HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 04-19-19651 252' G I- d t - es Requested 16ao Bork, Qneenslan( Ln. Ref'd. to Bug. for Recomeoada- tiona. 101 Set -Back W%iver Appvld., Iota 71a10, Bl. 3, Greentree For. 2nd Addn. JAG. Constr.) nature Sewer Svc. Disposal Of 9yaaae', Gaarun Steel Co. Bldg. Permit Appvld., Stan dard Construction McQuay, Inc.) Resolution 65-33 Alck. Petits. +n for Sewer Installation MIP & Including in Sewer Project X45. April19, 1965 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular Lestigg of the Village Council of the Village of Plywaths Nimesota, res duly held at the Village Hall on the 19th drtij of April, 1965 at " 7:30 o'clock P. K. Present: Mayor Staples, 'tsustues 0' Fallon ;.x A hapbre?, the VIIIA a Clerk, logineer and Attorney. Ahsent: Trustees Curtis and Saviour. (Trustee Curtis ar-&ived at 9:10 P. K.). Mayor Staples called the meeting to order. In the abaenae of a clergynsn to give an im:atary prayer, Mayor Staples requested the Council and audience tc rise for a s Ppt of silent prayer. Copies of the wLnutes of the regular aeseting of April 12, 1965 as mailed to each Councilman ware approved. A petition was presented by Douglas Segar, repre9dnting the residents of Q.ueenslaml lane trot the north boundary of the City of Wayzata to the ,morther4r t.wrnlary of the property of Badl Graves. They stated that their road was in fairly good condition several years ago- that it is now badly in need of grading, lowering stirs culverts,, and gravel. The matter was referred to the Village Fkigi- neer with the request that he sake an inspection of the road and submit racoieudatious a: -i:be next Council meting on May 3, 1965, at i hieh time Mr. S%ar, or another representative, agreed to appw . Lotion made by XWor Staples that a set -back waiver of 10 ft. from the 50 ft* requirvueunt be granted for Beate -construction to the J. & G. Construction Coapany, being represented by Swan James, for Lots 7, 8, 9 and 20, Block 38 'reentree Fores;. 2nd Addition. Notion seconded by Trustee Humphrey and sassed by all. Council a:sibers present voting +aye. Victor Grupan, F'resident of Gtvman Steel Cc gmLV, appeared to discuss the poseibilit) of future saver service at their buildiAS as well as for obtaining ;L solution to the elimination of songs from their preoises by trruisporting it to the closest point of dis- Isosal. Mayor Staples regtaested that the Village Attorney and f i::eer submit a report at, the next Council meeting on May 3rd of the possi- b U-Ity of the Gnsnan Steel Comp&V truckinr3 and disposiAg of their s4vage into the manhole located on 6th Avenue west of County Road 18. Notion made by Trustee HumphraV than a permit be granted to Stam4ard Construction Company for the erection of a building for Mc- Quq, Inc., to be located in the Minneapolis Industrial Park, subject to ' a requirements of the Building Inspector and ViI4,age huki ding cod'. Notion seconded ley Mayor Staples and passed by all Council members present voting eye. Trustee Hum4Fsey introduced the following resolution and s ioved it a adoption: RESOLUTION NO, 65-33 RBSOLU'!: h]y ACKNM=ING RMETPT OF PETITION FOR INiTAU ATION Of AWITIO11AL IATaAL SANI- TARyi SIN MINNEAPOLIS INDUSTRIAL PARK, FINDING THAT SU©L INSTALLATION IS NWLSAARY AND DESIRAGLE, CONSDU ATItO SAID IMTAUA w TION INTO THE CONTRACT FOR SHM PROJECT WHEKAS, a petition has been received from Minneapolis I,nduotrial Park, Inc. requesting the inst(Lllation of lateral sanitary Genre in the following street, to -wit: 0 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular Lestigg of the Village Council of the Village of Plywaths Nimesota, res duly held at the Village Hall on the 19th drtij of April, 1965 at " 7:30 o'clock P. K. Present: Mayor Staples, 'tsustues 0' Fallon ;.x A hapbre?, the VIIIA a Clerk, logineer and Attorney. Ahsent: Trustees Curtis and Saviour. (Trustee Curtis ar-&ived at 9:10 P. K.). Mayor Staples called the meeting to order. In the abaenae of a clergynsn to give an im:atary prayer, Mayor Staples requested the Council and audience tc rise for a s Ppt of silent prayer. Copies of the wLnutes of the regular aeseting of April 12, 1965 as mailed to each Councilman ware approved. A petition was presented by Douglas Segar, repre9dnting the residents of Q.ueenslaml lane trot the north boundary of the City of Wayzata to the ,morther4r t.wrnlary of the property of Badl Graves. They stated that their road was in fairly good condition several years ago- that it is now badly in need of grading, lowering stirs culverts,, and gravel. The matter was referred to the Village Fkigi- neer with the request that he sake an inspection of the road and submit racoieudatious a: -i:be next Council meting on May 3, 1965, at i hieh time Mr. S%ar, or another representative, agreed to appw . Lotion made by XWor Staples that a set -back waiver of 10 ft. from the 50 ft* requirvueunt be granted for Beate -construction to the J. & G. Construction Coapany, being represented by Swan James, for Lots 7, 8, 9 and 20, Block 38 'reentree Fores;. 2nd Addition. Notion seconded by Trustee Humphrey and sassed by all. Council a:sibers present voting +aye. Victor Grupan, F'resident of Gtvman Steel Cc gmLV, appeared to discuss the poseibilit) of future saver service at their buildiAS as well as for obtaining ;L solution to the elimination of songs from their preoises by trruisporting it to the closest point of dis- Isosal. Mayor Staples regtaested that the Village Attorney and f i::eer submit a report at, the next Council meeting on May 3rd of the possi- b U-Ity of the Gnsnan Steel Comp&V truckinr3 and disposiAg of their s4vage into the manhole located on 6th Avenue west of County Road 18. Notion made by Trustee HumphraV than a permit be granted to Stam4ard Construction Company for the erection of a building for Mc- Quq, Inc., to be located in the Minneapolis Industrial Park, subject to ' a requirements of the Building Inspector and ViI4,age huki ding cod'. Notion seconded ley Mayor Staples and passed by all Council members present voting eye. Trustee Hum4Fsey introduced the following resolution and s ioved it a adoption: RESOLUTION NO, 65-33 RBSOLU'!: h]y ACKNM=ING RMETPT OF PETITION FOR INiTAU ATION Of AWITIO11AL IATaAL SANI- TARyi SIN MINNEAPOLIS INDUSTRIAL PARK, FINDING THAT SU©L INSTALLATION IS NWLSAARY AND DESIRAGLE, CONSDU ATItO SAID IMTAUA w TION INTO THE CONTRACT FOR SHM PROJECT WHEKAS, a petition has been received from Minneapolis I,nduotrial Park, Inc. requesting the inst(Lllation of lateral sanitary Genre in the following street, to -wit: 19. 1965 - m'd. Industrial Park Houlward fmzXenia lana to the Fns: frontage road of In4arstate Highway No. 494 1=00 it appears that said petitioner' is the, owner of :411 of hs real property which could be assessed for such provwo t and has Agreed that, the entire cost of such improvcarmtt be assessed against it ands W HERZAS,, the Village of Plymouth is,a party to a contract with S. Q. McWilliams Construction Coapary for the installation of lateral sanitary sewers in an aslea mediately last of the aforesaid street and, ldiMEAs, said contract hea not yet been completed by said contractor and provides for additions to' be matte thereto at the snare unit prioes as set wit in said for, NOW TNM7NE, ar% IT W.EN RESOLVED BY THE VII"U 00UNCIL OF THE VILLAGAAOF PLY110hTH AS FOLLOIS: 810' It is domed to b. necessary and uesirable to the Village F13uouth that lateral sanitary a ewore be installed in the following street, toMwit: Iiadustri l Pav* Boulevard from %onium Lane to the Fast frontage road of Interstate Highway No. 494• L That a petition for the iust&UiLt ion of such sewer, has been received from the owner of all -,he real property which can be assessed for such improvement ted said owner has agreed to be Go assessed for the cost of such irprovment. 3. lana: &aid Improvement he consolidated with and made a hart of Sanitary Setter Project No. 145 OL the same unit prices for such improvement as set out in the, contract with S. G. Mom Williams Construction CompwW reWUS to Sanitary Seer Project No. X45. 4. That the said ixquvvement is hereby,ordered to be done and y that the Village Engineer be directdd to furnish plane and specifications for ouch improvmont to said S. G. McWilliams Coartruction Company.4 Notion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly secon- ded'by Trustee O'Fallon and upon vote being t0en thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Staples, Trustees O'Fallon and Htmphrey. Against t None. Absent t Trustees Curtis and 5 viour. Whereupon said resolution was declo red duly passed and adopted. Dated April 19, 1965. J Attest ru • 4 Mr. More, a building cotrtractor, appeared representing the Playhouse Company requesting a waiver for huildiig oat -bask requirement for a proposed addition to the Playhouse Company building, which prom posed buildirg would, be approximately 321 from the mod rightwof-way line of Vicksburg Uma. A di acussl-Dn was held with reference to the Re. Th,3 Playhouse Request for Set" Back Waiver. oma... .. , C C\ IC ,. c `< . 254 MMU 19, 1965 - 1 u proposed detmbaCj[ and also the rlQuiremenid O the additional rightmof vy by the, Virago of Plymouth fbr th laprow meat of Vicksburg TAns as a Stats aid road (Wdcb abut the Playhouse compa9w property)• , It vas agreed that Kr. Taylor, Prssid vnt of the Flayhouse Caapatp, gest with the Village Attorney to disc ss the D80062627 acgnisition of the rood right-of-vr for the aWrovussnt of Vicks- burg Lane and when this has been accomplished it is to be preCam ted to the Village Council for consideration as ,ell as further c.Naidorstien for the building set -back requirsms`1t. Is. Sanitation and Mr. &rsdlund, developer of Iaperi-Al a, and his actor- 1/ 3o Center asy, A. H. 1lichals, appeased to request approval the appre=ioat.1 r Imperial oue-third center area oi` the Imperial Hills Additi`an developrat, low Balla Additiote ioyor Staples read three letters received tram red.Adepts in tar Mooney laks,area requestirg that the Council be as tame that the sanitaLiaa. problem be satisfactorily agreed upon i that all 1p ir, age originating from the property be taken care of a order UA' theme reit0ents aV not be bardsned with sewage of unit and storm P• water : Am nage free the pre poo -d development, Kees s. Rgwv#• and Morris appeared ao sp*i asmi for the Xboney Lake ars . Trustee rltrt; s arrived at this ties, 9 s 10 . me Percolation Tests The r*Wdwt from the representatives of Xaurgr Lake was ge"at Ranh Loot that percolatign testa to taken for each proposed lot to order that, bperial Hills there ma, be ndi ranitatioc problems and that a dsfin,*'Ja storm serer Addition, drainage systop be approved to take care of Uhr additipiul ditUage rem the developed arta. Atter considerOle discussion, the S+Wmow ing motion was prssepteds nth Motion made by Trustee Humphrey that approval ter R•wtsd one for the approximate cefter ane -third (identified as Stage Z,T of the nproposedImperialHillsdevelonwt, in u0ch the draaga from the area would be diverted to Mooney Lake &nd would have m affect upon the present residentu, and also that percolation t ertot ft\r eaci lot Co. be submitted for approval of the Building Inspector alai •'tllage Co. Ugineer prior to the issuance of any building permits. lotion seconded by Trustee O'Fallon and passed by the following voting In favor thereof: Trustees Humphre3 and O'Fallon. Opposed: XVor Staples. Abstained: Trustee Curtis. Absent: Trustee Saviour. Motion carried, Kqor Staples stated that hls reason for opposing approvzl at this time was that lie felt that a drainage plan ehnuld be submit- ted and approved covering the satire development of Imperi}:1 Hills it • in carder that the problem would be permanently solved for the future development of the area. Trustee Curtis stated that he did not oppose the delelopment oi' the center one-third of the Imperial Hills Addition area but that he wanted a solution to the drainageem8 problem for the Soutn one4hird prior to d evaopmaent of ary portion of the a rea. A Mg. to Bake Draia- !lotion made by Naylor Staples that the Village Engineer p" a,ge ,Study, Imperial proceed to make an over-all drainage study for drainage of the entire dei Hills Addition. Imperial Hilts Addition and also the area whial, would be included in bg• the drainage arse, which would show a satisfactory disposition of the drainage water as well as the approximate oo3t of thv project. lotion seconded by Trustee Humphrey and passu by all council members present voting aye. Re. Poverty Ronnie Brannon, counselor for *aok4n Park,,appeared to Program. solicit the cooperation of the Village of Plymouth for the inaugura• tion of the Poverty Program to cover boys and girls from 16 to 21 years of age.. It was stated that all o,° the youngsters must come from house Pant 3• in which the parents have an ineaae of less than $3,ODO par year, and OtEAS said plans are on file :x the office of tete Departmont of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 2785-37 (T.H. 494393), and WRLVAS said special provisions are on file in t,t a office of the Department of Highwrtys, Saint Paul, Minnesota, beitq,' Barked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 2785-37 (T.H. 494=393), Minn• ft'J, I -IG 494-4 (72) 2140 and I 094-3 (108) 215 which, togetr er with the Minnesota Department ;)f High- ways Specification for Highway Construction, dated 4nuary 1, 1964, on file in the office of the Commissioner of Highwayo, constij;ute the specifications for said improvement of Trunk Highway Number 393 renWaberec as Trunk Hignway Number 494; and I REA. copias of eaid plans amid special proilsiirns as so varke:d, labeled std identified are also on fi19 in the office, of the Village Clt.rkl and ilKWAS the term "said plana and special prnvwsions'4 as hereinafter used in the body o.' this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, aid incorporate the plana and special,, provisions in the fQreSoing recitals partict!larly identified and described NOW, THEN, BE IT R10OLUM that said plane;. and spacial provisions .for the irprove+mout of Trunk Highway Number 393 rf.nu*etred as Trunk Highwrty Number 494 within the limite of the Village o,l' Plymouth be and hereby are approved. BE IT 't1KUR RhSO,LVED that the alevatiyns aqd grades as shown in quid pl{uis and special provicione be and they are here4 approved and consent is ft8s 4. 2*55aril19.tQ6 = most of the mases can be obtaiaed frac t fie Foampin Conary Welfare Htau. It was ,mated that the Fedcrol Govertaent would pay 909 of the ceest and; the Village asame the additional ldA, which could im- elude the cost of supervision ani equipment neeessrry to provide oconpatidns for the boys and $,irls within the age bracket, but that It wigs not to take the place of the w*loyawtt of arty regular cam p1quet of ay regular employees of the Villagc. ler. Brannon staf.ed to would pe in charge of the areas of Robbinedale, New Hope, Crystal and PIp ouch. It was stand that these young people would be paid 320 for the period of apWoximtely June 14th to the early dirt 4+f August and would be working on a .324our wait basis. It jgrted that 'trustees O'Fallon and Curtis would consider time prngr" and submit their reoosersndations as to the possibility of tl i a V Gage of PIjaouth participating in this program, but it was stat id by, lair. erannort that he wem" have to have this information by April 21 at which gives practically no time for cion sider ition. Motion nude by Trustee Curtis that the invoice fry. B1aek Top Service Company for the oiling of Fest Medicine Lake Ddre in June, 1964 in the amount of $696.53 be approved, Notion seci3nded by Trustee O'Fallon std passed by all Council Members present Voting aye. Nayor Staples introduced the following reisolation and coved its adoptions solo on 5 MMOTION Me OM34 Approving of Pians for Interstate 494 APPRAVIM OF PIANS FOR IDR'E WATE NSE. 494 F'rm, hwy. 55 to 'N. FROK STATE HIGHWLT 51 TO NORTH &M LLMM Village Lidit s. UUMS, the Candasionve of Highways has prepared yrlana a special pprovisions and specifications for the improvement of a Oirt of Think Highway No. 393, renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 494 41Ain the corporate limits of the Village of Plymouth from Trunk HighwW 95' to north corporate limfts, and ' OtEAS said plans are on file :x the office of tete Departmont of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 2785-37 (T.H. 494393), and WRLVAS said special provisions are on file in t,t a office of the Department of Highwrtys, Saint Paul, Minnesota, beitq,' Barked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 2785-37 (T.H. 494=393), Minn• ft'J, I -IG 494-4 (72) 2140 and I 094-3 (108) 215 which, togetr er with the Minnesota Department ;)f High- ways Specification for Highway Construction, dated 4nuary 1, 1964, on file in the office of the Commissioner of Highwayo, constij;ute the specifications for said improvement of Trunk Highway Number 393 renWaberec as Trunk Hignway Number 494; and I REA. copias of eaid plans amid special proilsiirns as so varke:d, labeled std identified are also on fi19 in the office, of the Village Clt.rkl and ilKWAS the term "said plana and special prnvwsions'4 as hereinafter used in the body o.' this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, aid incorporate the plana and special,, provisions in the fQreSoing recitals partict!larly identified and described NOW, THEN, BE IT R10OLUM that said plane;. and spacial provisions .for the irprove+mout of Trunk Highway Number 393 rf.nu*etred as Trunk Highwrty Number 494 within the limite of the Village o,l' Plymouth be and hereby are approved. BE IT 't1KUR RhSO,LVED that the alevatiyns aqd grades as shown in quid pl{uis and special provicione be and they are here4 approved and consent is ft8s 4. Too in8' Ltc. 0 Jack Gause Appointee to Pk. A Rec . Advisory Coin, Liquor Store Cks. 01291 Thru 1327 Approved.. G. Freund Reimer bursement for Truck Use, 191 65 Cant 1 hereby given to any and all chang4 isa occasioned the construction of sadd Trunk Higt wy 139 • rwnab yd a Trunk Hl#.wy Re ber 414 in acct, rdance i+th said plans ask special pm4isions. Not .on for a doption of t,toregoi resolution, was duly sxonded! by Trustbe Humphroy,xA upon rais Wig' t toI there%)n the following vtrtsd in fav r thereof: Mayor SLOLosi Trustees Curtis, O' Fall a:% aid Hua} rrq. lgainot t !None. Absent: Trustee Seviouir. ' Nhorieupon said resolution was deelated duly paused and adapted. Dated April; 19, 1965. Attest lotion nr.ds by Tiu3tee Curtis that Jack Gauss, 18404 Vicksburg. Lane, ik,11sata, be appof4at ed for a 3 -year to= is a amber, of theyouth Park A Reoreistion Advisory Gamisolon. Notion secondedi Mgjor Staples ;send passed by all Cc•lnel.l members present i otiag we Motion' wade bq Trustee O'Fallon that checks ibered 1291 through 13V in the amount Of $701615:x, as listsdd is the Disbursement Stlit.ement of the Hoicipal Liquor Store for,April 190 1965, be a proved. Mot1on soconded by Trustee OtrtU and- passel ndpassedbyallouncilaemberspr4osentvotingaye. Notian wade by Trustee 0' Fallon that Gerhard f) wnd be reimbursed ,'at the rate of $50;.00 per srontn, effective; April 1, 1965s as rental for the use or' his pickup truck in thil per- formance of his work as Road Superintendent. Notion sea vided by "r Stwfiles and passed by 411 Council members prasej,& voting aye. ftlar Staples ,int.roduced,'the follow!% )resdlutl;en :anal. 1aoved its p,dopti,on: Resolution 65 3- e. Storax Sewer, Imperisl R=LUTTOK Koq§1-344 RkSOLUTION ORM,'M FWARATION OF I t 11a Addn. & Abutting ?JiPORT Oft IMPROVkMiT , Areas (Drainaa;e Area IV). 'iW L' MA C 4ed t .1.14 11 Pugs S. t t8 Rr opus o provide adequate dr nct&s of the entire proposed Imperial H1115 Addition And abutting areas OraJmji;e Areu IV) by the construction of storm sewer in said area, L*ad as!iese the benefited pru )erty for all or a portion of46 the cont of the improvement, pursuant to N.S.A. Sec. 42%011 to 4,29.11 'l WIN THWMREx BE IT HISOLVID 8Y Tf E COJ14IL OF TH! VII.IJ GL OF "I,':(OUTE: riThat they proPased impn)voitent be referred to the Yi7,lage Engineer :or study and that tae is Instructed to report to the Council with ail con oniont speed, advise the Council in a preliminary war as to whether the proposed ,.LmPj%0ve- inert is feasible and ac to wi ether it should best bar made e s propound or in coraicct,tos with some other improvliment crud the listimated court of the improvemient as reuowlrndad." I V L c r Jack Gause Appointee to Pk. A Rec . Advisory Coin, Liquor Store Cks. 01291 Thru 1327 Approved.. G. Freund Reimer bursement for Truck Use, 191 65 Cant1 hereby given to any and all chang4 isa occasioned the construction of sadd Trunk Higt wy 139 • rwnab yd a Trunk Hl#.wy Re ber 414 in acct, rdance i+th said plans ask special pm4isions. Not .on for a doption of t,toregoi resolution, was duly sxonded! by Trustbe Humphroy,xA upon rais Wig' t toI there%)n the following vtrtsd in fav r thereof: Mayor SLOLosi Trustees Curtis, O' Fall a:% aid Hua} rrq. lgainot t !None. Absent: Trustee Seviouir. ' Nhorieupon said resolution was deelated duly paused and adapted. Dated April; 19, 1965. Attest lotion nr.ds by Tiu3tee Curtis that Jack Gauss, 18404 Vicksburg. Lane, ik,11sata, be appof4at ed for a 3 -year to= is a amber, of theyouth Park A Reoreistion Advisory Gamisolon. Notion secondedi Mgjor Staples ;send passed by all Cc•lnel.l members present i otiag we Motion' wade bq Trustee O'Fallon that checks ibered 1291 through 13V in the amount Of $701615:x, as listsdd is the Disbursement Stlit.ement of the Hoicipal Liquor Store for,April 190 1965, be a proved. Mot1on soconded by Trustee OtrtU and- passel ndpassedbyallouncilaemberspr4osentvotingaye. Notian wade by Trustee 0' Fallon that Gerhard f) wnd be reimbursed ,'at the rate of $50;.00 per srontn, effective; April 1, 1965s as rental for the use or' his pickup truck in thil per- formance of his work as Road Superintendent. Notion sea vided by "r Stwfiles and passed by 411 Council members prasej,& voting aye. ftlar Staples ,int.roduced,'the follow!% )resdlutl;en :anal. 1aoved its p,dopti,on: Resolution 65 3- e. Storax Sewer, Imperisl R=LUTTOK Koq§1-344 RkSOLUTION ORM,'M FWARATION OF I t 11a Addn. & Abutting ?JiPORT Oft IMPROVkMiT , Areas (Drainaa;e Area IV). 'iW L' MA C 4ed t .1.14 11 Pugs S. t t8 Rr opus o provide adequate dr nct&s of the entire proposed Imperial H1115 Addition And abutting areas OraJmji;e Areu IV) by the construction of storm sewer in said area, L*ad as!iese the benefited pru )erty for all or a portion of46 the cont of the improvement, pursuant to N.S.A. Sec. 42%011 to 4,29.11 'l WIN THWMREx BE IT HISOLVID 8Y Tf E COJ14IL OF TH! VII.IJ GL OF "I,':(OUTE: riThat they proPased impn)voitent be referred to the Yi7,lage Engineer :or study and that tae is Instructed to report to the Council with ail con oniont speed, advise the Council in a preliminary war as to whether the proposed ,.LmPj%0ve- inert is feasible and ac to wi ether it should best bar made e s propound or in coraicct,tos with some other improvliment crud the listimated court of the improvemient as reuowlrndad." I I r V Ap;a 121h 1955 Co tld Not on for adoption of the 'oreresolution was duly see-aniiii, eTrPsi, ded by a Kuxq*irq and upon votd beingt cen thereon, the.follo*Iong voted $n fWf w thereof t, Mayor StaplAi R. Trustits Curt.'s, 0'Fallonj litaphrey and S zAgainst: None. OUPOIer n said resolution vas daclaozed duly- passed and adopted. Dated Ap 1 190 1965* fo / Myor Cz Oor i 4 Atteett VRlage lark On motion the meeting adjourned at 52:05 O'clock A. K. I he T. Johnson,,. Village 'Jle.rk. I 25 I N