HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 06-07-1965A Ptirimant to due tail ani n6tice thereof a regular meeting of the Viiiage Council of the village of rmauth, Minne aota, was duly held at the Village Hall on the 7th of Jme 1965 at 7d 0 o4clock P. M. a8 3 Presente Mayor Staples, Trustees Curtis, O'Fallon, Humphrey and Seviour,,the Village Clerk, Engneer aA Attorney. Absent: Done, NAror Staples called the ipeeting to order In the absence c f a canlergrato give an invocatory pr*ver. Mayor Staples r 'juested the audience and Council to rise for a moment of sileJtt prat, Copies of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 24, 1965 as moiled t13 each Councilman were approved, Mr. MnWilliams of McldilUamb Construction C=pany and Mr. Quello,=hiq attornry, appeared to discuss the rater infiltration in this sanitary starer syst9z installed by Mr.- McWilliams in the Minneapolis In- dustrial Puck ;property. Mr. NcWilliamx stated that he has mae'-s attempts to have the Aicerican Pipe Cloning Company endeavor to stop the infiltraw tion but be has been unable U, make arrangements for them to go to work on the project, as they stated they have commitments up until approximately the middl!3 of June. Owers. HO.Williaes, 4hello, Wetald and Lefler are to e.eet to dis%as t e matter and submit a report to the Council as to sp" Oif k tii anon the water it4fiirration into the system will be taken caxe of. If Kr. McWilliams doer, not take care of the matter shortly, it was agreed that the Village would tate it upun themselves to have the work done and charge the costs to McWilliams. Mr. J. Bernard Heiler appeared to discuss the proposed dredging he intends to do in Kedicine Lake at t.Wergreen Lane At 28th Avenue North. Kr. Rirtnard Weiblen, attorney, rep.resent_ng a group of residents in the area, vas also presbat as well as a number of residents. Mr. Heller stated that the dret'iruA; he intends to do would have no effect upon the preaeaY property owners or will it oo wW damage to their streets. It waa agreed that the Village Lngineer should make soil tests along the street. in 'rder to obtain the soil condition upon which the road rests. The village clerk was also requested t,o write Mr. Heller and obtain a map of the area snowing the exact loctstion or the dredging he proposes, and a copy of said letter is to be sent to the Minnesota State Conservation Commission. Motion made by Mayor Staples that the final plat of Reuben W. Law covering,JunQau Acres Addition, and Mein a re -subdivision of Lots 15 and 16, Block 2, Glen Grove Acres Additio,u, be approved, Motior seconded by Trustee Seviour and pas sed by all Council members voting aye. A request has twien made by the Wnn"polis Industrial Para, Inc. fsr thm vacation of a portion of Zinnia Lane in Parker Lace Gardens Addi- tion, and it was agreed that this vacation Vhould be accomplished at tine time that the re-gu.hJiv j s;on plat is aresent•ld for final approval by Kinneapolis Irviustrial ,park. Xo4ion made ty "trustee Humphrey thaa\t an Larth Removal permit be granted tc Woodridge Curatruction QQLnpany for the removal of earth from Lots g and 9, Tract A,. Plymouth Orchards AddiU,on, said materia=l being- used eingusedassub -baso mateisial for the uonstruction of Interstate hbwv Motion secondee! by Trastee 4eviou.r. Motion gado by Trustee Curtis that the prveedi.n,, motion be amended to include t,tik,t a $IjOW perfomnee bane! be furnished by the Woodridge CoreatructlAip Uumpany to uuararttee oompl,kance in accordanos with the pewits aot,ion seconded by Trustee Humphrey and paosed kr all Council members votil.;g aye. Fed. Water Infilm 04tion, Srni tary yre'Me , 1 HcWi,liamrs ` Coror. ) jte. Dredging at c+edicine Lake 4 Evergreep & 28th Ave. No. 9 Final Plat wppvd Juneau Acres Addition, Re. Yacaticn Pt. of Zinnia Lane. Earth Removel Permit Appv-'d. Wiodri.dge Can- i 11Ct,on Co. Page 01. 2-80 June T. 1963 - Cont'd. UOon vote beim then on the oronal notion, all voted in favor thereof. Md(e Petit #Olotion made by Trustee Humphrey that building permit be ri ved for approved D.)r Ackron Bu12diski & 9upply Corpration for .he rection Acr o Bldg* of a 40 X800 steel bu:P ding for the Gift house Stamp CompW fl Supply B dg* located at. 1205 County Road 19. Notion seconded by Xayor Staples and,passol by all Council amours voting aye. RoeFloong, Area man, nnaiber of residents, including Gerald Hali, as spokes - of nockdideo 'Lane man, appeared to request action to "viate the flooding in the end lvaue. vicinity of Quantico Lane & 3rd Avenue. It was stated that pip* of the area was delayed on Account of the necessity of obtaining an easemant Nvis a party Who is presently in France, in order to dig a sump hoja upon his property for the installation of the pining operation, The easeient was reeel.vad on t"i date and it is intendOl to obtain the services of a drag linin to dig,the sump hole and coa- 150 Setback kaive,'t stance the pumping operation -at once. AppvIde L. 4, Bl. 2 Motion made by Trustee Curr is that a 15400t waiver of tnd Pinecrest Addnn. requires! 50 -foot set -back be granted to A derson-EMake Uonstruc-tion Anderson -Blake), for the construction of a home upon dot . b, A1jlIek 2,. Pioeerest Addi- tion. Motion seconded by .Mayor Staples and Nissed by all Coungil members voting aye. TIT3tee Humphrey introduced) the fol owiug r'.wolution and moved its adoptions ID 0 20 Resolution 6 -1 E Yawing Subdv Ord. Req. Lots 2,3x4, B1. 1 Be hied. Lake Adliu. L. Be Folsom) esol do , 6 -L$ waiving hd, Ord Req., Lot 6' B1. 2 City View AtIteu Addn. Thrasilla Furry) i=3UlTION N0 6_, JT.TOx wj 1UUMMIM Q? Motion for adoption of the fo regoirig rosolution Boas duly seconded by Trustee Sewiour and upon vote bein4; taken thereon the ol,'lowing voted in favor thereof; Katyor Stapleq, Trustees Curtia, OPFallon, Humphrey and Seviour. Against: None. Whetvsupon said i%esoluLicn was declared dial passed and adp pted. Dated June 7, 195. illace Clerk PVor 46uples intr^duced the followin,j z*e.s4)l.0 pion vnd moved its adoept.iont RESOLUTION N3 s 65-1 WOLUTION WAIVING RKUIRSIt M OF Motion Dar adoption of the foregoing rekiulution was d%.Qy seconotd by Trustee ;eviour and upon vote bel rA taken thereon the following voted in faivor thereof: Mayor Slap' W, Trustees Cu rtie, O'Fullon, Humphrey and Seviour. Against: None. j Whereupon said resolution was deelit ed d4ly passed and radoptdd. Dated June 7, 1965. 0 Attesls t Village 61erk r- J 281 arc June: 1955 -Contld. 064t ,on was presented and rud by Mayor Staples fry the nisi- danof Ivanhoe ods Addition with reference to obtaining preper drakatge In tho sweep aNer .whi6h the foll"ng resoltition was presented. y Trustee aurtis presented the following resolution and swred its e;dop iont Absolution 65-50 IiFSOIa N0. 65-50 Ordering Preparation of' r---- RFSaMION 01MDE PEPARATION CW Report on Improvement RPM 3K DTI Rov t3w jrainage AreaxI hA SAS, it' is p rojvsed to improve the drainage area identified as Drainage Arum 1114 Li tie Plyaeouth Stoat Sewer Study by the eonat' action of a stars sewer within acid drainage area and assess the appropritte drainage district for 4,till , or a portion of the cost of the improvaorent, pur- suant to NU Chap. 429--011- to 429.111. II'1Yi 7VUL90RT2 1Z IT WZVED BY THE COUNGIL OF THE VILLAS X PES r Mint the proprs6d Improvement be referrei to the Vil]Ags j akginear for stud r and that he is inst:ru4;#ted 'to rWoa to the Council wit s all canvenimt speed, advise the Ccurtcil in a preliminary wev as to whether the p4%oposed iWrov" Ment is feasitNIe and as 'to whether it shouli best be made as proposed or, in connection -with some other improvement and tee estimated cast of the improvement fis ec=mended.• Notion a,'or adoption of the foregoing, resolution retti duly seconded by Mayor Staples and upon vote being taken thereon the P.ollvmint; voted in favor th,oreof: Mayor Staples, Trustees Curtis, O'Fk;Uaift, Hur;phrey and Saviour'. kgpainstr [Sone. Wher oupon said resoluta or, was declared D110!,pd June ?, 1965. Attests Vil age Ulerk • Mr•. Karry K= wn appeared as an applicant for the poziition of weed, H • hwman Apm Inspector ter interview by the Council, after which the following notion Wasj ptd. Weed preseAted: W. -,Ion made by Trustte Curtis that harrT 'Aamn tn, 6101 Glenwood ' Inspector for Avenue, Goldoi Valley, LI 5 9270, be appointed Wewd In3pectk r Nr the Vl llag s 19655 of P;ymuuth for tt e year 1965, upon termo or QompensatLin 0 be agreed upon prior to comMetncement of his duties. Motion seconded by Trustee Humphrey aril passed by all Council neatbore voting uy'e. Notion made by Tluateo Cu ti9 that the Village Attornly be instruct- ted to prepare ;for consideration 43 the Utouacil an ordinUrxe resgulat'iryT and Re. Private 1io,en3ing private dumps in the Village of Pljmouth. Kation seconded by Mayc;r spa Staples and passed by all CounQil members vot:N aye. Truetee Humphrey intn)duacd the fv111Qwir4; reuolutica and moved its edoptiogi: R solutiolii655 i " Revely ulTION Na. 6 - 1 eZ'Zzin+y toi Public Etre•, Drainage 1033wrIGN U, ILTVIW. REPO:tr ANP CAI. lt& Arlt xy page 9 • 1 t I. . I Na - M[EPMS, a report has , been. given by the VillAgo Er4ineer, to tete Village Council all Juno 7, 1965, r#C1DMendit* Che conkruot' Uii of storm se wor to serve an area kip wr: as,BraiWot Area IM DMEFORSjo BE IT RRMVBD BM' THE COt'iNal OF THI% VILIZA E OF F ZXM* 01. The Council will coa3sder the aforesaid improvemen in accordance with the re0ort and the assecsam o pi )petty abutting or within said boundaries for all or a portion of the coat of the ixrprawesent pursuant to M.S.A. Sec. $29.01) to 42%%111, at an sstiwted total cost 'of the inproveaut as 3bawn. A public hearing shall be held on suc*a proposed lar- proveazerti; on the 20tn dor of July, 1965, at. the Vill f ge Fall, in the Village of uth at 700 o'clock P. f . The V:U]Age Cowtcil dh^,.11, glv s pvtC iehed 'uot R ce of Much hearing and impravezent, as required by law** Motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution iad seta nded by Trustee 0' Fallon and upon vlat a being taken the.• folloxiag voted in favor thereof: Mayou Staples, Trustees Curtis, O'Fal:loa, Humphrey acrd Seviour. Against: None. ; , Whereupon , aaid resolution was declare O duly passed sad ad'apt> eii. Oated June 7, 19fi S . EM n Attest: Ila r Village Ulerk Trustee Humphrey introduced the following rreolution and mored its adoption: Ii JQ. /C l t ' olutiVal V 2 Bga/H ig; Nam JAw=2 Receiving Report and R13OW101+ RECEM D W3RT AND CALLING Csl lirk; for F iblic Hear- FUR PUMIC If ARING 14g, Drainage Area V14. W} MAS, a re;ort has been givai by foie Village F4rgineer to g• the Village Council on June 7, 1965, reugtueridi,{tg the i nstruction and inst,+lotion c)f storm sower in the locatiot, referr to ns os' - Drainage Area VI -A. NOW TkML M4",li, xS lT RIZ4 JLM NX TRW COUNCIL OF TIlV VIAT"GE OF PL 'MOUTH i at "1. Tae Council. will, euneider the aforesaid imprq vement in accordance wi, ,h the rrport and the a50e35411nt of property, a0uttin4, i,r wMin said boundarles J'or all or a portion of t h a co!yc of the *wiravemaht pu reumf• to M.S.A. Sec. 4 9m011 io 429.111, it an e5t1a ated total cost of thq .imprav atent as sho%ni. 4. A public hearing 3hzz ll be field on suoh prapo4 ed i,m- pmvenwnt on tho 13th dopy of July, 1965, at the Village Hall, in the Vi.114ige of Plymouth at 7 t O o'clock P..4. The Village Council shall give ,published notice of aunh hearing; and improvement as requ i red by Jaw." Igo #46 I Ifai I. I r rr ' I I 1. I I 0 oL, I 28 • . Juea_ 7 Uk onloh for adoption of the ,oregoing resolurtion was duly1 ecoroed by b ,,6r Staples and upon Ovate being taken #.hereon U-te fo1141ring voted `in filvor ,theraof: layer Stapltm, Tnmtrea Curtis, O'Pallon, huot Thrgr and S'mviuurr. Against: None. erleupon said resolution was declared du; y passu. and adoo,ed. ated June 111'1965* I 1 I 1 At.t east 1 Mayor Staples introduced tNor fallowing reasolutiOn and moved Jtas adoption: ft Recglv3Az Report and CaONIfse61; ifa f , Puts. Hearing,, R19i0LUTV VIN; RIVO 6 Am CAhLI14 hrairiage Area U. y MR PUB , blF.RI:N2. 1 WH&W, 4, report. nas been given !ay the Village 4 ng,.neer to the V111M logeW, Couxtcil on Juste 7# t965, racom ending thecanstrUCtipn of a atoms aevat vl h poa$bk; area on Lo to. 12, 134 14 and 15, Block 6, Beacon Helghtla 1st Addition (Drainage 4rea IT,), JMJ THIMFORE, BE IT RMMULD BY TILE COUNCIL OF Til VIUAGE OF PtaNOTHc I'' The Council gill consider the; aforesaid improvatient, iM accordance with the report and the assessment or property abWttinr, or within ettid boundaries for all or a portion of the cost of t ie . ,provement pursuant. to X-S,A. 4,ec. 429 -sol l tQ 429.111, at an estimate: total cast of the iAiprovement as shown. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed ir,,pr:)vwmnt on the 6th day of July, 1965, at the VilltWe HaU.I in the Vills,ge of rlymouth st 7130 o'clock P,, M. The k"Il1.rkge ouncIA si,uall give published notice of such hearir.; ani. ;UnpravVr4,-rxt, on required by law." X)tion fi r adcrpt;i,an of the t`arRgo3,nE; resolution Iran du,y sec-:)rdedt by Truatee D'Rallon acrid upon va;e be,14,t taken thereon the follow;rtg w)ted 1,Ln favor t;horgof: MVor Stlnp].4,s, Trustees Qurtis, Wallon, Humrhrgr and Saviour, Agalnet: 11011e. Nhvreupon said resolution was declared duly pasawl and adopted, Dated June 7, 1965, df. 0 z Attest: o t, 1 e j, erk i A discaaslon Was helu 41th referctice to ,t T.mrneO tale at :440 Olive Lav;,e. The house eras burned an Nov. 11, 196% ctd a'a praisent it; -n a haaar,,a" ours arid unsafe eiaadjtion, The Wildi% ,Inspector k stiwtW die loss to be oppr ximlttely $7,QW . It was afreed that the c outitoyr Auditor's o fr lcs tic ., Burned ohould Die c}:ecked as to the .identity of the prestl1t owner as well as lien huge, 2440 holdors,. where the i,nru mntlolt is avallaW41ai, wid proper rl;rtiveb w -ailed to 011,ve Lane, then infurardrtt; thw th,t the buil dir4Z must bo rej%fired, r S page 1 t - i - i , t 7,w _1965 Cont'd • i Ra.. Burned Garag4e Kpt fry wde by Trustee Curtis that Philip Fordo, ' g .335 Orchid 'Lane335 Orchid lopr,e, lue noti,tied that the bi nned garage on Me p pesty f g cue?, nube rellweed 41thin ninety day's, lotion secarAed by jtrw4t s J'Faliod. r Rotion ludo bit Mayor Stapled that the above minion it i j 4mended to inclujce that the Willin„ Inapectar deck on, the Otove arage building (py July 1 to see if the owner has c(antaced Oamo- ixtion of t'he bu.,ilding. Amendment seconded by Trustee tumphje@7 an4-. pAss d by all C4un it mebere voting ,ye. Upon vote being tr;ken ad the thriginaLl aption, aI;, vatted in favor thereof. Mayol Staples introduced the following resolution and moved its adopt;iont RescZut,b, Rec ei vier g HOPO , Calling For !'Ott .c Hearing Re. )bald Improv" ent, wi§ MION N04, i s j 54 . 1XS01lTT16!;t RWLIVING WORT AND 0.-;2 um FOR PUMIC lawnm Ridgemount Ave. 00"S, -v report has boen given by the Vf ilju e Ucgirl6er to thq Village C, ancil on November, 1964, redoaeerdinj the grading$ basu wnrk, dr,..inage and irgtallation of as;*a..tic con. -rete paie- ment of Mite following street, to -crit: Ridg'w--mnt Ave#cud" from County Ronal Nq. 73 to Teakwood Lane. NOW T WEYOR.:, BE IT WOLVED BY TKE COUKIL JF '."4F' VrLLAGB OF 'AYHOUTH : 0 The Cnunczl will consider the aforesaid imp' ovemett in, gccardance with the repo;:t and the assieAcsment .of koro arty mbmattirtg or within said boundarit •i for al or q portion of the cost of the irmprovemett prreua nt to E.S.A. Sec. 429.011 to 429.111, at an -istimted t;tai cost of the improvement :Is shown. 2. A pQb1ic hearing shall be held on such p4ipoaed im- i&oo,lement on the 21st oay of Juno, 1965s A1; the Tllhltago bull.: in the Village of Plymouth. at 7:30 o"clock P. M. The. pillage Council shall, dive pualishel naticel of such he:tingl and improvement as required by .awe" Mjtl.o ear 3dr, ption or the foregoinir 1 solution was duly seconded by Trustee A1umOroy, and upon vite beim, taken therein the followin; voti.^d in favur Mayor Staple., Trustees Curtis,' C3 d".lon, Humphrey and Seviour. Ai;ainsca NQne,, Wheupon said resolution was declaraaq; duly passed and adapted. Daivd June 7, 1965. Attest:{ `;,,",*--=j_ Village Ulerk 1 Mayor Staplo3 intit.Auced tl e folie •Nj ocdinanue and ntavod its adopt ion: Ordinance Nobr-12 censir X be Fte;s].ritir; Leasing of Motor Buootors 4e Mato reyeles, Regulating Their Use. 1itc. U60 N'O. AN OWDRIANCE I,!041VWN;N l Aid 7uULATING THE U A$ING JPS Na't H S OOTEILII kit) M1V)JOYC1&;3 AW 12KNULATING THMi USE I, The Cnunczl will consider the aforesaid imp' ovemett in, gccardance with the repo;:t and the assieAcsment .of koro arty mbmattirtg or within said boundarit •i for al or q portion of the cost of the irmprovemett prreua nt to E.S.A. Sec. 429.011 to 429.111, at an -istimted t;tai cost of the improvement :Is shown. 2. A pQb1ic hearing shall be held on such p4ipoaed im- i&oo,lement on the 21st oay of Juno, 1965s A1; the Tllhltago bull.: in the Village of Plymouth. at 7:30 o"clock P. M. The. pillage Council shall, dive pualishel naticel of such he:tingl and improvement as required by .awe" Mjtl.o ear 3dr, ption or the foregoinir 1 solution was duly seconded by Trustee A1umOroy, and upon vite beim, taken therein the followin; voti.^d in favur Mayor Staple., Trustees Curtis,' C3 d".lon, Humphrey and Seviour. Ai;ainsca NQne,, Wheupon said resolution was declaraaq; duly passed and adapted. Daivd June 7, 1965. Attest:{ `;,,",*--=j_ Village Ulerk 1 Mayor Staplo3 intit.Auced tl e folie •Nj ocdinanue and ntavod its adopt ion: Ordinance Nobr-12 censir X be Fte;s].ritir; Leasing of Motor Buootors 4e Mato reyeles, Regulating Their Use. 1itc. U60 N'O. AN OWDRIANCE I,!041VWN;N l Aid 7uULATING THE U A$ING JPS Na't H S OOTEILII kit) M1V)JOYC1&;3 AW 12KNULATING THMi USE 1, p 1' June 7. 1965 - Ccfht T& VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THL VIUAG1; OF I 1.Yl tlTlf DJ Ef;tEBY Of,.- AIN k% f: FOL1.hiS • Section 1 - Deinitdons 1.Q1 - "Motor Scooter" ar,,d, "'Motorcycle" shall mean eve'ey motor vehicle as defined by Section 169.01, ZhOxo.vision 3, of Kinnesota Statutes having, a saddle for ;the use of the .rider and designed t.a t, ravel pn not mor& than three `wheels in contact with the ground, includ lrg bicycles. with motor attar; ed, taut excludiiig a tractor. 1.02 - "Mctor Scooter zusindtss" ar>Q "14Iutorc4•cle Busines.I" shall mean, the busi- ness of leasing, renting or fu.rrdnhing mnrator scooters or motorcycles for a, considerat ton. 1.03 - "Parson" shall mean any person, persons, Section 2 - License Required and ewo partdter-strip, corpiorati.on or a soa:iation of 2.01 - No person shall ea gage in the busiueots of leasing,, renting, furnishing or offering to lease, rent or furnisn motorcycles ol• motor scootltrs, as defined nerein, within -the Village of Plymouth without first ooto.lning from tr,,e Village a lidense as provided herein. I 2.02 - BAch license shall be issued for one calendar year from January 1st to December 31st of sa; 3 year and the fee therefor sl.aLl be $1.00.00. No license shall be Issued for tree fractional part of any year.. 2601 - Applications for such license shall be made to the Village "fork on forvs prescriUed Ui Aim and a,ta l l 'L -e s ab j.e t to tiie approval of t!:e. rlila.ageGai un -ail. 4.04 - Each person applying for such a license shall accomrany his rapplic4tion with un in-,ur:nue ;)olicy in fare with an insur:ince compaaW aut;torized to do businw,+s to the State of Xinnesat«, which po'l.tcy m•.st be in force f'or t ti, entire license year or the remaining; pr-rtion thereof ca:Lculated from the date of r.hw application. Such policy scall insure the applicant, his lessees, renters and bUi'.ees usir;; applicant' Q motcrcycl.es or muter scooters, a Inst loss in the sur of at 1e;.st w50,Ju0 far injury U or death of any one per.an in any one accident and $100,000 ,ter injury to or death of t-.io or m)rer persons in any one accident ;Lnd $5,WO becc use oC dam ge to or destrti.c- tion of property in ar%y one accident all res., .tint; fror. the herr ifent ownership, operation, use or defective :,,)nditiun or any &:3torcyele or motor scooter be+::ilgitig to applicant. t rem, such policy of liauility insuni nce shall contaiin an endorsement tCi the effect. that s"ach policy shall cover oper-itorti and passenger, of motorcycles and motor scooters leased kir rented to minors and further, that the .Vi'labe of Plyrnauth shall be notified by letter addressed to the Vil,L a;;e Turk theT4,of at bast five days prior to the o3;lc:el,"Lz tikrn oi' any of suk-h policies of insurance. 2.05 - Eacl, person applyi.n,t far ouch a license shall uccor:puny his application with a list of o..he vehicles %dti:n he pmpases to use for rental )r lease, which list, shall deso;bo< .such vehicles ©y make, year and serial number. Atv replacement of such 4uipmant nta&dea by any lieeetsce in the course of the liueansP year $hall be reported to the Villa ;e 01oiic within iva d;i•s of auch replc:ceniL at . Sectiona - cl,r.it1_E' L;te;.)n:a 3.01 - The lik:en;atjr shall not rent or lx,"%m ti m-otomycle or muter scooter to arty person$ exc:apt as *utih per;ion shall tea iie a valid RintiEwoota dri,vve's li.eenye. in his possession and suo lent to the 1Lnitcatlonn as proscribed thereon. 3.02 - All vehicles shall be kept in Froud operation c,imtition by the licensee and the throw: 1h it;a app apriato agents and cniployees, is entitled to periodic inspaction3 -if ;Auc;h vehicles. All suck. vmhic;ies s r.all be numbercd And stikal kne marked so as to be easily identiell Isla ,as r©ntQd vehicles. ftge 07. June 7a 1965 - Cont'd. 3.43 - The licensee, his agents, or emuioyses, shall a xplaiiL the operation of such motorcycles or motL.•r scooter, including the cantro)ls, pedi.is, gears, and drakes o.L the pux-ticular vehilcle to he used by each persan leasing or usir the sante Prior to the titae when it is-snerated by such person. The lieartsee shall cull the attention of the lessen or brtilee to the tciwh degree of nv neuveraoility of a ctotor- cycle or wtor scnoter atA trio: lack of prc tection to the driver thereof if the venic; a is upset. 3.01 - Na r'entai n: motor sc;:aters and motorc yeles shall be Vermit ted by arty licensee between the no trs of 9:00 o'clock P. M.:.nd 8:00 o' clo::k n. Fe clip tiny uey. Section 4 - Investigation of Loocatt,n ; 4.01 _ The Chian' A Police sh tl]h. cause an investigation to be trade of 04, 2 tdraffic canditions prev;:iiir4 in the iumtede• to viei..rity of applizaant's prc.posel place of business and make a report there•af to Une Village Council. P.earti ct:..r att ei if ion Miall be given to su.-n traffi:: condi:tians on wzieke:tds 3::d halidays. Section 5 - 3,c rrti nof Motor Scooters and- Hatzrcycies , 5.01 - Art person opetratin;! C& mat-ar scoater or motor.:ycle within the Village of PlYTIOuLlt 31111:i.1: a. Allow any passenger to ride ,n such ret;;.ed lrehicie. b. Operate ax>+y su.:;n vehicle while standin.; on same or perform cuW ti rick ridirm, or operAe in uty maLtner othwr thr,n in a custcailary manner for operating such vehicle. c, operate arq such vcthicle upon. a:tv sidewalk in the %Iilla,-e of Plymouth. d. Operate any such vehicle upon wny public, street or public hi.gharay within the liilla,,e of P1yrcauth ;.brc,ast of arq o her parson riding or propelling a "tcyc'Le,, mrtorcyele or motor sc,a>tar. 5,0 - t•very person operating u motor s.:%-Aoter or tc.tare„c-e :Atkin. tt,e VilL. ge Af ?lymuuth shall observe -.., t rUVfic rules And re3;ulations appli..ble therato, shall n% -At Iiv&kH I turt.a, sF:all signal fir all turns, ride .it ttie ext rene ri, ;it hanO side of the street ,)r ha..-hway, quid steal pass to the left when overtaking other vehicles and p4dcstrioxcl tEt:.t are slower way irkt. Section c -Penlt w t .o1 , ntLy' perazn vi.olaLinsl, any cit' tite provisions of they sha” I be guilty at' a r;:i.zdenteanat, c.i;ct upan : onvintion thereof he punished by it .fine not exc:eedirx $100.00 or' inprisorunent tt.,4 exceedin: 90 dans. Suction 7 - r, ffectivo Vete: d .O1 - Tttiy !:dtntibnc:e 5ti,61 t &;t-) effect upon Un pussul;e and jNu`,)lik%RtiUn. Motion for ::deet ion of the ordinuno a was duly su con- ded. i%v !'ruoLc:r\ Sevi aur ;:tto upon vt,tc. icl ry t*eu we r efin the .f,Ulowl,rig vote:;! In i';4vkir E.ra..ic': Itiay r ti;;r+lc,;t, :.;!`E',;1 Curtis, tntn;ltltre/, y'Fatl.can unci S\vl1..ur. i'q ajmntt: lime ULted June; `i , t c. dl Tor PA6c J8. A tee 3 June 7, 1965. - Cont' d . Motion made by Mayor 3t4rles that ;ayrol' cneeks ew the nwntli of Vay, nurmcer d 3571 througe, 36:,4, t stal.in,;, ',a1d,229.83, be approved. Motion seconded by Trustee humphrey and passed by all Council nemoers noting aye. Dation made by T acquire either aluminum o level of the ponding area 4ueensland -Lane, .lso that it is necezeary. t;, lay tcie the ppmp. Motion secirried members voting aye. rusi.ee Hu: - M ey that the Vill&;e l inee:: r Ste l pipe f -Jr pumping .to lower tele watnr betaoen 8th Avenue and county toad 6 and easements be ootained far the area in t1ich pipe in order to dispose of t!,e w;:ter from by 'Trustee Curtis and. passed by 41 Courmcil n nation the . _eeting adjourned at 121:')5 o'clock A. M. i k% `t s h. T . Johnson, v'iila ;e Clerk. iso Payroll Checks 3571 Thru 304 Approved. Procedure for Lowering tuater Level Bet. Std! k Co. Rd. 6d. Queensland 4n. Va. m 09