HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 12-20-19650 I;TNc.ITI;S :?.' VZLi_,AGE Ca'FUL ;-.£.i;TZNC PI,114 1 ''H, L)ecemtler 10, lc, 5 A regular meeting of the' Village Council waw, called to order by Mayor Loring 9. Staples, Jr. A 7e30 p.m. Presents Mayor Stapleu, Trusteep Curtis, O'F,allon and Humphrey, Trustee.. elect Hunt, the Villagw Administrator. Attorney and Engineer. Absent: Trustee Sevicur. Mayor Staples requested the Council and audience to rise for a moment of silent pr Wer.. ' WrION by Trustee U'Fallon, second by Mayor Staples, to approve the minutes of the ragular meeting of December 13, 1965. Motion passed tV a four yea vote. Absent: 'Trustee Seviour. FUDLIC HEARINGS Mayor Staples opened the Public Hearing to consider the proponed extension of Sanipja•.y Sewer Laterals into the Loot Lake area (Mea. dow Lawn Additions and Alden Acres), the boundaries uc described in Notice of Hearing published Docomber 2 and -9, 1965. Meyor Staples introduced Otto Boneytroo, the conuulting ong. ineer for the project, who described the proposal to the assembled as Well as the proposed financial plan relative to the project. Folloning the presontation, members or the public present were invited to ask questions and make such commonto as they might have. Numerous questions wore rained and were answered Illy the Eng nor ', the rlgygr and Trustees, and the Attorney. 'Thomas T. Renner, lou2O 40th Ave. N., preacnted a petition signed by 20 residents request. ing installation of sanitary cowor lateralu. Richard Olson, 4020 Trenton Lana, presented a petition silTned b;,.- 15 recidonts opposing the installation of sanitary Gower laterals. 'ft .:aliiod .o signing of tho opposing petition .o being mainbr to establish the opportunity to quostion the roason for the f0lr.re of fairly new septic tank a ,,stoma in the area. After all, prenont had boon heard, Mayor Stcplon declared tho Public Hearing closed. MOTION by 'Trustee Ilumphroy, socond by 'I'ncotee O'Fallon, to adopt RESOLUTION Ws 65-131, a RESOI.LiTWI A1111110'WIC PROJECT AND OIIUERI1:C PREPAI+ATION OF 111JINa AND ZIPECIFICAT;UINS for thl of sanitar7 nowor Intornla in the Lout Ike arcs.. notion pationd by ,L four ;,yea voto. Absent: Trustoo Sovicur. 1140TION try Truntoo ("Pt I lore, second 1v °1'1'UtJtee Curt,I., A) that the 1, teraln bo t at nnoc1 but not oxcaoutud without Couno:l roviow -.nd oppruval (thin wog: -lei be clone tarot by arca) and 2) that the roouncil etuke t14g poscibllity of varying the aonosumuntn luxod upon tlhq hype of stror.t replu omo)tn required .in front of houneo. Motion pansod try a four ,yea veto. Aboontt `Crurtoo Soviour. PJrTION t\y Trus+too ftU1W,11rGY, acoond )Ay i%3tWnr ZItaplon, to tulopt iL;101JtJ'CICjI1 IdC1. tis»13i?, t liC tllli'l'l'C,N 1 r.[vx%li IiC'a`;1 111L1ILt1'1' Oi iill't- DIVIS10N OliDINI'At1C1;. 1,1ot.;lon j1anaed by a four vuta tot -D. Abnoitt: 111nintde Snv:loLr. 'l'a Resolution npnrovea the.) divia on of Parcel au detwribod in tho Iteuolutior. Anto tuo parcalm of ap+rox. Y'C f O nq. ft., tun requarted uy Fran) • Tlvooka. 193 Im, a INSTAL..wr1oN SEWED LATEIt,\1S LOST lalv"2 AR!.sk 0 Ii_ OLU'1'ION 65-11 SEWER LATERALS APPROVED LOST I&M AREA h1acC T,U'riON E1yr13? BIUNCA SUBDIV. IWATWAI APPROVED r 0 e It T Coundi 1 Minutes - December 200 '1965 - Page 2 s REPORTS , OF C FICERS. BOARDS & CO&UTTEES I L.ijgineer's Memorandum received December 13, 1965 recommending al,proval of Minnesota Lapartment of Higl:wayj plans as subm4 tted for Co. 11d. 18 and Ridgemount; Avenue. MOTION ty Trustee Humphrey, s ,condby leruatee O'1,`allon, to adopt RESOhU?ION NO. 65-133, a RES. OIIITION APPROVING TRE FLANS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AI'D SPECIFICATIONS fbr improvement of CSAII 18 and Ridgemount Avenue, Motion passed ttyr P three yea ,rote. ; hieyor Staples, Trustees Iiumphrey and ('Fallon 1 voted ayq. T-uotee Curtis 'Voted nay Trustee Soviour was absent. Engineer's Memorandum received regarding nonvoyance of the Wates ravel'pit to the; Village. NOTION >xt Mayor Staples, seconc, by trustee Curtis, that the Council ai:,thorino a letter to be written to the Commissioner of Ilighti.*,yra requesting that the Cates gravel pit property be conveyed to tho Village at ao cost. Motion passed lqy a fair yea vote. Absentt Trustee Ser+,our. Jb RESOLUTION 65-133 PUNS APPV' D. , C O. RD. 18 & RIDGE. ISOUNT AVE14TJE RE: GATES GRAVEL PIT Engineer's report received on bide opensd at 10 a.m. December 20, BID OPENING 1965 for installation of Storm Sewor Project X-96, Beacon Heights STORM SEWER Drainage Area IX. Biel tabu_atiun showing totals for basic bid and PROJECT X-96 alternate as followst BidderBasic Bid 1, 114t;n Kota Excavating. Inc. 5190,91 .90 2. Nodland Construction. Co., Inc. $1799635.50 3• Northern Contracting Co. $207,072.20 4. Hurley Construtotion Co. 3213, 218.50 5. F.D. Chapman Conatrniat ion Co. $2559712.70 6. C.S. McCrossan, Inc. 3230,8o8.00 7. C.L. Contracting Co. $244,960.00 8. Peter Lamotti Construction Co. 53409311.37 Alternate Bid 1439222o65 1609380.00 31660675.37 S196,o05.00 209,277.60 2101845.00 SP* 9 460.00 11-899447o87 The low bid wan submitted by Minn-Kotn rxs.avat_ng, Inc., 2126 44th Ave. N., r4innFlpolio, Alinnenot a, aE fol lows t Basic Bid $1409757.50 Alternate Aid 3143,222.65 Engineor'n Estimate 31220100.00 Its, low bid i© $21,1'22.65 or 1 ,Z. * ovsr tho Engineer's estimate. idOTION by Truntee burti©, second by Trustoe O'Fnllon, to RESOWTION 65-134, a RCSOU'L'I'wW REJECTINU BIDS ON STORP, IX. Motion ransed Iqy a four yea vote. Abnentt Truntee adopt PESOLUTION 65-1 SLAVER AREA REJCC'ED Sav =our. ,•41,l1C7' X- i 5 MOTION y '.trustee 011 nllon, second by Truatoo Curtis, to ..opt RESOLUTION N0. 65-1350 a RDo."Z LUTTON AUT1IORIt"UNG ADV W11ISE? : !Q1T FOR BIDS FOR STORM SX1i:',It A118A IX and netting the date for the bl open- ing an Jnnur.ry l'j, 19i)'%. M%jtlon passed by a four ,yea vote. ASaertt Truntoe :.ovidur. lin g,ineer'b Preliminary Hoport dated December 16. 1965 root iv -.-4 d rgTardArfr inutall:ction of annitary cowor latoral" to servo 1)10oka 4 & 59 t,..P ?..d Addition. iii( rION Iiy Tina ateu Curtis, nocoo by Trustee Ilumphrgv, to anopt RZE"j(111VIII ON NO. 65-1361 n 11E,15016110N ORD- EIRINC IWD PROrARATTON OF PMIS with mnpeot to the in- atallation or latornl sanitary oewers to aarvo I1looke 4 & 5 MIP and Addition. Motion t au nod by a four ,y oa voto. Abnent t T. 5evio. W. a 0 R SOWT-1 14 ()5-135 Ally.. F, F, 7155 STORM SEWI.'R ARM IX HESOLI'TION 65-136 HE t SEWER LATLMA BL. I & 5, t QIP 20 ADDITION Council Minutes - Dec9mber 20, 1965 -Page 3 Rs0RT_0Y MIXERS. BOARDS &' CCWZIII' S, cont' d. Enoch `Peterson, , Planr il1g Commission representative, appeared -in regard to a building permit and subdivision waiver for a Phillips 6h" Sarvi'r.j Station at Co. Rd. 10 and 11147, 55 as requested I C-ibbins and nave Caths. Ki. reported on a meeting attended f by the .n Iineer and the petitioners regarding a solution of tho service crivo satisfetctory both to the Engineer, and Planning Commianion, as authorized by the Planning Cnmmiasion December 16, 1965- A dj.zoussion was held of trde possibility of achieving add- itional station ,setbac'r to allow for future grade crossing, with the tentative Schiebee Corner Traffic Diagram Study No. 2, datod 1963, being considered. Georm Cubbine,,Dave Cates, agent and Phillips engineers were in attendance. NOTIOI: lty Trustee Humphrey, second by Trustee Curtis, to approve a 'ouilding"permit for a Phillips 1166" Service Station at Co. Rd. 70 and II1r. 55, approving the original plan without additional setback. Motion passed by a thine yea vote.: Trustee O'Fallon ab- stained, Absdnt: Trustee Seviour. Mryor. h'taples expressed mis- givings over approval of the aforemsn'tionod plan, but pointed out the tentative nature of the State ilighwqy Departmor;t plans. I;OTION by Trustee Curtis, second by Tri otee liu:nphroy, to adopt RME MUTTION NOj 65-137, a RESOLUTION AIPIMVIR I, %%1j%IVLR Or SUBDIVISION OFDIVANCE subject tc the rp.plicant enter;nr into a contract to con- struct service rn+,d under suaervision of the Village Enrineor. Motion passed by h three yea vote. Trustoo O'Fallon voted nay. Abcort: Tru,-Acc "avtour. iSCEL•I fTEOi; S t'^ION pi, Truc•'ee Curtis, seconi b,,i Mrsyor Ctaples, to approve hi.rinr; Heredice C. Justen in the capacity of part time police officer :to of January 1, 1966. Motion pn..sed by a four yea vote. Absentt Trustee Ssvicur. IUPICN by Trustee O'Fallon, nocond 1ky T.uatoo iiumrhray, to *1N;rovd hiring c ` Jamoo Grubcr for the position of IZoad Sliporinteandent for the Villago of Plymouth offeotivo the firet t"ondrky in January, 1966. notion pvaned hy a four ,}pea voto. Abaentt '1.'ruutat SoJiour. Truatoe IIum;lhroy tetide.ref' with reg -rot his letto.r of resignation as `I'runtoe of tho Villnro of 111<ymou t'i Juo to his tranofor to Paris, Franco. It uas moved by I?nyor '"lapleca, s000ndoQ 1•y Truetev Curtis! to n iopt I11'.,'30LI!'110N h0. 65-138, a 4REFICLUTION C01-22"NllINC TRUSTEE' IIUI>1rtn,%,Lx for his vrrr able aervice :for t,io :°aars on the P1Lvmouth Counii J , and aornpt ln, ; his rc i i_,,nrr_, t ion with a (qn, t deal of regret. Tho 11onolut.ion `zti adopted Ily uzinnimouo voto and ruotoc I1um•shrey received a utanding ovation. Trustoe Iiumrhrcgy r000niwonded Vrvtrico Dtj%noutar, 1305.0 :lhaz yvic.ro Lane. 61oyz,ata, for punoible Cpoointrnant to tho Planning Ccmminoion. iJN1 IRISIII.D iil",IhI;SS rho Attlorney roportod that no r.::trairmont han Doan roaeiv,_d on the P111:1' a 1:11intince at ",140 Olive L: no (burred houno) rand tha* domol- ition is not ;br Ilocombor ^', lc)05. ;,:0111XON hl Truntori Mallon,, s000nd lqv 11:x}0 .",t, nlon, th; tt following do:.ioliti bn the ni i,n ho com,- plOt©1,X 01031100 1.111 0nrl 10.1%- a, IV;, vvuL n4l' ui iol; to bo 'tblioti od i,r il610t the oviloro Or tho propn vty, 1 n.VC JV0J , Nt; Ian p 1 1r1®ti t1 four yea voto, Abnonto 'Vruoteu Cov,our. 1 6 r7 . E DG. PL•'IiI-aT t' VOV' D. "66" STATION 70 & 55 ZESCLUTION 613_1 SUADIV. WAIM 1.pPV D. "66" STATION 70 & 55 BBC. JUS'TEN IIIRED PT, TIME POLICE OFF IC ER JAMES CRUDER II IR EM - ROAD SUPERINTENDENT RESOLUTION 65-1j 8 TRUSTE" IIMEY COMMENDED 1 E t r'UHNt-T HOUSE 2.140 0LIVE' Tal1NE urioi Miautss — December 20, 1 6 — Page' 4 b; Cb f UlRMISOM MEOWS cont' d. ; The Administrator was dirocted to follow up or. the installation , of 'Inc prrking" sipna on Co. Rd. 9 near Ivy's Tarern. t;E1! DUSINFSS N.-- rycuest of 'Trustee Curtis, the Adminintrator vPs authorised to R.^s FLA "IS ON dirgct NSP to iiut uta identification fling on the cabl_ over Jed— .:MD. LAKE CALL icfne Lake sir, tsuickty as paccirio, for the purpose of ;:recanting possible sir'plane :accident. 1ei1'I V by Trustee "urtis, seeoru qr ftustco :Niwpl.rey, to approve„A.TER'RONI ^1A7. the arplxctie:e of Bernard I'. Pc:?mor for a "sot—up” 1'_ :once fairL'—L':' T i'CE3:y£ the s -It aterfrent Tavern,,, 2139 We Kedi,zino l lre Drive. io;:ion l:P.a'10y Passed by a fear yo: vote. Absents Truatee Seviour. 10TIOrI try '.Trustee Curtis, second k' V-cyor Staples, to approve esign Pc ;'_'Cid SIC;J normite Roo. 2680 269, 270 & 271 for Peeton, Inc* Motion passed rairlIT5 APPV'D, tq a four 1,14a vote. I1beente Tructeo Seviour. CLArM.S. APPROPRIATtONS; t CM'RACT rl yba.i%'TS NOTI(JM 1: Truc•tee O'Fv.11cu, second 1 ngY:u- Staplea, to L-liprove. checks numberse 1630 thru 1668 totaling 310,997.5O 'as 1; nted on the 11ovembc.r 22 and Docembe" 13, 1965 Disburpemont Statement for the Wnio-ipal Li: uor Storo, notioa pa^sed by a four ;lea vote. Absents Trustee Sevicur. Trustee L'F;:l.lon requoat%ad that copies of the Outside audit of the Li,euor Store be sent to the Council as -soon as com?leted. G`TICA by Tructoo O'Fallon, second by Tru: tee Humpnrey-, to :approve a 130.00 per month raise to Sd30,M per Month, effootive the first of the year for Johr; DeVura, eialooman tlunioipp t Liquor Store. lotion paaaed by d four yea vote. Absents Trustee Seviouke i 1::. I.A. STJRS DIC 9. STATEMErPY OPROM 981 J. D124LMA SALA3Y I1ICHEASE - LOTION tlr Truntoo Humphrey, second bLv -1 ructoe Curtin, to authc%ri:rb 350 PAID TO pgyment of 350eOO to tho Firomeno Relief mend for the Hamel con— 1MRS11lIMS VJND tract. Motion pcinnod lay a four yon, vote. Abs01-As Truntoo Sevinur. M It ane reruentod by Tr•.art,00 Curtin that a buds .t mooting !:o ant up @NEs POLICE DEFT. with the Adminic.restor dafto.r the, first of tho yo.*.r rog.'arding six RAW& month raicea ?or the Police Department. Upon motion made and carried., the meeting ndjourne d at 11 p.m. Attorts Re . Jcamod# tie orott+ry or w 0