HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 05-22-19670 0 L. J a Fi MINV'ISS OF VILLAUTi COUNCIL MEETING P'LYMOU'TH, MINNESOrA May 22, 1967 A regular meeting of the Village Council was c alled to order by Mayor Loring M. Staples, Jr. at 7:30 P. m. l Present: Mayor Staples, Trustees 01Fallon, Duntley, and Hunt, the Village Administrator, Attorney and Wineer. Trustee hagen arrived at.. '1:45 P. m. Absent: None I Mayor Staples requested the Council and audience to rise for a moment of silent prayer. WrION by Trustee Duatley, second by Trustee O' Fallon, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 1, 1967. Motion passed by a four aye vote. 'Trustee liagen absent. R(TrION by Trustee O'Fallon, seccind by 'Trustee Hunt, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 8, 1967. Motion passed by a four aye vote. Trustee Hager. absent. PWITIONS, R&4UE"TS & COMMUNICATIOWS Mrs, Agrees Ornat appeared to request a subaiv:sior. waiver for Lots 17 and 18s 8 -lock 1, City View Acres. These lots are 450 deep and run from 12th to 13th avenue North. Trustee Hatten arrived at 7:45 p. m. MUTTON by Mayor oLujples p second by Trustee U' 1 allon, Lo adopt R SOWrION NU. 67-62, A Rhj5OWTION IAIVING R;, ;Ulit.!iii.NTS OF 5UBD1VISION ORDINANCE for Lots 17 and 18) Block 1, City View ,acres. Motion passed by a four aye vote. 'Trustee Hagen abstained. James Claypatch appeared to rEque:st an 18 feet setback waiver to allow him to cons'.ructl an attached gtArage on his property at 10913 - 48th Avenuu North. He pros 7nted letters from the surrounding neighbors showing that the;,o had ni objections to t. is waiver. MOTION by Mayor staples, 1;econO toy 'Trustee Hunt, to approve the 18 feet setback waiver as requested by Ja:aes ulaypatch. Rotion passed by a : ive aye W.e. Ja=mes Leonhanit appeared .-A) request a sideline waiver -%f 8 feet in order to c011sLruct a garage at 9040 - 28th f+vcmue North. Tl-sde building? c.i thr* lot adjacent to Lhl,s building is arproximately 30 feet from the lo'line so this wotald allow 31 feet between the two ho os. N04 -10N by 'Trustee htagen, sr and by Trustee Hung to approve the 8 feet sildiline waiver us requu:sted by James Leonhardt. Motion passed by a rite aye vote. Clcir)nce Savage appeared to regtiost a suWiviB .on waiver on I'trmcl 7(X)9, Iection :30. I'm ownn this Marge parr.el of .Load zsnd is sollint; all batt the lot on wliich his house sets, said lot b.3ingappraximutely dQ Leet by 2u0 reet. by KA, )ar ..,Lap1e5) :e(!cond b-, Trustee h agen) to adopt .1&'X)111TI0N NO. 6'i-63$ A Itl:1c)LU1T10N k%AIViNG R,,i1Ultt14%1NT5 GF ObijDIV1610N ORDINAN%J for E'arcel 11(x)9, erection 30) .as reque.ttud byGlarenca %'kW ge. RoL.i.on passed by a five aye vote. RESOLUTION 6742 SUM* i AIVER API'V' U, AGNES ll bur RE66 iFTUCK ViAlV12 GRANTED, JAMESS C LAYPATCH REt SIDELINE WAIVEIt, 'aIANTW JARLS LEUNHARDT Rl-&)LU'TION 67-J SUIM. 4AIV E R — AI'I'V IU,CL+Vi,131GE SAVAGE r 1 Council Minutes - May 22, 1967 - Page PETITIONS, RF;4U STS AND C;OMMUNSCATIONS, Con.'d. Ed Eberlee appeared tD request a subdivision waiver on Lots 18 and 19. Block w, rChristian.en's Parkers Lakeside Addition. He requested approval of the division of the portion of; Lot 19 lying west of the east 110 feet and the north 35 feet --)f Lot 18 to be consolidated with ;.at 19. These two lots at one tiale were throe lots. In 19571, a division was made and in 1963 there was anott,4r division but this division was not approved by t he Village Council. Mr. :'berlee requested Council approval of the division made in 1963. MOTION by Mayor Staples, second by 'Trustee Duntley, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 67-64, A REZOLUTION rAlVINt Rr1U,ikrY1N1'TS OF JUbU1VI510N ORDINANCE for Lots 18 and 19, Block 2, Christianson's Iarker'b Lakeside Addition. Motion passed by :a five aye vote. RESOLUTION 67=§A SURD. WAIVER APPV'D., ED EBF.RLEE Thompson Lumbur Company requested a pezinit to build an addition, 20 x 16 RE BLDG. PF --MIT feet, to the nurth side of the existing storage building. It will be of THOMPSON LUMBER frame construction and used for storage of lumber. IdO'T10N by 'Trustee Hunt, second by 'trustee ha.r;er., to grant permit to Thompson Lumber Company at 1005 County Road 18. by a five aye vote. a bui)ding siotion passed Paul ,.elton of Patill s Woodcraft, appeared to request a building permit for an addition tq his present building at 2730 Fernbrook Lane, He stated that the addition will be 40 x 108 feel, and of the same material as the exi:ating buildir%. murION by Trustee 11agen, secor d by 'Trustee Bunt, tO grant pigrmit to Maggiey Gonstructic Company for an addi'.ion to 2730 Ferebrook Lane. Motion passed by a fives aye vote. Nor. and Firs. t+.Luert Snpier appeared to request ilegistvred L.aaxi purvey. This is in regard to Electric is building and is r.oned coitunercial. approvta RE: BLDG HERMIT PAUL'S XODCRAkT a building Paul's Woodcraft, Iouncil approval of a he outlot on which Weaver The Attorney rucommended MOTION b;:' Mayor %staples, second by 'trustee Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION '.t1_ LlT10NN 67+ No. 6"? -6 A I ; ;4.l1TION AUThJt11*'1NG At'D i11'1'1WV1NG 1J1N1) ;3UIlVt:Y 1I'NIiOV1W WA -to in the Zoaf the t1L 4of ;pec bion 30. Motion passed by a f iv ow aye votf;.I.ANU k)(IRTEY) A. SNYDER Mr. John Gullickson, Urbandale Development, ;appeared to request the rezoning RE: RF,wONING# of 6.54 acres at 10880 13outh Shore Drive front He'sidential to High Density 30. 61iOhE DR. n Multiple Dwelling. The It."lat)ning Commission unanimously recommended approval 'JRI3ANDAIE of this request. liestaLed ;.heat the:i.r plans call for the construction of D1:VI,I,t)!'F1P;NT two and ons-1-ualf story apartment buildings of which the majority wilt be two bedroom units. The questi.r n aroBe as Lo whether the road through the proposed apartment com, '_ea: 4ould be a dedicated road or a private roan. Trustee O E''tallc n requested that this ns:atter be }postponed until ti o next meeting wilon concrete evidence coaa:ld be provided thLst thin area is proposed for nigh density use under the. proposed Comprei engive Guide Plan, Mayor Staples suggested that this requetst lie referred to t l%n Village I'.lannur for Isi:a recommonalations lgack to the Village Covileil cin June 5th. John Ga.a.11ickson, representing J. & G. Construction Go,tipanyp requc"Bted RESOLUTION 67-66 Council approval of the final prat of Mapledell Additie)n. Attorney Lefler APPROVING FINAL sa,ate?d 01 at the agreement for the btiprovAment o.0 L'unkirk 14me in conjunction PLAT) with chis plat wa:a in order. Mi . Gu 11 iokgon stated tis t a 'x:nd in t he, Zunount MAPLE 4 LL of $1131000.00 hqtad been posted with t he village clerk. ADUN. Ko'.:ON by Mayor 6taplus, necond by 1'ru:,tne h aj,en, to adopt 1tF,;:)0LUT1()N No. 07-66, A 10.6 ELUTION A1111RO4ING 'Click; FINAL ruvr a)F MAI'Li-.UELL t1U11 T1011. Fto,,iun passed by a five aye vats. a I r Council Minutes - May 222. 1967 - Page 3 PETITIONS, MUUSTS & C0M1-fllN'..CA'-TIONS, cont'd. MOTION by Trustee Hagen, second by Trustee Hunt, that the Mayor and RE: AGREEMENT Clerk - Administrator bs authorized to sign the agreement between' the DUNKIRK LANE Village of Plymouth and J. & G. Construction Inc. in regard to the ImMoVY101 improvement of Dunkirk Lane. Notion passed by a fiv1e aye vote. Henry Meyer, Meyer and Gonyea Realty, appeared to request the rezonir..g RE: REZONING of tha northwest corner of Count Road 18 and Count Roa-i from Residential N.W. COR%RCountyy9 to Commercial for the construction of a service station, '"he Administrator OF CG. RDS reported that he had received a letter f rom the Hennepin County HILghway 9 & le Department regarding the proposed interchanged at County Roads 9 and 10. MEYER & GONYEA They have requested that the Village not, issue building pen,its or rezone property in these areas until such time as these interchanges are approved. Mayor 6taples suggested that we wait until such time (approximately 30 days) as we ha-ir from Hennepin County before' we approve anything in these areas. The Engineer stated that he had picked up toe aew plans for the interchange but t1,,xt he would like ; o study it. Mayor :Maples suggested that wsien the Engineer brings the plans on the intersection to the Co%Lncil for approval $ that this rezoning reque.tt be also on the agenda. illph Rutledge presented a petition to the Council for the extension of Nater sere i.sE in Glen Eris Addition at the southwest corner of County Road 18 and RE: PETITION 36th avenue North. The Engineer stated that a public !gearing had been field FOR WATER, for t his purpose and that It was still within, six months Pram U.'at time, GLEN ERIE therefcre, it would not be necessary to hold another one. The Village "l;.,Ns would construct, finance are: assees this project and the Four "easons later Company franchise would not be expanded, however, they would operate and maintain the system and bill the people for water usage but the Villa,Ae would retain ownership of this water system components. RU I'ON btt Mayor ataples, second by 'Trustee Hager:, to adopt RE:.0LUTION MC1rION KADF & N0. 67-67, A liESOWTION ORDS NIG 1h1VROVDIEN'TS AND PREPARATION OF PLANS WITHDRAWN for sewer and wager service in Glen Erie Addition. Trustee Har*en withdrew his second and Mayor .Maples withdrew his motion. The Administrator was directed to coordinate the finavicirg and assessment program and have it ready for the June 5th meeting, Mr. and Mrs. i.Award Petschl appeared regarding the sanitary sewer assessment RE: E.PETSCHL on their property. They stated that they have approximately three acres of SAN. SL''v land of which one acre is zoned industrial. They are objecting to the fact A5511:SSMENT that they wero assessed for sanitary sewer on an industrial basis on that portion as they arca not using t10is property for industrial purposes. Mayor itaples suggested that they take this rna-;ter to the Planning Comminsion to seek to have this property rezcned back t c. res.`drntial. RESoLU'rIONS & 0itWNIANCEPS MOTION by Mayor Staples, second by Trustee Hunt, to adopt, ORDINANGS 010)IN NCE 67-5 NO. 67-5, AN (IflUiNANCE AMENDBG d}iAPTER VIII, S}';C'rieN 11.02 RELATING TO E! LICENSE FOR THE LICLNSL 1(,, U1REU FOR 1145'1'ALLA'TION OF iNUIVICUAL DI51)06AL 614;'k -la SYSTU— 1 i. }Motion passed by a five aye vote. IN'STALLA'T10N 0 i Council Minutes May 22, 19 67Page 4 REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS & COMMITTEES Administrator's report received regarding original sanitary sewer assessment roll litigation. The Village Attorney stated that the job that was done in preparing the assessment roll was not suitable for the purpose that it war intended to serve and that the Village should recover the added expenses in correcting the rolls. MOTION by Mayor Staples, second by Trustee ()'Fallon, to adopt RESOLUTION AESOLUTION 6747 N0. 67-67, A RESOLUTION AUTHOHIZJING THE VILLAGE ATTORNEY TO PROCEED 41111TH AUTH, ATTORNEY LITIGATION to recover the additional sums in excess of the original cost TO PROCEED VJITH of the sanitary sewer assessment roll. Motion pAssed by a four aye vote. LITIGATION Trustee Duntley abstained. Administrator's report received on radio usage by the Inspection Depart- RE: ADV. FOR ment. He stated that two systems could be used, being the Citizen's ASST. Bl DG. Hand and the other VHF Equipment. The Citizen's Bard would be cheaper, INSP. however, he stated that it could not quite cover entire Village. He stated that the cost for a radio system could not be justified on the basis of Building Department activity :lone. MOTION by Mayor .staples, second. by Trustee O'Fallon, to remove from the table the discussion of hiring an Assistant Building Inspector. Motion passed by a four aye vote Trustee Hunt voted nay. RCYPION by Mayor 6taples, second by Trustee O' Fallon, to authorize the Clerk -Administrator to advevtiso for an assistant to the Building Inspector. Motion mss:d by three aye vote. Trustees Hunt and Hagen voted nay.. Attorney's reporu received on Plymouth hiiprovement Projects Engineering Contract. lie briefly reviei4ed the contract with the Council and recommended approval. MOTION by Mayor itaples, second by Trustee hasten, to adopt RESOLUTION RESOLUTION qL-68 N4. 67-65, A REOLUTIOtI THIS ItPROVI' ENT PIWJI-.0TS ;14GINE121Nr., APPRoVIM ._APP, CONTRACT as submittud by 13onestroo, Rosene, Anderli'.c Associates, Inc. !'ROJECT ENG. and authorizing th : Mayor and Clerk -Administrate:, tC, sign said contract. CONTRACT Motion passed by 4-1 fire aye vote. kttorney Lefler reporters tha' an •lt.reement had been r cached with Brauer IT,: 0L'E1'TU:V1)+?%1T and Associates for settlement of contract provisions for the6chlNbe Park W/BRAUER AND site. Nik)TION by 'Trustee liagen, second by Mayoe ...'.sales, to approve LI -e ASZ;W settlement with Brauer and Associates as submitted by thn Vila ge Attorney. Motion passed b.;- a five aye vote. The Attorney r, elx)rted that, he had received word from the Hennepin County Court. that t liey w ould like to receive a resolution authorizing persons to prosecute misdeme inor offenses In the lennepin County Court on behalf of tho V111I of lilymouth. r `;ION uy Mayor ''tables, second by 'Trustee Duntley, to adopt RISULU'TION It S LUTION 67-69 No. 67-690 A lZZOLUTWN UL:.W1NATING ANU PROSEkCUTION IN DESIGNATING & 1iF l;i 1N &)wry MUNICILAL ,,ou tr. Motion wscd by ..e five aye vote. 0TH. 111061,,CU'TI0N IN 1111IN. CO. COURT 14%4inoer's report received rogarding the dralna8e problem at Quaker and ,ratoga Lanes. lie stated that the Stato llighway 0epartment was draining ec:nsiderabls water into the pond in this area And creating a uerge share of the problem. T ie Highway Department had %i ,ne nothing about the drainage, however, t.he:y Enid they would investigate this. n Council Minutes - May 22, 1967 -.Page 5 RV00S OF OFFICERS, BOARDS & COMMITTEES, cont'd. i 0 T&. Engineer stated that he felt that he would have a reply from the RE: DRAINA(Z AT atace Highway Dep<;rtment in the very near future. lie stated that. an QUAKER & SAKATOGA alternate solution would be to install drain tile in t1his area. The Council Minutes - May 22, 1967 -.Page 5 RV00S OF OFFICERS, BOARDS & COMMITTEES, cont'd. i 0 T&. Engineer stated that he felt that he would have a reply from the RE: DRAINA(Z AT atace Highway Dep<;rtment in the very near future. lie stated that. an QUAKER & SAKATOGA alternate solution would be to install drain tile in t1his area. The LANES 0 Council Minutes - May 22, 1967 -.Page 5 RV00S OF OFFICERS, BOARDS & COMMITTEES, cont'd. i 0 T&. Engineer stated that he felt that he would have a reply from the RE: DRAINA(Z AT atace Highway Dep<;rtment in the very near future. lie stated that. an QUAKER & SAKATOGA alternate solution would be to install drain tile in t1his area. The LANES Engineer was uirected to notify the Administrator and the Administrator vets directed to notify kr. Longren and Mr. Larsen when this matter will appear on the Council agenda. This temporary solution would be ca iplet,ed in a short' -time if the Highway Department does not go ahead with tris and alleviate the situation then the Village will proceed with temporary solution. Engineer's report received on restoration of street surfacing on Forest - view Lane. He stated ti.at in order to provide an adequate base and surface it is recommended that the existing mat be pulverized fc-ir base, four inches of Class 5 base added and a blacktop mat added. This would cost $11,700, w:,ich, if it were assessed, would be $2.80 per assessable foot. The method of assessment for this project, Alf it were approved, as dis.ussed. A;0'VION by Trustee Hunt, second by Mayor otaples, to adept FG&SOLUTION RFS IXTION 67-70 We 67-70, A RESI. TION RLCEIVING REPORT AND CALLING FCR PUBLIC HEARING REFUVING REPORT on Jure 19, 19M at the Village Ifall at 7:30 P.m. for the improvement & C ALUNG FOR of Forestview Lane from zZidgemQunt Avenue to County Road 15. Motion PU3LIC HEARING passed by a five aye vote. ttoger z)chmidt appeared regarding the seal coatirg of Holly Lane and tel:;: DUST CON11WL submitted . petition showing a suggested method of assessment for this 1!011Y LONE project. The Village proposed to put on 6 inches of gravel with three inches to be paid for out of Village funds .and the other three inches to be assessed. The Engineer stated tit -t it was leis feeling that this would be an incomplete job with only three inches of gravel. He s+.ated that asswnir ; that the Village would do the shaping and put on the first three niches of Nravel) the r ana ..n ink,• three inures and the seal coating, if assessed on both sides of the road, would cost $0.67 per foot. Under the petition submitted, the residents on Holly Lane would contract and pay f'or the seal coating themselves. They requested that the speed limit signs on dolly Lane be changed to 30 Miles per hour instead ofthe 40 Miles per hour that it is currently posted at. The Village Attorney stated that he would like to see an agreement signed holding the Village harmless for the seal coating. e t lu'1'IC`N by ' rustee Hunt, second by Mayor Jt nples, that the Adminiatrator be :auuhorized to proceed with the graveling of Holly Lane and tLat the necessary agreement holding the Village harmless foe the seal coating be drawn up and that the material to be put on be approved by the Village Engineere its. tion tAssed b;,, a t'ivc aye vete. Al ITH . SEAL COALING & GRAVF1 ON 11011Y LP,NE Engineer's prelim.1nary report recetved on the bnvrovenient cf .5th iwenue North at 1,1agnolia Lane. The estimated cast for grading, basewor c, surfacing and curb and rvtter would be $19j,200. 1,;OrION by Trus Tee haF;en, sacond by Trustee Hunte, to adopt I 3k)LUTION R *SCLLT ON Nibt, 67-71, A REak LU`i'ION 1Zt'CEIVINU RhIlORT iti-U C ALLING FOR 11W3LIC 11E'8+i11ING ROCEX"ING REPORT on Jul-te 1 `p -LI 6; , at tl7e Vi11a;;e Hall al. 8400 p.m..for the irn i•ovement & CALI1ING YUiiLIQ of :-_'5th lverl.ie North from Magnolia Twine to vacated Pineview Lege. HEARIW-, 25T11 Motion Exa:3;;ed b1 a five aye vote. AVENUE NORTH M linates - May 22, 1967 - Page 6 ti uF OFFICUIS BOARDS & COMYITT } S,' cont' d. 9n1g,' zeer's pr Aminary report received on the extension of sanitary 3bvie 7 in Creekwood Heights 2nd Addition. The estimated cost for this proj+rct would be $28,500 with an estimated cost of $6.30 per front foot assessment. W17ION by b,ayror staples, second by :'rustee Ha-en, to adopt RESOLUTION RESOIXTION 67-72 NLS. 67 7?, A RE.'30LUTION RKEIVINIG REPOt`1' AND CALLING FOR PUBLIC 11E1:RING RIX;E?VING REPGRT on June 19, 1967s at the Village Hall at 8:30 pt M. for the installation & CALLING PUBLIC f, sanitary sewer in Creekwood Heights 2nd Addition. Motion passed by HFAR1141, SAN. ftie aye vote. GRE R 9rOOD HTS. 21W ADDN. Er4 ineer' preliminary report received on the extension of sanitary sp4er on Orleans Lane from 26th to 28th AvenuesNorth. The estimated c.:.t:, or this project would be $15,300 with an estimated cost of $825 vtble lot. vA'" IL ,,, Ma or Staples, second by Trustee Duntley, to adopt RESOLUTION RESOM'1'r_UN 67_ L 61 r'rj A R.u',suLU'I ot, RECEIVING REPORT A% CALLING FOR PUBLIC 11EMING RECEIVING REPO'W J,L' 19, 19671 at the Village Hail at 9:00 p.m. for the installation CALLING PUBLIC f stL.Atary sewer on Orleans Lane from 26th to 28th Avenues North. 11EARMs ;SAN* dotiw pissed by a five aye vote. 1•:.R, 0KIMS LANE ilk. ,it t -pr i s preliminary report received on the extension of sanitary i3O%ger! -,,n hingsview Lane and County Road 15. This would service nine i i%oL.nty Road 15 and 12 lots on Kingsview lane. It will be ttiil(tc ; viary to install a small lift s' ation at the low point on Kingsview L L.t1e. T11P total cost includiag the lift statioti, force main and Class gra-.-el base would be 47,000. The lift station would be paid for out of connection charges) therefore, waking a total assess!.ble project Cost c,f 27,500. This would cost approximately ;;112.30 per assessable r,70nt foot. M?`rL'N by Mayor itaples, second by Trustee hurt, to adopt, lt,'SOLU'TION E80LUTION 67-1L h.', 67-'?j tt 40 L'- . i3iX, VIN I{EPOI'T AND GAI+L?N6 FUit 11U! *C RECEIVING RE XT F...++lilltll on June 19, at the Villa e lia)l at 9:3G p.m. fo; the Sc CALLING 11M, IC intatallat.icn of sanitary rewer on County Road 15 and hinp;sview Lane. luilluiiiw, SAN. McLion passed by a five aye vote. SE".11SR, UNGISNIIEW 00. IW,6 15 l;nginett is proliminary report, received on the extension of sanitary scr:ver in .P Iiiebels 1tigtiland View Addition. 'rho estiniated cos"'. for Lt -is hroJect would be $9)3tX?. NiO'1`10N by Mayor 5tal les, second by "Trustee hunt, to adopt KEi.14 LMON RESOLUTION 67-75 NO. 6'r --75j A R ECN;IVING H'Et ORT AAD GALLING' FoR PUBLIC R11011;IVINu kE1'C:1tT lil,`Jt1 km June 1`), 1967) at the Hall at, 10:00 p.m. f,)r the & CALLING MBLIC instalL i.ion of sanitary saver in Lichiebels highland View ;'ldditlon. 11I-IARI1G, * Mcition passed by a five ayo vote. )C11114.BY8 I11UHLAND I'IE: k' AUD. The 1-.aigineer ruvlue,t ed that, Isis report on the realignmont of sewer tsentents in tho M.1.11. area be postp(nod. 1'1;111': TS X%,); !ON by Mayor ottq~1e n, sF;cond by TruiteeR 01';allcm, to a pprove the .;14LL LIC, AP1'V ID ties I Licensk for uannanir ,yell Cotnpvany, {504 - Jrd Avot uv ;;ut,h. GANN11% J%LL GO. Mct,iLln pctru3ild by a f Lvp aye vete. C] i n' • TCoarmilMinutes - May 22, k. - r ;e 7 CLAXAS, API, b 'I:,.J 'P-13NS (:-074AACT PAYMENTS Adz at,oi, ^ecommendud approval of the final payment oa ..he Xen:,um HE: FINAL PAI, 1C• ` i..,'' ,"'C` iL'.Tr ;7j• flr XENIUM LANE Ia%-apl(;s, second by Trustee hunt, to i.pprove the payment of , $9,475.30 ' o 1).iacktop Service Company in f inal payment c n Xenium Lai,1e 1Mprovem.k.nt pr(-jecu. Mo}ion passed by a five aye vor.,e. MOTION by TrtistPe iia en. GPc nd by Trustee O'Fallonp to approve the .-G. PAYHCr` V6sagular payr 1 da+,ed ;1ka_;.- .,5, 1967, and totaling $j,964.62, Motion MAY 15 APPV'D passed by a '.I. rf aye v,te. C TION by Trt:stee hagen, second by Trustee Duntley, to approve t1.7e RE: RW. DISB. regular Di3bursement, List dated May 22, 1967, and totaling $423,900.17. LIST MAY 22 Mot: on pas. -Jed by to five a3 e vote. APPV ID MCrTION b; Mayor Maples, second cz. 'Trustee O' Fallon, to approve the Con1-trir.1fi.1cn Fund L'isburse+-r.nt List dated May 22, 1967, and tot-- ling 52,802.:..42. Motion passed jy. a fig. -e aye vote. Na /Et,; t,;I lIl Alvin PioLi.3, 1230 Ives Lanes appeared to request, a variance in regard to depth of `+ well . 1 N by':'u:>tee hay cn, c4ccnd ru3tce 2'Fallon, to grant a variance n retards t o d epth from the .,ell Ordinance subject to the Engineer' 8 1 B%il.ding Inspector's approval. Motion passed by a five ayc vote. U ,ctr ;notion made and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m. Attestt n 6ardinier, secretary Loring/M. :itap RE: CONST. FUND DISB. LIST MAY 22, APPV' D RE: VARIANCE IN Oi;D. 4;/(, b, Jr., Mkayor