Check No. 291, payable to Rgil Wald & Associates be held up until the Zachary Lane Improvement Project is resolved. Motion passed by a four aye vote. Councilman Hagen absonpt. Upon motion made and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 11:55 p.m. REG,b DISI. UST JULY 17 APPV''D. COKST. FUND DIBB LIST JULY 17 APPY'Ds f r Loring M. Staples, Jr., K r i r„ f Attest.. Sharon Gardini , 3eoretary