HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 11-10-1965 Speciali ) N • 1 ' Nov. 101 . ly6 1 MINUTES ,OI SPECIAL M1 t".01 INC OF VALLAJE COUNCIL Of V I LLAO8 CI1- PLYMOUTH, M I NN EUOTA E V Pursuant to due ce'til and Notice thereof a ::pecia 1 Meeting of the Village Council of the Pillage of lalymouth, Minnesota, was held at the Beacon tleig'its :school, 12,115 Utate liwy. n53, Plymouth, Minnesota on the A,Oth day of November, 1960, f), at 7:30 o'clock fall' The following member: were present.: Mayor Staples, Trustoes. Curtis, U' leallon, lil mphrey, and Seviour. The following members were absent: None The meeting was callel to order by Mayor y4aplea for the purpose ofcondilctirg a public hearing on a propoued Azan:tul'y sewer system in that area of tht Village identii :ed as Area g1 PUBLIC the boundaries of which were d.pacribed in the Notice of liearing. Mayor ;staples introduced Mr. Otto iioneatroo, the consulting engineer for the project, who described the proposal to •the USuembledb iir, wcuneo Ulaan, represent- ative of ituran a Moody, Ins:., the financial conuul tang; for the 1•illage, outlined -the proposed fir anc.:al plaza relative to the project. Each person in attendance %as giveh a financial utattment uho:va:n in dat ail the proponed method for payinf; .for the pro,lecte i!ollowing these prooentationu, tho::v :nc cabers of the N public present: were invited to aok quentionu and make ouch common -to as they mii;ht ianve, humorous queu tions wore ral nod and were ^pswered by 'the engineer, bhe fi.rsanc ial conoul taw t, members o t1 a council, and the attorney, After all present had been a: d, ttl-Wor. Utnpleis de :lured tho pu•Ulic hearing closed at -about 9:50 o'clock I'.•i. Mayor titaplue introduced the following r000lution at:1 moved i to ad' -%pt i ori; lceat,].0 tion Nd. y-1 l` 11HALOIJU11011 IR11'ItOV14AP11Et`l'1';a AIND 1'13L1'AhATION lata PLANU HJUD ARG AN. SEW L. MI'). LAKE AhA 1 HE'lih:AU, a heriolution of th.0 1`il la ge Counci.l adopted 1,81%A IJUTION the Qui: day of October, 1965, fixed tho 10th day of Nov- 65-117 ember, 1965, no Lhe dnto for n public hearint; on inutal- SAN. 51, E14; lation of oanitary ueweru, intercoptoru, and lcterale 1NTC a AdiA7' with roupect to the arta doocribad in the Notice of lioarin6o AND Lill;. I liLa ir:A:, all property ownero %%hosu proporty iu liable Lo be tu;uet ed for the making of thoue improvu- merits were 1;ivLn publiulted notice: and mailed noticau of uai d lioairini; ;au ruyuirlid by laws N ll '11GX!03sQ1%X HE, 1".' 1101i' 1'IA"1;3) my '.a1Ad, cOUNC.114 t. .1 I'il I li,t,Ai1l t'1 1`;.t'1,101"l'1i Al; Y C 1.1iC'1'i: l ENGa TO Ph El'A h E IILN AWO, A 0 1 C Such improvements ae sort out and, above and above arij for the area hereinafter de -scribed, are herebar order0d As propored in the council resolution adopted May 3, 1965. Commencing at -the intersectxbn of Co. hd. # 18 and the Minnesota and Western, hai.lroad tracks; thence Hort):- along County Road r118 to County hoad No 9; .:honce West along County, hoad # 9 to tr:e Last line of Marcel No. 455, in the OOW* p - 'tho NEA- of Sec o,n 13, T%VP. 118, hang;e 22, thence South along the East line of said Parcel No. 455, Parcel No. 460 in raid quarter quarter and the Last line of hemme's Addition to the Southeast corner of said. I e.rae's addition; thence We4t aloes the South lime of said hemme's addition to LZOvere lane; then6e South along the West line of the :iL of sad Section 13 : to 36th Ave. , , Nc rth; thence Last along 36.th i 4;a. North to the 1AVa' t line of the land owned by Independent School Dimtrict No. 231l being Parcel No. 3236; then Soutii along the West line of said uroperty as extended to the center of Section 4,, Township 118, Range 22; thence East along said center line to the West line of Lot 11 Auditor's ;.subdivision No. 333; thence South along said Weu't lite to 28th Avenue North;thence South along tihe West line of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5v and 6 block 1 and the West line of Lots 1, 29 30 4, and 8, Block 7 all in Medicine Lake lurk Third Division; thence West along 26th Avenue North to Medicine Lake; thence South ,and Waa t along the shore of KL-di.c:ine ;Lake to the Eaj t Boundary of the l illage of Madic ine Lake; thence South along; theLast boundary of the Vill;aj;e of Medicine Lake to thr Minnescta and Western l ..iilroad Tracks; then; a .Eau t along the lAlinnesota and astern hailroad tracks to County Load No. u18, all as outlined on the map attached hereto as E:;hibit #"A". 112. Molle Consulting EXGineer herob,,' directed to prepare plans Sand. specifl aticno for the making,; of such Improvement." The above motion was seconded Ly ':`rustee Curti b andupon vote being ta.:Cn thereon. the following voted in favor thereof: Mayor ataples, Irustees Ourt:iu, C111allon, liumphrey and Seviour. The following voted a6ainu t : Watereupon and r000lu tion wt -v F. ono.. decl.arod duly panned and adopted, I 1 0 Nov. 1U. 1965 -Cont', l Motion was made by Trustee O Il'allon (a) that the laterals be planned but not executed without Council review and approval (this would be ,ione area by area) and (b) that the Council study the possibility of varying the asses3ment;s based 'apon the type of street : replacements required front of houses. The motion wa3 seconded by Trustee. Pumphrey and passed by all Council members voting aye. N Trustee Curtis intx•oduced the follow::. .rssolu1:ion and moved its adoption: Resolution No. I GOL" UTION (1Ii.DEhINC PhEPAfiATION Or REPORT ON 1NTA0VEIMEn11, 1' HEILLAS, it is prop9sed to install laterF. san:.tary sewers in the following described area: The South i of the Mill' of. Section 13, TVIP 118, !range 22; the Nc rth i of the SW of Section 13, 'l'VP 1189 Range, 22, Remme's Addition and P•ircels No. 460 and 455 in the SI'r; of the iii.; of Section 130 TVI -P ii5, hange 22; n.0 assess tli benefited property for all or v pc r t i.c•n the cost ;:+i' the imp wemei:t., lour.n'i>>:it tot<I...A. woo.:. 420.01,E to 429.111 NOW THEVEI1•a1III!: 13L VI li=LVED BY THE UOUNCIL 01s THE VILLAGE 01, PlJYMOUTI-i: That the props -Md improvement be referred L) the Villar.e "rigineer for study and tlia-*%i lie is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed, advise the noun- eil in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement :Lu feasible and as to whether it should bout be made au proposed or in connection with some other improvement and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended." The motion wary seconded by Trustee I.-Aviour and upon vote being taken thoroon the following voted. in favor of the: motion: Na;for Staples, Trustees Curtia, of h•allon, liumphrey, and Ueviour, The following voted al;ainat tho motion: none Whoreupon the motion was &T lc;•red duly pauc:ed and udoptarl. Trus Lee Curtia introduced i Inc followint, resolution and movad itis, adoption: 110001ut,ion 65-119 las,' iOUI'lION 1,1:twE11 1NU ItEl'Oh l" AND WHEREAS, a report rias been Engineer to the Village Council re^ommerding the installation of in the following described area: r , . given b,, the Village on November 10, 1965, lateral sanitary sewers The South" of the NW' of Section 13, Township 118, Range 22; the North; of the SW.' of Section 139 Towna-hip t 118, lunge 22; Remme's Addition and Parcels No. 460 and 455 in the 3\ .1 of the NE' of Section 139 Townhhip 1,18, Mange 22 1 NOW '.1HEREFOHE, 13E 1'T KESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE V 1LLAGE 011' PLYMOUTH: 111. The Council will consider the aforesaid improvement in accordtuace with the report and the assessment of property abutting or within said boundaries for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Meg .A. Sec. 429-011 to 429v 111, at an estimated total cost of the improvement as shown. Resolution 65-113 Set Dec. 20,'65 for public herng, install sanitary sewer Laterals in Lost Lake , area. xxxxibm 112. A public bearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 20th day of December, 1965, at the Village Ball, in the Pillage of Plymouth at 7:30 P.M. The Pillage Council shall give publibhed notice of such hearing and impro le.ment as required by law." Trio motion for the adoption of the foregoing hesolution was duly seconded by mayor Utaples and upon vote being taken thereon, the f'ol'lowing voted in favor thereof: Mayor Staples, Trustees Curtis, 0' 1-'allon, HuinpEirey, and Seviour. The following voted against the motion: None. Whereupon the motion was declared duly passed and adopted. On motion duly made, and seconded arid unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at about 10:30 1'.h9. o WHEREAS, a report rias been Engineer to the Village Council re^ommerding the installation of in the following described area: r , . given b,, the Village on November 10, 1965, lateral sanitary sewers The South" of the NW' of Section 13, Township 118, Range 22; the North; of the SW.' of Section 139 Towna-hip t 118, lunge 22; Remme's Addition and Parcels No. 460 and 455 in the 3\ .1 of the NE' of Section 139 Townhhip 1,18, Mange 22 1 NOW '.1HEREFOHE, 13E 1'T KESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE V 1LLAGE 011' PLYMOUTH: 111. The Council will consider the aforesaid improvement in accordtuace with the report and the assessment of property abutting or within said boundaries for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Meg .A. Sec. 429-011 to 429v 111, at an estimated total cost of the improvement as shown. Resolution 65-113 Set Dec. 20,'65 for public herng, install sanitary sewer Laterals in Lost Lake , area. xxxxibm 112. A public bearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 20th day of December, 1965, at the Village Ball, in the Pillage of Plymouth at 7:30 P.M. The Pillage Council shall give publibhed notice of such hearing and impro le.ment as required by law." Trio motion for the adoption of the foregoing hesolution was duly seconded by mayor Utaples and upon vote being taken thereon, the f'ol'lowing voted in favor thereof: Mayor Staples, Trustees Curtis, 0' 1-'allon, HuinpEirey, and Seviour. The following voted against the motion: None. Whereupon the motion was declared duly passed and adopted. On motion duly made, and seconded arid unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at about 10:30 1'.h9. Peau l E. lioU,S . C 1csrk-Adminiutrutor