HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 05-03-1965I leta- ec. 0 n W PAY..,. 6 pursuant to duffs cA,l, a,ad notice thereof a regular m+eetiAg of the laillo,Se Cornucil of the Village of Flymouth, ' Kinneaota, was duly held at the Vf111'e Ha;U on the 3:d day of „49 1965, at 7x30 o'clock P. He Present: &wtr Stapltn, Trustees Curtia, OfFallinn, hutphrey and Seviovr, the Vill;ge Clln*, H ger and Attr r-Pey. Absent a WJ nee Mayor `staples, called 1':,j meeting to order, In tie cbsenoe of a c: Hyman to give an invocatory prayer, Kuyar aplee rdxpe.ted the Cowrcil aj,t audience to rise for a went of silex}t er. (; opies of this mint es, .;'X the reGpular meeting of April 191 19651 as sailed. to each Councilman, w ;iv approvee, Douglas Sagas, reprei sti.no - t)+il.,rrfi idents of Quavaslaand Lane from th• N6rth bounda]y of the City of i iaygaLa, was present to discuss the Jj6provement of Gbwensland jai. i. After discussion, It was agreed that the iaprovesent of Queensl a d Lane should be included in tt 1965 Street Wrovement program and t4ate the Engineer prepare a pr;iAinary report after which the followiN resolution was presented. Trustee Ol allon introdace: the 'following resolution ort 0 257 moved its adoption: Resolution 6 RESOLUTION N0. 65:Z Re. ympzrvmew Queensland Lane. RE;rfJON OI DRUNG PREPARATION OF REPORT ON 21 ROUN iT MUT1 qt, it is proposed to : rprova j enaland Ian ,+ from the Sauth village limits to 6th Avenue tort i by grading, case 16-4rk and bit=inous surfacing atrA asbeas the abutting property for all or a portion d the cost of the improvement, pursuanx to M.S.A. Chap. 429-011 to 429.111, NOW THERE RSR RE 1T RM)LVXD Bl THE COUNC47L OF THE V111AU OF PLYK=H: That the proposed iaprov=en W be referred to the Village Ugineer for st%.udy and that he is ins'tnioted to report too the Council with all convdkniunt areed, advise the Counc l in a preliminary way as to whether the pouposed imprsvement is feasible a;n.i ass to %nether it should 'peat b.., made ata pop000d or in connection with some other improvement and the eatiwLed cost of the Imprq reme nt as recoavaeuld ed." Motion far adoption c! :he foregoinj resolution wits duly seconded by Trustee HumphrqF and u, on +t beim, taken thereon tl,lte following voted in favor thereof: YAror ,Stapleai, Ti-stees Curtis, 0 Fanta, Humphrey and Saviour. AE;ainsta None„ Whereupoo Bald res AUL in was declared duly cased and adopted. DatedDat%W 39 1965. I 0 Residstnts from Uto wacinity of Quantico and Orchid lanes and between. 3rd and 6th Aveywis appeared with reference to alleviating the drainage problem in their area i* ;,vnstruction of store, sewers. To all,lvia te tits problem t emporarill , it was agrotd thal'. an attempt will be wAs to obtain eit ter iron piv; i or clay tile to loy across private property and then pump watox from, bhe area and attompt to lower the Re. Stay= Sewers Quantico & Or- chid, Oet. Std 6th Ares. Page L v 0 3s t96S • Od,r, the presoWC water levia As a permatia at solution, it was a6rio i that the) Austallation of atom some] 'eystaa is the 'ea?,T aa_r to , the pros jo n and the t4llowing spoke tom- favor of obtain' &"I tional cost rnformati)* for further +:Omideration:t1fhris- tppherb;,% Dr, W: L 1. Thams, Donald "Ott,, Curtis son, 1411. Gladys Sor"an, and Gerald Hail. The following resolution WA In swooned r"st,ing that the v!Uage E&Winser prepare porolimi n ry reports an the proposed storm serw in"•,tallation. Trustees Curtis introduced the following revolution." mored its adopts=: so] >n en b • ' ,ON -: 65-36 ls, U);u Swer I:gprove- 1TION OfMM= PFWARATMN sent, %iantice A Ch chid OPIsis. Bet, 3rd do 4th Aves. 14., Drat zge Area. _.., OH O I tlH IRW, it is lurwposed to. Improve the diminago, 4M ij the vicinity of Quantico Lbnd and F.id Lane bet+seen TbArd .AvMuellertb and Fburth Avenue Noioth by the im"lUtien of a storms severer and asuess the appropriate d.^minags distr,.at for all or a portion of the cost of the improvewnt, pursuaant to K.S.A. Qhap. 1129.011 to O.fil, NOW THUMBS, BE IT ,PWOLYID 8I THE COM CIL OF TkM VULU;E X PIYIIOUTH : That the proceed improvement be referred to the Village Engineer for study and that he is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed, advise Wi Ccw cil in a preliminary Was, to whether the proposed improvement, is feasible aW as to whether it) should best be mode as Proposed or in connection with some other improvement and the estimated cost of the improvatent as recommended.• Lotion for adoption of the fbrsgoing resolw:3lov was dray seconded by Hayo: Stables and upon vote being taken t,heroon the, fol- lowing voted in favor thereof& kayos Staples, Tmstess Curtis, O'Fallon, Humoirey and Saviour. Against: None. 1horeupon said resolution was decl7",# duly passed anti adopted. Dated May 3, 1965. , A . 1 Attest am Re. S:wago Die,, Vic":or Gruman of J. Gruaun Steal Compare appeared tq discuss posal, Gruman the possibility of the disposal of a4mL8e from his operation Into the steel Co. Village of P11mOuth serer outlet which flak% into the Golden q14 -111W system. The Village Attorney and BN;ineer stated that a eeordims to the terms of the contract between tho Village of Plymouth and GglAwn Valley covering the disposal of eew%e, it would not 4 possib'!.t to accommodate the Grum Steal CompWx as We scavenger omrst'Lon is limited to eerie only areas whore "Ucipal stwers arc J. talbled r„nd are n 4- to be used in the scavenging of mW priv*te cesspools or septic vwiks. It was kgreed that Mayor Stapl os direct a letter to !!r. U4etacl, N&Wer for the Village of Golden yallay, as to the jlossibI1- ity of making a direct sewer connection from the G uman Stead.%T operation to the Golden Valley weusr slretem. has c 25'9.: 3, 146 - Cont I d w A requont was made by the Minneapolis Industrial. Park Corpo"tion for Pe. Rezoning the rezoning from residential to industrial of certain lands in Section 27 Sec. 27 & lata and certain lots in Parker Lake Gardena Addition. A public hearing was in Park*r Ukdr- held by the Plymuth Village Planning Commission in aczordance with offs- Garden Addn. cial pA.Uication on April 15, 1965 , with reference to rezoning the Frogeeq at which tine no one appeared in objection to the rezoning, Trustee liusph v'o,T Introduced the following ordinance and moved its adoption: QRDIN;sNC5 N0. 65-11 Ordinan ie A5-mtf Pt. Sect. 27 AN ORDIU= TO IN JDE WMrN rHE INDUT. rRWj ZOIbm Lots 1 °1'luri 6 ING CZASSIFICATIOK FOR THE VUJAGE OF PLYAOUTH : Parkers lake CERTAIN PROI'P,RTY IN SECTION 27 T-%IWS .f IP 1180 RhICE Gardena j ddn. 22, AND LOTS 1 THROWN 5 AM P.•.RT Wr LOT 6, PARYU for K.I.F. LAME G.ARDWS ADDITION, AND TlitX 3RE ArL;ir'DINO .. ' ZONIX ORDINANCE OF TIE M",,ib OF The Village Counc!.l of the Village of Fly mouti doea ;hereby ordain as I' lows: Section 1 - Section 14 of Plymouth Village Zoning Or'_iinancet No. 2 an amended r is hereby further amended by adding to ad inaludirg within said p• Section 14 the following described paracls: The Last 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of tk.e Southwest IA of Section 279 Township 118, Re: go 240 and jots 1, 2, al, 4, 5 and.that part of lot 6 lying East of Interstate Highwi V Na. h94.v all .r. ftrker lake Gardens;, according to the map or ;4At thereof on file t or of record in the office of the B*gister of heeds in nd for Hennepin county, Minneawta. sire, Section 2 - The Village Clerk is horeby authari*ed and directed to chime is and imend the zoning map of the Village of Plymouth so as to sk show the abovemdeerribed parcels as coned "industrial'". Section 3 - This pru;nance si all become effective upon its passage and p iblic%tion. Motion for odopt »on of the foregoliv ordinance was duly seca!vded by Mayor Staples andupon trate being; taker, thereon the following voted in favor tiereof: -Kty%? Staples, Trustees Curtis, O'Fallon, Humphrey and r, Seviour. Againstr None. Dated May 3, '965. , or ( a ' Attest t lAge Jerk Harold Ernst, the Village Assessor, appeared at the requee, of H. arrnst Re. Mayor Staples to discuao the method of assessing property, after which all Aasessing uC:l questlons were clu,rifie4 to tho Council's satisfaction. Keth.,ds Motion made by .XRrvr :staples that the proposed layout of the traffic Re. Traffic In- n.is• inuerehange at Coundy Road 18 and kidgemount Avenue, as reconviended by the torch a Co. kn:1ca Village t •sneer in his aimoratndum dated May 3,ty65, be approved. Lotion Rd ig & ;tidge- t seconded by Trt.stee humphi ey cuid pusood, by all 4ouncil members voting aye. mount No 3. rr 0 it. Dog 143 e0-ipg Ohdisanc e. 1% 12' Sideline Waiver i,FPvIds, 11 0 Oak- 3vtew (D. 11ouning). Special Use Permit Apprr'd. (Greenhouse) L. Busch, 4031.' Hwy. 101. Re. Village Elec- tion (Ch a of Government. k„1: Ca_ Rgcosmendati'm and suggestions for a proposed Dos Leashing Ortinaace prepared. by'rte Plyieouth Dog LeaMing Ordinance Study Committee were prese:tted Jo the Council and explained to the public by Philip Eckes, Chairman's of th* Caaittes. Considerable, discussion ensued with the primat,r objection being to any type of dog leashing ordinance, which the`fsllowing spoki against: Mr. & Mrs. Vern Carlson, Messrs. Qement i and Christopherson, Joycc hayes, Donna (ustafson, and Clifford WarfAeld. . pvtitlbn eras presented AM read in objection to a Dog Leashing Ordinance, said petition being signed IV approciahtely 45 individuals. Several stated that it be- comes almost impossible to keep a doC on a leash continuously &a they become such more vicious and would have a tendency to bite sone,*teal whereas if thW are permitted to run i)ree, they are frierWly. Other recomendatioLs were that the question be put to a vote by the resiM, dents and al'o to possibly increase the license fee which might eliminate a good portAon of the unwanted dogs after they have bola picked up. After considerable discussi r s, the followiag; notion was presented: Motion made by Trustee Courtin that the proposed ordi- nance submitted by the Dog Leashing ordinance Study Com #tee, and the petition objecting to the Dog Leashing Ordinance, be Accepted, and that the Council consider the recommendations by the pablic in attempting to come up with a solution to the problem at a later date. Motion seconded by Trustee Saviour and passed by all Council members voting ave. Motion made by Mayor Staples that the request of Daniel R,ontZitig for a wa ver of 2 it,, in the sideline requirement it order to build an attached garage -to his home at 1.330 Oakview Lane !gib approved. Motion seconded by Trustee O'Fallon and passed by al Council members voting aye. Motion made by Trustee lwnphrey that a SFsecial Use permit be granted to Leonard Busch for the erection of a greenhouse upon his property at 4015 Highway 101, in accordance with the pian sub- mitted and apprr)val of ;he Building Inspector. Motion s econded by Trustee Saviour and passed by all Counc_1 members voting a,:a. A letter dated April 29, 1965 from Alan J. Noble, Chair man of the Citizens Committee on Government Revision was read by Mayer Staples, in which it was recommended that s Village kaection be held on May 24, 1965 fo% the purpose of receiving approval for a change in Village government from Plan A to Plan B. There -was oppo- sition to this dates, as it was not legally possible nor fc; `iole to have the election within that time. It wa3'also felt that the public had not been sufficiently informed as to the advantages or disadvan- tages and that the election should be held at the regular Village 4ection in December, whan more residents would be interested it. turning out to vote. Motion made by Trustee Curtis that at! election on a pro- posed Chant;e of Government from Plan A to Plun 11 be head at the General kZuctio,a in Denamber, 1965. Motion seconded by Truetes hevic M and passed by the following -rating in favor thereof: Tri*steel C,'urtis and Seviour. Opposers &Vor Staples, Tritatean O'Fallon and Humphroy. Notion died. Motion made by Mayor Staples that the Village Attorney be directed to prepare a resilution for presentation at the reg%, ar Council meeting on W 10, 1965 requesting ghat a special vi;.lage Election, be held on June g, 1965 for the purdoie of voting upon a Change of Governmont from Plass A to Pl i, k Fs,Aon ecconded by 0 May 3, 1965 Cont d. c Trustee Humphrey and passed b • the following voting in flavor thereof: Mayor kaples,.,'Trustees O'Fallon and Humphrey. Oppused: Trusteis Curtis and Se"iour. Mot ion carried. Motion made by Trustee r;-rt,is that approval of the crostrsc- Construction tion plans for the cloverleaf i::t %'xchsr-e at 't',Zrnk highway 3; and Co. Plans Appv'd.ff.r Road 18, as recommended by 'the Vil_&,e: Lngineer in his memo dated May Cloverleaf 0 ;S j.; i365, be granted, Motion seconded by Trustae Sevioar and passtsi by 4 Co. Rd. 186 all Council metabers ••^ting aye. 201 Set -FrankMotionmadebyTrustedGtr -tis that a set -back waiver of 20 ft. from the regr,ired 50 ft. be anpr oved for Let t 1, Block 3, 16reentree Forest waiver Ap.7v'd. 2nd Addition, Motion seconded by Trustes Humtptnrey ar4d PARsed by all L.11, Bl e 3, Council members voting aye. Green. Fcr.Zvi. Mr. Bonestroo of Ennestroo, Rosene & Associates, Inc. presented a contract setting out the costs for preliminary investigation and report. on sanitary sewer prc. jects covering various areas as follows: Part A: From the east boundary to Trunk Hwy. 494 $?,2=. Boneatroo,Rnsen Part B: From Trunk Hwy. 491. to Dunkirk Lane 31500900 & Assoc. Cor;- Pa..vt C: From Dunkirk Lane to the west ba-andary 3,'0000 tract Re. Sat -,ii tary Sewer in the above areas being in tt.e south one-thi.-d of the Vi-lage. Various Areas, A 5. Part D: Being several contiguous areas north of the south one-third, and being platted and develop- ing areas of about t;wn full sec t.lons '^ I4. 00 Total cost of all protects - - - - -• - - - - - $ 16,500.(:0 It was also stated that these reoort.s I;ould be available by approximately July 1, 11,65. Contrac Ac - After rque consideration, the :°ollowir- n!- tion was pressr.` ed: Motion mde by Trr,stae hunphrt that the proposed itract ceding out cepted. the proposed costs and fees for additional sere: ces . ie accepted. !ia ion seconded by Trustee Seviour autd passed by all 4ouncil members voting .k!e. n ma -do by AUy=ear• Staples that Ionnatroc, Rosene & Asso lutes, Inc. he directed to f::tapare a creliminary investigation and rep(:t for a sanitary sewer sys ta;i for the %rea identified as "Part All in their can - tract. Motion seconded by Truat' a humph4rey and Ex.sved by all Council me:rbers -rutin ; aye. Motion made by Trustee .iumphrey that the r•eouc.,it of A. & N. Construction company i`r a buil&.rg permit for an cid iition Vo Tide Pla.- house Campany buildin;; at, 15:131 , lghway 55 be app.-•av .d, qu._tiect to the requirements of th4 Building impactor; also that set.-t_ick :rawer be granted ror the ' ocati n of the `ouildi rt,.; in accar %.tXe write. +mart% surrey sulmdtted with the buildirig purm .t re ;asst. Motion G t.conded by Trustee Seviour- and passed b„ all %joun.il manbers vo,' int; Motion made by Trustee Seviour tate _request .)f the J.ur,es Loac:k Company .for a permit La erect the Joh, aon t#ax Gomminy bui.WRi at 2905 Highway 55 be approved, subject t . the roqui rwuistrto of the .3u.1' d int; Inspector. Motior nded by Staples 271, passed by &11 Council a Embers votil.r t fie. Motion made by Trustee Saviour that tete nicest of Lrncst, K. Q Anley Construe tion Cuntpany, Inc. fir & permit to creat ars adcit to.i to tate. t.tildin; )f the t)eVac Company at 10M :._t;hwv "5 be 4pprilv1d, auu- ject to the .r*%quir.....unts of the i:tllditW ; otion ,ccfcrtri•d by Trustee Qrrtie and pa5oed by Lhe fo' lwirgq t;rail; rte; it uvor thea d)ft Trustees rurti s, O'Fallun, liumpjirciy and Stvv'.our. Abn',,;, i.ttvj: 1\Salkor Staples. Sol, --Flick Waiver Addition Appv' 1. , 'era Playhouse. t )lit ;,. .:\\ t . .. 0 "jL Johnson Wix Co. Bldg. Appv'd. DeVuc 4uilding r.py ro v ed , Page 5'. 262 Set -Back Waiver Motion made by Trustee Eiumph ey that the request of Donald Appv'd, L. 5, B1. 1 Roderick for a waiver of 10 ft. or the 50 fte set -back requireosant:. Oakwood H. 1st for I.ot 5, Block 11, OPkwood Hills 13t Addition be approved. Motion D. Roderick)* seconded by Mayor Staples and passed by all Council. members voting aye. sign Permit Appv'd; #252, J. Begin. Sign Permit: Appv'd., #253, LeRoy Signs. Pafroli Checks 3498 Thru 3570 Appv'd, Motion made by Mayor Staples that Sign Permit two 252 to Jerome Begin for the erection of a sign at 12615 County Road 9 be arproved. Motion seconded by Trustee Seviour and passed by all Council. members voting aye. Motion made by Trustee O'Fallon that Sign Peruit No. 253 to LeRoy Signs, Inc. for the erection of a sign for Mammoth Indu'ltries be approved. Motion seconded by Trustee Humphrey w d passe} by &11 Council members voting aye, Motion made by Trustee Curtis that Payroll checks for the month of April, numbered 34913 through 3570, totaling $12,573.24, be approved. Motion seconded by Trustee Humphrey and passed b;v all Coun- cil•members voting aye. Trustee Curtis introduced the following re%ioluti.on and moved its adoption: Resolution 65!!.37 escinding Reso. Re. Subdivision of Pt. of L. 19, Greer's Orth. Tracts, a Pass 6, RESOLUTION NO. 65-37 RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION N0, 59m RELATING TO A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF LOT 190 GREER' S ORCHARD TRACTS WHEAS, the Village Council did, at a regular meeting held on lune 2, 1959, adopt a resolution authorizing one Mr. Simon to sub- divide the Wt 100 feet of the South 150 aeEi; of Lot !q, Greer's Orchard Tracts, and WHEREAS, it now appears that said Mr. Simon at no time has had aty claim to or interest in said Lot 19, and WHEREAS, said Lot 19, Greer's Orchard Tracts has in fact never been so subdi vid&j and WHEREAS, it appaar°) `hat the resolution of June 29 19599 was in error and should not l.a`•e pertained to said Lot 19; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HMaY R'ct`3OLVkM BY VE VIL,f.AGS COUNCIL OF THL VILLAGE OF PL"MOUTH AS FOLLAM: 1. That Rtisolution No. 59- , adopted by the Vit lags Council on June 2, 1959) as it relates to a sub- division of a part of Lot 19, Greer's Orchard Tracts, ie hereby rescin;:ed and of no ftrther foxIce and effect. 2. That the Village Clerk is directed to deliver a certi- fied copy of this, resolution to lir. and Mrs. Joseph Kerman, the present of aer9 of said Lot 19, Greur's 0r .hh&-rd TrraeLs." e Kotion for adoption, of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Trustee Humphrey and upon vote being taken theraon the fol- lowing voted in favor thereofc I±Pv-or Staples, Trustees Curtis# O'Fallon llump.,rea• and Seviour. Against t None. Whereupon saic: resolution was deelar duly passed and adopted. Dated May 31 1965. 4 Attest:. •"i'r_ * rn/l et- 11 d. It was agreed that the annual Board of Review meeting be head at the Village Hall on Tuesday, July 13, 1965, at 2:00 o'clock P. M. Mayor- Staples introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:' . RESOLUTION We 65-37-A RESOLUTIONDOi ERIK PRFI'ARATION OF REPOn ON IMPROVDIEN T Board of Review Meeting Date Set, WHEREAS, it is proposed to install sanitary sewer facil-.ties in an area of the Village of Plymouth bounded on the North by 26th, Avenue North, on the West by Interstate Highway #494, and or, the -South and east by the Villa,,e Limits; and whereas in addition thereto studies shr`u`Ld,'be made of installation of sanitary sewers in Section 33 arid ,North of ?6th Avenu:: North alorrb County Road #189 and assess the benefitted property (liners fir all or a portion of the cost o: the improvement) pursuant to M.S.k. '1jec. 429-011 to 429.111. NOW THLI'uTJHEs 9E IT HESOLVIZ BY T LL' num OF TRE VI) JADE OF PLYMOUTH: Tirat the proposed improvement be refer °edtr the Consu'Aing Sariitary Sewer Wineer for study and that he is instructed to report to tae Council with all convenient speed, advise the uouncil in a prelimir itry way as to ufi ether the proposed improvement is feasible and as to whettie:o it should gest be mr:de as proposed or in con,lrection with some other impn)vement and the es- timated cast of the improvement as reconunended." Motion Jnr aaont on of tree foregoing z esolutio)r eras duly seconded by Trustee Humphr.Z and upon vote being takum thereon the fALo%dk- voted in favor thereof: MVor StagLes, Trustees Curtis, J' Fallor , iumphruy and Seviour. Against: hone. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly pissed i iii adopted. Dated 1''a`3' 3, 1965. attest: age Ule On uuatiort t'rrf meeting adjourned at 12:30 o'clock A. i,, y 4, 1965. d H* T. Johnson, V11.!,.aV.,e O.lerk, Page 7. Itesolution 6 - 8 Obaterrance of Dayligt Saving Time Bequest . Pago 1. Persuant to due call and iatiee the,.m)f, a special Meeting of the Village Council of the Villa;e of Plynnewh, Minnesota, xis duly hold at the Village Hall on the 5th day of Mq, 19659 at 00 o'clock P. M. 1. Present: Mayor Staples, Trustees OlPallon, Humphrq and Seviour and the Village Clerk, Mayor Staples called the meeting to order. Naar Staples intrc duced the following resolution and coved its adoptions USOU TION N0. 6 r O k1jIft t'49)A;oAC.. - _ FPJ SAS, the City Couacil of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, and mUnrons other communities throughout the state have adopted resolutions directing the comwmement of Daylight Saving Tim effec— tive at 2:00 o'clock Ae Met May 9, 19659 and VHEREAS, the City Council of t t City of Minneapolis mW adopt a eisilar resolution, an4 WHERBAS, for the Village ut Plymuth to remain oa Central Sty. dard Ties under such circumsta.sen would result in great disorder and conNsion for the citizens and 3esidente of the Village of Plyzmouth, NOW THMMREs BL IT HW.BZ =ZVO BT THE VIITAGE COUNG11 0P THE VI=E OF PLYMOUTH AS Fri LOO t ' 1. In' the event the Cit; Council of the City of. Minneapolis d:h-*cts that said Ci;y $hall chaxgo ,to Dykylight Saving Time effective 2:00 o'clock A, Me on May, 9, '965, or at arW other hour on that d.iy, U en, out not othe,vwise, the Village Gomm oil of the Village t f Plymouth r ueb... n that all of ,ite residents, citizens, business e$tab iehments, church4s, schools, clubs, (orgirdzatione, and all other persons within the Village of Plymouth comeence the observance of Daylight Saving Time simultaneous with its coamencenent in the City of PUMeapolie and that all such persons, organisations and institutions set their clocks ahead one hour on said date. 2e This rmsolutice shall not be construed and is not inttndel as an ordinance or order but a request for the voluntary, abou,- vance at'DViight saving Time. This request shall be in effect until 2:00 Ae Me on the fourth Sunday in May, 1965. The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Trustee Humphrow and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereofs Mayor Staples, Trustees d'Fallon, Humphrey and Seviour,, Against: None. Absent t Trustee Curtis. Whereupon said resolution was deolare duly passed and adopted. Dated May 5, 1965. v YAYCI Atteittm Village Clerk v I 1 Mas 5. 1965 _ 'onti' d • Notion made tri Mayor- 044ples that the folleving telegram be directed to State Lepreseritativa John A. Nagve anot State Sento^ Henry i. McKniot, as follows: SIE =EVE THE C•J.,IFUSIOK SU,LWJIMING DST IN ThT TWIN CM AREA IS INTOLURAM AVID THAT T;iE VAST lgA.i0RXr' Or CIT UNS OF THE YIUAGE OF PLYKOUTH DMI' RE DST TO tX91FORK.9 TDWSE9 W1TH Oq IWTERN NEIGHBORS. WE +oAE URfrE YOU TO TAKE DKEDIATE STEPS IN THE CURFUT LFZM ATURE TO SEE THAT A BILL IS EMED ALLOWIM ALL )UNNESOTANS THE PRIVE=E OF A SU MONTH DST BFGINMI1; DMIATELYes Signed - Iaring N. Staples, Jr., Mayor Charles Seviour Richard O'Fallon Thos. H. Humphrey, Councilmen Village of Plymouth, Motion was seconded ty Trustee J'Fallon and cawed by all Council members present voting aye. The Council then reviewed the 1965 Street Improvement Program preparatory to the public hearing to be held on the improvements on May 11, 1965. H. T. Johnson, Village Qlerk i - v 2 6 Review of Street Improvement Program, Page 2. a