HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 07-12-19651 -Y ,• .. 1 •3 l:.-.. -T Y• ---y ..,- ,,,: . ,... 4Q' -DP'- " gip' _ ; a o..°, . 9t:. A .. t.,• O - 'j• • 5 e0 ° ° °° V ..' '.i.•¢¢Cf/r•'J tl tl Y, ili r• A'C r II1. ° V .. .. 4',O a,I,{ ° Ca ° Y r q°` ®' ra IN A . Pttr°sur t ` dote YI and notice there ; = ' is,i> `1 1 IN rt theil. of Fwas' 1 he.a°' a't etre];lsl6e:. on the t3tM: day, `;i'atr:,ti t attiwr cdrack"'P. Me Pi ese, t i tyar31a t 'Acid:; * $ . •.' R:'°k' fid.. ' Asoies or'. :HuaprQJadSv o I )Wpe Bohr dory, '' ft Bar 0'' Asesta era,, was .ir. dttekMee a t , P a,tlthe meetix , %bigh',T4s the date sett by- the ..jSuppervisor Of J#segsers b.f° -the mrd of Rf iew Meetin;; fti- 9 5, ir. a coilat}ca-,with yk9t.et " ; r Tnimar v6sidents. appearing.,I t:teir- 9 e pp' 1 . '`; , . of $ eamnre 11 ' r' S. o . 1 , •' 1• r . IN mard Of Lj J eview meetir,g l fir. -r :a ,r'Tii :l..si bri M, 1555.04- Dn oe ' 1}?y" eY,. l i nesp ;e ,` 1 Ward Runt, 17205-D County Be" A7-; PI'mil,,'.MUM aOta; Both of these res de ks..w' 4stir Ue .19. tax asse lent Rte t 3Q 2p.''gtib@ttt4 S, in a ,[hex j° the Super -visor of Awessigehts bu a .ed th % theme agtjimanx N. Q i,eould fgll-ow t a ptm-ce lire., a >r"fliog Real Set-AteAbafiekgn e 1J%t1 the. State 'Gf Mfnneslou.. -*r take' their a , :w , • ' I ei, al t'ar. to L'ollr'te. on motion -the Board of 'Ree v' Kest&%nS for 1965tms r ijoe4,' •said '' 3 I the Acot1bg 44ourned at 4:30 ol°c?I.ock P': fto ., j{ _ _ I d• Il Lk Y i , yr. j/' 1 n [ • • - . I t. d. 1 , s u, I• iolve4IT MI 14 Vill"We Cie* INJ bitt 1 1 ' 1' I a • I , 1 1 It L It 1 r I 1 1 I r 1 1 1 - IJ 11, L '•' 1 1 J r'•i,!•a s°r rl,ia •°r.I,a N.111—`-,. / M•°rr,e b.Ie arrw, r.•s•r a , ye •ewrlrY••es•ae • •Lr 4 s•/K •,/r°•re.i I • +-. ` I. 1 , i., '' I I Yar ',i. rl _ .' + .. Y. - r•` ...1 S ..__ , ••• .. •A w L i_.`_.- 1 .JJ r1JL _ _... __ —_-- _ __ —_ i L'i - Irrl 0 t, r 7 I i Jul_ 1965 Pursuant to due call and notice tl e,reof a regular meeting, of the Village Council of the Village of Plymouth, Minnesota, was duly held tit the village Hall on the 12th day of July, 1965 at 7:30 o'clock P. Me , Present : Mayor 6taaples2 TruaLees O' 1Fallon, huml:hrey and Seviour, the Village Clerk, , kaineer and Attorneys j±bsent: 'frtatee Curtis, Mayor Staples called the meeting to order. I Copies of the minutes of the' regular mcetit4, of, June 1, 1765 as railed to each Councilman were appivved. Considerau.e discussion. tock place with reference to cant inuation of tiie ;3 -year permit which Mrs. Lillian Begin has with reference to the operation of a private dump on Fernbrook Line North of County jyoad 9. Ray Schlosser, 4150 Fernbrook I. -ane, appeared as spokesrwn for the residents in the area. herald McGee,, attorney, repreaented Mrs. =3egin.. The discus- sion involved.. the dumping of tree trunXs and roots, hours of burning, and also days of the week when burninj shou.d be pemitted. An ordinance covering tite Licensing and Regulating; ofPu lic Dumps had been submitted to the Council previously and was reviewed for the purpose of making the ordi;Iance as satisfactory as aossible to the operators of p-rivate dumps as well as to the residents in' the vil.inity. After the ordinance had been reviewed, it was agr*oed rhut the Villagge Attorney redraft it and sutriit it to tiles Council at-, its next meeting for consideration. Motion Made by Trustee Humphrey that the permit coveritg the operation of a privltc dump by Lillian A. jegin, 4300-C Fernbrook Lane, he Loproved for the f m.l year c? the :>rit;inal pemLit, and ending; June 30, 1 66. MuLi n soc-.;nded by Truntco Sevi.our and passed by all Uaunnr.il. menbers present votirV aye. Ttustee Humphrey introduced tilc followin,, or%iinanee .i+xl mored 1 e 1. Re. Licendss ing• & Regulat- ing Private Dump Ordinance. 2. Re. Permit for Privatz Dump. (Begin). u its alclption: Ordinance it -1 0 DINA!CLr N`:, 65-14 AN, ORDINANCE ziax.LaiTING T;,J:'4 DUMPING OF PU L'yi wnhIN Tifli VIU AC% J.? PLYMOUTH AND &LIdDING Qi,DlN;:C NO. 60-7 Regulk+ting the Dump- ing of Refuse in Vill of Plymouth. THE COUtNCIL or niz VIUAC1' OF PLYMOUTH D;) '1 111Wl Y ORNIN h5 FOLI0'4: 3ectiunIsAinernlmcrit of Ordiha ce No- 6'' - Ordinqnee Nta. 60--7 of the Villi i;o of Plymouth, Minnesota adopted on the 1 Ltll day of Juno, 1960, as aniiondeti is hereby fs'rthe" Ll ° nded by addir , tho followit , to :iection 1 tharoof: 1 .OB No person s,iaJll ealuse ar permiL any garbga )a, tin cans, paper, ashua# ;junk nor ottner trash or refllae o, aNy kind to be dumped) thrown, scattered, de- pouited, or a ;t.%wtiul": tvd upon cirl,}* lanicl within tho corporaLu limiL;; can tl,e Vil-l"A0 in Much a munrntyr tlltlt surl m;iterit-Us are v,i.slble from ,atw streac or rpt+clwuy. 1.05 The dtuiipii of nw.te.rikals fkar 1;ju-- purposes of land fill shall not be a violation of t pis ordintatice provided thr.L• the porion etl.tlt;od ;.n such Lind fill operation soalll hove firbtp soctaled a pcmit therefor from tale Vi.11at,,-e Cl,ork, which n1vU 1, ba insued for a perin3 of Lit -it n)t to a. coed WIG MV-) ctrad rall;a- i,ded 111rtJher that ti w dunlpin< of g;alrbajvo, uolitt{ustiIA-UN ttuett"eriaA n) dicet rook, wire lath, ul.outrictd Conduit aril P,4 c i . Jtil,k -12, 1965,,= Uont,' d. plumbirkfixtures sha31_not be permitted as a part of such land fi.1 operation. 1906 Any area within the t/,a,lag,; which has been licensed as a public dump by the Village , shall not be subject to the provYsions of Sections 1.04 and 1.05 above." Section 2. Effective Date This oildinance sha,12 ;'aecome effective upon its passage and rublication. Motion for adoption of the foregoing ordinance was duly secgnded by Trustee Seviour and upon vote being taken there- on the followinj voted in favor thereof: K.Vor Staples, Trustees O'Fallon, Humphrey and Seviour. Against: Hone. Absent: Trustee Curtis.Wted July 12, 1965. M 1. Such improvements as s(t out a bovo and for the strowt: s as above indicated are hereby ordered as proposed Jx the Council Resolution adopted April 20, 1964. 4. The Village 1'ngineor is hereby directed tQ prepare plans And specifications for the makinfi, of such improvement s,, " Motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution woke duly seconded by tustee Seviour and upon vote being taken 1 hweon the folluwin, voted in flavor ther,r,)f: KVor St(kples, Trustaee 0 a'j,.ion, Humphrey and Seviour. Against: Nano. Absents ';Vru6- tee Curtis. Pie i 2 . Mayor 1 Attest: Village C16rk Trustee O'Failon introduced the following resoDatian and moved its adoption: Resolutien 65-60 RESOWTION N36 65-60 ' Re. Improvement Ridgemount Avenue RESOLUTION OKL'L'P.INC IIiPT;OVr:IENTS from Teakwy.%oci mane to AND County Road 73. PREPARATION OF PLANTS WhKtEAS, a resolution of the Village Couwil acbpted the 7th day of June, 1965, fixed the .elst day of June, 1965, as the date for a public hearing on gradin, basework, biturpinous surfa(ting and drainage work with respect to the following streets, too -wit: Pddgemount Avenue from Teakwood Lane to County Road 03, WW"Sp all property owners whose property is liable to) be assesseO .for the m.ikik, of these improvements wee%a ,iven ten days' published notice of the Council hearing through two weliskly publications of the required notice and the` hearir4j was held and property owners heard on the 21st dcq of June, 1965. NOW TRLWOREO DE IT RESOLVEM BY Thl COUKIL OF TIM V1U.AGL OF PI,YMJUTH: 1. Such improvements as s(t out a bovo and for the strowt: s as above indicated are hereby ordered as proposed Jx the Council Resolution adopted April 20, 1964. 4. The Village 1'ngineor is hereby directed tQ prepare plans And specifications for the makinfi, of such improvement s,, " Motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution woke duly seconded by tustee Seviour and upon vote being taken 1 hweon the folluwin, voted in flavor ther,r,)f: KVor St(kples, Trustaee 0 a'j,.ion, Humphrey and Seviour. Against: Nano. Absents ';Vru6- tee Curtis. Pie i 2 . a 11 adopted. 0 July 12, 1965 = Cont'de iihereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and dated July 120 1965: Attest: * illage Clerk Mayor Staples introduced tNe following, resolution and moved Its adoption: Resolution 62-61 F I1J;,IJ e 65-,61 RESOLUTION APP_ZJING PIANS tM SPE- ATIONS AND ORD&gM ADVERTI4iEKL"L% F Re. Ridg emaunt Ave. f row\\> Co. PA.- 73 to Teakwood Ln Improvement, WHEREAS, pursuant to a res`lution passed by the Goun; it on July 12, 1965: the Village Engineer has prepared plarf; and specifications for the improvement of the following streets, to-wit t Ridgemount. Avenue from County Road No. 73 to Tedkwood Wie by grading, base work, drainage and installation of asphaltic concrete pavement, and has presented such plans and specifications to ',he Ciuncil for approvrl; NOW TMEFOF;E, iZ If RESUVFD BY THE VII AGE CCUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF PLYMOUTH: Such Flans and specificr,tions, u copy of which are attached hereto a 4 nude a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. rite Village Clerk snail prepare and cause co be ime ert,ed in ire africial pal -, an advertisement for bids upon thea making, of such improvement under such approved plans and sptcifica- tions, Tile advertisement shall be published for three (3) weeks, shall specify the work t;) be done, shell state that bids will be opened rand considered by the Council at 7:30 o'clock P. M. an Au,.aust 9, 1965, in the Council 4i,.ribers of the V,i l:age hc1.L, and that no bids will be cansidered unless sealed and f1led with the Clerk and accompanied by a cast: deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the Clerk for 5 per cent of the amount of such bid." Motion for adoption of tiie foregoing resalution via duly somonded by Trustee humphrey and wean vete tieing taken Lhp.reon the foUowirv, vated {,n favor thereof: Moor Stapies, Trustees O'Failan, humahroy ki!,a Seviour, Against: Nine. Absent: rrv,stee Curtis. Whereupon said r(wolution_:.as dPc,.Lured duty p` 0std, and adopted. Dated July 12, 1965. , Attestt adoption: Trustee 011-% Lion introduced the foilowin: ; res )lution and movk. d its Pave A3. elution 65-b2 Approving Plans kipecs. Ordering Adv. for gids g 1965 Street Improvement e . Whrtth'AS, v ?fir trlf lr tions for the STH&T Trenton Lire July 12, 1965 - Cont'd, HESOLUTIJ1i tom. 6542 FJOU 3N A PPRJV= PW3 AND CATIOIk'S AL'D ORDEPING ADVF,RTISIIMC FJR :tFIDS pursumt to a resolution passed oy ttie Cwri :i o13 the Viilage & -ineer has prepared plans and specifica- improvement of the fcilowing itreets, to -wit: Sycamore Lane Pine:view Lane 27th Ave. North 27-1/2 Ave. Nkxth 8th Ave, North Nortro ad Lane 17th Kve, North Tray Lane 26th Ave. too rth Fountain Lotne 13th Ave. Korth 1311 Ave. Borth FROM X42 ft. South of 415t Ave. K-)ij4,h Ath Ave, Norl.h 26th Ave, North Sycamore Lane Sycamore Lano Sycwwoe Jane; 16th give. North South Shore Dr3gre 30 1/2 Alfev North Troy Lute Soutn I..i.ne of Lot. 3, clock 1, Kreatz high - view Acres 6th Addition Qtrr Ave. North Zanzibar Lane State h igltway 101 TO 140 ft. X.4rth of 41st Ave. North 23tn Avkt. 'North 2Pth Ave. Nctrtlt Pi nevie w Lane Pinevie w lane Pineview Lane 28'ta Ave. North Counter hoad 18 374 ft. South to cul. de -sac Stater t i ghw - 'W1 190 Ave. Korth Vit•h. i ve. North 155 ft. `Test of Zanzibar lAne Fast Line of Lot 10, E_ock 1, eitj View Ac res uy base work, grading ane bituminous surfacing, ant has preatc%", d sueh pLins grid speef lea'.ions to the U.)uncll for apprzval.; NN T1:VJ4WRE, n IT RWIVIZ BY Tt%Ey VIL. AGS COUNCIL OF ThE VILIAUb OF PLYK0U'k4-,: 1. Sfa:ti plana u,d specify,;ations, u c:)py of vdiich are c.ttac ed hereto and wdei a part hereat', are hereby %pp roved.' b. 'rites Vi"VIage.L irk shat i prepare and ecusa t:a he inserted a.it the official paper- and n CjpsttALet,.lon ulletitt an advertisemvnG Cor bids uq.)n time tnc+kitt of sueh imp.mwemtent under sueh approved clout arid speaif'iu+ationa. The adver` tis anent shall lae* t1Uui wJ for three (?) weekl, dull npE'::iEl.Lap w,ark to be done, shell st,te ttttt t,Ada w±11 be up-ned and uonnidered by t,to Gouriv:i,l at 700 o1alick r. M. on Aui;xtst lo, 1965, in the Uounaii ;hou oe'rs of Ow Villa es H410 and th ot nn loidi will be confit ide.red unless awl ed olid fi ied with the Work xnd ac(;omp:irtiwl by a cash do poi3tt, cashierea k,tmeok, t%id oo td or 4arti.lied olie:k payc , e! to the Clerk for S Per cent cite muount k f guuh b1d.1' Motion 'ar ad:)pti:ui oaP toe: 1%)ry oiik, ve,*oluti.un WS duly seew ti tc 1 by Truatee lwmplirtk artd upon vote t>,etn ; t.tl:en thk ro-on the foll:awit4, voted In CLwor tncre,)f: Kiyar 3t `P.t us neo ,a•'x1l.on, hwu%rey ,oxd Zje:viour. AE;.kinstot Dane. Aojetttt i%rurttev k;ti,vt1s. Pago 04. E a 12 1963 - Contd,: l Whereupon said resolution was declared duly, passed andiI adopted. meted July 12, 1965. A Mayor wttest t ` E. /o z Village Clerk YAyor Staples intr,3duc©d t;e* resolution and mgved ita adoption: Renalution 6 i Receirim(.1p `report and i:iUl10LUrIJ ;d3. 6141 ing Y^r Ftb ?3t'C ip"?: I 1lLiE. lq7 1@T i (Fp[' jSAt n7_ fytAM 1, ,rL o 'Y-ch :E.u ii0.l J'l1.rL:14 fii/:: U46EE.EAS, a report has oven given by the village engineer t7s the Vi:lu-4gc Council or. July 12, x9659 reOwnendint; the partial relocation 4nc.hudint gradin, grnveling and drainage work of t,ve fa"owint street, to-4dt: That part of Larch L=e located in the :+North 1/2 of Sect:ott 11, Townabi,p gi d, Range 22; RjW Taaill"ORE, :E Ir P.ViOLVD by T:; CN?)UNCIL J`r T& VII.UQ"L OF PlrYY4J!1JT1t: 1. The Ciuncil consider the aforesaid improvement it accordance with U,e report and t.:e: a33z a^1ent ok' prapertyr atuttis>r; ar within said !>'su ui"ies far all or a portion of the cast if the impravwent airs -lin -t t -a KrSvIk. see.. 42.9.011 fi-o 429.111, at, an estiwted tatal cast af the impravemeant as shown. 2. A public hearir, , si al . be neld in such prop m ed 1,10) "vement on the 2nd dui f August, 1965, at the Kai' ;, in the Vill4em -%f °lymauth at 7:O o'clock F. M. Ttte Council af,.;I Five nub iahed notice oE' 9u:h hegrtz- acid im- prbvement -a required by law." Kotion r'.a:% ;40,, ?tion o Ue 6nr refs°Iuticsn wao dLay 9acandad or T,uatee Scviour fu+d -cpon vAe vetn,' t„ken t.etle.)n this v,)ted in f'av,r tlhere.i': FI_Var atap:ea, Trust een 1r,.1on, hutrph;era+ and Seviour. Against: Matte, Abient: rrustee Ortis. bereuport .9aici re; ,).Lut,ion w,.s decliared div Ay- p:aaaed :knd ad)p'.rd. Dated July 14-1 1x45. 110LAIVe 61lrk IV Lettere trim Dr..riim%s, Flymjut:1 healtta Jf £,leer, ,und IWO 44o ikt-a k.,'.ki Id fic>,sattwi, !iuilditw Inspector, vitt° reference to t a uulnhah tktbia cjwi,! 1 eacrt, C.indt Lon. tion :atid nen-Q%c1p.:1.jice wii,h the 1l1,dr;. Gods Jint",tvince t;-, trio ca bi va owned by Ao Wa,kild ai l kn.. wn an they Q64to 4 Akild Kei.art, 24.6"00 Weat MediQitva Lkke ualive were Jona dared for ether w1.W, t,Le Lild;. Code Ordin:%nce or havin , tivti vondgranpd. It, w.imi ,igreed Matt thy; Villager Attornev ,fit; at.I.d take tht nc.oe°a ary a toep i to nee that the uuildirt;,s are tout into a nat)itabic i,`,nlCjitUn or Q.t.derii.2`;"at.iz,t9 pima. aeditp s are c uttmen.:e+d. Page 6 S 14p -location. of Isaacson Barn Approved. Construction AM I d. at The Red Hen Tavern, Cigarette License Appv'd., HoUldt 1e, Inc. fter Outdoor Adv. 1 ign Pewit #159 p Approved. P14. & Sever Liccs. ilts3 A & 8) 0076'11 Approved. 3.2 Off & On-Ule Lics. Anprovei Medi .^,isle Inn excepted). Sat -up Licenses Nos. 1 Thru 9 Approved. Set•lup Lit. for Vat a ^front Tavern in Aboyance .for 1 Yor. Paymll k ks. Witis 3623 '11avu 7417 Approved. P441t #, Juil 1 Kbticn made by T ustee Kumphrey that Delbert C. Isaacson, 33X'1 X.enium LaleA .# be p zuttted to move an 13 x 21 ft. barn Prost ISO. ?.oc,fare, Ro,.d 0, his premises. tion seconded by Kyor, S 6aplea wk passed by all 4;ou5,ncil members p •esent votiq?, Atle . Katiol mudb by mor Staples that appravt" be Grant ed t,'or the construction of a a' x d' storm; front t:) the bui divig ati The Iced hen `. averll# 103,1,1 Countt mad 9. Notion seconded b Trustee 5eviour and 1*33oy all ziuncil aembera present voting aye. KotiCh made by TMatee Humphrey that cigarette Lic se 64 be approved a'ar Wtili4at Deziel, dba Hollydale Golf, Inc. for the year 1965. Notten s eq,inded by H4os% Staples at -W, passed y all C©uncil'marlbdrs prese tt voting aye. tion ;made flay trustee humphrey that Sight Permit eco. 259 tc Meyers Ovt door Adv!srtisingj Ina . Por the erection of' a f ruatan Steel Csc $wy si„^r1, 3,180 ft, East , of ! Junct ion 101 Highos,y 55 be apPrrved. X- tion seconded by Trustee Seviow. aid passed by all Council maq,bers present voting aye:. Lotion wde by Trus.iue Humphrey that Plumbing and roer Installation Iicer4ies,, Cl"ss A & 8,0 Nese 407 through 411' for the license yeax expli6ring April 3", 1966 be approved. 1 Motion s e,canded by Trustjae O"Fallon and passed by all 6a4ncil. mamtibers 1wesent v.• tin a4,ire. Moti*n'Dade bs Mayor Staples that Non-Intjxieating alt Liquor Off- kkle v enses Nos. 2, 4 throw 15, and 17 thlrough' 19; h°an- nt: ciclitisl,: .1Kal.t liquor Jn wSale licenses Not. i 3 through 102, ako JR tiyra4 h 16 be approved for tele year end+e irk-, .dune, 30, 1966, Witt the exceptibn t,.natt Off -Sala. license 1 No. la and Ont6a c lic No. 14 for Bill Z, Taortscxtd, dba Medicine Inn, 2416 E. ;IZZftaine Lake ibulevardt be wlthkeid until comp,li"nee is made wit)i the Sl,dg. :ado ordinunce, as recomen- ded by the buildl,t ; 10spe:citor. Motion seconded by Trustee O'FaUcin and passed by, all Coauw,.il members present votiAg a<ye. Mz)tion made by Trustee O' Killon that permits for tike fiscal year 196546, !.Vas. 1 trirough 9, covering the Qonsumlption Of Intoxicatitng Uqugrs in a Public Place., be approved. Motion ecanded by Truntee N.umphrey An4 passed by the followin,; voting in favor thereof: Trustees OlValllon, Humphrey and Seviour. OjiposiA: Mayor Stap,kes. N'Clsert: Truetee Curtis. Motion carried. (WWor Stop es stated that he opposed approval of these licetones as hq objectod to tite l,tisuanz:o o!' a licetnse to George Petersan, dbriit Charlie's Ttavern on account of past di 7'icultier) 0 It Mrss agIreed that the license for Consu iption of Into.d.catin, ; Liquors In a PubliQ Place for E emurd F. Palmers 0a Waterfront Tuvgrn, 2135 W. Kedi dne Lake D.t ive, be denied until t -he gswabliskj.,ment huia been in operation under its Non - Intoxicating; kilt JAquor lict,e tes for a period of one year, as has been they CouneUlz polipip in thsD past. Motion ni dc by `r -rum ee hump4trey that Pzwroll 4hec'.cs for June 1965, Noq. 3625 t hrtaugh Ml in tile, total amount of 11a491.46 be appijovad, RotiQn .9 wondad 6v Trustee 01F:,llon and passed by al i Q-3unc it maabera present votin•.7 aye, 0 to f 1 0 I .. IJ July, 12=_1)65 -w i ant 9 d Notion maoie by Trustee 101Fillon ha.d trio Xunicipal, Liquor Store I.tquor Stor* Disbursement Statement dated J 12., 1965 coverirkK c" Bks d )s. 1408 throuh Cks" 1408m. -IMA! T I ,. Approved. 444 in the amount a„ $22,,527.68 ce approved. Mourn .d ec.%nded by Trustee r1jmphrqr and passed ty all Cour.: ,i members present vut:i.r4; ,%ve. Motion made by M6yor S:apl s that, checks listed an the July 12, Ge ieral Ftind 1,1965 Disburswent Statement cov erW, General lriznd in the an ount of $1,90,33 Disb.Ckso to approved. Mation seconded by Trustee Saviour a,,4 passers oy all Uar.ucil Approved* members present vatin; ,eye. Potion at-de by l-yor tap,l.es that ehewk, 11sted on the JWy 12,p Police Fund 1965 U'isbu, Bement Statement ' cove mire Police Fund in the $662e44untof $662.Disb. Cks. approved,. Motion seconded b,4. T,rastee Ett,tmphrey ar d p tesed by all Approved. Council members present voting 4.ye. Motion mcsde by T,rusteh FLumphrey t l,"t hecktt listed on the JLIy Fire Dept. 121, 1965 Disbursement Sttt=ent Cavor:.rt , Fire IlGa:trtmartt Fund in the Disb. (;ks, oust of 1x202.07 be approved. Notion seconded by Trustee Seviour and Approved. ; passed by all Council meribers present vatire, aye. ation made iry Truatae ©l Fallon thut chteekt listed on the July Road g r:.ddao 121 1965 lisbursement 34atec nt coverin.; goad e: Bridge iund';.n the amount FaM Disb. Cis of $2,397.63 be apprarelt. Motion aecsnded by Trustee Seviour ,,nd p- ssed Approved. by all council memters ,'?resent vating aye. r Kation made Oy 6,yort 4taples that cite :ks Ii-sted on th&e wnly 12, Public Park 1965 Disbursement Statement cauerigg Public Pjrk Fund in tt4e amount of Fund Disb.Cks. 01.25 be appr:avtd. K.tion set andq-d by Trlsltee immphyr•ey and passed 4y Ap;roved. all Council mubers prostot vatir.,; aye. Kotion made by Trustee yviour t-hc6t c;.ecks listed on the July Poor Fund 140', 1965 Disbutienent-State:ent civerik Pair Fund in t,;e =ount cif $577.7' Disb. Cks. b4k ,Prroved. Motion secondee by Trustee humvInrev* 3U-4 passed t;;r all Council Appmved. mer ;t; era prest:tt votinj; aye. M.atiort nude by Trustee 0' Fullon that checks listed on the July Road Ort -State 12, 1;+65 Dishurselient Uater.env, c,)verik-- Rosi & Bridge Fund (State Aid Aid-•)rnd Disb. Fui,d, i3tsburse ento), in Ue =wint, of $'-.,995-00 e approved, Motion Cks. Appmved, ueol,ndtO by T;ruutoa Humphrey and passed by all 4a%:neil merwers present Motion mad+r oy Trwitee htkiphrey that checks listod on the July Debt Service 19bk t iaLaruc:;na,°r;t v,utecreut coverin.- debt Service Fund in the amount Fund Disb. f $62,505.52 be approved. K>tior; F; ©c• )nded by 'trustee J' K' iiloir and Cko. ApWvead, passqt by all Co°jjv.ii members p-rzont aye. Mation wde by Mayor it ipgl (-: :necks 114ted on the July 1Civil Defense 1965 LI)isburs a,ent Statarrelnt "ilvil D afense Utsharsertonta In the Disb. Okq. iv=unl of Vii, 14.: e `O je uppr v ed . " , t %car, t , ti.anded by Tructtee O'FaJ,on and ^^proved. pas -eek by all C yrtcit membe.ra pro,'t .. Y tb:,f; u,•e. Ni menti o: lii-hulv%r a,-; of July 12, 1965 Vw thle alcove iecaurq:s Ars nun orad 4390, 4894 and 4941 thro 41,h 5005 and total 71,10,92 . Matilan made by Trunte e Seviour tit,Bt the rez,,mraoncicttions of the stow Sewer Villaggq t Uneea• ai' pl,, i ','or caaetr•uctrcarl of stami aawerm upon tete hfinnea C©nntru!tion poli, ;idu-trial Fabrk pwpert; on the West i'ront.i;*e rw%ud of T. N. p5 from AppV td. on Nbiaatt to Industrial PNrk . aulewwd be apps-oved. t.aGion 14,I.P. Property, secondO by Taus;tea tt::r4 tht. ew •flus p. aaed b;i all council members piwent voting uy e. Motion nide by Istat)ar 6taples t,jtb the %est Nedicine Lake Commul• ``i "o Pormit ceAppvCr nity Cl.il,) be putml,tt"d Lv hj..a IiWga ;;uo on their prewisesort July 4th W., An. ,wed orad 25thk 1965. Motion sea.Alkicai by Trustaa hunwh rey and passed int all tic® orrmunity Council goarbnr s present pot ink; tye. Hula. l2Wor St,t plea ti.e f allo.#14 - re3-107l.on zmd m-ved its adoption;: Rwte07. I f 1 0 I .. IJ July, 12=_1)65 -w i ant 9 d Notion maoie by Trustee 101Fillon ha.d trio Xunicipal, Liquor Store I.tquor Stor* Disbursement Statement dated J 12., 1965 coverirkK c" Bks d )s. 1408 throuh Cks" 1408m. -IMA! T I ,. Approved. 444 in the amount a„ $22,,527.68 ce approved. Mourn .d ec.%nded by Trustee r1jmphrqr and passed ty all Cour.: ,i members present vut:i.r4; ,%ve. Motion made by M6yor S:apl s that, checks listed an the July 12, Ge ieral Ftind 1,1965 Disburswent Statement cov erW, General lriznd in the an ount of $1,90,33 Disb.Ckso to approved. Mation seconded by Trustee Saviour a,,4 passers oy all Uar.ucil Approved* members present vatin; ,eye. Potion at-de by l-yor tap,l.es that ehewk, 11sted on the JWy 12,p Police Fund 1965 U'isbu, Bement Statement ' cove mire Police Fund in the $662e44untof $662.Disb. Cks. approved,. Motion seconded b,4. T,rastee Ett,tmphrey ar d p tesed by all Approved. Council members present voting 4.ye. Motion mcsde by T,rusteh FLumphrey t l,"t hecktt listed on the JLIy Fire Dept. 121, 1965 Disbursement Sttt=ent Cavor:.rt , Fire IlGa:trtmartt Fund in the Disb. (;ks, oust of 1x202.07 be approved. Notion seconded by Trustee Seviour and Approved. ; passed by all Council meribers present vatire, aye. ation made iry Truatae ©l Fallon thut chteekt listed on the July Road g r:.ddao 121 1965 lisbursement 34atec nt coverin.; goad e: Bridge iund';.n the amount FaM Disb. Cis of $2,397.63 be apprarelt. Motion aecsnded by Trustee Seviour ,,nd p- ssed Approved. by all council memters ,'?resent vating aye. r Kation made Oy 6,yort 4taples that cite :ks Ii-sted on th&e wnly 12, Public Park 1965 Disbursement Statement cauerigg Public Pjrk Fund in tt4e amount of Fund Disb.Cks. 01.25 be appr:avtd. K.tion set andq-d by Trlsltee immphyr•ey and passed 4y Ap;roved. all Council mubers prostot vatir.,; aye. Kotion made by Trustee yviour t-hc6t c;.ecks listed on the July Poor Fund 140', 1965 Disbutienent-State:ent civerik Pair Fund in t,;e =ount cif $577.7' Disb. Cks. b4k ,Prroved. Motion secondee by Trustee humvInrev* 3U-4 passed t;;r all Council Appmved. mer ;t; era prest:tt votinj; aye. M.atiort nude by Trustee 0' Fullon that checks listed on the July Road Ort -State 12, 1;+65 Dishurselient Uater.env, c,)verik-- Rosi & Bridge Fund (State Aid Aid-•)rnd Disb. Fui,d, i3tsburse ento), in Ue =wint, of $'-.,995-00 e approved, Motion Cks. Appmved, ueol,ndtO by T;ruutoa Humphrey and passed by all 4a%:neil merwers present Motion mad+r oy Trwitee htkiphrey that checks listod on the July Debt Service 19bk t iaLaruc:;na,°r;t v,utecreut coverin.- debt Service Fund in the amount Fund Disb. f $62,505.52 be approved. K>tior; F; ©c• )nded by 'trustee J' K' iiloir and Cko. ApWvead, passqt by all Co°jjv.ii members p-rzont aye. Mation wde by Mayor it ipgl (-: :necks 114ted on the July 1Civil Defense 1965 LI)isburs a,ent Statarrelnt "ilvil D afense Utsharsertonta In the Disb. Okq. iv=unl of Vii, 14.: e `O je uppr v ed . " , t %car, t , ti.anded by Tructtee O'FaJ,on and ^^proved. pas -eek by all C yrtcit membe.ra pro,'t .. Y tb:,f; u,•e. Ni menti o: lii-hulv%r a,-; of July 12, 1965 Vw thle alcove iecaurq:s Ars nun orad 4390, 4894 and 4941 thro 41,h 5005 and total 71,10,92 . Matilan made by Trunte e Seviour tit,Bt the rez,,mraoncicttions of the stow Sewer Villaggq t Uneea• ai' pl,, i ','or caaetr•uctrcarl of stami aawerm upon tete hfinnea C©nntru!tion poli, ;idu-trial Fabrk pwpert; on the West i'ront.i;*e rw%ud of T. N. p5 from AppV td. on Nbiaatt to Industrial PNrk . aulewwd be apps-oved. t.aGion 14,I.P. Property, secondO by Taus;tea tt::r4 tht. ew •flus p. aaed b;i all council members piwent voting uy e. Motion nide by Istat)ar 6taples t,jtb the %est Nedicine Lake Commul• ``i "o Pormit ceAppvCr nity Cl.il,) be putml,tt"d Lv hj..a IiWga ;;uo on their prewisesort July 4th W., An. ,wed orad 25thk 1965. Motion sea.Alkicai by Trustaa hunwh rey and passed int all tic® orrmunity Council goarbnr s present pot ink; tye. Hula. l2Wor St,t plea ti.e f allo.#14 - re3-107l.on zmd m-ved its adoption;: Rwte07. 2. c5 E t 2 1 Resolution 6544 Appointing R4%lr Solberg as Furl Tiao j 2 41 ' 5 at 1 Va}ari KO 4544 I APP IXT110 WAVIh Si-mv ILS TWEEI i L ifraM ba vrr J . r Police: `Jfficor 1 A I 1 W11WAS, the ViL age C^-)un::il sr the VL rage of %YwuW hereby appoints Melvtlot Sulberg ;..s a full--timc po,:Ace ei£cctive Ju.:A 214 19h5, and WHEE 3, ander the rni A Jut 12 065, — Ca It reupdn said aeszlotion Dd".11b a.ect d d7ily pasawl and ct pLed. Dated July 12, 1965. j Iy 1 Att est IIAl•'-, lege [ife7rk i onmotion the meet -.n4 4.dj,gvX eA at v,'clock P. b:. j Y f' H J'a S.R, Village C erk . I 1 1 11 6 a r I 1 11 6 a