HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 07-10-1967I KINUTES OFGFiRLi.l cacarclL lMilia 94 PLYMOUPS, MDIIAIESOTA Tuly 10, 1967 j A regular meeting of the Village Council was called to order by Mayor Loring ke Staples, Jr. at 7:45 P•m- Present: Mayor Staples, Councilmen O'Fallou, Duntley and Hagen, the Village Administrator, Attorney and L'aginser. Councilman Hunt arrived at 8:05 p.m. Absent: None. Mayor Staples requested the Council and audience to rise for a awsc:at or silent prayer. MOTION by Councilman Hagan, second by Councilman. Duntley, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of June 199 1967. Motion passed by a three aye vote. Councils3n Hunt absent. Councilman O'Fallon abstained. I MOTION by Councilman O'Fallon, ss,ond by Councilman Duntleye to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of June 26 1967. notion sed aPyby four aye vote. Couneilmau Eunt absent. PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Staples opened a Public Hearing t -o consider the vacat:.on of that portion of Pilgrim Lane from Quaker Lani to State Highway Re The Administrator reported that this is a plaited street in Pheasant Hills Addition and there is no sanitary sewer in the atreet. Mr. it. Press", who owns the land abutting on both sides of this road, has re quseted the vacation and the Village Engineer has no objections. kayor Staples opened the hearing to questions and comments from the floor. Mr. H. C. Winkler, 3628 kinnehaha Aveaus, appeared in favor of the vacsAion. There being no further response to call, kayor Staples declared thei hearing closed 4&t 7:55 Pat* kOTION by Councilman Hagen, second by Councilman Duntley, to adopt RESCLUPION NO. 67-949 A ILESOLUTION VACATING A PORTION OF PIIARIK 1ANE from Quaker Lane to State Highw,Ay 55e kation passed by a four aye' cots. Cuuncilmwi Hunt absent. PETITICNS. N&UESTS A CCKMUNICATIONS RE: VACATICK OF PILGRIM LU M RESOLUTIGN 67.24,. RE: VACATION OF PORTION OF PILM GRIX LAME i Charles Raymond requested a subdivision waiver on past of Gove.rnment Lot 3 in Section 30. This is a relocation of lot lines to inareame the area in Tracts 3A iu,A 3B. KOTION by Councilm"n Hagen, second by Mayor Staples, to adapt RESOLUTION RESOLUTION 67-95 WO. 67-95j A RESOLUPIU: WAIVING REQUIREMENTS OV SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE SURD. WAIVER for part of Government Lot >. Section 30, as requested by Charles Raymond.APPV'D., CHARLES Motion passed by a four aye von Councilman Hunt absent. RAYMOND Kelvin Kuehn requested a subdivision we.+rror en Lots 2 and 31 Block 39 Christianseu's Parker's Lake 3rd Addition, to transfer the West 20 feet of Lot 2 to Lot 3 for reason that the existing boltee on Lot 3 is located only 2.6 feet from the East lot line. T a 913 Council Minutas - July 10, 1967 - Page 2 PETITIONS. M&US 3 A C00UNICATIONS9 cont' d. KOTIUN by Mayor Staples, second by Councilman Hagen, to adopt RESOLUTIon RESOLUTION 67-96 NO. 67461 A RESOLUTION WAIVING REQUIRSEM OF suBDIVisics ORDIxacF, for SUED. WAIVER Lots 2 and 3, Block 39 Christiansen's Parkerts Lake 3rd Addition ss AFPV'D., MELVIN requested by Kelvin Kuehn. Motion passed by a four Ve vote. Councilman KURZ Hunt absent. Mr.. Stanley Ornat appeared to request a subdivision waivsr on Lo-%& 15 and 169 Block I, City View Acres. These lots face 12th Avenue and are a block deap. MOTION by Mayor Staples, second by Councilman O'Fallon, to adopt RESOLD- RESCLUTION 67-97 TION Ito. 67-97, 1 RESOLUTION WAIVINR REQUIREMENTS OF SUBDIVISION Moo WAIVER ORDINANCE for Lots 15 and 16, Block 19 City View Acres as requested by APPY'D., STANLIr Stanlejr Ornate Motion passed by a five We vote. Clinton Gonya requested a subdivision waiver on Lot 22 Block 1, Hidden Lake Addition. The Building Inspector recomseended approval of this request subject to the proposed lot line being coved 20 feet to the West to increase the area of the lot to meet the required sdnim m and to comply with the 110 feet width at the building line. XOTION by Mayor Staples, second by Councilman Hage%, to adopt RESOLUTION RESOLUTION 67-98 N0. 67-989 A RESOLUTION WAIVING REQUIRE10 TS OF SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE SUBD. WAIVER for Lot 29 Blo"' 1, Hidden Lake Addition, subject to the approval of the APPY'D., CLIRM Building Inspector. Motion passed by a five aye vote. GONYA Gerald Smith requested a subdivision waiver for Lots 12 and 219 Block 3, Elmhurst Gardens. These two lots were consolidated in 1966 for reason that 25th Avenue was not extendet to serve Lot 21. However, 25th Avenue is now going to bq extanded and improved by the Village and it is no longer necessary to use Lot 12 for access purposes. MOTION by Mayor Staples, second by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION RESOLUTIOK 67-99 N0. 67-99, A RESOLUTION WAIVING RWnRENENTS OF SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE SURD. WAIVER for Lots 12 and 21, Block 31 Elmhurst Gardens, as requested by Gerald APFIOD., MALD Smithb kotion pAssed by a five aye vote. SMITH Stanley Allen requested a subdivision wL;ver to divide Parcel .520 in Section 29 into three parcels, kOTION by Mayor Staples, second bky Councilsan Hagen, to adopt RESOLUTION RESOLUTION 67-100 N0. 67-1000 A RESOLUTION WAIVING REQUIRM4 MPS OF SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE RUHD. WAIVM for Parcel 4.520 in Section 29, as requested by Stanley Allen. ko%ion AP:V'D., STANLEY passed by a five eye vote. ALLEN Mr. Ge;•ald Fraser, Zlmhurst Realty, appeared to request a waiver of five feet on both sides of a proposed house on Lot 22, Block 3, Elmhurst Gardens. This lot is only 80 feet wide and Mr. F'raser'proposes to build a 40 feat long house with a 20 feet long attached garage. MOTION by Counoilman Hunt, second by Councilman 01ftllon, to grant a REt SIDELINE waiver of five feet on both side lct lines for proposed building on Lot WAIVER APPY -1D. 220 Block 3r Elmhurst Gardens* kotion passed by a five aye vote. Council minutes - July 101 1,-7 - Page 3 PRITIONS, REQWSTS & COltiIUNICAT_, cont'd. A,= Kre William Jenson, representing Northern States Power Company, appeared RE: PROPOSED to request the vacation of a portion of Berkshire Lane north of the VACATION OF Minnesota Western Railroad tracks and a portion of 13th Avenue North. MRTIONS OF 13TH he Village LtOnser stated that earlier V.S.P. had submitted a different AVE. & BRKSHI plan which he had submitted to the Interstate Commerce Coomissian. Kre LANE Jenson stated that he was unaware of the difference in plana. MOTION by Councilman Hunt, second by Rayor Staples, to table this request until Northern Statos Power waste with the Village Engineer to discuss this mutter. Motion passed by a five We vote. A. Bernardi, Metro P ymaouth Corporation, appeared to request approval of the final plat of Plymouth Plaza 4th Addition. This is the portion of the Plymouth Plaza development zoned fue commercial and multiple dwell-- inga. Russ Lundell, representing home owners in the area, stated that he had a map from the Hennepin County Highway Department showing that a large portion of the area proposed for a shopping center would be taken by a cloverleaf at the intersections of Co%mty Roads 9 and 18. The Engineer stated that the plans for this inl:ereaction are subject to change. Councilman Hunt requested that the record show that he had requested lir. Bernardi to meet with the Plouming Commission and the residents in the area regarding additional green stripping in the area zoned for multiple dwelling in :his plat. MOTION by Mayor Staplen, second by Councilman 0' F'al lon, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 67-1011 A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT OF PLYMOUTH PLAZA 4TH ADDITION. Motion passed by a fivc- L 1, vrte. Jerry Yong, Four Seasons Water Company, ipl- l0quest a permit to extend wster service into the propert , yy 1 Owti 'W ea: -)w Lawn Estates 3rd Addition. The Engineer recommended - t they; not be granted until such time as he can check to cos ii mere is i'icient capacity to serve this arca with residential water 1 fir Totections RE; PLYMOUTH KAZL 4TH ADDN. OLUTION 67-i'al W erg FIFAL PLAT OF PLYMOUTH PLAZA 4TH ADD& APPVI De , R& RIQUEST FOR L'XTEN. OF WATER Mrs and lore. Harold Hytjan appeared to request the surfacing of 11th RE: MUEST M Avenue North in front of Lots 13 and 14, Block 29 Glen Echo Addition. SURYACINQ, 11TH Ares Hytjan stated that the plat of Glen Echo Addition was approved by AV& NORTH the Council in September of 1955 and recorded at the Hennepin County Court House in Book 136 and signed by Phil Eckes and Henry Jordan. In At,gust of 1964, she appeared before the Village Council to question the partial road on the plat and Councilman Humphrey assured her that in front cif these two lots there is a 30 foot wide road and that this road would be maintained and accepted by the Villages She stated that on July 9, 1966, the Engineer had stated that roads in whiob sewer is installed would be covered with a four inch gravel bass anti a tvQ inch blacktop mray. The H,ytjar_s had requested that sewer service be ft=tended to serve their lots and they feel that they axe entitled to a tlaektop road as part of the sewer project. Tn lieu of this, they feel they a:•e entitled to a reduction in their sewer assessments The Village Engineer stated that these lots were sAoluded from the original sanitary sewer program because the gravity flow was in the other direction wid it did not look like they were very usable lots. Later, bras Hytjan requested sewer to be extended to serve these lots. However, th`Le road was not brought up to minimum specifj,oations before they sewer was installed r-_. Counoil Minutes - July 1.0, 1 7 - Page 4 PA'ITIONS, ULU. ,V5 & CCHRUNICATIONS, cont Id« and he feels that the Village has an otligation to return it to its original state. This road as tt exit tr. now, even if it were improvea to n blacktop suface, would create cow-jiderable maintenancA problems for the Village.'beeaust the 30 icot right-of-way is entirely ;LWAequate frog at maintenanCft point of viLJa#. Xr. Bill Clifford appeared and inforwed the Council that he would not 'oe in favor of further asiasssments for the improvement of 11th Avenue North. He also requested 10,onfirmation of the feet that the blacktop would extend to the edge of his lots. The ildminioxtrator stated that the blacktop would extend to a point at which the full 60 feet of right-of-way ends and he believed that this was at tht and of Xr. Clifford's land. liayror Staples pointed out that any improvement would be assessed against the abutting property owners. Councilman Hunt suggested that an additional right--of-way in aogwkred to make this a 60 foot road and the cost be assessed. against tht, bensfitte+d property owners. The Engineer stated that to M.a upinion, the bank ie so high that it would not be in the best interests of the Village tr: imlirove this road unless additional right -+)f -way is obtained for nncessa y shoo storage and a cul -de -lean. This could cost the Village up to $2, ?OCA 'to cut the road through. hayor Stap.'..ei suggested that there were three N.-tossi.ble solui ior:.a: 1) table the na,.ter, 2) do not blacktop all, all rr 3) obtain an add.tional 30 feet of ri,;h--of-wa;y and gust in a aul-dpi-sac. Councilman 0' lrailan eu.K&is%ed .h, t from the este: of the (10 f i,ot wi ic. rov&ay, th.: Village put in 1`i i"set we de of gravel and treat thir:, as a iarivFkta driva , 40 krs. Fytj,:n eta.ej that in her opinion, thist . oad r.am accepted by the Village zn 1964 ani the will not atticept Baa a ddi•.: oual tasec.asent on •:hese two lots. RE: MQUM lX SURFACING, 11TH AVL. NORTH kol,"Ir1N by ;oi ncilwan Hunt, second by Cc arils at !h.i.,tley, tip:', the C1ark- kdrdnistray.or is directed to wriiwi up itnt vaz1aua i,.lternativtita: 1) acquire aJ, diti+,ud r:, gk t-ol"-.say and 1 mp"' oar t, thea goad, 1.) J lean the :rc,a l i4ad mare a turn ;,arot.nc, c r 3) eavol th.e .roof and ma.inteow.co 'be deft to private part Leo, and t~t.r.d theiier to Kra. Hjr wyan art. the ;cunci.ls, wotion passed by ,it five aye 'r a ;e. V:Lk%. ,njdtan appeil"..'t,e1 to .; Uquesit. the axil v.,,iliun of 11th Avenue Ilm-th f ,oxo Uotan .;y Road 16 Lo E'ou r .y Road 70 and tk iF, ir.:t:a;.11ei.:,a rf a4.nitary mower In this lama, 5,u,14q 141ni Lh, Gift i ::use uyap%.»re t nd s ,at rd thr his coinpiin, ham bei. -.alit a lot in thi* area to build a warehouse on and they do riot want the ,road exteniisd or the sewer inote lied. This item was directed to be put on the Julyy, 17th agenda at wh:i cb time the Enginaer will hairs a preliminary roport oiL, the project. The Aimi"istrator was directed to send copies of the report to tor, tlruman and kr. Sarith. R O1.U'I0 15 & OA.UINANC XUP,106 by Kayor Stsples, second by Councilman Uwitley, to adopt R"j'30LUTIaN N0. 67-1021 A REi 1`XION APPROVING T101 AGR TENT WITH 1UNNF;," PIN COUMY FOR LAU IMtFROV11ONT GRANT and ;authortaing the payor and C' ork4dministrator to execute said agreement kotinn parsed by a five 4a sv vale. OF' 1,371 RRYCLUTION 67-102 AIR C NG AOMM121T W,ll4'NEP1N CO. L_ i Council minutes - July 10, 1967 — Page 5 RMOLUTIONS A ORDINANCE';, cont'd. The Administrator reported that the sanitary sewer reassessment roll is now completed ar the Village staff could have everything prepared for the public hearing by July 31sto kOTION by Mayrr Staples, second by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION RESOLUTION 67-1G3 N0. 67-iO3, A. RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATIv:1 OF NOTICE OF HEARING ON RE: ASSESSMT PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SANITARY SEWER PROSEMB 6&1A thru I and Trunk HEARING, SAN. No. 6 and setting the date for the Public Hearing for August 28, 19679 SEWER 66-1 at Beacon Heights School at 7:30 p.me kation passed by a five aye vote. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BMW A COMITTEES The Village Engineer reported on the request of Dr. C. D. Adkins for the RE: ESCROW RELEASE release of two thousand dollars cash escrow for the development of Alden ALDEN ACRES 2ND Acres 2nd Addition and recommended approv%l. ADDN. ROTION by Councilman Hagen, second by Councilman Hunt, to approve the release of $2,000 cash escrow for Alden Acres 2nd Addition to Dr. Co D. Adkins. Motion passed by a five aye vote. The Village Engineer reported on the acceptance of the Frontage Road in RE: ACCEPTANCE OF Schisbe's Highland View Addition and recommended approval. FRONTAGE ROAD kOTI0 by Mayor Staples, second by Councilman Hunt, to approve, the SCHIEB.G'S HIGH - acceptance of the Front Road in Schiebe's Highland View Addition. p a8's Rh LANE YIEW ADDN* kotica passed by a five aye vote. Attorney's report received regarding the site feasibility study for the Southwest Sower District treatment facility. He st.ted that at a meeting of the attorneys for the municipalities involved, an easement was proposed for sharing of the cost of a preliair:r: feasibility report on 0is construction of a treatment plant on t:.* kinnenots River. Hs stated that he had two suggestions, one bei that the cont sharing not ncceasar- ily be carried through in the event the plant is built &WA also that if the plant is built, the two engineering firlas mentioned in the agreement not be the sole considered firms. OTXON by Councilman Hunt, second by Councilman Duntley, to wiopt RESOLUTION 6 _1 RESOLUTION N0. 67-104, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITUiY, OF "IM .I't CERTAIN FUNDS FOR THE PREPARATION OF AN ENOIRMING FEASIBILITY H"wPOR2T FEASIBILITY REPOR FOR A SiVAGIR MMENT PLANT. Laotian passed by a five aye vrjte. SEWAGE TREATUENT PLANT kISCELLANE'O'JS Discusaiin of used car @%les control, was held. kayor Staples staled that if the amendment to the 'Loring Ordinance to be c:onsidered at the publio hearing on July 17th is approved, wv will then.. receive a request for a used car sales license. The Village Attorney presented sampl4v ordinances from surrounding municipalities for control of oar lots and 1;ayor Staples suggested that perhaps an ordinance could be passed to control used car sales within thr Village. LICENSES A PFAlTS NOTION by kavor Staples, second. by Councilman Hunt, to approve the Cigarette 6icenes for Plymouth Shell Oil Service, 11350 State Highway 55. Lotion passed by a five kyr vote. REI USED CAR SALES CONTROL CIO. LICt, APPV'D. PLYk OUTH SHELL f Council Minutes - July 10, 1967 - Page 6 LICENSES A F=ITS# coated. NCTICN by Councilman Hagen, second by Councilman Hunt, to approve the regular payroll dated June 30, 1467, and totaling $69987.55. Notion passed by a five aye vote. MISCELLANEOUS The Administrator reported on a survey to study salaries, fringe benefits and poliuy areas of municipal p4trsonnel. He stated that he felt this study mould be beneficial in the preparation of the budget for the forthcoming years NOTIt'Ni by Mayor Staples9 second by Councilman Hagen, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 67-105 i A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CL RKi ADMINISTRATOR TO 1=CUTE THE AGREDWT FOR A NUM101PU PWS, SURVEY and to gutho- rise the papant of not exceeding 1700 for said study. Notion parsed by a fiv: aye vote. Councilman Hunt stated that having recently driven over the new construe - tion on Zachary Lane, ha is quite concerned because of :he breaking up of tha blacktop in several spots. MOTION by Nay^or Staples, sftcond by Councilman Hagen, to authorise the Clerk-Adminietr&Aor to order soil boring tests on the Zachary Lane Improvement Projitat. Notion parsed by a five ap votes kOTION by Mayor Staples, second by Councilman Hagen, to approve the Administrator's action in dismisaing the Police Secretary with two weeks notice and all vacation pay due her. Kotion paused by a five aye vote. Upon motion made and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 11t20 p.tr. Attests OV -f% CI Sharon Uardini , Secretary Loring M. ,Maples, Jr., Hayor REGs PAYROLL APPY- JUNE 30 RESOLUTION $ -105 M1 M N. INTO AMUMOT E+ •Ni RE ZACHARY LAU UPR. PROJECT