HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 05-01-19670 KIIJUM OF VILLAGE COUNCIL MMING PLYNOVI", hINMOTA May 1 v 1967 A regular meeting of the Village Council was called to order by Mayor Loring ke Staples, Jr. at 7:30 p.L- Present: Mayor Staplen, Trusteed O'Fallon, Duntley, and Hunt, the Village Administrator, Attorney and Engineer. Absent: Trustee Hagen. Invocation was given by Rev. Kenneth A. mere, Pilgrim Evangelical United Brethren Church. MOTION by 'Trustee Duntley, second by Mayor Staples, to approve the minutes of the special Council meeting of March 209 1967. lotion passed by a four aye vote. Trustee Hagen absent. MOTION by Truetee O'Fallon, second by Trustee Hunt, to approve the minutes of the regular Council meeting of April 17, 1967, with the correction of two typographical errorse lotion passed by a three ayi vote. Mayor Staples abittained. Trustee Hagen absent. PUBLIC KMiIGS Mayor Staples opened a Public Hearin& to consider the vacation of a portion of Old Country Road 24• The Administrator reported that this is presently not being used as a road and the County has long ago abandoned this road. Mayor Staples opened the hearing to gaestions and comments from the floor. No one appeared and Nayor Staples declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:45 I) -me MOTION by Mayor Staplos, second by Tr •iat,ee Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION RESOLUTION 67 8 N0. 67-48, A RESOLUTION VACATING A K.RT:JN OR OLD COUNTY ROAD 24 as AE: VACATIO'i OF descrihed in the resolution* kot,*.jn paseed by a four aye vote. PORTION OF CO. Trustee Hagen absent. RD. 24. Trustee Hagen arrived at 7:50 p.m. Kayor StaFles opened a Public Hearing to consider the vacation of a portion of Old County Road No. 70. Attorney Lefler reported that the right -of -gray as shown on the plat maps is not the road that is actually being used at the present time. He stated that a petition by the owners of Lots 1-9, Medicine Lake Park let Division, had been filed requestinf; the vacation of the portion shown on the uurvey sheo-ts which is not being usod. kayor Staples opened the hem-ing to questions and commeittu from the floor. Nor. William Park, owner oP Lot 5, appeared as spokesman for a group in favor of this vacation. No one appeared in opposition and Kayor Staples declared the Biblic Hearing closed at 8:05 p.m. NOTION by kayor Staples, second by Truotoe Ol Fallon, to adopt RFZOLUTIUN RFSOLUTION 67-49 N0. 67-491 A RESOLUTi©N VACATING A PORTION OF OloU COUNTY ROAD 70 as REt VACATION OF described in the resolution. kation passed by u five Vo vote. PORTION OF CO. RD. "1 U Council 14,tnutes - hazy 1, 1967 - Page 2 Herbert Sdanson, 12430 - 24th Avenue North, appeared as spokesman for a group of residents on 24th Avenue regar0ting the condition of this street. He stated that at thb time they requested to be put on the agenda, the road was in miserable shape. It in passable now but they would Tike to know what 's to come as far as this road is zoncernede The Administrator informed them that due to eome problems with easements, this portion of the sewer project got started late and did not receive gravel last fall. As noon as the road limits go ofi, we will gravel this area. Xr. Kilton Clemons, 12530 - 24th Avenue North, appeared regarding drainage in his area. He stated that about five years ago, the Village built a spillway for dr%inage. The sewer crews have destroyed Chia ditch and blocked one of the culverts. The Engineer stated that he would take a look at the culvert and the spillway will be repaired. Dennie Longren appeared regarding his request for storm sewer on quaker and Saratog% Lanes. The Engineer reported that since the last meeting he had contacted the St. Louis Park Fagineer who said he was too busy at this time to consider thios He had written to the State Highway Department requesting that in lieu of the storage capacity taken up by the service road, that a culvert be extended from the and of Saratoga to a culvert under State Highway 55. They have instructed their Hydraulics Department to check into this. The Administrator was directed to place this on the May lath agenda. A petition was received from nine residents on Holly Lane requesting an investigation of the dust problem on that road. The Engineer stated that the cost of two seal costa of oil would be approuimately 25 cents for the first one and 20 conte for the second. However, the bar,, on thin road is very thin and 4a does not feel that seal coating would he of much use. Neil Wichterman appeared and stated thm he had done considerable work on this roa:i last spring. The Engipeer recommended that we have at least a 4" base on this road. If there are trucks using this road, he would recommend that a 6" gravel base be put on. Roger Schmidt, 4635 Holly Lane, questioned why calciuln chloride could not be used. The Engineer was directed to check on thio and make her recommendations at the May 8th Council meeting. Swan Jarnes, J. & 0. Construction Company, reque9ted 4% 20 foot setback waiver for Lot 7, Blook 4, Oreentrea Foreat 2nd Rdlition. They require this because of a ponding area in the rear of the lot. MOTION by kayor Staples, second, by Trustee Hagen, to grant the 20 foot setback waiver as requestad by J. A U. Construction Company, D.otion passed by a five aye vote. Sven Jarnea, J. do G. Conetruction Company, requested a 10 foot setback waiver for Lot b, Block 4, O;%eentree Ebreat Rod Addition, in or'4r to place the building in line with the proposed building on Lot 7 and not Rive the proposed building on Lot 7 the appearance of crowding Ahead of the existing structure on this street. NWION by Trustee Hagen, second by Trustee O'Fallon, to grant the 10 foot vatback waiver as rtiqueeted by J. 0. Conetruction Compcuay. Notion pa©uod by u five uye vote. RE: COND. OF 24TH AVE. Wo RE: DRAINAQE AT QUAKER a SARA— TOGA WINE' RF: DUST CCMTROL ON HOLLY LAND RE: GRAFTING 20' SETBACK WAIVER J A 0 CONST. CO. R1:; OHAir i NO lU' SETBACK WAIVER J 3 0 CONST. CO. Cauanil Kinutes - May It 1967 - Pace 3 MITIOKS. Rnum" A COKKUNICATIONS, The Wayzata Evangelical Free Church requested a waiver tit' Section Sit of the Zoning Ordinance, io allow thea to locate two buildings on the same tract of land. The Church In located on a six and one quarter acro tract and they would lake to erect a parsonage on this same tract. VTION by Mayor Staples, sacond by Trustee Hunt, to grant the Wayzata Evangelical Free Chvrch a waive: of Section Six of tte Zoning Ordinance as raquested* kotion passed by a 1 va aye Yate. Robert Crows appeared to request an 8 toot sideline waiver at 8925 - 47th Avenue North in order to construct an attached garage onto the east and of his house. The adjoining property is a 20 acre tract with no buildings* kOTION by Layer Staples, second by Trustee Nuat, to rant the 8 foot sideline waiver as requested by Robert Crewee litotion passed by a five aye vote. Roy Klaueman appeared to request a lot consolidation and subdivision waiver on Lots 15 and 16, block 4, Klausnaas Addition. He requested the consolidation of the west 18 feet of Lot 15 to the east 69 feet of Lot 16, thus c:eating a uew tract Qf 87 x 227 feet in area. This would create three lot3 with frowtages of 131 feet, 87 feet and 112 feet. XOTION by Trustee O'Fallon, second by Mayor Staples, that the request for lot consolidation and subdivision Maivar by Roy Klausman be denied. Kation passed by a four aye vote. Trustee Hunt voted nay, Henry Ohnstad appeared to request a subdivision waiver on Lot 13, Block 29 Sunrise Acres. Kre Ohnstad had requested this previously but had been denied. Now he feels that with sanitary sewer service available, this lot could be divided. Trustee O'Fallon asked Kr. Ohnstad if he received two mep xate tax statements for this property and hire Ohnstad stated that het diu. Attorney Lefler stated that possibly sometime in the past a conveyance had been filed before the Ordinanco regarding sub• divisions was adopted. Trustee OlFallon suggested that this request ba held over until the mit meeting and the Attorney be directed to check the status of this property At the Court House. Leo Cnok appeared to request a Qideline waiver of 5 fact and a setback waiver of 10 feet for the location of the proposed dwelling on Lot 7, Block 2, h1di n Acres 2nd Addition. !le requeste theuo waivers becauoe he feels th-vt locating the house in this manrer would keep it in line w:kth ex.atiieg dwellinga an 40th Avenue and Trenton Lane. KOTION by RaLyor Staples, second by Trustee Hunt, to grunt the eidoline waiver of 5 feet and the ao tback waiver of 10 feet act requested by use Cook* kotion passed by a :five aye vote. Sheldon Tart appeared to request the extension of oanitarty newer oerviee along State Elighway 55 easterly of Count;r Rced De R.0'rwl by K. Vor Staples, second by Truutee Duntiey, to adopt MOLUTION N0. 67-.50, A RESOLVr:ION ORDMINU PREPARATION OF RKPORT ON INSTALLATION OF 3AI41TARY SEWER in Lots 19 21 1" and 13, Block 2, and .Gots 11 2 and 39 Block 5, 3ahiobo's Highlcmd Viet Addition. Kotion paused by a, five aye Vat 9 53 HE: WAIVER APPYD SEC. 69 ?"Iva WAYZATA EV. FRET! CHURCH RE: SIDELINE WAIVER AMID. ROBERT CREWS RE: WAIVER RBQUWT DENIED Re KLAUSKAN RE: SUED. WAIVER HWY OHNSTAD RE: SIDMIKE: A SETBACK WAIVERS APPV'D., Le GOOK RESOLUTION 67-L0 ORD MING MPORT ON SAN. SEM IN SCHI F.AES HI M AN VIEV UDN. 01 U 1 L Coq bil lliamtss - T 1, 1967 - PaP°4 Pal -Time EUMM a (Meas9 tet% sholdc a Tett stated that he had changed bis mind on his .request for final apprnval of the Rearrangement ut Schisbe's Highland Vier Addition. He w old J ik* to ro peet. acceptance of the frontage rued oo State Hi~ yj. The Adsini':.-axw ass directed to put this on. the Kay 15th nda$ RF30LUt'! MS A MINAl1CM r The Administrator reported on Us revised eoaetruetion schedule for the RE: Cons'!'e ie. avesent of County Road 18 as fo-1iors l I FM From Stats Highway 55 to 26th Avenue Porth - contract to be UPR.: OF CO. let in Yate 1967 - construction tQ start in 1968. RD. 18 Prom 26th Avenue North to Couaty RotA 3 contract to be let in late 1968 - construction to start in 1969. The portion frac County Road } to County Road 10 was divided into three phases: 1) contract to 00 4et is 1968 - coast.-uct:oa to start in 1968. 2) contract to be let in 1969 - construction to start in 196940., 3) contract to be lot in 1969 construction to start in 1969.70. From County Road 10 to Village northern boundary - contrast to be let in late 1968 - corstruction to start in 1969a ir-02IOR by kayer staples, secan4 by 'trustee liagen, to aAopt *% OLUI`ION NO. 67-51, A RESOM ION APPMINO ANP MCOURAUlliu" 'TIM PROPCSED SCHV)` OF DFHELOMMIT AND CONSTRUCTION OF CUUMPY ROAD 13 and cpprovinp Plane for that segment of County Roa3 18 from County Road 10 ,o the northern boundary of the Village. motion passed by a five aX, v`te. Engineer Honeutrro reyorted further regarding the storm serer to 3e installed by the County. He stated that he had an estimate of =11,01000 for the portion of storm serer from 26th Avenue to County Road 10. RESOLUTION 67 -Sl RR: CO. Rp. 1 SCHEDULE OF Adminietrator's report received regarding the, use of fsceimilo sianatures.RSSOL 6 ]-51MOTIONbykayorS,aples, second by Trustde aunt, to adopt RIMOLUTION AM U= OF N0. 67-521 A RMOLUPION AUTHORIZING THE USE OF FACSIl1ILE SIONATURFIS on FACSIMILE SINAft all checks and drafts of the Village of Plymouth and directing the TURES depositary of the Village (let National Bank of Nlnneapolis) to honor ouch instruments bearing facsimile signatureso tiotion paused by a five aye vote. Atturney's report received regarding the adoption of the Ordinance Code. He briefly rent through the entire code listing the chances and additions from the present Village Ordinances. He was directed to make the following cha ngcs: Chapter VI, Section 4.06 (a i) thickapea of concrete driveway Vrom five to four inches. Chapter VII, Section 8.04 (a) change in wording of paragraph dealing with installation of unitary serer in subdivisions. kOTION by kayor Staples, second by Trustee Duntley, to adopt ONMANCE N0. 67-3, AN ORDINANCE ADOPPINQ A aENMAL CODE OF ORD_VANIIM MR y44E VILLAGE OF k"-jWtOU H* Lotion pauuo i Ly a five aye vote. The adoption of the revised Well Ordinance was directed to be put can the May 8th_ agenda. ORDINANCE 67-3 A;)OPTINQ ORD. CODE r wt. Coubail I iAvutes - My 1, 1,967 - Pv 5 n LdmAlmistrator's report. received regarding activity of tse IasW**b.a. Dsparte en4. Administrator's report received regarding appointments to the Park Commission. hOTLON by hayor Staples, second toy Trustee Bunt, to reappoint Ralph Larson, :1710- - S3rd Avenue North, as an at"iarge member of the Park Cormamijione i.otion passed by a live are vete. Adninistrator'A report received regwding the Village's application to 'Rennepin County for Funds un.:er the Lake Improvement Program e D,,OTIOH' by Trustee Hagen, second by Trustee Huntt to adopt RMOLUTION NO-. bM59 A RMLUTION AFPROVING M. APPLICATICIN OF Vkt.LAM OF PLYROM FOR ASSIST:. U. Alai THE IMOVF. ENT OP MMICINF LAKE and authorising the Clerk-Adm;.nistrator to make ouch apRlication. I=c:tion passed by a five aye vote. NOT -10Y W kayor Staploa, second by Trlstee Hunt., to appoint Harry Hawos, 6001 Glenwaod Avenue, as officinal weed Inspectros for 107 for the Viliagv of F1ymoutt at a salary of $700, per year. #Lotion paeaed by a five aye vote. Einginear 1loneutruo re{uested direction in the restoration of the street surface on Forestvle b lune. The Administrator was directed to set up a Reeling with the Village Council to view this road. RMOLM101 6M5 APPROVING APPLICI FOR FUNDS FM Me LAKE IKPR. Ka APP0GIt1MMR OF WED INSP to •7_ d - RK: COND. OF MMMEW LANE Engineer drnes+roo requested that a meeting be sett up to consider the RE: D&R. PLANS plcula for the improvement of Highway 55 from Interstate 4j4 to Cour ty FOR HItIt1WAY 55 Road 18. The AcUinistrator was directed to set up a meeting with the Hennepin County 'lighway Department officials rega xv%g these plans. Engineer :Bonevi roe presented a preliminary report on tht improvement of Dunkirk Lane from County (toad 24 south 4,600 feet. He uttate that this would necessicAte base correction, sharing of the road. C1aua 5 daee, insttallatior., of culvert, tree removal. and excavation of soft spots for a dub -total o.ost of S'9 40. This cost plus contingencies and on gi- neerit esti d tot 1 approximat4ly old, OU. D.OTION by i-ruatee Hxat, oeoond by Nckyor Staptea, to adnat RMOLMON N0. 67.531 A RMOLLR'.ION RTMVlNia REPORT AND OALLINO POR PUBLIC HFAMINO on the improvement or Dunkirk Lane on .luno 5, 1967, at -the Village 1U%11 at 7:30 p.m. kotion paaeed by a five aye vote. RESOLUTION 67-53 CRI VI1ia Raw c1' SMINa DATE YOR PUBLIC HFAR. VONRI RK LANE IM sFing aaerlu report received on the sewer croaaing under 1"terstate 4)4 RK::o'.'1fF.R CROSS - at Plyn'.oath Creels. He estimated that thi` Village sou`d eave approximate- INO AT Q4 & 1), Volooa to 412,oUO 4 open cutting thiot trvnoh now rather thcati have PLYkOU11H CRM to tunnel under the fnewV rafter it is ookipleted. b M044 boy Layer Stuplea, oeoond by Truatee 11unt, to direct aha '%nRinoer to worts up detailed eutimatea on costa of either open cu, -ting or tutuoo:l.ing under Interetate 4-,A. h.otioii ptaeued k? a five 40 vo'e. L# oN aM & Perth4I T 3 OT:IQN by 11"ruotee 11u.1G, second by I,Mor St %p.`uu tca t,Approvo Well Lioeneea WL:4L LTC. ARo.'1) 1 for Simar Well CvrpaV, Targinraon Wc 11 Cairpany ttn4 Htt"."ati Well Cou,paey o c-tion paeued by a five sye vale. Council %inutes — Mayr It 1967 — PNP 6 LIC S!fS T`39 cont'doft S(v k0M11 by Trustee Hunt,, socend bd• /ayc w Staples, to appyvve Class I CLUS a Lice f icenne! for quickwayr Ruavoung, Osseo. Motion pasted by a f-1Ye aya APPROYIM vote. Cb lks1. APFROPRIAT1 MS & CMTERACT PAiflCa: NI LOTION by k aver ;tap_"b i, second t y Trustee Hagen, to approve the regular P.F.i, PATROLI payroll of A;:sil las :q67* totatltng'6,,.JS.60. LoCken passed by a f'ivia APPROVO aye Vol e. TJe f` '"tkl eati'w to in the amQU&" of 3 ,475.3 , for the Xonivam L -me.. F --R; AUM LARK Ir.:pravem6aU was pastaoAwtsd until .he ,dmiaiatrater •ha::,.ad with YMr. 11YR. PifaLd -to Peo 'ghat -the t mi to of 'W project were, and tiiore was deme quejtion ae v ,i whother a badly bro, 3n up piece of the rex. A arae, wt thin this T mutoo c%L;P n .raquoatjd that diacuacicart of the cl te lFix.. of aaatita.r awe.:• in tho gebtemt Fart of the V llcAge he plarQd n th-.a next Council agcfmin. Jpon <kution made tat i ct—Wriel, the maeting wao ad4o-4rneil at l t t 22 p. t.e t i •' d G 1` ` C ti C i `e. r ' n:u t, u d rtier ocr atcuy Lorin ,fie t5 tapl9tij Jes , f-'Ikv )r