HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 07-06-1965 Specialag-e 1. Jqla 6A t19§ i:ssuaztt `to, due "11 and notice there r, a Specie hetit-ing of the Village Coiin.il of the Vibe of Plymuth, Minviesot,", was duly hold at tnu V'illa3e ,'U11 on the 116th d'a:r of Ju«y, 1965 at 7:10 of lack ile m. Present.: Xqor Otaples, Trustees Girds, O'laall )n in -i Suviotrr, the VilUge Clerk, Attorney art} Engineer. .Absent:: 'Trustee huiapttrey. Kayor Stapes caled tare tameet iskg to order. The meetir4g was called far a Public Hvvj-irq in accordanze rd.th 'crfi" cial py alicat ioh., t o eo? ,i.,od er the insta' liati ort of, stem sew rs to akenrve : brainage Area AYje Us and id-intiliod as the Jeaoon halKhtsl Dra.Lnage Area. Approxlmatoly W residents were preee;-Lt ; to p»: -take in the cjmcussion of the ?'lrbposed stoxat se, tekr. ' The z;i nder Iread hiss J repared rapo.-t 6f i av 7, 1965 co+cl=ring the pmpos!W,9 ant sewer woject and staged the rstimtr4 dost, t&', be 144,O60.00. It was a al,,W 3 that the Iroperty ownOrs, would be .assolbe;d ajirmpdim mately 60X of the totO • :cost, and. the 4 i1La#;e to &Mstwte w r JUT4'ttut of WA of tYl total cost. The 40% rqi,: assumed by :.11e Vi?lage + oQ.d be rwetcverea from 4 \', ; portion of the three mill ani valorem tux against all propert;,• ir the Villages ' effective with taxes phX4 bi 6 in 1965.` It 16 the iint.outimn to c/antinue each gd:t1 rate indefinitely to baild tip a Ston f Sewer Fw%d tat future or!jects in' the Village. The *.;in-Ir stated tiiat tate total estlmated asaessraent per acre lliar Area IX -k would be'-s%00, Area ]X -Bi $1,171.00, Area U, $Z%00. M.$. Henrjr Rulodge, '1210 04 kview Ls-ya e, presented tate petition si8ned by seventeen property ctm::ra regv.estirV, ' relief and sti..ted that she was definite:4 In Savor orf tite prop3sui stout simer. (M. Janes Pech3,n, 1-2q,3 Oakview Lane, also was in , av—ar of Forte pl;vject. Carl Ei mphrey, 535 Pineview' Lane, owner of anprox1m mately 160 acrea' of' l,c:nd in tue area} stated that his assessment wouLi be appr+mi- ately $10,574.00, also that the problem has been created by the building of homes in low area and, that he. simuld rnL be axpet:ted o asawae the cost far the errors created ay the* Villa$,e in the. pot, Richard Goat, retprosentit.W, -!4he',Minnee.tpoliis Industrial perk, stated ho res in favar of the nmject but that, he would liko additionitJ time to study tAee project as to how V-., will 4ffect th!,i6r arev west of lfeniva Line, as tie was coisrw earned aeowt the pipe size inbt,Ulac ion t t take stare of Lite area. he .t9equeacud additional time (of approximataly tH) months), to consider the project, as to serving tltgir tte.ed3, V.za y Fiscrher, 13110 County ltoad 15, wds doubtful if the pro, act wattld be tcN c,.q ,far hin. Daniel Warks, 5 N. Te akwo4d Line, st;.ted tic v"s in favor of thk project. Hicha I Feed, 540 F tgvieti L ne, stated he w.,s not in favor of the pts jcot .it t,te present time ,tau he was oppased to the method of the assessment and felt that other metiaiads to 0%l1evi"ta the priaW.r^:, a;tot ld be: Mored wi'„h the possi;41ity ag l..owrrr ,n,;the Cost. ahn Ukint ley,l 1015 Pinev;ifw I alit, yueaz ioned i. this w:aa tht only 11DIUM tion as prepared b;r the En sincer, He Felt -there c,raa a paysiUlity of a more: econ- am e.31 w1}• to accamplir;1, the drain W,e, Steel ,iUct Tart and UU11 Uliflord kwpr euakm the netiac +s;ty ;or tate atom sewer, but fir .:%li,. turd, autlined a p'%,4 at wit tkji ubould be investigated for .reducing ttte colt of tA,%r lmdiates area invjlv ed, Stvri,en G.+'te:31 1ZOU Xenium Linc, also requeatted that ratlarnatet p14 ns or studied, 1•I::t &'Ir1t;,n, 113.5 OakVIVW i:arttI, st:tt:ct h.Q lt;ia h.ld evuwllerat.le dr,Una,;o p,mb"em a n- Ut was in y`%v.,Nr ,1' t -..e Philip Cotlina, 105_0 VincV.,pod Lines Te its Muit ultern4tr plans should be studied. H=er A)rdtlyer .itated U;t t thi'm %ikn protatkly a %i t:tor solution to Oia tV00. 041 by dQVe110Piat, °. WW l.t.i M il. pouo l4k aru-%,s, tAl hC ttl,."o ctuestiOned if +;hare Was titer poc;uL,Itity of tite< 1111,cZtwv Uepko,tiullrit ,;tswnint thel'r opost Vor dr Aik,'a at•e ated by Nte ht %t.w V. 0 a 0 July 6, 1965 - CINnt'd. With no fLtrtiter discussion, the Myour dec..ared the hey, -,Ln c3 osed. Motion made by Trustee Curtis *.),;A the Ln„ir.ee!• study t1te f'easioilii and cost of tunneling, tite sewer systw, through trio so-ca;L.lcd Jc:hiarbe Hill, creatin additional pond:i.rV, area 'y dredbi.iL, ponds, and the instL lIlticn of lift stations to shorten the LenJth o' sewer pipe. insta',lations to dispose cof the dmrzFe with the possibility o`* 1ower.ing t?.e t:)tv.1 cost; also taa', the En-ineer pr)ceed with the study imjmc-d ,tel.y fir oresenLAion to the C"aimil for consiui .tion as soon as possi Vit:. M:)tion seconded by T'rust.ee 31F%1lon end passed cy a,:_1 ;auncil members present: v,,Ain eye. On motion the Teetin,- adjourned at 11:25 o',.;Lock F. F,. no T, Johnson, Villar,e ule."k.