HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 05-10-1965o 0 2P66 MLT 10. 196T p'orroaaf to dee `call and nrrtuta thereat a regular met lips i of the Village Council of the ,Village -of Pl mouLti Minnesota, was r o'clock P. M. Presents M Wor Staples, Trustees Curtis, O Pa]lon, MLT 10. 196T 16 Village Council on My 1C, 1965, reconmending the gra 4". bass work and bituminous surfacing of the following street, to -vitt Queens- land Line from the South village limits to 6th Avenue North, NOW THERMRE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUMIL OF THE E VII -IIA OF PLYM11% t 01. The Council will carloiuer the aforesaid improvement in accordance with the report and the assessment of pro- perty abutting* or within said boundaries for all or a portion or the cost of the improvement pursuant to K.S.A. Sec. 429.011 to 429011a 11, at. an a etimat ed total cost of the improvea•ru as shown. 2. A public hearing shall be he'.13 on such proposed im- provownt on the 14th day of June, 1965, &t the Village Hall, in the Village of Plymouth at 700 o'clock P. K. Central Dayligbt Tine. The Village Council shall give published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by latr.11 Kotif)n for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly, teconaed by Tru9tes Curtis and upon vote being token thereon the fallowing voted in favor thersoft "r Staples, Trustee Curtis& O'Fallon, Humphrey and Saviour. Againswt None. Whereupon said resolution Was decla duly passed and adopted. Dated May 100 1965. h. Atteat t p'orroaaf to dee `call and nrrtuta thereat a regular met lips of the Village Council of the ,Village -of Pl mouLti Minnesota, was duo held at "the Village Hall on the 10th duy, of Ray, 1965 at 7130, o'clock P. M. Presents M Wor Staples, Trustees Curtis, O Pa]lon, and Sevi.our, the Village Clerk, Attornq r, and Kr. Jim Orr, on Walt of Bgil Wafald j Village legineer. YWyor Staples called the aaeting to order. In the absents of a cl•rgyaan tc give an inw,aatory pro; era Mayor Staples requested the Council a.n d audience Vv rise for a mastsnt of silent prayer. Copies of they utm tss of the regular eating of Kay 3, 196% as nailed to each CouncUlAu-i, were approved. Copies of the Atnutos of the special sweeting of the VII.1 19 Council of )Ia1 58.1965, as mailed to each Councilman, were approved. asoetadstion to Trustee, Mumphrq stated that he wished to gaud the pblico) pblicse do Fire Deptse and Fire DeptAmants for the efficient and, piaMA dervice and caspera-'. Re. O%rnadoss tion they gavV to the neighborias ca emities of the Qillage'of PISM"h, including Fridley+ Minnetonka Beach and Navarre, , duriv& the cataArsplie that struck these com mities on May 6. !lotion seconded by T mates Saviour and Wood by all Council Cambers voting aye. Trustee O'Fallon introdnoed the following resolution and moved its adoption: ke.,. sol: t on 65m32ii ION N0. 65-39 Receiring Report & Calling RMMTIQ.N FMMYiNG iMRT AND CAILM3 for Pub. Hearing Re. Gradinf, FOR pub T1s. Wk. A Surface,i' Queensland Lane. 111i13A$AS, a report has been given by the Village *givssr to the 16 Village Council on My 1C, 1965, reconmending the gra 4". bass work and bituminous surfacing of the following street, to -vitt Queens- land Line from the South village limits to 6th Avenue North, NOW THERMRE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUMIL OF THE E VII -IIA OF PLYM11% t 01. The Council will carloiuer the aforesaid improvement in accordance with the report and the assessment of pro- perty abutting* or within said boundaries for all or a portion or the cost of the improvement pursuant to K.S.A. Sec. 429.011 to 429011a11, at. an a etimat ed total cost of the improvea•ru as shown. 2. A public hearing shall be he'.13 on such proposed im- provownt on the 14th day of June, 1965, &t the Village Hall, in the Village of Plymouth at 700 o'clock P. K. Central Dayligbt Tine. The Village Council shall give published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by latr.11 Kotif)n for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly, teconaed by Tru9tes Curtis and upon vote being token thereon the fallowing voted in favor thersoft "r Staples, Trustee Curtis& O'Fallon, Humphrey and Saviour. Againswt None. Whereupon said resolution Was decla duly passed and adopted. Dated May 100 1965. h. Atteat t 1 S, Mai 10,--- 1965 - C06' d luta and movedtisyorstaples1ntroduc1Fitheiollo+R&Z resp oA CallingitsadptiQn:or S• /Z1 R1Gi1PfiQD 1u. 6 0 Re. 0VU0"Al MAM B A F6M ON CW M A SPECIAL VIIIAGT E LEUw TION TO DMKIM kWTW- OR NOT THE VIUAGE CF PLCO= S}1 ILL ADOPT OftIONA'L MAN B FOE M QOVffiWX OF THE 9111 Aftw 0 SEAS, the Village, Council of Lthe Village of Plymouth has received fm a duly desifneted committee of cttisene to stud goverment revision a recoomwdation that the Valage adopt the CouneilAmager roam of govern- mosnt "(Optional Plat H), and WAHjjjASv said cf=ittee haw farthOr recommended that the question of oether the Village should ado wit such Berm of govertmvnt should be at-bmit- ted Ito the voters oft the Village at a ejieeial election, ww MMR&, BE IT KMV, RESOLVED HT THE VII"" COUNCIL OF THE lrzx'GE OF PLYI=s KIRMOTA, AS F=fSt 1. That a special village election be hold on Junes 8, 1965, on the question of whether or not the Allage of PlymPuth should adopt titre Council41bnager forst of government (O)tional Plan Hf: 2. Pursuant to tale provisions tf Section :412.551, Subdivision 20 Minnesota Statutes, the foim sof the ba:J.ot in such special elec- tion shall_ read as follows: : 1%= OPTIONAL PIAN B, PiOVIDINu FOR THE 00UYCr64A=ER FORM OF VIU AGE GOVERNHWO AE ADaPr000 JPM VE GOVk ` NT OF THE ti'II GE'?' YES NO 3. The Village Clerk Is directed to ciautse such ballots to be pre- pared, to provide polling places and election judges and to do all things required in tha same fashion and w,nner as for a general vil" lagit election. " Motion for adoption of the fore• •nin,g .resolution woo duly seconded by I tustae Humphrey and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in Iravor thereof Mayor Staples, Trustees O'F'allon, Humphrgr and Seviour. A&L wt t `trustee Curtis. 11 Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adoptak:. L4,t ed Mair 100 1965. e A. A f Attestt • r r Re. Correction Messrs. Hall, Clhristoomrson are Iarson appeared to discuss the of Flooding • flooding problew in the vivinity of Orchid Lane, tkantico Lune an {rd Orchid, auantict Avenue. The Engineer edvistd that the the had been layed across the Inns. do 3rd Ave. pro1wrty as stipulated at the previous Gounoil meeting and Francis Baiter, Fire Department Chief, stated that he will attempt to obtain a pump tti, 2V _. Re. nwr tl,tb A4ae tuti. Re. C irection of nolaung at 1 -5th vwiue & Pnhr _e+r We. 1j;:Al ) ov. Platt & Centract Appr'd. Meador Lake Acres W ".(Lie N', D. Shaw). Resolution 65- j1 Interstate Fen,:, - U% Along 4940 4 Re o1 ti.on 65m42 1raffic Signs r?evic es Or Int er- atate 494, Ago lox 1265 m, CA"Ide 1 start pumping in tto ax efi the nest day, f at all possible. ; Mr. Merrill Swanson of Garland Lane, representing the area on 14th .Avsnue, appeared to discuss their flooding problem. It wsa agreed that the Bagineer would attOmpt to obtain pimps as soon at possible and, put tees iAto aperation to attempt to a111p- viate their prcbls. Dale Kennedy, 112710 - 13th Avenue$ appeared to discuss his water probleas, It was agreed that the Road superintendent would obtain new culv vrtb to replan the present culvert on. 15th Avenue and the Pineview Lane vicinity, by installing, a :.arger cul- vert in the wore proper direction for the floc• of the w %ter in order to attempt to alleviate their drainage problelL. Motion made by Trustee Curtis ti: a"t. tho'§ Road Superintendgat be ,iutharised to Obtain the necessary culvert ani have it installed on 15th ,Avenue and Ptaeview Ione as soon as possible. Nation secau- ded by Mayor Staples and ;eased by all Council =tubers voting ays. lotion rade by Mayor Stapies that the Final Dewelopt mt Plan anu Contract of Willi= D. Shaer, developer, covering dgvesop- neat of Keador Lake Acres 2nd Addition be approved and Lhc+ the Mayor and Village Clerk be ^- nprixed to sign said contract. Motion seconded by Trustee Saviour and a9eced by all Council ambers, voting aye, Trus: re KwOrav lntroth,ed the following resolution and moved ito adoptiout RE30LLUTION N0.6 5,w4l EMEMEWOEPQ RESOWrION RT INTERS;ATF FMIM ALOIS 494 Notion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Trustee 0' Fallon and upon vote Lf,4q; taken tharnon the following voted in favor therec f z Mayor Stap en, Trusteer, Curtis, O'Fallon, Humphrey and Seviour. Against: None Wereupon wild resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated VAy 10, 1965. / ,, . 0 1 , Attest: w L Village eek Trustoo Humphrey introdta.aed the following resolution w4 moved it,. adoption: RiS=TION RE.. TRAFFIC STUNS 6 DEVICES FCR 191MATb 494 Motton, for adoption of the foregoing resolution vue duly wounded by Trustee C' Fallon i4nd upon vote beiN taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Stapl;m, Trustege Curtis, 0 t Fallon, Humphrey and Sevio,z . Against ,% Nonh. Whereupon said reeoluti.in was dgel std duly pRemed ind adW isd. Dated May 10j, 196h. y Y , / Attest: . 'Alc U loge r R r yy-- L a ) W 10f ;. f 965 ontd * 1 n Trustee itwrphra lntrodur d the following resolution and sorted Its adqptions n r ME0101 Y0. 65-43 Re. ConmtmaLian ,Platt tI0 i R8. CMTRUC IN PLANS FM for e, C`cmrete Pwaw PAVOM AM Sh4tWfWMEREh 9h uuldere, Ikrteretate Zlr'rBA4UM eoe - 494. n Motion for, -adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly adoeon- dad by Trustee 0141 on and upon vote bai,ngtrken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Mryw Staples, Trustees Curtis, 047il.loa, HumphAW and Saviour. Ajtafnst A gone. her*upon said resaution was iieclared duly seed and adopted. Darted May IQ./19650 _ , Ott Afs/ ROW ZAIWWj Mayos Mr. O'Toole, 2870 Uvenreen Zane:, appeared to register a eom- Set;, OpPwait10a plaint against the proposed 4redging of Htdicine Lake in his vicinity to Dredging, Medid by Hui Haller for a proposed iW.e for multiple dwellings. I cies Lk., 28th Motion made by Trustee Curtie ' that the Village Clerk be Avoo A Eve tgreen authorised to direct a letter to the Kinaesota Department of COMWTation We Vicw,ty* registering an ob;jectioi to the dredging of the lake in the vicinity of 26th Avi nue aW 4ergraon Lane, as it trod leave the present reaidents in a peninsula And would be sub3ect to sw rero drainage problems and ice damage fr;am the, lake in the spring of theyear on aecour t of the narrow strip of and which would be emliletely surrounded by water on three sides, Motion seconded by Trustee Seviour and passed by all Council memkors voting aye. Motion made' by Trustee l urtij, teat the contract between the Rot Rv Rooter Co. V ,4,jage at PlAouth wW the Noto ?taottlb Service Company covering tha Ccare;ract Appre4., hauling and dieposir,e of sanitary sewage in accordanoe with the epeaifj-1 Diuposa. of cations of January 22,) 1965 from the Iii=eapolis Industrial Park property Santctary Sewf4p), be approved. Matkun akvonded by Y-4tor Staples and passed by all Council mambwte voting aye. Notion made by Trustee Hojmllhrey that the Village Clerk be in V. Uerk in 4hge complete charge of all acco(anting aW inventory procedures for the Lich or Store Plymouth MVsnicipal Liquor Wore operation. Motion seconded bur Trustee Acc':,g., Invator, Curtis an4 passed by all 611ncil members voting aye. Motion made hY Maj -or Staplos that checks cAehed by the Munici- Pror'tedure Out- pal Liquol: Store be pr.)per4 endorsed and, that the driver's license he linid for Accep- written tnareon (of the, perbon presents% 1,he chuck), at the time of any tamse of Us,, at purchase; anO that mN chock be accepted Tram wW purchaser where a previous 14quor Store. violstign has been, committed,% and that a ,letter be directed to the Manager of the liquor Store setting out these rtgaireuarit s. !lotion seconded by Trutteo Humphrey. f, Motion made by Trustee Humpnray that rho preceding motion be v xendeO and that T r+isti+e 0' F Allon, Chaiiman of tho Liquor Stare Committee, discuqs these matters with the Managor of t1 v Uq!aor Store prior to the ser&,t;g of the notice in the preceding mol ion. Motion, seconded by Trusted O'Fal,jcoa and pser•ad by ali, Cgiuncil member4 votirj; aye. 'the precedIM ra0ti0A b ing apprpved by all Council membors 1 ot ng aye). e 4 c WN lot 16 40 co #d r , c. 1` Opening Motion made by Tw,btee Humphrey that 0penietg of M.. How G' spools ELc.) Ccsspoole and Septic Tank lioease How i'3 to iledici.n v lake Stein Ppvad. (eJeel. Tice Clttaning ;company be approved, liotaoh seconded by 11ilor Maples Co and peep ed L all Council a sabers , voting aye. pecial U" , emit Mot:Lan made by Trustee %seviour than Special" Use Permit, ppvd. (Xidl to Neil C. Wiehterm r for tie restcmal of peat soil from his pro- ieht erau r) . party in the 1J and of Sec. 8w)1842 be renewed'. for one year, from Nay 5, 1965. Notion secondeO. by Trustee Curia and passed by i sLl Council members vottAg Oye`. ase A 4 B P1bg. Motion made bit Trustee ii grey that ?1=bing and SsWW Ur. Loc. 357licenses for 1965,-•21i656, Class W and "BIN, rr4tibered 357 throv 0, gb , Appvld. (Exe (excep:ing No. 360)1. be approved. NbtiOn seconded by Trustee Serid=r Fred passed by all Council o bars voting w1s. 1551',9et4ack Notion made by Trustee oleviour;;:hat. a sat4ack waivitr of taiver AppvId. 15r iron the required 50' for Lot'15, flock 5, Birchwood Est4es L. 3,, B,l, Ss Addition, be approved. Kotion seconded by Trustee Humphr4W Ud i Eire woo Fit. _ passed ba all council members voting eye. Aekeiberd & Assoc. Notion maaf, by Mayor Staples that Aekerbarg and Appv'd. as Con- tasociatea, Inc., ardAtects, be engared as consultants for saltuts for the dkilding Inspector in connection with consultation with ' E11dg. Ins P. reference to building co structions, requirements, and wmaomais tions of co=ercial and Udustrial plana, for an indeterminate term, subje6t to the Council. Motion seconded by Trustee Sa iuur nd passed by all Council m vbers voting aye. On motion the me.et.iNv, adjourned at 11:15 o'clock P. N., OAt Ile0 H. T. Johnson, Village Clerk. tr a t a Y . s