HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 11-01-1965Novsmbe Z , PurrAL"t to dues call and notios thereof, a regular meeting of the Vi llao Council of the Village of Plymouth, Kinnesota, was duly bald at the Village gall on the let da7 of ,November, 19659 at 700 o'clock P.&: Present?' " or Staples, Trustees Curtia, U'Fal.lon, Imphrey, Sevicur, ; Administrator Boog, Attorney .Lefler, and Fangineer wefald. Ma or Staples calleil the meeting to oats;-. In the absence of s cler®r- MR to f. ive, an invoc-Story prayer, 1layor S,%aples requested she Council and audience to riot) for a moment of silent prayers M wor Sta)lee welcoaed Jim Haehlen, instructor, and observors from the Wayzata Jr. Fls;h Schools Copies a the miywt,))s, of the regular meeting of October 189 1965, were approved as prepared, and mailed. Bids were opened a3 1Q00 AsNe v Nwtinber 1, 1965, in accordance LARCY LANE with official publiaition ;and in Ztih: presence of the Village 04, BIDS RECTSR ministrator and E. g;lneer, , for the acceptance of bide for the iaa- Movement of Lsacoh 1'+ane ai the Soo Line Railroad Crossings Bids received from -'Veit and Cos,. Inc* ie- the amount of 15911.2%, and C. S. Mocresson, Inc* in the amount of $5525.00, both with 0 bid bonds attaehod, were read auid recorded. Thbre being no other bids, the bid opening was closed. The'bids were then referreA to the Engineer for his coneideration and referral to the Coun6A1 at its regular meattng at 7130 o' ol`,%ok Po N. on the same date. Upon recoamendation ty the pnglneer that the bids be rejected'as ez oessive and that the Larch Lane road i,riprovement be added to the muaiolpal state aid project, for the spring of 1966, the V' flowing motions were. modes NOTION nada 1W Mayor Staples that the id opining on tine Larch Lane ru ad improvement be closed. Notion seo- ends& by Truates Humphrey and passed tW all Council members: present voting aye. MOTION made try Mayor Staples that the bide of l oit and Co., Ino* in the amount of :5911.259 and C. S. MoCroeson'in th*3 amount of $552540 :Por the improvement of Larch Lane at the goo Line Railroad Crosslvwq be rejeetea, and that the aforemention4d.law provement bo included in the 1966 stroet xr:provemen:, prograx., notion seconded ty Trustfas Seviour and passed too, all Council uklam bars present voting aye. The Administrator presented a petition regarding installation oil :.tit STREET street lights in an area west of Medicine Lakv to sided by 106 LTGHTS N OF residents and involving 258 homes and reading as follows.i;Dr1°TNF tAKE We the following petition the Village Council of Plymouth to mage a study of and install lighting on the streets in an area starting at a poi»t of 23rd Avenue North and Want Medicine Lalce Drive thence North to 28 1/2 Avenue thence westerly to ueniu Lane thence South to High.tm? 55 to a point where 23rd Avenge North would intareei)t, thence Cast to thu point of beginning." Gens Kretohmer, Northern States Power representative, presented a layout showing tercuily - lights placed tit the intersections at a cost of $17226'00 or app"We $ 18. 00 a year per residenap. Rev. Curtis J?Uson spots ,poi 1; petitioners and indioa'Std th,et more lights than shown mar'be neoded along Nedicine Laid ftilr Staples pointed out that the &opoaled lighting VoU14 be e00(Ailld a 8ainst 94 November 19 1165 - Page 2e that- proporV owners bsaefiteL Rev. Johnson and Kreteehaez will most In committee on she matter during +he week and Appear at the November 8th Council meeting. REs P=RLRAU Mayor Staples brought up the matter of lowering of the water level L.:E WATER LEVEL of.?omerlaau Lake and aelzed the Attorney for a resume of action taken, uILersupon the Attorney stated that Kenneth Hampton had been issued tua tickets for dredging without a State Conservation Per- mit with prosecution being set for Thursday, November Ah at the WaW ata City Hall. The Engineer reported on a field survrty made on November /1 with es representative from the )ta-.e of Minnesota Division of Vatere, and stated that this depatmenj- has the drodg- ing well documented. Re cited Pomerleau Labe level,, reaUngrr frcra 1902 to 1963. mayor Staples .read s letter written over bad sign- nature d3recte3 to Wayne E. Olson. Plinnisota Department of Coib- servation, concerning the dredging as protuAdi tg - bout a perm:t. Clyde kvbere,, J dministrative Asciatant to Senator ge ry McXhight, and State Representative John Yngve, aprr;.ired befo;^e the Camoii regarding this rza•zter. Mayor Staples directed to their att4Ortian, that 1) a natural lake is being lowered, 2) the drainage contvi,b.n utas directly to the flooding of Bass lim e$i consequent baa*- meat flooding au:i 3) part of Zachary Lane is Laos inundated, and requested their assistance iii'; seeing that the ;situation to corrected, Mr. iWborg stated that Pomerleau Lake is a mer.rdeved lake and that the State Attorney General has been requested to cause the dredging to be stopped and the lake returned to ita original condition. Ho' suggested t".at the Village Attorney con• tact the Attorney Corexal and Roger Williams in regard to the a fitter. Stato Representative, Yrigue stated that he will offer whatever couragement the Papartmen! of Conservation and Attornay General will need. Mvy%ir Staples read a letter from the Honorable Fa:02 F. Rolvaag, Governor of the State of Minnesota, acknowledging receipt of a letter from the Naor reg^.rding the lowering of the water level of Pomerlsau Lake. Hugo Bcoman, Mrs. Noruan Bill, end William Egan, residents of the area, appeared in protest. Mr. {3roman spoke in detail of the ditch dug across his :and vitbm out his permission and consequent flooding• of approx. eine acre o! grov+nd. The Villa(To Attorney stated his Intent to call this occurrence to the attention of tho Attorney Generali office. A diecsission ensued as to the means to accomplish stoppage of glom of vtater from the lake as occurring in two main ditches, acorjr',,.. ing to the EnSineore The Attorney advised the Council that State 'Statue resezvos the right of directing that dredging Le ceased or filled in for the Commiseioner° enservation, e4j,l thatPlymouthVillameoarwottakeaottoneCordonNelsengavethey opinion that the ",ac,hury Lane flooding in due to dredging; on thi44 east edge of Ross Lake, and the Engineer was directed tV the I;t,yor to check this. CCWDM. REARrWu 51Ua ION made tW Ngyor Staples that a Condeartation Hearing 'ire s,4' DUB".. t - GARAaE for December 609 19659 regarding the burned garage at '315 Or - 335 Ot oitn Demi%: chid Lare. Not.l©n seconded toy Truatee Curtis and paeee i ty al`i Council members i resent voting eye. 746Itryror E irectea the Ad- ministrator to inforin the property owner cf the hearin4';. r 1A t 100"ber i, 1965 wee 3• i 951 xom,,JCv ma& mr XiWor' Stades that's Cc lesaaiion BA.ring tae 1d,pt C&DE1. AELRWC r for Droemb yr 6th, - 1965, regarding the turned how '/4% 2440 OLire DISC. NO= Lae., Notion seconded Trustee Rusphsepr end p3sesd by all 2440 ILZy'E IM Coun*11 m 0eris present voting s$.k. '`'ho ftor directed the Ad^ miaistw.ty to inform the propertz ' ovaer of he hearing. Robert L, Yetereon, 5705 Dunkirk Laybe, arAd the Building Inspece, PETERSON WiN teir appeared regarding location of a barn on Petersf n'e prcper t. LOCATION AP?V V; vas tmgfit out that Peterson crass 30 acres rather than the ! acres shovn on Village records. r:!'IOF made tVTr+aet6a Humphre r that the tatter be approved. Votion seconded tp 'i'rusteo Curtis and passed %F all Council merberg pre3ent voting aye. The Xayor directed the Building Ineractor to bring the matter of lo- cation of banns er:A building pwMaits for the seas to the atteAt- ioA of the Building Codes Advinory Committee. POTION made tV Trustee 01F413n that Rarold 'Jalverson be on. RJAD SUPT'. gaged V the Village of Plymouth as the lull time Road Superin- GAGED tendent es of Novembor k5the 1965, at a eVirting salary of $8500. 00 rer an::.um. Notion seconded tly Trustee &uvphM and passed all Council members present voting aye. Amendment to the lk)tion made tV 'Trustee Wallon that lir. Llalve!v?son be engeeed as of Nov_ ember 8th, 1965. Amendment to the motion eerronded Trustee R=phM ,and passed try all Council manbers present voting eye. f The Administrator was directed tV this Mayor to draw up a job dnscri,rtion analysi a for all Vi l laor depart. int heads prior to the drawinC up of an ordinance cov!iring the same. The Admin- 1. istrator n a requeeted tv wri to a letter to Halverson setting down-1 details of empl(Wment. The n. gineer submitted a report regarding a cul-de- sac proposed itEs JL Ndc llL LAIM for %onr:,uil Lane, stating the the onXv location possible would C rLw@ZwSAC L be on a vacant lot at the erd of the Peninsula. The AlttorneF PLIND C010T A was directod tV the Mayer to look into the tout of nbtuinisg the lot fov tivz ueion of the project in the 1966 Street Improve- ment Proexoms The report further stated that visibili%r at Jon- quil L l e and 36th Ave7nre had been imprcved 1W outtirg o!' the brush, which rejurt vas substantiated tV the Administrator's citing of r+olice report vj7068. T rki„ uoLellan, Areri Dusineas Repi-asentativo of International Ilt"rERNAT'L. UA. Union of Oporating Fnginsere, Local No. 49, %ppeared to requos' OF OPERATING formal recognition <.)f thin union on behalf or the esplgrees. ENCTNEERS MMON made =y Nt,*(ar 3taplee tl a t formal ram )gni tion be made of RECOGNIZED the International 'Jnion of Operating Enginecre, Local ho. 499 ArlswCIO, on behol-: of the maintonanoe ^iaplgreeo of tho Village of Plymnuth who havo sigaied the petition designating the Union as their representative, tlotion seconded *qy Trustee Hvmphrfty and passed tV all 0)uncll members present voting aye. 14yor Staples azplained to the audience the history bohlad the REt HEM CO. propoa9N contersiat with the Hennepin County Animal Rescue League. ANML RESCUE The Attorney pointed out that oltisens calls in rog-,rd to omall LEAGUE CONTRACT animals must come through `he Plymouth Police Department or Vi,l- laCe Offioos. NOTION made * Trustee Curtis that the Kckyrse anit Administrator be designated to execute the contract. Notion a4ic- onded by Trustee Seviour and passed by all Council amembere pre-, sent voting eye. llovenbet 1, 1965 _ Pado 4. Trustee Curtis moved the adoption of the following ordinsiiosi oRDzaCa xo. 6.21 AN ORDMRS CRrATING TO PCSITION OF CI:ONvoADYMISTRATOR AND DEP=G TEE DUTIES TFMBOP. Hb' VILLAGE COW. IL OP TiM VILLAGE Or PWXCFJ"I'Fi 'DO IMRi bB' O.RDAIN AS FOLLOYSt Section 1. 1.01 :'here to he"tw created in the tillage of Plya uth the position of ClerkmAdsinistrator. 1.02 Thn ClerkmAdstaletrator shall. be appointed tsy the Village Council on tds basis of his imining, ezperi,otaod .fad adw eiristrative qualificavions and need not, be a residerut, of the village tit the time of his appointluent:. 1.03 The Clerk-m4dministrat;or shall be epplotAnted fe? an indefinite period and wW be removed t the Couwxe«'.l d.t auk tine, provided, however, that prior to his sro mol J to =squire— ciente of Section 197.46 Minnesota Statutes shall have boom comm plied with. In such event the Council may suspend hii. Tn% office pending aW hearings required. 1.04 Airing; the abeonve of the Clc rkwtdmitt#s°t reGtt:T, tate Council wW deei(nate some other qualified person to perfocra his duties. Section 2. DUT ,IRS 2.01 The Clerk—Administrator shall be the head of the administrative branch of the village rrovernmart and riaall is re— sponsible to.the Counoil for the proper adminiatraticn of all affairs relating to the village. 2.02 The Cler"dministrator shall Sa\"a all the 'powers and shall perform all thn dutise imposed upon or gimnted, to a village olork tw the Wtutes of the State of MInnteota. He shall sign all instruments re+quixed to be signed lend a tteated kr a viu lane clerk in accordance with se4d statutes. 2.03 He snall rocoame"d to the Council the Omplovaent, advancement and dieoharge of all village enplgyees. 2.04 Re shall see thus thq statutes relating to the vilinge and th#& logs, ordinances and resolutions of the village are enforced. 2*05 He shall ezoroiss control over all departments and divisions of the villago administrAtIon which may be created trot• the Council. 2.06 No shall recommen4 to tho Council for adoption such mensures tis he meW doom neoewxary, for the welfare of the people and the effloistit administration of the affairs of thea vi 11a e. 1 1 November 1, 1965 — fto 5 • 2.07 Ha *hall beep the Council fully advis03 as to tk1 financial condition and need* of the village, and he *hall yrspare and submit to the Council the elual budget. 2.e?8 He shall be the chief purchasing a,-Vnt of the village. All purchases for the village and all contracts shell be mads or let, V the Clerk when the amount of the Purchase or contract does not exceed 10000006 13ot all clatmis resulting therefive shall be audited and approved c the Counoll. L11 other purchases shall b. made and all other contracts let by the Council. 2.49 All contracts, bonds and instruments of arW kind to which the village is a party shall be signed bar the liayar and the Clerk -w Administrator an behalf of the village and shall be executed in the name of the village* Section 3. ZFPECTIVE DATE A 3.01 This ordinance shn'll, bt=ms offeaziver vpov .10 passages and pub-lication. Adopted ty the VilleFe Council on t::e lst dW of November, 1965, Nayovv Attests kC f / IjiX0.1 Cle1r dma nietra car Motion for sdo;tion of the fore,ving ordinance was duly secor ded tr Trustee ?'eviour and upon wrote iwirg taken thereon the .follow. ing voteOA in favor there oto Tey#.)r Staples, ` ruatees Curtis, O'Fallon, E1tmp r%t 9 and Feviou~. Agninrs'ta None, Dated Nov. 1, John U6,ve .appeared on behvlf of Metro U. S. in roaard to a water oporating a e.+rient for mouth Plaza Addition. LIOTIOA made by lrn )toe m1mrhrej nutbori,,ring the Nayor and Adminiat m for to s z)aute the oontract. Alotion seconded bt• Curtie and 'Mooed 1 1 all Go%%noil momber!) pregieibt voting kyee Ntl°a10N made ter 11"ruste,, Curt,ia that Iaaember 6, 19659 ba set as the bid data for the ,ntryoav: of receiving wd actin* upon bids for two peak ae oars. a Totioa seconded by P4 by ar Sta+plee And passed by all ''%ouncil memboru prerent voting (We. Wthvy end .ane Onrleon appeared in roEns rd to the PIIA and 4i)Adjti.an plat. .IrnoBt lohmann reviewed aa`i,an taken Ike. the Plann,i.i,q Commission in :ugnrd to tae plute P IC'."OF m9t.de try Hum— phrey to g',ve prelloinni, 1 PpFreaval to thy+ NTP tri Addition xllati sub feat to they evnd:, t o, t t) .n t, Out lot A not be devolaped iti thout prior approval for brie Counteil. Notion afloonded V Truotot (°irtia and Wtained tW all Cour 411 itvmbere present voting Va. REQ F:TER GON— TRA071F; WITH XVIA0 UO so DEC. n SETT FOR i?l= CAR BIDS MI S!O, Ibt. A,,n£V' I,. 111? 02%0 ADD.r'I,A 14T.Ph CONDITI13 98 AWM?An TO IM A diaaraoioa no bold )dth`tbe*allJIng Jn,,),pg*&0r InL " Prd to the XmIILP&M hiring of/.4n Aseiet"t', pdrtfp j"U" for pattablag fnsirotioo. R'IItm !rank H.. Rsillt, 20? -8 8rUa bene,,; Mur rov+t ded ,_ to Inspsotor. ItOR'ION pods Ir Tmst*6 Curtis t ff wait It. 041,11 b , ocnsl Q , as a rLrt time plumbing ynspiotar. "oorenai,g Mtvmbsr 2, 1965* for tp o balance of 1965, vith revilfnr to be O vea 'ss to the aeod for a toll or part time assistant dt the firvt of the year. KoUcry, s000nded by DWos Staples rind passed tv all Council anbsrs went voting 'qfo. ' Rio INSOWTI(N 071105 Sado 10 Curtis that the A14,Wr* bo Instructed tv prepare WA PIM CASIf a "solation to set,up a Pott, Caste Fund for 350.00 and present lU1tD )Wo same at the Hoer 8th Connolil, n0oting. Rotion seconded Iir Trustee H mphrW mad pawed 1W All 0ounall meatars present voting ore. SINAL A2", L, MOTIM mads. 1!! ftar Staples that the fingl plat of Kid -O 1@s 2nd Additioa to approved subject to the reoom wedstions made 1 2VD ADD. PLAT the Engineer in regard to a certified, obeek and mmij bond sad that the %Wee ;and Administrator be authorized to sign said plat. Notion poondsrl tW 1!rustee Curtis and' passed 1W all Council members present voting qe. REs CLEAWY OF TU Engineer submitted.a report regarding the final Cleanup of CO. $D, 6 Co. Rd. 6 Ment of T.B. 101. Road arra to be directed to "move QST OF 101 the surplus earth from the shoulder of Co. Rd. 6. Us SPEEDUG CK Rev. Curtis Johnson appeared on behalf of the residents ave 28th ATH AVE. I1. Aveme North to bring to the attention of the Council the safely bass" created tg speeding on 26th Ave. 11. Trustee Curtis stated that he ha• authorised Chief Lien to stet up rented- -a-SUs on tars road and other roads Were control is needed. :he AdministroW elated that speed signs for 26th Ave. have been osderis. EXCAVATION PER The Engineer ambmitted a report on issunnos of an Sarth Removal IN CRAY= TO Permit to the Fischer Constwotion Co., Inc* for removal of PISC8ISR CO. earth from the Cates properly, the location as described in, the reporte itNION gado !Q Xayor Staples that the permit be Smated subject to the Engineer's recoaWndations. Notion seocabd I# Trustee Hmphror and passed td the following vot:no In, tavock) thereof s Kayor Staples, Trustees Curtis, HusphM, and Sevicur. Opposeds Trustee O'Failon. REs ERTMION CF The Engineer submitted a report reoomslending that = an, nTINEFOR.ROAD time be granted to the Alexander Construction Co. to O. S. If0'AOV5 NT3 MoGrossan, Inc* for 1965 Street Improvement projects. H CIS mads tV Trustee RumphM that the reoQsmeMed extension off" time be grentad. Motion seconded tw Nwor Staples and passed )IV all Council members pneent votin8 aye. REs EASEXENTS - A discussion vas held regarding easennts vWAnd for sti" MACON HEIGHTS *ewer for %soon Height@ Drainsge Area 11* bttaeer's report DRAINAGS ARU 9 received reemandina that an additioael lot be obtained." MOTION mads W Trustee Curtis lbat the Atlmvv be directed to investigate the cost of obtalning: en odditio l lot for * oforessentioned pirojeot se well as the vest of the other its Involved, Notion acceded It Tweles RumpkM and passed for all Counoi 1 members present voting eWe. ' r 74P I discussion ensued rwrding the ittornq'. re A'`666du Res -VADEMTIt nation smuts for the 1965 Street Progme XMI10 sode, tW AWARDS — 2965 Tmetse HrphM that the Atter is reoosmen4ations bel .: rod STREET PROM", with the llsrtber recemssendation thatp depending an tie out" oz tb• possible spjw l in respect to the, Wilson and Ornst a ran g Um Council consider a recossaendation oncoming the amount q the Durum auk mmd make restitution therefore. Notion se!a1kded 14tr Trustee Curtis and passed tN all Couzeil webers gement voting IF** wre Kousenga, American Oil Co. representative, oppeared to r!l — FSEs OAS STATI(V quest a permit to build a gasoline service station at. the SM AT 6 do 101 corner of Co. 94. 6 and ft. 101. Ernest Lshlan , suAseted that consideration WIght be given tW the planning Cosasission to ; the Mpo*ad lend use of this corner. DLkyor Staples referred tba- eatter to the planning Commission for recamciendations an specific land use of the area. The lttormtr brought out the possibility that the plat as proposed tW the American Oil Co. masa involve conveyance of an illegal prArools, The Used Inipeotor's report, dated October 22, 1965, was ao• ' its WED INSM& oepted tW V&7or Staples and commended as being a good report. OAS tilpm The Adsinis-trator was directed to write c letter to Urt Aam m In tbxa regard. NOTION made by WWor Staples authoriping peWment of the invoice PAYMERT TO 4I-2914 in the smouat of $792000000 an received fax DOnestroo, :Owl'FA o, Q*W a & 160001,atesat Inc. gotion &*=;I43 tv Tr vUe Curt ie AFT71% and passed 1ky all Council members present voting agye. The in+a PART A voice covers prolimirnry irimeatigation and report for Part A of the sever. ptoject. U011I0N Rade by Trustee RumrhM that the Znginser be directed REI .TISVIEV CP to review and examine the final plans for the mover pro;eot as F'IKAL SUIM to be sutsaitted tV Doneetroo, Rossene d Associates$ Ina. Motion b'L0S roconded V Trustee O'Fallon and passed tV all. Courail me tiloers present vatine. eW*o NOTION shade by Trustob tlumphrgp to approve %gn FtsrmIt #265 for tho erection of a sib at W5 Co. nd. 18. (Flyer ton Stool Co.) Motion seconded tLy Trustee Sevicur and passed tV, all Council as abeRrs present voting eye. The 4 ginner reported vorbelly on a culvert draining into 4?41) Elwell property on rerndnlo Fried. 4illn" va of Orono involved,, DUVur Sta pleas reported that there seems to be a divided opinion as 0 vh4t should be done, IOTION Rade by Trustee Curtis to approve - he a p aliostion of Kro and arae Flcgsd Olson to auladivide Lot C Greer's Orchprd Tracts Addition into 3 parcels. Notion mucaudad tW NeWor Staples and pamsead tW all Coziwa,i 1 moubers present voting aye. NOTION made by Trusts* Seviour to approve Vast =vqueat of Eck- lund and Swedlund for a 10' setback aaivar for Lot 179 Hlook 11 Birchwood Estates Addition. Motion eaconded a,Y Uayor Maples ar. d pasoed ty all Cou moi l members present voting aye. S 101. 11VI ,'{dYT 765 A,PPV a D. RYSRSON .rl=, Ci 13Ea CULVERT 1i;2/INIi1G K FLVU'w LAND WAIVER AFPV 4 D. Sk"64 BACK WAINIR A11FROM Is Um 9 U" VAIM AMOM in COOK So ember 19, 1965 — Psgo 8* v Dom' ( sad* ter IKgor Staples to apf prom the request of Um Cooly for a 101 setback waiver at 4410 Trenton Luw. Xot;inn second V `metoo HuuphM and passed 1i all Courrni1 m*ibers preamt voting awe. PATROU. CHECKS 1 &UP aaade ty Tutee Curtis that ahoake listed an the October P83 TIMU 3984 150 196%9 and October 319 196;„ pVrsll altooks statese at MUN. APP'AOVO bored 3881 through 3904 and toUling X12,597.5$9 be approved Xotion seazaded tpr Trustee Kuaph gr and posted 1W all Counoit, fibers present voting ayo. I, iZIN3 SteS 1+t301 made V Trualwe *'Fallon tivat no abs0w listed all 06 OIU., Me 44:17 Nunn oipal 11, aor Stows Bint;;rse®ort c5ta toaen t of October 209 151HU 11;170 APNIDP29651 uheobr mobered 1417 thrauUb 1579 onA tataling 4446 1l to aparrays+'. Kotion aus"nded 1V Trustev Curtis nd Raaa+sri f all. Civrai , mNbe re pror ent voting eye. MOM DJM Dincuosir =. held of thob VxG* ;.toffin du3p opora tton uM Tornbawl, RD'S =?UIN«3 Trua1cea C%tvite C to tho atti ntion of the Counal I thr et)t 177 IS WHIM ter of Joaplairt•a r* atived crbmt :v'a Tavern,, 12210 Co. iia'. 91 Imr; .udine littering, par;+in,,, an Moth Wee of the stroatt$ and illegal :hautes uo s-4o!Ael that hi bra re evUe this Gtr of of Pglte*e to pr*Mt0,t tivr ufuk.,a.vwt1onerd parkAng, and that t" litd tags have bene, Issued ;, reStrd to the cloelkg hours. M, i t;t VICTRL aetes O Pollon road *+n •aoorp•e fro• a periodiaal r ;irtind UNVOR a NJ -61- b" tea fsvurablo 1m Teb •, of the, P A%h Mwiieipej hiquolr Stor s. I RE, P.LY4.,J0UtH Discussion aurued ANI° tete plym ?tb Shopping CrVter in :roqnzd to SIN"'PIIrC "M oufoing, Lviiut, and nocest. SketaK A this P: xrhvuc k- PARMQ Wr 1.0t A• MMVs'# r P Ah* Ciaet of F*?lioe vis submitted. WT10 sada tpr Trustee VrAllon tho t a IstUr be vritten over the G or's e!,tmatwo to Art and til cchlebe requorting that a plan be d-,Nvn up "cl autzi.ttvd far z0ho liyout of the -parking lot inoludin,4 curbing, *to, 146tion eeQ ud*d L v Trk,stes Cltrtl.a and passed td nlA Council arsabere present voting +r7s,, PXI M,C710N The Adainistrator brouFht to the at,tentian of I.t.e Council tb4,t 1MES the required numbor of eloo,Aon jud,fss have nit been aa?.u1ro4,. PRO.'oLAKdZ',' T3 Ria the C-.nyar traued a froolnasti.or a sllinrt all oit.rens of tiho 1MMAKS PAY villacs of riymivth to obeweve 11"huraft-1, November ll, 1965 iRa Votarans D. N w-jUr%n the wasting a;1,Jovrned at U,,o 45 ®'clock P.M. Itavenbor 1, 1'65. ql- c . " ttw,, No L6 s'eo;ret:xy