HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 01-30-1967 Specialn I kD'1'":3 ©i 0,037 -;CAL lrILLA071` 3J, 467 IL";C 7. i "iI 4, F,:,7f3.31Iri'ltt •.I.;:':0.0'iA A .special Lgeating of thq. Vil,:la Co,=cil wao callad to order by I,_ayor Lorialg L. Staples, Jr. abl 9:00 p.r, . The! train purpose oi' the: mretin4s vac to discuss -prc+lposed ohangee, in -t-he existing Village Flu+ ti.cg OrA.ina rces. Fremint.: b.agyor Stap le6, ' L etueaa J'F'ctlloxt, D`:rt.ley, Fts,Ye.ry gad 1Funt, the Villa&ft Ai3n nist-r4—tor, Attorney dad 1 n&vore Abs.utr•t.; :Tana. Also Preseat: Chairvani rxwt and membors, of the P1w, vaing Commisel" 031. Chotirman Tl.gan of 09 Planning Commis ion stated that his Commxa.iyo.tl W not had tins to rea4y go over in detail theoe prgpor%1s ae a Toup, althou -they had read them- individually. There :follarta44 a generaI diacuuA n 4n the. meri%s of differerLt. a:4a iQAGn of the Pr4f:PQ-88(1 changes. its the Flatting Ordinaince. After the divocuoaion it was areuolved that the,x tentat-xvelyr set. the 20th al' February as the. next j.s tit, meeting vegarding •therse, proposed chax geas ie3 IN KATTING Me t.a,yror Stapled introduced the foil., rid g rasolut;ton .ind, moved, its adoptxan:FtF_- GUITIQU+ 67-21 RMOLUTIONi Has 6.1-21, A RMOLUPWN' OOMPIMcilkIO .APSD R.ATIFY1,3U GM. UTION OF GUNRIM -15NIN MAI C41MACIF FOR. M, 'lir La a.r and. Clark.-Adrirtiatratar fqr ae uiaitiem of FOR 10"7 1A0 PARK certain.. lands for park pvlaose.s. Thio wquld approve the purchase of LAN% tho Chaxlas Leatu property fbr the total pu.rchoue priaa. of 825,O00 payyeble 45,23Q on the date of the execution of the Contract .for Deed and S19,800 to be paid on or before Aufua.t 15, W67, and 'also to authorize •the UNporary- tranufor cif 55,00O f_bot+ the Storm. tiewer E1.1perve Accoui1t to the RVrk Ace4ant 01, the purpose of pVing- thQi natltdl contr"ot pa4mtertt,. *VNiu, monkey_• is to be repaid to the Storm. Sawer Ret;,ervu Accaunt upon the dale of the. 3110,00+) ,Pwrh Boal Isaae, t,otie.re seconded by Trustee ,Kurt and pataaed b o a fans Aye i xLe-k. The Administrator staled thnti a prac ico !lata, hoot ing o,ri or the PUR: PADAUT Q10 last aauple of yea re of ,xVing prkrt-time qualifiad avow Plovi.ng hQ.l.p TIMPe MPt,OMM the avb o rate of pay uo the M41 -.time, street doptu., kent..perporaiel. There. had been no Counoi.l authorization for th,tu as far (to he coald aucor-tain an. he requeo -ted that the Cotuaail give such aut.hosriaa ,, .Loa because thea.e people that were hlxed were tlualif,ced people and e,.tper- ianaad in plawing unow. I OTION by I•,ayor Staplau, saagrnd by Truutee Duntl.e$, to autho-riao the Admi.nintrator 'to pay qualified part-time help tho pariie au the full-time. regular Villago StrQet Depculi,ent employoeu if thQ a tmation a -d tho qual ifw%Atiorte Qx' 'the pac.ple hirwt narit it, Lotion PaGued by al f: v'e ava VQ.t : e Thet- 1inlutra-tor repurtad that kr. I eCoomb, tho Village 1`5gkinuar of R`•:: t.FMICIIN+T LW t edicine Whe, requeetedi that tit" Flyu-ith tai 4.wt Counoi.l awthoriaq "116!'AHY Vwaal pe.raonn to nag atiate with. I Qdloine Uke regarding the coaneQtion of 0 (16 8 ;C'f 100 of the ua llUry uavor between Wo two caimn.tniti.ou. The AdIdniutra.tor repgrtud. t.hM the bic aia of thus ugroament would be tido F13mrou th Village propoual 'to treat t ndti aine Lak thkl same eta t ty raub iaviaiurt t'u: t!+a purpoueu of adtrtittuNy Dower Qonneotiar. i h .Ji January 30, 1; 67 - Pvjge 2 r klr-ay- ltap les, seconi by '.trustee :ent., to authorize the ;t : IMIC169" UICI'. Uninist ,star, cr. Spli;nte:r, -the %giaeer, Ir. Bo;tes.tr", aM -the ;A:r.. 3WMl cirMl'^,cT. Attorne; , 1. r. Lefler; -to proceed with ne otiAtions with the Village of P.ed`,vlwi rake reg,-xd;: ng, the connr,ation of %::vt s:vmitary acurer 'JetvCex tate two avmrlt Iles and ret•jxu to. tae Ca=c ,l dor I)otal app. oval. i'V,Otion paaend by a five q,e vM+e. Upon vvtion mad,a and carried; the meeting wiw,, adjourned at 11:24 p..n . Attest: t6t oaring t.. :itaplea, r., a I