HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 10-04-1965I i i1 t0b0? , <I6S Pursuant to due call wxt nlA ice thereof a regular metetirtr; of the Village CounOil of tho Village of FlYMOUthl Mfnnesotar, was duly hold at the lit.l3age Mall ©:a the Wt dray of J+ctcber, 1963, at. 7:30 o'clock P. M. Pres%i t: Knyor Staples, Trustees Curtis, J'Fallon and Humphrey, the, Village Clork, UWLneer and Attorney. Absent: T udtev, Saviour. RVor Staples called the weeti-vt to order. In the 03eaice of a clergymn to ,P1ve an invocatory prayers kvalp Staples requested :he Council artd audience to rise for a mmer:s, of silent preyer,, Copies of the minutes of the regular meeting 7f Sap erler 20, 1963, as mailed to arich. CQtknc.ilman, were arpMved. Motion onde by Trustee Humpay that ChFrt e ah-dev r e). 1 for Fox Chane L)rder\ hr Chaple Grove Addition developmnrt be approycd and become a part of the de- #I Agvvld., vialopnent contracts accepted by ti,e developers. ThAs Changs Zrder is to Fox Ota pe1 provide a smell amount of bituminoum surfaci ,g, in arder to t-ike care of Grove Addis. the drainage 'Iron the development. Kition socanded' by mor :t,ajiles and paasond by all Gauncil members present eating e. Mayw% Staples Introduced the folloving, resolution mr;v! moved its,, adoptions SJUMON MCA 65-40 RESOLUTION 4EMJ71NG REPORT M.M. CekLLIM M PU LIC REACHIM, WE&WS, a report lias seen g£ven by the worlsuatinr W -sneer Vj`Jaige Council on July I4Z, 1965, rsaorsr sRdin., titc ;nstaallaation sewers in those areas of the Village as st.awn on Draadw Zito. 3, Project 1, in said report, Resolution 64-94 To. Installaatf0,04 of San. Sewers, Puttl.ic hearinvs, 11.3, 10 170 to the of san$ts...y Nl ti Ti1 .laF 1'1C1, 8;: I`: am IL4 '4 bf !' C; uXat OF T;,t VIW'.1% l"l.rXXTH I* That Council will, cone icier the aforeg. aid imprave aent in accordatize with the report and 0v aase:»srnent Of praperti• withir, said voundmries f,ar all (jr a portion of tlil cast of tato imp:^ovem&t Numtant to M.S.A. See. tt29.01 I `to 4-9.I t at are estimated 0tal cast of the improvement. as shuurl. 2. Public hearings shall 6e ;,old an such proposed improuemen4 on the ?rd. IJth and 17th dais of November, 1965, at "he Beacom heights Schools in tt,e; VIIDw4e of Flwnouth, at 7:,J o",locF: F. ti. The Village Clerk shall, give published nati,Qci of such hearings "nd imprttyment as required by 1-aw.' M tion ,fQr udopl ian of tl c faregoirrt. revlution wtca duly ;pec ?t,dad ht{ Trustee Curtis ars;, upon vate boird taken thereon tl+Q :*)llgrtn, votaO in `. ver thereof : `.:ay#ar Tr tstees Curtis, J'Fial'on <ind hwnphrey. Agaiw%t: None. Abaent : Trastae Sevi sur. Whereupon said ros a'ution w..s dwwlared duly rissed kind adopted. 11iated October L, 1` 6 55, i X M r Attest: lil.la te w:ierh Wayar :;Wvlus introdu;:ed ;pie folloarf:t ; rt"Solutigto tins" rnavlt d ito adaptions Page #1 64 W 03yt ion 61 ieat$ag g Latabllehing P601tion of Vi:ll. Aaafn- Istratmr A Designatiaa Paul E. Bwg as Vill. Adalnisttrator. ti('a'r 'a Com r: MjW.0 A No, -6541 P. R:FtTEOX CRFATIM, U IMAWSi€IM T11L POSITIM M YJfUAGE ADmISTFt rm An RmiLynG ra Az= 0 OoVI lKE F'V. UJ I2,'I U Tle ESTABLIscnir 67 SUCH MITICK; 4I0 DISIG.NAT-M PAUL E. WW AS VI1JAGE AIIKIkTl,3'r TOR, FFe' ZTIVZ- AS, Of OL'TJO 1STz 1261 & , ViVF,AS, Mr. H. T. Jolcns3n, tt1.s V11Clark, Fina indicated to the Council that he deairea to retire froa his aW.Apal dutisa after aW years of efficlent,, loya-16 and devoted service to the Tim and U110%4 of Plymutrt nW, WHEF,F,AS, tite Village Council has, as a canseqaa nce of lire Johrt~- son's prospective retirement, keen c-msiderir#Z the m.,loyment of a qualified pweson to aerve as Village ;4ministratwr, and W'tWUAS, such position would be u nt4y established one for the; Vi:llAge t and 011AS, tits Carm'Al, has had rtwaeroui q:aallfled applicants for such position, has aeveral of said *pp!1cwrt,s# ami has. agreed as to whiff of It an samo;tld be gaded, Njw notamis ;iE ii , ' ' 'l no by ` i comm ,r Nil VIUAGL OF F.TfY &.1Mh : 1. That. the FQ3i tion of VSlla$s Aetatinistrator ip hereby a.reated and establi3hed ami the. Council Shull adopt an Oreinance fortrualia.i.W the astnblishaent of suvh position, which Qrdinunce Shull estuhlish the amp at` responoi- biiity Of said position. 2. That Mr. Paul L.. zlvog is hereby dosi rwt d by t.he Viliajs Council as trte Village Admiaiatrst4-r effective Oct:obrer '.., 1965," Notion fir adoption aC the fo-reg"11 r , roalut.ir)at was du.1,p aa.t. t%%44 d by Trustee Qurtis and upon vote beim ttkm t thv-ecn than 6s%t1c,wi n , vated in 4k,,% vir thureaft Kgcr St4plei, Tmt.etle Qw-rtia, and Humphrq. Aezaimt: assts~. Absent: `1'rust.ea; vavi.our. Whereupon s"d reaolut,lon was declared du' -1Y patsaed ard adocated. D,-% F;1 J;:tataer i., 1964.. R Atvast : 4 , . Ci,'.l;d • vltack Re. Special Assess- A .art i ler cl`>* e tyz,ar;, cit' cl,e(:u-is e,n vv -4a he'd with cefe, axnue sent Z b Str. tc t -m, sp;zci ",)r the °,,?4I `l„rert Iuwrrovtment In 15t ltnpVM§1t. v C1,035 hath t.ic tt, It wUs aer k?ed, O At theprtfsi+l+t i1r\,pet`4 BYRtet,o war#b in, - 13t Additiono tiLl-W to some c,bom ideratl:tn as trio t,.tt, l nroet impr;%vm(ant ment,.4 weve :,)tu1derrh1etnr'al;,1 Ttt:tit 3,l, GI,a t ;r`. t+et'Er uai31,'t !y ,t.4kt,tmNr:c.3 r de a• :,'ii? 4?ttt.ritc;t,c t's am 4leve1w;wN iml t}te its :-et " r43 this a3303sa ent Qn ticc. it,s :aa°mttt r+iyt, Atter w"11i'th tLe t`o1 I.awit1A o'alAun was P"-(ese : tK! 1, ttian marol 1 `dj + rSty t vo l'urL-A:a Lt.;,t Lhe ff rst, ,,rearl n n'ttretit m+% ',wt bo wui+trd. MWAon ,Qonded Zi,, Qo htimrtit4•r w, tmz k,;,)qt; of Ote road imrravItnettt at't:w_, 41i'Al td v fo .tQ- to, cunV t: mint U, t!., proced- a. % rl:t'iott >r..ts P,'e ieflt ed t •t'mtee Q tt,t,os w,:,;r ei trrt,.t Ott fli r:tt yea is IntereaG O,1 Prir cip kI ia a a cape,» J,ckl Waivt'td. &ki-ol% sear ndmI by ` mi ;Hes It t;r,E +r r%O- ..,,t tid , + U +' .t,:!" rata 'Litr i pr ,",mint uE'la VOO. 1.#1yt.-: v•tiil.,?.. ?i 1,, t ., ...2.1, 1lr,l•!i; .1,." 4e',.l i,-,., Page R rom. Lf. .,Jro"p, -V I L, C) .,3 0 p it bl 0 NJ 'CIO i, Idbc 1, 4wwlai rV D Q l6k, 0 UU, ate Mow its lRaial '.ion CN, Ron. Uri* l9wWwa wM-44, "by -,a: r"Wc$m a, do' al Ibl-y- Uhl-dirvillAge A46 ft A -65; a. ;mblic h rj, wao q yi-_ der thtz a9dessoft. L ter th Or OttndMUM. our IgomanueWorthfrqxStateNW, ww 101 W a mt,,344AthA .pal t 9, root ww 101 floetAvenueNairtbrm5 -W, -z 411 L7 fmm 24th Averaw rkrto. 2%,11th. Uml, 7 or :4 t 6, waack 44 Cro" 1.4 Additicil GkF -a t? sxtch hoaring w dhh-w1k We adjaomwd to Ov 4th, 64Y, of Jet Orr V At wt; _b he-wrAW pjroaont Qhg had 0hjcctl.;,.t)4 t* 0411d PrI.Owio 43%rV+40a4 1114kre. 111044-dj 1.Vic4lionial:L w Tw.: V=Wul- WWY WMM SX, THEUNt?&W aFA IT aP-AMfQ AM AS Al"10.1349 to ThAit the. aasament roll relAtive to m.94 '114"romm. ki 4kh dadrms.poctl -to *41-0 streets be juid hereby- 'dal Adapted a,% ames.1 D vVe ovptjut mil as wjc4, -lied 6 maail t ion VG. a- jhly aecmdod 1w. fe'r 400 ,,on of the J WJV jn-twtaftItumphrm411Wupon !at-* haing -4aka., J.0 r _rlq!harevrt Ul 4 I0 5WkjPj(j_', Xfft'tqS Ctl t115" tirqy-4 Ag- kotinric % lirarm. Qu xvt dpi 1-%md du1j, Va deed a,* ls.;17pt ewd k4vid 0 VL_ k n w-,,wiqd, 1A ZMQUA,114cki7p iL14M.E FR - 11P. 111-al'i :,widulca, wftVoksa 4% .10 pmjmed ty 44rm. Ae"lLms aL Or-Unw; Awit 4Ad a rmind Ukaalia-,= Woeds ;Wd I IVAQ-n.kiiwa i at. M,,Nlawcs. Arta U.,41 fit WV, Aji4 qtk Lho bemlUcrd prowitty- lfar QLD: ark, a of t, 4Q,lt % P -Re UN,: 01.1 X12)01'61 I 19NewlUwt"Rht .0 1K, RES,LTM W i '/ dt r •° \ I ! it ' r October 4.'- 1965 -_ Cont.' d. . PTha th`pt`posed 3m»v`ement be''refetred to the r•a V 11agE :rngifteer .fort `stuc, and that h•0 is instrui, ed r ) j " tq report tof the Cou:ici,l' with all convenient spd dk f , anise, the,Council in' n' `Arelimfnary • aray as to whether' the proposed improvement ' is feasible and as to lih ethrr 1 it should best be made as proposed- or in cf,tnection , with some 'other improvements. and the estimdted cost off the 3mprcven nt as recotmdtertdid." r, 1 Kotion.?"fo.r adoption of the foile- i'' resolution was dply ; seconded b Trustee hum r and'. uu or, vdta being taken thereon theYupor, following voted in`•,avor thereof: or- Staples.; Trustees Curtis, 0' Pallon and.. Huo phreZ. ,.Against: None. Ab'sent;i Trustee Seviour. iereu ion sa;c ' resolution- :ares • declared du jr passed stiedi i adopted. EiIt:ed Octobe..;4, 19650" 41 V7/ I Attest: 3 ,n, gessrs. Jose 11 Kletasttihagen and ;pfllm n of the. HennepinCo. ighway Department were presets to discuss the propoted modified. die mond ' ite'rcalang.e at Aidgemount, Avenue and County Road 181, after which, the folloed-Ig resolutioh was tiresented: Trustee Huvophr4y introduced the following resolution -and mov.3d..its •adoption6 . Re, oluui.6n 65.)94 ,: , Apprvk. )State All RESP N NO. 65-.94 Covering ti%onst;ruction RESO'UJTIUN APPRU NG STATE .AID PP.OJECTstateLaidRd1.8 (modi- F Nd. ,27-618-09 COVERIK; C,INSTRUCTIOD). OF, ` ftk lamond interchange). ; STATE IIID ROAD N0. 18, VTILLAG: pF P-TIK)UTH r WHEREAS, plans, for Hennepin County dtate Aid Project. Noe 27-61K-09' shoidAg proposed alignment, profiles, grades, and c.r0ss- ad r seationa, togethisi r with specificoatio.is an , special provisiok i'or r 1: '; the cunstruction of Hennepin County :tate Aid Road No. 18, wlkoin the limits of the Village as a State Aid Project have been p%pared and presented to the Village: NOW TIIEIUGH$, IT I5 1tE5` LVEDr That said plans, specifiddt:ons , and special provisions be :in sill thirgs -xpproved. Y% %tion for adoption c,f the foregoing resolutl.oh was duly decondad by Trustee 0' Pallr!n and upon vote beim taken thereon the f ouk1wing e } voted in favor thtireof : Tmit ees Humphrey and 011 allm, Absto4ned,: Mayor Staples and, Trualkee Curtis. Absent: Trustee Saviour. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adq pted. % e Laved October 4, 156ii wz _ Attest t y•/ Mwwww, r 1 Village Clark 4 - .- . toMayorSt4lesstititodheobjectedothepropbsedinterchange ' referred. to in the forego'ittr; resolution as there verb presently two thoroughfares so close to the arek and. it would beupfi,t but; two property owners. T:rustee Wrt.is 4bjeoted to }.he interchange as 67 October 4. 1965 - Cont'd. he felt, it would create ez additional traffic problem in the area and would necessi.tite adaitional police patroling. Trustee liumphrey stated he . favored the imp:'Ovement as it trill create development of the abv,tting property and he stated the additionEa police patroling would not be very great, considering the advantaj;;e of the dev-lopment of the $rea that can take place. Trustee Oirtis introduced the following resolution and, moved its adoption: hPgolution 65-95 Subd 0Subd. Ord. Req* Waiver Appvd, ION NO. 65=25' Lot 21, 61ock 1 City" RESOLUTION WAIVI:Wr =UI1ZW1NTS OF Vier Acres (,Anna Starr SUBDIVISIOV ORDINANCE Motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Mayor Staples and upcn vote being teken thereon the following voted iii favor the: eof : Mayor StAplcs, Trsstees Ci_rtis, O' Fallon and. Humphrey, Against: Nc.Ae. Absent o, Trustee Seviour. Whereupon "maid resolution was derl.ared duly passed and adopttd. Dated October 4, 1y65. w ow onVor Attest: Villa, e l f rk Trustee Curtis int roeAuced the r::llowing revolution and it ado tiftn• movec s p ies.ilution. 65_96 ciFSOLUT]ON Subd. r. ,meq. Waiver Ap-pvd. Lot 22, Block. 1, City WOLUT.ION 'nAIVIAG RIQUiHFIw MS OF View Acres(Anna Starr) SUBDIV1SION ORDINANCE Motion for adoption of the :oregoiN resolution was duly seconded b; Mayor Staples and upon vato being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: AUW-or Staplesa, l'rustees Curtis, O'Vdllon and Humphrey. Aguinst: None. Absent,,- Truntee ;ieviour. Whereupon said resolution was declare' duly pas!;L!d and ` adopted. Dated October 4, 1965. t' --z 9 I Attest: <'`_. Village Qlerk Renewel PermtMotionmodebyTrusteeCurtisthattheSpecialUseparnii Appv1i., Ka, 1'Cel- of 14V Keller, 16230 County Road 6, way: ata, .o maintain and operate a Rifle hanKa upon hire land be renewed for ones ;dear, coamencine Jct . ler Rifle Mange. 4, 1965. motion seconded by &Var Staples anfi[ passed by all Osiuncil members present voting aye, Mw•. 'uValff, 11,15-U, Garland Lane, appeared to etiscuss d;%ainago problems in his area. Aftc" discussion it w40 agreed that the Li- neer should be requested to submit a repart obi the dial ;:age for the area at the Council meeti-kv, on October 180 :965. Mr. & Mrs. Hall, 4504 Quantico Wand, and Mr. Christopherson appeared to diecass the pru,;ress of the proal. sed atom sewer for their area. It was stated thw the yids for the project, would be received 1 D-,linage Prob- lYm Ref'd. to Uig. (Garland l.,.ne). he. Proposed Stour. Sewer" Irioi ttity 45OuC 4w.ntico Lane.. Page p5. 1l n i It Lake Level to Checked by Ehg. Resolution 65-9? Subd. Ord. Reqmnts . Dived, SW;, Sec. 22, Desiel-Texaco). r 6 1965 wi Gmt.'i d, on October 18, and if a satisfactory bid is received, it Mould be accepted and the project 1 could proceed ac -Cording to schedule. It was also stated the cost could not be established for the pro- perty owners at this time, as that will be dependent upon the bid received. Cir. ;filler of 41.g.5 Trenton Lane appeared to request the possibility of reducing tha level of Lost Lake as it is considerably above its noriral level and is creatiod a problem at his i esiden". It was agreed that the Engineer Mould investigate the outlets for Lost Lake a,d submit a report on October 18. Trustee Curtis introduced the following resolution and moved its adoptions Fd•50LUTIUN NO 6' 2-27 RESOLUTION WAIVING REJQUI WtrS OF SUBDIVISION ORDINAKCE Notion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Mayor Staples and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof Mayor Staplcs, Trustees Curtis, O''Fallon emd Humphrey. Agairmt: None. Absent: Trustee Saviour. dhereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted.. Dated October 4, 1965. 1.t Village 6lerk Bldg. Permit Appvld. Motion mada by Trustee Curtis that building permit be Ynitgd Land Coo ap1): oved for the United Land Company for a Texaco Service Station Texaco Station) Lc be locates on the easterly side of the Village Hall street an- with reservation, trance and State high1vay 55, subject to the approval of the ssrvi,re mad by the ViilageEngineer, to serve the station. Motion s eeor ded. by Trustee Humphrey and passed by all Ccuncil members present voting aye* Mayor Staples introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: g.Aotntion No. 6,i=H We, Proliminary ,Ieporw RESOLUTION N0. 65-98 or. 1966 State kid 5tr. Program. WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve Xenium Lane from Tr4nk E"V7, 55 to Counts ho<id #9, was hedicine Lake Drive from Count) toad #9 to I.30HO 04941, &Achary Lane from the North Shcre of Medicine Lake to County Road x+10, by gradirk{,, drainage, basework and bituminous svz-facing and assesa the o enented property for all or a portion of the cost of the improveimavit, parsuant to K.S.A. Sec. 429-011 to 429.111, NOW THERkFOri'l., BLe 3.1 MSULVED BY THE t;0Uv,:IL OF VCC VII1AGL,' OF PLYHOU'i 11 s Chat the propoead improvement be referred to the Village lar,gineer for study and that he is irmtruetcd to report to t e Council wilth all, convenient s;,eed, udvlae the Council in a prelWtulry wait as 1"o whether the prognosed improvement is feasible and an to whether it should best be made as proposed ar in connetition with some other improvement and the estimted cost, of the improvement tis rectameended." Ne A A 34 1 1 11 I on October 18, and if a satisfactory bid is received, it Mould be accepted and the project 1 could proceed ac -Cording to schedule. It was also stated the cost could not be established for the pro- perty owners at this time, as that will be dependent upon the bid received. Cir. ;filler of 41.g.5 Trenton Lane appeared to request the possibility of reducing tha level of Lost Lake as it is considerably above its noriral level and is creatiod a problem at his i esiden". It was agreed that the Engineer Mould investigate the outlets for Lost Lake a,d submit a report on October 18. Trustee Curtis introduced the following resolution and moved its adoptions Fd•50LUTIUN NO 6' 2-27 RESOLUTION WAIVING REJQUI WtrS OF SUBDIVISION ORDINAKCE Notion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Mayor Staples and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof Mayor Staplcs, Trustees Curtis, O''Fallon emd Humphrey. Agairmt: None. Absent: Trustee Saviour. dhereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted.. Dated October 4, 1965. 1.t Village 6lerk Bldg. Permit Appvld. Motion mada by Trustee Curtis that building permit be Ynitgd Land Coo ap1): oved for the United Land Company for a Texaco Service Station Texaco Station) Lc be locates on the easterly side of the Village Hall street an- with reservation, trance and State high1vay 55, subject to the approval of the ssrvi,re mad by the ViilageEngineer, to serve the station. Motion s eeor ded. by Trustee Humphrey and passed by all Ccuncil members present voting aye* Mayor Staples introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: g.Aotntion No. 6,i=H We, Proliminary ,Ieporw RESOLUTION N0. 65-98 or. 1966 State kid 5tr. Program. WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve Xenium Lane from Tr4nk E"V7, 55 to Counts ho<id #9, was hedicine Lake Drive from Count) toad #9 to I.30HO 04941, &Achary Lane from the North Shcre of Medicine Lake to County Road x+10, by gradirk{,, drainage, basework and bituminous svz-facing and assesa the o enented property for all or a portion of the cost of the improveimavit, parsuant to K.S.A. Sec. 429-011 to 429.111, NOW THERkFOri'l., BLe 3.1 MSULVED BY THE t;0Uv,:IL OF VCC VII1AGL,' OF PLYHOU'i 11 s Chat the propoead improvement be referred to the Village lar,gineer for study and that he is irmtruetcd to report to t e Council wilth all, convenient s;,eed, udvlae the Council in a prelWtulry wait as 1"o whether the prognosed improvement is feasible and an to whether it should best be made as proposed ar in connetition with some other improvement and the estimted cost, of the improvement tis rectameended." Ne A A 34 1 1 11 Cctcbft i•. 1965 - CO%t a_ i Motion for adoption of the ,'foregoing. reaoLitton was Only seconded by Trustee numphrey and upon vote 'being taken tho."mr, the following vo ed in f4vor thereof: Katyor Staples, Trustees Curtis, O' Fallon and humphrey. lgainett- None. Absent: Trustee Seviour. Thereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated Ortober 4, 1965., Attest: Village l exit A discussion was held with 1veference to tete public dump operated by Mrs . ' .degin on Fernbrook Tann north of County Nxr d 9, all wit,~ refer- ence to a petition submitted b; Mrc, Begin request, -.ng changes in the Village irdinance covering the opei,stion of her duatpr a.ftwr whish the followi% motions were, nresent,ed. Motion made by Trustee urtls that the dump be closed all day Sunday. Motion secwWed by kzllror 4'taples and passed by the following vr.t4ng in favor thereof: l4.ya Staples, Trustees Curtis and 0' Fal lain. Abstained.: 'Trustee humprire ,Absent : Trustee Seviour. Motion made by Trustee Curtis that the request covering the hours of burning, as set out in, the petition be denied. Motion seconded by Mayor Staples and passed by all Council members present voting aye. Motion made by Tntstee Humphx•ew that the extension of time for salvaging materials from tn.e damp be extended to 90 days. Motion soeon- ued by 'Trustee Curtis and passed by all Council members prevent voting aye. 6 1 : Roe Operation -'of 8egln Dump. l rhe village Attorney was then requestfrd to amend the Public Dump Ade-MAYuerri. to Dump Ordinance in aecoraance with the three preceding motions and present it Ordint.nce Ordered to the Cruncil for consLderation. " Class A Plbg ,In - Motion made by Mayor Staples that, Class A Plumbing Installation shill tic. X420licenseNo. 420 tc 14cLeilan Ylumbi ig Co. be approved. Mot,' on seconded ApA H-1byTrusteehumphreyandpassedbya14Councilmemberspresentvotingaye. Notion made by ^'rustee Curtis than. Public Sanitary Viewer Connec- Sewer Connect. Lia. #4 'Ap's'd. tion. License 14 to 4erry Baer 4ating & Ventilating, Ca. be approved. J• Baer), Motion aeeanded by Mayor Staples and passed by all Council members present voting are. Motion made by hayor Staples that Cigarette license #65 to James Cigarette Lic.#65 D. Sueker, dba Odkwooe 1166" be approved. Motion aaccnded by Trustee Appv'd. (Oakwood Curs., s and passed by X11 Council members present voting aye. 66"). Motion made by Payor Staples that checks listed an the Septets- Payroll Checks • ber 151 1965 and September 30, 1965 Payroll Checks statwort nutrbered 18'12 mhru qS2 3832 through 3882 in the amount of Vlawv,96.74 be approved. Motion 10 Approved. ascobded by Trus%',de 0' Full on and passevt by all Council members prevent voting aye* kation evade by Trustee Curtis tKvt Arra. Natthew Jordatnp 15530,4 County Road 9, Hamel, N',nnesotu, be appointed As a kember of the nark Reorection Advisory 4;=xiasion for the uillaigo of Pl3mwouth. Motion aeoonded by Mayor Staples and passed by sill. Council members present voting aye. Mayor :Staples ink,roduc ed the following re8olution and moved its adoption: UZOLLPIUN Nc 65-99 Mrs. M. Jordan Appointed to Park llec . Adv. Com, Re s o,l.i ,ttt i,.on 6 A r - ing 1V6r Budged o . Paha #7. October A. 1965 - Co_nt!do } I IT WOLVED That the folloMidg eumb of money be, raised by taz at the taxable property in the Village of PlyiOnt v for tht year 166 as set out -n the 1966 Village &drat s General Fund, ' Police Dept. Fljndo Fire Dept. Fend; Road Bridge Dept. fluid, Rszral Hennepin Co. HuraiE District Fund, Poor Relief Fund, Pl*aniny OocseissigiM und, and also' Asaesaients abr Public Employees' hetirement Fluid* wW hennepin Qmwty Park *und - - - - - - - - - - - $191071 *00 T`tiCicParkflus------------- ------ 1020%1 R..re b'Vt. 'Bond Interest & %nd Aetirment - as - - - .. 7,625,00 Qipital. Improverront Fund (`ear? . Fund, $6,000; Fire Dept. Fundi, $2,000 Road & Bridge Fund, $8#5.00 - - - - - - 40 61500*0. 3tQrmSererFund --------•--.----1&2 00 2442%*00 Lotion for adoption of Vie forsgoirV; resolution was dh4,y s*corAed by Trustee Numphreq and upon vq 16e being taken thereon the f'lming voted in favor thereof: Payor Staples, Trus:Seex :untie, WrAlloa and Hµmphrey. AgaInst: Ncne. Abient: Trustee Seiriclor. Wiereupon said resalution was declared Nmavee and adopted. Dated October b, 1965. , Attesti r^I 01ji' iilage` lerk Trustee hu:nphrey introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: 1' es11ution 65=100 ow rohibitins Parking of Akitomobiles on N. Side of Ridgemount Avq fm. Teakwood to Coy. Rd. 73. 1W1i& XEAS, the Village a!' F'7ymo;ith, in cooperatj.n oath the Vilj u;e of ginnetonkz, is improving h.dgerwwit Avcttu4 fzom `i eai,fw)ad Lane to County Ford k73, and Pagi d. RELTOLUT IJ"I Us 65 -IM RESOLUTION KOHIUI`CIImG THE. PARKING OF AUMMOBILIS ON THE ii-xtpi Sips %& 4RO=VCUNT AVRIUB FROM Tf,K- WOD LA4E To WUNTY KJQ Kt - n --) mWIIE13E 4 said improvement is being substantially fimniaed from Municipal State Aid Funds which are accrued to the e.redit of the Village of Pl,Aou%h with the Coamiasioner of IlfghwaN,)o of the State of Minnesota, and WtihfZh.+ AS, said Udgemaivat avenue, upon completion, will not canfam to the appraved miniznuc standaMs as previously adopted by tk. iN Comisiion %r of highwLys or Municipal. State Aid Stresta, and WHEREAS, the Comiaeioner of Highways has : equired, as a car- ditior of the arpi\aval )f bite consaaructirn and improvament of said HitIgtwiunt P venue, that the Villafe prohibit the pRrking of autompto biles on Um Rortlt side of Udh;anount Avmute from Teakwood Lune to County Rf sad k7? and ent"r nL-4 a written agreament with said Coozie- sioner or Hif;t ways with respect to such "no parkinP" reatrictionu, 1 1 a t i New TIWO ' k R4IM, Tr WIBT j•'ED `i TiE VGE COUkCn,. OF Tal Thp Parking of uutom' obiles on th i North side o I' Fjldgwourit Avmnine from Teakwood Lane to C ity Road #73 14, hereby I prohibited. r 12. , The %ppmpriate villnge official:% are hereby d$rtra+ed tc pea 1"0 the aigm on setd :4dgemount dvowe irn- dicatirq; Wit said parkin; is plaahibittd. 3. Ttae MAr)r and VJIUge Clerk are btuthorixed ami Urectad to esecutis the mquired, agreemtnk bwtween, "JOO •awilp • sioner of Highway! at M tr / 0 1965 P46don for adoptica of tib•.' foregAng, resolution we duly seapnded by Trust*e Curtle &rJ upon vote bei taken the"=, the following voted ib favor thrleof: !Mayor Stapled, `trustees Curt13a O' Fallon ant Humphrey, hStAW.a NastR: Absent: Trustee Sw34i4re Miereupon said r; 41tition was declare duly Mveed'and tool Village 'clerk On r4tion the meeting. adjuumtd' at 12:10 o' clock ,A q Ne, Jctobar 5, 1965. I He T, Je!m&-n.- vf llage Cle' l is e A C 7. I V 1