HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 12-06-1965n. 1, j^n uj 0 r5l ' A Adm% tj A ZI X JO El IRG14-IbIrl, r; Or'', VIL ICU 1B T4GECOUI A 71Pmdutk,,'r 141 nn o 6 ot& ,,'• 606 mbo., 1965 A re6glar meeting -of, the : V i I8ftl' ldCOW Abi-I WAS called t.o ord4r May or ?, Loring 11. Staples Jr. at 700 #.M. 0 7PrenertililevorStaples' Truotees Curtis L-uid,0 al oh 9 he Ifillaso Cj Administrator\. V Atornq. 9 and gineere; X LXhe it i Trustees Hump Y and -Seviours.. i 1 4 F cir Uap lopi'requ. a ated the Council -raid audi,o4cel: to rise for 'a. poment of vilont:,j)rqyer. T ON, 1 i5' Tru.stee Curtin sec9nd. V-44ayor to"4PI)rOve the min- S tap. le n 115utas` of the opeciql mectin" of 140vom'ber;10t 196 - I -lotion p+ Rsed by a threk yea votai'Rr.:oteea Humphrey and, joviaor aero Oseht.. Cc n0prove themonoII -t ,`restos01'Fallon, second by Lr stee CurtiV9 he regilar meeting oi? 1 qve.Oor. 15,'1965- ' 114otl= NpaFksod' minutils of 'tp . 1 1 kour wore absenitthret? yea,_Vot4 il Trustoes Humphrey 44nil Uv s ond" 1. theaby! Truptoo Curtl,n,6 to approveMQTIOHIkvTructoerallony4' minutem. of\, the denial ineeting Of) Novombtt 179 1965 with the follawto inn correcitont Qqij :notion to rcce*)dl the Noeting to Sa thrdqy'p N owm' 1.. i-)%-, ember 20" 1 ilis andL965v6spdszoeLbyMayorstaple.%,, rr0teos Cur A, Hump hrey v#iUng teye.' TrLkz,%,toe- Q'Fallon voted -n—gy, PUBLIC IMA.=111M Njblic Iieari.ng to i%bdtb Nuisance at qUISANCE 'ATJkjWjqrStaples ,opened the t e of Hearing p0lishod Nov—HI D LA335Oroi'id 1ana, . aa 'doGorlbod in Notic ov— 3b. ORC umbar 4, 1965 and November !1,,, 19650 said nuleAnce bo.ltkg ;L burned 151ra&.. The Building Ins"ptator 'reported that the nuieanee- had A' been romoved , %Ih'otreti.pon. t ho- 144Vor declared utter Herring closed. j tll y or Staples opomd the Pub,', -Ie Rearing to Onto Nuisance at NUISANCE AT 24 4.0, qlive kiiio ai deacribed In NOUGG ot" Hearing published Nov- 2440 OLIVE LADE vav mbc.r 11 45, said nuivanoo he.lng a burnoiltottiber491965and01955 L'i 1j 1181U 001, ,"Id* iroothouodeAlvillr. 15, exprounod an intc to acqdIL l%1 0 ''the pxtjyerty anti .-obuiliUriS the hattoo, acrid asked o.r timse to pursue Tho matter, IMI ION llz%iotec Wrtle, second d i'j.iV '1 13 j ir by Mayor St%apleuj to, 0c)uticil nation ukil the December mooting. i'llo-tion a three yon vote. 'Pievintoon 1-Winp)),roy and eviou'r were aboante N Iftlkriai , i Rulkarn, 177.15 51W, Avet lie, pointed lout tile 00f1r,4V har4ardo present in the MillaInge MOUTON by Mayor Stmplea, second -s 'Trustee 0 Fallan, -that the build: ng Inspector be amt1tortodd to me the Vthe leu,1Iding- :in board.dd tip Y otta potential hanorde, remcoveAl with exponequ to ho itomized and at-loossed Arsalm3to the properV owners involvipd. MotLon paGued •hy a Uree yea vote. rkut3toon IiNophroy and iviour Woro Amt. AID. OPEXTHWI MW-or $taplaa announced tll,%t the 'Jouncil %matl canoidor all bide BIDS 61'. 2j POIACH for the Inkrollauo Df two 1911 A".,iillco Patrol Goires Tho AadtoAfi— PATPOI, CARS lo-trettor proavi iacl -the aealed cnida which wore', oponedo examined, 00 found .0 be '610 rallowal n Council Minutes - December 6, 1965 - Page 2 BID OPENINGS, cont'd. KAHE OF BIDDER Kay Motors iidwe,y Ford Major Motors Iten CI.c?v. Co. PRICE. 2 UNITS 5670.00 5296. oo 53389Olt) 741.72 TRADE -IPJ 31500.00 1416.00 1100900 1250.72 1IET Pr ICE 34170. o0 3'10. 00 4233.00 41197...10 Upon comp`otion of opening; of the bids it w;is moved by Trustee Curtis, seconded by Staples, that the bid opening be closed. Notion pasoed > v a three yee vote. 'I`ruvtees Humphrey and Saviour were absent. I:OTIOX Vv Trustor Curtis, i3ocand by Mayor Staples, that the rids be referred to the Police :)apartment and the Safety Committee for consideration and report a•z the Dec- ember 13 Council meeting. Notion passed W a throe yea vote. Trustees Iiumphrey and Seviour were absent. rETITIOVS, Hit',,TE TS & CODEJUNICATIONS The Administrator was directed to write a letter to a petitioner, Howard S. Norbert& regarding the requested utreet improvements for sections of 21st Ave. 11, and Lancaster '.vino, advising him that the project will be considered at a later date duo to pend- ing sanitary savor improvements. The Attorney recommended aminst, amending Taxi Ordinance No. 62-:1 to' lower the required liability oovercage for a public vehicle carrier, as requested 'qy Jtamos Be 6NLOTION ley 'Trustee Cur- tis, second h,# Trustee O11tallon, to deny so r: mending Ordinanct 6?. 1. Motion passed b3 a three yeG vote. Trustees Humphrey ar& 'Saviour were absent, Dick iinderson, Perible Thomoon, Inc. , arroared to rnquont arproval to install 1 tetnpora:y iP^tor connection and soptio tank in a dispiny home at 4050 It. tlian linne. The Suildi>a,- Inspector tatig+.- bTented that the cc:inectlon be limited to 1/2 bntl or faei vile. MOTION by '1'.runtse Curtis, caerond L% Trurtee O'Fzallon, that the rerttiont be tappiloved. Motion panned by n three yea vote. Trunt- co^ Humnlirpr r.n.l Saviour were absont. V: nIOtt hit ;ti or "oploo, the ;ad I+aroon roquoct for back waivo.r of tihprox. 102 Notion p"nood Iv- i three , tour, veru tabnont. ciocond y Tructoo Curtin, to approve a sidalir.,- waiver of 6 ft. and a not— ft. at 2337 i,edlioin6 l,a:co Drive. vote vutl Truuteon Humphrey and Sov— iorvi n ;'vi `fort ;kpronrod to rocluion a approVti l to call black dirt ri lost on rroiiorty proximo to to Tari "t;:ato Dri ling, grad boln(; It, the 10- oftho Idle of tho "110 of "dao. Tho m attor var refcrrod to the z'nri.la®r„r for hire report at the 0coembor 13. meetinZ,. Vorry 1.?eziol1 llifflnii 7 and Inc. , opiloo. ra i to rolntol I tt 1) t+pllrovol. of i' %01't1;1)1`flct. 1':11fd .turv-i y of ill (101400 r,t tho 'N"l nlwlo or 11 4 and Iliw. I: a flnn,it_q t cv;ttr Ivrt `ri.1 tinprov 1i of Texaco y.,.itiVUIcr tiVr tion lio:oii*o. Tho motor of tho lit+,;. lvnil Survoy ati rt1forrotl to ihcl for l'N"OI't. :.r. I1r" iol i+'n,:o klvioed to fie lo'Jor with fl%o Vi,l.l,, ;t re ;-.Wait ” the rd! oont,ocl ri,ail- l "d;" roi:nr ' at.or„3 . 1 .loon:'o :•rr%rrtv0 1 1Io 1'orro(k. RE t 1KPR OVEt,:EN1TS 215"T AVE. No & MICASTER LANE A„FVDr4NX1T OF TAXI OItDINJUdCE DEIN ILD NATER CONNECT., 4050 NATHAN IANE iPmOVED Z DIll ,Va-', & "LT•• - PACii !;AIVU, 233-1 ALL D e l ii. Ml . i;i T,Ci•;1i91 .Al,k ()! 1' 1%Ll"D r t,NC . •. 1 1 'Council .Minutes - December' 6r 965 -Page 3 139", 11 PLTITIMa '2E* UESTS &. COI.ILMNICA TIONS, cont' d. flans ilagen appoari4. in, rogard to the proposed Employees Insurance 'HE's E12LOYEES Frogrom for the VJ,.11age of Plymouth. Mr. I1agen reoomnended t1ra INOURANICE P1110GR, pror, ram offered li Provident Mutual L-Ife, referring, to the so:„end sheet with specifications as met by Travclors,, Xorthweatern '17at- ions' Life, Provident ';utual Life, anc:.:llue slai ld & Blue Crods. A re9resentative from the Group Department of Northwestern.oleo appeared. 111a.yor Staples referred the proposed Uontract idt,h Prov- ident I<<utual to Kr. Hagen and the Attorney for review and acti- vation on January 19 1966, or as soon an possible. Otto G. Bonestroo Appeared in regard to the Preliminnry Report lti,'SOLUTION 65- r....__.-...fes on the extension of sanitary sewer laterals into `aeadev Lawn % - ORDER” Additions and Aden Acres, and the requested inclusion of Ind- RE^ORT 0 ustrial Park 494 in the first phase of the sanitary sever project. IMITZOVETMiNT Precentgd copies of the revised Latera' Sewer Plan as finalized. A discussion was held regarding inclusion of Ind. Park 494, Un- ited Land, Inc_ property, and Minnesotn Department of iii -hwaye property in the sower project. 11011ION by Mvvor Staples, second by Trustee 01 allon, to adopt RESOLUTION VC. 65-125, a RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON II,PROVEM-NT. 14otion passed for a three yea vote. Trusteeo Humphrey and Seviour wore absent. Resolution No. 65-125 directs preparatioi. of a preliminary report for inrta.11ation of sanitary serer in the S11 of Seo. 22-118.0--229 beinCr in the area of 11a{y. 55 and Interstate 494. Bill Fitxer, soware pumMing and excavating business, appenrod IML FIT +ER - regarding permission to pump gator from Medicine L=ake to flood EKATING HINK5 fG.% neighborhood skating rinks, which pernienion was given. A discussion was hold .relative to preparation and m intonance of skating rinks. The Ad.-Anintrator was rRrluoeted to set up a flooding and plowing procedure, with the suggontion that requests for rinks should be handled thru the Pl.rk Commission. I'E 'QM OF OFFICERS, BOARDS & C ^• I'rT4y c Donala., G. lyrauor and Emile F, Perret, Brauer & Assooiatos, Inc., i'I OGR 5" REPORT appeared in re ,trd to the Pro Frons Ronort on Initial Devolopment ON SCHTERE PARK of Sehiebe Prrk, dated ilovomuer 15, 196". A dioousn.ion of the report ensued., portieularty In ro ; rd to lr;rrao.;rarh 3 on pu,ge 3 s,sttinf; down tho error made 111' nrauer 1& Annociatos in interpret - Won of the basic topq;rraphiu data and tho resulting minstatement of the fill ronuired. "10111ION t r Im atee Curtis, second t v Mayor Staples, to refer the matter under discusnion to tho Attorney and Enlrinaor for their rooum•.on4ationo in ro ,aril to the onrineering firm and the contracting firm. Nation passed by a three yon vote. Trunteen Humr,hray ar.d :Saviour were absent. The following, i.emorandums were received from the Engineer ramr(;-' 1% 1XVI-1 ing the log;oring of the way r,r loved of Pomerleau Laket 1) Dated 01r MMMA LE ALT Octobor 5, 1965 propnrud lk.v A. nnv.id 1appon tAn a ranult of av LAKE & 11.;P inveptigatton mztde by the Hinrineor (anvl 'Mr. ;,oppen on Novnr.ber 1, 1965. C) Tinted December C, 19 1' k remr(line noeniblo onnatruation of a tompornry dant but rocommontling tl:r.t connidorr.t:ion nhvuld be i -Avon to a pormanent colution. .1) Ritter Deoramllci- 6, 1905 iu,.. M_ntinf, that ran nerital mttp ba obttainetl from Vscrl: 11:klri Aorial lur— voy for the prort000d nttiolt and drim oonatruati.on ou Pomurleau 1q, ice. 11o'11IC?Ir lav 1,9r,yoi, "l,rtplen, socond 1 y Truotoo Nurtin, rauthor- ining the San;-ineor to contaot the lop;.rtmont of Writer of the Council Minutes — December f, 1965 — Page 4 DEPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS sk_ ITT ES, cantd. State Department of Ccn3ervation as to payment of one half of the cost of the proposed acrial cor_tour :yap from StatE ilunds. Taction passed lav a three krea vote. Trustees Iiumphrey and Sev— inur wore absent. Lctter received for file from W"ro H. Olson, Commissioner of Conservotion, regarding the lake level. The Attorney reported that Otto Bonestroo is undertoking to start regatiations for easements for lVin.qj sanitary sower pipe in the Chicago Northwestern rie-ht—of••way. fie further reported that the Railway Co. will e"eet reimbursement eithor in direct peyment or relief from asees.ments for the 3anitayy ` sewer to the RR right—of—way. The Attorney was requested to contact idr, Bonestroo regr,rdirr* the fi6ures involvpC and report. to the Council. The Administrator's Report on Road Departmoni Activities was receivod and, read. The Administrator advised the Coy :iii of procurement of sand Prd a:.l t k;y the truck toad at 313.50 per to„. 'ossibility of storing Sand and salt in the Bled 11.,cated at the old 1lillary Hall to be il:resti rted. iL ,OLUTIONS & OR DINa'CE!j iii T"01\` >ty NQror Stanles, second by Trustee Curtis, to Pdort RESCLUTION NOe A5-1265 A REF. OLUTION OPPE7+.,IA;G P? EPARATI )?J OF REPORT 0111 EVIROVLT El"T to install tLternl sanitaiy severs do serve Blocks rj R- 57 "Unrcat-1clis Industrial Park, 2nc1 Addition. Motion pass948 !:• a three ,yea vote, Trustees Itumphrey and Sev— iour were absent. The Attorney r000nraended withholding, Mr:dion on the proposed Resolution RelFatin , to PL•rtiaipation in the Suburban Hennepin County Nurelnt, District due to the hording "last offioiral cdn— aua". 'rho Administrator vas dirocted to notlf y tho rointrict 1kN letter that tho proper wordago would be 1119(10 can.sus”. 1INT4`INISITI-,',ll BUc.'INESS Trustoo O'Fallen r,eport6d sidered for the position NLIV PU SINIrSS ti ot two apnlicants aro boing oon— of Road Stiperint,endont. Vrustee O'F^llon road a letter from Roger his roeition as Mkanagor of the t4unioilual Tot 'rho village Counck:'. PIS•mouth, Mtillnonotct ATTN t R i oliard O' Fa l lon Gent lomonI 19t 1 J JI RE t SEWIETSE— EIti'rS, CAICACO Ned RIGHT—OF•-WAY ROAD DEPT. REPORT NE -SOLUTION 65— 1 1269 QIiDERING 1IE'PO1AIT 014 IATERl ALS TO i,11P 0"D ADD. , Tei,. 4 & 5 NURSING DISTRIC!i RESOLD DEFERRED RE't ROAD SUPIT. s-_nbphal .rFsi ;ring lilt Ii I:SiGi i I`tON, Lioitor oto %e an follownt ?,ANACFR OF LIO1 OR :,TORE ov. L ,;SGS t` els in tlic h-irdoot letter I Iznvo ovar hnol to wri 4c. I want ,iq-ou to know that nra Gail iu i%y witnenn, :T havo nover t0tw money or r°-r.rchanaioo from the 11,ymc%u th lliquor Store. Tido to the Ifirot time in my lila that try Zhonota 4y r+ t Council Minutes - December 6, 1965 - Page NEW BUSINESS, cont' d. has been questioned. could try to egve my job, but I am ..urij you realize tl:sc you could never again have complete faith in me nor I in you. Therefore I have but one course to take and tact is to resign effective 27 Nov. 1965• It seems rather a heavy penalty for s=eono elses dishonenty, for seven years of hard work is roi n r for the wayside. I have worked hard and had the 'oast interns is of the Plymoutb Liquor Store in mind since you sired me. i wish you n euccessful busines.i venture in the `1: t•,t•e. 1331n,-erely yours, Roder H. Westphal MOTION lav Truotee O'Fallon, second bV M yor Staples, to accept the rest ,,netion as offered. Lotion I+aased ty a three yea vote. Trustees Ilumphrey and Seviour were absont. The Council desig- nated Paul Boog, Administrator,, as Titular Mond of the Liquor Store and requested that the Transurer make periodic oheoks of cash on hand. The anneal audit is beim., mire Ixy the CPA firm of Georra Hanson. °.OTION y '11rustee O'Fallon, seoond 1 y Neyor Staples, that the statement as submitted, li•i th deletion, oi' item 2, "Regarding the Conduct of Iioc,:er Westphal as Manager of the Plymouth Municipal I.inuor Store" be sent to Mr. Ileatphal with a cover letter. Motion passed by a two yea vote. Trustee Curtis abstained. 'trustees Humphrey and Saviour wore absent. The letter and atatement are a* followat December 7, 1965 Cdr. RoTr Woctphal Route :1-2 excelsior, Minriesota Door Mr. ootnhalt M(r. i ON TO ACC.+En. , RESIGNATION OF R004'R WESTPHAL OTION H Es CON- DUCT STAT -31 -MIT m1 PER ThThis will advise you tha-4 the Coancil, of its meeting on December 69 1905, aoceptod your lettor of toriitni tion as 'innabpr of tho Village Municipal I+iq- uor tore, effenti,,-s Novem`Jc r 27, 1505• As )eta have la:on zsd tiaael, ,vou were entitled tolt::vo this matter heard y the Council, and knot; woro alvo ontitled to 1.rvc counsel present to rep— resont ,you n t ouch IloarinE;. In nn muoh no there is now no roascn to Bold a haarin;#\, we ;pro oncloning, fur ;lour information, tho precise ©»ncifIontiona which motivatod the Counci 1 0 Institute U,%e ion prooeedint;6 in tho flrnt incident. i,d ry rtrot very tnueh tho cirnutantanoon that led to tl in action, and we wish you tl:o v,^.rr :°en t of luol: it the At euro. Ennl.onure 'wry truly yourn, L. ?loaf, G lark-:1 in ira i to 1;i ta l;+r a e Counci ), .41nutes — Aecember 6, T965 — Page Fi r ` • ' nir WSINES5) coni'd. , cifiaai:ion3Qrdint Conduct of. Mr. Roar S'eatphal, as J' iJUM a? OF 1,01 TCIP.AL I'UOR SYORC, PLYI1C ITIi, biil Id]JStJTP ; The following cors."itutes alleged mi 3conduct of Mr. R6'ge r Westphal f as'aane or o+'' tr ic3,pal Liquor Store, P]ytnouth, I tinnc:3ota: 1. Kr, . Festpha I hr.:s been in _the habit of borrowing, for, his personal uae, money from cinsh on )land. at ilio ligUor sure. (See pttges 2 ar_d 4, 4unicipal Li - uor. Stogie Report.) 2. Xr. entnhal hast from time to 'time, made 3aleh of liquor and beer from the ISunicipc.0,7Liauor Store on credit coa'tro.ry to the faro%risie)ns of Ordinance N,, 64-39 Saction ,3.08. (See ;'at,eo 2 and I1, Ifunic.ipal. f Ligvor Storc Report.) 3. Improper inn inadeLji to contro.is havo teen kept J, w.i,th r spect to invertories resulting in unez— Y n1dined sl,.orta&.s in 1,ioth the liriur%x and beer Mocks. (see Pog' e:3 grand 10. tfunici pal. Liquor Store Renort.) It .is alleged that l•:r, treetphal has bPGn fro- 4uently abrient from the store during por,iods when he was swino:3ed ib 'be on duty and haa left the Gt:6rO lit charge of the is*istant, Mr. Do,;ura. T,.e Ongineor reported that tho nwtter c: condition of xomium Larne for li,cces s to Rc, .vtV, Inc. viarkI ng .lo -t is bninC taIcen care of -ty MTP. The j%dmini 3trator was requestei to send copios of' the 1,Ate,r from the Mato Deputy Dintric l; L•n&Ueor rog;,rdi.ng tho 1,vout of 55 from IntGrotate 494 to Co, I'd. 18 to Illi' and the Schiabo brothers. 4yor Staplen roao-,tod thitt lia Proponed Police Protection Contract with the of Modicine Lake in belne hold i_r, ey anot3 "trt 1 the «411aL-n v ffi oitt is tire lioo,r4t from. DiscuesAwl of tiva oowtnuniaV_t-L0.'1 from tho irRy- Corpn of Eng.. inoorn it ,roapoot to Ranon-tto Crook tleforred until December 13, V+t\yor SIr•plev-4 called a. s3pecial mooting0.1 tho C01111Gtl to Vorii;) the Vi 1 -In , O"loct:ion for WcoombQr 8, 1; 65 rtt 5 p.rn. 419CSI J?XNL+LIU fFlMION Rb I,;:VOr ', LOPJe:3, n0t;onc1 !tiT.i•u;tc3o O'Fr 11on, o dtwo lilrAcic ter; Vol7ut;y Clerk a.", Court. Mto,c:tow panaod 1,y a throe yea vote, Truntoos 1himplivey and '. aviour wc-N_.0 Abr3ent6 14011100 ley 1-loyor !l LaIllon, nocolld 1!v 'I'•run too 011"'010111 to r- pprova hirint* of Mndn 1 nklor«3od an ulork—t y,-A,l wi tit l3`" 5 . M. wo r mGii tli. Motion iinnnoe: tly a hroo yea voto. ' 11.vttr trine )iuml;li,t"ray ;Incl ;loviout• N`CI'tl u tt011t• 0 1. a 0 U I RES XMIUM 1110,I TO MCCUAY 2 INC. P. P, t LE?. 2R ON a,AMVP OF 55. FM'44 4,94 TO 18 t B t ME'D. Lul ICE POLICE COh'1"u1CT Ht C OM40. ON LP'S Gix l{1Ar SP. 141E},,'1ING M6 U IM IC li AP- Ml o D' h. U1 p1 Il1ti'C t:D AS C; l.,NNI 0 py Council. Minutes December 6, 1965 — Page 7 MISCELLANEOUS, cont'd. U MOTION by Trustee •O'Frallor.9 second by 144.;, or Staple3, to approve hiring Paul E. 'Simon as a part time salesman for the Plymouth Municipal Liquor Store at $2.00 per hou I:otion paa;,ed Ily a three yes vote. ^rustees Humphrey And `ieviour were abuent. PEiiUTS I LICENSES LA01' ICI; t6r I+inyor Staples, second bye Trustee OlFallon, to approve the Claes B license ' 4423 for Superior Plumbing Co. (Ronait.4 Holmr.,ist) motion passed by a three yea vote. Trustees I+umph"•- rey and Seviour were absent* k,)TION tV Trustee Curtis, second il%* Trustee O'Fallortq to approve, sign permits ac follows: 1) 3 M Nat'l. Adv. Co. (ilinnetonka motel), `.CO ft. gest of V1 on south side of 55. 2 Nordouist Sim Co. (Johnson dax) 12905 I1 55• 3 Ncxdauist Sign Co. (Mc"u-v, lnc. , Industrial Park Blvd. Dloticn passed by a three yea vote. Trustees Humphrey and sev— i our weve abler. t. The Adm' nistrator was roque: ted to notify by letter the 3 14 ldct'1. Adv. Co. of denial of the request for a sign permit for a Lee Huber Funeral Homo ci .,a propos 'd for 3/5 milts 11 of 6 on the W side of 101 due to the setback as designated not complvving with ordinance requirement. Summary of 196 building Permits received. It was noted that for the first time the vFaluction of commercial permits exceeded the valuation of residential permits issued. CLAIV St AP?'':'-OPRIATIONS & CONTrUCT PA:MENTS 110TION lip Trustee O'Fal1un, s000nc? by Trustee Curti 3, to accopt the contract covering the leaace for the Plymouth i,'tt;iicipal Liq— uor Store. Motion passed by a three yeti vote. ','ra,.atoes Ilumph— re;r and Seviour more absent. 1010TION Ir lklvor Staples, second by Tvistee :"Fallon, to al-Nprove the Municipal I1-itior Store Diobvraemeratu dated Vovcmbor 20.), 1965 with the exception of chock '1595. Motion passed ley-- n three you vote. 'rruntees Humphrey and Seviour were a`boont. Jok.ction deferral on IN bl.ic Park Fund ohooks res listed on tho Nov— omL,gr 15, 1965 :)ioburnament Statement. 347 P. SIMOti APPV' D. SAL ESQ Wd, LI'Ze STORE C:LA!nS D PUR-13. LICE'-jdSE rr 423 AP -.-ROVED S IC N P011-1ITS APPROVED t 41LNENI'ONKA siOTEL JOUS01: IMAX i%&C:,UAY, INC. LLE '!XPER FUNIER. HOLE SIGN rEIZ"TT DEIN IED Hive 1965 DLiN. PERMIT L,GASE CONTRACT SLY. MUN. LI(le STCnE ACCEPTED APi= V' D , ITH R'"1t PARK 14'U14,!1 CHECKS I'iOTIO1 tly Truuteo Curtis, second by Mogor `tuplen, to (approve i`&Yc101,1, CIIECIa'S xn,yroll ohccks ns l.inted on lho Novambor 15 and 30, 11901 lln roll ,it':r. 1r1 t- 30 Int©ment, numbe od 3085 thraa 4044 sand totaling 410,+ 31.`:.1. '1'PlICIVED TroEasura r'o .+oY,orto t•oceivadt (ion. Itind 4ecoiptn, 'aov. 30, R: uniuir;al 1d uor "torn Nooeipts, Oct. 3.19 1q6',. Cjn motion 11io moctin a0 journod rat 1; 00 ra.nry. lttinte ''err l:or1nrt III. 4tl;.I lo Jnmon,