HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 12-13-19651 3 W ti 1. - ,. MINY1 ES C1P VILLAGE COUNCIL I+iP.ETING PLY14*01MI10 r 1MI SOTA , Decembet 13,'1965 N A:Iregu,lar meeting of the Tillage Council was called to order W Mayor Loring X., SUples, Jr., at 7:30 p.m. 1 Prevent: YL*br Staples, Truvtees Curtis, 011."'l lon 6'nti Seviour, the Viilaze Administrator. Attorney, ank langinaer: Absentee. ->' Trualee Humphreys I.1 vor aplea rwquested• the Council and audience is '.so for a tgoman`c'' f ailenti pryer. Mn,• or ,Staples welcomed Trustee -e' ect Howard hunt and invited htm 'to nit at the Cou.noi 1 ta:ale. i:IOTIGA. W 'l'rustab Curtis, second by Trt:stee O'nallon, to approve the mi.nut4e of the r©gi; laT mooting 'of Dececabor 6, 1965. Mot_on passed by, a four yen ;rote. Absont s Trustee ti•am_ohrey. 540rIION thy 14,Vor• Staples, :`+aconic by Truatee Ee•riour, to appr9ve the minutes of the specual sleeting of Decomber 8, L965, Nation classed by a four rea vote, Absent: 'Trustee Humphreys PUBLIC F[EARINGS W-Nyor 9ta.rles =crested the Pulsl:.c Haaring -to conuiee r the ins-tall- atic'r of, :street iirftting- in. the folloaiing .4hdivisicna: C-:=oe.k; moil Hoit*.ake 1st Addition, Elm1 mrst Gcrderls, Elmhurst Lakeview anti Ashurst,, at an 'eQtfmated cat;•t of $1,' 36.20. NotiLce of 'detar— ng -nuiiii:hed Noverbar 25 artd Pacembor 2, 1965, 360 notices sent C, to abuttinpropbrty oan.ara. A" r. Kratchmer, NSF reFresentative, presented layout maps P-nd data on the proposed rystem. Itrrbart Swanson `arourht' to the atter.tion o.t` -the Council that carotin involved ai*a3 wero left out of the „ublication of hGarings mayor Staplers advised Rev. Curtis Joitn:•an of a 2nd hoaring to be hold 1, "Mn iaryr. Upon no further roapo se -to aal.l, the Nl.Vor dealarett the'hearing clot ed. 5:0:10 by 116wor ::tietples, eoc..nd W 'I'xvAtee O'Fallon, to adopt MFOLV711T011 NO. 6;-127, a 1tL•';:t'LUTION RMETYING RMIMT .U1 -1D CAILING FOR P.M,.r. VISAIM rin e-traot, Xigohtinr, for. Pon.. walk .'Iddition, eta. '.:onion pnraci: by+ it Baur you voto. Aboon•t: mI'un•tee JK%mphr,ov . '1 1301tlt i o.lt -1;:7 Geta tho vlaclrement i o -nod Itip,mr-ing for Jolnur. r'•y 1.1, 1966 nt 7000 Ir=.1. 1 a"1'I'Cx01.«. a,;>y i•a,,`a ' C h:+amu+• ,•.•' iTC'I.." r.r-A rrY7•Y 1-•1l i• Y. 7 Sidney Levin, attoratgy, tend Alvin Pietir;, Cuesihla pirahiraner, npal rod la il)tilall of t110 huriIdd lib° via trt "'4110 Oliva L. '1100 l'lylic :tiporl to Abate Nist-ime hold :pec. 6, 1900 i.x•. Levin 9 d.vindd tho C • X11 r'• ptiblior..t ion of i.oLiae of he riffle 04..10 V4 %wlry ei3 l l(%, 11Wf 0V icy Trtt+r.tar N.rti;z that Co.11-101.1 • 0:?..fit: 114.1 IPOF1 10110d until 06 f'it•at MMOt:i+i1. in Fabi=UNI.Y. Lot.inva 11 tad lar '••a +w .if n saound. Donnie avl# broul•lit to Council a ttv'W ien that houos lots hoon a ha erii and n; Quare Milloo it horned i n 1 , 1063: 1•'C TT+•N itt 141yor . UAlis , noc4+nd by tru:=t,no : ovi . r to sj ioi,'4 ..1+,.t'rl .t ti;'h l'l :—I,,F .,.!•.: r1.1107 1;i'..1•:C': i'ii" l';: • .o .I`M A,,,D V11 'L 't'`1'P '=' :'I ':t':[;1::t;G !'1` , '•!c1 t'•1.iVlS lnel'I&i010, to tiro t.'a't,•ion Iry 't'rul.A nt,•ca l ie.=, raran>t: icy r=:vor z't- olonavttinr, Darambilvi ':= a 19d;;• tni, tht date to ext- uto Vs, '0?1 t ij-tae I.. t i Tho ffielttiment V 'pond " a `'( to of throe ,!*%lat' and rrr • riw & .'Prti-ef&ftr ;'tiV+&o...".too way.I - Yo 11 a1. L I. I -Irk. -11 PP. 1tu-.114ht!& -4 i 151 7 HE : il:. ': A: LAT-I0K CP MOOD 17't'.. IST LID:' ., EXIC. itESOIXTIM 65--1V ETS !iTAKIVO ON LIMITING PM41f 14K mn)X'1`IGNI ibwt'C. 2501.tMON 65-1..28 j_L.+__. r L L +y M N ISAIM191 AT 2411.0 0161VE 1ANS P F Cr i" caMet 13jhai1MinutesDoCOM "1965 m. pine 2 AE L & TIONS s RTMQ1,UE5TS f Colin6ficairams I (No% o"n t do I ( EL 0il The I M.0tion."P(Liapd. 1*' a Y;A,e of three pao and -one nrW a Truatee 1 .11- . .1 1 1. 1 NCurtisvotednoys: Jkboentil Trifietee Humphm. 41 liar) Pezile I Uni. ted Land,Arra:appetire'd rogaxdingt 1 Rag.1,0-te-red U7 I P ElD LM -D INC Lok Survey of 4.5 acro'e, A-1--tite )M -til'60 of 494 and H%V. 5.5. lhej 1314 APPROVEs D 1Tit with the cotid-itton of CONDITIONAttornay-recommended approVkl, of ,tile RLSII Ucjkl.Gion of AientOCAVVO 00 4,panso '1tSM'10N hy, Trumiee Cortial to approve tile Reoii1std. Land Surveyneco-nd b Tnxatee Sortour-9 voted I' "I'no. 1.1lkqtalition of etecutodnoP"locented hy United Lend) pon pre p9llcoah andOuictivecovenantoao'ei(piod bLy Emma and.L, Laura Wdn6 United1and Inc. Motion petaod by ti MW 31toet vote Abr,,Anti TtAis6e 11umj%1,jrey*-":, 2) Potitiorl feiiirisani t&%wytL,.rjowqr ?.0 feral. rron-tm R E t SEWER LAI BRAL I - Pot tat. 4 1 . %3 ing operty no doscrib*0 in!, t'ho tat.ftions ` 1 -Ar. Deliel w;Lo adm kri" that ho will be notirl6d of date of,.f5d.blib 1105rin66a JiApprovalbfTdxaoo '8orvibd St;%t' 1*1 Curtte. )LAW STROONIItionjUcenoo. marlv! j occon kq Soviovr, to apbrovO-I%tho 11,061111d ad-`requonrted 16i.lo-tiAo"' Llcms App W.Us- L by p four yep vo-tet% Aboonti Truti-tiloo 'Humphrey,., IMGoorgoiGubbinaandDavidGatosnppeared -to roquebt .6 pormitfor W r TION a P1111106 .11661, Sorvice Station to be locatod at thlb,low,l-oorner t PROPOSED AT bf "as' : M TO nnd Hv(y. 55t mid a aubdiVio,lon, the- Pldtm 70-4 55 •j t i lit 0011nance, not boing plotted property. ih' 401. 1101? by Mg.Njior, tinglea 4000"'Sid. I.Y 'I'Mistoo Curtin, -to rotor tha matt -or 0 the P1.11:1,11vinq Commisuldo with tile raluout."that roeatiatnandatiotfu -Ve pr, a p a r e ij for -flio Dooembor 20 Coulwil. Ineetily on yq a four yen, vote. pau'ped 1-k Aboenti Trostoe llumphroyL I lino fo% Colonial Cornora, i cominorott%l dovolopwitj r000mmonded f'6r apprown, I by SnItWoor tit; per ilko&,omo dated. Doo'billber. 13, .196% t"APTION 141"Volo Istoplou, f3ocoll'a vI no 011i'allon, mithorizing i R' i S 1) RED 411MIT , Tru rt, t '14 tolikit 1Xy tho Cot.w I to ho ClAttlAci Hiq, Dot)01. rema10Utor to be a t 0141 11191•. ` 1104 quout.4,111; that %ho 11,1100d limit on ffil. 101 lij,04woan tho awth Vil"- logo 1ki-to and Uti. Rtle ".4o rodticad from 50, Lo 35 ;91611sh. Volotion pannod %PFlour yea vota. Abihonti Ti.-%.totoo ltumphrqyo rvs Utiovi, or, jj.%Jtt.o of 3QjjoQl j)J0..trj0Lt 2881l to I)! 11011t, 00ik11.o Mav-Wit Andai!aon, ..,h-735 481-4:1 kPot Rsj appowsad WRI ps,00blvol ive pli.igiAnn, of upon di.-M.nnro' orollild 0119th AVU. alld o"Woovtolrb Mod" lei 3i' 4§Tli ANhe ilie of him 1woparty, Tito mattim watt rofol%xatl to the, Nnil" lotter rocoivod from 'rite Tvanhoo %aodn (kirdolit C1t1.1% roecvxrdil.klg 118; VIDED QAI-_k--V'AT iRQ01lNk11C41oll of unod C11ro M CL"Rdu. 111 and '0. leruotae 141V 41.113 No HIS* lro, 731 of Polios for Oh(kvklahus k n0nittod ronort ltb t knowilys, klux L, ha t i I.' 41; tttlt:ivi' rinks) !U) Clow4nd Bit 13 100(ittollo Apsi. lillwo rind tjin, C 9W be alloontott L•or thio tilomlllii,1111 e"'11irl-1A 6011.01 PIN N Mite 1,18V'r bo allipolikakiii !"Oti,ol _1311fluNv 1W a fam, yGo votoi Abnotal Ti-lilrotoo 11wirijilloy. Tito VU)t4,1ti of p4mouth 0011" 1. k All R PION tril"VAte k;5 -v"10 to the North $a1hore Uo6hunjtky 011UMAI N"'VION hyiI To Pb omioln,: n A. lui,& that a eirontributiori . 09UNPIT1, 1CY4-03110tvaltt0p a 11 n to A" 11 d 1•' Tituo U11:16 .% - nr 11101,4)1 lit) Pul'o, iii-.% tho H6 faharo Col-.11AU11 y Ow.111C.U. (Pt o'd OilLjIjILID el rtwWi parbintpat ton :in 'rcrorkn- 1- to totirl ptir,tintpoti n) khrto 1pon .Otot Truotoo Minim.11110d. 10p t. a I 0 l Council Idirauten - Dicember 13, 1965 REPORTS OF 07FICER'Z. I Paeo 3 , ES, oont'd. rucatbo Curtic, thnt Chmn. II w.w and the Parc Commiunton be Poked to rncet with ropreoentatives of the Went Modicino Lake Communiiq Club and the Hamel Atlaletie I.ecajuo to diucuan ntart- icipation of Qbmouth youth in cronseroci reornational . c`•.ivition, Intl inport at the Jr.t,aar.,y 17, 1066 Council ,moctinr;. Motion pc;racaed by a fair yon vote. Almentt Trustee Humphrey. '"r ,. ton Ftwllon renuetited that the Adminiatrator not up, a procodurr, 1'or maintenance of the okusating rinks. It was notod t:.nt rroluento for ril lcca should be rof:'arrod to tho Pork Coimniaoion. I;nrI neor' a Nemorrindum the L"ollowinrt dtl tod December 13, 1965 r000ivod reemrding I 1. Inconcluoive contact with Mr.. Frollsen, Jiroctor of '.Latero, tvtardinF 'Into Inirticipntton Ili tho cora of tht contour m11) of 1•;,vnerloau Lako. Engincor requooted to keo2, pureaetin; the mattor. hocommenantiol: for approval of Colonial Corn,aro. t -tor no^tponed thio to rot,brral to 1=lcam".i,g Cornmioriion. 3. Pecommcnd.a t, tor. x ogarding lolva vin Z'Itigart' a rogtaorst for an Excavating Permit for removal of black tor evil. -Algid J.n the i •, 1 . C h .• I; of Itna c f5.;, of ..oc. 17-11 . .Ir, wf art elle a.roa?. vi(Y.1" IN 11y Truraton 01F.-Illon, nucon-1 k- lrur'oo :°evtou.r, to Trutt the Por.r,lit at,i,ulrrtin , Vint otts•th, ctanncat bo rornovod ba1ow natural grnund, Jrr inaa 110 munt bo l-Arov.ided for, tinct a Aurnty bond in tho nrnount o,f Z*00.00 W hosted, ata per Vie 8n -U,aFr'ra recommend ationn. :,otton pnlanod icy a four yen vote. AbseJntt TiAmtoo iiumphroy. Tr;o plana tae nubmittcef', by tho 11011r,oiain County Illy. 11n;'t or ria Jnf.m%chcago cit Co. Rda. 70 a.lri 01 Plan C - diamond type tntr.roi.ran+oto, flan D - Mutton h~ok tntorchanreo. iint-i neer ronommended nt)provral of P).nn U. 1117,'IOi lay Truntat,. Curtia, 000nd 11v Trucatoo wralion. to approvo 111tin D. ,4otinn linnood Ir- ,n foua- yon vete. %bru.+nt t 'Cru -item Numpliroy. Iticoommndration for upproval of 14innonotca Dopartmont of Ili hlalra plans tin ntlbm' ttokl 'or Co. rd. 18 rand Rid;r.mount Aver anuo, and. 'llq. 'Y; and Co. Gid. 16- 'IGO" M? IV idit yor Sty, ploo, noconr' I1 'eruntoe Curtia, 4o za+in•,t 'iI'' l.t!'''Ita : iaC. C,;'j_l.,h, ti iZ1;.;t`1,t1', ION AIT", VlI CI 'p!Ii' 1'1 RNR, N."EriAl I'lil 1'I' l l;t r11I 1 I IGACL11,1, s.I . 7, 3—,.S (, 5ml%1') - r , il. 55 CSAII 18. mo— tion pr rxnorl Itv a four ,rota vo o. tbnontt Trontoo 11ump!aray. N&MI 041 IV 7'rkio t a C"Fv Lion, c000nd tai; f ; ;1 air t Anlllvn t to mitq)t n rosol ttion tipprovintT tiro plann, oIarriat rt'ovitzi.anra rind nranifiontionp, : .1. ;'7.616' -fin, for Impt c noitt of U1111 113 cti: Rid,r imount Avnmto. Tho 114ot ion fta i lod t Trun Loon Curt ;n r,nd evt our arotnd 1t\y9 Truntoo ilum %hxr - I.tan til nont. I4:kvor tna ilclr '1matoo ("Fallon vcatod aye. A. ltoconmantitpitton of lenrtita) pnymont to contraotorPe X*wIIC%11y '1'r+r tor C'i'nlior, r o;+ynd 11v ilttuor to' i1 I1"novo pt!im ml o to 0. li. 1•it11;1'I rZLln11, C11tH. t iiln?o Vro,i©rt X..P5. li;otion--nuired 119 it throo ,•Nota vt too Truntoo Caartla obntn1nad. A> omitt Truntoo ihimpbroy. 1 0 155 1 1 REI Cf?N 011;t UP I'tl IR JSAU LAKE RH, t COL. CORNERS i'IGA %T LXCA'lr. 4IT d'_PPktt I 1dAN ll, Me ;'.1yi. 18 w 70 APP;"1?. I Lir0 VV. 1\L. &%I %% INT9 55 MANS APITOVED Rl'4`1014. APPI101133 NINIEb'64 `1INT FAMS I`A:I 4IIAL 0111 LINNTS r1 h f' X..h + Council 6ti'ra tee, = December 13,'' •1965 - ,Fp 157o REPORTS or, oFFIt:ERs. HOARDS Ac CCi iI'Ct ES, 1Cn'' d. '. y j MOTION ly Staples, second by 'True tee Curtis, to anprovq A, payment of" 06%881-57. to Mhutoon-Seurar p Inca, Vi,1lags pro jea t X6147: hfotion paused by a Hour yd%--vo-to. Absents Truo' f ao t.) Humphrey. Mo vor atfsploo commanded." -tete )ontracting first of Kunsan-Seurer, :hod: for _prompt and flood kook. ti0'lyYON Y Tru atGo 0;'Ftllon, second by Trustee Curtis, ,to approve mment of 449787. 5al to the Alexander Construction Co., lVillagerojeeltX"65.Maotion pa4sea;. tv a Zour pea vote. Abpo,to Trustee Hut'[Pltrey. ' 7. Tonta-t ve a0ml'ent to construct a avail to drain. a .ps.:ok- Riie CUSTAFSON of back -of the Gustafson residetioe. Projeot X-47, Parker's WAINAGE, PROJ. Lake Drainjt p A.roa :VI -A. latajrincer requosl-od to ro3a%)rt to the X..q7 Council regicrding onuemont a.aq,•Jivition. aril.'ber' a Momorandum recei•ved, dated Decombor.-.1, JrGS 1 r6pard- lz`1 i 01PES ' 3nr aoAddoro an of) tacqu.iring the 0-ates ravel 'ai't for i1t'tt.ro CRAVi•IL. PIT use no a nonding nroa and. plcgo: •ound nroa. Attorney requested to contact vi:•. Veloll in regard to eta-tue of lite m•avel pit. r The Attorho advise 06 Council that I the attornay for tlilliam Rae SCRIBDR PARK lean, Schiebe i.rd rk oc.ntractor, lion boon no•tifiod thnl no CONTRACTOR pent will ba rnado to 11r. iiaar t rn9 that hid firm io ronbonsaib10 for finis!ing tho project. The Attorney advit•od tbio Cotanci:; t:htil the Chicaido ,"arthwaBte r_ t SMINhi 1125,b- A'' . sin ;can been notifte' d that iaVMott-tl: will takerirhrr-o-r-&V(y aaae- RR MMMIS, C11%XCAGO r%mta for mover piste t ltd rolto m thom of assenamonto for dtat- Nil R1'Gli'L`-O LIRA it4ry rower to the RR ri Ait-of-vay. The k1 ttnrncW ndvi nod tho Council iof a mod oing with t:dpnrd T. X&OMI LOaYHR • xNS: Mendarson, r1iaup Monagor c.r Provident 11tutWil Life; ' rnuroncu Oo. ' ., P101x MI AMID. of Philadol,,nhia, regirdineL +•ho prop000d amploy9au Initurance ' p'rot;ram, Mr. Nonderman nppdarsd in tooa,tpct to tIttt I,rtt;lct m and prnoontod a;o(cMcvt-iot a. PiUMIMI ,.,,? Truoteg Curt -to; yonrmd t{v 614ryor :„t;tplort, th.,It tho plait lie n(loptod with the mod-irloation th;t alto VillnFLM pc>Lve 2/3 of the cost saoross t1tf )b&ix6m1. Mat:ion pancied by a faiwr .boa voto. Ab rant a Tru ii -tea tium uirny 6 Poonible wffacLivo do -to - December 159 1965. Tho Attorngy ropor'f"vr! on ra morti»f.; with rolworsontot.,ivoo of Local Wit LOCAI, 4,5 490 lyxriai iation Of Plodposed cant: pt emit to Council, Wpon UNION CONTRA -"T r000mmottdet,ton by tho Atto-IMAy thiA u ooininit:eo be iI+i-tcintod, 14%vor 11talslon donilivt,od Itimooirt Truotoo Q'Fallon, the AAM-tn- 86 intrator tt A zhe Attoramy, to oavvo ars n kJotinting Cr=-ittoo , to moot after tho r1l,% t of the tueor rogi %ffii tho Lona 1 49 pro- posed non ttroot for tho ronel crew, i"1 o m1minir trra t,or nt;3-teek lie will c omr.t.uniente with h6lidiv1rlion dovt:ltvors !it Plymouth ;amrdi ar, r4V11nrnt to.r otrort IIIMn: The Hin Inaov 14an dirootad to :ii,eatdo tuo in ovviopmont rapeair- lpationeb "Tho Atiminiatvitior won rnquootmd. to Itring tho con-- Altion o!' 1croh 0114 "oa.chary L"inall to the attantitan al tho r6hd dkow. u 1 , , Council Minutes —'December 1, 1965 — Page 5 Trui-loci RF.S0TXIONS & ORDIIIANCES t3orond by :11oyor ,,tnhloi, to approve) hiring The Attorney oubmitted a proposed excavating orris nanee, being a ORDINAIXE 65-23 mo0e), ordinance recommended tly the Hennepin County League of ST. EXCAVATION t4unicip6lities, and adapted for Plymouth. i40':'ION by 14ryor Staples. 11 -Mor aocond 'hy Tructee Curtia, to adopt OR71UNUXE NO. 65-23, the STRE o,'T peji EXCA71ATICN ORDINALICC OF THE VILLAGE OF PLYMOUTH. Motion passed by P four yen vote. Absents ' 41 ruutee Humphrey. ROTION w Trustee O'Ti't:llon, second by Trustor Curtis, to adopt RESOLUTION 6q_1 0 RESOLUTION N0. 65-130, a RESCiUTION ORDE:2I.,G FREPAPUTION Gr RE- REt STORM SEWER PORT ON IITROVEMEI"1', that is., proposed installation of si oiln REPORT 1 ESTON LN* sewor in the area of Weston Lane, Area V—A. Motion pasoed by ,a AKEA V—A four yen vote. Absents Truotee Humphrey. 1'';FIN1g,' FD BUSINESS LJ Further discueeion of tho commuriontion from the ArrW Corps of En rineers in respect to r asrette Creek postponed until aftor) the first of the year. Prnposed Folire Protection Contract with ldod.+.aine Lake to be held until contact in made IV the Village of Medicine Lake. LOTION icy Trustee Curtis, second Ley Trustee O'Fallon, to n.vard the contract for the p!rchaae of two 1966 Police Patrol Curs to the lowest bidder, Midwgv Ford, at tho not price of .73MO.00. Motion parsed !1Y a Four yea vote. Lbaentt Trustee Humi)hrey, REt BAnSETTS Cls EEK RE t POLICE 001 'I'. V. 01' io%D. LAn, AWA0 OF PID — 2 POLICE CARS V The Adminiatrator was directed to ventact Schiobe 3- rothers Ino. lilt 1'I4Y. SHOPPIN advising them that the Envy-ineer hne boon waitinj for their otill CEI4'!'Lli PARK. LOT regarding the lavwt of the Plymouth Shopping Centor parkins; lot. BUSINESS Upon recornynendat ion 1kv the Attorney, it was movod I* Truntoo 01 Fallon, seconded IV Trustoo '.'oviour, t.tat tho bo nthorired to direct a letter to the llonnepin County Jud;oo Association ro- quorting that the Plymouth Municipal Court be mh Id to Ur,tnutns motion parsed it a four you vote. Absents Truatou Ltimrhrk\yf, Tho Adminintrntor adviaod the Council of tho 10 or V', Chrietman true loth in P%j!mouth and nuggootod t,.,at a reFptirtrAtion RyBtorr oitauld bo teat up, Ho unn rokluctited to brine; tip tho matter after tho first of the year. P1 YNOU'1'll CCU -1`;T Yo 1141Y'',ATA I(Et ;t;,J1S TRM 1101't.c 1i1.t t;"1N1:S ot+or +ta,lroo uti,-utod that tho nuninonn Uovolnpmo»t Committeop DEVL10r. Cott",. and nppointmentu thereto, tics ro—ov,.luttt;od ,nftor tho first of the yoor. I.AN11', 11S p, t It'1'.l.4e14t r t'CXC l1 l t1.,t.or :L 1,1 1er, tnrclnu ',v 1'r.l tr o i1'r;{:llot, Clans C I lnonoa ror Ni k 'hor"It 1`111nr-Ltqa 't, liantin';. tty a fotlr ;,Fit 1?vto. ,' big crit t '1'1•111+too 1tunrhrey. 3 t,';lI t l4tt l A1 I'1r' D. 1Ab1;:1, LIF,. 1,3TO111£ to api-wrow (,t,. r4 "'W'01. I;IC. Trui-loci 01r, %Ilion, t3orond by :11oyor ,,tnhloi, to approve) hiring of Qono Irorention na Bull time salot7mon for . thu t,4un- 1 C i ml 11 -Mor C tore z? t peji month. p, t It'1'.l.4e14t r t'CXC l1 l t1.,t.or :L 1,1 1er, tnrclnu ',v 1'r.l tr o i1'r;{:llot, Clans C I lnonoa ror Ni k 'hor"It 1`111nr-Ltqa 't, liantin';. tty a fotlr ;,Fit 1?vto. ,' big crit t '1'1•111+too 1tunrhrey. 3 t,';lI t l4tt l A1 I'1r' D. 1Ab1;:1, LIF,. 1,3TO111£ to api-wrow (,t,. r4 "'W'01. I;IC. Caung it Minutes - e`ceiiiber ;Z3, g65 - Pa e 6. 161 9 CLAIM'S . APPROPR IA'i IONS & CCIT1111ACT PAYI-MTS MOTION by Trustoo 01Plallon, secorA 1W Mayor Stap.lea, ' to approve' 'IN,AL PAYIMT — net payment of 3250A.8 to Rotor Went phn.l for services in the cap -i; .iJMAGER OF I+IUN. ecity of 1&naCner of the Munioipal LVtu.or Store thru,,November 26, LIC:UCIR STORE ; 1965. Rotion PRes+ d by a four yea vote. Abr-ente, Trustee llumphrq. , 14MUM 1W T tester_.' &eviour, secs; ncl ley Mayor Staples, tc appvove DECEMBER 13,1965Y checks listed on the December ``'i3, 1965 Disbursement Statement, DISi3IJRSE T covering General hind in: the ,6.mount of 34391.59. l+iotioh passed S'rA'PCt 1 T APPV.D. by a four yen votto;l Absents *ruatee Humphrey. WrION bps Trustee Curtis, se-and by Moyer Staples, to approve cheeks listed on tlp,e Deaemb r 1@,,, 1965 Dieburooment Statement qj)vering Police rurid 3n the; amount of $1,043.82. biotinn pas^ed byl"`&.,four ,yea vote.` A.bsentie Trustee Humphreys Trustee Curtis nu otvd. t ta.t the AdminWtratcr confer with the Mief of Police } rep, rdizig,,a possibl. contract ror the -repair of police caro. tiOTION '4Y Tkuntee Cnrtis, second bq Mayor "ttaplo a, to .•approve checks ,listed on thi Deconbor 13, 1961 Dia'aur.sement Statement covering Fire Dorar. ment nand A,n the amouint of $213.06o t+lotioii passed y a four yeti. vo ,e. Aheente TruAtoe Humphrey. MOTION bit Truotee W,Ftzllon, second by T "ustoe Curtis; to approve checks listed on they Drtoembor 139 1965 Disbursement Statement covering Road and '2krie,,Ep Rind in the amount of 344,328.36. laotion p4smed. 1:tv a folir yea vote. Absents Trustee Humphrey. NOT -ION' by Tru.toe Seviour, second ke Trustee O'Fallon, to approve eheoks linted on the December 13, 196`r oisburnc moiit Statement cobvering Poor Fund in the Amount of $182.73. Motion passed by a four ;yon vota. Absvnti 'Trustee litimphreys I40TION >v Tnintee Curtis, r3eoon.d by Mayor Ptaplos, to approve.- clwokv listed on )ho DocoMbor, 1.3, 1965 Disbursement Statement covoring Public Pr•rk Rind in the amount of $150.00- Motion paused 1# a four yea vote.. Araonte Truatee Humphrey. MOTI^N, IV Trut step Seviour, oa conO. by Mayor Staplea, to approve 0hocke liotod on the Docembor 13; 1965 Di.sbursowent Statement iovering Debt, Srrrvdce Fund in the t.inount of VF99012*926 Motion , janred `ky ri ' four yon vote. Absents Trustee Humphrey. G"1'ZOIl lT)i 'l;Iayoti Startles, s000nd lkv Trur4tee O'Fallon, to approve pvmoll't of 38?.40, to the ,4innotonka Verald Lica listod on the Dec- oshbr 1)t 1965 Disbur.tsoment Statemant tinder General Fund. Motion Xassed by, z four yea vot.o. Absonte Tntutee Humphrey. _ 1 iti0'I SNN hr'i'a u: foo O'I+',11on, second bv '1'ruRAoo Saviour, to 613prove PAYMENT AMM, p vmant -o tho Adminiotrat.ir %nntl Treasourer for their emorgonoy AD% & THUS, oarvicer att. saleamen In tho Muni. .11.1 biq,uor Store tit the .requoetedSAMM IN Tj1Vj.ST0R rate of'3.'"5 pov hour. Mati.on ptuseed kv ca tour ,yea vote. Abno L a Tri:i ,%hoe 1tumphroy. 1 i`lion Motanri made and parried, the sheeting radjourii.ed tint 12 midnight. Lorinig 1. 14;taplou," Jr., Vor Attent e 114 Ii,, Jhmea t 1.4.0 e t a"17 w'