HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 06-21-19650 r r M lhblic Hearin) /1. Uprovement of Udge©ount Av.ie From Co. Fed. 71 to Tegkwood lame: q,. Proposed Union my Sewer in rmotith Plata clition. Request for Prelim, A proval Plymouth ata Residential MN ea Plat . Pursuant to adult Aa l and notics thereof 'k regular neat ing/of the Willage Council of the Village, of PZyoouta, 1 linrttaota, wat, duly hold at the Viillaget W1 on the 21st d6y of June, 1965 ail 7:30 o' :lock P. M. Present: Ha,r lrttstses= ;04a llon end lem phW, he Clerk, g-,inee- -„nd Attorney. Absent,: 7*icters Curtis and Seviour. Payor Staplej3 callei the oeetir two order. ` In thqt assenom of a clergyman to give an invocatcry pru;yer, 1tayor Staple -.4 tftequested the audiences and Council to .rias f )r a mmaent of silent. prayer. Copies of the ainutes of Lae meetlik., of mune 14, 1965 as mailed to each Goundsilmen wore approved. Public hear%tg was be d in accordance with offl-ial poo lication for the, propoted gradin;, base work, drak:nage and installaoa tion of skgpn*iiic c*ncrete pavement on. Ridgesount Avenue frea County Road 73 to T 4xwood 1.0e. Aa this is the i prov neat of a street on the bwaW4krj line between the Villages of 1timietonka and Plymuth, the coat of J,ho lmrTwOzent will be carne approximately equally by each Village. ('Phe tonal animated cast of the improvement, is 1570)78'000). Tne greater portion of the cost of the improvement for the Village of PlAouth, will bo paid for by State Aid funds but tnere will oe an Reserament 44YV1in3-t the oanented property owners of aprraximately $1.3,660.00. at an estima;,ed cost of $.2.66 per front foot. Frank Quipma, Jr., 11 ,2.U2 Ridgemount Avenue, hobert dorrett, 11420 Rkddattaui t !venue, Claa'ome Andaroon, of Ktmea- pohls but ownirk3 prcjper V along Ridgemount Avenue. Oliver 641varson, 12500 Ridgemo%nt Avenue, henry Jnn3tad, 11710 Ridge - mount Avenue and 1i. RoetWi:r, Hidgemount Avenue were present to discuss the .mp,4•o+rarent. These individuals discuvsed the width of tie road, j%iv)tt.-of-way and draimLge and'were: generally agreea ale with tae ' im irdiveAaej t and the esti rafted cost per !'tort foot. Wit1i na furt,tc r inTui, -Les, the Mayor declared the hijar, 4% dosed. No ue-tion u tia i,r*(jn 9n thi;a pro jeot on account )f the lack o;' a four-fifths represtritut, on of tie Council not boint; prasenL, Mr. John hciqrim, a representative of tho Robt41radale Sckcal board, Dist. Nu. 2111 , a.ppearthd to diieuss tho possibility of surnitary sower wt:en a junior hii-;h school is erected at County load 13 and 36t),, Avenue, and also an elementary school in the vicinity on t!to Petpo U. S. ProperUee, land. yt was stated that 1.0 positive answer aou,Ad be ,,iveiL to tite question tit ttte ar4aeat time but when the report is avanuk-.1k; rNra t«o etyinecro s .udyi,n , the proposed s ewer 3 nst,al,lation in the Village) at that t ',_rye possibly more', posi- tivs inforration could be given. Said report, should be received some time t1k1n latter pars of July or the O%Lrst part. of A 4`ust. ' Xr. Hawks, repreeenti ng the HiOwest i laoniw, 'omp MY, and Nr. Paul, rerresentiro! the !!etre U. `S. Ptvperties, a-w#bl,opers, were present tq regtm!j4 prelimia:ry approval for the residentitet area of We Plymauth Plaza Addition play. D. wr s st,+ted ttint the lots io thin additiQn wore betwomi 11,000 urtd II,= sq. ft. anal the developero felt Chat this wuu,4,d W rckvsanable with the ins allatioti of stutitary aeweRt. It wits ul;o tLk there It ionside"do green strip in tho area iii well a a p1*11e parkez arktx , nii ij' this tireu we:le to he upport,luned to the »ncUvtdwul Tota, the; wr iul.d ctAe well withi-n the 1 OJ0 eqo ft. requirtetent Qi the Village gn4inanae. 0 f.L ` m.l- 6 _ ..,_..Q,,. bst :.eh=r., repres trtin:, •the Plamdox Commission, was present and, stated that the klannin,. Cmemission world sutmit a c=tmt plate report and reamamendetion .0.'>:o ttris development, or: upproximately July 1. MaUm r dd by Tr atetf umphrey that prc•1iainary approval be vanted for `ne residential area of the Plymuth Plana Addition play beir4;; developed 1 y Metro- U S. Properties. Kation s acarsded by y'or 5thples and pasaed by all Covaici l members p-r-esent, voting aye. Bruce Scnr4tt appeared to req4est a Speciate Use Permit for a golf drives range at 34th 4venue and Counts head ? 8. The VillV.o Attorney scat ek4 taut in ord3r to issua a 3pecial, toss perczit it would o e neaessary i'')r Vie PlannjAj Commission to hold a Pu'ulic h Barin ; and a tentative date of Juju y.5 } 7965 was n -reed+ upon for a paclic hearing, subject. to ttte receipt of the necessary information for a publication of tas proper rmt.ice. J. Trustee O'F&e.16n introduced the followitC re3olutlon and movad, its adaption: cMUTIX14 Vast h AU'rjQQTJN.; 10RItt a X', SFAFuS, JR., MAYOR, TO WCU*Z ; APPLICn' IOIW FOR 'fAtt1 ING FbUEi';Id 1'IN= AWTAT 1kQTqP1kV!1V. mensn. 21MI' AV 1%TcdCnM At HE IT .1&;SJLVD BY T ik; VELLAA CX?,QIL OF 744 V111AM OF PI:MWTH: 293, r ft-Gliminar%,41 Appv44# 6 . Dr rated PZi.Pl ma Residential Area Flat 1 - Re. Spec. Use Pq Int, Golt priv+...rrl ' Frage., 34tlt 1lve. A Cp. Rd. 16. ies3luE.leart -. dna ia::. P- . s ,yt- a fader niri. Disaster Act, That Lor!7ig Qi:. Staplesh Jr., MAyor, be t%nd Lhe 13 hereby authorized o execute far ctw in bemulf of tete U'Llage of Kymaulh, a pualic wctity established ender the lur,s o:' tt.e State of PUnmsata, this apps:cation and to 4fle it in the anprapriate stray office for tete purpowe of abtai;n- ing certain Fedcr:l tin."im ial assistclia a mdeze t;;e Federr. • Disaster Act Putlic Law =75, 131st Cintress; 42 wt.S,e. 1855-1855,0. Motion for adaption of the foregoing resolution waa duly sR,anded vy Tim;,gtee humphrey ::nd t,,rjon vote keine taken th. rcan the D)Ilowirk;; voted in fava.r tlieretxf: htgQkr Staplee , Trustees J'Vr311on anti hurtphttey, A,%ittat: hone. A4.aant : Tmatees Curti 3 twd yeviour. Whereupon su •;d revz.tutioA to.3 decl"re,.d duly passed and adopted. Qated June ,. t , l 65. cru Mayor Attest: %r Village Clerk , Kwtion m .de icy t+ayar 3t,.,plus titat sign Permit No. 4#57 to the N3tionul i4verti©is,t; `':i" xmy for i:.ie orect,ion of a%n nort:it oC County Rgad 6 mi Vie ve ft side of Stk:tc i ,f w4 tut be Vpivved. Kation mcan- ded by Trust- t 4wphrey wid pa.jsed uy all jounoil ncnbera present v tit u e, N KAJ,on made by .t4Qr St:.plea th_41 e;.,;. pet7mit Cla. `58 for t+uo erection of a sign b Eck+und Qt 5'wedlun.i t%aa x.:; 1 Cowaty `raa:%d ' Und 1J be arproved. Aia.ion seaanded by `r ketQrq i.t.. p.:nso i Q4' all Uounvii muAbere present votitj; Q'Ve. S;n PCIVi t 25: NaLl. 9 Adv,) Approved. 3i ee 1'urnait: y`5d (EkAlund C Swedlurd ) Approv ed. Fw .,,e #2. u 96 wama l c . Appvd. for Aemements at Ryan s. Glass A & B plhg. Sewer Lice. 397 Thru 4407 Appmved, Pub. Sewer Connec- tion ''ica. 1 & 2 Approved. I . ;'Cbecks Nos. 4 1hru 4940 App). :d. n r lie 1 z 1965 Cron ' 1 Motion made by T "tat,ge huxphrey' t4at renei al'r r a IicNts, t+a hhoward krara o o,+era.te w0ar. ement devices -t L:e e'turic Grounds is app ovacz, l oti on seconded by 1 0 Sty :ar c riC pc.3sed by all Cairrcil merfiers pre e.r L Wotir; ayg. Ntion mud-. by Truitee h.emphrenj thele=1. Plumna cid Se"r I Instc:llat;un lizenses, %;1 Is 'A numbered 317 through 406 e c:pprovnr 1. Motion ae::ond , Tr'tustee D'FiOl,lon and 1*r---ed by all 1 Courrw-Il merhers present voti scare. NotiRct tale ay Trait. . X; ma.that Public Sewer Genet tion licensed No3",Z,, to Sts'.tejride PJ.=,in,; and 2 to Lamb Pluwing M heating Cxpaarrf`:ke apprrov i d. lotion secendtd by Trustee hum -P P 'a,rey anti passed icy ra C,une',I meiabir9 present vot,irr y+. Nation tide r y ' rasi;ee hu mphrey that checks numbered 49W thr;.ud, 611 uted lune 15, 1` 65 totz--Iing $1,423,20 enXeriti; disbursenwits Ly)r• ftz1,il 4efenao xaa, approved. Notion sv%,andrd by kiyor St,aplgs as & pa4sed by all. Council nembers present rot :uw aye. Trust" humplhre v introduced the following, :resol't}t:vrc and rived its adoption: Rewle;pion 6 - 8 Recommendira Construct. Installration of Storm Sew in Dminal;e Are, No 03• i1FiSoLUT' *.o 65"H EWL MOM R1.,=V1W8 IirPGRT of WIMIG P-3 0t111C )"KING Wr,1 ' S, a report hkis bean they Ville a a• huticilon4116 (10 and inuta.Llntio"n or rtarm sewotr Dr,tin,!*e AreL IX -A. given )y the VlUa6e 4nxineer to 1865, recoittuer.iit g, t. oonstract4.on in the lootion refeawred to as NOW ThUl'WllF;, UE IT 9=LVM HY TILE COUNCIL OF TU VWAGL OF PLYKJUA. t e1. h"ns Coun„1 wile.) coTaider the a:bri said iAiprovement in accord4nce with trier rop;)rt and the aosoomlrnt of property auuttirt4 or wlchi:n said Unundairiej fair all or at portion of the test of the imprvvement pursuant to M.S.A. Sec. 4232011 t.) 4NZ * 111, at an estimated total cast of the improv ment as shown. 2, A puh iw hearirti! steal 1, b e held on suuls propotied i mft pmvtvr eat an tat, lith &v of 4uly, 1965, at tkle VIA, 14gge 1iu)', in than Vi'014"e or Plymouth at 7't,30 oic-Nick P..i. The Villw-e Qounci.l s,,,Ul rjV0 1"41i- 11 ! hed notice of sy :;it hearik- and iriprovemlent as v,;qutred by law.” Notion for adoption of the forctQin, resolution .wua duly My Vi.,.Wor Sta plea rind upon -Vote 14ein,t L"Ae--n thereon the fo'1,Wkv1,tk- voted in favor thereof: ll..Wor Staples, Truotees 01 F h1lon 4,W humphrey. kga n,". t : None. c+hount : eruct ce s Curtis and iPV 1oLLr . Aiervupon said re-sLlut,ion w,n deQU, red duly x-sacd anti ad,)pt;ed. q,,,t..: Atnc 4Z13 1965. L/a 4X11 J:I,.1.1alr;t u1e 1: 2 1 i Win,. eJ 65 - OcAt'd. T:ttistee 4' Fa lom introa-ac k' the follt)wIN; ,resoa_i.Itian an,i wve i its adqpti n: Rei oiut.:o r 6.e,— ` Co id mon 0""; Street TAprolrecz ,. IT E 16W! F LVEWEY Trig:, T11LLA'1i.;- ;7 AJL JP irib .A,<!,:d 0i H f It is`, hereby determined to e necessaryr, `p oper, and I expe4ant rind in the interest of the puol,lc N.-Ith, convgr4kence qnd welfare of ULe cltrizens. of the of P'lynrouth to acquire an easamrt Par sti-eet puroineoj over and' across the propertor descrioed on Exhibit attached ;hereto, whian property is I.ocatec, rrith to sail Village oi' Plymouth, vourmy of .Hennepin, %&A -ate of Minnesota. (See Official Resolu;oion file fair Sxhibit "A's desc.,*v.i:uj p"perty)l. 2, The M.Ayor aW pillage Attorney of the saic iil Fe of Plymouth are hereb: aut:lorized to acquire said lands far the afore mentio:red purpos" and to tate any and 41 j 1Fa,U'steps nt-,cssary td such Or-aceedings." Mot:.nn for adoption of the :foregoing resolu•:ion was dtgiy seconded by Trustee humphresy and uppn vote being_ "taken 11-tereon the followin,; v-jted in favor thereof: KVor Stapa,es, Trustee.: OlFal"XIQn and humphrey. kg. aimt: Nonj, Absent: Tnrst.ces Curtia and Seviom% Wheretliikin sl,,An res,)'.ut iorl w_Ls do.-l"zred du .y v%s,sed ane ad opted . Dated Juste 21, 1965. AF i d 1 f`, r._ Village clerk n Morrion made by Truetee ttuwplirey that the R11a0.t Eng1meer trd lWad Superintendent, bo autha rx. zed 0 rer t a street gweepee at .a m Lrcim ; of $420,W per day. Motion seconders by "zmstese a'&z,flon and p z —:hed by aa.l. C©unc,11 members present votirW,, a;le'0 Nation mw de by a'. astoe O' Fu'l;lll Oat haword Van bi t u:+: . ti3 hold eir4;c games at Ry4nl i He %1r i= en June Z7, ;uly 18'--r md $rpter.,- ber 1, 1965. Matioi acconded by Hy r :Maples sand posed by kUl k`auacii Members present vatirg 4yP . NotiPan tt ode oy humpnrc;,r that the inbX..ee.r to amtaooized to prepare ap"if''„aation1i for b,kttaiitruu9 seg L . c i:G:tt of 11,ertain streets within the 1,1, ak;e of P1.31taouth durin ; the, y•ezr 1;`65 and that publication be r.» eie f'vr -Ws, 3 aid t Adv tj be operiod on Jury 19, 1965. Motion ,ie3condcd FAy 44rar at,ap;es and passed by al.;l, i;ouncl,l fnembera present, vot,it4; uye, On trice nreet,iV, adj,,urne3d at 9::; olelock ;:'. K. 1 k 6 0 0 Road Sweeper Rental el.ppv? d* I Yau I s App r' d . Aids ike questg4 for bituminoo S.zal Wat ing Qert An ti wzd . Past 4