HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 10-11-1965PW w 14 du 011 aid jqe Itits, I regular aetattg of the Village COUP.,% l wok th3 Vill"* cif 1PIAW,,;% Himtoota, was oulq hired at Chet viola, I ',o.e 11th day of :letca erg 1965s. at 700 d'eKloee F'. It. trtt.l , 8t -ee T)rWt+eem 1:iar m&A 011alion the V e Clerk ineeer .rod A torn . Absgrt: Trustees Mtsripttrsy iind112ai , ' Saviour. ftor Stap7.4a called the *Wtiv to ordt r. i t.hg ardar:es of a elealU.,et to, gist a dh invac04ry rmyet, Fmyo(., Staples •rivAstsG- the Council mrd audience 0 r;se .far , a mamt of ,O+ elm Wayor. Copi,t P of the aimtos of the r%%IAt mo4l.itq of October t„ 1465 is ma134 I to *;ch Councilman were &Wavede mdy* were opened at. 10:00 i:. K., Oct-aber !„ 1965s In aecordanes, idth of! Leis?..public-ati.am, and in the pretaence t:,: ate Yti age 1ldmintstmm tar, Clerk rind DWineer„ for the acceptance of bids- fol- the 4.improvgmrZ of Larch Lfmi at the Sao Line Railroad Crossing. 9ha hid received from C. S. _Mct:rosean, Inc. in the aeocint of $5,525.00, toget}htr with a 5% bid bo7rd at tsched was read and recorded. Thom beim Po attier bids, the bid opening waa closed. The bid was than. referred to tits Village h1wasor far hip consideration, and to be referred to the Council at its regular mestlwg at 700 o'clock P. K. on the same date. The bi)i was autaitted Lo the Council for consideration mnct it wsn telt that Cie bid amount wAs craeide mbly itt wasot of tho iigineor's eotinatet aftel• which the fo2l- 1owdn4 motton was presented Ration made by !Mayor Staples that tlhe bid of Q. S. McCrossan, Inc. for the improvemaartt *f Larch We at thf Soo Line NUIrmd Crossing in the a&ount of $5,525.00 be rejected, Motion sercanded by TMLA04 O'Fallot and passed by all Council members present votit; l ;\ye. Ali Trustee Curt,15 irtr-iduced t ho PAllowing reaol,141on and Grover! jeealution 65-12S its adoption; hefect ng eid 1,37 roment t r:S Lt1Tl ti U. 6,-101 of4lArch Lime; Ordering Rom Advertisement for Rlds for 4diEUAS, the ViUage" Council. :f tike+ Villaeo of Flymojtth h&s, by Vie• resclution rej4sotind the singLer bid U*ittud as Of 10:00 n'cl.Uck A. M., Monday# Jetob47 k1, 1965, in ccnnecti.on with tkie relocaticn &nd ita- p4sam nt of Larch Larne, and WHOMS, 3t is dee rd dtai.rnbl.e to rv-moAvmrtias said project fur biddiN. and i HERLAS, pursuant to a -tesalutio' -yawed by tits Counotl m Saptember 13, 1965, thl* Vtl:age inetn, prer*:red plana and specificdt4ans for the improvement Mud rel.acation of aa,td Larch Lane, NOW 'i 11,44%litE, WE IT I"v.WJLVFD S.f `Petr; VII A('tt: 0 -UNW' 4"L 0-w' Thti VIU"„e4.'I JF PLYN)UTtC, MINI4WVio AS FUl Wz: 1. The Village `:lerk 3,X41 prepare ani orause tee be lraoxtei in tits afficiol newsp aer of the village un a dvertisemetnt for bids upon the =-k11,A; of suck impravonent under such approved plans and speciff.:a11,Aort. Tho advertiaemeAt shall be puha lished for two weekly, shall speeify/ Lite work to be dime, 3A11 mate that bids will be opetted and vomidered by the Uouncil at lOtW o'clock A. !.. an Novelncaer 1, 1965, in Lite office of the VU14;e Clerk in the Village Kale and that na bid will be canaidwred unleas sealed and .filed with the said cl.en't Enid uc- com;xAnied tW a cash depo3it, cashier' a chore ,,, i)id buts' or certified check pu+vaaa to the clerk for 5% of tits taount of suoh Laid. Page f1. 1 _ if 1 - p 'b '1. , p o O O f. ' I . i. .r m nc G0 ° , 0 0 ° a .• ' p • o C• ro Will i°5 i. m 0 :\. ° c, ' i , p S C n a c 1- .• •'d ° O o r-1/ 1 . . ' . • O ° O'J C ` F:.r tl •.' 41- •O,t,.n . 4' oCru.°' off:.. o D • (, C r, Y.', t .. '. . F ° 3 . L o C' °p d' ". G . 11, o v0 t`lr.) ,.• ° Q °a, J, `° ° , n .. ° w f f„• /{ , ` Alp n r> Q r• C + • 9'he'®r r I nti.o ,' O n co v n ° f dna o Cd by ' m4 r ' rti. ''' wt* t a r R I ;ro C , , - , t 1b l""' Xj thor o 104 ` ed in Z Olejo nit: ° ftor St i e.n•. 7' T, tMimi IY•t,19 A `AD OI-Fa l VN.` ir Q'* i c , 2•° ° ° r O ° MIS! t •C SDH! . l Mi o ' 1. ' C, c7 1_ '` << T,• J ' ' " $d re,*, uta ion was 4ocla ° araup as i :'ed die,. 9' and xetoptiyd. I P"Id Qateberl 1,,, i}1 b . c. wo J to °i `' ' "' I ;, ' `, r• ° ° , Q C] C.. L Village mliMk I , Z 1 Qr' Stapled in wc.od- the t61aaw$rW reaolvt4,M.. &M ' x6 ved-fie adopUont c ° Gor r r/ u u r + 1 M I, 1.j..1',5 11r- Ike 't d of `CIff j. 1. _ .®.\Ai Vrmanan, 0Inn.aj Or- 41 eumL to resolution, :ed b^ t h#eAugReturn9rTh •1' t: Pte' . { F . At Y; ° 90P ' fk dnacouncil, bids were, _ . it .;;-::;: z'na r eca n. 1e Y6c td.7iatpt}r.Yt , ., t;clo . a ..'' t h rov the , p prap , 40 >1e9a1 adv 8170n. 1. r'cl l - I 111 c v • g said- bio's were to ae ape ` d at: th.i ' Yi11 j Youth Vi11ar 4 Ot•- 10: M a' c ;e c,c on., QctlpkgrJ t. W`d S, •purauaft to said. advertisla er t Q 1: ona ' d C, 1 ° of $S052.50011 Ant G r' u r r ftMS it' Is de d .to be ..appropriat e 't rej.gct vad d,' 1.d ` • S. r"Wvertime the projt t x : ddi At a latgr da- te, 1. ji I , HOW '1 sw', , r4 MMY JIES311V ' am" w,[$"GE VWXIL iOF VILL V1V. F . 16 That tha'6id oP' !toesoao,A1440t„,l,IR Im Ulla sum of $4,5- 25.90 rj;r h#' relecat on of .18imh =one, beitq ;an'' Fid receiaee an t!e „pc,ece, ba` a 3t h_et by i.+ r4jogted.. r 2.. Th4t. the VIA1': ' ' Oklokvi t im diret4oed . 't•o s' advU o C . i3. xa4. . 0 ' o rot-Urn to aaia pwn., .`.i 1 1 . f c: bor,, t VAI aftegr. ;00 Its bid.. , J1 An lvi tor adoption. t:ha fare .awutIon was atuiy1 l sze©Mdud Yw TmOgo. 01.1'i °un and..u} px ca s bsir heu are t i i r •. ;t`i;.owi.; ~Y''"! •. a Qt: ereo,ti : St4 e a ''rat.at• ,te;ts:` . and t,).' Fa Im. at st .s tia Q'. tet` ; Tt,sa aa . F.%ugl teym ; env.aur: W* r -.t:,,.r: r oaid• es leit w: s d r 1u:1, kre ase. ; ' <. . i 1 • 1 .: I . , ' t 1\ , ' all 3N v U J Com ldvmVian was, SAve'h to, -the ap--A.an an OrOrAnqe. 4 k3 eoifyi.n$ the dut.1.0 tr ti-le t•,tAN-It, at j 0;t t rr and it. `oras t- q"atet tmhut Uto '0.14Rge A:t,tarn prspai' 'wah ah Ordina0at Ttr 1 r 4o 7x'' t J 0 O r P. `fti C /+ J .>„ l i ' ,, p v fj , .• \G' . Ila 1265 01-- jorar-OA a aomidlerat.ion 4 U e C sAcil at its watvlwns on Jrtober 1%, 1985. A d4scussinn ww° hold wit;a rai'erq=* r* Lhe l ewel of Pater- Isau like, whiz, hiL;s- boon lowered belov Its nor#: leve: (:%n sew,, -cunt of a d3t ch;bain4 opened. %rvi cleaned out b;r priv'at.e pArt.les :a 1-)amr the level, after which ' .,d follovin ; t.,,.tion was prp,'-; n:qd. Motion wrnde by Mayor SUpl.en that moi^e 71:?"g4t Atter t ry' to-- gether with the Village Erwineor, ireparo 4-6rat =tiut t'.in to tGe 31'A -to Of Kft nea to Ywctuc stf rtg thgt Poetierl.eau Lelce be ra .:are4 t* ita ra4tur&> 75 rdltr Pl rd tian! 41e. "&"%ti+es of A4 -m wlplatrOor. 1,"ml by eloei,ct, tate diteL_ wr:ich toas dug .rd c.e, aed or.. writhin theFte. 4p last two rears, Lo lower t "c level of the lana. Xx i:an to-%z.onded Trustee anis s7W paNsed m q lbyzalQ<aeOven prese••t YotInj 47e. motion ,ode bg Trus"ee k up-t:ss t:%to the: 'iI'I1 a Attorney br directed to prepw4e a resalLti= OJ t thv Ct.ic ;. , Xbrthm eat*t=ax FAilrc*d r"I :e the pi esent culvert i' r a trearlowetype brid4o as It nrevious:y wk refare the :ul,vert was inatalled, a--vf brking whera the present d r 4ir"gt uttch Rx a under it :i rwil ad t ra.:I#.-3 and County Road 70 int.) kedicine _.,ke. I4341orr 3C 4ed by Trustee %I'fa lion &Id prssed tV all C.)uncil. members F.r 1P«ont Y':r a ala. (Said to b• presented to the Ccuncil far ra kt,)ber 1.4, 4-40): Motion mAde by Tru.Atee mux•" i°, tiAt th,& devC',opwntr plAt of fax .:,rpel Grave dditi= be. and that the MUy; r acrd Village ;lark be author ined Lw) , i xQafei plat, subjectt. tllp rec+er Pv of ei cuai: band L tete umant of V",447.00, car a plat devOL i n t banal in tree &mount of 4t ,a? ;" o tvaran;ee cam}ett.lan of ".;ie work t4 be donein tho XY ,kt ,cm sec,)nded by TrusCe &, ,.l111an aril pAssed by 11 John Yngve a pek.red co r ejueit, tulldiine, prrrnits far ! .ka rection of four diep V h,acc, 4a the property of hetro C. ;. CQrporat;im at Ga anty mood 4 u:xi N&U-tZ 1w;tep after wl;lcl: c::.#,deY ,lo discursion ens;ad " 'tre motion exa prwientede Motion made toy l qt 4r St4LIvz; a.4 the .ttro V. S. grpor.' i2r. be taauod perxtts .far the eanstroctton -if four display howa in thear orapertip pran.intlyF ne iM dek eloped in the vii i rltyr of Nat,`t:tr la kre And County Road le. As no sewer ot, w.tter f*:Cilit<i.rk" Wil; Ixe 4vai.lablo, the homes KU not ' for vccup:ie zy .tnl stns are to be plzvcM an the hreaes :in tow stutin",- t -tat the h.%maai :ire fi% iispl'y. purposes only and nit t4r a;.i.r, nor oc4upancy. Ration neclnitvd by Tm-%tve WF41on Q.tnel piois3ud " all uR4 mewber:! pronen6 v\1rj', The Villaga Atte )rnvv was directec, to pteparc -, :in Ovdinanc.e for nortzId4\srati.on by the Uoundl ar.andirw\ the auilain`; wade L)P14 tanue to provide for than ere©t."on )r cusp, ay haaaas by Wturz, 1:tnkt deve opers upon lands wtticn are in ti,4o prq ees4 ,%T voi,,se; plattvd hot t;.t\ f3,r.,a plat n.t approve, in 4rde, that. such requests rata,- oe j*'rint o d if r,)Und tQL be t'wIb,!,e. IdO wads by Trustee "urtia that they firt Z pt4af, u)f tijxke- burg Foreat 1, k4lition he afta tt .t the And Ililla ge Clerk he authat .. ed to ai n satd plat. H ,tiara a G otd,,1 byiruatee F'1-teen ane! passed by all un. iZ man4r.ra rra ant t: nrt ayes Kation matte t-y FLq. tr 'it.,r It4,41 ;t::.t^ a S.Ile A. fte sideline waiaoer Of the 15-f!'t. "'equirement be ,tv;arw ved .f'.;r kzs tur l rtapp, 2,11 ftrk o+ xl Larne, t.) e%anstrttiA gin gat trached Kt"Av+de to hi4 h\lrtp. M=)t lon aen,inded by 'rrtstee Urt L, hnki pasaed k x a4j wIum;lt- mwnhrr:k present, votirtk aye. Kotic= naAds by l`& ter w St-44ra th- I PU: IL%atlitcarY IWOr Qatmeution license lea. 5 to ti. Z-4. liorvit C;ov a.atty, Ina. be up- proed. X4tion soc,anded by. ""rafter Okrtla and patrtawal b,p all ':ti,;ii members present votlN kt$a. pe. RO21ACeaea:t of f.'ulyer+t. by 8riAge,, t Co. Pd . 700 hedicSne lAke. F'ir I DOV40 f lAt A pprmw moi, }'cat Cry pel Grw* lfdd.•t. dg. N k rmtt..trOO 4 l441 hfVes getro IE, so with rs3er ;atl-orr+ F'i Al .Plat Appy `de 6 i *aburg forest Ist; A, dition. Sidal-We k'*xiver A:1'04ry)I. etl, 22 15 hiJ.kw,aut3 (A. Knapp 4 :ars. y Qwer Fqe 09. 06. M. Kwoen Go. xppoim e d Auditors tor, 1965 Awit, for 10 of sic 11,0 I G Page 44 0 v Ab MoA i An vade by K yor St wploo that, too George ISI. K4ns4m C-eaany, iea W.,od pul:41c cccar, e.;unty, 1pe appointed as auditors for i61i of the art tht Village of klymuth lar they y*ar 1%.5,o ?%tioa sevirAed kiy TruatGea Faloar artdpassed k7 all su ii ambers pvt-e ,l vativ4 e• tic maLion fire neetin_s. adjdaurmd at* U:T5 O'izjock F. K: 4L