HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 11-15-19651 R. t PPPP' MINUTES OF VILLAGE COUNCIL 1MTING Plymouth, VLnnesota November 15, 1965 A regular meetin, of the Village Council Was called to order ly Mayor Loring Stapled, Jr., at 700 p.m. Presents Mayor Staples, Trustees O'Fallon and Humphrey, the Village Administrator, Attorney, and Engineer. Absent: Trustees Guzrtis and Seri ours I-11ayor Ste -plea requested the Council and audience to rise for a moment of . i lent ;:raver. I'MOK b P 'Trustee O'Fallon, escond IV Trustee Hunphre. j to approve the minutes of the special meeting -of November 3, 1965o notion carried 11P a three -esa vote. Truateer C%.rtin and Saviour were absent. MOTION IV :'rtiatee O'Fallon, socond Iii• Nestor Stoploa, to approvo the minutes of the regular meeting of November 8, 1965. Motion passed by a three yea, vete. Truutodee Curtis and Seviour vera absent. BID OPENAINGS MMMW The Mayor announced that the Council would consider all bids for the purchase of 310,000 Storm Se„vr Bonds of 1965s The Mninw to-trator presented the sealed bids which wrer:• opened, examitted, and round to be as follouas NAOME OF BIDDER INTE,"%E**T RATE Ai:CUNT O1' DID Pion -)r, Jaffray & Hopwood 3.7041; $689859 E. J. Prescott A• Company3.8042-; 570669 Upon completion of opening of the bids it was moved bar Mayor Staples, seoonded IV Trustee Hui- 51%ray, that the hid opening be closed. Motion passed hv a three yea vote. Trustees Curtio and. "eviour worn absent. Ni'ION I' Truateo Humphrgy, necond by WVor Cttaples, to adopt , H251711;1:IOh E'Ve 05_1209 a RE xUUTI01d AIIARDING TITE SMLE OF 5145900 SIMM SH',J1;R RONDb' OF 1965s Motion passed IV a three yea voto. Trustees Curtis and Seviour were obsont. The Room olutinn awards the nale to riper, Jaf!`r;%v &- 1°topwood for Lite amount of 689859. N,MIOV by Maty. or tot aplon, aankind by Tru atae HumpIirgy, to a.dcpt RES0111T.IGN A0. 654 19 a RL''S'CLU770N FIXIN: TIME FORM Ah'D SrMom IFYCnTTt i Y't1t2 L15,(i1'0 aT1 tt;i SHi 1;R 1101M.' Of 1965, NlItl?C'1`ING MI -.1111 L:w,i,U'1'Z i; ,V;'J DHLIY.:IZY AND FROVIMNII M"';:s THEIR rMs-MNT. Notimn pannod hv it throo ;yoa vote. Trusteen Curtis rind Seviour wore absent. 1':.v Y'I T01%'p. t1L'C HE11".. MID C0114 iLiNICATIONS O"'Le'ION bM Trustee 1himphreq, neoond bp' Tri;utee i 1F.11on, to adopt tta`41:411111011 Ids 0 r.M& a ?,o a 3850LUTIOR YAIMIG MO 1131:;FONTS OF SU13- 6101-sim; 01011F qq NCE. Motion passed by a t1 -res ,yea vote. 'rrusteon Curtin and weviour were aboont. This Rosolutton upprovea the t ppt.ioatton of Jiimoa N. 1111anski for r. subdivirion wniv©r for the trt;et an donaribod in the Resolution. MOLIITION 65_ MEMEMEMMEMM , 12Q, AWAnDING SALIN OF 1955 STORM CEWEr BONDS IM101_UTION 65_1.21 F'`IXING FORK, ETC, STOPH SMW 10NDS OF 1n 65 RES4'L+MON 69m ;1 h' L I'W'O I Stii. DIVISION 11AI`'>+at A;`I'ItI.`VGD E Council Minutes — November 159 1965 — Page 2 14 cont Ido Hale J. Prindiville, attorney for American Oil Company, appeared in regard to location of a service station at the southwest corner of the intersection of H:.y. 101 and Co. Rd. 6. He re— etorted, 1) n waiver of the Subdiv-1sion Ordinance requiring a 2 1/2 acre plat and 2) a building permit for the service station at tads location. Edward EF.n, Vice—Chairman of the Planning Commission, presented copies of a report recommending ngainst a service station at this site, which report was rand by 1,11ayor Staples, Kanneth Schiebo anade the tentative proposal to locate a suror market on the adjacent pro-3erty, which proposal would nee6ssitate rezoning to "commercial" 150 .feet to the south. W. G. Rousenga was also in attendance. 1ICT ION by 1,1 yor Sta:Iles, second by Trustee O'Fallon, to deny the request to waiver the 2 1/2 acre requirement of the Subdivision Ordinance. Motion passed by a three ,yea vote. Trustees GL7tie and Saviour were absent. llichard Kaufman, developer, and Harold Olson, engineer, ap— puarod in regard to final approval of the Bass 'Lake—Shorewood Hills Addition plat. Mr. Kaufman aueotioned the $4800 'hond to be held lop the Villa,7.e as a guarantee that the bituminous sur— facing of the roads will be i.., good condition al completion of the devolopment, which he stated w%y be five years. On suggest— ion of ';'rustee O'Fallon, Mr. Kaufman may consider putting up a 31CCO certificate of deposit in lieu of the bond. MOTION by Trustee Humrhrey, second lky Mayor Staples, to approve the final plat of the Bass Unke—Shores;ood Hills Addition. Motion passed k.- a three yea vote. Trustoes Cui tin and Saviour we:d absont. 1w Trustee Humphrey, second lty Nkyor Staplba, to approve a building permit and a 10 foot sotbnak waiver of. the 50 foot re— ruiremont for the proposed Cobgy Co. building on Lot 29 Blo+jk 29 Cion Xrie Addition an re:iuested by Ralph Rutled6e, ouojoct to epproval by t':o L3n;.-ineer. Motion ptissed lay a tures ;joa vote. Tnueteen Curtis and Suivicur voro abnont. Edward 5olkiebe appeared in rotmra to parkins layout, entrances, uurhin Y, oto. for the Plymouth Shopping Center. It wn3 re— querted that Ito uontaot the Engineer and return with a scala t1rayinr of the same. lie agreed to do so. RI'::`:"11JI01.": ANP ORDINANCES MOVIOi, bv ':ruatee O'Fallon. awuond W tUnyor atnpleng to adapt R0. 63mlF j, a 4ISSOUTION APPRtVINC PLANS AND 911ttiC11p— YCA1110N:% Ar," ORDS ;INC ADURTI 1EN121dT 1r0lt 8=18 Motion pnoned by n throo yea vote. Trustees Gurtin and Saviour wore absent. osotution rilowl; 3 nota December 20, 1965 for the rid opening for 6the r0natruo ton rnd installation of storm eoirer in the loonttan referred to as Drntnar* Area XX, Altorwnto Plan Ab. 49 ihaludin;; Pre.ina !o Are;in XX, IX—A and UmB. Report received from the Vn;,inser rognrding a permit nyotom owr, vatti,r, in public utroats. by Irruste4 IlumnhrAy, and Ir? (`testes c lFallon, ronuart;ng tho Attorri:y to arra up ordiiam,-%e In drnft form covorinp the insttor. X-otion r: aread a t1Lrce Yen vote. Tructoeu Curtis and Uav:oui• were L:1tr-•iita 121 1WLIVSR FOR GAS STATION AT 101 6 DENIED FINAL PLAT BASS LAKE,4IIOREN00D HILLS ADDr- APPV'D BLDG. PERNIT & 10' SENBACK WAIVER APPV'D., R. RUTLEDGE REe PLYMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER PARKING LOP RESOLUTION 65-12I SPECS. ; IIID DATE APPROVED, URAINAnE AREA IX for 981 i-ROPOUND Some Z1.0AVATING Clip. all by V .j (' ` I ... r..> a . J l.:i ,.. J ] ar . rV !. 1. .. .,r .^ - ; 1 "f :) ~' i Vii, _ _ _ r •- ,.. '.•1''i` J 1Ccuda l' bl Outrid = ,1116v+embe.i } 15;" 1965 _ Paige 3 RE;3riIT, - ...;`;.FI':if EiciSt BOARDS AND COMMITTEESLl Tru...rite: t' .':rAl:loist, hairoidn of. the I.licluor Committee, ac it*3oa,-ledged itEt LIQUOR 'STOIIE reagrylp't.,-'6 ' the- L..,gi}.or'Stbre Report, t&z compiled iqy the Aaminis- REPORT' tr' 'stir. 1~:.P109 ' f''Trdctoo O'Fa.11on, second by I+7 Stsples, 1 aha t the Report k.;ei' forttiardod td G©or ge Scott:, Ite.nnspin County Attorney. for reviei; and .opinion as to ^ossible v1o.la:t on of , atktute•, and .hi;iv''reldiommondat:ions. Motid;>;l- pussr.4 t%y a three yea ' ro:te. Trustees. Curtis and Sevi.our were absent. It as 'braubht a o dti 1'ltifhiit' at sa91 or -has been advised to engage an outside t'ruditpr for ingO-Municipal Liquor Skore. " Tild Adg-An,:is tr t4i)l! F, -Re aort on Road Department Activities was REPCRT Cid ROAD 1Pefgeivnd.. Trus te•G` .Hum.phrey comm6nded the Administrator on D.sPARTMEM preparation of t-:'`coxaort. ACTIVITIES IIliFIN-13S ED 511SI.IV.i3aS fgY;7F ee O'Fallon brought to the attention of the Cotinei.l. thet R.Et rMPIMEE {; Mons Ha.ge.n; u. qualified inacirance expert (,tend Chairman of, the II.SIntARCE PROCItADi Park Comm iision) was in "the audience. Re was called before the y. Council and,cc discuss -ion was, held regar.dirg edletition 4of a health , and. medical'emp].oyoe insurahoe program. Uri Hagen was requested , to make an analysis of th3 programs and bids .pLa received' from four compen es and return with his recommendations at the December 6, 1965 Co!ncil meeting. He agreed to do so. ` A discussit;n, Was hold rogording the asnoesrnents on the 1961 lila. FL'1;,ESMEW Street Improvemontc of Fo_roatviiw Lane, the assessment procedure LANE AS WSMENTS htaviaz,,-& boasn questioned by Trustee Iiut;:.p-hrgy at the No-urimber 8 ` Council aik;eC.Ing. It was brought out that the zaseasnment roll shows thm.t the St. i<i.•arys -of the Lake Church property received the 9 'ton. computation as "comme'reial'' and the "resident ial11 prop - arty oil the alipon-i to side of the road casaumed the 5 ton comput- a tign. u Truotee 01,Fallon rwportddthat thera nre three pobsible ap- Rrt ROAD SUIT. plicon-to for the position of Road Supe viuor, and that .inter- APPLICANTS v;ie's a~ill be coot up. The Attorney uor. rQq%u entad 'to aon•tra.rt; the Administrator 1, regard REt 1113AGON 11131MIT tte the Coat of 0.1.1-ta.inin tin additional ?..t i'or &.%aeon 1teigllto ,iWAINAGE AREA IXI Tyra t naFo Arota I:\'. ADDITIONAL Lori' The Admii:ititriat•or iian dfi ertod, on request of Trustoo O,Vallor:, tits: $PEE.D SIGNS to asca.rta,,in the ;+7:, aGmbrlt of speed limit signs on 26th Avenue, ON 26T11 AVENUE rind' partinaulra.rW tit jffigJ 5 and 26th Avenue. Mie _equonted pro n-eaoti report on Schiebe .Parts waa deforred REI SCHIME PARK Lai- t l the meo t.i ng of December 6, .1965. REPORT id°R'„ RUSTNE65 Trustee WPallon brog0t up tho mattcax- of oe)tld:ltton o-[' oartiln 1313t S'i'REET CON_ road a ,included ;in tho 1966 St rent lmprovemant Pro;.wam, and the MINONS DAMAt E Iuobt ton of pornibl.o claim ITI a c.l tlao» who 11010 incurred dram- CLAIMS 11 arol b0cal",ut of y0or xoad coed i tlona. 'Cho Attorney atatod that mW portiy artac} term austained t,airago rrom village activity inuot fila No'tl ao or Claim to nold vlllalle within 30 days, nocording to u4ta•te sttatutca. Ile :RirtKor i'tatdacl .It a dntod lottor d'.raoted I 06'uncil ritir tea - i.I'vember 1; } :465 —Page .4 NEV WSIXESS, continued ' to the Council stating the damages and the amount of expenso Wrolved would serve. °,as' a Notice of Claim. Edward J. Roach, 12915 27th Ave. IW.., appeared regarding tt.e poor condition of pertain atree-ts and driveways . },17'••' •. area, "Ihb Engineer st'Ai ied that effort will be. made to. reaheF. the situs tion. Mayor Staples apologized to Pyr. Roach and o-%Ler citizens fcar the inc( vivenience caused '4r the incompletion: of the Roheduled road wc:k, and especially on behalf of Mother Nature. Trustee O'Fallait brought. up the matter of possible hook up of periphery area to the WIF water system. ^t_o Aumini.strator was directed -to writs' t=i 4rtl it Carlson of UIP regarding the status of the MIIP syste•n. The 1966 Union contract arrpoeal of: Local #119 as submitted for the• road crew Kat' refer..sed to ',he Attorney for report at the Deoeniber G, 196; Cott m(iettr g. h C 0 RE; STAVIS OF 141P •PATI SYSTEM RE, LOCAL NO. • 49 PROPOSAL The Administrator was dire.;ee. to have. printed final amended REe PROPOSED copies of the "Proposed. Zoning Ordinance" as presented by Edward 20NINC ORDINANCE Egan, Vice-Chn.irman of the Planning Conuaission. MISCELLANEOUS Tho Building Inspector's recommendation was received that Yerrion Toun&er, fr, 16.25 .14th Ave. W.. )o appointed to -We _3ui lding Code Advisory ommiesion to fill an ur *xpir•nd term, ending Docember 31, '1366. The vacancy was oreat•-id by the death of Rolf Opsahl, uhosc • zi iance, 9 t rr s Foin.tod : ut by Mayor Staples, will be mi.esoal,. NOTION by :payor Staplas, second by Trustee l•lumgltrej, that 111r. Yuungbor:!S bo named to fill. the unexpirod term of Mr. i paahl. Mation patnsed by a three yea vote. Trustees Curtis and Saviour wero absent. V. YUUNC13ERG APPOINTED TO BLDG. CODE COitli. IQ?! br• Txiintee O'Zrallon, second by ReVor Staples, to approve OFFICE STAFF the hiring of Margaret lllriok and Janet 'Wagner as clark—typlste HRw1A1d%C9RENT3 far the .'ill: go c'fficon, upon rerommendation 4y, the Administrator, APPROVED Uotio6 passed 14v a three yea vote. T%".l S•te%C rtis and Saviour PR11,.I S AVID 1.IV;0jES verb a .9.,cin . NOTIV by :'riiatoe Hum'.111 •e , secon.i 1 V Trustee O'Fallon, to appro%ro PLiI1 BIRD LIC'S Class A '1i•mhitrE; ]liQorroe ,.422 for ltovde Plumping oad. floating, Into. A"ta ROVEDr tlotion p`~dued. 1 y a throe yea vote. Tr4stuou No rtio and Seviour CL. A — HOYDL & warn abrient. BACTO)A1lI,. C Le C - 11OV'DE tI',C p bl• ,4a vor :'tnpl0s, secand QV TTUDIWO O Fallon, to approve Claur. C I'lumbir. j 1400110,10 ?7 ror !iovae Piumurig and lleating, Ina. Notion rasped lav n Uirea yen vote. Trertees Curtis and Seviour were abnont. h"TION by Prurtea 01'Vllon, second by Trustoo Humphrey, to approvo thou Al i'lumbinv& 'Ii:onaa =i:"1 for nok ahl and Qlacn I'lumbini; and Hoatit„ Flo. , Inc. 1141iti':x; p u"vet kV o three you vrto. Truatoes Q10.1v and IL'ov l our ro: a tlilt ont. L I i 6*no ,l . inu tea Rovembar. 15, 1965. Page 5 J14/ Pwaineer's •report vaceivsd reucim tendin. pr%Alal payment of- es't— it later to con traators for Village Projects Nos.. 145, X4.71 X-64 and X-65. The •Cn.;inees s+.ateci tha=t roads under aonst;ructiun will be left in reasunabV Rood ion i tion over the wi"t9r. NOTIO11 by rmstee Kuuntiphrey, •GM-10-nd by Trustee Mellon, to• approvs the ' aforemintionud partial psyments q,s recommended by bite Ln-ggneer. 14f,!. -Son paoced b a three -yea vote.. Ti`.rus•tees.''Curti's and Seviour absent. Xt was .requested that -the .Administrator chock the Placement of stroot sic-tns at RidRemcunt and .Pineview. MAT.011 b•• True -tem 11t.tatphrey, aecond by I4aryor Staples,, to sp>"rove tho Trans!1nerli a 1,.surance Company surety Bond, de-ded November, 8•, 10,6; in the amount of :4,000 for Ddaan Durl,•,r'n Barnes, Treacurer of tbr-i Villare of Pk,-•-.at1th. Motion passed by a th.tee yea vote. Trustees Curtis 2nd '..'L- lour wez.j absent. IL 1`1IFp7• O PARTIAL PAYI+IEIiT APPROVED, PROJEC... X-95997964:9..,& 6.5 a- Tri EismEx s 1 sbUD APPROWX 1 Oil Toruotea lxvmnrn;;, second by Trustes OlFallon, to approve G'17IiCTt'x. FUND ahec :i !Led 6n tho '. cv, --',c-r 11, 1QA5 Diebursa,aent tentDISDURSEbiL+ '1' ccverir:; ,eneral Funs it :-Ixunt of 856,57O,68. Ration passed .CH11,rKS APPROVED y a 4.1.. res --c-1 vo-tee Tmc i %uritis and Seviour lrere absent. INCLUDING: II011' : •1 ee Humrhrcy, r cl%-end by kcyor Staples, to approve POLICE %UIQ sir • c ' or the Nci%vn. bar Y 1955 i i opbureenent Sts .r•men•t ROAR DEFT. r %oaring :,,? icr ''':nd in the- amount of ;93' 17- 55- Notin-n passed BOAU & DR.:'iyGE t .. a, .. .. ...., n Curtin ri POOR.'U><fL rne ,cM . ;`1.,._.ee 4r Li.,i .:.:.c. `_'evlau core absent. L'EJ13T SER',T.CE Zi'T.1jr Z`v :'r't-t t t 6:u:a;1:rP1> ti , soccnd • Tru toe O'Cai.lon, to approve ' rhc:cr:a It ted on the I,cvetr',or 15. 196; Oisbursemont "tatement cover) ng the x'i re 'Ve ,-•:rtmentand i.l tho am. un•t of 32+%%? .12. C+,.i on p/a ed lav a t.t:rc+ y ; r ta, ' `.r --toes Ca' tis -n Saviour w-r:.ro absent. 14MON Truti tee C 1 i• :1011 n'eccil l tot 9&5,,Vc%r ai : pll'a, to al.iprove ol1aalcr r fed 01 .:.. L'.•.•,"tt : .;+, 1955 iclburt emel ' S'tt.ter ent coveri.:• • Vie Fond' ^lt i : Idye Fund in thv amount of 09 363o0oo Uri -t aan 11i a yr -8 vote. Iruetees Curti-, and leviour W. r(% a bE4ellt . X:'JOV t il Wua3•100 MTV'! GOUCrtd by :rt ni,oa '''r_11011, •tu approv c•'he%-ke tinted', o!. Ute tl r 11 19(l) Zi.sbdrt c• ::t Sin -emont covizri"t; .lie 37-ocr ru...; no the c:"i '- t• of P'46.34. Motiwi rl&11 Gd tY a V: rae yea vri te. rl`rur lbiner• Qu • t l :' •.iid ^ovi nvr were absent. tIQTI N' 1x• Tru. -Loo liumphrry, .tcad:r:l lair Kt1;j•or titaplos, to a,;p rovn i2hoelca lintel cin the hovointor 1i•, 1965 Mobursomant :'t'xtetnant- c:ovarirq; the t ebb Nevico 1dnd in the tunclant •if. 338, 'r.75• Notxtitl paseod by u t1troe yes vote, Trt1otee 11•rtir, and Saviour vaire c bnqtti L. U1O'.I KON Ir VtV-cir 5t.i,1Jo0, qt: .1. Its. ; .. Trum—ee .Iti•f.•, t poatpohe NiMIC :; ' OF cc -14011 nil the rublic ''Ark Tunul clicL4r ata li::_-,4 rl t-1110 i3ove:n4,er m K i.iiGrt 1!,, 1165 :'it31at1•tSC 4 i 541i iQtnol1•t Until the tn•aet111 v u+' . r cmbor i;ntijtl rivarad 1` u throo ,yaa vote. Trtivicui lartin r;.nn roti*i r z wor.'a abrivrl t. Ov tno•t.l.oa -Ito rrest itl, :1,4ovrnod M ;'t 4r, P.M. 1' 1: ,, r t r' s 1isno ItITl4` 4 ' b q gix•r 1:: a'Y t,.. . 1: Pwaineer's •report vaceivsd reucim tendin. pr%Alal payment of- es't— it later to con traators for Village Projects Nos.. 145, X4.71 X-64 and X-65. The •Cn.;inees s+.ateci tha=t roads under aonst;ructiun will be left in reasunabV Rood ion i tion over the wi"t9r. NOTIO11 by rmstee Kuuntiphrey, •GM-10-nd by Trustee Mellon, to• approvs the ' aforemintionud partial psyments q,s recommended by bite Ln-ggneer. 14f,!. -Son paoced b a three -yea vote.. Ti`.rus•tees.''Curti's and Seviour absent. Xt was .requested that -the .Administrator chock the Placement of stroot sic-tns at RidRemcunt and .Pineview. MAT.011 b•• True -tem 11t.tatphrey, aecond by I4aryor Staples,, to sp>"rove tho Trans!1nerli a 1,.surance Company surety Bond, de-ded November, 8•, 10,6; in the amount of :4,000 for Ddaan Durl,•,r'n Barnes, Treacurer of tbr-i Villare of Pk,-•-.at1th. Motion passed by a th.tee yea vote. Trustees Curtis 2nd '..'L- lour wez.j absent. IL 1`1 IFp7• O PARTIAL PAYI+IEIiT APPROVED, PROJEC... X-95997964:9..,& 6.5 a- Tri EismEx s 1 sbUD APPROWX 1 Oil Toruotea lxvmnrn;;, second by Trustes OlFallon, to approve G'17IiCTt'x. FUND ahec :i !Led 6n tho '. cv, --',c-r 11, 1QA5 Diebursa,aent tentDISDURSEbiL+ '1' ccverir:; ,eneral Funs it :-Ixunt of 856,57O,68. Ration passed .CH11,rKS APPROVED y a 4.1.. res --c-1 vo-tee Tmc i %uritis and Seviour lrere absent. INCLUDING: II011' : •1 ee Humrhrcy, r cl%-end by kcyor Staples, to approve POLICE %UIQ sir • c ' or the Nci%vn. bar Y 1955 i i opbureenent Sts .r•men•t ROAR DEFT. r %oaring :,,? icr ''':nd in the- amount of ;93' 17- 55- Notin-n passed BOAU & DR.:'iyGE t .. a, .. .. ...., n Curtin ri POOR.'U><fL rne ,cM . ;`1.,._.ee 4r Li.,i .:.:.c. `_'evlau core absent. L'EJ13T SER',T.CE Zi'T.1jr Z`v :'r't-t t t 6:u:a;1:rP1> ti , soccnd • Tru toe O'Cai.lon, to approve ' rhc:cr:a It ted on the I,cvetr',or 15. 196; Oisbursemont "tatement cover) ng the x'i re 'Ve ,-•:rtmentand i.l tho am. un•t of 32+%%? .12. C+,.i on p/a ed lav a t.t:rc+ y ; r ta, ' `.r --toes Ca' tis -n Saviour w-r:.ro absent. 14MON Truti tee C 1 i• :1011 n'eccil l tot 9&5,,Vc%r ai : pll'a, to al.iprove ol1aalcr r fed 01 .:.. L'.•.•,"tt : .;+, 1955 iclburt emel ' S'tt.ter ent coveri.:• • Vie Fond' ^lt i : Idye Fund in thv amount of 09 363o0oo Uri -t aan 11i a yr -8 vote. Iruetees Curti-, and leviour W. r(% a bE4ellt . X:'JOV t il Wua3•100 MTV'! GOUCrtd by :rt ni,oa '''r_11011, •tu approv c•'he%-ke tinted', o!. Ute tl r 11 19(l) Zi.sbdrt c• ::t Sin -emont covizri"t; .lie 37-ocr ru...; no the c:"i '- t• of P'46.34. Motiwi rl&11 Gd tY a V: rae yea vri te. rl`rur lbiner• Qu • t l :' •.iid ^ovi nvr were absent. tIQTI N' 1x• Tru. -Loo liumphrry, .tcad:r:l lair Kt1;j•or titaplos, to a,;p rovn i2hoelca lintel cin the hovointor 1i•, 1965 Mobursomant :'t'xtetnant- c:ovarirq; the t ebb Nevico 1dnd in the tunclant •if. 338, 'r.75• Notxtitl paseod by u t1troe yes vote, Trt1otee 11•rtir, and Saviour vaire c bnqtti L. U1O'.I KON Ir VtV-cir 5t.i,1Jo0, qt: .1. Its. ; .. Trum—ee .Iti•f.•, t poatpohe NiMIC :; ' OF cc -14011 nil the rublic ''Ark Tunul clicL4r ata li::_-,4 rl t-1110 i3ove:n4,er m K i.iiGrt 1!,, 1165 :'it31at1•tSC 4 i 541i iQtnol1•t Until the tn•aet111 v u+' . r cmbor i;ntijtl rivarad 1` u throo ,yaa vote. Trtivicui lartin r;.nn roti*i r z wor.'a abrivrl t. Ov tno•t.l.oa -Ito rrest itl, :1,4ovrnod M ;'t 4r, P.M. 1' 1: ,, r t r' s 1isno ItITl4` 4 ' b q gix•r 1:: a'Y t,.. . 1: