HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 06-14-1965C " I June J l \ Pursuant to) due call, and notice thereojf a regular :neetirg of Gra Village 4ounei1 of the Viage of Plymouth, Minnesota, was Pauly held at the. Village Rall on the 14th day 1f. June, 1965, rpt 7:30 o'c:bock P. 9 Pres%lit: Mayor Staples, Tru:;tee a Curtis and O'Failrn, the 1 Vi,,11age Clcrk, Erigireer and Attorney. Absent r , Trustees Hwiphrey and e lled the ,co soder. Mayor Staples e: In the absence of a c'-rgyman to give an invocatoiry prayer, liayor Staples requested the audience and C-3uncil to rise fo:r a moment of silent prayer. Co??es of the minutes of the regiilar meeting of June 7, 1C165 as :railed to each Councilman were approved. Copies of the minutey,of the special meeting of .dune 8, 1965 with reference to the Special Village Uect ion held on Juni, 8, 1965 were a ppri m, d. A public h,aring was held in acca.rdance'with official publi- cation for the proposed -,radii,*,. base. work,~ted bitumincus surfacing on Queenaland Lane from the South illage Limits to 6th Avenue North. The Engineer read his prel:ainary report'for that projent datotd May 3, 1965s and it was also requested that the petition submitted by t;ie petitioners for the improvement of the streew be read. A group of residents from thJ area were present a, i Douotlas L. Segar acted as spoke :roan for the group. It was stated that the lots on the street proposed to be im- pro,trod were exceptionally wide and that the assessment per lot W)ule be in excess of what most of the r sidents would be able to absw,b. It was stated that in tee future no dou ,t these lots would tie sub 4ivided into smaller lots ur J at that time it would be feasible Jif the street would be graded and graveled afid brou4it up to the standard it was a few years a k;o . It was suggested ti4t the Rc ad Department; attempt to upgrade the street as soon as possible, Motion made by Mayor Staples that the proposed ,lmprvvenent of Queensland Lane from the South Village Limits to 6th Avenue North bi,,; dropped. Motion s econded by Trustee Curtis and passed. by all Coun- cil members present voting aye. Motion made tiv Mayor Staples that the street Dejj artment grade and gravel uQensland Lana from the South t' ill a, a Limits to 6th avenue North in order to brim; it up to the sta:xtard that it was several ;Tears age). Motion seconded by Trustee J'Fallon and passed by all Counci.., members present voting aye. Mlgtion made by Truatee CurtiN that suthorit;, be Obtained from the '.-"Jate of Kinnnesotu to establish the speed limit on 1uei;tnsland Lane fti m the South Village Units to 6th. Avenue North, to 25 m1les per hour and, hrat proper signs be placed, if approval in granted. Notion secon- ded by Trustec WFallon and plisses by all U until members present votIng aye. Motion made by Trustee '%urtis that preliminary apjvoval. be gwited for the subdivi!j1on p.iat of Meadow Lawn L4tFates 'I vird Addit:,on, bryt:e Johnson, developer, Motion seconded by Trust.se O"Fal:l,on and passed by i,he following; votin; in thereof; 'rruste:es Q.±rtis sand O'Fal.,luia, Opposedt hayor Staples, Absents Trustors Humphrey and 5ev,tour. Motion carried. Mayor Staples introduced the followAr,,; resolution kmd moved its udoptiont Wourrjo "'as RI:.`OLUTION WAIVING I"Nl1IR&IiNT5 OF SUIMIVISION ORDINANtZ 289 He. Improvement' Queensland Ln. from S. Vill. Limits to 6th Av. North. Forego in, ; Improves' gent Dropped. Above Streeto to be Graded and Graveled. He. Speed Limit, Queensland Lane. Prol:: u, Appv l , Granted SukI . Plat Meadow L%wn Est, 3rd Addn, Resolution 65-55 Wahine; Rewnts Subd, Ord.1, Pt. Sec. 27 (National Dairy Pividucts Corp.) Page #1. 0 Sideline Waivar Appvd. Lot 9, Mock 1,',:r sek- rood tits,._ 1st Adn. APPV'do , Lot Alden Acres Lee Cook)• Iver Bl e 2 d Addn. Re. Water InfLtration Sanitary Sewer, M. I. P. (McWilliams Goustruction7. ERe. &essive Water at 1 2'.h Avenue No. 41 Jnne 11.2 1965 - Cord, l d: V L J Motio# for adoption of the foregoi-:ig resolution was- duly seconded bye '\Tnxstee i%u Iia ; a}ld upon vote being taken Cher`s6n the following v0te l in favor thereof: Mayt,r Staples, Trustees Curtis, and O'Fallor`, A,.Saint: hone. Ab*.ent: Trustees Numo,iray andSeviour. ` W.ereupon sild resolution was declared duly passed 8Ad adopted. Dated June 14, 1965. Attest: 6 illa;e ulerk Motion made by Mayor Staples that a request for a side- line waiver for Lot 9, islouk 1, Creekwood Heights 13t Addition be approved. Motion seconder by Trustee Curtis and passed by all Council mesdbrtrs present voting aye. Motion made by Trustee Curtis that the request for a waiver of 15 fte of the required 50 ft. setback be approved far LO 5, Block 2, kledn Acres 2nd Addition. Motion seconded by Mayor Staples and passed by all. Council members present voting aye. A discussion oras hold with reference to the S. G. McWill- iams Construction, Inc., sewer lateral installation in the MinneApolia Industrial Park property, and the infiltration of rater into the aystam. It was stated th::t Mr. McWilliams had made arrargemeats with the American Pipe Cleaning company to televise the system for w4ter infiltration :and that thin would be done not later than Jura ,.21It was requested that thk. Engineer direct a letter to the Ame+ric,an. Pipe Cleaning CompajW, with a copy to Mr. He.Williams, that the televising of the system for infiltration tryst be done by Monday, June 21, and that it be so stated in the letter to „he Amcrican Pipe Cleaning Company that the televising must be de)ne on orb afore that date and that a contract be entered into by Hr. HcWillisvun with the American Pipe Cleaning Company, otherwise it a.s agreed that the Village would enter into a contract with the American Pipe Cleaning Company to gave the work done and the cost will her charged to the McWilliams Construction + ompany. The re:;ident frau 16535 - 12th Avenue Nirth appeared to discuss the excessive water in the pond at the Circle at 12th Avenue North which has overflowed onto the street and the abutting property; which overflow then d rains s:autherly into Gleason Lake. It was requested that the roidents sign a petition requesting the installa- tion of a storm sewer to alleviate the problem, said petition to ba presented to the Council Cor further vonsideration. Trustee Curtis introduced tie f3llowir4, resolution and esolution 65-56 prdeE•- moved its ad©Ntie n: ing Preparation of Report on iigpvrtpt.-Larch Lane - ant Partial Relocation of street. Psgc 02. fflZOLUTION NO. 65-56 1tE&)LUTION ORDERUG PiUO&TION OF 11"L' r%T ON D(PRO • ' T Wfi ' ' S, it is proposed to improve Laar,oh imine in the North 1%2 of Section 11, Township 1189 ltaN< e 22 by a partial relogation of said street inelud ink; ,ra ditk,;) graveling ctind drain age work and assess the appropriate benefited urea property for a til or a portion Of OP cost of the impmvmcnt, purawant to 'W.9.11. Sec. !,?9-011 to 4.111. A J JuneMe 1265 Cont'd. WV Thi' IC ,? BE IT =#OVM BY THE CXNCn, 6F TZ VILLAGE OF PL"tli4M: That tree, prnp9sed improvement be referred to the Vilia'6e FRgineer for stud3- and ti at he is instructed to rerpo wt to the Coua.u.ril with 411 convenient speed, advise the Ttail in a prelimiarary wy ::s to odrether the proposed impro Vement is feas ,ble and :a.s i.c,, Ohetcier it should best be made ae proposed or in corn4%-tion with some other improvement a.nd the estiawted cost u'.' the improvement as recommended." Motion for adopt-jva of the fw—egoing resolution was duly secon- ded by blustee D`Fallon and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in %vor thereof: Mayor Staples, Ttvstees Curtis and O'Fal on, Againstr Nome. Absent; Trustees Humphrey rnd Seviour. Mhersupon rid resolution was declargd duly passed and adopted. Dated June 14, 1965. r. -4 - Attest: -- - -';p, -7 The %gineer gave a report on the necessity of the :'improvement of 41it Avenue North east of Trunk Highway 55 and 25th Avenue Borth west of Kirkwood Lane, after which it was agreed that this be put on Pile for consideration in the 1966 Street Improvement program. A resident tram Weatan Lane Naft._t appeared in connection with the floodin,; of this area, which he stated originated from tk-W Minnea- polis Workhouse property, Beller property, and County Road 6. Tne Engineer races requested to give a report at the next Council meeti.%. The Wineer, reported on his investigation of tete private dump bein; operated Uy Mrs. begin on Fernbrook Lau!e, north of County Road 9. Consi.deraUe discussion tusk pace concerning the maintenance of the dump, C nd Trustee Curtis stated t.hrit the dump is not being maintained in the .:ondition that it ihould be. It was ajreed that Trustee Curtis and the Vil.lik°e Attorney prepaa,e an ordin>ulce regulAtin,, private dumps in the Village for consideration by the Council at its next meeting,. Motion made by Trustee Curtis th::t the arui Villago.i Clerk be authorized to execute a deed to the Imperial Lard Comparyr covering certain street right-of-way in the Imperial. hi .16 plat, Which right-of- way will not be necessary when the final glut is fil.ud. It w3 agreed that Vie deed is ne.t to bj delivered to the developers until corup"'ance has been made for the rslelase of ,he finial plat of ImperI4 Kills Addi- tion. lotion seconded by '&rustee O'Fallon and pan-aed by all Ccuncil members present vating, aye. Lalph Hunter appeared to discuss his pous.ible eniployn•ent as an animal warden for the Vi'lage of Plymouth. After dissuasion with Tars . hunter, it was agreed that tire Safety Cormrittee and the Council consider the mutter and aucumit their reci m iendations to the Uouricil. Trustee Curtis introduced the follor,' T, ordinance and moved its adoptioi a O1d)IMV'4CL N09. 65-t3 291;\ 1 Re. Street Impv IN 41st Ave & Th 25th Ave. & KirkW,od. Fac, Vloodii6,- fro& workr.ouse, Keller C3. Rd. 6* Re. Condition at Begin D%mp. Re. R/ai Imper- i l Hills . R. hunter, Poem i.bl e .Animal Ordiruance 65-1?, Reo meas own u0n3ump- t iorr by Minors, ORDINgNCE REiATI% TO TC PWSL'SION AND CONSUMPTION OF INTOXICATIhu AND MJh ,INTOXICATING QdUU%3 BY AA .M't Hca #3• 29'1 r A- une 14 1761 m COAL 10. The Village Council of the Village of Plymouth Does Hereby 3rd ;n as Foilowaa Sectiom 1. Definitions. i 1.01 "Minor" when, used herein shall mean any person of either sec %to has not attained Uie age of 21 years. 6 1.02 "deer" or "non -intoxicating malt liquor" inict used herein shala. mean ani marc liquor or beveratre wiaich cuntsins not leus ti an 1/2 of yx and not more than 3.2% of alcohal by wei ht. 1.03 "Guardian" when used 6rerein shall dean why person wto has seen appoin- ted or designated by a Court pf record as th v guardian of arw minor. Section 2. Nqn-Intox.Lcatiyg Malt Liquor 2.01 It shall be un1a.#11:1 for any minor to consume non -intoxicating malt liquor unless in the company of his parent or guardian, 2.02 It shah be unlawful for any ml.nor• to have in his possession any ran- intox.."ating malt liquor, with intent to consume the same at a place other than the household of hZs parent or guardian, FosseRssion oC such non-intoxicatin,- malt liquor at, a. place other than the household of his parent or j%, atrdian s.All be priln ,facie evidence of intent to consume the same at a place other thlan the household ut his parent or guardian . 2.03 It shall be unlawful for aky person to induce a minor tq purcnase or pro:ure non-intoxicat*r malt liquor or for any person other than tete parent or guardian to procure non-intoadcatin ,, malt liquor for many minor. 1 Section 3. Intoxicating Liquor 3.01 It si•Lall. be unlawful f•or any minor to eaneume any intoxtcati%k; liquor or to purchase, attempt to purc;ase or have another purctusse for him any intoxicating liquor. 3.02 It skrali o e unlawful for any minor to have in his possession any in- toxicating liquor, with intent to consume the stone at a place other d than the household of his parent or guardian. Possession of such intoxicatin& liquor at a place other than the household of his parent or guardiran nht4,L be prim:• 'acie evi.derice of i.nteat to con:iuume the same at a place other than the household of his parent or guardian. 3.03 It shall b e uniuv'ful for any person to misrepresent or misstate his age or the age of Baru other persons far thti purpose Af' inducing any licensee or the eimployee of ally livenz;ee, or cuW employee ofthe Plymouth Municipal Liquor Store, to sell, serve or deliver any alcoholic bevera e to can,} minor, Section iL% Penalty 4.01 A violation of aiV of tete provisions of this ordinance s czal l be a misdometuiar puriishaUie by 4 fine o1' not awte than :+100.00 or by imprisonment !',,r not more th:n 90 dayn. 4 ection Weptive Date 5.01 This ordinance qe' at.l twice effect upon its rvasst ge and publication. Page A. 1 L 1 U I June 14, 1965 - Coal ld , Motion for ademciort of the iPrreg afn; ordie tran •e wa dui 1F a ecmn- ded by May -)r Staples and upon vote being taken thereon the ;'011owi ;; voted in favor thmereof: layer Staples, Trmstees Curtis and 1Fai2on. Against: N6ne. Absent: Trustees kunprhrey and Sevicur. Wed .lune 14, 1965. Attest ee 61erk Motion made by Mayor Staples that Plumbing & Sewer Installation license$, Class A u S, numbered 388 tnroujm 396 be approved. Moon seconded by Trustee ?'Fallon and passed by 1--.11 Council membera present voting ayee. Motion made by Trustee Curtis that the salary of Police Officer Dwaine Osier be at the rate of $515 per month effective July 1, 1965, at which datia his rank will be "Sergeant" in the Police Department. Motion sezoonded V Mayor Staples and passed by all Co;tnell members present voting ayh. Motion made by Trustee OlFaI .on that checks Iisted on the June 141, 1965 Disbursement Statement covering General. Rud in the amount of 3,164.80 be approved. Motion seconded by Trustee Wrtis and parsed by all Council members present voting aye. Motion mde by Trustee Qartis that checks listed on the June 14 1965 Giaburses^me ut. Statement 1--a eriiq Police a Fu int hQ amunt of 1071.43 be approved. Motion sec,inded by Trustee ©'Fallon and passed by ;all Council, members presem+.:t. voting aye. Motion made by Trustee Gui;ti,s that checks listed on the June 14, 1965 leisuursement Sttate:m:ert covering Fir. Depayt.mseR. Fund in the amount of $604.62 be approved. Hoti an seconded by Kayor Staples and passed by all Council mneme:rs present, voting aye. Mition made by Tn$vee 01t1al.lon that o;;ecks listed on tele Juno 1.+, 1965 Uis'bursement Statement caverin,; hoad Ix Jri,dge hind in the amount of $2062.05 be approved. Motion s a ended by hay or Staples and passed by all Council mowers preisent voting aye. Motion made by Mayor Staples that chocks Listed on the Jrme 1965 llisbursemer .. Statement clavering Poot Fund in the amount of 422.71 bey approved. Motion seconded ;ay Trustee Wihllon mid passed by all Gotuicil members present vpting aye. Motion mugde by 'rrustee'uurtis tout che&%- listed or. the June 14, 1965 UIsrursement Stateuent 4averrirV; Pat lic Nri( Fund in the amount of $5.00 be uppraved. Notion seconded by KVor Staples and passed 'ay all Uouncil members present vot°,lW, rmye. Wwtion wde by Trustee Curtis ti,at checks listnd on the June 14.8 1965 uisuur qement Statcmm;ent coverinj; Debt Service Furd in the ciwunt of $1,646.89 be ,approved. Motion secor ded t>,v Trustee O'rr.l l.on and passed by all Council mnembera present voting aye. Pa)mneut of regular cahe!cku as of June 14', 1965 for t,e auove accounts are nuamberod 4 tg'41 tt+rn,ago 'tW and tev.al ¢9,5117.50. ltat,on etude by Truatee 01K1;,on tie;At Nkgcipal Liquor Store Di,soursement Stat(mnent aatEa June l.c+, 1965 eoverirw, Qhrc:ka nwubeved 1 0 through 1407 In the zuaount of $34,903.97 be uppiv)veyi. N,,) roti aeQoidnd by 4-iyxor atkiple:t Lind paused by all, Council mazibere present, votir4° ulna. On motion the meeti,q; 4djourned ctt i,l.,e ulet•k. 29S Class A & S P1,ag. & Seger Lice. 386-96 Ate, propro— Salary Increase Chwkpe in Aar' for D. Osier. General Fund Disburo oment Cks. Approved. Police Fund Diavurnement Cks. Approved, Fire Dent. Baa D13oursem ent Ghecka Approved, Road & bridge Fund Jisaurse- ment Cks. Appv' d. - Poor Fund Dis- bursement Qnecle. Approved Public: Park Fund a396ursanent Checks Approved, Debi, Service _ Fund Dis'aurscmuent Checks Approved. Regular Glmecks 48rt - 1`toru 097 Approved. Liquor Store Cks. 01307 Thru 107 Arproved. FW;Q 15 a. r` I 1 U I June 14, 1965 - Coal ld , Motion for ademciort of the iPrreg afn; ordietran •e wa dui 1F a ecmn- ded by May -)r Staples and upon vote being taken thereon the ;'011owi ;; voted in favor thmereof: layer Staples, Trmstees Curtis and 1Fai2on. Against: N6ne. Absent: Trustees kunprhrey and Sevicur. Wed .lune 14, 1965. Attest ee 61erk Motion made by Mayor Staples that Plumbing & Sewer Installation license$, Class A u S, numbered 388 tnroujm 396 be approved. Moon seconded by Trustee ?'Fallon and passed by 1--.11 Council membera present voting ayee. Motion made by Trustee Curtis that the salary of Police Officer Dwaine Osier be at the rate of $515 per month effective July 1, 1965, at which datia his rank will be "Sergeant" in the Police Department. Motion sezoonded V Mayor Staples and passed by all Co;tnell members present voting ayh. Motion made by Trustee OlFaI .on that checks Iisted on the June 141, 1965 Disbursement Statement covering General. Rud in the amount of 3,164.80 be approved. Motion seconded by Trustee Wrtis and parsed by all Council members present voting aye. Motion mde by Trustee Qartis that checks listed on the June 14 1965 Giaburses^me ut. Statement 1--a eriiq Policea Fu int hQ amunt of 1071.43 be approved. Motion sec,inded by Trustee ©'Fallon and passed by ;all Council, members presem+.:t. voting aye. Motion made by Trustee Gui;ti,s that checks listed on the June 14, 1965 leisuursement Sttate:m:ert covering Fir. Depayt.mseR. Fund in the amount of $604.62 be approved. Hoti an seconded by Kayor Staples and passed by all Council mneme:rs present, voting aye. Mition made by Tn$vee 01t1al.lon that o;;ecks listed on tele Juno 1.+, 1965 Uis'bursement Statement caverin,; hoad Ix Jri,dge hind in the amount of $2062.05 be approved. Motion s a ended by hay or Staples and passed by all Council mowers preisent voting aye. Motion made by Mayor Staples that chocks Listed on the Jrme 1965 llisbursemer .. Statement clavering Poot Fund in the amount of 422.71 bey approved. Motion seconded ;ay Trustee Wihllon mid passed by all Gotuicil members present vpting aye. Motion mugde by 'rrustee'uurtis tout che&%- listed or. the June 14, 1965 UIsrursement Stateuent 4averrirV; Pat lic Nri( Fund in the amount of $5.00 be uppraved. Notion seconded by KVor Staples and passed 'ay all Uouncil members present vot°,lW, rmye. Wwtion wde by Trustee Curtis ti,at checks listnd on the June 14.8 1965 uisuur qement Statcmm;ent coverinj; Debt Service Furd in the ciwunt of $1,646.89 be ,approved. Motion secor ded t>,v Trustee O'rr.l l.on and passed by all Council mnembera present voting aye. Pa)mneut of regular cahe!cku as of June 14', 1965 for t,e auove accounts are nuamberod 4 tg'41 tt+rn,ago 'tW and tev.al ¢9,5117.50. ltat,on etude by Truatee 01K1;,on tie;At Nkgcipal Liquor Store Di,soursement Stat(mnent aatEa June l.c+, 1965 eoverirw, Qhrc:ka nwubeved 1 0 through 1407 In the zuaount of $34,903.97 be uppiv)veyi. N,,) roti aeQoidnd by 4-iyxor atkiple:t Lind paused by all, Council mazibere present, votir4° ulna. On motion the meeti,q; 4djourned ctt i,l.,e ulet•k. 29S Class A & S P1,ag. & Seger Lice. 386-96 Ate, propro— Salary Increase Chwkpe in Aar' for D. Osier. General Fund Disburo oment Cks. Approved. Police Fund Diavurnement Cks. Approved, Fire Dent. Baa D13oursem ent Ghecka Approved, Road & bridge Fund Jisaurse- ment Cks. Appv' d. - Poor Fund Dis- bursement Qnecle. Approved Public: Park Fund a396ursanent Checks Approved, Debi, Service _ Fund Dis'aurscmuent Checks Approved. Regular Glmecks 48rt - 1`toru 097 Approved. Liquor Store Cks. 01307 Thru 107 Arproved. FW;Q 15 a.