HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 07-19-1965I U e t' 11 Pityi Pars cwt« to duo . a::. aL notf a tltsreaf, a aeci::;]. L ttti,t ; E" 1 -he Vil2ags Coa11411. of 'w s 4' jXINpi :}f Piy:saat JUML&sa ta, was t ktly hold at t he Vill;c,e.W.' in 'As- 13U iRy o.' Jnly, HMN alt 7;;C o'clock P. Mor Present; Trusts' so ' Fri+Z e, :i 11vo a 5a` 's the '1f.1.1s ge Oleark, Att orasy' 1aeatt 13 (neer. ift ent,= 1V...7or Sta" -.s and ': -teq Gurus. 1` St;eh O'Sa:;.ins was appoiltter l :+y vit, pro tea 4ndr :4lad the taestLM to ardor. TAO raeetir;; was ca;:.ed fir a ;ub1ic•',\hOar1Av in, ace. Ld#0:ev with *,'Tiftpua pubZiyutiv.%. to can;xder t ht lnpt'a'+::ti.on a1 . t:it;; saware t sewe Drr .al .: Area N:• q VI=As end Uantitled a!3 the Parker's W141 k -e Apprvxicat;ely 75 reaideaU rye+pme Reye:\• t:s part4ke in the dfser as .o of u P40e #t. the proposed srt,,rm sever. 1 ' 1%e 3kie,itiaer ;jive a rep6rL on t.,,e prooas'ad 'project aInd s:..ated the: eati- ted c,)tit, U k e 4rpr<a j=% ;e; y .' ,3?` . at ar, ale a cost' ©T $ 2 OW q,r. acre. Tne Couhw-tl stated thms if ae -.projeat is 4 prayed it la propoard I.hat the pM- party owi,ters would be-Astseasgd %pyrozeiarjate»vv 64 of -they total rast,and tho V1411aze to assume uuprax ma ttl; - AaA of khe ::ase. Thb qwJ.% costs c gaged by Oe 41-.846 Would,/. be re'::avered .frola, c6 portAon of Uha 5-omlli ad v4laram tax 4pinst all property in the J11a4ejj effective irr.•,th taxe# psivuVk$be in ,I i. Yt is l e itrLer Zfas 1;Q cantin such Ml; l rats: iMefietitel.-fir L13% LU.L,•d ug a Stara Sewer !•tinct !`Ir suture prr,ecta ill, tits ui lagtr. Samwttt `sl. Aja .ey*' 42 h;.rb.?r Lane, presented a petition slf,t;ned by. i appjaximata4p 65 resp lents of the u*,pea. T. -.c Petition retlueats. th4t Ube at't?8 ]tilting. er.en&4..y &st of ft%w;x be ex -14th* .frt.xz tho p:+3.,ncaq %xcept that they aro wig IN tan uratmte thou sl;are in Vita iv.' Me draina.%e dl.."% t'*r t.%t` f,ventu-w sem:Ug of ter; entire arm. Tleeir c.ante::t;:-1n1 3W that; tije or.rp5sed trunk in ti e East side i1 1 I I of Ki,ag& i 7,anc s.iauld not be inZA-Wed., L , Llgy; 014ort., 7104• Rzinchvl., sus Gt> ntis atlid r:e #.A tha t mjoct was Ifirgor tllw aecessaz7 to drain tete area and thVi he wao ar nre of y ov one plikoe an the. 9aat side o f 16rcaview i ins wh1%:h Lid water .'a.1% tkte, u.4seattsrlt . bruve Tiffon.Y, 61() 4uov.Uc4 L-ne, a4iAcd he ut or•ataact th""L ua:.y spr9ace eater %mold 4e: rec.%ve i and he fe;% i s :•t anti 4:: the zAa pea.; ;ens 1.6 the hw pry c=oo c ent n'%t ion o: water bek", aw tb ll S. marld l eve- . Fd. ++,w,, t5 'iaKar ane, inquired as t it Gita ''tet aide ?c' tiaLgaFa I r!e oras r9m:aved rmat We% Ivo ect,, araot would the artsL be to the alunae atthe aria. The Pol.lowin;; sp*e on %ho 1kua Nat with eenevi,1 questions as to trtle Gast for izaividu:1 arclporty otyr:ers - rrgiestaLrfj % mare method of irtat"laP tion - if t,:e pra j vat its 3rprav ed -- irtan v •4%0.ti it be ,atlyl aet ed s ,iauld this have wr ei'.fect on the itiOult'.a :roan o vvit ory sewer, und. vl,riour other gener4". questions& W. Opealli, 150-11. courts 1". 4 M-% 0 Nnn, 1500? Wunty Ruud 15 Cl; r3 es SO.- arlau, 15 305 Znd Avo. N. G . G w rge, C-3. ltd . 15 4 MArbnio 1 &,ne A:. 'V),%v4u ns 10,07 4ounty Fel, 15 Ia,rl Jerrerr vir 15615 - ?t d Panue• Ct:. ,.is Gust:afsan, 435 Orc,`;i ane- Irl Jalms.Qrt, :2.5 *%watt Wo Dena Curtis Will , :214,W hsriaor .l et. Warren ThatmMil 410 an-juvir+w VA.ne YAr. & Kra. OtmId .gill , 1650 tivl4m- 110—c rt Garivitrcatt 5:0 Uicliviev Wit tic:o. Zine abart Towner, to Magary Una Jahn Nagens 515-4 t1arbar IMLIG. It wan Anted titkitt there wej a approa 1tibt:ely 14,13 Rarev in tar entire vKiterm plied t;ku%t tviuld he a inesnable= 0' %,hiith 5 aproximatelw 66 acnes are on the .Last a;rde or .1vi, V%,A%rLrL .,erne. Mr. Kt*q-..q stated UuA lie rei peat«fu ly requeo-Odod tlt.. st•roT4; vet;ridet°a!i iarl be i•Aver: to the pu'41 tit -Mr. nuivdl ted Ota t.a -%their t%luea% *lith rriNAir en^.e to ' the area lant of Macara .1,o„te.. A . U 1 of Ki,ag& i 7,anc s.iauld not be inZA-Wed., L , Llgy; 014ort., 7104• Rzinchvl., sus Gt> ntis atlid r:e #.A tha t mjoct was Ifirgor tllw aecessaz7 to drain tete area and thVi he wao ar nre of y ov one plikoe an the. 9aat side o f 16rcaview i ins wh1%:h Lid water .'a.1% tkte, u.4seattsrlt . bruve Tiffon.Y, 61() 4uov.Uc4 L-ne, a4iAcd he ut or•ataact th""L ua:.y spr9ace eater %mold 4e: rec.%ve i and he fe;% i s :•t anti 4:: the zAa pea.; ;ens 1.6 the hw pry c=oo c ent n'%t ion o: water bek", aw tb ll S. marld l eve- . Fd. ++,w,, t5 'iaKar ane, inquired as t it Gita ''tet aide ?c' tiaLgaFa I r!e oras r9m:aved rmat We% Ivo ect,, araot would the artsL be to the alunae atthe aria. The Pol.lowin;; sp*e on %ho 1kua Nat with eenevi,1 questions as to trtle Gast for izaividu:1 arclporty otyr:ers - rrgiestaLrfj % mare method of irtat"laP tion - if t,:e pra j vat its 3rprav ed -- irtan v •4%0.ti it be ,atlyl aet ed s ,iauld this have wr ei'.fect on the itiOult'.a :roan o vvit ory sewer, und. vl,riour other gener4". questions& W. Opealli, 150-11. courts 1". 4 M-% 0 Nnn, 1500? Wunty Ruud 15 Cl; r3 es SO.- arlau, 15 305 Znd Avo. N. G . G w rge, C-3. ltd . 15 4 MArbnio 1 &,ne A:. 'V),%v4u ns 10,07 4ounty Fel, 15 Ia,rl Jerrerr vir 15615 - ?t d Panue• Ct:. ,.is Gust:afsan, 435 Orc,`;i ane- Irl Jalms.Qrt, :2.5 *%watt Wo Dena Curtis Will , :214,W hsriaor .l et. Warren ThatmMil 410 an-juvir+w VA.ne YAr. & Kra. OtmId .gill , 1650 tivl4m- 110—c rt Garivitrcatt 5:0 Uicliviev Wit tic:o. Zine abart Towner, to Magary Una Jahn Nagens 515-4 t1arbar IMLIG. It wan Anted titkitt there wej a approa 1tibt:ely 14,13 Rarev in tar entire vKiterm plied t;ku%t tviuld he a inesnable= 0' %,hiith 5 aproximatelw 66 acnes are on the .Last a;rde or .1vi, V%,A%rLrL .,erne. Mr. Kt*q-..q stated UuA lie rei peat«fu ly requeo-Odod tlt.. st•roT4; vet;ridet°a!i iarl be i•Aver: to the pu'41 tit -Mr. nuivdl ted Ota t.a -%their t%luea% *lith rriNAir en^.e to ' the area lant of Macara .1,o„te.. A . U 0 a Ju\ly 12', 1965 - l:C nt$,1. fth ra, Trruv ce I'll411ort, K X%r>xs 4a o ter, dec" ared the hemi cued, he staked ViA t,l e Cauncii w5u:.d .sive dro, ;,rw tder,.tien to 1 of :he lucstions nrrN c; )Mderts awde at ti.e huirinr, at. tr.e. Lima a dacisizn. is made o, thie nrorased st.rrz serainst al t :n, A m% Ming, w-% a...?Lir a pu flier h earist . an rA ccordan. o with of fi c4l.!cl , puu tzation, ecrnaider ire c :y_tiorr of stoim s ix -veers to s erns Dralnga t Areii Z( -AO and beinin elle .xe,ac :n lei. ;nts Dr dnage rea. Trust e 9 0' Fuilon, Kqor pm t en,, c el the aicotin., t order and reque: jM ted`tltat if ver r ne p e r t ttt E .iny E•u 4;ti .s i+a -v3k or tw,merta to wke peril'„ dr, to tie prvposed rra :ot, t4e C6urci,l w.juld take thio under consideratLon. With no )rye present to wake a re'quc:st jlit infor=- tizat, 7rustet Jno PaWror pro to &,, dei `lkLr, the hosr:%.n s c-.osed. ! On motion *one caetin adj.)u^x'_ed at 1011,x) o'c:04 P. K. xlt T. A Vill4ge W ork, t A o . July' -12s 196 Pursurint to due cal and notic a I:hw !r,Aa regular meet' j.r 3 of the Village Cavuttcil of the Vilx,eeou of Plymouth, Kinrjes ata, was duly held, at "the 'Village Hall on the 19th daffy of Ju1Yj 1965, at 7:30 o' chock, P. Re Present: Mayor Staples, Truet.ees 0irotis, a' FA1.Ion pend Sev;io r, the Village Class, longi neer and Attorney, Alvaent: Trust re Humphrey. Mayor S1,aples called the meetoW tot: *rder. In the absence of a clerr,yman to g've an inv-)caWA-7 pray+ r, Mayor Staples requested ti:i audie is:e 6 ;d Council to rise: for i rioment of silent pray-cr. Copies of the minutes of the .rrL*u..chr meetirA,o,f 4ul.y 12, 19'65; as mailea to each Coutw-Lm a were appr.3ved. Copies of the en'.nutes of the .0.rd cif hev iew meet,iaag rule at 2:00 P. M. on su.,Iy 13, 1955 as mailsrc each Counc~..U n wet -it aj proved. Copies of the minut'rs 3f t le me etl ke :f 3uiy 13, 1965 wit,l reference to the public hearing o>i !she Parker's Lake and Bea an Heights Drainage: Areas, as mailed to, eieh Ccuncilaw, vera app vved. Bids Opened Re. Bids we.%e r•scelve;d and opened in accordance with Seal Coating off Ix41al pub.ioat ion, for the -•eceiving or k ids ."or bitw-) nous Str6ets,. sej coating, of streets in ac;;atodwice witti specifications pro- vir ed by thb ua.11.age '& lneer as follows: IDDEf. Tot el Bid Al .led Ulacktop Co. $ 9,1 °.x.00 Perfarmance Band cer— tified 0teck L. the amiunt of $471.00 attached, Bituminwa.s Raadwa,,s, Inc. 12,63.2.0 5% B11 FhrW at.tachao... Motion made by Trltstee Curtis thut all cidm0 ir,wing been riscp'-red rend opened .'jr the sefll eQatiNq of artree's, that she bid o;aenii4; be closed. Motion secanded by !gayer Staples and passed hr al:. Council members present wit J n. ; aye. lids f,.r Seul Motion maria by 1"rustee C% rrtis LhLA the bide f•)r seal Coatirg Refer -ea Q atirq; of bituminous streets oe referred t.?, the, Ul..ar e.• L.Vi,nwar to V. Engineer, fur his congideruti.on and reci armendtatic nu t:a Mie Counci.i. Motiml econded t+y ^Qyo.r staples and passed by all Counci.1 mexa err present noting aye. Aeeessmmto 2jok3 Ration made by &Wor Stars en Lruit the 1965 Villaeze ass— Approved & Siriw'i naament• hnoks, as prerx:re d fY the Vix`l.i4:,e *wsesnxr, and prenented F ar l ta5. Tanday. 14t.1 ?ie at tote ,+aewd of lieview rieeti r hold July 13, y 1965. pit 2:00) P. K. be approvmA and signed L4, ac.?rkdQnce with the require- inents of the County di4perviaor of Ration e%:or.ded by Tru,utee Cu -,itis aril twined by ail Couc;,rA mtdhers present voting; aye. He. Schlebea PHrk ans T. lia an, Chainaan of :rte r.lym,%Ieth P%;.Llk ee hacreation DeveJ occrent . hdvi aory Q mni;tsion, wws present to :ii;r uss the Fr., ;r .n f ,-r develop- ii47; thid 3o-ealled Jdaiebe Park in thc+ Villa ee if rlyrr.iutlt. Kr. H -den 5ULed that Prtruer %i Aaaoc.latea have ki6rack to oomplote detailed dr.wq-it o, dtvw a}?rc if' ,+tt; nit; oupervise iana uuarantae the cont truction iv, cc,gdwwe with the .6ipvci.:'icatlot 1a;, ut n too of 91. `.%n over000 %V .e colit :1 they CiompA vtvki Park Pl°oinNim in 6010000 Ara it is eatimultud t:h"A Lie toirst rzta",e would bu approx- imateiy Thiu wu.l,d Qonslato of a s,ivie Page #1 19 o . 6rT Lngwo090 44pp77l-!!!!l17777M• 40 M g I n 0 0 a I• ... friJi 19%1Y1 1.6 ro Cekt I'd • , .1 '•, nt•„j' U• s baaaeb !liNtieid, poe-r ee •,basad f.. a ': cy t ; secont. s .,``, sr ar1i:g asal, .r.'ii,4r : ir.i' ti: ad av i1I r a s' !: int could .bd coae etted Uris 14TH.%! sl m w \ ,' E of ;,; ;1 ,, and next' um iee Brauer, A- &- Assagiates. -agree- •toi s*;arr"n' . -' tj."''• ^+ _ :-' ,, , ; .'. r _ , , r / L MAO Mid stages at: ;:Its of VIOU 00, : r— wh :: '3 4' -4&. .2167 a10(, rth,. quer-a 1tat1 gee coat-pf. t?-04.; ;' ..'• "-. s • tAon. maft.1 rp= 'n-tstee: 014axl.on ttra a'A ha '; Ott ' Zo 1 ;Oat-1011. ' : ,Qt Jev eke dM adr p c :sian s;: d+i,; cted •t3 pr-*teed• % t1i the 111--s jet Fla prGv_*A of ' ko cltieba IP rk l o?er't ;; p'op'aa b'-4ftder. r, O . 9 isecpnded by Trust &a Sevriour and: •hu A11.0w Ibin g . tura+mt 1. 6i"fi.. Mao r' Staples, Truofl es Q•''4110p d Saviour &b t; liad rastee Oirtf,s. Again t ane. Ads t:" i 0 i aa te , wu irelr. ;l tiara carri:o,. i'frOstee. Vurtis utAt;`ed tiraY ho. sbs , ia' wt bac u e h,a area aBai.nst th&{ ,; #rip aveaa l x a a but trv, of this wa o4r• Park Pro ray hadahqad `a' 4VLPF a h` .ed by, :3rau ? , . ;. I; aq4 es x.:the p . . ;, `; .. t Thon..,;-R. 'Id tai. t q 2 kGi,ttor. 44a member of• E 1t:; •e t eta r t'te uth 10 8 eet or q :isor, ' sSS-0d,• iah Wet acc(Rp- t it vw i . esk that:. Tr-44vae C .e s qtub t -a reeom dt date ie r 4..: _ 4. ,Com.. i r applair;'t' ant", this v wcy on M:lt ' 't ,. !1..6: Kr:. Of i s 'VI an 7, is 44mUrAtcd ae a: r. cree't=; va ,:' tie , AWdat q4artfiiurofthe r `• i T,ta:ot elje • bovour =Yed tl -wlb t4ea trequest :,f tl1 * Ftueber Can-. I,srh.ar set c, t; QQn1Pa ' , `xnc. for perm.-s n do resmove Q'ArE:3 mat:eri-:.s: fro i e$t` `tot" out'. r,.hAr da Addition, in section 27, b4 der.#ped, as .#hp' Reptyal PeMait reatt v4 of a''.•:t, url earth. atat•erialz rmm t .aree would make. it r unii ijrabt.o T xeaitte a# deve+repm t. E tion aero ec l .ter- - JA Md. puss t: ; al. u :i..©+a.rs present v,, ani:.. u,aw A IL a trot t ops. •mode by lvld Mr St;aplee that a pezu- it be .gpproyed for 1 ' -Mak I* fiihre$t ea .t. m}x 4 , t luesT.C` a "t'd, rosident:, far the F,el}'th. Rom lNumi r.41. o' earth Aptoria-le ..31-v .h1v ,,%rd in 3*01on ),a- -AAp''d.: aated qk 333044 Wailth. Fe.rp-'hxw.K- Lapc; said ;A rmdt to stipuldtQ imm%0146-Ra$or,CM . titvnc;,,ten titlirout tnr 4i:e in viQl ti e*a the t.ern of 'theprl d•Jlti,'l11 1*9r Parodt • Fid&.iw aecimded, by Tmv?"e4-,, 0.1 Capone L a Dation au,* off. I yor Srtaplus trouts the Prerm l,,ing nto on b4 wm%W,et to ImIude %,,aAt t+ru peamit be granted subject 'tc the au bo.io•n of a procile ,perfai . • 414 in m ar.9aoh4 tkgreed to a,v .th 1F#3ia.,;a '•' ;ln r ttt:` t:+3 'bk4 s;tutce at the pot it, rntJo v%c;ind6d hy, Tmtt or, •,st , ;, a rand p seed a::k Caurwll ziembeara preaoot• vot;iro &We. Upon vq+.gf Nalre, taken on tete gar. gitwl motion, al. Cauneil moub*rs O-e int vAWAI-o,. Votion .mage 4',` ruutm Curtis that a psndt bn granted. to o u d hliudj an eomplapee or Astlef;rd Uonrt r,.uti,on Vwpl , to.r the . pr'd.. a cv ncP or a ttel,lar f% - %?ja manths, to be Iwa} ed at %35 len.1 Ian, B. Ruud durUg the const .me t;iar; of t11e COW-11 Ua , buildi a.-, ut oo the f nnaApaAst. DdOtr? W P4'."!c, pt'opetrLv ; pnimrd Dahl#M 4 4' Wwwat ,e_riin , a d . Powe. itch, . Ana.., AM Re. rev ,Mr' J l i Y:i ".,.% ahweney repre-aeat:irC, the XetrQ4alS . 3pa114tiGs, Inc. I. und. 0001411. ia' tho viluwo of A :jiit:'i.4910A. Upoal'to to (90tr9q- dis,,radt? VIII propan i t;utant-l1. x,ne de a rg art'. KI-5 . h _gxae t I.i ont.ed U,B.. l ee-e .pmen a '4 t the 4ra4 ruid racy ",4.d tha Ybta .1'lA; of a c ert ill axea !A the 1,_. .. , p rut t; Cuaitt it ur d . gv'aa h&4 pr.ov otte:,P teen upp%v-ed knd thO MmUrV Ca ntl•aotw, rues) erAa tho a .wU u C two ' r dna1r ipi o. Uwelli.:ik:; • s . 10. Da;.igren n ;fit :tli r are re4tkeQ trEe e :. )MA o.f t,i i nd a' : s flmk h Pitt! bl dt t",he hc trry wark on the ImIOL •r4+y ba Orm: thea fallfalli, ifs a•UWA tsilat leer hops %PI iet the A.Ppvvvuj vt Vac aever and watier t lco-11roAIo Idt'i.0i 0 VOI inota.,led be.-Care hanetpuet'le . ;ar the otreeho, id 4,1MItalived. .-y 4v—..e.rr.er+.i:r-- w.ur....w•a. r aawn....i .. .a..r a .......rr a aa_ ..,+T.swa.e.r•—+s. •se-ter+. 4u"o Jj Jduly9, 1935 After considerable -discussions Tr uste,i Curtis intro- duced the fel ?.owing ordina.nnR and moved its adny tion; Ordinance No.,6L-15 ORDINANCE'NOr.65-15 Amending Present Zoning AN 00INANC E 41SMING THE Z01PING ORDINANCE Ordinance & Rezoning to OF THE VILLiaGE OF. PLYYOUTli, PROVIDING FOR Capt' 1. & 1 A>IV.ple Dwlg. THE pL UN NG OF CERTAIN LANDS IN SECTION 130 T(XIN- Certain Lands in Sec. 13. SriIP 118, RkICE 220 TO TKE C%H9CIA1, AIS MULTIPLE D' ELV NG ZOIC r'riE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VL"GE OF PLYMOUTH DO EiEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 - Amendment of Zoning Ordinance 1.01 The Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Plymouth is hereby amended to include the following lard within the Commercial District: That part of the Northeast 1/4 of e%.tion 1 , Twp., 118 N., R. 22, West of the Fifth prf,ncipa.l Meridian described as failows: Commencing, at the intersection of northerly exten- sion of the East line of Rem e's Addition and the south line of Rockford Road (County woad No. 9) as noir laid out and traveled; thence easterly along the South line of said Rock- ford ,Road 1175 feet to the actudl point of beginning of the tract of land to be described; thence southerly deflecting, 40000' .o the right a distance of 110 feet to point of tangen- tial curve to the left, radius 879.30 ft..; thence southeasterly along said curve an are disthnc a of 815.90 feat, central angle 530101 to point of tangency; thence sortheasterly along said tandint a distance of 380 feet to point of tangential curve to the right., radius of 476.84 feet; thence voutherly along last said curve to its inter sect's en with the Sputh line of the North- east 1/4 of said Section 13; thence easterly alone uaid South line to the `East line of said 6ection 13; thence norther],y along said East line to its intersection with said South line of Rock- ford Road; thence westerly aloe; said douth line to the point of beginning and there termi.natir4;, Hennepin County, Minnesota, 1.02 'lie ZoninG Ordiriance of the Villa,;e of P1 mmouth is hereby further amvnet d to include the following land vithin the Multiple Dwelling Zone; inlet part of Sec irn 13, Twp. 113 N., H. 22 W. of the Fifth ri.ncioal Meridian described as follows: Ccamnencir4, at the intersection of nort..Crly extension of t:ae Estline of femme's Addition and the South ling o.0 'Rockford ho ad (County Road No. 9) Ftp now laid out and traveled; thence e:.aterly along the South line of said hookford Hood 1175 ,feet to the actuU paint of beginning of the tract of land to be described; thence southerly deflecting 90000' to the rinh4 a distuaace of 110 feet to roi:at of tangential curve to the left, radius 89'9.30 feet; thence Bouthatasterly 21 n,said curve or. arc dintxicb of 815.90 feet, central ar,Ie 510010' , to point of ta ency; thence nt)utheaaborly ulon said tangent a distance of 380 feet to point of t,kangentl curve to the right, r di.ue 476.84 i't.; tlitence southel-ly alotV-, lase rve to its intersection with the South line 'of the Nort.aetast 1/h of said Section 11; thence easterly along it%aid South lint to the Llist lino of staid CA eetion 13; thence soa+therly Adrng said Last line to the southeast cairner of said section] theme Pago t 3. 0 3 JgZ 19 1965 - Cort'd. westerly along the South line of said section a distance of 3.125 feet; thence northerly parallel veLth the Fust line of the Southeast 1/4 of said section a distance of 1400 feet; thence northwesterly deflecting 28000' to the left a dist,,ince of 735 feet; thence northeasterly deflecting 55`'C0' to the right a distance of 280 feet; thence easterly deflecting 550001 to -the right a distance of 230 feet; thence northeasterly deflecting 22°(O' to the left t distance of 160 feet; thence northwesterly deflecting 88000' to the left a distance of 960 feet to point of tangential curve to the right, radius 721.18 feet; thezice northerly aloikk said curve an arc distance of 390.21,",feet; central angle 31°00' to point of tangency; then ov. ,hortherly along said tangent to the said South line of Rock?ord hoitd; thence easterly a,;on -, said South line to the point of beginni.% and there terminating, Hennepin County, 1•iinnesota. Section 2 - Effective Date 2.01 This ordinance shall become effect -. 7e upon its passage anu publi- cation. i Motion for adoptior of the foregoing ordinance was duly seconded by lhyor Staples and upon vote beim; taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Staples, Trusters Curtis, O'Fallon and Seviour. Against: None. Absent: Trustee Humphrey. Dated July 19; 1965. Attest. Village Clerk Motion made oy Trustee Curtis that prel-juinvey approval be granted to the plat of Metro -U.S., Inc. in Section 13-118-a". Motion seconded py Trustee Saviour ai;d passed by all Council members present voting* aye. Motion wde by Trustee Curtis that the form of n^reene.nt between the Village of Plymouth and the Village a,, New Hope Refatin; to the Joint Use and Maintenance of Sanitary Sewer Facilities be approved except as to the establishing of rags for the use of the facilities. Motion seconded by Trustee Saviour and passed by all Council membeu•s present voting aye. John Yngve, in presentiR,; the preceeding request referring tb t4e agreement wLth the 4 ill ge of New Hope; suggested that .hc Villas;e Attor- ney, Lefler, and a Councilman negotiate with William J. Corrick, attorngl ts to the establishin ; of the rates for they sewer facilities. , Motion m..ide by WVor Stades thlat the approval of the Fox Chapel Grove Addition development contract be defeorred until. the Au`;ust 2, 1965 meeting, and that the Village L: 4vineer submit recommendations for drainage and :.totm sewer for the area involved. Motion seconded by Trust;tie O'Fallon and passed by all Council me-n1•ers present voting aye. Motion made by &VQr. Staples ths.t a waiver of 5' in the sWbline recluirenutn: for the construction of tin addition to the .garage attached to the home of Lara Xors jren, 1815 jakview Luno, be approi.ted. Kution secon- ded by Trustee Seaviour and passed key all Couni'l members pressen voting aye. Prelim. Flat Approved Metro -U„3. He. Vil. of Plymouth & New hope Sanitary Sewer Facili- ties Agreement. Approvall of Fox Chupal Gr. Development Deferred. 5' Sideline Cresiver AP v' d . Garage for Iars ho rsgren, Pegs l. iML 14. 1465 Contdo ° Trustee Curtis introduced the following ordinranto and moved its adoption: Ordinance Ivo. 61-16 Linensing & Regulating blic DamFing. QRDDiA11Q N0. 6546 AN O.RDIKfit z LICBWSW AND REGULATIM PU'dlic DUMPIM WITKIN THE VILLAGE OF PL' 1TH. 1'Hp' V"iLIJ a COUNCIL O.Y OF I)M.OUPM DO KEMMY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 0 one Section i. -- Definitions. 1. 1 The term "public dumping place" shall nean any premises situated within the corpcirate limits of the Village of Plymouth, Minne- sots where tin c,wis, ashes, junk or other trash or refuse of i, any kind is eausei or permitted by the owner thereof to be dgoosited and accumulated by members of the general public. Section'; phi Licenses H fired. 2.01' No persona shall operate or maintWn a public dumping place or shall cause or permit any premises owned or occupied by his to be used or maintailied as a public, dumper place without first obtaining a license ftom the V"ge %•;.erk to operate a }public dumping place. 2.O2 o rW license so E minted shall be for a period of one (1) year and the annual fee therefor shall b e $50.0u, 2.03 Application for W such license shall be nada in writing to the Village teierk, shall state ;ere nwtie a ad ad4ress or the applicant, the location or the premises to be de;iguted as a, . public dumping place and such other inf armation as. ,the Village Gnuncil shall require. If the owner of the premises is not the ap!,Iicant, the application shall be acctU a anied by a statment ran the owner auLho.ris'it4; the use of the premises as a, public dwupirkj pike by Uie applic;aut. Section 3 — Re4ulatiorw. •VpAcab_e to Public .1 =p%crA' 'Places. ' 3.01 The l3 censwAe shall prol,,Rde facilities on the promi',es for the control arwd k xtinguishiag of fires. Xn this regrr xd cin appii— cant for u liainse fear it gubl.ie dumslikq place 3)va 4. demoA t.mte that there are vellti or usher sourcea ,t' water liidah ccn be used for such purroseb before, a llczensa is grarited. 3.02; Such, public: dumping place s I.l be operated atrly between the hours of 8 j o' elogk A. M. HLtxl 7:30 o'clock P. M., Xondty thrvuzr &tturday, s . 3.03 No materials mz b e burn9d on a,u:zh pualic dwrpirltt pltiee cn SaturdVs, Sund,.iys, Mond,Vq and legate holil ys. Na 'turning shall occur except 4>etwean the hotAro of 8.-00 o'clock P. 114. and 3:W o' bl oe:k t. K. Cinitrit" St:u;i.rd ''ime, on the days when burnir4; is psrait-ted. 1, Iii JJQemuee a;;Gl pem1t the ucctuauls.tt n o£ a r'1vat a material r junk on tae licen4r_d 1% unijvu ,ro r eri:ant in excess 0!" sixty (600, &Ws. N e 0, 3.05 No tree sti;:4s 0s uL:y- e de lvs1t sed ,)r a Qaept ed for deposit in euyh public N, P G ace. 1 P -j Ja i,,.19. 1465 Coat Id,t 3*06 Tither ?Ae licensee 3r a persan d6.#Mid. by him =3t be at the`i icenaed p:rrsmi.ses -st a2l i Aes. dur{sig tk e periods of operati=. 0uwh porson si;aa.; direCIL Lhe "epasit oP refuse grid shall t e.d anyb f nes that aria ' sr iq:; rhen such activity 13 petalt,ted. 3.W ANa .;arba,e or kitchenw-uste, of any klnii, Grain c4r 'semis J Adch may attract rats, or whiorh are .VAbject to delay shall be cbposited ar pemit%ed to rezi.n upc,n any licenres prezfsea. 3.08 The oremises so licenced shall be kept and maintained in as dean and Prderly a c;ndition as is practicable and m rub - t papers or other materiala ehall be permitted to Fre strewn or scattered upon the pv ep¢iaes so :s t he a ;.owed to, be carried therefrom .oy the X^xvn , ai n3 n iiaance shall be, permitted to be maintained u?or swot, ' primis ea . 3.09 The Villagt Council may., at any mssanab'_c time, designate arq Village employee to inspect the 11censed premises for the pur- pose of evt.''W:ciN the provisions oT this ordinance aW it may be requ; red , as a further condition, ,a the, grarltirkg or coat!.AU ance c:f such licena at arty time, th\-&t the licensee ahall cause rats and outer rodo-ats, which may be\prewe upon the licensed premises o.jad yVad acerk+, lands under .antrol of the licensee t be extermiratoO. by such methods as. ``the Uillag;ouneil may aapprave. If it, i.a determined th it ralenseeorrodents are present, in u public dump r place and if the does not exter. mints such rat: grid rodents t 4c Vilia.u.c o;' P mouth, through its authorised ugetnts may entar the lic meed pr mSsea, exter- minate such rats a.- "denta and certl,+y the cast thereofto the County xirlitar oT liennerin aunty, hi=e5;)ta, for assessment by hire ag4inst said liccrised rremiael. 3.10 It siaa:.l b e a condition to L'I1 ? cenacs d;ran ted hereto tend to the cantina nce }f !_itrkv li.en e 1ieretofo.rj or hereafter granted that a violation ;-f ok, ok the proviaionj of this ordinactce shall bo* vrounds for the revocation or =5pen51on ofsuwh license. Txe Uouncil may revoke or suspend such license ohly after a l,ea ri.rg on the question, `i'h,e licensee akrall be given ten (10) flays wrW.en natice ofs%:ch hearing aW said notice shall be personally s crved upon ttie licensee in the rianner• prescribed for U!c service cvf a surmmins in a civil. oQtion. 3.11 It shalll be a oonditi.on to all licenses flranted herfttQ and to the oontinu;cnce of qy license her etoiore or hereafter granted that the Villa,e shall love the through it=s eras kind officers, to enter upon the li.ce;rwad premises at all retasanable tiaca fo,,• the purpowe o.t' lxwpection thereof and for tate purwse of extermination of rain and other rodenss, and the eliadmiti.on o tar y Fire hatiird oj nuisanee, and the termimtion or a"aoe:,].(%tier qN.f an.4, lio•n.ea shall not 4fect the rielits so reacerved by 1 he Villtk,°e, Section :. - Penalties 4.0' kV person violutin;, any of Ghe pravicAems ° 041 ordi.n.cnce my be punished Gy a Mi,e of r,at to excei&d L-,,We(O or impriaonw ment Qr a period of ti=a wit too o%xoeed,-Anety (90) days. 6iah day with respect to which su h violation oQvurn kind Q(intinues shall bei deemed to be a ;ieNiratq vi,Alagan. Paiee 06. 14. R. 5. b Q July. ! 12iLm Cods Sec,tion,_ 5 - Effactiv0 Date. 5e01 This ordinance shall becmae effective upa& ita: passa6e and publication. , Motion for adaption of the foregoing ordinance was du17 vecmdod by Trustee Sevfour and upon vete bolnF, taken thej*eon the fd1loeigg tette¢ in favazr th4reof: Mayor Stara+ea, Trustees. webs, i3'rallon rind Soviour. Against:' Nome, Ahaert: Tradtee ,%v&Phrq. Dated JuI7 19, 1465. Attest: I IM41-1 Vi la ge U1 erk A petition was submitted aiKated ty no residents in the area between ';aunty hood 9 and 1Pernbroo1r.I&a#, nart to the Lillian Segin dump, requestiuv, that saaath;Pg be done tq'-alleviate,the: dust problem on aaaourrt if the heavy traffic created by tyre us;-'oh the: dmw.-*, Mayor Stapl# s introduced the foilawUia resolution and moved its adoption: R elution No. 6546 U3=10K We 6 Re. Impvmnt , of F°ernbroolc US- LUTION J f kY, PR.a'F'AUTION In. icy App.ieation of Dust REFflR'F J:1 Il tJVF+lEIvT ontr l Wit. oris. !'• dR4%r. S, +t » proposed to improve Fvp4rook lane by the application of dust control W,vials from County hood No. 9 to af,mwox mately 15 00 feet North thereof, and vsess the abutting, prpmerty for all or a portion of the cost of the improvea*tnt, puftuant to KeS,Ae Sete 429411 to 424.111. HOW '1gW"aI Lj IAJ T11 HJSc?L610 BY TiiL& X UKaL OF THE VIUAGB (W FLYM=Hi That the proposed improvement ;e referred to the Village hngineer fir otudy clod that hie is instruotod to report to the Council, tdhh ull convenient, spied, adwki l e the Council in a preliminary way as to viroether the proposed improve- ment is fw*i,Uo :end as to w:tet;ier it should beat be made as proposed oV iij cannectl on with same other imr- ova morvt attd the eatim,,Aed cost of the ixaprovenent as recumpnded.* Nation for acbptjor; of the fore ioix4; reoolutian wa a duly.sEranded by Trugteer Wallon•and upip Dote beim; token thereon 'the followinj votad in Nvor thereof r Mayor Stapa.is, Trustors C4rt1s, G' Fallon and 4eviour, a Against: ilone. Abst*it: Trustee f usohrov, 'Whereupon sai¢ resolution w As declared duly passed And adop! ed . tik t ed July 11,, 1965. . Attest: • , , it a4Ze erlc ---, T n _ C Ii 1 Attest: I IM41-1 Vi la ge U1 erk A petition was submitted aiKated ty no residents in the area between ';aunty hood 9 and 1Pernbroo1r.I&a#, nart to the Lillian Segin dump, requestiuv, that saaath;Pg be done tq'-alleviate,the: dust problem on aaaourrt if the heavy traffic created by tyre us;-'oh the: dmw.-*, Mayor Stapl# s introduced the foilawUia resolution and moved its adoption: R elution No. 6546 U3=10K We 6 Re. Impvmnt , of F°ernbroolc US- LUTION J f kY, PR.a'F'AUTION In. icy App.ieation of Dust REFflR'F J:1 Il tJVF+lEIvT ontr l Wit. oris. !'• dR4%r. S, +t » proposed to improve Fvp4rook lane by the application of dust control W,vials from County hood No. 9 to af,mwox mately 15 00 feet North thereof, and vsess the abutting, prpmerty for all or a portion of the cost of the improvea*tnt, puftuant to KeS,Ae Sete 429411 to 424.111. HOW '1gW"aI Lj IAJ T11 HJSc?L610 BY TiiL& X UKaL OF THE VIUAGB (W FLYM=Hi That the proposed improvement ;e referred to the Village hngineer fir otudy clod that hie is instruotod to report to the Council, tdhh ull convenient, spied, adwki l e the Council in a preliminary way as to viroether the proposed improve- ment is fw*i,Uo :end as to w:tet;ier it should beat be made as proposed oV iij cannectl on with same other imr- ova morvt attd the eatim,,Aed cost of the ixaprovenent as recumpnded.* Nation for acbptjor; of the fore ioix4; reoolutian wa a duly.sEranded by Trugteer Wallon•and upip Dote beim; token thereon 'the followinj votad in Nvor thereof r Mayor Stapa.is, Trustors C4rt1s, G' Fallon and 4eviour, a Against: ilone. Abst*it: Trustee f usohrov, 'Whereupon sai¢ resolution w As declared duly passed And adop! ed . tik t ed July 11,, 1965. . Attest: • , , it a4Ze erlc ---, T r r r P-, aIi 1 r r r P-, a All I) f sett 12, 1465 - C16ti Id. CIAss ;d Sergi Motion sad* by Kiyor Staples that 5e%O' r liceme, Tnat L c. Map "S", Moo 4129 to $bllen Bros. be approved. K©tilin c itorjded by for bollen Trustee Seviour and pw33ed by all Council memberb greseit 1-3Cim aye. dros. Am % On motion the meetiM, adjourned at 11:4, o' clod k P",, M. 1 f ll l' r lL . 1 • Pte: i Village "Ierk, 1 4 e pl