HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 09-20-1965C September 20 1965 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a reguiar meeting of the Village Council of tt.,e Village of Pl*uth, Minnesota, wa a duly held at the Village Hall on the 20th day of September, 1965, at 7:30 ol..clock . P. M. Prea-.:t : Trustees Curtis, liumpl,rey',, and Seviour,', the Village Clerk, Engineer and Attorney. Absent: Mayr Staples and iruste.e OfFallon. Acting tQyor Curtis called the meat ng to order. In the absence of a clergyman to give: an invocatoily pr%yer, Acting Mayor Curtis request ed the Council ard atl llence to ri u I''or a moment of silent prayer. Copies of the minutss of the regular meeting of Septe 6ber +3, !965, as mailed to each Councilmar., were approved. Public Hearing wa j held in accordance frith off ic.ial '9ublication on the assessments for the 1963 F11 reet Improvement on grading, 4 graveling and bituminous surfacing streets in Cross 1st Addition. A considerable amount of discussion was geld in which the following residents from the Re. Assesur.ant area took part: Jack Geatry, Harlan J. Kulkerr.,, Dennis A Nevb:, Cecil A, Hearing, ,.rose _ Selander and Sam P. Varialos. lin assessment hp..ar ng was held 'A'rn 1964 on lst:on, this improvement but a desc cion was not arrived at by the Council at that time, as it was their intention to attempt. t.c, reduce the a,ses:,tnents by spreading the assess: ,atit over a larger area o: property owners beaeTiLf:d by the improvement. It was felt that the %Mo.st af the assessment to the property owners in Crass 1st Addition was excessive r:nd the addition to the Fast was benefitting by the improv ment,, it being its only :means of acease (through Cross 1st Addition). It was later agreed that no prupesrt,;r owne:•s .c,l].d be assessed for the improvement as they were not Lnoluded P,t the tinea of the original hearing. On accuurst Qi U a delay in the- construction hanconstuctionandthepostponementofmakingthea:kse,ssment agilnvt the pr: - party, interest has acct mulatr,d, thereby increasiA , t,e asseswinf it; . the present owners of the properties have beea mirl.e d by the cr!nLmlc:nor; in the area as to the actual cost of the street ir.prr.ve; ex:*.3. Cross 1st Addition was originallvp P4.att(Z'd i>> 958 .14 at t'.9at time, Village requirements were .for only instai,latitier a =)f a gravel br.se; "Ind when the streets were to be bituminnua surfaced in .:;63, it was found nec- essar,r to remove a considerable amount of sub-s,o....:an4 reconstruct the k1sessments to base, which was very costly. he Reconsidered, The Council agreed to reconsider th! ', asrieit;ment,s to see if there Cross lst Addn. is any manner in which they can be reduced, puss- `aly by elimiraUr4j th9 a.ccumula ted interest, and get the assessment or, ti a ta A rolls for this year. With no further discussion, Acting, Mayor i;ur•tis stated that the closing of the hearing would be postponed until a lator meeting by the Council. Motaan made by 'Trustee Humphrey Lhat all sta ets in Crow 1st Addition be F srmtinently posted to a 5 -ton axle weight a1;= it :s felt that the presently constructed 5 -ton road cannot withstand the unusual amount of Re. Posting excessive loads 'being transported in the new additions to the lost. Streets, Cross Moti.:n seconded by trustee SeNriour and passed by all Uouncil members lst Addition, present voting, aye. Messrs. Joe Klemeniugen and Dunald Spillm.-in, representing the Re. Interchange County Highway Department, appeared to discuss the proposed installation U Western Ave. of a mo.11fied diaunond interchange at Western Avenuo and County Goad 18. & Co. U. 18. It was s0ted that possibl f in tt,e fv .ure l4idgaaouril Avenue would be extended 1.-1 County Road 13 and tip to with the intersecticn. It was stated tip:::, the purpose of this W4 chaange le to servo the local commun- ity wherea is the cloverleaves at State Ilighwny 12 and 5; are not planned to give aec.w. to the irmediaate local arrr. Represontative:s from the Apache Corporat.ton and General Mills were t -esent and spoke in ±'favor of the interchange. Acting Mayor Curtis stat,rc.' he feAt this matter should not be voted on at the present times but ts;cu.'Id be reconsidered at the Page #I. 54 Seytember 20, 196 nt_ d. regular meeting on October 4, 1965, in order that al'full Council/ may be present. Trustee Sev{our introduced the following 'ordinance annd moved its adoptions i Ordinance 65-17 06INAXC,, NO 65- Re. Metro U. S. s Construction Corp. AN ORDINt%,ICE GRANTINr A FRANCHISE TO MTRQ Water System. f. S. CONSTRUr;TION CORPORATION TO CON51vitUaCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A WATER SYSTEM ZN THE VILLAGE OF PLYMCArif ; SETTINI"r FORT't{,-CVNDI- TIOa% ACCOMPANYING THE GRANT OF , FRANCHISE; PROVIDItr4 FOR VMAGE R A=TIJN OF THF; WATER SYSTEM; PROVIUNG AN.OPTION FOR TAKE- OVER 7Y, 'THB IfILIAGE U.Q fWHOUTH; AND FMm SCRIBING'' P LTIES, f kT,HE: VIOLATION 0 ITS FBOVISIONS N The Village Council of the Village of Plymouth Daaa Hertby Ordai!i as Follows Section 1. Title. This Ordinance shall be knom ni,d auy be cited as) the Metro U. S. Construction Coi poration Water Fran- chise Ordinance. I Seeticn 2. Definitions. For the purpose of this Ordinances the following terms, phrases, words and thiir derivational shaL11 have the meaning given herein. when not inconsistent with the context, vards used in the present tense include the future, wortig in the plural nunber include the viro.Yar number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. The word shall" is always mandatory and not merely directive. 2.1 Village" is the Village of Plymouth. 2.2 Company" is the grantee of rights under this frtrnchise as follows, namely Metro U. y. Construction Corpor tion. 2.3 Council" is the Village Cow%Xil of the Village 4f Plymouth. 2.4 Person" is any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of arty kind. Section 3. Grant Authority. There is hereby granted by the Villa f;e to the Company, its successors and assigns, the right and pr),vtlege to construct, erect, operates and maintain in, upon, along, Across, above, over and under the streets, alleys, public ways and puhlic places now laiO out io dedi- cated and all extensions thereof and additions thereto in the Villj ga, pipbss aecc.geories and other fixtures necessary or proper for the maintenance and opera tion in the Village of a water, distribution system. This franahiae and grant of authority is given it: respect to the following described are; in the Village of Plymouth; PARCh'T. OF PRtOPUITY NO. 1 U East 1/4 of the 5uutheast 1/4 of Section 13,, Township 1181 Reuige 22.1 subject to oa sement for roads and hi&.way as now existing over and across said propprtyl consisting of 76 acres more or less. PAHOOF PHUPM'CY N Southwest 1/4 of Southeast 1/4, Section 13, 'Township 1181 Range 221 Parcel 210, Plat; No. 43713, 40 &arts more or lass. Page #2. S r Sept eL bar 20 1965 = Cont,',d PARC. OF PWPERTY NJ,, I Caosncimg at the Southeast corner of Nortt:east 1/4s Section 13, Township 1],8, Range 22, thence North 649 feet, thence ltest 272.2; feat, thencd. forth 1,60 feet, thence East 272.25 feet to East lane of thle Southeast .1/4 of thi:.Northeast 1/4 thence North to a point, d,ist!int 25.0 f"t South "V = the, Northeast corner thereof. Thence west parall+tl with the north line 312.5 f344 thence North parallel with the East. 11Ae of the Northe at 1/4 to the South line of Rockford Road, thence,, West -ly along ssid read line to the East line of the West 10 rods, thence South to -the oouth line of Southeast 1/4 thence Fast to the point of beginnig?, PARCEL OF P}iOPIO TY N0. 4 Northwest 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 except the Feat 11592 feet of the West 175.2 feet of the South 150 feet of the North 210 feet thereof, Section 138 Township 1180 Range 22, Farrel 217, plat 07,13s, 40 acres rage or leis. The parcel vaned by the Zndelpendent School District 281 lying South of 36th Avenue North, legally described as: West 20 acres of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/'4 and the North 10 acres of the Fast 1/2 of thee West 1/2 of the North 1/2 of the North- east 1/4 of Section 24, Townshi? 1152 Range 22. The right to use and occe.tp;v said st riets, alleys, public Trays and places for the purposes herein set forth shall not: be exclusive and the 'pillage reserves the right to grant the .similar use of ua .d streets, alleyv, rabili,c way* and places, to any person at any period of thin JYanehise. Secttan 4. Compliainceiwith„ Njggjicable Laws and Ordinances. The Co PWW shall at all times i!uring the life of "is franchise be subject to all lawful exercise of the police power by the Village and to such reasonable regulation as the Village mall hereuftier by Resolution or Ordinance provide. Section 5. Comoary Liability "0" Indemnificatign. It is expressly under- stood and agreed by and between the Co*puW and the Village that the Company shall save the Village harmless from all loss sustained by this Vill ge on account of any suit, judl;aent, execution, claim or demand whatsoever resulting from negligence or. the ;w .tet of the Gompany in the construction, opera- tion, or *intenalace of its water olatem in' the Village, Tae Village shall notify the C=ipaRy by rtig;tstered miiil addressed to the followi.n, rtdcrasst Metro U. i, Oonst,ruction 4cC-nre•ati0n 7110 Frarce Avenue South llinneap;-'_U , Minnesota withiln 90 dayl; afWr the preaentapapn of arty claim or di wand, either b3, ,cult or ot ierwise, made against the Vi 11ag!e on account of arty negligal ee ca a: Qre- said on the past of the Compalw(A 5€ Section Liability Insurance_. At the time of acceptance of t riffs ftisrt- c cine, the Coati ny shall procure the 133u&ncq of qnd keep ir; force at all times thereafter 11aring construction, maintenance or operation of the oye tem or any part thereof by the Company, public liability insur«u^ce with personal injury limits of not less than $100,000.00 each person aid $300,1000.' each 403ci- dent and property damage limito of not less than $25,000.00. Said policy, of insurance shall be issued by an insurance compa;kv author,aed to & business in the State of Minnesota and approved as to form by the Village Attornq, Skid insurance policy shall provide protection to -Che Village in aecordarce with the indwmifieation provision above. A certifier) copy of such inz,,mce policy shall toe .filed with the Ir Page 56 Septe&4r 20. 1965 - Cont1d. illage Clark., at the tine of nottification by the ;ataparV of acceptance of the franchise. Section 7. Co_:tion. It is contemplated that the Ccpany shall con- struct the water system in tete area sta',;ed in portions as platted. In advance of the a.,drt of con4ttrueLion of each portion of the system, the Company sh$.11 submit to the Village I:ouncil, in duplleate, complete plans and spocifications for the portion proposed oto be cons tructeri. Such pldnm and spe- cifications sharp be examined by the Village Engineer and shall meet the reason- able requirements of the Village Cotincil; and the Village: 4,ginee*r and no Zonstrrue- tior of said portion of the water a;+ateir shall be comrrenceefi unless and until written notice of approval by the Cowici,l has been furnished by the Village Clea:. Once cons,iruction has been cwatencolp it shall be diligently prosecuted toy the Company to campletion. Section M* Bond - Constructicn. Prior to the start of construction of each portion of the water system, the Company shall. Vanish to the Village a corporate surety performance and completion bond in an amount of not less than 100% of the estimated cost of completing such poe ..,ion of the system, conditioned upon the Jompany's ccnstructian and completion of such potion of the system in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Village Council and in accordance wLh the prov'sions of this Ordinance. No such eonstruve tion shall be started until the bond furnished has been approved by the auncil and filed with the Village Clerk. Section 9. service Standards. The Company shall maintain and operate its water plant and system, render efficient service, and supply water to users in such quantities as shall bt in accordance with the reasonable rules arca regulations cis may be from time to time promulgated by the Village Council. The quality of such water shall meet, the minimum .tatdards prescribed by the Minnesota State board of Health and determination of ati ch quality shall be made by the Minnesota State Eaard of Health. all water hall be supplied through meters which shall accurately measure the amount of wa'Ver supplied to any consumer and the Company shall, at, any time when requested by a consumer, make a test of the accuracy of any water meter. Whenever it is necessary to shut oft' or interrupt service for the purpose of repairs, ai justments or installation, the Comp4nly aha? 1 do so at such time as will cause t1m least amount of innonvenience to its customers and unleis ouch repairs are unforstin and i=ediately necessery, the k;oapaRY shall give reasonable natico thereof to ck-%nsumers. Section 10. Comixiny Itules. The 0Qmpany shall have the authority to procaul- grate such rules, regulations.. tare and conditions governing the conduct of its basineeis as shiQ; .L be reasonably r,i.ressary to enaae the Company to exorcise its rights and perfana its obli;;ations timer this franchise and to insure an uninterrupted service to e%14h and all of its customers. It is provided, howw ager, that such rules, regulations, term and conditions shall not be in conflict w4 th tt e ptvvis :ons hereat or of lbws of the State of Minnesota and such rules ari regulatinns, terms and eanditions shall be saubjoct to approval of the Village CounAl. SAc ion 1 I. Bond - Per farmance. At the time of acceptz:nce ,,of anis ir anchlse, t e =eu Pony shall prooure, and keep in force ther*.`ter at %11 tithes during the period of this franchise, a corporate surety perfotm6nee Hort' in 4An amount not, less than $5,000.00 conditioned upo.t t ompliattee wilt cll tits terhN3 of this Z mai%oh.lse and the rennQtu Ue r•eguLkLions by the Village Council and con- ditiankd upon the continued Supp lag ky the 0wquany of an adequate and safe water aupp4, to the customers and wens of they water systav and upon thct proper wdr%tenance, operation anti upkeep of the system. Pate #1.- CA in or, 1 Seyt 20. 1965 - CoA%'d, Se aft 12, Res a a on. In case of any disturbance of pavement , 414swalk, OEM rive -warp or other surfacing, by the Ciny or its ageats arA w4agyon than the Campsy shall at its own cArt and oxp mse znd in a asnur ap- proved by the Village Er4gineer, replace and ret .core all pavintg, sidewalk or drivem4my surface of any street or alley disturbed In afi good condition as before said work was caanenced and shall wintain the restorat;Lon In iin approsrod condi tion for a period of one year. Sec a Reeloaction. In t;is unarm, that at arty, ties during the first twelve and one-half years of t.h ie franchise the Village shall lawfany eleeut to alter or change the trade of any street or alle7 or other public ay, ay rawrial, re -18y1% and remlocation of any of the plites, tubing or other f:Utwm of the water system shall be accomplished at the exlerase of the Village. In'the eeerrt that at any tim during the seeml twelve arA one-half years of this franchise the Village shall Lawfully elect !,i alter or et a%e the grado of arp street or &114W or other public my, the v% se Sept wrcer a 1963 -. Cont'd. Section marts. The 6aapa V shah+ file wlt-h the Village council aramAl.ly, a copy of itow annual report for the precedir,l Mical year, tcrgethei• filth a balance sheet and inane s.;atement for the operation by the Coe4pW under this franchise. At tfi,, request of the 'Alla ge "ouncil q -t arW brae, copies of income tax reLurns filed with the Federal Ci'verruent shall he furnished by the Comprrty to the °council. Seciian 21. Sale to Vi aKe_ Dirigg,,.11M. In Che event that 811 the a irate t n ofthe tem .for which this franchise is g,rantedg or upon the forfeiture as providwA 1n. Section 23 below, U-te Village elects to tb'it.ilin rued tike over the property of the Carapttny in its entirety, t ,m In tna;, event the Village Mall attempt to make purchase of said properly ©n a neg%;tiated basis with the then owners. In the event that such negotiations should fail: theee the purchase p"ice shalt, be determined by three appraisers, one of whoa shall e sclected b*., the Villages one of whum shalt be selected by the then comers of the apt= and the third of whom sna} l be selected by the: first .; jo an choaen. Said 4$ rsisers ahall hear the parties and make ,a determinatian as +,y the wilue of the syn t m and tbYe r detemingation as to a fair sale and purchase price shall be binednr upart eraid parties. Section 22. Insurance Sjstemt. The Grantee shall at alh, tees keep the water tanks, oumps, pump houses and othor insurable portions of the system, or any part thereof, insured in an insurer approved by the Village Councia. against the perils of fisc, winistarm and other cuverages set forth in the stan- dard extended covercle end aresement, to the extent of the rerl4ceaent east thereof, and shall file a certificate of such insurance with the Village clerk. such insurance shall be payable to the Grantee 'and to the Allage as their interests may appe-:Lr, ar jEfe Gr intea a rte hC *Iid1tLd to we *.,he p aceeds thercaf for the repai+• or replacemcat of the d.irged or destroyed jaroperty, to the "tent ne cs- sa.ry to so repair car replace suzh aamaged or deat.'r;)yed property. Section 23. Forfeiture. i%ny violation by the Qojxpary, *ts vendeco, leasee, or success rn of the provisions o,, f chin f rancnise car .ny Lterial portion thereof, or the failure to pr-Omptly perform my of the provisloais thereof, shall bh cause ftp„ the fOr'feiture of this Fran -.It', -se and all rights here- inder, Such forfeiture sh:al be instituted oml-y ofter y-r.Ate t native to Lite Compagzy by, Lite: Village and a conUM.xtion of such violation, failure or de:"aul.t. In addi;.ion t'r,e,re!to, any person, firm or corpora'.',or vloliktir4; whir of the provi siora of this ordinance sh:•ll .)e dieemed guilty Qif a misdeme•Anar and punished accordingly. tach Zlar of such violation shall G 'rns-i Luce a sepia rate offeiise. Sec ion 4lk. Effective Uate. The franc:h4.su and ri,tits heroin -ranted Shall take effect rind 'ae in farce f m rn arca &Ner the !*Emil passage hereof as required b law, filling of acce;pttuice: by the ompany with the Villi:g!e Clerk and publ L:ation; :and ah:1 J. continua in _fol•ee c,rtid i,*float unletss otherwise terminated f-Zr a teen of 25 years Lifter the ef'ect lir+: dot a;' thin franch,,t aa. t ia f r:ncl,i;;e sh i.Ll he deemed null and vaid `rnlens an occaptanc a han b• vn f i lt'd wlLhin IE dttyu "fter notification to the (;=jx+ry e,fi pa asago. Notion .for adaption or the fgregolr4; carats tnce was duly seconded by Prastti:e l%ump`nrey and upon vote I^Qing taken thereon the fol:l.owir4v voted in favor Gheruof: Acting Naiyor Curtin, Trustees humph---oy aeA evlour•. i gftinst: Chane. Abient: Mayor Staples "nd Trustee `d- FtAll.on. 4,A74 Sept it 200 1905. Vil,"Ase 1 rk PrAge 4. I- I TILE VILLAGE CJU)I%;IL OF TiiL ULUGh OF PLYMJU'Tt D'A HiL'a X ChIAIN AS FOLLIW5: ee on 1. Amendment of Lenin_, O"Idimnee. i of The ZoniiW, Ordin-Arise &f the Village of Flymouth is hereby .aended to it clu.,le the followivg lad within the Commercial pist:riett Page 0. n J fiber . 1 iii N M fid• t'POrett,;. 1 523 - 13th Avenue, appeared to request a ttrainfielo W&4.vw rairior of ordinance covering drainfield installation as he has . A Pprc"oed, Mr. insuffic *at area upon hit property for the drainfield and owked that Noiretter, he be pemitted to extend the drainfleld serosa a Village stree"e, v right-of"uy and an additional snsl2 piece of Village property uhirh is entirdly uAimprovede he acid he ftlt the street or park area never wUd Qe improved as there would be no neees.l;ity for it. It As vMeited that the property be vacated, at the prey. ii tit time, but Xr. Noretterr'•sanitation problem is mugent and it would be Impossible for his to octupy his premises for the length of time aeceaaary for the vacateoto motion eadd by Trustee SaVlour that Mr. Moretter be permit- ted to eked his drain -field across the street rightm-of-way and also onto, 'the pmall piece of Village property, and that an easement he j Mtsrad:into by the parties concerned granting the permission. Also, i the Mr. Ibu;etter agree to tasks a nook -up cortndction to the Village sanitary sewer systet at the t o it is imtalled on 13th Avenue. Xetion secaoded by acting Mayor urtis and passed by all Council members present rating aye. ; Notion made by Trustee Humphrey that a building perolt be bldg. Pe Hatt Ap• approved for P. W,, M:rray & Company for the erection of a building proved, Jobtts- . for Johns -Manville, Sales corp. in the Minneapolis Industrial Park. j Manville Was Notion seconded by 'trustee 5evicur and passed by all Council members Corp. present vatic; aye. Motion made by nctirk g Miyor Curtis that u bmildiug parent be bldg. Pufctit Ap- apFremed for an addition to the Triestate Drilling keampany buildimat paved 3'or Addn 0 16940 State highway SS, subject to the condition that the Tri -$We lrl-Stote Dri liv Drilling ;ostpany ag tee to screen the outside storage area upon their property from State ;hi$hwy ;15, which area oreaently presents a renter unattractive appearat'nce. Ration seconded t Trustee humphrey and oaased by all QoUneil tnembera present voting aye. Motion made by Trustee Humphrey Ghat Jign V rmlt: No. 264 to Sign Parent. 1261, drede, Inc. for Che erection of a sign appraAimutely ft. Fast of Appv'd., Hubern State Ni0 ay 1401 on State Nigher 55 be approved. M4t<ion secanded by Los Funerbt home. Trustee z3pviour and prkased oy the following voting in favor thereof t Breda# Ino.) Trustees yumphrey- and Seviaur. Opposed: Acting MWr Curtis. At went: Mayor Staples and Trustee Q'Ful.lon. Motion carried,. Trustee Humphrey introduced the followin,. Ordinance and moved its adoptiont Ordinance No. 65,&18 lteaoning Certain rtd CEtAIN;1NC.F; N0. 65-:8 in SWJ, Sec. 22 to Ah ORDINANCE ' ';XDlhN Vit ZJN= OAkUll e=E OF WS Vomm11. Oesiel TuAct VILLAGE OF PLYMJU'lH, PUVIDIW PaK Till' R=_ NVO JF CERTAIN Lo MS 1N T •,' SW 1/4, SICTION :.2, T SSP , 1180 RANUiti e2, T! THE COM"1% DIAL ""ONE TILE VILLAGE CJU)I%;IL OF TiiL ULUGh OF PLYMJU'Tt D'A HiL'a X ChIAIN AS FOLLIW5: ee on 1. Amendment of Lenin_, O"Idimnee. i of The ZoniiW, Ordin-Arise &f the Village of Flymouth is hereby .aended to it clu.,le the followivg lad within the Commercial pist:riett Page 0. of wtls 40 ss. r that part of tha : threet 1/4 of Section M, T1 K - sh1P 1181p a 2s %, '`enn*An Count y to N nee a t „deo ribed as follows oisetesarg at a polat on',4he :nth ih• of said SoOL WWt 1/4 of Section 22 dfotant 65 A rads West of the 4"theast, c.,arner theoecf; theno bast alo'bhp South'line of said Sonthw t 1/4 a distance ofl, 0.0 feetz thence forth aljag a line wench it exterd*J `%-4) l;d Uiterv- sect %A@ Norte line of the 5out.h 1/2 of ttie gQrthwoot 2/4 of said Section 22 at a point distant W 48 fest Wf"t of the List line thereof, for a di%Wce of 90e.16 fwt; owe or lose, to the intersectim W the the XoMer4 way Una of Stste Trunk Rusty bo. 55; Ownce cont. Wo Forth along the last describi> I course a diatarce of i%b$2 f4et to the actual point of beginning of the tssct of 1aao to be described; thenct va ntinulft Ifirth 44wkj the last- da3crihed course a distance of 175.0 feet, `rhddce Fast at riot angles a dlstanc of '129.64 South at ripit angles a distance of :0*24 Fait$ tha rza deflect to the left an aetgle of 1290 55' 20'4 for a di anee of e..ob feeti thence Northwaterlp on a e4rve to the, lett having a c cntital angle of 49" 47' 45° end a radios of 00.0 Leet fd r a distance of 69.53 feet.,, sin: or lode, to the r actua1 point of beginnlrg . Section 2. Effective Date. 2004 `'his Ordinance atoll b edge eftfttiv* upon its ;13sap `,; M publics+,,ion. Motion for adoption of the foregoing Jrdinance was dU4 sounded by Trustee Saviour and upon vote beim Wken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Acting P.gyor Cur;.,&*$ Tru tena humphrey and Saviour. Against% None. Absent.: Ayor Staples and Trustee Ow*Fall,oa. Dated September 24, 1165. w Attest o Class A PI bS. irAtall. Licenses Mation made by Acting Mayor Glutin that Pi. lrq Qnstnliation r 418,09 Appv'd. licen3e3-2 Class "A", Nose OR and 419, e .}.Pproved. KAion seconded by Trustee Saviour and passed by all r;auncil, mir-bera present voting aye. ActiM I*gw)r Curtis intridwied the fallowing reaglut.ion and moved its adoptions Re 431Htign 65=0 RFA LUTJ\N! NO* 661 Providing for Iesuance A KSOLUMON PROV101W WA TIS. ISSUANCE a Sale o; Street Improve- Am sai, or i2s.00y 3naz U ovimwr Ro ns ment Bonds. _w. BE IT BY THE PILIAGE QOUN :ii, JET' THE VILLAGE OF FLYNOtIni MINN=BQkTA, AS FOIXUWSt 11 0 Serot a berr_ M 1965 - 22a!a_. 1. The Village 19ouncil dee+u it Leenseary and expedient to iavue Whe neaoti,.tble cdopon street Wro: went bonds of 1465 of Ube V1.161age, In the asee Ont of $1350M `I`r e specifications, for such bind ,issue) shall be as set forth in twje fallowirW Malice of Sale and 3h4.1 be, subetaat.Salyy, the 4i itics of Ek nd Sale. be so pualisned. ICE OF SALE, 135,000 btreot Imgrwment bands of 1965 Village of Flyt1Wuth, Ninneaota WDTICE IS MWY That the Village 'Womicil of the village of Plymouth, HiMeRa .a, will aeet at the Village hail in sv-;A villaive on Mond4y, the eighteenth day of October, 1965 &t 7a3a o'clock P. H., *entRral Standard T3 -lie, for the purpose of receiving and considering sanded bids ; E)r the purchase of U350000 Street' Irr- provewt 0-.)nd;e of 1965, dated November 1, tO65. of the village, bearLng interest at the rate ar rates deslgra.ted by the:. s:Lcceeesful bidder, pe,yahle November 1, 1966,1 and semiannually thereafter ©n May I and November l in "ch yair and wt%aring serially m November 1 in thie years a."A amounts as follows: 1,967 no WsOW 1966 27 aXK) 1969 - 27low 1970 - 27200 1971 « 27." all without option of prior payment. The bvnda will be ganeral obligatiorra of the village, The village will furnish printed bonds in the denomination of a,W) each. Both prinvlpil and interest will he payAble at arq suitable 'dank designated by the purchaser within 24 hours after award:. T`ne 1rillaje will .Nmi3h printed brsvds and approvirtS legal opintan of Neeer.;, 6oward, Neteraan, Lefevere, Lefler and humilton, Hinneapolie, Minnesota, both iei.ttcouL` Wense to the purchaser,, The honds All be delivered to thc purchaser within orgy days after the date -1f axle, ace-.,mpanied by an unqualified approving legal apinion and cmitumary final delivery pap"ra, i_neluding a certificates aht)Wing abaeance of litigac.ion. A copy t)f tire approvir4, legal .pinion w111 be printoel cin the back of each bond. All bida must bb in writirW, enclosed in a iienled envelope, be wiconditi.onal except as to the abhove opinion, "nd be. left with the undersi.gnRd prier to the Above time, uccoWnied by it cortrified cneck, tank d ray% or cashier's cheek in the amount. of au least $#:,T)I, payable to the order of the villaige, to be forcertted c s :iqui- dated damagea in eviunt• tree bid is accepted and the bidder fails to amply therewith. Bidders W ititte one or wore interest rotes in m;rltipleia of one-quarter or one-- tenth of one twrcert,, k ich laid m?ty specify additional interest represented by extra ioupons for a pdriad net (.iccoediN- one year and in an umjunt not "neltiltng U83,0, and t:ce Notal interest rate far arty periQe not to exceed 6%. iiiddera ter;,. al*o ask cd to a tater tetal interest Past and avenge rate. Mo iDid far leua than qtr plus acsarued interest, fxQat the data of insue to day, of bond de- livery will be zansideved. ural auction bido will not oe rec-wtved. Thr right to waive antiy intarnalitf are. the right to re:,jeot any rind all bids are ninevved. By Order of the Village council.. 10 Johns= Village ulerk V,114a ge of Rlym cut h Norbert P. Lefler 13800 State Highway No, 55 Village Attorney Ninneanoll3, Minnesota 554"7 2201 First Natiowl 134nk building Hinneapolia, Minnesota 55402 Page '9. th 01= r. Be vl. Adn. r+ - I 0. 06. . 9•r 2Q. 1465 "d. 2. Tho Village CounciA'desa ft necessary in /rder to provide for payment of said bods at maturityr to ley 'asseeeeaents in the amount of $13500 over a period of fiver )ears, b eginning in 1966. 3. The Vi1 aae clerk slta.l ca aae' the, above notice oi' such vile :T be givA' 'fir publication at least tan d'ay's in admce of said sale in ' they official newspaper of than village and in wmat ;iaa, e F a firta4w4cia l newspaper published, in Ri nneapolis, KiriA,verata o f r ion for adoption of tha foregoitsg resolution wr 3 dAy ascaf ded by uatee Seviour and upon vote being tAkem thsrreon t to taT.1}oKing vot in Pwor theresof: Acting Mayor Curtis, I'rvet a hum p ey and S vlow,,. Against: None. ',Absent: VAyor Staples and Tru,tee a'Fallo Wher Pon said. aolutf on was declared do,. pauzel;tnd adopted. Datedepteciberr ,0, 196% special Use Permit TnWaft E. Werra son), Car Wash, Rot' d to, tng. & Bldg. lasp. Liquor Store i+iab. Cke. 1491 Thru 1536 Approved. to& i image lOTk Mr. 'Phomas T. ha%es, repres'Onting Truran 6.,, i::d"son, Inc. j aopeared rd,th a request ror a Special Nie permit to Lal; se. -vice car wash at the 5chv. be ShoFpir# Csntsr. UVor dievasaion, it wag agreed -that the S'uilding Inspectotm ana Vi1Elaes inaer consider the purr. and aAibsit their rao xd€t oma ca the i:g-ateil,. F.nd also give their opinion as to the aesthetic value of this ty" of bd!; Ung ftn the proatsea,and a satisfactory plan for a naptic talr,+k, and drain€ old iMtallet+,oto. If ttli3r JnfarXatijrt As avuilabie, it .is to be placed nj the Acta-ber 4, 1965 agenda. 1014ion zmde by Trustee Kumphroy that she oheck;s listed an th4j Kunicipal Uquor Stere DiOuresunt Stay,ewnt of Septae ber 208 191,5, checks Nom. 1494 througi 153b. totrilittd a9167Z ;fid be +,epraved, Ko:ion scacTAed 7 Trtatbe 3eeviour and pasaaek by all. Counvil •labers prreaent, voting aye, Gn motion the t ve,4lni; Wjuurned o1 11:1' o'clock P. He Village Merl:, I'