HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 08-16-196516. 1965 \ Fammant to %seWC2&d antics f ar p.• M0t1t ! the V eof the V43 In a of y Adtoesota meas dd eld at the Village IWI on th© 16th day of Augwtat 700 o'clock P. M. Rrssmt t NWor Staplos, Trustees Curtis and Seviour# the Vill sge \Chsh, AttonW =A,b#Uor. Absent a Trusts= 01Pallon had VWWA 4 j lir r Staples called the meeting to order. Its tkCs absents of a clsrsyain to give an lavc;atoo pimyer,, Mayor Stoples riquestsd the C; &a aA audience to rise for a awe m nt of silent1 copies -)f the minutes of the regular meeting of Apert 9, 1965 an mailed la \oaoh Counstlara were apWroWod. Opened for Bide we received rend opined in accordan:4 idtk the ofti- Orading, Base t Qial poblleation fo' gradU,;, gravel bus and uphaltic coxrete Surfactma 1%5 surfaciay of th,a str its included In the 1965 Street ImprotrOnt Street LW#*Ut pwgrome said bids s to follow s Program. DAvRkleyr Surfacing C t 98,633.00 bid band attached C. S. McCrossan, Imo. 107-,4,21:64 5% » Alerv"Or C Ol1str. Co., 'lam. 888804.12 5% " Upon cos lotion of opening the bids$ motion mads by V*yw Staplow that the bid opening be closed. Motion seconded bW Uiustee dsvicur and passed kW alai Cnuucil members present voting aye. We Referred to Motion mads by Trustee Wrtis that all bids_ subldtted for V. Engineer. the 196$ StreeTs Improvement rrogrm be referred to the Village In- ginser and that his recammmdations as to the arsceptaws of a bid be prsssnt%q to the Village Covocil at its regular meeting on September 13,, 1965, or wW sutempent Special Mestiij called therefor. Re. Apov o 1. Plat ?he 8iginoer read his report with rstereoce to the drainage a Dralmise Prob- proofs end aRproval of the plat for Fax GMpsl (rove Addition. Kr. Imp Fox. Chapel Kmtson of Sehoell A Madsen, Inc., engineero, eras prosoat as a repre- Orove Additica, santative of the developers. Mr. Knutson subisitted a plan proposing that the drwim& be diverted onto Harbor IhAs and that the devslop- ers were willing o assume their prapWt±.on of the cost of the improvement of Harr Tans in order tc divert the drainaas in that direction. (Harbor We was schcftlad for improv sent two y"ors ago but at that time the r w,10nts were not willing to assume avj adds- banal cost used worn satisfied with the street_ in it• present coMli tinn). It was stated that no doubt they would not to interested in assuming any additional e.Venee at the present time in order to take caro of the drainage for Fox 4apel Grove Addition, Mayor Staples requested that the developers prepam additinnal drainage information for Harbor Lane and that it be presented to the Council for further. considoration. It was also requested that the plan be submitted to the Planning Commission for their consideration and recosendati cors, for approval. Re* a t Prvbleu Gerald McGeej attorney representing Mrs. P -Min, and Vieinll6y Begin residents from the arra of Fornbrook Lane frac Co%%ty Road 9 to the Dump. Begin dump appeared to discuse the dust problem. A resident reVias- ted that the Village assume the cost as it was not their problem but bi yor Ujiples stated that if thin were dons the Village would be ccpooted to take cars of mW additional. areas which also have road duet problems. Thq oleo stat4d that Mrs. Begin should aeolume most of the cost as the dust problem in created on account of her opsrs- tion of the dump. Kr. XaGes stated tht;t 1 ra. Begin was willing to Pagi; /1. r qF ttlost164 1705 - Sold. 125.00 of the, cost for each,, read trestaint and the other rseAd should saute the buUnce, as thq were also derivLra bensw fits, t we agreed that Mr. McGee. ad the residents should stop aateide the, aseting hall for a snort ties to attsapt to andve at a sols tort agressisut sa to aasum ng the cost. After their return,, intothe Ancil room, Mr., McGee stated that Mre. Begin would asewwo 125.00 at the coat and the reside** agreed to pat $5.00 each for Z total of $1 5.00, as scene of the property amm ars riot residw*s In the arse and `bavh no hmes an their land. ?he rwidonts objected to t6i caioim ' awride treatnat as it reacted the sur as a salt treat- mt as their ars, and suggested tlhat all v Lag would be more satisfactory. ', ars, Hesse, a rreldent of Chs road,, felt that an oil trehtaft could4s obtained at $145.00, and it was agreed that ho Aske -such an av i W it acd that the assum int of the cost bo AeWed by' the, residsftu aid' y n. Begin as, a private =tter# Bids wer ricsivsd and opened in accordwe with officla publication for t:he ;furtl',,igg of labor, aaterials, and aquimmmt tar the resent of the Soh!Os Park site. (In accordatnc9 with plans and specifications provided by manor A Associstssa Inc.). ?he fol- loving bids were reeeivedt 3 u 1 Old Opener Fie: Labor., Etc., gchisbe Park Sitd A. J. Furan Landscape Supply Co., Inc. $2?9389.50 - Alt*Mto No. 10 $22$.00 10% bid bond attached Jera ns P. Befit 25,0E+0.OQ No. 1, $400.00 10$ bid boAd attached Terry Brea. Ir.c . 262868.2$ • " No. 1, $ Nona 10$ bid bond attached Wm. Wear ikcavating a Grading Co. 16,317.2$4 - " No. 1, $225.00 10% bid bond attached , Veit A Eoespanw 27,664.78 - " No. 1s $10000.00 10% b.td bond attached UFon completif= of the opera of the bids, motion wade by Moyer Staples that the bid opening be closed. Motion seconded by Trustee Seviour and piss.4 by all Council asabers present voting aye. Notion made by "r Staples, that all bide for the loprove wnt of thu Park property be refereed to Brauer A Associateu, Ina, and the Village rinser for oonsideration of said bids onO that their recapendatione be qubmitt,; r -o taw Village Council for consideration In awarding the eontracr#. Motion seconded by Zmatee Curtis and Posed b0 all Coumil, aembere presont voting Vs. Messrs. QrsenMood, Robert biller and Roland Peterson Appeared to disouso stor% sever drainage and sanitary sewer facilities for their area in badloy Hill -s Addition. They stated that the water table in their arae was ao high that they had stwWing water in them br esasnta and their septic tri did not function. After considerable discussion it was agreed that the Village bngineer meet tdtrh these people to she if th ore is some nawner that the problen can be remedied and roport back ti) the council any recompendations they my have that are feasible, A dtsousaion was hold with reference to the improvement of larch Lane at the Soo Line Fiat road Crossing in order to obtain better vis1b111ty at thu Gmesing and possibly eliminate any Yuture accidents. Truot" Curtis sf,ated that he felt thst the previous public hearing was invalid and +:he public wag not intomed as to the total cost of the improvement, wh! th shouted include the necessary road work, land acqui- Park Impymnt. Ref 1 d. to Brauer k V. Enginemr. Re. Water tea. Hadley KtIAs . Re, Impvmnt , Ia ear, tar. t Soo Line. .A Crossing. Fags M2. be Car hash at Sehiebe Shoppiry Center. Control. Data Corp. HOLT" Pelt Approved. Re. Greenhouse y Co. Rd. 9 & Pi-vry Lane Chic o Ave. Moral. Dog Coat. ro i Procoftol%e Outlined. Paso 03. No sition, Village, A" toraey aid BftInjsr s pelmas. lir. Iysda&l, rep ssentlog efts, Soo Lite Rtilroads stated that Rlthe dl he Railroad ComprWhad never made the statement, that they, apy statement to that effect wanld be frw the Railroad h Warebme Casrission. ober Bjorliar a resident of the arra, stated that he felt the reeldsats should Mt have to gig sas m the total cost of ary improve-1nstrt as the roads serve agyene emlag into the area. The Village, Attorney stated that he woum lihce to consult with Les Negaw, Chief Bnginser of the Ragroad h Warehouse Commission, to obtain their recammsadatione an7newotabdag the possibility tat the Railroad i Comp uW ass... a portion, of the cost. It was (yreed that tLls matter mulct again be presorted to the Council at its regular meeting on September 14s 1463. \' Mr. Isaacs appeared -with a request for a buildirg posit for establishment of Cai Mash faciUtiss at the 9:„iebe\ Shopplas Canter. The Village Attorney stated that in accord- ance with the Village Ordinaneee a Special Use Permit Mould be required for this type of business and that the matter would ban to be referred to the PIMA Commission and tha maossa_ry pubo- Iication mad public heariey held. Kation made by :mat** Curtis that the request for establishment of Car Wash facilities, at the Schiebe Shoppistg Carter be referred to the Village, Planning Com- mission for U'wir reccm endatio= as tr the issuance of a Special Us* PermU, and that the Maired procedure be followed. KAtion seconded by Trustee Ssriour and passed by all Council membera, present voting aye, notion made, by Trostere Sewleut that the bufldin$ permit application for the construotion of a building tr Control Data Corp. at 13820 In4ustrial Park Blvd9 be approved, lotion seconded by Myor Staples anal passed by all Council members present voting aye. Mr. C. Be Va%atkas Chicago Avenue Floral C an d his agent, lir. Kansan, with the D. C. Sell Investment UoxpW# s bop w pearaiii with a request for approval of a building porsit for the. f%paatructioa a: a grtenhoue• V*rV% of CouMq Had 9 and PeW l arw.o ' They were Informed that a busluesa of this type in the area ln+, volved would require the issuance of a Spacial Use Permit and it would therefore be necessar7 for thea to maks their request to the Plannir,-; Caamisa.ion for As setting of a date for official publi- cation and public hearins, before a 6peciat Use Permit could be Issued, hr. avti:Jd tc consider the matter and if the delay would not. lie too grous '%"%' would request the Plannigs Ctmr- alssion to have r, :_ acial atnq,!jW as ew.::% as poselble in order to accomplish the neon cry requirounts. Frank Sewards Village Dc>x, Warder, and t %Z't2e Chief Lien wei%e present to discuss dos conttvol .cath the hope of %)%.k 4 better enforcement under the Village Gag Ordinance. One oi the ms, jor probl we concernc d in enforcement a,; the ordinance was aorta plaints received from i,-z aidsnts of dog praLAwr, but they residents' unwialingnesi to sign a complaint in order to prosecute the offenders. The Dog War,'cn cannot pick up doge 1,f they are iiam3ed and when a complaint is vaceived and the Dog Wardvn or Polios Depart• sent ,respond to the calls the dogs have left the ar%a and no .resi- dent +s willing, to sip a aw-plaint as to what auisanaes the doffs have made. The Vlllase attorney stated that the Village Dog Ordle nancvs possibly could be strongthensd tut it is necessary that the ren ,O_qt registering M c(N 'at be willing to sign a atmaplai,nt. It ua reolownded that tea atter be give publication In the Village papers &M also the yswuth Voter. 6. bio Jim sition, Village, A" toraey aid BftInjsr s pelmas. lir. Iysda&l, rep ssentlog efts, Soo Lite Rtilroads stated that Rlthe dl he Railroad ComprWhad never made the statement, that they, apy statement to that effect wanld be frw the Railroad h Warebme Casrission. ober Bjorliar a resident of the arra, stated that he felt the reeldsats should Mt have to gig sas m the total cost of ary improve-1nstrt as the roads serve agyene emlag into the area. The Village, Attorney stated that he woum lihce to consult with Les Negaw, Chief Bnginser of the Ragroad h Warehouse Commission, to obtain their recammsadatione an7newotabdag the possibility tat the Railroad i Comp uW ass... a portion, of the cost. It was (yreed that tLls matter mulct again be presorted to the Council at its regular meeting on September 14s 1463. \' Mr. Isaacs appeared -with a request for a buildirg posit for establishment of Cai Mash faciUtiss at the 9:„iebe\ Shopplas Canter. The Village Attorney stated that in accord- ance with the Village Ordinaneee a Special Use Permit Mould be required for this type of business and that the matter would ban to be referred to the PIMA Commission and tha maossa_ry pubo- Iication mad public heariey held. Kation made by :mat** Curtis that the request for establishment of Car Wash facilities, at the Schiebe Shoppistg Carter be referred to the Village, Planning Com- mission for U'wir reccm endatio= as tr the issuance of a Special Us* PermU, and that the Maired procedure be followed. KAtion seconded by Trustee Ssriour and passed by all Council membera, present voting aye, notion made, by Trostere Sewleut that the bufldin$ permit application for the construotion of a building tr Control Data Corp. at 13820 In4ustrial Park Blvd9 be approved, lotion seconded by Myor Staples anal passed by all Council members present voting aye. Mr. C. Be Va%atkas Chicago Avenue Floral C an d his agent, lir. Kansan, with the D. C. Sell Investment UoxpW# s bop w pearaiii with a request for approval of a building porsit for the. f%paatructioa a: a grtenhoue• V*rV% of CouMq Had 9 and PeW l arw.o ' They were Informed that a busluesa of this type in the area ln+, volved would require the issuance of a Spacial Use Permit and it would therefore be necessar7 for thea to maks their request to the Plannir,-; Caamisa.ion for As setting of a date for official publi- cation and public hearins, before a 6peciat Use Permit could be Issued, hr. avti:Jd tc consider the matter and if the delay would not. lie too grous '%"%' would request the Plannigs Ctmr- alssion to have r, :_ acial atnq,!jW as ew.::% as poselble in order to accomplish the neon cry requirounts. Frank Sewards Village Dc>x, Warder, and t %Z't2e Chief Lien wei%e present to discuss dos conttvol .cath the hope of %)%.k 4 better enforcement under the Village Gag Ordinance. One oi the ms, jor probl we concernc d in enforcement a,; the ordinance was aorta plaints received from i,-z aidsnts of dog praLAwr, but they residents' unwialingnesi to sign a complaint in order to prosecute the offenders. The Dog War,'cn cannot pick up doge 1,f they are iiam3ed and when a complaint is vaceived and the Dog Wardvn or Polios Depart• sent ,respond to the calls the dogs have left the ar%a and no .resi- dent +s willing, to sip a aw-plaint as to what auisanaes the doffs have made. The Vlllase attorney stated that the Village Dog Ordle nancvs possibly could be strongthensd tut it is necessary that the ren ,O_qt registering M c(N 'at be willing to sign a atmaplai,nt. It ua reolownded that tea atter be give publication In the Village papers &M also the yswuth Voter. nn i Agog& 16 1965 fter Staples intrafteis thfA tollorim rertoldon and atow Its adoptions li-EsO t1T„1011 Rol 6' - RE30L 10f Wlin. . RMtlIUMM CF M3tion for adoewion of the fore oing"rasolu' seconded b7, Trustee Seviour and upon vote being !eaten following voted in, favor thersof r Mayor Staples, ru and Sevicar, Appnst: Nine. Absent:: Trustees Q'* ph ev • w.ereupon said resolntioe :acs dectla: ed duly adopted. 4%ad Armust 1.6, 19k Attest Ion we duly thorem the teed Curtis lon and. ,nm- f p•L .IAC V. r , Pesolutioe Waiv. Subd vrdi. 14q. IaR 0, ParkersLakr. side. 'Acres Aldo. Gentle Dsvelop = ). , Wier+fir. i The Village Angineer read a reparL on the drainage area of ' R'. Drainage Prob• Beton Lane and North of County Road 6. Mr. Klust was present repro- Ion, Weston La. N seating the rjsidents in the area. He was requested to obtain a of Co. Road 6. petition with is sassy aignatures as possible requesting thst some action be taken to 41oviate the drainage problem and that said petition be presented to O)o Counnil ;or further coAoiderstion. Moti jm made by KWr Staples that a waiver 04'O feet of the IOC SQL ek #• required SO -till set -back be approved for Lia 4,& S# Block 11, Mediciaa APPr' L• 059 a Lake Park 3rd Adxltion. Notion s`conded by Truoitee Seviour and passed 11, K Lk. Pant bf ell Council ;adnbere present voting aye. 3rd (11;LNeth). Trust:iee Seviour introduaed the following resolution and moved its adoption: i RESOWTIO.0 NO. 65:a6 RESOLUTION F', HEARIM ON PROMiM A%0 UM IM FOR STRhET L10P,T1NGr FOR PLYKOUTH WOR FIRST SiEOND ADDITIONS Reso — ',940 Str. Ightgo 19 5-Q Plym. Manor lst & Addns. (Asetosawt ). \\ WHFRWo by a resolution passed by the Council on August 2, 19651 the Village Qlerk +Yam dirw..t.cd to prepare a Id_ oposed assesemert roll for 196;46 street lighting with 'respect to the following streets in Plymouth Manor, First and Seaorvl Add tions : NOW THERUORtj BE IT RES' LVO BY THE VILLAGE UOUNCIL OF THE VIIJ AGE OF PLYMOUTH s page 04. FRONT Vicksburg Lane County Rdo x+15 to 3rd Avenue North 1inchview Lane County Rd. 15 to 3rd Avenue North 2nd Avsnuo North Ranchview Lane to Vtich)aburg Lane 3rd Avenue N;)rth Vicksburg 14ne to Ranchview Lane County Road #15 Ranchview Lane to Vicksburg Lane NURFAS, the, rolerk ae notified the Council that eu* proposed &seers - vent has beor comp sted and filed In his office fol• public inspeetionl NOW THERUORtj BE IT RES' LVO BY THE VILLAGE UOUNCIL OF THE VIIJ AGE OF PLYMOUTH s page 04. c Al ark ` t A hearift shall be bold an the 13th dW of SeptaimI 196, in the Village Nall at 7s30 o'clock P. N-to s upon such assessment r and at such time and place all persons, owning property affected by inch lamw provemsnt +rill be given an opportunity to be hoard with referene to xuch ww samsnt. 2. 1 The V111"a '** is directed , to propare lad publish +a notice of such ,ss&Mwmt hear, aid to mail copies 4 such notice tofall property owwre effected, an in ac- coronee with the provisions of Section 429.06'1, MUnew*& Statute$. Notion for,adoptltv of the foregoing resolution suk, ddr by Trustes Curtis od upon vote being taken thaw Lhe voted in ±lrvor th f: Mayor St4ples, Trustees Curtis nd Agaies :: Montt. A ` was 'trustees Os Fallan and kuapi Mo her"pon said r utiaa MS 0e0]46red duly passed and aIoptsd. Dated'August :6„ 1967. ' a. v lade lery ftor Stades introduced the follow.U% resolution and moved its adoption,: Resolution 6S=?7 Directing Preparation of Assessment Kola, Croqs Addn. Street Impravo,ent . Ma=km Nv 49MOLUTIOII AIRMUNi; PRUAI ATION W ASS SUDIT ROLE B6 IT WOMIM BY THS V'n AC5 COM17.t 4F THE yMA0h OF PlMUM# i XIMMM 1, It is hereby determined that the total cost at grading., base work &W bitwLU*us surracingg including all final - dent al eig"sees is the sum of $16,7910.00, orad that. the sum of $168790.00 ie to be assessed against the benefited pr'"operty# town t 24th Avenue North tiro• State highwr 101 to a point 160 fest North of 5th Avewis North, 25th Avenue North frim State Hl&,hw&;t 101 to a point 160 feet Fast of 24th Avenue Nprth. Pine. Circle from 24th Avenue North 'to South line of Lot 61, Mock 4, gross First Addition, 2. The VialageClerk with the assistance ,.of the Village lain"r shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be speakally assessed for the iaprovemeat against every assessable lots place or pare of land abutting on q ld etr at in accurd- anon with the provislone of Section 4I14,.061, Klnne4iots 5tatut gee o Motion for adoption of the foregoing, resolution was duly oeci ndad, by Trustee Seviour and r4pon vote beinji taken thereon the followli; voted in favor thereof r "r Staples, Truatees Curtis vac n i e !° og ao.sd aga3euiai. Db Abset d Tivat+es' on io td - biu wits deelaret j pass4 dd ; adopted RIN L11 ,,` J QT • ,,. .. age(;Als c I r Is"Oes iatiroducid the toUaving'"solutiotl tend mored. Y , jv its adop due 1 fteso , RiSOI.4lT141 1 0. 6S•YB on i+opoe'ad Assess- 1 : meat `' Y., it =S, 7• a'resolution paoeed by the Co fail an Avpgt 160 19659 t tlto Pillage Clerk d eeted ' to pr wpere a proposed assessamt roll for the#adiugs bepe work and bitualiotu surfaclaa of the fqum ing; n 240 Av a North from State HI&my -101 to a polot, J ' 160 feet Nosh: of 25th Onus North. 2.51t& '1 A40muw- Nor* f rm State Highuy 101 to a, pont I.Foot Use,, of 24th avenue North, Vdine, 4rcle ir' em. lath Avenue North to South lies at t Lot 6s, Mack, 40 Cross First Addition, Fant tk,e cleirk has aft -t ied the CauncU that eudt proposed assessi stat has , beerk. compls ed and tiled in hin office for pabliq inspeet"Con; i NOW ZFO K.904a ti% IT MOLVQi Er THE YILIAGN. CONNGIL OF THE VII AGR OF PL—M- is r 1. A: hears sh,;.1.1 be held om the 20thn8 day of Septem ber, , 1965, in tke Villpg hell at 700 o'clock P. R. to pass upon such proposed as000mmm t roll and at such time and p14,ce all permans ouniq property affected by such ftprovagwnt wlU be givom an opportunity to b e heard with referamee 1;o such ataenement 29 The Village Ulerk is directed to prepare -and pub:ish a. notice of such assessment hearing, and to mail 0014e3 of such notice to all property owimers affected, all in a/scorddance witch the provisiona of Section 429..06x,_ Minne- ty yY0 Statutes. 11; Motion for adoption of -4+ a foregoing :resolution was duly seconded by Tr xotao Seviour and "an Vote being taken thereon the, following voted in favor th"..sof: Mayor Staplers Trustees Curtis aNk Sovigva. Against: Nuke. Abu ant i, Trastees. Of Fallon and HW;.-phrgF Whereupon said molution was declared duly p ased and adopted, Dated August 16s 1965. 11 Attest a. ._ .. , ......... ... rte.. 0 Agor Sta lea introduced the followb4 coved ita adopt imt 2wQ1g& orf, 6S ;29 Acdepti,ng Sid 'of Ne -0 roc Cros3an for Imprint. of wont Ave, ffien Co. Ad. 73 tQ Teakwood RESOWTION ACCEMM MD FOIR IMPROJIFoo a r+ 0%1n . aw.f.." $ _ lane. WEPSAS, pursuant to an adve*iis=ent for bads fq r the improve - a= of the fol?.owing streets, tovit r Aid -t-.i!4unt Avenue from Cour ty Rd. No,, 72 to ?e4wood Lane by gra ing, base work, drainage arx: installation of a,ephaltia concrete pavement, bias were rece1ved, opened and tabulated accord - Wag to law and the followOaA brie were received c kaplyin wl. th the a:erti8srent: BIDDER AMOUNT OF TMAL 01D C , N.cvro33 C. &us 0 t666. Carl h.:lander & Sons 1190085.18 Alexander Construction Comw 12%73303 Bury and Carlson 160,833.40 Page #7. and WHEMS, it appears that C. S. McCrossan, Inc. of 038008 Minn" sota is the 1OW03t responsible bidder; NOW Mi-MON+E, K., IT RFSMW RX Tlik; COUNClI.L OF THE VILI ACE OF PLYMDUT ., 1. The mor and Olerk urt., hereby authorized and directed to' enter into the attached contract with C. 'a'. Nc ;rowan, Inc* of Oasec:, Mianeeots In the name of the 11it lager of Plymouth for the improvement of the hollowing streets, to -wits Ridgenount Av-mue from C Nunty Rd.. Nov 73 to Teakwood Lane by gradin, base work, drainage and instalLtti©n of a5pFaltic eomr4te pavement, according to the plans and specifications theL°efor approved by the Vill.ago vauncil and on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 2. The Village Clerk is hereby authorised and directed to return forthwith to all bidder, the deposits rade with their bids, except thut the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder *hall be retained until a, contr:ac t has been signed." H4tion adoption of the foreg©ir g resolution was dull seconded by Truatce Seviour and upon vote beIN Laken. thereon the fallowing voted in favor thereoft NUyor Staples, Trustees Curtis and Seviour. Asainst: None, Absent: Trustees J'Fallon and aumpht.ey ad;ipt, txi . kt, cst t Mio. eupon said reaalution wea declared duly paased and Dated August 16, 1965. yo 3V Ll L ] 4= d. motion m..4* by MLyor Stspheu that Seger I:nstalUtion license Plbg,. Licvmos Chas "B", #414 and Plumbing ln3tallation licenses, Class "A" koo. 415 Mass A & O, 414 •: tad- 416 be approved.. Mati= eeconded by Trustee Sevim- and passed by 415-16 4*ppraved:.-, all Council members present voting aye. Motion made by Mayor Staples that the followUG. numbered Cesspools & Sept! Cesspool & Septic Tank OpmIrg licenses for tete fiscek slew ending, 'gym* Lies. 1-4, July 11, 1966 be approved:os. 1, 2* 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10. Mat ion 8 '10 Approved. seconded by Truatee Sevi our aiN , passes by all Council inimbers preaoibt voting aye. y Motion made by Mayor Maples that cnecks listed on the Cameral Fund August 5, 1965 Diaburacwt Stat a cover3:ig ;enerals Fund in the Disb . Cks . Appvd. aatopnt of $3#161.49 be approved. Motion seconded by Trstae 3o our and passed by qLU Council members present voting aye. Motion made by Trustee Curtis that checks listed on the PoUce Fund Uisb. august 5„# 1965 Disburemant Statement covering Police Fund in the ch eeua Approvedo, amount of $562.10 be approved. Motion seconded by Trustee Saviour and passed by all council members prmsent voting aye. Motion made by. Trustee 4evioU:r that checks listed on the Fire Dept. Flue Ougust 5, 1965 Disbursement statement covering Kre Department F4n Disb. VUckis in the amunt of $348.79 bb approved. Motion seconded I%r KV- ar ApprmvpI. Staples wind pawed by all Council members present voting aye. Motion made by yor Staples that checks 1,!Iu tan the Rom & br die IKUgvat 51 1965 Dishmsener°t Statw, ent covering Road & Bridge. Funj Fund Disb irreaeat in the amount QF $1,834.3.5 be approved. ltotlon seconded by Trus- Checks Ap$iroved, tee $erior:r and passed by all Council members present voting aye. Motion guide by Trustee, Saviour that checks. listed on, the Poo; Fund DWmugs August, 5, 1$65 144tarsenent 5tai.eiaent covering Poor FU -"-d Li the ment 4W'm amoulit 41' $138.2$ be approved. K tion gecondad by XWr Staples 4pproved., and passers by all Council members present voting ale. Motion nude by T ustea Curtis that checks listed on the Futlic Park Fund August 5, 1965 Disbursement Stun vment coverirg Pti:bl;ic Fanrk Fund in Distursemant Cks* the amovnt of $M50 be approved. Marian oecoaded by Tr etee Approved. Seviour• and --.iaed by all, CCounoil membera present voting aye. Y ?n made by Mayor^ S aplv6 that the checks listed on ti;i Cebt Sorvicre Fund moist 51 d . , Disbursemen' Statement c-3veri,r Uebl. Service Fund 14 CAib'vraement eks, the amount c” 4,971.18 oe Approved. Ktion seconded by Tr -4ee approved. Saviour Fuad passed by all (;au,rnuil, members present voting Ve. 14yment of regular chid ks as u!' lugust 5, 1965 f r the 1111 Cheoks 5009 E ove accounts aro numbered 5M +w FnrQ?t,h 5 362 ai4d Leta l $8s4NI;i,69,. "!ru , rA v d, Elution made IV Ma, oL Staplen the;.., the Municipal I,,e,4a ., iauor S..ore QVi9, Store Dinbursommi, Statemeikt cussed Auevst 16, IW5 eavteing 0.164s 1445 `thrum 1493 numbered 1"5 threugh 1443 in Ue aaraurt f $4; ,76.38 be kloPr" Wed. Opp oved. Motion aeconded by Trustee SuvaOnr and paasaed )syr all Council memberu presont vatl% ay t, Re. $Acquisi.tion Notion made by Mayor Staplea than: Uie Vii? pea Attorne;• be of Fr ivel 041. authorzimud to off4r up to $3,200.00 to acq! re Parcel ; 541 :,.tn the- S'i„ d'or :'mpmvemeri of the SK4; Sec. 35 as street For vhe imprc vent o" of l i,ei Ttmournt Ave Ridgea-)%uit, Avenue. Motion aee.clivi.ed by `Pxusteu Saviour and pa'f;ei b;; all uo,i t,11 membor.7 present voting We. Un motion the .neetjnr.j ad j,xurned at, 12:20 o'c' +t. i„ August, 170 11,65, If N. T. Joil t aon, Village Clerk.