HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 02-13-1967E I q replan O'e-olk.J.-N66 Of tivi 17-Ul.ago Cop-Acil. was. cwt,!" to order by ),k&Wov. 0vingJAst -Stapless Jr. at 8: a. Preseatz t4eyw Slopliel. Tftsieau; OlFall'-aft t..' 4.0-U01yj 41ap. -it and Rvot Ike iii llaV. Adwinllvtratorl -me. O.-voxvRes. Lig r• Sta-Plea requeeled the C-OuAcil aft.4 audlance to 04.86 for :a momawk. WTON bar TftiOe 00AMI1OR, Bomd bjvl'Tft&--ka- UlA,Agsgg- to appr6ms mi-OuAve. of 00--avecial v;d-a-tilig, Or JOAAWY )0,,j 190. Lotiolk 13*13,94 Five ay -8.7 t b4y Truetee DuAitlewi 'veaclAd by Trustvi. DIFUliOn, 'to mWov e. the min -0.4s, of Ae re&ilur vo*tj'j-%g of ftlbruwy fip 1967. i. tion -passed by a rlvt .0.0 vote. I Rultledga:v NUedges OW.%trualion, Cott-pugy, app re -igardltg-, B.r. . Ra appearedowed L j J rep :Lott I I Olmak 2. Vra*sfer Vildihisreq&e%% for ^e.r A IJU Glen l ie Add-ittatty. a-6. aha. buil-ding vc1l" Al. ' Oo is the properly right--neflo qf.kcaltue to Count$11and No. 180, The Adwsplatralew OW another PrOPOTIby owftak, t -A thin vi-riniety he been lotto the Village of fiup aa- . a-ta-ted that -he liad. c0forred with officiale at .116ime-Pin County~ Highway and. thin' iarorme t him thalt it MA*n he Mai . 'lo to tAmSe the. plan -or the 36th Aventie in-terchug%. kr-. Rutledp was advised that. thero will be no tUrther action tak -ex an Wa matkor. =til si th Utme pa. 'kh-4 Villap ple vviAftan notalou tV*m Fie One pin Cgunty at tq whether Uiqt can be 6. The Ad ty owneve In theWinistratiwwudizoatodVanolIfyOlpropor vivinity of -t.hq: 366t.h Avoue. Interchange and- Romaepi-Ift CGUOY arftuia-14 to to prefien-Vat -the Mvuary Mth, 1967l Coy, nvil hagamt-ing to. Ejiucuqls thx.s intenhaWo *ad at that time thl.-4 01hit of tke tranef. rrivig OT tho building. iptrint. will. b4 lakgn up. L PlIv-owth. Avo-oue roqueeUd a waiver, or :..lie tl. Ign permit.. foes for.'two. lVelijavioll, ajipie on Itichway No-. t. QFPj 04 4 1 VA 13. S 4 1 ktY' OLN601% 2 kl. 0. 1 0 0 k ! kW Trunee Oto approve. %ho vajv.lQr a.r Ue. ujLni pertait feau! ft -r- the Plymeath. JoyceQue tation Vausod Uy, ck ftva tWe vate. The. reparted an the. poveiOility- OT Bower a-vuiltbbilitly chugen xtd- thih mattfor wtin rafarrad to 'the Rugh Ota. Council meetiage Adinii-ilatrutorle report rocaivad. reffaWling reduction of aeorow, far. Ca di to I -qlvt Ter-racm Addition tuid L.Jewittree tkr@u-t Ind AddiUan. [t® vamamutvlad- rgleamo, at thlu eumuov o4ject -to 'kho klavololper pa.ying QLU r000-ovinil to the Villunge . Trustee lixtult roqAtuted that 4W.L.4 44 Pootpolled tAlitlU -thathabrum-ty 110th Council meet.nom'to. Allot? the Road 110TUATV IQ ... alrok "tho, in'llas u mtM -fluky W0111411b k I OFRK -9 NORAW- 1144L RUSS PFIR11T RFit WAIRS UV ISION PPS: T. M Uh IMUCIRIOR IN UmMIR, CA"Ovzo LIM,. T MWAWI 41 UIP1,10TURK .11"MT I 0 i L Q'ILeLQ'i.1 6.#I tt,tilael: - P ' . F>"ua' , ':ri • :$' ` ' 114 M- afracqAms Sol".), C3 U-Mms t. C:f tW- Trustees Maim, aacand bg True -teles E Wtv to relJOUaa, ihe et a IRF:: R.; VrA-jCD1 1$ fir QmaUmo .ftra t• 2rA hrAU= ct kA ta, hold -the Comiuv for Canllealiaht. M. IMWlr SWAN, light Terrace Addlitiaxa x mil the brum-y 20-th, 1;JO, meeting. ticktion. 04%&,16 . RW 220 jkVged $&. a five tya. M&W. A i mm atraw I s rapsart reeoi•vea . r c s .Eta gr+5 t iaiR aa!" ther aru! ar-M ik( illi. dp +a al ger rte nt. aealFa ftr ,khe, Bfta pan Netighte- atar Sever Proaact.. 3T41HE '"H:M ASA,!F. N atryt.elei i'hat, Ex. Egi.1 Wafcald told Are -pare than apeciAL aeaeanni .t. r, 11 for a Limp nuct prase of 34,350---M plurs the. ca.;rt Of 'kit 1z a of the. Od . pAer' rat. crygta, a aml it arra Ma r acr=,,eer iat io n that Nr. 4044d be Omtltarievd, to pre•apare this rill. ZX710;i by Truutoa O':'okian, 4e*.ot K ` .! .-2" pt4yelr: y ppi} aa,, to ik CO Q+ i'IQN.. 41a- 67-211, l1" Q- yfiJ`; th0:. L7 i } i.' yF: it (WO[ a n+ 16 C"L l L J T %M- V 1.U' y ` .14L E` S il•,i f W a. yM r1}4aii DMEE {1 r i1. i 1 ii1 ,; {• aV . i l• . pr a act, rio. it-;r, seal aut r.aa x *w.F;IaI x. kelar i't •t p.>~aplreE''lC' tFti.:a ntaau:ier a>Ict r-aZk. L.at:i.a..p a. a Fina qyv•t.q. 64`l. Ax,.iriatratar' o x epe.rt rece ixvA r. ;moi ai rtaI rl+ppo t tu:e'e t r4b NOW Ing -gator' fog.. fter , err 1.367410 'W't hey hod COM •' W 444. r 1r. Marry 'HW,:aa 411A l.r• ERZ :o'tt fnFarmed hi.r 1h;A he Would k i Kaa f aw. d(d to thijkle tljjts a4rex•,. The m.'t tar eras .paat po ic utttii. tkt+ 'abrLt 20+1 Camexicatie. I &Wor 3tapleo ealled .for Oppointmenta. U. 'tbQ- Aclmaryr• Comp. U69 an Public 3af°eZtg, Truatea at'mAley. appa:in'tod U11111am 4:.1-etonaam, 1. -. 12th Avanuct vorkh.. 1 ayar 1$tap.l,eu cappe-M-ted Alm NOW, 18105-4. 3:Xr, &VOL ua f'ir'th, Truo-tee Magovt ap.pn.iAW. NorMon Tari"Iaan.a 12)1i0 - 627-th ttvanw 4+01,th.. Truce taa lluat A 41,nta;l Rarolct Raimer., 41025 Arch veto6 rte*4q. mmi mala- ai .;sin -Wiv.-tis will ma' Yq:uie- an ftbruary Wth. TIrr_i1t4a J.,tN-L lion L-.0 %UW Lkwt the [layor alre at t.he Chax:rMazt of the. cam iUeee to Itat.iI)p thy. CQtutcil wheft 'Ghey have moribera. who him pates attendance rocmta and that. Lo•tttra be twitter& to thQue. mate -bares to 'tr-y t.a t prow tho r•tturttl.lm. Pvel 011T34 & LIC 7;WS i.t ' l b t:.+<•t®o' Et,4«t., a-:t ! A:q 3r 3taAl.o, to approve EttAwwt't•4 Licamm 110.: 45 - Am aaruxt Iro r, :t4. awk•4 c Finn,, NQ•. 4" 'dam! a. MaGe. t-otiqu pg;sm V A. 16Sx,%14• nyo. VOW., Rpt CSG'. LIC419, Mo: a li- d47. APTY' De t-ISURLUJUatfl, lt tar tay e.c_'1a.et•agartQct r4rk +ctio a0UVQOUtO1L'tQ fi . WknitM; naWui^p olce'tit : ;JUVI :1EON a. t?a d • 14 Itnu h rooemri.oncla -an thatthe ettt.t ,p a,a t ala rw Aa.'ii 4.42,71, amC onaed '1:uo to the. fug t that 'titer ant•ere' cmuu=en•t rtal.1 1.,LFy i,1e} invalid for th,-i r o..a -a that +41t!.iQ.raus { na.tlait-tua hovel heon Unaw-144ad. ih: i.t;, a;%A thiA 'the 4outici : doemi1, wh9 they Wish AD it:im. to do Un" ru1a'tgd fQ to lau't oa •1,Aslte [. vch b'th tejamtkk and the Adiaiaxotrator wikc Eiirov•t? to tA rce an:1v:a c t that tim aro to havt to le:mid im thea, i Q"'.':lt"'i by 'qua 1 sea I•tumt, aoeoM ' rufa- oo IttmV that. the ;Monter be ctiroot¢)ci to I'mite a IlAter is ;seta -me iWlni,, ;irt•r antioi .::h1 ri t rc ucmkicnt, that thoy ru:Natl thct I:vtt .4a pr id Vto.fay the a ri(;ip1-%1 Vr4;p~u.t:tl: k Qr VIO ct. Rt ary umwer •t umament. ro.lt b 1.. Q t1Qn Immupc4 kv a 1`wi% clyn Ver to . upon i ,kl' 4 i .11MLe n.at 4'i 4.1'11 l U110 mCtatt.e.cttT rf;hf-j gd"Qur-Rod Mi : t p•l«. A Y 0