HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 05-08-1967I Q, 111INtTESS OF VILLAGN "OUNCIL bSUI'ING PLUOUTH, ldlNhESOTA niay 8, 1967 A regular meltting of the Village Council was called to order by 1 iayor Loring I,,. Staples, Jr. at 7630 p.r a. R%euent: Ni ayor Staples, Trustees O' Fallon, Duntley, Hagen and Hunt, the VillageAdministrator and Attorney. Absent: Village inginee3r. i.ivonation was given by Father Philibert, St. Bartholomew's Catholic Church. P1.',.'PI1PION3, RlNj L :STS & COMMUNICATIONS V. i1f, Gruman's request for the extenuion of 13th Avenue North was delayed unt.1 the Village Engineer aarrivad. William ".;fuel appeared to request a subdivision waiver for Lot 51 Mock 2, Grc,centrea Forest Additionio lie stated that they have one: large lot which they propose to divide into four Iota and move their prnsunt home onto one of theaea lots. 'These four lots would be only four feet uhort of the n inimum front footage requirement of 110 feet. Trustee Hagen stated teat this is adjoining to his property and lie would recommend approval. Ho also ataated that ho had spoken with uorne of the other neighbors anal they would have no ob,lectiono to thin requeet. i.oriJN by Trustees 0' i•'aallont ut cond by Trustee Haagen, to adopt kMOLUTION N0. 67—4 , a', WsOOLUT1014 WAIV41NO l?1,-X,U1W1,l-WP6 011' 5t1BMIMON ORDINANC'? or Lot 5, W,ock ', Greeritree forest Acid." tion ass requested by William E37,u1,, 11.otio,l past ed by a five aye votoo The Vill,.a,4e Naikineer arrived at 7:45 p.r4. I.r. Vic: Gruman, L. i3run;an Steel Compaa ly, and hr. Stanley Smith, flit"t louse 5 tau ips, appkN"%cd :"es -t rd inF the requeu t f'or e:x te u ion of 13th Avonuo North. lair. Grumaan utate,i that in February, he had talked to the Villi -age Administrator rehmrding thin matter and it was referred to tile Villat4;eijoineer foil study. Two different planu were dinplaavud, t`to original plan as pre poised by her. Grumaan w d one that the Vi l l:agu I ngineser haul drawn up. The UOiginoer utated that he felt that hiu plan had mvri t hecaaurae it would proktide mors distance between the r;ailroaad tracks .and the road Lind would allow for the i lstal lt tion of' ua nitaary uewar and waate:r. The Xa y or auggeated that Ir. Gru rian and kir ` mith aarrango a iiiauting between tbemoolvau ane; the Village Engineer and come back to tho Council mese ti.n , of Iasis 22nd. 1l.c71'lON by Vvyor 5tcapleu, uoe:ond by 'Trustee: hunt, to xadupt ltl,::30LUTION Intl. 67 -!its, A 101'30LUPION IMUNRING 1`10,31AHATIW OFIii l' Yr 014 ;X11,1310N OF 13TH AVENU101 NORTH frog, County Road 18 to South lhore Drive incluAing extenv on of sanitary orawer and water to the tarua. lWtion I Uffliod by as five uyo witsl, lei i lvvai Cox v,ppeairod t -s request ca uubdiviuion waiver for lots 11) and 201 Block 11 city View Acra,u. `l`houe Iota ars t150 Net (loop and run from 12th to 1,5th Avenue North. 'Phis uub:liviuion waiver would create tour separate lots with frontage of 8,1 foot eaeah. s7 P IHC OLUTION_ 67_ SUBP6 WAIVrit APPV' D. , WPi. LPZE,L 10.: h"Jiml+;l l S I ON OV 13TH AV;:. NOCt'TN iO:. OIMM ON 67-56! OhU1;11t1HG P101,136 Oil' IMP011T UTM o l 0P 13'I'll AVI',. a4 1N:;'TALL. OF SI141"I1t ek WA'M I Council Minutes = May 13, 1967 - Page 2 ITIONS. REQUE 3TS rA C0181UNICATIONS, cont'd. NOTION by A ayor Staples, second by Trustee O' Fallon, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 67-57, A RESOLIRIUN WAIVING RLQUIRaENTS OF SUBDIVISICN ORDINANCE for Lots 19 and 20, Hinck 1, City View Acres, as requeete6 by William ox. notion passed by a three aye vote. Trustees Hagen :xnd Hunt abstained. John Gullickson, J. & Go Construction Company, appearai to request final approval of the plat of h' aplede ll Addition. The A ttor ney : eviewed the agreement for the improvement of Dunkirk Lano and stated that it, was not properly witnessed. The Administrator was directed to place thin request on the May 22nd agenda. Henry Ohnstad appeared to request a subdivision waiver for Lot 13, Block 21 Sunrise Acres. The Villago Attorney stated that he had checked on this at the County Courthouse and that this lot has at one time been divided and in hiis opinion, nc subdivision waiver is necessary. 1<;r. Ohnstaa requested the return of his $20 fee which ne paid for application for this waiver, lie was informed by the Council that he would not recei•.e his money back as this was to cover the costs of the Building Inspector and Attorney's time spent on this request. Gerald Fraser, Eirthurst hea? ty, appeared to request the improvement of 25Lh Avenue North. viey own oiie lot now but Lh+:y did o,)ti Luau al %said 22. They have since built a house on and sold Lot 21. This would extent: 25th Avenue from vacated Pineview Lane to k,aagnolia Lute. KOTIG, by hayor Staples, second by Trustee llagvnj to adopt )UZOLUT10N N0. 67-58, A 111 SOLUTION ORDER1140 PREPARATION OF REPORT ON THE KEN'r OF 25'%'11 AVU%l UE NORTH from vacated Pineview Lane to hiagtsol is Lane. Votion passed by a five Nye vote* Petition signed by 13 property owners for the extonuion of sanitary sewer on County Road 15 and K.ngs\.isw 1 pane received. The Engineer utated that tl•,i a t1oes involv pan%, of A innutonkn. At the time of the original sewer project, it win decided to be its the boat in.oroot of the Village to delete this area. If sewer were to be inatallod in thin area,i t would require a small lift station. 1%AYl'ION by Payor Stupleo, ucoond by Truutee O'r'allon, to adopt lt'43jOLLn1l N NU. 0-59, r1 1t1:SOLUCION 0131)1 1 NC PREPA12,1T1ON Olt' lirP-ORT ',.)N'1'111, INSTALLA. T10N 0V SANITARY on County Road 15 and Kingoviow lane unutss or County Bond 15. 11 otion paused by a five aye vote. kayor Staples suggrottted t)Liat if thus pro oct is approved, the Council uliould adopt a a policy thrl.w when there are specific requuutu for uanita ry neworo r,andatory hookups should, be reclui.red. REPORTS OF ".l'PICT281 BOA1= jn inaer l a report received regiwd ing the coo 4 o!" upgnsad i n,g and duet klontrol with a weal coat for Holly Lane. An ent mate for it double Oval cunt, acounung that there is a proper 20 feet wide ba;a over the assous- ablo :ength, would be approximately $0.47 par rook. Thu cont of' an 114-, ional rdx inch base would be S2.11r per foot. The bane iu presently in(I to contain pit run In",oval plan Ola;y to the extent that the batse, in the' " l,gineer la opinion, in inardoquate and as sioal coat vould nut lie afl"00- tve. No cost for calcium chloride would bo approximately the ututto as t 1A oil. RESOLUTION 67-57 SURD. WAIVER APPY'D., W10 Cox RE: FINAL PLAT MAPLEDELls ADDN. RC: SURD. WAIVER 1tN)UEST BY HENRY ONl4STU RESOLUTION 67-58 ORDERING PREP. OF REPORT REs 2111 AVE, NORTH lt1 JULUi'i0N 6 -' ORDFIRINC PREP. OF REPORT RNI 1NSTALL. OF SAN.1 1l41rrit, KI NGsvi CO. )'Do 15 lirta 1)ll`a11' CONTROL ON HOLLY LANG 0 Council kinutes - I.Ay 8, 1967 - Page 3 S1 REPORTS OF OYFICERS, BOARDS .i; COMMITTEES, cont' d. NeiA Wichterman ;appeared and questioned how this gravel bas(; would be RE: DUST CONTROL' assessed, aa he hav a business which runs a considerable number of trucks ON HOLLY LANE on this road and yet does not front on Hoily Lane. He was' informed that this would be assessed against the benefited property owners. One of the petitioners stated that he could not see why this gravel base could not be paid for out of the General land. lk kror Staples stated that we have a ret ponsibili_ty for general maintenance but it' this road is to be up- gr,:ded, the people who will benefit should pay for this upgrading. NOTION by Nisyor Staples, second by Trustee O'Fallon, to adopt RESOLUTION RESOLUTION 67-60_ NO. 6-j-601 A RKSOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON THE GRAVELING ORDERII%13 PREPPe AND SEAL COATISO LIP HOLLY LANE from County Road 9 to the Soo Line OF P^XORT REt Railroad Track:^. Vlo+.ion passed by a five aye vote. HOLLY 'JANE Engineer's report received regarding the sewer crossing at Interstate RE: SLAM 4',14 chd Plymouth Creek. Ile stated that if we were to proceed with open CROSSING AT 494 cut now, it would cost approximately $7,000. IC we wait and jack it do PLYNIOUIcH CREEK at a future date, it,would cost approximately S16,000. The question C %./d arose as to financing of this project if it is w:dertaken now. The Atiimiiistrator suggentod that thio cost could possibly come out of the Sanitary Sewer Ilunds. WTION oy Mayor Staples, second by 'Trustee Diantley, to authorize the use cif Sanitary Sewer Minds ror the sewer crossing at Interstate 4-A and 1 Plymouth Creek and to direct the Cngineer to proceed with this project* bution passed by a four aye .rote. Truvtee O'Fallon voted nay. Administrator' a report received regarding ;i,ppointmente. to to the RE: APPGINTAAENT 1'ar} Ct mmi salon., OF JIM NILES TO IWTION by 'rrusteu O'Fall.on, second by Trustee Hagan to ap;)oint )ar. PARK COMMISSION Jwnea Nileu, ,00 Pin aview Lane, as an at, -large member of the Park Commission for the term of three yearne, h;otion panued by a five aye voteo Adminiutrator's report received reirardii.g Plymouth Improvement Projuctu Rat-Tineering Contract. This was reser.-,ed to the Attorney for his review and study and the ;.dminiutrator was diructod to place thio on tho upenda for the kaay 22nd Co%.nc i l meeting. The Administrator reported that hv hug been con-OLacted by it kr Charles Raymond regarding a subdivision waiver. NX6 Ilaymond appeared and utated that in eebruttry of 1966, the Village uent him a keuol ation waiving the SWidivinion Ordinance for one parcel of his land, however, the plat us uubi tted. contained four parceica. The Attorney checked Rquolution No. 66-21 tend stated tli,--.t wheat had occured waa that the rki o,olution deocribed by mate and bounds only one parcel but the Council htui approved the divinior, o. all lour parcels. Ile roe-)mniendud that it new reuolution be adopted dividing Lite remai:jiiig throe p;u,ce tu. 1,.,Xl0h1 by t ay.)r '." ttapleu, uccon(i by Truutoo llunt, to adopt 10WIV1110H NG. 07.61, A lZl t i.Ul'lON WAIVINiI Olt' SUI;DIVISION ORDINANC1" for i ovea•ti rat Lot 31 Section 30, an recluooted oy Chorion liayaiond. li;otion paunad by a five ;,ye vuuo. firs: IMPR. PRO Genii. CONTRACT SURD, WAIVER APPV'U., CHAR RAWOND Council Minutes - May 8, 1967 - Page 4 REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOiJM & COMMITT M contd. administrator's report rerei,red regarding the rel^aae of cash esrrcw in ilE': ESCRCW the amount of $500 for 'Zanzibar Place Addition. Ile stated that 'ie had --RELEASE ZANZI'A' revietied the roads in this area rnd would recommend the release. PLACE ADDN. A` T.. ON by Trustee. Hien+., second by Trustee Duntley, to approve the reiease of $500 cash escrow for Zanzibar Place Addition to Vern H. Youngberg, Developer. Motion passed by a five aye vote. The Adm:,str'ato^ ra ported t' at noti :es .were posted on the Police bulletinRE: BFUCE beard, regarding' the exams for the position of Detective and only one JOHNSON APMT Fo! ioemma appeared to tai.e the exam. It is the recommendation of the POLICE DME^.'TIV Police Chief and the Administrator that Bruce Johnson be appointed as Detective and the usual one year's probation be effective. Pay will be subject to negotiation for effective sclLry changes on January 1. 1968. NXION by r;svor Sraples, second by Trustee Duntley, to appaint Bruce W. Johnson to the position of Police Detective % Notion passed by a rive aye vote. Administrator's report received ro garling appointment of an Assessor's REt IRENE EAGEN Secretary. EOTIJN by Kavor Stapler, second by 'Trustee Hafgun, that kru. APPET. ASSESSOR Irene Eagan be appointed as Assessor'e Secretary Fit a salary of 6300 per SECRETARI month. Notion passed by a five aye vote. T',he Administrator reported on the revenue ajid spi*nding anolyaio of the HE': APF,',' !'. OF Building Inspection Department. He uta,ted that in ,inspection activity, ASST. BLDG. INSP' it hao been proven thkti.t if you have an effective inspection department, it can cave the home ownera a conuide:%oble tuiount of money. Ile requested the appcin :mont of an Assistant Building Inapector. This person would do plumbing and sewer inspections and other miorellarneouu dutiou. I<AYMN by Giryor :tap:ies, second by Trustea Mallon, to authorize the MOVION TO Clerk-Adu.inictr4tor to advertise for sun Ast:istant liu.i ldint Inepoct,.7r. APPOINT AaST. D',01110"N by Ti uotee Duntley, aecond by Truutee Hunt, to table the alcove 300. S'tSl'. motion. D.otinn to table paused by a *hree aye vote. h;ayor Stapleo anti TABLED Trustee O' Fallon votect nay, 1'i\ustea Hap -eon suggestod. th,.t possibly the Villrz(n 3 could install is radio sys.im and obtain come type of dictanphone uyuteh for thu Building lnupectov to use in the field giving him, ti.ore Crud Lima to do :actual inspection. The Adm`_niutrator wase directed to ubtanin figuxtlal on the ecat of radio uervice facilitiou for the Nay 214 ad Cuat.uil inoetinf;. o 1 ISC1 1.Z,ti1::0Ua Diacuusion onuued reg•ardinn- crani tory uewcr ire the wen tt rtn part of the 10% SAN. MER Village. The Eng%noer stated that tat utne time he lead mads a Fropoual IN WESTERN PkRT to include the ariu a wast of Vickuberg Lane in the oorviu:ng .1:' tawtitary Ula' VILIAUR t3ewer. Truntba Hagan ank—ed if it would be puunible to diro(A the Engi- neer to entimate the coat of ;a I eport for the extrtwiun of uaannitary sower in thio am a. 'Truatoe bant.ley uuggouted that perhapa a eitinten'u cohirlitten could be farmed to study thus and i athur :a general cunutnuuu 01` opiniot't of the peruonu 1ivinq-r in the ,area na to whather or not they want aew:rs lover ittspiecn i3ugguuled t1int pQrnonu .living nn thilt carbo a could petition Cor sanitary sower if th?y acro really debirouta cif' it. b' nutes - 1" 8 1 6 - P (0Counciliayr97age5 MISCELLANEOUS, cont'de t that thew i nr c ,, " s Workhouse C.E. SAN. 3tAttorneyLeflerbroughtupthefactap11AH EWERr, property is located in this area and they may not be assessed for sanitary IN W TERN sewer. However, the Minnesota Statute doss otate that they may, be OF VILLAGE required tc prey a connectaoa charev?. The Engineer stated that the,' Department of Health had informed nim that they would .like the Workhouse to hook up to a public sanitary sewer syetem. Trustee O'Fallon stated that if there are areas interested in sewer' tete people should lot us lmow by petition and he would like to see a trap made up to show where cesspools are being pumped and where calls are coming in f:`om people that are interested in the extension of sanitary sewer. Trustee I1u6'en um be sent a letter remindingsuggertedthatalllicensedcesspoolpumpersersg them of the permit requir.-,menti for cesspool pumping. Xilton Franke, 1215 Loldenrod Lane, appeared to request a variance from RE: WELL ORD. the required depth Qf 75 feet for a well under'the Well Ordinitnee. VARIANCE Hin problem is that at 75 feet the water in his area is poor yecause; cif lime, at a shallower depth, the water is good. Attorney Lefler atated that at the present time, we do no)t have a fell Ordinance. When tha Village adopted the Ordinance Code on hay 1, 1967, it repealed the Well oedinanee and wu have not as yet replaced it in the: Ordin&nca Code. 1 11.0TION by Kayor Staples, sevond by Truatee Hagen, to adopt ORDINANCE, ORDINANCE 67_ NO. 67-4, AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE INSTALLATION, CONSTRUCTION, ALTERA- REOUL4TINQ Y iLv TION, GIYTriNSION, IMPAIR AND h-AINTENANGF OF INDIVIDUAL DOif.ES"c'IC WATER SUPPLY 8Y1STFYS. h otion passe; by a rive Ve vote. 0MON by N,ttyor Staples, second by Trustee Hagan, to grant a variance of the Well Ordinance in regard tv the depth of the well, subject to the approval of the Building Inspector and 1:ngi:.eer, to fiilton Franke:, 1215 Goldenrod Lane. .otion passed by a five :Ve vote„ Upon motion made and carried, the mooting wau adjourned at A:;i(j .'.aa. A't too t a.._LLtt N- to ik '-t Sharon A:. Uardinier, Secretary Lorin F V b 3 tapielu, Jr. , t.aylur RE: VARIANCE OP WELL ORD. APPVD.