HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 05-11-1965 SpecialPursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the 'Tillage of Plymouth, Minnesota, was dv.lgy held at. the VW7 &ge Hall on the 11th day of }1sy, 1965, at 7:34 o' clock P. K. Present: MAyor ytwelfs, Trustees Curtis, O'Fallon, Humphrey and Seviosr, the Village- Clerk and 44- togineer. Absent: None. , Mayor Sta;+" es called the meeting to or der . public Rjar- The meetint3 was called for a puolic nearing, in accordance with ing 45 official publication, for consioaration of the improvment of streets in tate Street ° n .Ya*\ 1905 Street Improvement Program, as set Out in the pulnlic J:ion. provemenLt The following; project numbers were deleted from acre hearing, as they were considered ttawarrwnted at the present time: co Lane Orchid Lane rd Avenue 6th \Pro e t No. 63-1G Covering ranti , , 3 , Avenue and 8th Avenue. Miminated as it was agreed fiat tre drainage problem should be accomplished first. Proleet Wo. 65=10,m Covering Shady View Lane. Cainsidered unwarranted at tree p wsent time., Project: ND N - Covering 19th Avenue North. Deleted as the necessity fur this portion of road has not been determined.. The hearing then continued on the streets ao be considered in the Improvement Program, as follows: Pict 6P_,_ 18 - Covering Zachary Lane, Yorktown Lane, Wel'UN.,ton Lane, 48th Avenue,49th Avenin:. Estimated cost w $33,445.0. The following residents objected to the improvement at the present time: Hessrs. 0:lson and hoggeman ora ;feliin-;tan avenue; 81,a'w.tc` and Weeg=i an 48th Avenue; Mr. Spencer of, 48th Avenue agreed to it if the improvement, would inciude Zachary Lane to Count,,r Road 9. With n;j 1%r1l.her comments, Mkyor Staples called the h.-oring closed. Prr: neat leo,. 64-1C - Caverir;4 Trenton Lung & 41st Avenue N and Revere Dane. Estimated cost - $272196.00. Hossrs. Jerwen, Oaz n)n, Dunsuier, Killer, Nelsen and Schmidt obJected to the improvement at the present time and ! petition signed by eleven participants from Revere Lane and 41st Avenue alindicated objection to the improvement at the preoent time. It was stated f!. -t if ; F.0 ;.iuNruvemtent were wade at the present time, possib.ie assesamwit of `orf S for the improvalitent taga ins' each lot of proposed abut- ting developments a ald be rade, but if the improvements were not agreed to at this time, the reisir!,.nts would 'Deur the entire Gast, Lis the developers of the new areas would be ;^ .,v:ln ; for the street. improverientg in,the new plats in accordance with the presp:°.L platting procedure. Wl''.h no further. conmtents, Mayor Staples deciare(? the hearing cloned. PzvJeect1 1 t - Zoverirr, Jonquil Lane. Estizated cost - U,814.00. Alta. Hollister questioned the project as he would like to know what the cistim,'ated co+;,t would be as at the presen, time this is not known on account of soil tests not bug ng m<lde fQr ;he turn-arouwd of thm road, and it oould be quite costly on acaoiuit all the depth of the peat where the turn -around ,is proposed to be con•v str'ucted. With nQ Purther conmcnts, r-, yor Staples d%ilarcd the henrink,, clos-id. Rro e t 6 t;: - Coverirtj Sycamore IAne, PLieview Lane, 27th Avenue, 27A Avenue and 28thAve. 'Worth. Estimated cast -• $4:.328.00. Mr, .bollor was non -committal; kessrs. Torensin ieb irth, Walter Johnsons Seaburg end Utter were in favor of tk e imrrovement. Mint of the reridants of ttas area were in favor of the improvesirn.L but th T were skeptical Us to whether it should be dene at the dt%esent time on act.ount of the possibilit4v of irtnitary seweru yeinpj instaLl,:.od within the r easonubli.y near future. Wil.h no turther• dis4usa1oll, hayor Staples declared the hmirin;v, Closed. parts 1. at17 2 0 E , Pito 2. 11, 196 nt, d Project 61 1C - Cover, in, Norwood Lane. Est1 mated cost - $12,833.00. 41r. Opsanl was the only one present for the hearing and he was in favor of the improvement. It was also a+.atltd that the Creekwood Heights Addition would be assessed for one-half of the cost of the improvement as they own the entire prooeIrty on one side of Lite road,, iiit.h no further discuaston, Staples declared the hearinG closed. Prop,act 6 -A - Covering Nathan Cans, Kilmer Iane, 27th Aven've and 28th Avenue. Estimated cost - $11,714.00. In this project, Nathan Lane was the only street considered for improve- ment and the ha.lance of the streets were dropped from the pry ject. George Anderson ated he would like to seu the street o:l-Ad and graded but was not in favor of tt<,. complete pmkject at tLie present time; also, Messrs. McCullough,Jnundson and Bri. wn expressed the same opinion. WV.ti no further discussion, Mayor Staples declared the hearing closed. P_2 ect 6i -1!E - w;overing 17th Avenue North. Estimated cost - $121,670.00. No one appeared for discussion of tnis project and Ma4ror Staples declared the hearin; closed.- o losed: Pro ert65-1F M Covering Ga lrview Lane. Letimated cost - $.20,415.00. Messrs. 4arson, Sundeen, Kramers =mss, Robob, Childs, Art LArson, Hermans, Kule4 p, degi.n, Kuzman, and Mrs., Laendecker, all opposed the improvement as they felt th,it this woula be one of the first sewer installation pmgraws and the street imrroveu ent should be delayed until the sewer installs%tion has been completed. With no further diucirssion, Mayor Staples declared the hearin; closed. Pro est -1G - Coverit 24th Avenue North. Estimated cost - $15,318.00. Tessrs. Fo il, Allison, L9,1beter anti Wuolle objected to the improvement atld also , petition gir,vned by eleven inaividuals in opposition to the improvement wam recei4 d. These residents felt that the rckid should be properly gradri wid the drainage pi )i*lems taken pare of first, and they would rather defer the improver at as there is a good possibility sanit&ry sewers will be installed in the area within the neer fa years. Witn no furtha r discussion, Mayor Staples declared the hearizi r closed. Project 65-111 - CovrrirlgPineview Lane. Estimated cost+ $120661.00. John Hartze.Ll presented a pet! tion reigned by seven res (lents objecting to thr irnprova.tent at trio present time as the;t felt that the sanitary surer would be installed reasonably a.)on and that at that time they would be agreeable to the street improvement, It leas also stated that thHy would be w`illilk; w absorb the cost of the necessary dreainage of the road at tito present time. With no Wrther discussion, i- yor StapIcs declared the heariltig closed. Project , Covering 'Troy Ikuie. Lot' ted %-ost - $21,56 .00. Mr. llivavd objected to the improvement as ire stated he had no need for it alttwugh he owns two lots, one of wh crii Lbuto t -ie street which, of course, he could dispose o' as goon its the improvement was made. Vince . Dombovy,, who is sub-dividiN, a tract into three lots, is in favor of the .improvem.t . 4ith rla fi.rther uiscussiun, Mayor Staples declared the hearing closed. Pr elect 64-111 - r overing H,60 Avenue North. Estimated cost - $91574.00. Mr. Ww.ver opposed the improvement until tiro exact c:tet is available. Jack Yqun,, stated "no ccmmitnrent" and Warren %lttlo.ff objected to the improvement. It was ttaGvd tc0.lt in this protect there waa the possibility of assessing a proacimately $75 ak*alnst each lot os the U'reentree Forest 2nd Addit-ion and the north ono -third of Imperi:i;. EUls Addition is the imps-oveneint were made, no the road would be of d tract bene'fi.t to une delrelopnent of thole additions. With no 4urthsr discussion, PUyor Starlein declared the Fie ;trim, cloa rci. Project b5 JJ - CoveritW, F'outttain Lane, a st iniated cast - $x., 217.00 . No one appeared to disc:usn thin iraptvvemEnt, and Mavar Staples dec:la.ret the hearing c.Losed. 1),@ 1965 - :o at d, ( • 1 Project 65-IK - tovering Garland Lanes iveresL Lame, 13th Avenue and 14th Avenue. Estimated cost - $14,486.00. Theodone Wolff pr.sent ed a petition in opposition to the blacktopping at the present tune t;ahich was signe+i by 18 residents. Messrs. Dickey, Naas, White and Musselzan, also rgistered their objections to the iUP rovement. This ar&h at the present time has i considerable drainage problem and they felt that same, med-,od of storm sewer installation stiould be made and teat if the road were graded are graveled it would satisfy tneion needs at the present time. With no ,flrther discussion, tf yoe Staples iioclared the .hearing closed. Pro eet 65-1 - Covdring Zanzibar t.Uane & 13th Av-nue, Estimated cost - $3,418.00. it:z no one appearing, to discuss the fmpro-oement, Mayor- Staple; declared the hearing closed. Protect 64-11 •- Covering 1.3th Avenue N'a:th. Letima Ald cost. - $21,374.004 In opposition to this improvement, there were two letters submitted by Xr. & Krs. Harry Anderson and Mr. & Mrs. Merrill D. Hasty, also opposed was Ronald Kroatz. S*a:cing in favor of true i.mprovE .ent we.NP Messrs. Wilson, 1r1oe, Burns, Ornat and ',wo other persons whose names were not rel-orded. Some of these people residing on t.,r south 34, :e of 1 jth Avenue stated they would be willing to assume the assessment :.o,.tt by considerin,, theirs as 110-1't, frontages instead of their present 85-ft. frontages, in order to aisorb some .of the cost, which wDuld be charged against the or tpvirty Pn the north ride of 13th Avenue. The lots be- tween 12th and 13th Avenuo3 .in kris area are 4540 fte in depth and if this street could be improved they c-,u, d dispose of the north one-half of their lots, %llich would be to ,.he' -)cher lots in the audition to the south. With tia furt:°er w •7cussion, Mayor StAlges declared the hearing closed. ice i ect 65-1Ai - Covering kin hview Lane. Estimated cost - $22,681 .00. Hessrs. Carlstr)mt %uid Roberto were in frvor of the bituminous surfacing provided proper drainage was taken care of. In oppo5i cion to the improvemennv were Messrs. Sastmau, Lang, `-Lolstead, dhest(:r, Baker and Meyer. The people in opposi- ion stated there is a poasibilit,, of satLk:any sewer being installed in the reasonably near future and that. tc.e drair..ge prioblsm should be remedied for the area, at wi:ich tune th.W felt, Mien this was. accomplished, they would be agreeable to the bituminous :surfacing uf, road. With no further discu,3aion, K-4or Stapley declared the hearing closed. hearings having, been hal 1 on all the aroposed projects, it was agreed that the Council. wo,tld take all th1• improvements under consideration and a decision wuuld be wade for each projEc.t in U a near future. On motion tete m ieting ad, ou,^ned ut 1;15 o'clock i1. K., 1'iV 12', 1065. Vill:ao l .erk . J